Nightmares at night cause. Nightmares

Dream Interpretation Nightmare Nightmare: Expresses an intense psychic conflict that is most likely centered on some form of repressed sexual desires. These desires are practically not realized, accompanied by fear, which turns erotic dreams into a nightmare. Fear, which is the basis of the nightmare experience, is associated with an internal guilt complex, often coming from prohibition and suppression of desire. Pressure on the chest chest resulting in heavy breathing or limited movement. Submission in the act of sexual intercourse in which the individual plays passive role. Sadism and aggression. Combination of love with guilt and fear. If the desire is incestuous, then strongly expressed feeling internal guilt may be associated with punishment, expressed in impotence. IN certain area dream incubation is successful in repelling and alleviating guilt if it is atoned for by religious rites that tend to transfer the sin onto a particular demon. Moreover, the process itself does not change, only the words change: the libido is a dissolute demon, to which the individual does not feel responsible. It is not necessary to discover the source of an irresolvable conflict, since all objects are known and are represented in a symbolic or in a real form. Just like the fear of the dark, fear can be dispelled by working through the symbolic essence of the figures and emotions of dreams. nightmares early childhood occurring or recurring in middle age: refer to the traumatic experience of birth. Psychoanalytic dream book

Dream Interpretation Nightmare Nightmares: should be taken as a positive experience. They allow us to work with unresolved issues real life which we are trying to keep out of consciousness. These problems harm us at all levels of life, including health and relationships. Imagine that you are returning to a nightmare, and play it through your imagination several times. Change the plot of the dream so that the outcome is in your favor. This will help heal those areas of your soul that have become the source of the nightmare. American dream book

Dream Interpretation Nightmare Nightmare. To dream that disgusting nightmares are pressing on you means disputes and failures in business. For a young woman, this dream prophesies disappointment and undeserved neglect. It may also be a warning to the woman who had this dream: be careful with your health and food. Big dream book

Dream Interpretation Nightmares, fears When demonic beings detect and fix the consciousness of a person as their victim (first in a dream), then the dreamer experiences animal fear, reaching horror. At the same time, upon awakening, a person feels an increase or decrease in pressure, skin goosebumps, changes in heat and cold in the body, shaking and trembling. This is characteristic of dreams. black magic a>. Dream Interpretation of Black Magic

Interpretation of sleep Nightmare A nightmare is a dream of disputes and failures in business. For a young woman, such a dream prophesies disappointment and undeserved neglect. This dream can also be a warning: care should be taken regarding health and nutrition. Big universal dream book

The meaning of sleep Nightmare If you have a severe nightmare that you cannot remember without a shudder, this is a sign that you are under the influence of a stupid and careless person who can ruin your life if you do not protect yourself. Old English dream book

Dream Nightmare Nightmares should be taken as a positive experience. They allow us to work with unresolved real-life problems that we are trying to keep out of consciousness. These problems harm us at all levels of life, including health and relationships. Nightmares are a way of solving problems. Enjoy nightmares! Imagine that you are returning to a nightmare, and play it through your imagination several times. Change the plot of the dream so that the outcome is in your favor. This will help heal those areas of your soul that have become the source of the nightmare. Dream Interpretation Lynn

Dreaming Nightmare Nightmares: many report useful information and we should be grateful to them for the messages they bring to us. They allow us to deal with those unresolved problems that we used to turn away from while awake and try to keep out of consciousness. These unresolved issues affect every aspect of our lives, including our health and relationships. If you have a recurring nightmare, try to remember it during the day, return to the nightmare, playing it in your imagination several times, and find out all the information that it carries. Try to change its outcome and some details. This will help you heal the areas of your soul that are causing this nightmare and its return. Dream Interpretation Dream Interpretation Denise Lynn

Nightmares are plots or individual parts dreams that cause panic, fear or anxiety. These dreams are vivid in all perception systems, and the stories are perceived so realistically that they make you wake up. Awakening is usually accompanied by a rapid heartbeat, pulse and respiration, and sudden movements. These dreams, like the rest of the plot, arise in the phase REM sleep, where rapid eye movements are characteristic, which means the appearance of visual images.

