Beauty secrets of the mysterious Queen Cleopatra. Hair care

There are many legends about the beauty of Cleopatra. Some argue that the queen was unusually beautiful, others protest and prove that Cleopatra's appearance had nothing to do with the standard of beauty.

Beauty is a matter of taste. Other times, other tastes. But they don't stop talking about Cleopatra. So what's the secret? What is true and what is fiction in the controversial statement about the unearthly beauty of the queen?

Cleopatra loved herself. And this means that as a woman who loves herself, she devoted a lot of time and effort to caring for herself.

Despite the scorching sun, the hair of the ruler of Egypt always shone, her skin emitted a pleasant delicate aroma and was distinguished by enviable smoothness and elasticity.

We will not talk about all the virtues of the queen, we only note that she had an excellent education and was fluent in the art of seduction.

Sources testify that Cleopatra died at the age of 37, and not everyone lived to such an age in those days. This means that the ruler also had enviable health. Summarizing all this with the ability to take care of herself, she deservedly was the Queen. Queen - the ruler of her people, and the Queen male hearts. It's not for nothing that they say: ugly women no. There are those who do not know how to use what is given by nature. But Cleopatra did. And Cleopatra's beauty secrets popular to this day.

Cleopatra's beauty secrets. Body care.

The main secret of Cleopatra's beauty is considered to be her "". They were prepared for the queen from donkey milk with the addition of honey. According to some sources, not added to the bath a large number of almond oil. The temperature of the bath had to correspond to body temperature (36-37º).

The queen basked in this luxury for 15-20 minutes. Of course, it is almost impossible to afford such exotic at home. But if you approach the issue creatively, nothing is impossible.

A bath should be prepared at a temperature of 36-37º. 1 liter of hot cow's milk dilute 200-300 ml. natural honey, then add a few tablespoons olive oil. The resulting mixture is poured into the bath and stirred. This is how the ancient Egyptians are adapted in the modern world.

If you don't have the opportunity to prepare a similar bath, you can "zoom out" and treat yourself to a hand bath. To prepare it, 0.5 liters of hot milk and 2-3 tablespoons of honey will be enough. Hands are immersed in such a bath for 10-15 minutes.

Enhanced the effect of the bath sea ​​salt, which was rubbed on the body of the queen before taking a bath. It cleansed and softened the skin, thereby preparing the body for a bath. To prepare such a scrub at home, it will be enough to mix 200 grams of sea salt and 100 ml. thick cream.

Secrets of Cleopatra. Facial care.

In facial care, Cleopatra preferred masks, which, like a bath, were prepared from donkey milk and honey.

Now we have the opportunity to replace donkey's milk with cow's milk and mix it with natural honey in equal proportions. To prepare maca, 2-3 tablespoons of each component is enough. Apply to face for 15-20 minutes, then rinse with cool water.

Another Cleopatra's beauty secret was to apply. To obtain them, a special grade of white clay was mined, which was diluted in donkey milk, honey and lemon juice were added.

You can also prepare an analogue of this mask. To do this, you need to mix 2 tablespoons of clay, 2 tablespoons of milk, 1 tablespoon of honey and 1 teaspoon fresh juice lemon. The mask is applied to the face for 10-15 minutes, then washed off with cool water.

The queen also had her own specially prepared face cream, the main component of which was aloe juice. And this is not surprising - having a healing power, aloe juice not only looked after the skin, but also helped to preserve the youth of the cells.

To prepare the cream, 2 tablespoons of fresh aloe juice must be mixed with 2 tablespoons of purified water and 1 tablespoon of rose petal infusion. The resulting mass is slowly heated in a water bath and 100 grams of melted pork fat are gradually added to it. The prepared cream is gently mixed, transferred to a glass container and put in the refrigerator.

Secrets of Cleopatra. Hair care.

Secret shiny hair the queen actually concluded…. in . Several yolks were beaten and rubbed into the roots of Cleopatra's hair. Wash off the mask with plain warm water. Well, about the beneficial effects of egg yolks on hairline you have probably already heard.

Secrets of Cleopatra. Body cleansing.

Cleopatra cared not only about external beauty but also the state of your health. How else! Health inside, beauty outside. To this day, evidence has come of cleansing the body with the help of lemon juice and olive oil.

According to the researcher, Cleopatra drank 100 ml once every two weeks. lemon juice and olive oil mixed together. There is also an opinion that she diluted this drink with a small amount of purified water. This body-cleansing drink should be drunk in the morning, before eating, after which the queen was given a massage. abdominal cavity so that the abdominal muscles are pressed against the spine. Thus, the cleansing of the liver and intestines was achieved.

