100 why I love you. Gift "100 reasons why I love you" - a hundredfold declaration of love

Each person has a subjective understanding of love and feelings. For some, love is a temporary phenomenon, for others it is permanent, for some love includes many causes and factors, for others it is the only reason that cannot be divided into any reasons, explanations and characteristics. Today we will look at 100 reasons a girl should love a guy.

So, let's start compiling our own list, based on both common and rare reasons for loving a guy.

I love you for...

  1. Your smile;
  2. Good sense of humour;
  3. tenderness for me;
  4. Glitter in the eyes;
  5. Purposefulness;
  6. Practicality;
  7. Strong character;
  8. Masculinity;
  9. Honesty - both to me, as your companion, and to yourself;
  10. Frankness and the ability to discuss any topic;
  11. Sensuality;
  12. Respect for me and self-respect;
  13. Compliance with own principles;
  14. Support that you provide at the right time;
  15. Accuracy, which is manifested both in appearance and in actions;
  16. Good sense of style;
  17. Rich inner world;
  18. Providing support in difficult times;
  19. The talent to have a conversation with all the people around;
  20. In any situation, act as the soul of the company;
  21. Ability to solve spontaneously arising problems;
  22. Fortitude of your character;
  23. Loyalty and the ability to correctly form their own priorities and values;
  24. Optimism and faith in the best, regardless of the situation;
  25. Interest in everything and everything;
  26. The ability to show oneself in society;
  27. Excellent organizational skills;
  28. industriousness;
  29. Indulging my whims;
  30. The ability to comfort me;
  31. persistence;
  32. Originality in many ways;
  33. Sexuality;
  34. Persistence in difficult life situations;
  35. Peaceful and not quick-tempered character;
  36. The ability to give me a holiday not only on official dates, but also on an ordinary day;
  37. The ability to prove not by word, but by deed;
  38. Passion;
  39. The ability to make gifts - not only expensive, but also the most ordinary;
  40. Tact in relation to me and others;
  41. An education that allows us to talk for hours;
  42. Good breeding, the manifestation of which is noticeable in all situations;
  43. Talents in various fields of activity;
  44. The ability to surprise me;
  45. The desire to give me the whole world;
  46. Feeling of confidence and reliability;
  47. Temperament that emphasizes all the advantages of your personality;
  48. Extravagance;
  49. Good taste in music, food and creativity;
  50. Ability to be present when needed;
  51. Anxiety and excitement for me in situations where you are not around;
  52. Emancipation and the ability to give pleasure;
  53. Openness to new opportunities;
  54. Your dreams and hopes, which are our joint plans for the future for you;
  55. Guardianship and care when I am sick;
  56. Good physical shape;
  57. The ability to satisfy me not only in physiological terms;
  58. The ability to kiss cool;
  59. Responsiveness in all kinds of life situations both to me and to those close to me;
  60. Moderate jealousy;
  61. playfulness;
  62. The ability to plan a vacation - not only your own, but also joint;
  63. The ability to keep secrets;
  64. The ability to help with useful advice that will allow you to resolve a difficult situation;
  65. The ability to spoil me with goodies;
  66. Breadth of outlook and criticality of the mind, allowing to cope with difficulties and prevent other problems from arising;
  67. Skepticism in the right situations;
  68. A healthy outlook on life situations;
  69. Ability to keep promises
  70. Responsibility in any of its manifestations - in work, training, planning one's own affairs;
  71. For sweet habits and weaknesses that are not defects of character;
  72. Intelligence and ingenuity;
  73. For your own sense of integrity and necessity for you;
  74. Condescension and gentleness towards me;
  75. Ambition and determination that highlight your own strengths;
  76. Politeness and subtle sense of tact;
  77. The ability to respect personal space - not only your own, but also mine;
  78. The ability to remember our dates and pleasant events;
  79. Attentiveness towards me;
  80. Strength and reliability, which give me the feeling that I am with you as if behind a wall;
  81. Golden hands with which you can do anything;
  82. The ability to leave alone at the right time;
  83. Ability to calm down when I cry;
  84. Good physical shape;
  85. Tolerance towards me, even when I am unbearable;
  86. The ability to support me and help me out in a difficult situation;
  87. Desire to be my teacher and mentor;
  88. Help in my affairs;
  89. romanticism;
  90. Independence;
  91. The ability to cook delicious dinner when I'm tired;
  92. Desire to improve yourself;
  93. Attention to details;
  94. caring;
  95. Generosity;
  96. The desire not to hide their own feelings towards me;
  97. Good sense of style;
  98. Ability to take into account my interests;
  99. The ability to be there at the right time;
  100. The ability to give vivid emotions and impressions.

101st, the main reason why I love

Why else do I love you so much?

The main reason for my love for you is you yourself, my soulmate, who is always with me and does not pay attention to any extraneous factors. You are always in my heart and soul and I cannot imagine myself without you, my love!

Making the reasons with your own hands (photo)

Bank - a gift with 100 reasons for loving a guy

Box in the form of a heart (it contains a hundred reasons for my love)

100 cards - a calendar of my love reasons

Continued reasons. . .


Beautiful words-reasons why I love you!

“Darling, my heart beats for you!

Every moment in which you are next to me, I appreciate, adore and love. I love you even more.

I did not love anyone like you, my dear ....

I will always be there no matter what happens. I want to be close, and I will do everything for this.

You are the light. You are air. You are sun. For me, you are the best in the whole white world. Thank you for being with me!

Just…. You are a dream come true. I do not want to lose you. Therefore, I am ready to take care of you, like the most priceless treasure.

Our first meeting - confetti from paradise. Our first kiss is a sweet valley. Our weaves of embrace are millions of vibes that are positive.

