The difference between the Chihuahua and Toy Terrier breeds. Toy Terrier and Chihuahua: differences between these breeds


Two little companions: toy terrier and chihuahua (differences and similarities)

You need a companion - small, unpretentious, not requiring special care, kind, affectionate and faithful. Toy terrier and chihuahua meet your requirements. How to make the right choice? What is the difference between a toy terrier and a chihuahua?

Two little companions: toy terrier and chihuahua (differences and similarities)

Brief description of the toy terrier breed

For example, we will describe two varieties of that terrier: Manchester or and.

Manchester toy terrier- a dwarf dog weighing from 1 to 3 kilograms and no more than 28 centimeters tall. Body type she has elegant: thin, long legs, a tucked up tummy, a wedge-shaped head on a slender neck with a rounded skull, a convex forehead and large, dark eyes.

Ears toys are triangular in shape, mobile, set high and a bit too big for such a small animal. Wool the pet is smooth, shiny, without undercoat, has a variety of colors, tan is often found in a variety of shades.

Russian toy is subdivided into two more types:

  • smooth-haired - outwardly similar to Manchester;
  • long-haired - are particularly attractive. In general, the length of the coat is small - 4-5 centimeters, and it does not hide the slender body of the dog, but on the ears, legs and tail it is much longer and forms a fringe.

Color hers is the most varied.

The toy terrier is playful, cheerful, loves walking, friendly, affectionate, does not tolerate loneliness. He loves to travel long distances in the company of the owner. Has a good memory, quick-witted, its not difficult.

Unpretentious in everything. Has good health by nature. toy terrier - 12-15 years.

Brief description of the Chihuahua breed

A decorative dog from 0.5 to 3 kilograms in weight and from 15 to 25 centimeters in height. Plump, strong, paws of medium length, saber-shaped tail, twisted into a ringlet, neck of medium length, strong in males and thinner in females.

Head rounded ears triangular in shape, wide at the base, sitting wide. The kid is always on the lookout. Eyes rounded, large, the color is most often densely black, but other possible colors are not limited to the standard. Color wool varied.

The character of the Chihuahua is cheerful, affectionate, friendly towards animals and people. In the family, he clearly defines the leader and obeys him with pleasure.

Thanks to the natural mind well educated. Proud, no use fussing. Attentive, observant.

He tries to accompany the owner everywhere, he can calmly wait for him for hours. Unpretentious in food, has excellent natural immunity. Chihuahua lives for a long time - 15-18 years.

Comparison: similarity

Animals of both breeds have similar size. Their upbringing does not require special skills.

doggies unpretentious in food, take up little space.

Them can be litter box trained and do not walk in bad weather.

Kids are afraid of the cold, walks in severe frost are best avoided. For dogs need warm clothes and shoes.

Toy Terrier and Chihuahua (photo):

Cheerful character, love of games, devotion to the owner, affectionate disposition are pets of both breeds.

On a note! Toy terriers and chihuahuas have a strong natural.

Comparison: differences

doggies not similar in appearance and markedly different in terms of temperament.

The toy terrier is more reckless in games, more emotional, it can bark loudly at people or animals that you don’t like.

Chihuahua is calmer, more restrained, can watch others for hours, does not give a voice for no reason and does not bother the owner. Besides, chihuahua lives longer.

Who is better, whom to choose?

Balanced character of a chihuahua better choose busy people who do not tolerate unnecessary fuss.

More agile and emotional, Toy Terrier is an excellent companion for lovers of outdoor activities, noisy games and hot hugs.

The tireless search for a miniature four-legged friend at some point will certainly bring you to the breeder of a toy terrier or a chihuahua. Undoubtedly, there are enough small dog breeds, however, it is these two that are generally recognized as the smallest in size. Of course, there is a chance of acquiring a Mini-York or Papillon, but then how lucky.

Interestingly, that terrier weighing 2 kg is no longer classified as a small dog, and officially this title is assigned to a chihuahua. Most likely, this happened due to the fact that the Russian Toy Terrier is still a fairly young breed, and the official record for miniature was set a very long time ago.

In general terms, both breeds are extremely similar, especially their smooth-haired representatives. And if we take into account the fact that it was Chihuahuas who once took part in the breeding of toy terriers, then everything falls into place. Nevertheless, despite the fact that it is not easy for inexperienced future owners to find differences between these animals, the difference exists, and quite significant.

