How is reproduction related to reincarnation? What is kindred karma and how to clear it

Each person is closely connected with his Family. Kind karma affects the quality of life. By working with your family, praying for your ancestors, connecting with energies of a higher order, you can remove blocks, get rid of diseases and radically change your destiny.

How are we related to our Family?

Coming to our Kin¹, we get a unique experience that advances us on the path to our destiny and self-development. We take energy from our ancestors and work off their karmic debts.

It is no coincidence that each person falls into one or another clan, family, has just such a father and mother. It is this Rod that the soul chooses for its next incarnation, because it the best way will help the soul to fulfill its tasks, gain the necessary experience, understand its shortcomings and correct them.

With all our thoughts and actions, we influence not only our own destiny, but also our ancestors, our entire Family.

The ancient Slavs believed that all events in the life of a person and his relatives are determined by the goddess Karna, who weaves the threads of life into single canvas Family and Peace. It was from her name that the word "karma²" came about.

How do actions affect the karma of the Family?

We have not only the features of our ancestors, mothers, fathers, grandparents, but also a common destiny with them, in other words, karma. For example, some act of a grandfather is a heavy or, conversely, a light burden on the life and fate of a grandson.

It happens that we commit misdeeds, from which, as the people say, "ancestors turn over in their graves." And it happens - we do something such that "ancestors from heaven look at us and smile."

So, we are all connected to each other in our ancestral system.

Each stumbler provides an opportunity for his descendants to “receive a reward”, to learn for themselves and for their ancestors, to change, to the best of their ability, ancestral karma, behavioral scenarios.

Having passed the tests, realizing its lessons, the Soul goes to new level development.

How can you change the karma of your Family?

Sometimes people give up, stop fighting fate, saying doomedly: “So it’s not fate ...” or “Karma is such, what to do ...” But, knowing the laws of development of the tribal system, we can change it - changing ourselves. The Russian miracle worker Seraphim of Sarov said: "Save yourself and thousands around you will be saved."

By adopting the strength and experience of our Family, we, in turn, can also influence the state of those souls that came to our Family before us - our ancestors. We can change them and ours further fate- karma. One of the ways available to everyone is the practice of connecting with your Family and repentance.

When is the best time to practice connecting with your Family?

It's good to do it in one of the generic-karmic lunar days: 4, 10, 12, 13, 28. .

Practice "Connecting with your Family":

  1. Early in the morning, at dawn, light a wax candle, put it in front of you at a distance of one and a half meters.
  2. Sit on your knees facing east and pray. Prayer can be any - one that is remembered at that moment, or simply an appeal to the Almighty with gratitude and a request for blessing.
  3. Imagine yourself as a big tree with very strong roots. They are divided into two branches. One is the maternal branch of the Family, the second is the paternal. At the source of each root, stands the Forefather and Foremother - the Guardians of the Family. The branches of the roots are all your ancestors, up to the seventh generation.
  4. Feel like a part of this family, and that all members of the Family, all the ancestors are part of you.
  5. Meditate, imagining yourself as a big tree with strong roots, feel your unity with the Family - as much as necessary.
  6. Speak from your heart:
  • "I love myself" - 3 times.
  • "I forgive myself" - 3 times.
  • "Mom, forgive me" - 3 times.
  • “I love you, mom, and I forgive you” - 3 times.
  • "Father, forgive me" - 3 times.
  • "I love you, father, and I forgive you" - 3 times.
  • “All the ancestors of my family, forgive me, Guardians of the family on the maternal side, forgive me. Guardians of the paternal lineage, forgive me.” - 3 times.
  • “We are of the same blood. You are me, I am you. I see you. Do I know you. I always remember about you. You are in death, I am in life. You are in the past, I am in the present." - 3 times.
  • "I love you all. I forgive you all. I show you my respect. I show you my devotion. I pray to God for all of us. Lord, save and save my family. Lord, increase my family like the stars in the sky, stretch out your hand over it, save it from curses, reveal your mercy to it, Lord. Glory to you Lord, glory to you!” - 3 times.

Let the candle burn out to the end. Feel how your soul is changing and the karma of the clan is being cleared.