Yes I love you. So, probably, like never before. And I don't regret the love I give you. Take it all! I do not mind! Not because there are too many of them. But because it is intended exclusively for you alone.

When you are near, the world does not matter to me. I dissolve in you, melt in you, breathe only you.

I feel good and pleased when I realize that you are so close. It is not a sense of ownership. This is Love. That love, to which I went for many, many years.

I feel bad if you are somewhere, not with me. I want to feel you all the time. You give me so much positivity, so much warmth, so many joyful moments…. It's impossible not to love you.

It seems to me that you are an ideal of ideals. Thank you for helping me believe that there is your ideal in the universe.

I love you, my only one. I can't live without you, my unique one. I live for you, my best of the best ... You are the one whom I will follow to the very ends of the earth, if you ask me about it. Ask! I'm ready for everything ... ".

I am in love with you and I love you because YOU:

My Ray

Guys love originality. And by the way, they understand what feelings women and girls put into words that they dedicate to them.

Sunny mine

Reflects the meaning that is in the banal, but important words: "I love you."

Pretty boy

Not only women's bodies love compliments! Men also have sensitivity, they have hearts and souls.


Oh, how - such a word makes you raise self-esteem! As in general, and women's self-esteem.


A shiver runs through the body if a man hears this word from the one he also loves.


Many who hear the word hear it as "priceless". Being priceless is a huge rarity or a privilege.


Thoughts: “If my sun thinks so, then it really is so.” Pleasant, beautiful, sincere, albeit simple.


Being a “gentle cloud” for your beloved is a luxury. Not every girl, by the way, admits that she appreciates male tenderness.


Such a word basically encourages men to be even "non-greedy" than they are.


How nice to be extraordinary! It's nice for any person. Therefore, this word can be safely ranked among the beautiful ones. Many guys believe that any word spoken to the one to whom the heart is given is beautiful in its own way.

Attention girls! If your love is unrequited, even the most beautiful words will infuriate and annoy guys and men! Confessions, sincerity, tenderness - this is what is intended for people who expect the same from you, love you as well, desire and appreciate you.

I love you because you are so cool

You are my:

  1. Bagel
  2. Busechka
  3. honey
  4. Musipusik
  5. Winnie the Plush
  6. My good fairy
  7. Dinosaur
  8. dragon
  9. Sparrow
  10. Zhmurichek darling
  11. Samovar gold
  12. little star
  13. Hesitation
  14. zlyushka

Why is friendship so important to us?

My friend's relationship with me is absolutely disinterested. I know for sure that I can always rely on you, and you will not ask for anything in return. Friendship is not just a word for us. For so many years, I managed to understand that without your support, my life would be much more difficult. How many troubles we experienced together and always tried to find suitable words of consolation.

The main reason why I love you probably does not exist. You just exist, you are there, you make me happier. My beloved friend deserves the best in this life. You are an extraordinary, bright little man; the sun that illuminates my path even on a gloomy autumn evening. I want to name 30 reasons why you are my friend, or rather, why we became friends a long time ago.

  1. You immediately draw attention to yourself.
  2. She was optimistic.
  3. Helped a mutual friend deal with a girl's breakup.
  4. She was caring and attentive.
  5. Telling funny jokes all evening.
  6. It was easy to communicate with you.
  7. I realized that such a person can be trusted.
  8. You have very kind eyes.
  9. You were beautiful and neatly dressed.
  10. You remembered the verses and read them by heart.
  11. She sang beautifully with the guitar.
  12. We found out that we have common favorite books.
  13. You helped me get the attention of the guy I liked.
  14. We quickly exchanged phone numbers.
  15. She did not forget that I had to go to the dentist, and she escorted me right to the clinic door.
  16. She was always open to communication.
  17. Listened to the problems of others with complete sincerity
  18. Gave the right advice.
  19. You didn't trade on trifles.
  20. I liked it when you shared details from your childhood.
  21. She spoke very carefully about her family.
  22. She never forgot to walk her beloved dog and called me with her.
  23. She behaved very reservedly in front of adults.
  24. She always smiled and did not like to complain to strangers.
  25. I attended workouts every week.
  26. She was herself and did not depend on anyone.
  27. Showed her pictures - they were charming.
  28. She went with me to the dacha and actively helped.
  29. Reminds me of the date we met.
  30. And so we became best friends.

What to say about a close friend

How can I describe the feeling that not loving couples of the opposite sex experience for each other, but real best friends? Is it possible to find a qualitative, suitable definition? Loyalty, devotion, responsiveness, common interests? Probably all this should be present. And also laughter, entertainment, tears alone for two, endless arguments about guys and parents, discussion of unloved subjects at school or institute.

I love my girlfriend, we have one happiness for two; if she is happy about something, then everything is fine in my soul. A sweet girl, with a stunning smile that knows how to please others, has now become my best friend. Apparently, I did something very good, since I was so rewarded. And I will always try to be the very, very best “best friend” for you.

I can talk for a long time about our relationship, remember how and when we met, what joke we first laughed at, how we began to trust each other with our secrets. But I'll make it easier. One hundred reasons why you are my best friend:

My my friend replaced my sister, so we can say that the above words are 100 reasons why I love my sister. It is difficult to express what a person feels for the dearest and closest friend. I don't have to pretend to be someone else when you're around. I know for sure that you can understand how I feel. Alone with your best friend, you can talk for hours and be silent for the same amount.

In fact, a hundred reasons why you are my best friend is not the limit at all. Everything that I feel for loved ones cannot be written, cannot be conveyed.. But she already knows what I think of her. There are 100 and one reasons why I love you, the last of them is that you are the one and only. There is no one like you and there never will be.

I value the fact that I have you. I am ready to share everything that I have with you. Sometimes we are not close, but you can definitely say that a kindred spirit feels at a distance.