Secrets of Cleopatra. Captivated by aromas.

A very important component of the image of Cleopatra was the aroma of her skin. Just think about it: honey and milk ... is nothing but an effect on the subconscious. Honey has always been associated with nature, and the smell of milk personified the child. At the deepest levels of the psyche, the aroma of Cleopatra hypnotized better than any NLP technician. In addition to these scents, the soothing aromas of frankincense and myrrh surrounded the queen.

These were the unpretentious beauty secrets of Cleopatra, which you can easily use at home.

One of the most majestic women of her era - Egyptian Queen Cleopatra became a legend during her lifetime. Historical descriptions repeatedly mention that it was incredibly beautiful and charming woman. The tragic death at the age of 38 aroused even greater interest in the personality of the queen. The poison, hidden in the hair clip, drunk by her, proved to be fatal.

What Cleopatra really was is not known for certain, but in the cinema her role is played by the best actresses and beautiful women modernity. The basis for romantic plotsmotion picture steel her love relationship with Caesar and Mark Antony.

Cleopatra, unlike her contemporaries, many of whom did not even live to be forty years old, retained her youth and was unusually attractive. In this she was helped by her own secrets and inventions.

milk baths

In a hot climate, the skin of the Egyptians was extremely dry. The way out of the situation for Cleopatra was milk baths . According to the queen's recipe, for one cup of honey you need to take a liter of hot milk, mix and use the mixture for bathing. 15 minutes of this bath makes the skin soft and supple. At the same time, it is necessary that the temperature of the milk be 36-37 º - no more, no less.


This seemingly modern cosmetic was known and lived in the 30th century BC. Cleopatra. As a scrub queen used mixed sea salt and heavy cream.

Face masks

For skin care, she used white clay masks, with unique whitening properties. Milk, honey and lemon juice were added to the clay. The mask is quite easy to prepare: for 2 tbsp. l. clay you need to take the same amount of milk, 1 tbsp. l. honey and 1 tsp. lemon juice.


Creams were prepared according to special recipes. Aloe juice was used as the main ingredient. Cleopatra cream recipe: 2 tbsp. l. aloe juice, the same beeswax and 1 tbsp. l. almond oil. The mass was heated, gradually adding 100 grams of melted fat. You can also add a vitamin E capsule to the cream. . Keep refrigerated.

Nail polish

The queen gave a reddish-brown tint to her nails, using henna for this purpose. The short-lived effect was easily renewed.


Instead of shampoo, which did not exist in ancient Egypt, Cleopatra used yolks chicken eggs that give hair strength and shine. To prepare a hair wash, honey and almond oil were added to the yolks, which were thoroughly beaten and rubbed into the hair roots, after which they were washed off. plain water. To improve the quality of her hair, the queen also used masks from a mixture of 3 tbsp. honey and 1 tbsp. l. castor oil.


Cleopatra was also aware of the benefits of detoxifying the body. To cleanse herself of toxins, she drank once every two weeks. mixture of olive oil and lemon juice. After taking 100 g of this mixture, she was given a stomach massage.

Hand cream

Cleopatra attached great importance to the beauty of her hands. Baths for brushes were prepared from a decoction of nettle, plantain, calendula with the addition of honey, chicken fat and castor oil.


Knowing the effect smells have on people, Cleopatra skillfully used this, using for incense frankincense, rose, cypress and neroli oils. Not a single man could resist her - and aromas played an important role in this.


The image of Cleopatra from the cinema was remembered by us with clearly traced eyes and eyebrows. What did the beauty use to apply such a bright and memorable make-up? During the reign of Cleopatra, women used a rich palette eyeshadow made from plant and mineral pigments. Cleopatra most often used this combination: an emerald green shade of shadows on the lower eyelids and blue shadows with a golden sheen made of lapis lazuli on the upper ones. Eyebrows were drawn with a powder mixture of lead sulfide mixed with animal fats. Served as lipstick and blush iron oxide red pigment.

Smoke in your eyes

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« Beauty is a queen who reigns for a very long time."