Night terrors in children are more frequent than in adults, but there is still a certain line when scary dreams become a symptom mental illness. Such violations can signal both affective and somatic disorders. There are frequent cases when it is through the plot of nightmares that a person can identify a disease that still does not manifest itself in any way. physical level. Psychologists consider such dreams a signal of the presence of unconscious or suppressed anxiety, and if you pay attention to recurring terrible dreams in time, you can prevent not only mental exhaustion, but also real impending problems.

The theme of nightmares for each person will be different, which is based on personal traumatic experiences, the state of the body and psyche.

Nightmares in adults are more associated with psychological and stressful experiences, suppression of emotions and can be expressed in plots of loss of control (the inability to run away, scream, open the door), in children they are more justified physical changes organism and have more physiological moments (sudden falls into deep holes, flights, etc.).

Why do I have nightmares at night

The causes of nightmares can be quite varied in their category or depth of problem. So there are dreams caused by a change in metabolism due to a heavy dinner or an excess of sweet and spicy foods, when the brain increases the activity of the whole organism to process what has been absorbed. Some medications have a similar effect, so if attacks of night terrors begin, you need to tell your doctor to change therapy.

Alcoholic and narcotic substances can not only have a sedative effect, but also activate the nervous system, which leads to nightmarish plots. Especially often this happens against the background of withdrawal symptoms.

Psychological spectrum disorders such as depressive reactions, PTSD, elevated level anxiety, attacks of paranoia and others have terrible dreams in their list of symptoms. In the case of post-traumatic syndrome, dreams will contain plots of a traumatic situation, with excessive nervousness possible options future fears. It has been observed that lack of sleep also provokes the occurrence of nightmares - in these cases, everything is removed quickly with a few sessions of drug-induced sleep.

Any strong emotional experiences are stressful for the body and there is usually not enough daytime and resources to process them. Therefore, nightmares are often a way for the psyche to process incoming strong information that knocks out of the usual rhythm. This may include quarrels, scandals, accidents, as well as the birth of a child, a wedding, unexpected pleasant surprises.

It doesn't matter how they are painted powerful emotions- they loosen the nervous system, so people's surprise why, against the background of sharp positive changes, they begin to have bad dreams is quite explainable by this fact. Any emotions suppressed during the day lead to an increase in internal tension, the need for discharge of which is realized by the psyche through nightmares. It doesn’t matter what exactly you held back, both hugs and hugs can lead to a terrible dream - only the degree of effort expended on containment is important, and the more of them, the scarier the plot.

Organic brain lesions give nightmares that are not removed by psychotherapy and sedatives - here a complex treatment of the first disease is necessary. It can be oxygen starvation or hypoxia, brain tumors, injuries, infectious and inflammatory diseases, intoxication. With frequent recurring nightmares, it is necessary to consult a doctor (therapist, neurologist, psychiatrist) in order to exclude a serious biological pathology.

In addition to internal and psychological moments External circumstances can spoil a dream. So the temperature of the room (cold or heat), stuffiness or fullness with unpleasant or pungent odors activate the nervous system, make a person wake up. This defense mechanism, designed to lead to a state of wakefulness when environmental conditions deteriorate.

For example, stuffiness can be a signal that oxygen is running out and you can simply not wake up. An uncomfortable bed, crumbs, sounds, or bright lights can interfere with sleep quality and, combined with emotional instability, lead to nightmares. For people with a mobile organization of the nervous system, its sensitivity and general impressionability, nightmares that occur against the background of evening experiences are characteristic. These are horror movies read horror stories, a news feed about murders and disasters, as well as other similar moments.

How to get rid of nightmares

If in your nightlife nightmares appeared, then it’s worth starting with the most simple methods- Improved sleep conditions. It is worth taking care not only about convenience bed, his orthopedics and cleanliness, but also about the general environment, including light, sounds, temperature and the amount of oxygen. Adjust the settings of all gadgets by setting a night mode with blue light suppression or completely exclude their use for a couple of hours before bedtime. Watch your evening habits. This includes the time and amount of meals, the use of alcohol, coffee, drugs and nicotine, and certain medications.

Now there are many products and devices to improve sleep - use them. This includes aroma lamps with soothing oils, audio recordings designed to harmonize emotional background, various nightlights imitating natural light sources (bonfire, candles). You can download programs of noises and sounds for falling asleep to your phone, and if nightmares are provoked by unexpected sounds, you can stock up on earplugs.