You will find another powerful method for clearing the karma of the family

Notes and feature articles for a deeper understanding of the material

¹ Genus is one of the forms of social organization. It is a group of people who trace their origin to a common ancestor - the founder of the clan or the ancestor - along one (maternal or paternal) line (Wikipedia).

² Karma, kamma - one of the central concepts in Indian religions and philosophy, the universal law of cause and effect, according to which the righteous or sinful actions of a person determine his fate, the suffering or pleasure he experiences (

This is the karma of the whole family. If you know what “karma” is, then it is easier to understand what “ancestral karma” is, and what are the reasons for its existence, and what are the features that make it “ancestral”.

So, from the occult, we know that: we first of all receive energy for our life on Earth from the Earth itself. More precisely, our bodies are inside the bodies of the planet. First they are born, grow, live, and then die. This applies to both physical and astral, etheric, mental, and other bodies. Where else can we get energy for our life on earth? In fact, from the same space in which we are. physical energy we receive planets from physical space, astral from astral, ethereal from ethereal, and so on. We receive this energy “on loan”, not for “eternal use”, but only for temporary use. Because, this is the Law, the condition of the Earth. On other "conditions" the planet "does not agree" to keep people inside itself. This is known only to the Initiates. And people are very much mistaken if they think that the Earth is “not alive”. Not only is she alive, but she also has her own karma, and the karma of the earth has a relationship with the karma of people. If people are not able to realize their influence on the earth, as well as their responsibility, they certainly understand how the manifestations of the Earth can affect people. These manifestations of the Earth are earthquakes, floods, tsunamis, climate change and so on. Perhaps people were somehow in a hurry, calling themselves "masters of the planet."

When people receive energy from the planet for temporary use, they do not think about the quality of this energy, and also people do not think about what quality this energy is returned. Imagine that a person gave you a book to read in a new condition, and you return it dirty and torn. Very often, after their death, people return energy to the planet in " worst condition", compared to the one received. From here, the “ancestral karma” is taken. Hence, "children pay for the sins of their parents." The reason is "returning" energy, and "ignorance of the law is no excuse." The laws by which everything exists both on the planet and in the universe exist, and how more people learn about it, the easier it will be for human society to survive. (If you delve into this topic, you will have to write a book).

There is no need to be especially observant in order to notice how people, sometimes, are similar to their "ancestors". We all know the role and importance of DNA inherited from parents. And it's not just a set of DNA, not a small part of the information we get from the "Subtle Bodies" that are in two parental cells at conception. Any cell is alive as long as it has a Subtle body. Two parental cells are also alive, because they have subtle energies, and therefore, we receive from our parents not only genetics, but also subtle energy information and programs. We are all used to thinking that a person is physically alive as long as he has a spirit (or soul, everyone has a different attitude to this). In reality, life in any body supports the "Subtle Body", according to at least, occultists are sure of this. While in official science I have never come across information about the “Subtle body”, but a lot about the “subconscious”. In my opinion, occultists know much more about the subconscious, but they call it the "Subtle Body." Between all the bodies - conductors that a person has, the Subtle body (or the subconscious, call it what you want) makes a connection. Thanks to the Subtle body, we can feel at the same time: thoughts, emotions, creativity, and various physical sensations. We exist simultaneously, in different dimensions; and how the Subtle body, and how emotional, and how spiritual, and how physical body. Therefore, completely legal grounds, geneticists determine heredity by DNA, and also psychotherapists find confirmation in the mental inherited states of people.