500 reasons why i love you

1. Because you are unpredictable
2. Because you are the one (and unique)
3. Because you are happy with me
4. Because You understand me and are frank with me
5. Because you are sensually sexy
6. Because you are the epitome of femininity
7. Because You think of me and believe in me
8. Because you are seductive
9. Because you purr
10. Because you have uniquely-mischievously-deeply-mysteriously-playingly-intriguingly-alluringly-caressingly-mysteriously-cunningly-charmingly-gently-sparkling eyes
11. Because you have an equally inspiring smile
12. Because You have a divine figure
13. Because you have a cat breed and habits
14. Because you give warmth and smiles to others
15. Because you are often different (outwardly)
16. Because you like to be beautiful
17. Because You are touchingly gentle with me
18. Because You know how to talk to me
19. Because You know how to be silent with me

20. Because You miss me, even when we don't see each other for a day (the whole day - how long, and I already miss:)
21. Because You ask me what I'm thinking
22. Because after kissing, Your fragrance remains on my lips
23. Because You fall asleep on my shoulder
24. Because You hear the beat of my heart
25. Because you are such an affectionate kitty that it is simply impossible to get up in the morning
26. ...because that's why I don't need to wake up early
27. Because I like to stroke you
28. Because You like it when I carry You in my arms
29. Because You make me feel like a man
30. Because you are the sun
31. Because You like to lie on my shoulder in the cinema.
32. Because after the movie my clothes smell of your perfume
33. When I put it on the next day - the feeling that You are near and hugging me
34. Because you make delicious milkshakes
35. Because You have soft and careful fingertips
36. Because your hands are cold
37. Because you have metallic nails.
38. Because my heart starts beating faster when I see You
39. Because You have an exciting velvet whisper
40. Because I like to argue with you for a kiss
41. Because You like to pleasantly surprise me
42. Because I like to surprise You
43. Because you want me to like you
44. Because you have laughter like bells
45. Because you love to tickle me with your fluffy eyelashes
46. ​​Because I really like Your long and thin fingers
47. Because You taught me to believe in happy cars, tickets, eyelashes…
48. Because you have playful curls that make me smile and make you mysteriously seductive
49. Because You see in the sky not only clouds, but also, for example, a striped tiger…
50. Because You opened a cloud of dandelion parachutes for me
51. Because You are "forever inseparable from the rain"
52. Because you kiss my palms
53. Because I smile when I wait for You
54. Because you touch me with your foot under the desk
55. Therefore, all the verses that I read are about You
56. Because You like it when I take You on a boat
57. Because I like to rub suntan lotion on your back.
58. Because you left cat footprints in my soul
59. Because You value me
60. Because I like to feel your body when we take a shower
61. Because you like to feed the birds
62. Because You are a princess
63. Because You like my windowsill
64. Because you hug me with your eyes
65. Because every evening I hear your phone call in my soul
66. Because You smile and purr when I give You flowers
67. Because You give me affection
68. Because You touch my neck with cold fingers from behind
69. Because you, like me, like the sky
70. Because I like it when you come unexpectedly
71. Because suspiciously often I see you off at night
72. Because I have "I" on my refrigerator, a gift from You
73. … and it only needs to be watered on Thursdays
74. Because you don't care what other people think
75. Because I am pleased to give you a massage
76. Because You speak frankly to me
77. Because you make delicious mint tea
78. Because you like just being with me
79. Because you have your own view of things
80. Because you try to be erotic and seductive for me
81. Because you like to do good deeds to others
82. Because I like it when we read aloud to each other
83. Because You like to walk with me
84. Because you like big windows (especially on the ceilings) and you want to live in an attic
85. Because You turn around to wave to me when You leave
86. Because You believe that "everything will be fine"
87. Because brushing my teeth gives me pleasure only with You
88. Because you want to be an unusual bride
89. Because I like to play with your palm
90. Because You are calling just to hear my voice
91. Because You gave me the sky
92. Because I dream of You
93. Because You are an attentive Mistress
94. Because You are worried about Our relationship
95. To the world you may be one person, but to one person you may be the world. You are the world to me.
96. Because in the light of the rays of the sun, creating a golden aura around You, You seem like an angel
97. Because You are my Lady!
98. Because you are my soul mate
99. Because You are my life
100. Because I become irrationally happy just when you are around 101. I like your crazy unpredictability ...
102. I like that you could become the one and only for me ...
103. I like that you often say: "With you I became REALLY happy."
104. I like that you understand me so well, like no one else.
105. I like your sincere sensuality and unbridled sexuality.
106. I like that I was able to win the real embodiment of femininity.
107. I like that you think of me and believe in my strength...
108. I like your wild seductiveness...
109. I am subdued by your tenderly intriguingly mysterious look...
110. I like your "Moo-r-r" when you cling to my shoulder ...
111. I like your inspiring smile for great accomplishments...
112. I like your figure of a beautiful nymph...
113. I like your affectionate and playful cat behavior...
114. I like that you are able to give an infinite amount of warmth and smiles to others ...
115. I like that you like being beautiful just for me...
116. I like that you are so touchingly gentle with me...
117. I like that you are so changeable - from a seductive devil when we are alone, to a strict and collected business lady, with an invariably flirtatious look when I pick you up from work ...
118. ... and in any guise you smile regally...
119. I like that you know how to be silent with me ...
120. I like that you are interested in what I think...
121. I like that after kissing Your fragrance remains on My lips...
122. I like that you miss me even after my short absence...
123. I like how you fall asleep on my shoulder...
124. I like that you hear the beat of my heart...
125. I like that you are so affectionate and passionate at night that in the morning you just don’t want to get up and it’s impossible to tear yourself away from you;) ...
126. I like that so we don't have to wake up early on weekends...
127. I like the sensations that arise when I stroke you ...
128. I like to carry you in my arms ...
129. I like that you give me the opportunity to feel like a man ...
130. I like that you are my sunshine...
131. I like that you love to lie on my shoulder in the cinema ...
132. I like that after the movie my clothes smell like your perfume...
133. I like that when I put it on the next day - the feeling that You are near and hugging me ...
134. I like that you cook insanely delicious ...
135. I like your soft and warm fingertips...
136. I like the touch of your gently cool palms...
137. I like your playful nails...
138. I like that my heart beats faster when I see you...
140. I like our bets...
141. I like to pleasantly surprise you and see surprise on your face...
142. I like that you are trying to surprise me in return ...
143. I like that you want to be the very best for me ...
144. I like your crystal laughter...
145. I like the tickling of your fluffy eyelashes...
146. I like the touch of your fingers to the point of insanity ...
147. I like that you taught me to believe in happy eyelashes and other signs, although I'm not superstitious ...
148. I like your playful bangs...
149. I like that we are able to see the unusual in ordinary things...