Characteristic features of smooth-coated chihuahuas and toy terriers

Let's start with the most similar representatives of these species - smooth-haired dogs. After all, it is they who are most often confused, trying to determine the breed of individuals.

Smooth-haired Chihuahuas are squat, have a strong physique. Their main characteristic feature (a kind of visiting card) is a voluminous rounded head, often compared with an apple. The transition from the forehead to the muzzle is pronounced, she herself is miniature and neat. Often, sneezes have a cute snub nose, because of which, along with large round eyes and an innocent look, their muzzles are given the term "baby face".

Short-haired toy terriers are sophisticated and elegant dogs. They, in comparison with chihi, have a thinner skeleton, neck and paws are also noticeably longer. Putting both dogs side by side for comparison, you will notice that the Toy is taller, and the Chihuahua has a more elongated body. The muzzle of toy terriers is elongated, but proportional to the head, while the skull is slightly narrowed. The transition from the forehead to the nose is much less pronounced than in sneezes.

Some confusion in the differences between these breeds is made by toys with touching snub-nosed faces. Infrequently, but nevertheless, such individuals are found: in them, like in the Chihuahua, the muzzle looks like a “baby face”, with all its inherent features. However, professional breeders of toy terriers do not appreciate the chihuahua gene, due to which such external features appear. And even on the contrary, professionals avoid mating their pets with such individuals.

There is another extreme in Toychiks - heredity from terriers. And when these genes predominate in a dog, his muzzle looks rough and rather long. In this scenario, the head of that terrier resembles a miniature pinscher. The dog itself often has a strong physique and dimensions at the upper limit of the standard: 3 kg and 28 cm.

An important difference between a Chihuahua and that terrier is the color. In toy, the color of wool can be different, but it certainly has tan. The only exception is the red and fawn color - they are monotonous. Spotting is unacceptable on toys. Unlike toys, chihuahuas can have variability in color and shades.

External specificity of long-haired toy terriers and chihuahuas

Representatives of these breeds, which have long hair, have much more differences from each other than smooth-haired ones. In addition to the features in the shape of the head and muzzle - which are much less noticeable in long-haired dogs - the difference between them is emphasized by the specificity of coat growth.


  • hair on the body is evenly distributed;
  • there is an undercoat;
  • there is a nice jabot and thick fringes behind the ears.

Toy Terrier:

  • uneven distribution of wool, on the body it is rather short;
  • undercoat is absent;
  • on the ears grows a very long, hanging "fringe" coat.

The elongated coat visually makes the chihas more elongated and squat, and when looking at the toys, the visual effect of a square dog remains. Not the last role is played by the striking difference in colors. The white color of the background, unacceptable for the Toy, for the Chihuahua, on the contrary, is desirable and looks very beautiful.

If we take into account the dimensions, then it is much easier to find a mini-dog Chihuahua among those with long hair than among similar toys. Despite this, both breeds fully comply with official standards and do not exceed the size of smooth-haired odnoportsov.

Character and temperament

A huge, loving heart is a trait inherent in both breeds and unites them. Toy Terriers, like Chihuahuas, are extremely devoted to their owner, both can become depressed due to a long separation from the owner. In addition, they are quite playful, curious, intelligent and equally wary of small children.

Among other things, these are fearless, brave dogs, and you need to be more careful with this. The fact is that both breeds do not feel their mini-size and can, without realizing it, endanger themselves.

Despite such a significant similarity in characters, there is still a difference in temperaments, and quite noticeable. For example, chihi, in comparison with toys, are much calmer and more balanced. These dogs rarely bark "in the air", they are not prone to aggression, unless, of course, there are serious reasons for this.

Chihuahuas are quite gentle dogs: they love attention and physical contact. They are extremely jealous, therefore they can be offended or, in order to switch attention to themselves, start pushing away the animal that the owner strokes in front of their eyes. However, they do not show aggression.

Toychiks are incredibly dynamic animals. You can even say that the word "walk" is unknown to them. They are almost always in motion: they run, jump, rush, fly from corner to corner. With their thin bones, such activity can be fraught with injury, especially jumping, so this breed needs to be looked after.