Dear ladies! There were many legends and myths about the beauty of the legendary Queen Cleopatra. These legends have survived to this day. Although the natural beauty of Cleopatra was very controversial, her incredible charm and unsurpassed art of seduction have always remained an indisputable fact. Indeed, by no means a natural beauty, Cleopatra was able to literally drive men like Gaius Julius Caesar and Mark Antony crazy. For my love magic she used the centuries-old knowledge and experience of the priests ancient egypt. But Cleopatra herself was actively engaged in the study and preparation of various natural potions to give her appearance an inimitable charm. Although many of her secrets have been carried away by time, some have come down to us. Today the level of development cosmetics much higher, but you can take something from the experience of such a great seductress as Queen Cleopatra.

Despite the fact that many recipes for care products
for skin and hair were kept under the strictest secrecy, a lot was lost for long years, some beauty recipes have come down to us Egyptian queen. In those distant times, the development of cosmetics in ancient Egypt was already at a very high level. A lot of information about this has survived to this day. We know for sure that the Egyptians were very fond of and knew how to decorate themselves. They invented and invented a lot of things that we still use today. Cleopatra paid more attention not so much decorative cosmetics how many care products, understanding their importance in preserving beauty and prolonging youth. She took special care of her skin and hair. In the hot and dry climate of Egypt, the main emphasis was on moisturizing the skin. The main ingredients in Cleopatra's recipes were honey and milk. The most diverse milk was used, but honey had to be brought from far away. In addition, various herbal decoctions, juices, mineral components and essential oils. Very exotic products were also used, even snake and vegetable poisons. The Queen's arsenal of beauty was enormous. But there were several main components - the base of all potions.

Milk is a very important and useful product for humans. In addition to its nutritional value, it has a number of useful properties for use in skin care.
Cleopatra discovered the invaluable qualities and rejuvenating effect of this product. She became famous for her famous donkey milk baths. And not in vain! Indeed, today it is known that milk contains vitamins, enzymes, more than 50 minerals such as potassium, calcium, sodium, phosphorus and chlorine, as well as full complex amino acids. Vitamin A refreshes the skin well, vitamin E strengthens and cares, B vitamins smooth wrinkles, milk protein protects the skin from drying out, and saturated fatty acid make it firm and elastic. Lactic acid has a fantastic effect on the skin and hair. It perfectly moisturizes, whitens, improves skin structure and tightens pores. Gives hair shine and makes them silky. Cleopatra took a bath of donkey milk with honey daily and made hand baths with fresh milk. If you want to feel like a queen, then the famous Cleopatra milk bath is prepared as follows: in a liter of hot, but not boiled milk, dissolve a cup of honey and pour the mixture into a warm bath close to body temperature. Take until complete relaxation. While taking a bath, you can make yourself a milk-honey mask. To do this, mix a tablespoon of milk with a teaspoon of honey and add beaten egg yolk if you have dry skin, or whipped egg white if your skin is oily. Soak four layers of gauze in this mixture and place on your face. As you can see, you don't need a lot of money to feel like a queen!

Honey, another product that Cleopatra valued very highly for its unique properties. Honey contains about 60 useful substances. The main constituents of honey are carbohydrates. These are fructose and glucose. In addition to carbohydrates, honey contains a large amount of mineral salts of sodium, potassium, iron, phosphorus and iodine and is close to blood in their content. Honey also contains many vitamins, enzymes, acids and biogenic stimulants with antiseptic and anti-inflammatory properties. Due to the fact that honey contains a large amount of sugars, it is able to absorb up to 30% moisture from the air. The moisture contained in honey, upon contact with the skin, is transferred to the epidermis and moisturizes the skin well. Folic and ascorbic acids contained in honey, as well as a large amount of sugars, provide its high antibacterial properties. This allows you to disinfect wounds and cleanse the skin well. The antioxidants, vitamins and metal salts contained in honey protect the skin from harmful effects. external factors and slow down the aging process. In addition, antioxidants and acids contribute to accelerated recovery skin through cellular renewal. Here are some "honey" recipes. In order for the hair to become soft and radiant and acquire golden hue make a mask of honey and chamomile. For this 30 gr. chamomile flowers should be poured with boiling water and boiled in a water bath for 20 minutes. Cool the solution, strain, add a tablespoon of honey, apply on clean hair for 30 minutes and then wash off clean water. You can also do very simple, but very effective masks with honey for the face. For the first: rub the egg yolk with a teaspoon of fresh apple juice, add a teaspoon of honey and apply on the face for 10-15 minutes, then rinse with warm water. For the second: squeeze 10 drops of lemon juice into 1 tablespoon of honey. Apply to cleansed skin for 20 minutes and then rinse cold water. Considering how much any "chemistry" is added to today modern creams and care products, recipes from natural ingredients will not be redundant.