150. I like that you opened new writers and their heroes for me...
151. I like that we "entered the castle from the rain" ...
152. I like that only you can kiss my hands like that...
153. I like that I smile while waiting for you ...
154. I like how you accidentally touch me when we are in a cafe or restaurant ...
155. I like that all happy poems are about us...
156. I like that you share my love for boating...
157. I like that you adore when I massage you with aromatic oil ...
158. ... and then you turn into a witch, like Bulgakov's :)...
159. I like that you left traces of gentle cat's paws in my soul, clinging to it with claws ...
160. I like that you appreciate me...
161. I like to feel your body when we lie in the bathroom...
162. I like that you are my princess...
163. I like that you are comfortable in my bed :) ...
164. I like that every evening I wait for your call...
165. I like that you hug me with your eyes ...
166. I like that you smile happily when I give you flowers ...
167. I like that you give me affection ...
168. I like the way you touch me with cold fingers quietly coming up from behind ...
169. I like that it is interesting for us to look at the beauty of the northern sky together ...
170. I like your unexpected visits...
171. I like that suspiciously often I escort you home precisely at night ... fate? ;) ...
172. I like that the sand has stopped in the hourglass that you gave me...
173. ... which means we are together until the end of time ...
174. I like that you DO NOT care about the opinions of others...
175. I like the feeling when we give each other a massage ...
176. I like our frank conversations...
177. I like that you learned how to deliciously make my favorite cocktail of vermouth and cola ...
178. I like that you are just with me, and no extra words and promises are needed ...
179. I like your view on many things and questions...
180. I like that you try to be erotic and seductive for me...
181. I like that you do good deeds to others...
182. I like to read aloud to each other...
183. I like to just walk with you ...
184. I like that you adore space ...
185. I like the way you send me a kiss when you say goodbye...
186. I like that you believe that "everything will be not just good, but GREAT!!!" ...
187. I like to wake up in the morning only with you...
188. I like that you want to be an unusual bride...
189. I like that you love to play with my hands...
190. I like that you call just to hear my voice...
191. I like that you gave me the northern sky with its breathtaking white nights...
192. I like that you dream of me ...
193. I like that you are an attentive, gentle, feline-sexy, inventive, passionate, affectionate, playful lover ...
194. I like that you are worried about our relationship...
195. I like that the phrase: "To the world you may be one person, but to one person you may be the world. You are the world to me." About Us...
196. I like that you seem like an angel in the light of the white night ...
197. I like that you are a LADY!!!...
198. I like that you are my soul mate...
199. I like that you are my ALL life ...

200. I like that I'm just happy if you're around...
201. I like that you see me as a knight...
202. I'm crazy about romantic dinners prepared by you...
203. I like that I want to see only you next to me ....
204. I like that you always try to understand me...
205. I bow before your patience with my character...
206. I like that my shirt, which you touched in the morning, keeps the warmth of your hands all day ...
207. I like that none of us tries to pull the blanket over at night;) ...
208. The sexuality of your tummy drives me crazy ...
209. I like the tenderness with which you take care of the flowers I gave ...
210. I like that when you are around, the world around is filled with happiness...
211. I like that people around smile when we walk, embracing, along the street ...
212. I like that even in business clothes you look very seductive...
213. I like how we read poems to each other at night ...
214. I like the commonality of our literary tastes...
215. I like that my life after our meeting has become so unusual...
216. I like those little holidays that you arrange for me ...
218. I like that your affection and love can lift even a very "cloudy" mood...
219. I like that we are together despite all circumstances...
220. I like that you are so sensually seductive on Saturday evenings ...
221. I like to listen to the rain with you...
222. I like our night walks...
223. I love to sit with you in our favorite cafe...
224. I like that when you are far away, you call and ask to play OUR music on the phone ...
225. I like that with you I learned to be gentle without losing my masculinity...
226. I like that you and I successfully pass all the tests of our love...
227. I like that my friends admire your charm...
228. I like how you make amazing coffee...
229. I like that the roses that I give stand at your house for long weeks without fading ...
230. I like that I have become with you a "model" that my girlfriends make their young people look up to ...
231. I like that we burn with the same fire...
232. I like that we ourselves chose each other ...
233. I like that I do 1000 crazy things for you...
234. I like that we can easily say goodbye before parting ...
235. I like that you are waiting for me, wherever I am ...
236. I like that when we lie, embracing, our hearts beat to the beat ...
237. I like that our hands themselves are looking for each other when we walk side by side ...
238. I like that we can dance with you even without music ...
237. I like that my care is dear to you...
238. I am proud that you appreciate my ability to cook deliciously ...
239. I like that you left everything in order to be with me...
240. I like that we can be together indefinitely and not get tired of each other ...
241. I like that our relationship dragged us like an avalanche...
242. ... and we did not save ourselves from it :) ...
243. I like that no one did for me the things that you could do ...
244. I like that our decisions are supported by the universe itself, giving an easy solution to complex issues...
245. I like that not a single book novel can compare in brightness with the story of OUR love ...
246. I like that we constantly want to do something nice for each other ...
247. I like that the minutes spent together are so dear to us ...
248. I like that the star of our love shines especially brightly at night...
249. I like that it's easy for us to be together...