The toy terrier, though a small dog, fancies himself a strong guard. Such a dog is very sensitive and, having discovered a “stranger”, will bark loudly and loudly, even if the object of disturbance is outside the apartment. In this regard, it is better to acquire a puppy, and already at this age begin to teach him to behave quietly.

As for education and training, it is much easier to conduct classes with a Chihuahua. The reason for this lies not at all in the fact that some breed is smarter, it's in temperaments.

Toy Terriers, due to their inherent hyperactivity, cannot focus their attention on classes, which is why they learn commands more slowly. When the training is successful, and the owner is happy, the dog immediately picks up the mood, thanks to innate empathy (the ability to subtly feel the mood of another), and the continuation of training again becomes difficult.

Despite some difficulties in training toys, when they manage to concentrate, they are trained no worse than a chihuahua. The rules of behavior in an apartment are grasped by both breeds on the fly, just as they are sensitive to the possibility of violating them.

Both toy terriers and chihuahuas can periodically tremble from excessive excitement, cold or fear. Although trembling is inherent in Toychiks to a greater extent, because they have a mobile psyche and increased emotional excitability, backed up by empathy. In addition, terriers are also quite sensitive to weather changes, a kind of four-legged weather station.

Puppies Differences

Often realizing the difference between adult Chihuahuas and Toy Terriers, inexperienced future owners are faced with worries about the ability to distinguish between their puppies. This is understandable, because, at first glance, all the kids are so similar to each other. Nevertheless, having studied the information, it is easy to notice the distinctive pedigree features in puppies.

The fact is that the crumbs are similar to each other only in the first couple of weeks, but no one will sell you such a baby. Puppies of toy terriers and chihuahua breeders begin to hand over to new owners only at 2-3 months. Miniature dogs grow and develop much faster than their large relatives. By a few months, smooth-haired dogs already acquire the features of their parents, becoming their mini-copy.

By eight weeks, Toy Terrier babies are elongated and have elegant features, and their paws are long, like an adult. And only the muzzle remains childish in appearance. In small sneezes, the pedigree feature of the shape of the head becomes noticeable quite early. Strong bones and an elongated body will be noticeable by the time they are sold.

Things are a little different with long-haired dogs, in which case it can be somewhat more difficult to distinguish between breeds. For the most part, this is due to the fact that by the time of sale, the coat of such puppies will still remain quite short. When determining long-haired dogs, it is worth focusing on a number of distinctive features inherent in the breeds.

Selection criteria:

  • general appearance - physique and head shape (similar to smooth-haired);
  • specificity of hair growth: in the litter of that terrier, it is still quite rare, more like a smooth, but slightly elongated coat, the beginning “fringe” is already clearly visible on the ears; Chihuahua babies grow more evenly and are rather shaggy;
  • coloration - differences in coloration are exactly the same as in adults (described earlier).

When purchasing a Chihuahua or Toy Terrier puppy, be careful: if it is difficult to determine the breed by the appearance of the baby, there is a high probability that you are being deceived. Unfortunately, there are also such unscrupulous sellers who can slip you a mongrel or mestizo puppy (a cross between a sneeze and a toy) at the price of a purebred.

In addition, it can be a toy terrier with a pronounced Chihuahua gene - which was discussed at the beginning of the article - or a baby so small (up to 1.5 months) that the external breed characteristics have not yet manifested.

So, who is better: a chihuahua or a toy terrier?

Unfortunately (or fortunately), but this question does not have a clear answer. Both breeds are good in their own way: each has its own advantages and disadvantages. Both those and others have their own connoisseurs and admirers. As they say, the taste and color ...

Nevertheless, if after reading the article, you still could not choose who to give preference to, but you really want to make one of these four-legged friends, we will try to make it easier for you.

Answer honestly the following questions:

  1. Do you love tranquility, not accepting the noise and fuss?
  2. Do you have small children living with you?
  3. Is an active lifestyle not for you or is it already “the wrong age”?
  4. Do you want a gentle creature always spinning around you, which can be stroked indefinitely?

Having answered all or most of the questions “Yes”, you have chosen a chihuahua, if “No” prevails, the choice is in favor of the toy.

Chihuahua will be a great companion for the elderly or lovers of a calm, measured life. Very affectionate and gentle, he will not get off his knees. Chihi are so loving that pets will literally follow you around.