Learn to relax during the day as well, then this will help to avoid the accumulation of nervous tension and improve the condition of the nervous system. A variety of practices from yoga, meditation, visualization, as well as breathing techniques that help stabilize the emotional state, provide the development of the skill of self-soothing. So you can regulate your condition all day long, calm it down before going to bed, and even if you wake up from another horror, you can quickly recover. But in addition to passive and contemplative-soothing activities, include physical activity - this helps to relieve excess stress that has accumulated during the day. The ideal option there will be an evening visit to the pool, where, due to physical activity, accumulated emotions come out, and due to water, general physical relaxation occurs.

Make sleep a ritual that requires adherence to time frames and certain sequences. This will help your psyche to calm down in advance and clear the space. Arrange yourself pleasant hours before going to bed - let there be time for your dreams, conversations with nice people and pleasant slow exercises. Creativity and watching pleasant films, taking a bath with relaxing oils and walking in the evening park will do. You can arrange soothing dinners by candlelight, without gadgets, with herbal teas or warm milk.

Drug treatment is indicated after the main diagnosis has been established. If nightmares are caused by a tumor, then a planned operation is indicated, if it causes a depressive spectrum disorder, then antidepressants are prescribed, and anti-anxiety drugs are indicated for stress disorders. This edge cases, and mostly terrible dreams are provoked by an increasing level of stress, so the main activity must be directed to combating it. You can independently identify the main stressors in your life and try to eliminate them, sometimes for this you have to format all your thinking and style of perception.

When difficult situations or the consequences of traumatic situations, if you do not have enough of your own resources and opportunities to understand and change the situation of your life, you may need to work with a specialist. Typically, a psychotherapist works in the vein of the subject of dreams, but if they are not related to immediate life events, then other areas are also affected.

Given the pace modern life It is not surprising that many suffer from sleep disorders. During a night's rest, the brain does not stop its work, but processes the information received during the day. A lot of negativity, unpleasant emotional experiences, unresolved internal and external conflicts may well be neutralized by the brain in the form nightmares. Terrible dreams serve as a kind of psychological relaxation for the nervous system, but with their frequent repetition, one must think that there is a problem that needs to be resolved.

Causes of scary dreams

Terrible dreams can torment different reasons, which can be both quite banal and easily eliminated, and quite serious. Sleep for every person is a way of recovery and relaxation, so frequent disturbances in the form of nightmares lead to an imbalance in the psyche, which requires immediate recovery.

It is a mistake to think that the problem will resolve itself; over time, the nightmare may visit more and more often, which will certainly lead to negative consequences for the body. To get rid of bad dreams, sometimes it is only necessary to analyze the cause of the appearance in order to change the situation for the better.

External causes

Not only internal states a person can become the culprit of insomnia and terrible dreams, but also external factors. These include:

  • Exposure to electromagnetic fields. That is why it is necessary to disconnect all devices from the network at night.
  • Unsuitable conditions for recreation. It can be either an uncomfortable bed or an uncomfortable temperature in the bedroom.
  • Excessive physical fatigue.

A very tired person does not always sleep soundly. Overwork can provoke not only insomnia, but also a terrible dream.

  • Alcohol abuse and smoking does not allow the brain to relax due to exposure to toxic substances.
  • A hearty meal is another reason why nightmares occur.
  • Therapy by some medicines can cause disturbances in the functioning of the nervous system, and, as a result, a horror movie in a dream.

All external causes if desired, it can be eliminated, then the night's rest will normalize, become strong and calm.

Internal causes

You can fall asleep quickly, and in the middle of the night you can wake up from a nightmare for some internal reasons:

  • In the presence of an impressionable psyche, a horror movie watched can provoke terrible dreams. All night long, frames from the movie will be scrolled in my head.
  • If you constantly hide your negative emotions, experiences, through the power to portray good mood, then sooner or later the accumulated tension will result in nightmare.
  • Creative people, due to their increased sensitivity and frequent stay in a fictional world, can often wake up from unpleasant dreams.

If you express your feelings naturally, without hiding and avoiding loneliness, sharing experiences with loved ones, then the causes of nightmares at night can be eradicated.