"Birth karma" is formed in a person when he is still in the womb. If we turn to what the occultists know, it turns out that: “ancestral karma” exists in the inner space of matter, in the dimension in which the Monad is located. Monad is ( in simple words) the essence of man. The Monad and the Subtle body receive information and programs of the "past kind" that affect the "present" and "future". As a result, we "inherit" not only physical, mental, mental data, but also some "patterns" of repeating the fate of relatives. A set of many types of parental energies are transmitted to the developing organism at a subconscious level in all the developing bodies of a person. (A person has more than one body, not only the physical one). Various occult branches give these bodies different names, but the essence is reduced to one. These bodies can also be called “in Russian”: this is the body of the spirit, the body of the soul, the body of feelings, the body of the concrete mind, the body of the abstract mind, the body of the will, the body of the monad, the body of the ether, the physical body.
The fetus, located in the nutria of the mother's womb, is "impregnated" with parental energies that carry different types information and, along with them, various programs, which, in turn, lay down some character traits, and along with this, karmic features. From which, in turn, event programs are formed. And thus, in a child in its infancy, ideas about future life and at the same time, the future property and quality of his personality. This process of forming an “idea of ​​a future life” is already becoming a “part of karma”, because it is the programming of the subconscious (subconscious body). And, this influence is similar to zombification - hard programming of the subconscious. At intrauterine fetus bodies that are personal (Astral, Mental) are not formed, they are just beginning to form. And this means that the intrauterine fetus does not have a personality and developed personal egoism. And therefore there is no protection. Yes, Thin body - subconscious, which “absorbs like a sponge” any information, the one that it “gets”. Of course, one should not forget about “personal karma”, because there is a connection between “personal karma” and “ancestral karma”. And what kind of "ancestral karma" will "get" directly depends on the "personal karma", which is formed from the "personal past".

There is another powerful factor in the formation of "ancestral karma", this is the energy message of the parents, especially the maternal one. It's called "mine". "My child", "my child", "my son", "my daughter". This statement “mine” becomes a “sentence” for a person “for life”. When you are someone else, you can no longer be free. And, if you think about it and realize it properly, this fact may become “scary”.
Especially knowing that humans are not "perfect". And what it's like to be "property", "imperfections". (To my regret) most mothers do not feel and radiate "Absolute Love" in and out of the soul (Buddhi body). Most mothers themselves have a “lack of love”, and feelings belong only to the Astral, and therefore “mine” appears. Astral is a personal body, and in a personal body all feelings are divided and divided. Otherwise, the astral body is not capable of feeling. The possibility to love "for something" is only an astral possibility, not a Buddhic one. Therefore, “I love my child because he is mine,” or “you must love your parents because they are yours.” Very often the word “love” is associated with other meanings “respect”, “respect”, “submit”, “submit”, “depend”, “should”. The phenomenon is not considered rare, when the parents themselves are quite “torn by life”, and “in their own skin” felt “injustice”, “humiliation”, “failure”, “disappointment”, “insult”, etc. .... all these energies and together with them information in the form of programs penetrate into children. It is good when everything is good. It's good when everyone is happy. And it’s good when parents pass on “by inheritance” happiness. But, it's not always, right?

I met people who thought that if they did not maintain relations with their parents, then it would be easier for them to live, and their fate would change, and they would be lucky. Unfortunately, if one could get rid of ancestral karma only by not communicating with one's parents, this would not be karma. That's just the point, ancestral karma can't be undone in a similar way. Among other things, I recalled the case when I talked with adults who grew up in “orphanages for a child” and who never saw their parents, because their mothers refused them even in the maternity hospital. These people had ancestral karma, but “something else”. This explains that ancestral karma does not appear when a child communicates with parents. "Ancestral karma is given at birth." Perhaps many would prefer to grow up in a maternity hospital, just not to get "the same karma" as they have.

More than once I had to meet foster parents who did not know what to do with the "genes" of adopted children. It would seem how biological parents can influence the fate of a person if this person is brought up in completely uncharacteristic conditions and not coinciding with the “karma of the family”. It turns out, still, how, they can influence. Adopting children is very hard and actual topic these days. And to everyone normal people It's hard to look at abandoned and deprived children. And it would be a great happiness if we could help these children. And some people go to the extent of taking these children into their families. But are all foster parents ready to really help these children and love them “as if they were their own”? When you think about adopted children, we all have a thought on the topic, “love them like your own.” There is hardly a person who will say "love them, but not as your own." This “as one’s own” is actually the “most terrible” and unpleasant, especially for a child who has been abandoned.

If the child is not breastfed and is accepted into the family, he, in the depths of his "I", will definitely have "betrayal". And playing “feelings” or “you are mine” with such a child is extremely dangerous and mean. And to find common language» with such a child, it is necessary to be a self-sufficient person yourself or yourself.

In the end, I would like to add that we underestimate the significance of the subconscious. And the first thing we can do to help ourselves is to learn to observe ourselves and try to be aware of ourselves.
Get rid of "ancestral karma" practically " standard methods", impossible. But to say that this is impossible at all would also be unfair, only it is extremely difficult.