Toy Terrier is a great friend and companion for active games with kids. Remember that although Toychiki love to bark, they can be trained to behave calmly in this regard from childhood. This little "motor" will never let you get bored.

When buying a particular breed of mini-dog, it is necessary to take into account the temperament of a pet already living in the territory of the apartment (if there is one, of course). For the nimble Yorkshire Terrier, the Toychik is the perfect buddy. Papillon and Shih Tzu will not without pleasure share the owner's knees with a sneeze. With a massive good-natured dog, both mini-breeds get along great. However, remember that dogs of the same breed will best understand each other.

Whoever you choose, be it a chihuahua or a toy terrier, always remember: despite their miniature size and toy appearance, they are living creatures that require attention and care. Never get an animal for fun, because we are responsible for those we have tamed.

Video: toy terrier and chihuahua

Have you decided to get yourself a small friend of a decorative breed and choose between a chihuahua and a toy terrier?

Which of these dogs should you choose as a pet?
Many are guided only by the appearance of the animal, losing sight of the characteristic features inherent in the breed.

These kids, seemingly similar in appearance, but so different in character and temperament. Consider the main differences between the breeds to decide which one to give preference to.

If the Chihuahua is one of the oldest decorative breeds in the world (only according to the official version, it is over 3 thousand years old), then the toy terrier is a very young breed.

Russian Toy Terrier - a descendant of English elite dogs

Russian Toy

As a result of the October Revolution, English toy terriers, popular with wealthy segments of the population, were almost completely exterminated as a relic of the bourgeois way of life.

In the 50s of the last century, Soviet breeders decided to restore this small hunting breed.

Individuals of the English toy terrier brought from abroad and medium-sized crosses of dogs with a similar phenotype were taken as a basis. As a result of crossing, the Russian toy appeared.

The breed received official recognition by the world community relatively recently - in 2006.

The Origin of the Chihuahua: A Millennium-Long Story

The ancestors of the Chihuahua were the Mayan and Aztec sacred dogs, the Techichi. It was believed that these babies were of extraterrestrial origin, a gift from the gods, the guardians of the soul of their master. The smallest individuals were the most revered, were incredibly expensive and belonged to the highest nobility and clergy.

white chihuahua

Larger dogs were also available to commoners.

As a result of the Spanish conquest, many animals died along with their owners, some were exterminated as game for the table of the Spanish nobility, but some babies managed to escape.

For nearly three centuries, the Techichi survived in the wild before the English and Americans visiting Mexico as tourists in the 19th century began to restore the breed.

Then the little dogs were called Chihuahua (Chivava) - after the name of the Chihuahua area, where the first founders of the "new old" breed were caught.

Comparison of exteriors: all about external similarities and differences

At first glance, the dogs have a similar appearance - compact size, large ears and eyes, a sharp nose. Both Chihuahua and Toy are both short-haired and with a long fur coat.


However, upon closer examination, it is clearly seen that the dogs are completely different - the differences in the exterior are significant.

With relatively the same weight standard (up to 3 kg), there is a difference in constitution: the toy terrier has an asthenic physique, shortened body, long legs and neck. Until recently, the tail was docked for the Toy.

The elongated muzzle of a toy terrier with a movable nose button, expressive huge eyes and ears resembles a hedgehog muzzle.


Chihuahuas are stocky, with a powerful chest and neck. The elongated, in comparison with the toy, body confidently rests on low, sturdy legs.

The Chihuahua's head is more massive due to the structure of the skull, the snub nose is much shorter than that of the Toy.

The Chihuahua breed line, in addition to the difference in the length of the coat, has a conditional division into two types - deer and cobby. Thin, light-bodied chihas of the "dir" (deer) type are outwardly more similar to toys than stocky "cobbies".

The difference in the characters of a chihuahua and a toy terrier

The Toy Terrier is a very temperamental, agile, active and playful dog.

Toy's psyche is quite stable, he is friendly to people, but he needs serious education so as not to grow up as an empty talk.

Due to the emotions overwhelming the dog, he is able to comment on his experiences with ringing barking without ceasing.

Being human-oriented, it will become a wonderful companion for an active owner and even a child, provided that it is handled carefully, given the size of the dog.