Psychological background of nightmares

If you have bad dreams, then the prerequisites may be hiding in psychology. In this case, the reasons may be:

  • Long stressful situations. Psychologists assure that betrayal of the second half, death loved one, conflicts in the family or at work are reflected in the state of our psyche.
  • Before an important and responsible event, there may be a fear of failure. The brain cannot shut down by constantly replaying the problem in the head.
  • Psychological trauma received in childhood. We try to get rid of terrible memories in real life, but our subconscious from time to time returns us to a distant experience in a nightmare. For a child, such a trauma can be a divorce of parents, an accident, or rape.

Get rid of psychological reasons sleep disorders can be difficult on their own, then you will need the help of a doctor.

Obsessive dream warning

Some believe that seeing a terrible dream means receiving a warning about an upcoming event, while for others it is a consequence of events that have already happened. WITH scientific point view, there is some truth in both opinions.

Sleep is a rest for the body, but the brain continues its work after the body falls asleep. In the presence of constant fear in reality, we can talk about psychological stress, the reasons can be hidden in anything: fear for the future, problems with the law, activities associated with risk.

If terrible dreams are often repeated, but in daytime everything seems to be quite prosperous, which means that you simply do not notice the problem or try not to see it.

Thus, the subconscious mind tries to remind about once unresolved issue that you are desperately trying to forget.

To get rid of nightmares, you need to realize the reason, be honest with yourself, it makes no sense to drive it into a corner. So, the problem will only get worse and at one fine moment it will remind of itself again.

Terrible dreams can also be the result of stress, fear, then a person is well aware of the cause of his dreams. The nervous system is exhausted and unable to recover. If it is not possible to eliminate the source of stress in reality, then nightmares will not leave.

Deciphering the meaning of a nightmare

Experts in the field of the study and analysis of dreams argue that in each case a nightmare of a certain content is not dreamed easily, but has a certain meaning. Let's look at some interpretations:

  1. Natural disaster. A person in real life feels helpless, for example, a child lives in dysfunctional family, a man worries that he cannot protect his loved ones, a woman has become a victim of violence.
  2. Funerals and the dead are dreamed of if a person is trying to find an explanation for his problems in esotericism. Instead of their decision, he tries to convince himself and those around him of the presence of damage, the evil eye. If you dream in a coffin of a recently deceased native person, then we can assure that they have not yet come to terms with his death.
  3. I dreamed of being late for a plane or train - it's time to take a break from work, a person takes too many responsibilities on his shoulders and is afraid not to be in time.
  4. Getting into an awkward situation speaks of low self-esteem.
  5. If you dreamed of a murder, then the interpretation depends on your role in the plot. If you are being killed, then in real life, most likely, you have fallen under the influence of another person, from whom it is difficult for you to get rid of. When you have a desire to kill, you can say that there is irresistible desire get rid of someone's influence.
  6. Seeing your own death can mean dramatic changes in your life.

A nightmare, especially a recurring one, always signals the presence of some problem in real life. It is possible to establish a calm night's rest only after her permission.

Nightmares signal health problems

Experts say that the brain receives information about the beginning of the development of the pathology of any organ long before the moment when a person begins to feel visible symptoms.

The same nature of dreams tells about the disease. So, our body sends an SOS signal.

Developing pathologies appear before us in the form of images known from everyday life. You can give some interpretations of the plots signaling a developing disease:

  • If an adult sees a wound in the heart, feels the fear of death, then one can suspect the beginning of the development of problems in the heart.
  • Pathologies respiratory system expressed in the form of attacks of suffocation, drowning, feeling that an unbearable weight lies on the chest.
  • If insects overcome in a dream, then skin problems can be assumed.
  • ARVI will declare itself by taking an ice shower.
  • Fever, migraine - you will see a scene of war, enemies all around, a showdown.
  • With a developing neurosis, the horrors of war, natural disasters, and troubles begin to dream.

Psychoneurologists believe that you should not run to the doctor after disturbing sleep, but if the same plot is repeated several times, then we can assume that you need to pay attention to your health.