One of the ways is relaxation and then meditation, in which a person becomes aware of his monad and Subtle body, that is, his essence, his subconscious. This method, the only one that guarantees complete deliverance from tribal karma, because similar methods and opportunities that develop consciousness do not exist anywhere else.

Another way that does not free from "ancestral karma", but frees from personal, ordinary "karma", is "repentance". In Christianity, we all know there is "confession" and not at all the same thing, this is "repentance". "Repentance" is like awareness. At the moment of repentance, a person can transmute the energies of his personality, and thus change karma.

Another way that can quickly work out "ancestral karma" is the sessions of a very good COSMOENERGET (MASTER)

Many people are looking for the meaning of the concept and the answer to the question, what is ancestral karma and how it affects the fate of a person. Such a desire is connected with the desire to understand why certain events occur in your destiny. The power of the family can serve as a source of positive energy, as well as negative.

What is Ancestral Karma?

When in the fate of a person various troubles in the same sphere of life begin to occur more and more often, one can hear that this is a generic karma or a curse plays its evil role. For example, you have already tried several times to connect your fate with a man, but something always goes wrong. And your mother and grandmother family happiness didn't work out either.

Or just starting a career and having received the first successes, you get laid off and so on several times in a row. Thinking about it, you will find out that your father and uncles were never able to get a position higher than a third-class locksmith.

This is where the question arises what is ancestral karma and why it is associated with corruption. Finding out from which generation of the family the troubles begin, and realizing that such troubles are hereditary in nature, they simply give up.

However, it is far from always necessary to write everything off as a curse. Very often a certain soul is sent to some kind of family for a kind of correction. For example, if a person did not have time to repay debts during his lifetime, then after death his soul can be reborn in a family with a difficult financial condition.

Therefore, if some events constantly repeat in your family, you don’t need to put a “stigma” on the curse of the family, perhaps these are just hints for the path of healing. Karma of your kind- this is a selection of souls for working out certain goals and tasks in correction. At the same time, you must not only correct yourself, but also help your neighbor.

The meaning of tribal karma in the Bible

A slightly different answer to the question what is ancestral karma, Bible. There is even a phrase in the holy scripture that "you will suffer for your sins, as well as your children up to the fourth generation."

When performing any deed, it is worth remembering that the descendants will be responsible for them. Earlier in Russia, in a family of believers, it was customary to study generic features bride and groom before marriage. Moreover, if it turned out that in the past, fights often occurred in the family of one of them, serious illness, accidents or suicides - this was considered a sign of tribal karma and the union was refused.

However, even with such an interpretation, the concept of “ancestral karma” comes down to the relationship of souls. Each person affects the other, so all of humanity is connected to energy level. Family relationships have a more subtle spiritual relationship, so the troubles of one affect the rest much more strongly.

A genus is a whole organism where everything is interconnected. Therefore, if any separate organ falls ill, then everything eventually collapses.

The more we do bad deeds during our lifetime, the more our descendants will suffer for them, faced with tribal karma.

How to fix family karma

Understanding the concept what is karma, the question remains - how to correct and remove tribal karma and improve it so as not to suffer yourself and not to pass it on to children?

You have to start with yourself, not with your neighbor. If the consequences of tribal karma began to affect you, it means that it is up to you to correct it. That is, God or a higher power believes that he has found the soul that is able to break this circle.

Try to understand the primary source of your generic karma. Ask your parents and relatives if you have similar situations from your ancestors. And try to find stories about each member of the family. Often, you may encounter the fact that in the 19th century your family was rich and successful, and the next generation moved to the poorest quarter of the city. So, it is from this knee that the curse of your family begins.

In order to correct and remove family karma there is strong prayers. Go to the temple and pray for the salvation of the soul. Make every effort to correct the situation, and you can not only remove damage from yourself, but also protect your offspring.

As well as effective method it is considered to devote an hour of time a day to the presentation of their ancestors and relatives healthy and prosperous, happy and talented. And you need to start just from the first damned tribe, about which you managed to find out. It is important to repeat this procedure every day for at least a week.