However, experts on the breed claim that he is smart enough to tactfully avoid the baby's excessive onslaught.

Comparing the characters of Toy and Chuhuahua, the latter have the following features:

The similarity of the breeds is that both have high intelligence, are easy to educate and train.

Possible health problems

Both those and other dogs, unless they are the product of uncontrolled breeding by unscrupulous breeders, have good health and a stress-resistant psyche.

The constant trembling of the toy terrier is not due to cold or cowardice, as misunderstood people believe, but to its excessive emotionality. Toy needs to see everything, run, play, bark - everything is here and now.

When getting a Chihuahua, you need to know that this dog has such a pedigree feature as a non-overgrowing fontanel.

Therefore, even a light blow to the head can be fatal for a baby.

Also, due to the shortened nose of a cobby type sneeze, overheating or hypothermia (depending on temperature conditions) is possible, and as a result, the respiratory trachea collapses. Breathing problems are usually heart problems in older dogs.

It should be noted the traumatic nature of the limbs in both breeds - jumping from a height of pets must be controlled.

In the house, it is advisable to keep special or impromptu steps near sofas, armchairs, window sills - wherever a small dog jumps.

This will facilitate the access of fragile dogs to the coveted "heights", and the owners will minimize the likelihood of expensive treatment after possible injuries (fractures, dislocations).

Both the Chihuahua and the Toy Terrier are long-lived dogs. Their average life expectancy is 13-15 years.

Feeding and care

There is no difference in caring for short-haired representatives of toys and sneezes. The most common requirements are regular nail trimming, ear cleaning, oral cavity sanitation. In decorative breeds of dogs, increased stone formation on the teeth, which can cause their loss.

Long-haired toys and chihuahuas need regular brushing. You should bathe a decorative mini-dog no more often than a regular dog.

Due to their small size, these dogs get cold during the cold season, so clothing for them is not a whim, but a necessity.

You need to carefully consider the choice of clothing - so that it doesn’t crash anywhere, doesn’t pull, doesn’t hamper movements.

Often decorashek are accustomed to the toilet on a diaper or in a tray. It is convenient during the cold season. However, the dog still needs walks, fresh air, new experiences and communication with their own kind.

There are also no differences in the diets of both babies.

You can feed toy terriers and chihuahuas both dry food for small breeds and canned dog food, as well as natural food. The menu must include vegetables and fruits.

Keep in mind that a small animal has an accelerated metabolism, and if an adult dog is constantly hungry, feed it three times a day (with the daily allowance, of course).

Who is better - chihuahua or toy

There can be no unambiguous answer to the question “who is better”. Dogs are completely different, despite the external similarity.

Choosing a decorating companion should be based on your own preferences and lifestyle, weighing all the pros and cons.

Do not forget that such a small dog is a living creature that needs special attention and care, compulsory education and socialization, so as not to become a burden or a small uncontrollable monster.

Choosing a breed, you can not get around the issue of price. Purebred Chihuahuas are more expensive than toy terriers: the average price for them is 30 thousand rubles.

While the cost of toy is about 15-20 thousand. Mestizos can be bought cheaper - up to 10 thousand rubles, or even found for free on city bulletin boards.

Small dog lovers often wonder who is better than a chihuahua or toy terrier.

At first glance, it may seem that these dogs are similar to each other and have no differences.

However, these animal breeds are very different from each other, both in external characteristics and in character.

In addition, they need special care and medical care. This article will discuss how to choose a pet among such similar dog breeds - Chihuahua and Toy Terrier.

The Toy Terrier is a breed that was bred relatively recently, about 100 years ago. They can have long or short hair, which has 10 different colors.

Despite its small stature, the dog has elongated paws and a muscular body. The muzzle is oblong, elongated.

Ears stick up all the time. The tail is usually docked. Some dog lovers compare this breed with a deer, for some external similarities of animals.

Chihuahuas have been known to mankind since ancient times, their coat can also be long or short.

Unlike that terrier, chihuahuas have an individual coat color for each individual. The dog is tiny. The muzzle is flattened, the ears also stick up. The tail is wrapped in a ring.