250. I like that our feelings are stronger than time and distance...
251. I like that you are so relaxed and peaceful with me...
252. I like your trust...
253. I like that you and I so subtly feel the mood of each other ...
254. I like that you love to read books to me aloud...
255. I like what they say about us "the perfect couple" ...
256. I like that we can smooth out the sharp edges of our characters...
257. I like that you like to visit my house...
258. I like that the flame of our love has not been extinguished for a very long time...
259. I like that you are interested in my opinion on many issues...
260. I like that you don't argue with me about things that I know a little more about...
261. I like that we understand each other's body language...
262. I like that you don't take off the ring I gave you even at night...
263. I like that you smile when I look at you...
264. I like that no one in this world can dance so incomparably like you ...
265. I like to constantly take care of you even in small things (after all, this is so important) ...
266. I like that we are stronger than all the obstacles that keep us apart...
267. I like that we can just listen to music for hours ...
268. I like that breakfast with you fills me with a great mood for the whole day ...
269. I like that we easily give the warmth of our souls to each other...
270. I like that we go crazy caressing each other...
271. I like that you do not force me to make promises, but you believe that I myself will do everything right ...
272. I like that you consider our meeting a PURPOSE ...
273. I like to see how happy you come home from work...
274. ... and the fact that you realize how important my work is to me...
275. I like that our warmth is mutual...
276. I like that we read the same books in childhood and therefore we understand each other in such a way ...
277. I like that with you I began to write very beautiful poems ...
278. I like that the touch of our hands reverberates in my soul...
279. I like that we were able to see each other's wings...
280. I like that our "HONEYMOON" :) (as you called the crazy month after we met) is still going on for a very, very long time...
281. I like that you become so funny after our favorite cocktail ...
282. I like that we both laugh at the word PIANIST ... and only we know why ...
283. I like that our relationship is not clouded by any suspicions...
284. I am sure that no one in this world will give you even a hundredth of the love and tenderness that I am trying to give...
285. I like that you consider me a fairy tale...
286. I like that on weekends we stay up until dawn...
287. I like that you were able to tame me...
288. I like that you chose me...
289. ... and you still believe that you were not mistaken...
290. I like the passion with which we take off our clothes...
291. I like that we do not have sex, but LOVE ...
292. I like that you also like ice cream, like me...
293. I like kissing you under the rain...
294. I like it when you are far away, to walk around the places where we were together ...
295. I like that you taught me how to listen to the violin...
296. I like that we have our own little secrets...
297. I like that we remain romantics in this overly realistic world...
298. I like that we are so different and at the same time so the same...
299. I like that we are constantly looking for new routes for walking ...

350. I like to remember how you and I joked about each other when we first met ...
351. I like that I still keep in my wallet your note from the meeting that connected us ...
352. I like that no matter how much time we have to spend it together, we still can't get enough of each other...
353. I like that I don't get discouraged while I'm waiting for you...
354. I like that only you can say all those beautiful words that you intend for me...
355. I like that you strive to become even better in order to please me even more ...
356. I like your passion for ballroom dancing...
357. I like that your hand is able to raise the sun for me above the horizon on a polar night...
358. I like that you think you can't live a week without the sound of my voice...
359. I like the way you scratch my head...
360. I like our mutual love for melons :) ...
361. I like that you received a ring from me as a gift...
362. I like how you can play with your surprises...
363. I like to drown in the tenderness of your embrace...
363. I like that only with you I feel such a surge of strength that I am ready to move mountains ...
363. I like that your feelings warm me on cold and foggy evenings...
364. I like that your love was able to heal my skepticism towards female fidelity...
365. I like that only you are able to say "I love" so that I believe in it ...
366. I like how mysterious you look in the twilight...
367. I like that in the light of candles I feel with you like on a secret date from the whole world ...
368. I like to go shopping with you, despite the fact that I usually can't stand it...
369. I like your every touch...
370. ... and I would like you to repeat them endlessly...
371. I like the scarlet velvet of your lips...
372. I like your sparkling look from under the mischievous frame of the bangs...
373. I like how we feel when we are together...
374. I like that you look at me SO when we sit opposite each other ...
375. I like that you are the most objective judge of my actions...
376. I like your ability to maintain royal dignity in any situation ...
377. I like that you can only argue with the arguments of the heart...
378. I like that we don't have to create illusions, but just being who we are is enough...
379. I like that you are like a dream - you cannot predict what you will be today ...
380. I like that I'm ready to say goodbye to all other women, just to be with you...
381. I like that you and I have solved the eternal paradox - how to be loved and love at the same time ...
382. I like that you understand those moments when I need to be alone ...
383. I like that we can't say goodbye to each other in less than 20 words...
384. I like that I am subdued by your virtues...
385. I like your ability to predict my actions...
386. I like that we are pleased to overcome difficulties hand in hand...
387. I like that all the elements are intertwined in our love...
388. I like that our love is not a fairy tale, it's just OUR love...
389. I like that you believe that "with the love of my courageous heart I will close you from any adversity"...
390. I like that together we get to know ourselves more deeply...
391. I like that your love, like a guiding star, tells me what to do...
392. I like that, having met you, I didn't have to choose between a woman's mind and a woman's beauty...
393. I like the eloquence of your eyes, in which I am madly in love...
394. I like that the night gives your eyes a special sparkle...
395. I like that you are made for love...
396. I like that it is enough for us to be happy with all that we already have...
397. I like the expectation of the joy that our meetings give us...
398. I like your "crazy" ...
399. I like your ability to forgive my little shortcomings...