The hardships and good luck presented to a person by fate can be the result of not only his behavior, but also karmic heredity.

Ancestral karma, formed by the deeds of many generations of ancestors, can significantly affect the life path through pleasant and not very “surprises”. But illnesses, failures and other hardships as retribution for other people's actions can be avoided if family karma will be determined and implemented.

Kind Karma

Ancestral karma is a set of incidents and actions experienced and done by ancestors, which, according to the universal principle of cause and effect, affect the lives of successive generations. Most often, the question of how to find out the karma of the clan is addressed in cases where it is negative, because of which fate constantly puts the descendants before trials. These can be illnesses, career and family failures, financial failures, difficulties in finding oneself.

The similarity of people to their ancestors is difficult to question. Esotericists and scientists agree on this. But the nature of the predestination of the temperament and character of the individual is not known to anyone thoroughly. Physiological and a number of psycho-emotional parameters are characterized genetic code and the rest, which can be called the soul, is karma.

Thoughts, aspirations, decisions, actions and experiences of the ancestors are stored in the subconscious and are literally imprinted on the astral body, through which they are subsequently inherited. This is how the karma of the family tree is formed.

The influence of tribal karma is present in the traditions even of those peoples whose culture does not determine the definition of karma or its analogues. Children are often held responsible for the actions of their parents or older relatives to social environment or the world in general. Therefore, for example, in Russia, the laws of the family and the spiritual foundations of the family had a sacred status, and their violation was stopped in the bud. It was believed that ancestral heredity creates and changes karma family life and even the destinies of families are foreshadowed.

Family karma: the influence of fate on life together and health

First of all, the negative karma of the family is reflected in poor health. People with a good karmic "dowry" have a healthy, strong, reliable physical body. A favorable background also provides mental stability. The presence of hereditary or the same for a particular generation of diseases is often the result of receiving from ancestors bad karma. It is also possible that a person for this reason will be born disabled or mentally retarded.

In addition, such heredity also affects the material component of life. Having accepted it from the ancestors along with an impressive fortune, one may not have time to enjoy the charm of the latter, as it will quickly evaporate. True, ancestors with bad karma do not always make wealth. More often it happens like this: a pious and respectable person tries his best to achieve prosperity, but constantly fails. The point here is that heavy family karma repels success and society.

Bad heredity draws vitality, creates troubles, conflicts, difficulties that arise literally from scratch. People with this "baggage" often quickly lose the energy stored during the holidays.

Karmic debts from parents: examples

Parental karmic debt are their unfulfilled obligations to Higher powers, God, the social environment and, above all, in front of you. Universal justice is based on this, therefore children often become executors of karmic punishment. Here is how the karma of the family or parents affects the life of one or more descendants:

  1. Failure to fulfill obligations and promises to God, Higher powers, other people or yourself. This is the heaviest debt, and the person who redeems it makes up for the created imbalance with his energy.
  2. Failure to fulfill the earthly Destiny and unwillingness to go one's own Path is walking across fate, against the Universe. Refusal of the Higher duty always gives rise to karmic debt, which is inherited.
  3. Unwillingness to listen to your Soul hinders spiritual and personal growth. This is one of the main debts to yourself. It is reflected both in the fate of the debtor and in the life of his descendants.
  4. Theft and fraud of other people's property creates a debt that is withdrawn at least tantamount to a crime. For misappropriation of other people's money you lose your own, but in larger size, you pay for someone else's life or health with your own, the selection of someone else's energy makes a person an energy donor.
  5. Irresponsibility in relation to work, affairs, environment, family, children. A man whose father did not want to provide for his family has problems providing for his own. Dodging official duties expressed in the career failures of children.

However, how the karma of the family influences the fate of a person also depends on the personal karma of a person. Simply put, if the positive potential of personal karma is greater than the negative potential of generic karma, then the negative will be neutralized. But hereditary karmic debts, as a rule, accumulate, and a way out from under their influence is available only for people with the highest level spiritual and personal development confidently following their Purpose.

Usually karmic debt passes to the next generation according to gender: the boy - from the father, the girl - from the mother. But the only children are the heirs of the debts of both parents. And in families with a large number of children, situations may arise when one of the children does not experience a debt burden at all.