As you can see, even a person who is very versed in dog breeds can easily distinguish a toy terrier from a chihuahua only by external signs.

dog character

Photo gallery

You can definitely answer the question of who is better than a chihuahua or that terrier only by choosing a pet for yourself, personally making friends with the dog. In the meantime, you have not yet decided on the choice, let's look at the photos of these cute crumbs.

A persistent search for the smallest four-legged friend will sooner or later lead you to a breeder of a chihuahua or toy terrier. No, there are more than enough small breeds of dogs, but it is these two that officially (according to the standard) have the smallest sizes. Of course, there is always a chance to buy a mini-York or Papillon, but this is how lucky. But a 2 kg toy is not even considered small.

Officially, the title of the smallest dog is given to the Chihuahua, but only due to the fact that the Russian breed of that breed is still very young and all official miniature records are firmly assigned to Chihuahuas. In general, these dogs are very similar, especially their smooth-haired representatives. Add to this the fact that Chihuahuas have been used to breed Toy Terriers in the past and it becomes clear why it is so difficult for a future owner to tell the difference between these two dogs. And it is, and very significant.

Features of the exterior smooth-haired chihuahua and toy terriers

Because most often problems arise with the definition of the breed in smooth individuals, and we will start with them. So smooth haired chihuahua is a strong, stocky dog, and its main feature and original calling card is a rounded and voluminous head, which is often called similar to an apple. At the same time, the transition from the forehead to the muzzle is clearly visible, but the muzzle itself is small and neat. Often, Chihuahuas have such a cute snub nose, which, together with round and inquisitive eyes, is called “baby face”

Real toy terrier is, first of all, a graceful, elegant dog . It has a thinner skeleton, a long neck and legs. If two dogs are placed in a rack side by side, then the toy terrier will look taller, but more compact. While a chihuahua will visually seem longer to you.

The real Toy head is much narrower, and the muzzle is slightly longer, necessarily proportional to the head. The transition from the forehead to the muzzle is noticeable, but not as pronounced as in the Chihuahua.

A certain confusion is brought in by those terriers with cute snub-nosed faces, somewhat reminiscent of Chihuahuas. Often they are complemented by round, slightly bulging eyes and many people like it, because. taken for a baby face. In fact, this is just evidence of the presence of Chihuahua genes in the breed, and true connoisseurs of Toy try to avoid such dogs in breeding.

The other extreme of those terriers are rough and long muzzles - a legacy from the classic English terriers. In this case, the dog's head is somewhat reminiscent of a miniature pinscher, and he himself is usually strong with dimensions at the upper limit of the standard (3 kg - 28 cm).

Another significant difference will be the colors of both breeds. Remember the toy terrier is never spotted, completely white, black or brown. And the only solid color for him is red or fawn of all shades. All other colors are tan (black and tan, chocolate and tan, lilac and tan). In the same time chihuahua can have almost any color and any combination of colors.

Long haired minis. It is impossible to confuse!

Long-haired toi and chihi differ much more than smooth dogs. In addition to the characteristic features of the head and muzzle (and it is not so obvious in the long ones), the nature of the overgrown pets has a significant difference.

For the Chihuahua it is:

  • Sufficiently even distribution of wool over the body
  • Presence of undercoat
  • Thicker feathering behind the ears and a beautiful frill

That terrier has:

  • No undercoat at all
  • Wool is unevenly distributed, there is very little of it on the body
  • Characteristic, long "fringe" on the ears

By the way, the long coat makes the Chihuahua visually even more elongated and squat, while the general impression of a square dog is preserved in that terrier. And, of course, the colors of dogs differ radically. The white background color, so beautiful and desirable in long-haired sneezes, is not acceptable for that terrier even in the form of a small speck.

As for the size, it is easier to find a minica among long-haired chihuahuas than among the same toys. However, both of them fully meet their standards and will not be larger than smooth-haired dogs.

What about character?

A big, loving heart is what unites these two mini-breeds. Both that terriers and chihuahuas are very loyal and will not be happy about the prospect of a long separation from the owner. In addition, both are playful, inquisitive, intelligent and equally wary of small children. And they are also fearless, courageous and absolutely not complex because of their size. However, there are some differences between the temperaments and activity levels of dogs.

So Chihuahuas are more calm and balanced. They do not tend to bark in vain, do not show aggression without a serious reason. But they are very fond of affection and attention and may even be offended or jealous if the owner has shown interest in another dog.