400. I like your fickleness in love - every day you go crazy with my other quality :) ...
401. I like the music of your voice...
402. I like to feel like the luckiest thief, because I was able to steal your heart...
403. I like that peace cannot live in our hearts thanks to our feelings...
404. I like to enjoy life next to you...
405. I like that we know how to use every minute of our happiness...
406. I like that we can confess our love to each other again and again ...
407. I like that the butterfly of happiness sat on my shoulder after our first kiss...
408. I like that no one knows me as well as you know...
409. I like that with your arrival my heart was balanced on a razor's edge called life...
410. I like that I don't want to fall asleep with you - our reality is better than any dream...
411. I like that we were able to build a bridge between each other's hearts...
412. I like that since we've been together, "WE" has become more important to me than "I" ...
413. I like that you write poetry with your love on the sheet of my heart...
414. I like that with you it became funny to me to discuss the topic "What should be an ideal woman" ...
415. I like that we successfully completed the mission on earth to find each other ...
416. I am grateful to you that I mean so much to you...
417. I like your immeasurable care for me...
418. I like that only you can put your head on my shoulder like that...
419. I like that together we can enjoy all the pleasures of the world...
420. I like to study with you the arithmetic of our love...
421. I like that you are able to understand and realize the importance of my evenings alone with friends...
422. I like that you come from every trip, bringing with you some new piece of foreign culture ...
423. ... and these raisins make my heart beat even faster...
424. I like that your love changes me so...
425. I like the subtlety of your diplomacy...
426. I like that we had the courage to come to the edge of the abyss and pick the flower of love...
427. I like that you are exactly the way only you can be...
428. I like the lifeline of your gentle hands...
429. I like that with you I forget about the transience of this life...
430. I like that you gave me a chance to forge happiness in the forge of our love...
431. I like that all my plans come true with you...
432. I like that your hands and lips are my shield against any sorrow...
433. I like that you are like a ray of sunshine - you wake me up in the morning with your light and warmth...
434. I like that you are capable of such things that even many men are afraid of...
435. ... and that's why you don't blame me for taking risks on the verge of "disqualification"...
436. I like that you have become my most-most ...
437. I like that only with you I can experience all the shades of the palette of human feelings...
438. I like that you are the most desirable in the entire universe ...
439. I like your poems...
440. I like that our love, like a beacon, gives a guide in the sea of ​​life...
441. I like how much I learn new things by talking with you...
442. I like how the strokes of your eyelashes envelop me with coolness in the summer...
443. I like how elegantly you wear suits...
444. I like that you opened the culture of other nations for me and taught me to respect it...
445. I like that you are incomparably oriented in men's fashion ...
446. I like your comments on the films we have watched...
447. I am extremely grateful to your mother for you...
448. I like to watch you enjoy the aroma of the flowers I gave...
449. I like that you can understand me when I can't find words to express my thoughts or feelings...

450. I like that you let me down my little male weaknesses...
451. I like your refinement....
452. I really like to sit with you on the floor and drink a cocktail from tall glasses ...
453. I like your manner - leaning slightly on your elbows, read my poems, which I am currently writing on a sheet ...
454. I kneel before the fact that you are capable of such a fiery feeling...
455. I like that it is impossible not to worship a girl like you...
456. I like that you awakened in me a love for serious books ...
457. I like that after we met, my views changed so much...
458. ... and everyone says that for the better :)...
459. I like that you turned out to be even better than I expected ...
460. I like that you encourage others to become better and better...
461. I like that you know how to convince people in the wrong without humiliating pride ...
462. I like that only you can kiss so passionately...
463. I like that you have become an example of a virtuous heroine for my stories...
464. I like that all the best that a woman can possess is collected in you...
465. I like that you and only you are able to melt the ice of the Arctic with your love...
466. I like your ability to memorize interesting quotes from "our" books and remind me of them at the right time ...
467. I like that you excite my heart...
468. I like that you can decorate the most ordinary dishes so appetizingly...
469. I like to draw on you with my fingertips...
470. I like all your original jokes...
471. I am grateful to you that you want to be with me all your free time ...
472. I like that you can be so fabulous that I feel like a child in an enchanted forest...
473. ... and the most amazing fairy saves me...
474. I like that you cover me with your wings from unkind looks ...
475. I like that you feel me near, even if you are 4000 kilometers away from me...
476. I like that you are insanely beautiful not only externally, but also internally ...
477. I like that you are not afraid to open up too much to me...
478. I like that you know how to admit that you were wrong ...
479. I like that your hands guide me to where I am really needed ...
480. I like that I can listen to you for hours...
481. I like that we are not annoyed by jealousy...
482. I like that we are happy when we think about each other, and doubly happy when we are near ...
483. I like that we correctly orient our sails in the wind rose of our feelings...
484. I like that you are a deity who is able to sow both grace and repentance for my heart...
485. I like that we don't look back on the past...
486. I like that you can look so meaningfully that your heart stops...
487. I like that you accept my protection and desire to protect you...
488. I like that you can only love with all your heart and soul...
489. I like that you are not afraid that it can be difficult with me ...
490. I like that you have such versatile interests...
491. I like that you still have those qualities that most modern girls have lost...
492. I like that you revealed to me the beauty of the Norwegian language...
493. I like that we can discuss both my scientific ideas and your promising projects...
494. I like that you, like me, adore roads...
495. I like that you are the flame of passion and the ice of innocence...
496. I like that you covered all my past with a clean blanket of snow...
497. ... and on this veil we draw the paths along which we will lead our relations ...
498. I like that you collected all my good qualities and, having strengthened them with the lens of your love, made them shine even brighter...
499. I like that every day you are deeper and deeper in my heart...