The concept of generic karma is closely intersected with the individual karma of a reincarnated person. The choice of time, place and family for reincarnation correlate with the tasks and goals for reincarnation. Heavy karma, for example, can lead to the degeneration of a person into a beggar, an invalid, a mentally retarded person.

The principle of equal repayment of debts can work like this: someone who shed a lot of other people's blood will live with anemia or become a blood donor. Or the one who was blind to the world and others will be reborn blind in order to study the world intuitively and through other senses.

Ancestral karma is also weighed down by the negative karma of the family in which a person is brought up. If a man and a woman do not base their relationship on the principles of love, mercy, compassion, acceptance and understanding, this can complicate the fate of their children.

Family karma: how to find out if there is a debt

Indicators of bad family karma are determined quite easily. It is expressed, as a rule, in pathological bad luck, the difficulties of socialization, the demolition of frequent "steps" from fate. Here are typical examples of this:

  • aggression, constant conflict and misunderstanding in relationships with this or that person for no apparent reason;
  • long black streak affecting the area personal relationships, work, social contacts;
  • bad mood and lack of desire or strength to perform some business that previously brought satisfaction;
  • the absence of a tangible result in anything when applying huge efforts over a long time distance;
  • serious intractable diseases or small, but frequent problems with health, hereditary diseases.

Thus, a hardworking and responsible worker may be deprived of a salary increase or not move forward. career ladder when the karmic debt of the family lies on it.

The reason for working off a debt or karmic cleansing of the clan can be systematic unsuccessful attempts by relatives of the older generation to have children, suicide in the family, abortions not made according to medical prescription, as well as love spells, damage and similar consequences of black magic rituals.

Ignoring bad karma leads to consequences of varying severity, leading, ultimately, to the extermination of the family. Therefore, difficult diseases most often begin to affect men, who, as a result, are not able to leave offspring. Women with bad tribal karma can be overtaken by infertility or the birth of handicapped children.

Working off debt: how and why to work with the karma of the family

The clan should be understood not only as a biological structure, but also as a set of many strong spiritual and energy threads connecting living and dead relatives. Even the one who releases or loses these connections cannot get out from under their influence. Roughly speaking, the Universe does not choose only those who are ready to compensate for it on their own to restore justice.

The methods of working off the karma of the clan include prayers, repeated wax castings, spiritual and personal improvement, “annealing the skeleton of the ancestors” and more specific rituals. Main principle is focused on reviving one's own memory of one's ancestors, delving into their destinies and relating them to one's own karmic knots. They can be lack of money, loneliness, problems with childbearing, failure to start a family, sickness, etc.

Here universal way working off tribal karma, suitable even for those who do not know the fate of several generations of their relatives.

  1. Pour water into a deep round dish.
  2. Place 12 large wax candles around the dish (church candles will do).
  3. Set fire to them one by one, saying over each “I light the first (or second, third, etc.) candle, I resurrect the memory of the first tribe of the family.”
  4. After lighting all the candles, you need to imagine all the relatives in your thoughts. First you need to turn to the images of those with whom you are familiar, and then try to imagine more distant generations.
  5. Now you need to take candles one at a time and imagine how tribal secrets break out of them and open up, creating karmic blocks.
  6. Next, you need to take the first candle upside down so that the melted wax flows into the water. At this time, you need to focus on spiritual reunion with your ancestors, ask them for help and forgiveness. During the fall of wax into the water, you need to say seven times: “The debts and sins of my kind are burned in the fire, they purify my karma and soul. The figures of Fate fall into the water, they free me from the ancestral karma.
  7. The described procedure must be carried out with each candle. So in the information space, ties of 12 generations of the family will be restored.
  8. The figures and images that have arisen in the wax should be collected and lowered into a pond outside the house. It can be a river, a lake, a pond or even a fountain. It is better to bury the cinders, and use new candles for the second ritual.

The ritual must be performed for 9 months during the waning of the moon. The best day for working out is the 29th lunar.

At the current stage, family karma is only half worked out. For a complete purification, you need to practically improve yourself and your family in the physical world. For this, any actions based on the expression of mercy, compassion, kindness and help to the society that surrounds the individual are suitable.