Toy terrier guys are active. For these dogs, the word "walk" practically does not exist. Only run, rush, “fly” and jump, although the latter is fraught with serious injuries for them. In addition, these are very sensitive and sonorous guards, but their boisterous barking can be a real problem, so it is worth teaching a toychik to behave quietly from a very early age.

As for education and training, it is a little easier to deal with a Chihuahua. And the point is not at all in the intellectual abilities of dogs, but again in temperament. It is the pedigree energy that often prevents that terrier from correctly executing the command. They are more often distracted and react violently to all the emotions of the owner. Although in the end, both of them very quickly catch all the rules of behavior in the house, as well as the possibility of breaking them from time to time.

By the way, both Toy and Chihuahuas can tremble from cold, fear or overexcitation, but terriers are still more prone to this. Not the last role in this is played by the great emotionality and sensitivity of the toy to weather collisions.

Often, understanding the difference between the appearance of adult dogs of a particular breed, inexperienced buyers are very afraid not to see it when choosing a puppy. Especially in such similar babies as the toy terrier and chihuahua. “They are so small! And all similar .... " - in fact, this is not at all the case.

Yes, at birth and, perhaps, the first two weeks, sneezes and toys are really very similar. As, however, and puppies of many other breeds. But do not forget that, firstly, you are not buying a two-week-old baby. And, secondly, small breed dogs grow and develop much faster. And this means that at 2-3 months, a smooth-haired toy terrier or chihuahua puppy is almost a miniature copy of an adult dog .

Small toys already at 7-8 weeks stretch on their legs and acquire the elegance of adult pets. And only their muzzle still retains childish features. And in Chihuahua puppies, the breed type of head is visible even earlier. Well, by the time he arrives at your house, his stronger frame and slightly stretched format will also appear.

A little more problems may arise when choosing long-haired babies. The fact is that the coat of puppies will not yet be as long as that of adults. Therefore, you need to focus on:

  • General form. The head and format are similar to smooth-coated dogs.
  • The nature of the overgrowth. In toy puppies, it will still be very rare and look more like an elongated smooth coat, and only on the ears is the beginning of the growth of the future “fringe” noticeable. Chihi grow more evenly and look more shaggy.
  • Color. Fluffy and spotted puppy definitely can't be that terrier .

And also remember, if it is very difficult to determine the belonging to the breed by the appearance of the puppy, then most likely you are being deceived. Perhaps this is a mestizo puppy or a toychik in the Chihuahua type. Or he is too small (up to one and a half months), or maybe it's just a small, cute mongrel. Alas, it happens.

So who is better?

Alas, this question cannot be answered unambiguously. Both breeds have advantages and disadvantages. Both those and others have their fans and connoisseurs. And here, as they say, the taste and color ....

And yet, if it is very difficult for you to decide, then think carefully and answer yourself the following questions:

  1. Are you a calm person, do not like noise and fuss?
  2. Do you live alone or with an adult family member?
  3. Not young anymore or just not inclined to an active lifestyle?
  4. Do you want to have a balanced, but playful dog who would understand you perfectly?

If you answered “Yes” to all these questions, then there is nothing to think about, only a chihuahua. But if, on the contrary, you are very energetic and cheerful, you have schoolchildren who dream of having fun chasing dogs around the house and yard, you are not at all embarrassed by dog ​​barking, and the pet’s violent manifestation of emotions will only be a joy - there is nothing to think about. Your toy terrier is already waiting for you!

By the way, if the house already has a small dog, then you need to take into account its temperament. For a nimble Yorkie or Pinscher, that terrier will be a more desirable friend and playmate. Shih Tzu and Papillon will be happy to "share" the owner's knees with a Chihuahua. And with a large good-natured dog, both will easily get along. But dogs of the same breed understand each other best. And it is simply impossible to look indifferently at the funny games of Chihuahuas or Toy races throughout the apartment (with the obligatory jumping on the bed and the owner).

Whoever you choose in the end, remember that despite their size, both the Chihuahua and the Toy Terrier are, first of all, dogs. Living beings. They, like any other breed, need proper care and require your attention and love. And if for you a mini-dog is just a status or glamorous toy, then it is better to immediately abandon the idea of ​​​​buying it.