Hibiscus was one of the most favorite components in the composition of Cleopatra's potions. The queen regularly lubricated all parts of her body with the oil of this plant. This plant has not only very beautiful flowers, wonderful aroma, but also has excellent moisturizing properties and perfectly protects the skin from the harmful effects of bright sun rays, which in the dry, hot and very sunny climate of Egypt was vital. Hibiscus is also rich fruit acids, flavonoids, vitamins and polysaccharides, which are natural immunomodulators that protect against harmful effects environment and microorganisms. All these properties of hibiscus rantshe were valued in cosmetics. Today it is known not as a cosmetic ingredient. We love hibiscus as a wonderful drink known as tea. hibiscus. Can be used at home essential oil hibiscus. Wiping your face before going to bed fragrant oil helps the skin to absorb everything useful components and rejuvenate him.

Cleopatra actively used various mineral components as components for her beauty products - red ocher and resin, better known as the Balsam of Mecca.
The queen devoted much great attention cleansing your skin. Resin from Mecca was used as a night mask. It exfoliates and cleanses well, removes dead cells, leaving the skin soft and velvety. For the preparation of masks, beeswax was also used. Masks made from such wax retain moisture well, as well as soften the skin and smooth wrinkles. Such a mask can be prepared by yourself and at home. To do this, you need to take in equal proportions beeswax (it is better to purchase it from beekeepers), bee honey and onion juice. Mix all the ingredients until smooth in a water bath and apply warm on the face. In a relaxed state, lie down with a mask on your face for about 20 minutes. Red ocher was used rather as decorative tool, to bring blush to the cheeks. But mixed with goose fat, it perfectly protected the lips from drying out and was used as a lipstick.

The Queen paid great attention natural oils and used them in many of her potion recipes. So famous is the recipe for a cleansing cream made from olive oil and lime. The acidity of a lime or lemon is great for whitening and cleansing the skin, as well as destroying harmful bacteria. You can make a wonderful facial tonic with lime juice. To do this, grate a whole lime and pour it with a glass of quality vodka. Let it brew for 10 days, strain and add a tablespoon of glycerin. This tonic will cleanse and whiten your skin well. For hair and eyelashes, Cleopatra used burdock and castor oils.
Burdock oil is good to use for hair masks. For this Burr oil it is necessary to mix with olive oil (only cold-pressed), slightly warm, apply by rubbing on the hair roots, then distribute with a comb along the entire length of the hair. Wrap your head and hold the mask for at least an hour. Then wash off with shampoo and rinse with water and lemon juice. By the way, Cleopatra used instead of shampoo egg yolks. They were mixed with water, whipped into foam and applied to the hair. For rinsing, a decoction of herbs was used: nettle leaves, hop cones and burdock roots - all in equal proportions. Castor oil lengthens and strengthens eyelashes. Cleopatra mixed it with black kohl and used it for her eyeliner. This mixture was excellent sunscreen, which at that time was used by ancient Egyptian ladies. Well, the basis of the soap of the queen of ancient Egypt was oatmeal. You can use Cleopatra's recipe at home. For this, a few handfuls oatmeal soak in 2 liters of water, leave for about an hour, boil, strain and pour the broth into the bath. Add half a cup of cream and a handful of sea salt to the steamed cereal. Rub this mixture all over the body, from the top of the head to the heels, take oatmeal bath and your skin will glow!

Today, if you only want to, you can feel like Queen Cleopatra. There is nothing complicated and impossible in her beauty recipes. Natural cosmetic and natural ingredients are now becoming more popular, and are increasingly used in modern cosmetics. There is nothing surprising here. All that we need, nature generously gives us, we just need to skillfully use this wealth.

Cleopatra's beauty secrets. Cleopatra did not want to grow old and did everything to keep her youth as long as possible. At that time, not everyone lived up to 38 years old, and Cleopatra also managed to maintain her beauty. In this she was helped by her own anti-aging inventions.

When you hear the phrase " Egyptian beauty”, you immediately imagine the beautiful Cleopatra, who belonged to the hearts of many Egyptians and Romans. The queen wrote books about the secrets of her beauty, so we know some of the tricks of the ancient Egyptians.

The ancient Egyptians did not have pharmacies where they could buy a jar of cream - they used natural ingredients and rely on their knowledge.

Cleopatra's Beauty Secrets: 15 Recipes


Already in the 30s. BC e. Cleopatra knew this, it would seem, modern facility body care. The queen prepared the scrub by mixing sea salt and heavy cream.