The lonely should be helped in the search for love, the confused should be given advice. Those who suffer from karmic problems with childbearing need to concentrate on caring for other people's children, support those who plan to become parents.

With blocks in financial and career matters, you need to help others resolve them and humbly accept the expenses associated with the manifestation of kindness and mercy. Actions of this nature atone for the injustice created by the ancestors, so practical events in the material world work in accordance with the existing debts.

Under no circumstances should you despair. The very interest in questions, what is ancestral karma, how to find out its nature and repay debts, indicates that the Universe is open to transformations. Working off debts is a righteous cause, and fate always favors it.

Of course, you should not look for the guilty among the ancestors. First, justice will still have to be restored. And secondly, such complaints worsen personal karma, aggravating the state of affairs.

Good tribal karma is a guarantee of the health and well-being of children and grandchildren.

Her healing and repayment of debts is an important spiritual task that cannot be ignored. But you should not be afraid of such responsibility - a noble, sincere and open man deal with it easily.

Karma and relatives. Each of us bears double karma. One is our own track record of good and not-so-good deeds. The other is the karma of the kind into which we have come.

We came into this world not by chance, but by space laws. The cosmos is interested in us, in our life and in our successes. Living in the material world, we do important work for all mankind and for the entire Universe. Accumulating the energy of our soul, we not only transform the space around us, but also work on the genetic program of the generic structures of mankind.

We are a part of the whole society of the planet Earth, therefore the state of the whole society as a whole depends on the state of our soul. The process of our personal spiritual development is at the same time an investment of energy in favorable development, the evolutionary awakening of the soul and mind of all mankind. Directly and directly, this is expressed in the fact that we "purify" the karma of our kind. That is, we are obliged (by birth) to solve the problems of our family, help relatives, accumulate positive energy kind, freeing subsequent generations from generic diseases and karmic problems.

The genus into which we have come interacts with us in different ways. He is given to one as a guardian. The clan protects from adversity, helps on the path of life, guides and Hard time gives strength. So, we somehow deserve such support! Such roots must be preserved, passed on by inheritance, multiplying strength.
The genus is given to others as a test. In overcoming generic problems, and sometimes the curses that lie on him, the soul grows stronger, tempers, gains strength and thereby cleanses the roots, because the person himself is a particle of the family. Overcoming the negative in himself, he thereby purifies the race as a whole.

Here is the genus of hereditary alcoholics.

A son needs to put a lot of effort in order to break something in the traditions of generations and not to pass on such heavy karma to his child by inheritance.

Another kind is famous for its cruelty.

The distant ancestor was, apparently, a criminal. Great-grandfather, grandfather, father - all did not shun hatred, anger and crime. And then the seventh tribe is born - a son.

Everything in his appearance protests against the "glory" of his ancestors, assertive and aggressive. But it turns out the boy loves computer games with elements of cruelty and spends so much time with them that his mother notices: he has insomnia. Sitting for a long time in the evening, playing, lying down after midnight, falling asleep, groaning, waking up with headaches, as well as periodic pains in all parts of the body. Doctors can not help, the diagnosis is not established. What's next?…

Either the genus will die out as a dead-end genetic line in the development of intelligent humanity, since the Divine mind is clearly not instilled in the genus. Either in the psyche of a teenager, with the support of his mother, who, of course, also came to this family not by chance, and literate people will change. Maybe with his life he will be able to overcome the hardest karma of the family, he will be able to pass on to his son a purified genetic line. This is possible only in one case: if a teenager has the will to turn to Reason, to God.

However, there are people who depend very little on the karma of their kind. Apparently, because they have a very serious personal task and a difficult life purpose according to their own karma. Such people leave their parental shelter early, move far from home, quickly acquire independence and independence, and maintain very weak communication even with close relatives. They often have a difficult life path, and usually they have big complex cases ahead of them.

And yet, be that as it may, even if the most distant relative appeals to you with a request - do not refuse, do everything in your power. This is your family structure, your children and grandchildren will carry it, it depends on you how pure, favorable and strong roots they will get.

However, this option is also possible: the aunt, not having her own children, believes that her nephew is obliged to take care of her. She asks and demands to provide her with such services that he is simply not able to perform, because he works and because he has his own family. Auntie is offended, cries, reproaches. What to do? A single woman is simply a "vampire". She needs to be covered up.