Healthy sleep rules

You can prevent the appearance of terrible night dreams if you follow some recommendations:

  1. Sleep in a ventilated room and in complete darkness.
  2. The bed should be of high quality bed sheets from natural fabrics.
  3. Do not eat heavily at night.
  4. Walking before bed is better than watching another horror movie.
  5. If there are problems in the family or at work, it is better to take a sedative.

Majority sedatives have a cumulative effect, so to get therapeutic effect coursework required.

  1. It is recommended to take a bath with lemon balm, chamomile.
  2. Plunging into the realm of Morpheus, it is important to leave daytime worries and problems behind the bedroom doors.
  3. Eliminate alcohol, smoking, strong coffee before a night's rest.

If there was conflict situation in the family, then you should try to settle it before going to the bedroom, so as not to scroll through the events of the day in your head.

Techniques for getting rid of bad dreams

There are several methods that will help get rid of horror stories in the middle of the night.

  1. Healing by painting. The method involves drawing scary pictures from night dreams in great detail. After the drawing is drawn, one must try to find in it the image that frightens. The next step is to take bright colors and paint the picture in a positive way.
  2. Method mental images helps to effectively deal with nightmares in adults. The bottom line is to come up with a positive ending to a terrible dream. This can be done in the form of an oral story or drawing images.
  3. Tell someone about your dreams, share your fears and worries. You can keep a special diary, but a conversation with real person more efficient.
  4. With the help of a specialist, you can learn to manage your dreams and, with the help of certain actions, turn them into a less terrible event.

You must always remember that a dream does not affect reality and is not able to change your life.

Folk omens and superstitions

Since ancient times, peoples have had their own signs regarding dreams. Some of them are difficult to explain, and it remains only to believe in them or not. Common popular superstitions the following can be named:

  • If you look at the full moon on the moon, you can lose all vitality.
  • It's bad if it hits a sleeping person Moonlight. This can lead to insomnia and nightmares.
  • If you had a terrible dream, so that it does not begin to come true, you cannot talk about it until the sun rises.
  • It is believed that small children should not be shown in the mirror so that the sleep is strong and calm. And you can’t sleep in front of a mirror, it is believed that this takes away strength from a person and provokes nightmares.
  • Leisure clothing should be sleeved to protect against any entities.
  • If in dreams a dead person comes to you and calls with him, then you need to read a prayer, go to the temple and light a candle for the repose.
  • If you had a nightmare at night, then after waking up you need to look out the window and say: "Where the night is, there is a dream."

Experts who study dreams claim that they reflect our inner world. If you have nightmares, then, in this way, the subconscious gives signals about the presence of existing problems that need to be addressed. To some extent, nightmares can be useful, but if you wish, you can get rid of them using a folk conspiracy:

“A sweet dream is drowning, flowing down to me. Every dream is in colors, every dream is good. Let it be so!".

Medication for bad dreams

If during a night's rest terrible dreams come, which are the result of mental disorders, you will have to visit a specialist. Receive Only medications normalizes mental processes and make your holiday relaxing.

In the presence of a diagnosis associated with mental state, without drugs can not do. Doctors often prescribe Prazosin, which relieves anxiety, excitability, why sleep is improving.

Do not forget that in many patients it is antidepressants that can lead to nightmares.

If you do not sleep well at night, then folk healers recommend drinking a course of drugs for medicinal herbs, for example, "Motherwort", "Valerian". You can prepare a composition of chamomile, hawthorn, wild rose, motherwort, valerian root and prepare tea. Ready-made fees are also suitable: Nervo-Vita, St. John's wort P.

Prevention of nightmares

Experts working to find out the causes nightmares, came to the conclusion that it is possible to try to prevent them. To do this, you must follow the following recommendations:

  • Less often watch TV, it is better to read a book, especially before going to bed.
  • Any disease must be treated promptly.
  • Do not play computer games before going to bed.
  • Forget about all the troubles and problems before going to bed.
  • Avoid strong emotional experiences.
  • Dinner should be light.
  • It is desirable to go to bed at the same time every day, it is better if it is before midnight.

When health problems arise, in the family or at work with colleagues, you should not drive them into the far corner. A timely decision will remove the nightmares from your dreams and make them pleasant and peaceful.

Many of us have woken up in a cold sweat from terrible visions that haunted our dreams. Why do you have nightmares? Are they a sign of some kind of disease or simply indicate overwork and stress? Let's find out what psychologists think about this.