Face masks

Cleopatra took care of her facial skin with white clay masks, which have good whitening properties. Clay was mixed with milk, honey and lemon juice was added. This mask is easy to prepare yourself: 2 tablespoons of clay and milk, 1 tablespoon of honey and 1 teaspoon of lemon juice.

Cream use

Creams for the queen were cooked according to special recipes. The main ingredient was aloe juice. To prepare the Cleopatra cream, you will need 2 tablespoons of aloe juice and beeswax and 1 tablespoon of almond oil.

The resulting mass must be heated and gradually add 100 g of melted fat. It would not be superfluous to add a vitamin E capsule to such a cream. The resulting product should be stored in the refrigerator.

milk bath

In a hot climate, the skin of the Egyptians was very dry. But Cleopatra found a solution - milk baths.

To repeat the queen's recipe, you need one cup of honey per liter of hot milk. 15 minutes in such a bath will make the skin softer and give it elasticity. The temperature of the milk should be strictly 36–37 ºC.

Nail polish

To give the nails a reddish-brown tint queen. The effect was short-lived, but it was not difficult for Cleopatra to “update” the manicure again and again.


There was no shampoo in ancient times, so Cleopatra used egg yolks to add shine and strength to her hair. The yolks were whipped with the addition of almond oil and honey and rubbed into the roots of the hair, and then washed off.

Recovery damaged hair the queen used a mixture of 3 tablespoons of honey and 1 tablespoon of castor oil.


Cleopatra even knew about the benefits of detoxifying the body. To cleanse toxins, the queen drank 100 ml of a mixture of lemon juice and olive oil every two weeks. According to the researchers, after taking such a cocktail, Cleopatra was given a special abdominal massage.

Hand cream

Cleopatra also followed the beauty of the hands. Special baths for brushes consisted of a decoction of plantain, nettle and calendula with the addition of chicken fat, honey and castor oil.


Of course, spirits in the form in which they exist now did not exist then. Cleopatra used incense and oils of rose, frankincense, cypress and neroli.

The queen was well aware of the influence of smells on a person's mood and skillfully used it. Perhaps it was thanks to this secret that no man could resist Cleopatra.


In all films, Cleopatra is depicted with brightly lined eyes and eyebrows. But what means could she use at that time? During the reign of Cleopatra, women had a whole palette of eyeshadow colors created from mineral and plant pigments.

Cleopatra herself most often applied an emerald green shade of shadows to the lower eyelids, and blue shadows with a golden sheen made of lapis lazuli on the upper eyelids.

For black eyebrows, the queens prepared a powder mixture of lead sulfide and animal fats. For lipstick and rouge, Cleopatra used iron oxide, which gave a red pigment.

Aloe Vera Uses

The ancient Egyptians knew all about the miraculous properties of aloe vera. Cleopatra and her subjects used aloe vera for hair and skin, in addition to this as medicinal product for burns, and even ate it to improve digestive processes.

Coconut oil for hair

Ancient Egyptian women did not have hair styling gels, but they still looked great using shea butter or coconut oil, which is known today as a substitute.

Peeling with natural honey

Milk and honey - famous egyptian secret beauty. Women taking nourishing milk baths as a skin peel used slightly candied honey.

Lactic acid removes dead cells and honey is famous for its excellent antibacterial properties. Honey is also the best natural skin moisturizer.

Bathing in the Dead Sea

Cleopatra traveled a long way from Egypt to Dead Sea just to swim in it. The reason is that water Dead Sea highly concentrated useful minerals, which nourish the skin and help in the fight against its ailments.

fenugreek seeds

To keep their skin fresh, soft and smooth, the ancient Egyptians used masks based on fenugreek seeds. In addition, they also believed that fenugreek seed tea could help increase breast size.

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There are many legends about the beauty of Cleopatra. Some argue that the queen was unusually beautiful, others protest and prove that Cleopatra's appearance had nothing to do with the standard of beauty.

Beauty is a matter of taste. Other times, other tastes. But they don't stop talking about Cleopatra. So what's the secret? What is true and what is fiction in the controversial statement about the unearthly beauty of the queen?

Cleopatra loved herself. And this means that as a woman who loves herself, she devoted a lot of time and effort to caring for herself.

Despite the scorching sun, the hair of the ruler of Egypt always shone, her skin emitted a pleasant delicate aroma and was distinguished by enviable smoothness and elasticity.