Her nephew, of course, will do what is in his power for her, but she needs to rely more on her own strength, since a man has his own immediate, karmically closer problems that no one will solve for him. In addition, he must not allow vampires to flourish in his family, infecting the younger generation with their abomination. Young people should see that "vampires" should be put in their place, and not be led by them. Otherwise, immature souls will also want to live the life of a "vampire", because it is so convenient and sweet to force another to solve your problems with your whining.

Unfortunately, too many people, playing on kindred feelings, are ready to morally destroy their loved ones and not even feel that they did it wrong. Such is our life.

With relatives, an equivalent energy exchange is rarely possible. Either we use their energy, or we give them our own. Often we recycle each other's negatives. Sometimes you have to close. And all this is normal for this category of relations due to the specificity of generic energy processes.

Parents, brothers and sisters

The relationships that you develop with your closest relatives are the most striking indicator of your attitude to tribal karma. If there are several children in a family, then each of them may have their own relationship with the family and, therefore, their own indicator of connection with tribal karma.

This is how our world works, that one of the children can be a full bearer of the father's karma, the other - the mother's karma, and the third remains clean from these debts.

The girl was given in marriage at the age of 15. Husband was often not at home, loved noisy companies and died in early age from diseases digestive system. The woman, as fate has developed, lived a lonely and closed life, raising three children.

One of them liked to drink and died in an alcoholic binge, having inherited his father's karma. Another child lived active life, was the director of a large plant, achieved a lot in life, but, having inherited the karma of his mother, he felt constant loneliness, lack of understanding in the family and among employees, this was a serious injury to his heart. The only consolation in life was meeting with his mother, with whom he maintained a close spiritual connection.

The third child, leaving the family, standing on independent way became completely different. When the children gathered at their mother's, it seemed that neither family conversations nor family photos and relics. He had nothing to do with the karma of the clan, although he maintained good relations with his family.

Much more complex interweaving of karmic family lines between brothers and sisters is also possible. Two daughters can carry the mother's karma, and the father passes on a pure genetic line to his grandson. Brother and sister inherit their father's problems, and the mother passes on her creative talents to her grandson. There are as many options as there are families in the world.

Favorable relations between brothers and sisters, disinterested and benevolent, - great gift fate and invaluable support given by heaven. But if the relationship develops badly and even very badly, let us not forget even then that these are our brothers and sisters, given to us from above. And no matter what happens, we must humbly accept what is given to us. We will be reasonable support for our loved ones - this is our karma, what we owe them somewhere and now we give it back.

If an alcoholic brother asks for money to drink it, our duty is not to give him everything we have, but to do everything to save him. However, not against his will. Everything that is done against the will of man is done for evil.

If there was a quarrel between sisters and brothers, forgive the offenders, we deserve these insults, maybe we are more to blame for our mutual misunderstanding of each other. Let's give in and go to reconciliation - this is working out the karma of the family. Working off karma, we will clear the way for our children and grandchildren.

No matter how our relationship with our parents develops, we will forgive them and ask for forgiveness for not understanding them. Whatever it is, these people are given to us by God - therefore, we deserved this and must humbly accept what is given.

The boy was beaten and scolded as a child, his sister was cared for and taken care of. The children have grown up. The girl, already an adult, was dependent on her parents and continued to be a beloved daughter. The boy, having become an independent and well-provided man, remained "bad" and "ungrateful." At the insistence of his relatives, he buys them an apartment, a dacha and furniture. Once, when they demanded another amount of money from him, he suddenly said: "That's it! I don't owe you anything else!" Since then, they never met and did not even call each other.

It doesn't matter how the young man explained to himself why yesterday he meekly carried out the slightest whim, and today he "owes nothing." It is important that his intuition and sensitive heart suggested that there is a debt and it needs to be repaid, but now it is paid and karma is worked out, it is no longer there for him or for his growing children. May God grant that we all have such sensitivity and such will.

Every person is free. If you look at these personalities called "your parents" and everything inside you resists and does not accept them, then maybe you should turn around and leave, leave your parents, whom you don't even like to see. Perhaps it is their karma to be rejected by their own child.