Causes of nightmares

Nightmares are the result of the activity of the brain, which in this way either warns of the presence of some kind of disease, or uses scary dreams as a way of psycho-emotional discharge.

Let's figure out when nightmares in a dream indicate illness. Alarm bells signaling a disease can be:

  • filmed wars, fights and violence. Often such dreams accompany the onset of neurosis and neurasthenia, and also speak of oxygen starvation brain;
  • lack of air in a dream (you drown, suffocate, die under a collapse). Most often it indicates apnea - short-term stops in breathing;
  • unaccountable fear, wounds in the region of the heart. Usually they are harbingers of cardiovascular disease.

A why do you have nightmares when a person is physically healthy? There are several reasons:

  • emotional trauma in childhood. For example, parental quarrels, strong fright, punishment;
  • stress, fatigue, nervous tension. Bringing you to a state of emotional intensity in a dream, and then sharply reducing it, the brain allows you to emotionally discharge and return to normal;
  • binge eating. Eating before bed threatens not only extra pounds but also nightmares. A working stomach causes the nervous system to be in an excited state, which manifests itself in the form of night terrors;

  • discomfort. Uncomfortable bed, flashing light, heat and stuffiness - all this can cause not only restless sleep, but also the appearance of nightmares;
  • emotional shock. A break with a loved one, an accident, a scene of violence seen somewhere can turn into horrors in a dream. A horror film watched at night has the same effect;
  • drinking alcohol before bed, as well as coffee and drugs. All these substances trigger excitation processes in the brain, and as a result, horrors roll in at night;
  • physical fatigue. Try to work out before going to bed, and you can not count on a strong and healthy sleep. Therefore, doctors advise completing workouts at least three hours before going to bed;
  • turning point in life. Marriage, promotion, change of job, admission to a university can also result in night terrors, although in fact there is nothing terrible about them.

For more on why we have nightmares, see the video:

How to get rid of nightmares?

It's time to learn how to get rid of night terrors. Everything is simple here: you need to identify and eliminate the cause of their appearance, then terrible dreams will disappear. Use the dreams themselves as a clue. Just do not rush to look for answers in dream books - they are not there. Try to find the solution yourself.

For example, if you get lost in the woods, in life, most likely, you cannot find a way out of the impasse. And when you dream that you are rolling down the slope or falling down the stairs, in real world you may be haunted by the fear of losing your job or losing respect in the eyes of other people.

If you can't find out why do you have nightmares try to avoid as much as possible possible reasons their appearance, namely:

  • regularly ventilate the bedroom, replace an uncomfortable mattress with a more comfortable one, provide the room with sufficient darkening at night;
  • stop eating a couple of hours before bedtime;
  • do not watch “horror films” in the evening, better try to relax by turning on calm music, watching a melodrama, reading a book;
  • plan your day so that physical exercise fell on the daytime, and the evening was devoted to rest;
  • avoid stress, do not go into conflict, limit communication with people who are unpleasant to you, find the positive in any situation - in general, try to be an optimist and take care of your mental health.

If after that you can’t get rid of the horrors, seek help from a doctor. Perhaps the reason should be sought in children's psychological trauma or physical ill health.

Many have experienced at least once in their lives fear of nightmares.

Waking up in a cold sweat, eyes wide with fear, a man in the smallest details remembers the horror that disturbed him. So why do you have bad dreams?

What are nightmares?

Nightmare is realistic scary, frightening dream which makes a person wake up in the middle of the night.

As a rule, nightmares occur during periods of REM sleep, so the nightmare is abruptly interrupted, the sleeper wakes up frightened, he can remember his dream in detail.

In this state, a person quickly comes to mind may feel a certain cheerfulness.

Nightmares are the result of brain activity. In this way, a person experiences negative emotions, stress, bad impressions resolves some of its internal issues and conflicts.

Constant nightmares can lead to lack of sleep, headache, depression, anxiety,.

What's interesting is that creative people see nightmares much more often others, thanks to their wild imagination.

How do they appear?

Nightmares are manifested by the fact that a person wakes up in the middle of the night from a strong fright, can scream(during sleep or even after waking up). Cold sweat is released, the heartbeat becomes more frequent, pressure may increase.