We will not talk about all the virtues of the queen, we only note that she had an excellent education and was fluent in the art of seduction.

Sources testify that Cleopatra died at the age of 37, and not everyone lived to such an age in those days. This means that the ruler also had enviable health. Summarizing all this with the ability to take care of herself, she deservedly was the Queen. Queen - the ruler of her people, and the Queen of men's hearts. After all, it is not in vain that they say: there are no ugly women. There are those who do not know how to use what is given by nature. But Cleopatra did. And Cleopatra's beauty secrets popular to this day.

Cleopatra's beauty secrets. Body care.

The main secret of Cleopatra's beauty is considered to be her "". They were prepared for the queen from donkey milk with the addition of honey. According to some sources, a small amount of almond oil was added to the bath. The temperature of the bath had to correspond to body temperature (36-37º).

The queen basked in this luxury for 15-20 minutes. Of course, it is almost impossible to afford such exotic at home. But if you approach the issue creatively, nothing is impossible.

A bath should be prepared at a temperature of 36-37º. Dilute 200-300 ml in 1 liter of hot cow's milk. natural honey, then add a few tablespoons of olive oil. The resulting mixture is poured into the bath and stirred. This is how the ancient Egyptians are adapted in the modern world.

If you don't have the opportunity to prepare a similar bath, you can "zoom out" and treat yourself to a hand bath. To prepare it, 0.5 liters of hot milk and 2-3 tablespoons of honey will be enough. Hands are immersed in such a bath for 10-15 minutes.

Enhanced the effect of a bath of sea salt, which was rubbed on the body of the queen before taking a bath. It cleansed and softened the skin, thereby preparing the body for a bath. To prepare such a scrub at home, it will be enough to mix 200 grams of sea salt and 100 ml. thick cream.

Secrets of Cleopatra. Facial care.

In facial care, Cleopatra preferred masks, which, like a bath, were prepared from donkey milk and honey.

Now we have the opportunity to replace donkey milk with cow milk and mix it with natural honey in equal proportions. To prepare maca, 2-3 tablespoons of each component is enough. Apply to face for 15-20 minutes, then rinse with cool water.

Another Cleopatra's beauty secret was to apply. To obtain them, a special grade of white clay was mined, which was diluted in donkey milk, honey and lemon juice were added.

You can also prepare an analogue of this mask. To do this, you need to mix 2 tablespoons of clay, 2 tablespoons of milk, 1 tablespoon of honey and 1 teaspoon of fresh lemon juice. The mask is applied to the face for 10-15 minutes, then washed off with cool water.

The queen also had her own specially prepared face cream, the main component of which was aloe juice. And this is not surprising - having a healing power, aloe juice not only looked after the skin, but also helped to preserve the youth of the cells.

To prepare the cream, 2 tablespoons of fresh aloe juice must be mixed with 2 tablespoons of purified water and 1 tablespoon of rose petal infusion. The resulting mass is slowly heated in a water bath and 100 grams of melted pork fat are gradually added to it. The prepared cream is gently mixed, transferred to a glass container and put in the refrigerator.

Secrets of Cleopatra. Hair care.

The secret of the queen's shiny hair was actually .... in . Several yolks were beaten and rubbed into the roots of Cleopatra's hair. Wash off the mask with plain warm water. Well, you probably already heard about the beneficial effects of egg yolks on the hairline.

Secrets of Cleopatra. Body cleansing.

Cleopatra took care not only of external beauty, but also of her health. How else! Health inside, beauty outside. To this day, evidence has come of cleansing the body with lemon juice and olive oil.

According to the researcher, Cleopatra drank 100 ml once every two weeks. lemon juice and olive oil mixed together. There is also an opinion that she diluted this drink with a small amount of purified water. This body-cleansing drink should be drunk in the morning, before eating, after which the queen was given an abdominal massage in such a way that the abdominal muscles were pressed against the spine. Thus, the cleansing of the liver and intestines was achieved.

Secrets of Cleopatra. Captivated by aromas.

A very important component of the image of Cleopatra was the aroma of her skin. Just think about it: honey and milk ... is nothing but an effect on the subconscious. Honey has always been associated with nature, and the smell of milk personified the child. At the deepest levels of the psyche, the aroma of Cleopatra hypnotized better than any NLP technique. In addition to these scents, the soothing aromas of frankincense and myrrh surrounded the queen.

These were the unpretentious beauty secrets of Cleopatra, which you can easily use at home.