500. I like that all this is a fairy tale that has become a reality, and which will continue for a very long time, as I hope - all our lives.

My beloved husband, I love you because:
1. I love you.
2. My love is mutual, and therefore it is twice as much.
3. We are a wonderful family!
4. By the way, I don't just love you, I LOVE you!!!
5. We make cute babies!
6. And these kids love us, at least for now.
7. You are the best man in my life!!
8. When I say that I am married to you, they envy me!
9. Yes, I envy myself, and how I grabbed such a prince!
10. You tolerate my complexes and bad temper.
11. Your sense of humor simply fascinates me every day.
12. Your kisses deafen and blind me.
13. Your hugs are the strongest.
14. Not only I can hide behind your back, but also many of our future children.
15. With you, I don't think about my appearance.
16. You dream of becoming a father to an abandoned baby. And this is where our dreams coincide.
17. Love for animals is our disease.
18. Everyone who comes to our house feels the warmth of the hearth that you created. I keep it on fire to the best of my ability.
19. Films, music unite us.
20. You play the guitar. This is so romantic…
21. You are really a romantic!
22. No one can break the inner core in you.
23. I have never heard promises from you that you cannot fulfill.
24. You do not succumb to my provocations.
25. You always go first to put up, even when I'm wrong.
26. You love my child from your first marriage.
27. You always praise what I have prepared. I have not forgotten the case when I did not salt the pilaf. He was disgusting, and you ate and smiled. Good thing I decided to give it a try too.
28. Never complain about the weather.
29. You can mess with the children all evening, let me be lazy!
30. You cook modestly, but with taste.
31. Forgive me for my reluctance to maintain sterile cleanliness in the house.
32. Don't let salespeople be rude to me, and not just salespeople.
33. You yourself never stoop to open rudeness.
34. You love my girlfriends.
35. You don't love my enemies.
36. You generally love me alone!
37. You can step over your pride if the family needs it.
38. You don't drink.
39. In a dream you often say my name and the names of our children.
40. You ask my advice, because it's nice for me to have an influence on your judgments.
41. Open for heart-to-heart conversations.
42. But you won’t talk in vain either.
43. I believe you unconditionally.
44. You didn't cheat on me.
45. You won't cheat on me, I'm sure!
46. ​​Wash the dishes after me.
47. You let me buy books.
48. You support me in an effort to put myself in order.
49. I never said that I was fat.
50. You erase children's sliders!!!
51. Allowing you to spend indecent amounts on sales.
52. You bought me that handbag, from which a good half of all my friends go crazy.
53. You brought me to the hospital when I was in the eye department, 11 roses, and grannies, but there are only grannies, groaned and admired you!
54. You don't reject my crazy ideas. “I want to go to Nepal! “Yes, please, just let’s not this year, but next year, for example!”
55. You communicate well with my mother, and the other day you washed the dishes with her.
56. You have a sense of style, and I don't have to blush for you.
57. Cut your nails, wash your hair, brush your teeth. Neat!
58. My habit of interrupting everyone does not infuriate you, you think it's cute.
59. You know everything about modern music and correct me from time to time.
60. Gently kill mosquitoes and do not spoil my favorite tulle.
61. “I am ready to kiss the sand on which you walked,” he sang to me yesterday when we walked through the snowdrifts. It was funny.
62. Always take my phone when we leave the house. I always forget him.
63. We make long-term plans together.
64. Money for you remains only a means, but not an end.
65. There is always enough money.
66. You give me flowers, even those that you yourself picked in the forest.
67. When we buy a chocolate bar for two, you always give me half of your half.
68. You hang curtains, I don’t like this business so much!
69. You run for sweets in any weather and time of the day.
70. You are also beautiful!
71. You are also afraid of the dentist, and you always go to be afraid with me.
72. Held my hand on the first, second and third ultrasound.
73. You love taking pictures of us.
74. Constantly talking about your love for me.
75. You do not believe in horoscopes and fortune-telling, otherwise I strongly believe and the share of your skepticism is only good.
76. You lend a helping hand to the needy.
77. Collecting chocolate wrappers! Already 15 years!
78. You give up your seat in transport to women, the elderly and children.
79. You are punctual, I hate being late.
80. If I suddenly do something stupid, you forgive me.
81. I hate soft toys, you love them, but you love them at a distance, because I hate them.
82. He gave me a ring with a pig, and I wore it until I recovered from pregnancy. It's a pity.
83. You collect coins of 10 rubles, and I drag them from the piggy bank. You are angry but silent.
84. You clean the bath for me!
85. And you throw out the garbage, the container is on our street.
86. You know how to draw.
87. Taught me to play billiards.
88. Gave motivation to quit smoking.

The article will tell you about such an unusual homemade gift as "101 reasons for love", which you will definitely please and surprise your soulmate.

101 reasons why I love you: a list of declarations of love to a husband, beloved boyfriend, man

People in love with each other often give gifts and confessions to their “halves”. Often men and women make souvenirs and nice little things with their own hands, trying to pleasantly please and surprise. One of the most popular ways to confess your love to your partner is to write 101 reasons why or why I love you.

IMPORTANT: This article will help you remember the true reasons for your feelings and offer a list of 101 compliments. Begin confessions with the phrase "I love you for ...".