If the nightmare had a strong effect on the sleeper, then the frightened state may persist for some time. It becomes difficult to fall asleep, which can cause.

If nightmares disturb every day, then during the day a person feels tired, doesn't sleep all the time he may be disturbed by disturbing thoughts, haunted by certain fears.

This condition can lead to depression and other disorders.

When the nightmares "come" in REM sleep, then the awakened one understands that it was just a bad dream, it is easier to calm down during this period.

With phase deep sleep much more difficult. Waking up, a person may not understand where he is, he comes to his senses for a long time.

Accompanied by drowsiness high blood pressure feeling cold, strong heartbeat. In this phase harder to remember what led to the fright.

Why are there scary dreams? What do they mean? 10 scariest dreams:


Each person has their own concept of scary dreams. Someone is dreaming something really terrifying he screams in his sleep, wakes up in tears, and for someone this dream would not seem so frightening.

After all, everyone is different, everyone has their own fears and experiences.

But there are several "universal" nightmares, which will make any person, at least, flinch.

  • falling into a black abyss, or falling from: many people claim that they dreamed of flying somewhere into the void and waking up just before they were about to crash;
  • someone close: most at least once in their lives dreamed that a close and beloved person was dying;
  • animal attack: such a dream is really frightening, especially if a person is very afraid of dogs, and he dreams that he is being bitten by a flock of these animals;
  • natural disasters;
  • dreams about dead relatives;
  • strange people in masks: most people say that they periodically dream of characters in strange masks, or in strange clothes.

What nightmares do people usually have? Find out from the video:

Why do people scream out of fear in their sleep?

Sometimes there are really terrible and frightening dreams about what a person once experienced and about what strongly reflected on his consciousness or subconscious. Such dreams can cause screaming in the middle of the night, intense fright and panic.

Exists a few reasons for which a person can scream in a dream:

Causes of nightmares

What causes nightmares from which you wake up:

I often have bad dreams - what does this mean?

If nightmares bother you often or constantly, this may indicate that there is some problem which a person tries in every possible way to ignore and avoid.

In this case, it is worth understanding that it needs to be resolved immediately. Because nightmares will haunt the sleeper for more than one night in a row.

Nightmares. Psychologist's comment:

How to get rid?

What to do to avoid nightmares? Psychologist's advice:

The same thing every night

What to do, if having the same nightmare every night?

If the same dream bothers you every night, then you should come to the conclusion that the subconscious mind is trying to say that there is a problem that a person simply turns a blind eye to.

It often happens in our life that we we don't want to decide or afraid to do so. At the same time, this worries us. It doesn't matter if it's on a conscious or subconscious level.

As a rule, all our fears and experiences result in our dreams.

When a man is too long running from a problem, she can overtake him in the form of a nightmare.

If the same dream bothers you for many nights in a row, then you should admit that there is a problem. You need to find the courage to solve it, to look fear straight in the eyes, then the nightmare will disappear on its own.

What should I do if my child is having nightmares?

When a baby has nightmares, it is worth watching and finding out how often this happens. If this does not happen often, then nothing to worry about.

Nightmares are the norm for a still unsettled nursery nervous system. It will pass with age.

But if nightmares are a fairly common occurrence for a child, then attention should be paid to this problem.

First of all, you need contact a specialist. It will help determine the cause. Then he will explain what to do and how to deal with them.

Main, what should be done:

What causes scary dreams in children? About, how can mom help, in the video:

What's the use?

It would seem, what benefit can bring nightmares. But they can really be helpful.

In nightmares, a person may experience the consequences of a trauma that has left an imprint on his emotional state. Thus, he splashes out all his negative emotions in a dream.

During the turning points of a person's life, nightmares seem to help him move on new level . As a rule, such dreams, although scary, have an ending and often auspicious.

Nightmares may indicate about the presence of a problem that a person may not be aware of. In this way, dreams help to find out and solve it.

Nightmares are always scary and unpleasant. Experiencing them, do not be afraid and withdraw into yourself.

You need to understand that it's just a dream, not reality. It is worth looking deeper into your dreams, maybe they want to say something that will help get rid of problems.

What do nightmares mean?