These reasons can be presented in several ways.:

  • Write in a postcard
  • Write in a personal letter
  • Write on a poster
  • Write on asphalt or wall
  • Write 101 notes and put them in a gift box or jar.
  • Send 101 SMS
  • Speak in person (read)

The reasons:

  1. … your beautiful eyes
  2. … gentle velvety voice
  3. ... your tenderness and affection
  4. … the kindness of your words
  5. ... the warmth of your hands
  6. … good faith
  7. … you're very smart
  8. … the wisdom of every word spoken
  9. … great looks
  10. … your exquisite taste and elegance
  11. … round the clock attention to me
  12. … each presented bouquet of roses
  13. … beautiful and necessary gifts
  14. ... you are near in difficult times
  15. ... touching SMS and frequent calls
  16. … you are my best friend
  17. … you are always positive
  18. … you are so well-read and it is always interesting with you
  19. … you remember all our “important” dates
  20. … good and passionate sex
  21. … your athletic body
  22. … beautiful smile
  23. … deep inner peace
  24. … your positive qualities
  25. ... with you I'm never afraid
  26. … you are an interesting conversationalist
  27. … you give me inspiration
  28. … we experienced many bright life moments together
  29. … you know all my preferences and everything that I love.
  30. … it's always easy with you
  31. … even the most boring and gloomy movie is very interesting to watch together with you.
  32. … you are serious about our relationship
  33. … you are honest and never deceive me
  34. … care that is manifested in your every act
  35. … delicious morning coffee
  36. … you always treat me and my family “with soul”.
  37. … help in any business
  38. … that you always look after yourself
  39. … every free minute you try to spend with me.
  40. … you make me happy
  41. … even thinking about you makes me happy!
  42. ... it's sweet to sleep and wake up with you
  43. … your divine and native smell
  44. ... you do not notice and ignore my shortcomings.
  45. ... you gave me the meaning of life
  46. ... life with you has found colors
  47. … dreams come true with you
  48. … you make butterflies fly in my heart
  49. … give me hundreds of compliments every day
  50. … you and I really have a lot in common!
  51. … we are “soulmates”
  52. … we dream of a family and it is the most important value for us!
  53. … you also dream of children
  54. … you are a very gentle and sensual lover
  55. … take care of me when I'm sick
  56. … do not complain about life
  57. … you appreciate every moment of life!
  58. … you enjoy the little things
  59. … you love animals plants so much
  60. ... you are economic and homely
  61. … you and I have the same dreams
  62. … your special and unique sense of humor
  63. ... no one will replace you for me
  64. … you made our house cozy
  65. … all the sweets you gave me
  66. … you are faithful and devoted to me
  67. ... your actions are always courageous and "strong".
  68. ... you give me strength
  69. … you make me feel better
  70. … I miss you when you are not around.
  71. … you do not stop surprising me
  72. ... I can't be offended by you
  73. … we spend every holiday together
  74. … life without you is gray and boring
  75. … you cook deliciously
  76. … love to travel around the world
  77. … you are a little crazy (on the good side).
  78. … you feel and understand me
  79. … we have the same tastes in music and cinema
  80. … in your heart you are just like a child
  81. … you always give wise advice
  82. … you take your job so seriously
  83. … you do not lose the thirst for knowledge
  84. … you lead a healthy lifestyle
  85. … you love to hug me and comfort me
  86. … you are a great kisser!
  87. … you always anticipate my mood
  88. ... you know how to make me happy when I'm sad
  89. … don’t “give up” in front of problems
  90. … do not stop trying, on the way to the goal
  91. … you are always purposeful and self-confident
  92. ... you give me the strength to believe in a "happy future."
  93. … you are a true protector of our family
  94. … all the difficulties and problems next to you lose their meaning!
  95. … you understand me without words
  96. … you understand me perfectly
  97. …we look great together
  98. … I can talk about you endlessly to my friends and parents.
  99. … I always “come first” for you
  100. … you are always in a good mood for me
  101. … you are my ideal!

100 and 101 reasons why I love you: note design, confession boxes, birthday wishes for a husband, boyfriend, man

Making your gift "with your own hands" is just as important. The way it will be outwardly (beautiful, spectacular, bright) will decide the bulk of the impressions from the surprise. The best and easiest way is purchase a special box or make it yourself from cardboard.

In the assortment of modern stores (stationery, gift and souvenir shops) you can buy a box of any shape: round, square, in the shape of a heart. They are already made of colored cardboard, have drawings, paintings with words and phrases, as well as a decorative bow. You do not have to waste time styling the purchased box, it already looks “expensive” and attractive.

If you want to save money or continue with the idea of ​​a homemade gift, then try glue the box yourself according to the template from colored or plain cardboard. Then glue the box with decorative hearts, bows, flowers and sparkles. You can buy accessories for decor and any material in a needlework store.

Confessions should be written on separate notes. They are can be carved in the shape of a heart or have the appearance of a small scroll, each of which will be tied with a thin ribbon. Such notes are poured into a box. If your beloved man has a sweet tooth, it will not be superfluous Pour into a gift box of sweets and lollipops.

With heart clasp

With notes with confessions in the form of scrolls

Bought version with confession notes

Metal box with confessions notes

100 and 101 reasons why I love you: note design, jars of confessions, birthday wishes for a husband, boyfriend, man

There is another original way to present this homemade gift to your beloved man - put all the notes in the jar. It can be a small beautiful jar of jam or a plastic jar of sweets. It must be transparent and have a decent appearance (clean, rubbed to a shine, possibly of an unusual shape).

It is best to fill such a jar with multi-colored pieces of paper, which will be notes with declarations of love. They should be rolled into small scrolls and tied with a thin ribbon. Colorful notes will certainly catch the eye through a transparent jar.

INTERESTING: The lid of such a jar can be decoratively decorated with a napkin, tied with a ribbon or stylized as conservation. It is also good to stick a piece of paper with a signature on the jar, for example, “My confessions”, “Confessions of love raspberry”, “Sweet confessions”.

Bank with notes in the form of a heart

Video: "100 reasons for my love"
