Aristocratic pallor bordering on. Aristocratic pallor or grilled chicken? Tanning history

January 7, 2012, 11:44 pm

In medieval Europe and pre-revolutionary Russia, among representatives of the upper classes, a tan was considered a sign of low origin, destiny ordinary people forced to work outdoors. Aristocratic pallor was considered a sign of wealth, and a healthy blush and tan spoke of a woman’s low social status, because rich women rarely left home, while girls of the lower classes and women lung behavior were forced to work on the street. Fashionistas of the 6th century made real sacrifices for the sake of beauty - in order to get the coveted pallor, girls bloodletted themselves, hid from the sun under wide-brimmed hats and lace umbrellas. The skin was bleached using various, often unsafe, means. The Greeks, for example, used lead white, while Italian fashionistas in the 16th century preferred arsenic. Slavic girls They even fought against blushing by using vinegar as a magical drink. Girls took sun and sea baths in such swimsuits: I suggest you look at the girls’ whitish bodies: In the 10th century, Spanish girls of easy virtue used blush to distinguish themselves from women of noble birth, and already in the 13th century, representatives of the Italian nobility painted their lips with lipstick to demonstrate their wealth. During the Renaissance, the cult of pale skin still flourished, despite the fact that the use of whitening cosmetics was quite dangerous to health - after all, the powder invented by Senora Toffana contained arsenic Pale face was in vogue until the middle of the 18th century, when French fashionistas began to use red rouge and lipstick to give a healthy blush to their faces. Around the same time, the first sunscreens, of which the safest were beach umbrellas and hats. One day, on the beach of the famous resort of Koktebel, a princess appeared Volkonskaya with bare legs and arms. There was a terrible scandal. They didn’t even want to let the princess into the noble assembly. At the court of the Spanish queen Isabella the guilty ladies-in-waiting were forced to sunbathe. After that, they could not appear in society as "having an appearance inappropriate for a person of aristocratic origin."
Finding the culprits of the tanning fashion is not difficult. First of all, this is, of course, the well-known Coco Chanel. Few people know that in the summer of 1923, at a resort, she imprudently lingered in the sun’s rays and acquired golden hue skin. This was followed by a show featuring tanned models, and this event significantly changed the stereotypes regarding fashionable appearance. Phrase: “The face is white, like an aspirin tablet, looks sick and lethargic.” became sacramental. In the mid-40s, the famous French designer invented the bikini - “a practical and comfortable two-piece swimsuit for tanning.” This swimsuit was too revealing and ladies were afraid to appear in public in this form. Réard persuaded a model who dared to wear a bikini to demonstrate and promote the swimsuit on the beaches of the Cote d'Azur. Gradually, society got used to the fashionable novelty and dark skin color became even more desirable. For an instant tan, it was suggested to rub paraffin or various natural oils into the skin. The influence of creativity did not pass without a trace Picasso, with his African motifs, and bright, multi-colored jewelry imported from Africa, which did not look good on the pale skin of European women. Traveling to resorts for sunbathing has become a prestigious activity; an indicator of the wealth of many fashionistas. A tan indicates that its owner travels a lot, visits beauty salons and leads an active lifestyle.
... Only in distant Japan, already in the 19th century, there was a fashion for tanning. Japanese fashionistas considered it beautiful to have a tan in parts. It was important to tan those places that are usually hidden under a kimono. Tanning in the form of various patterns was especially fashionable. In order to get it, Japanese beauties applied special stencils to their backs.
Many years have passed since then, but tanning never goes out of style! Many girls nowadays fry themselves in the sun in pursuit of the fashion for bronze skin color... but is it worth risking their health? can create his own fashion for a natural shade...

An interesting trend: Turgenev’s young ladies tried in every possible way to preserve milky white skin, which was a sign of aristocratic origin, and natural dark-skinned women spent kilograms of whitewash so that no one would guess about the natural color of their faces. Now everything is the other way around: a healthy, golden complexion is in fashion. And women with pale skin do not envy Turgenev’s young ladies and try their best to hide the milky whiteness of their faces. But in order to achieve the desired result, it is necessary first of all to find out the true cause of pallor and, depending on this, choose tactics to combat it.

Six reasons for aristocratic pallor
1. Lack of vitamins
A lack of vitamins affects the functioning of all systems of the body, including the condition of the skin. With hypovitaminosis, pallor of the face is accompanied by dryness and flaking of certain areas, dull hair and brittle nails. Vitamin A is largely responsible for health and beautiful skin color. Requirement healthy person in vitamin A is 1.5 mg for adults and 0.5-1.3 mg for children. Do not forget that an overdose of vitamins can cause even worse consequences, so they should be taken according to the instructions on the package. Outside, you can nourish your face with vitamin masks made from fresh fruits. When preparing a mask for dry skin, it is advisable to add olive or soybean oil (1 teaspoon per 100 g) or egg yolk (1 yolk per 100 g) to the fruit mixture. And for oily skin- a few drops of lemon juice or beaten egg white, it helps tighten pores. But do not overuse nourishing masks. It is recommended to make 2-3 masks per week, no more.
2. Poor nutrition
With food, a person receives a huge amount of necessary and unnecessary substances. Moreover, the latter are not in the best possible way reflected on our face. Sickly pale skin may indicate that you do not have enough animal fats.
Be sure to include lean meats (such as beef), fish and poultry in your diet. However, it is advisable to boil or steam the meat rather than fry it. And try to at least temporarily exclude salty, spicy and pickled foods from your food. Then within a week you will see that your face has become beautiful, healthy color. If you can’t avoid “harmful” foods, try to drink 2-3 liters of fluid a day (if there are no problems with your kidneys) so that numerous toxins leave your body as quickly as possible.
Also, if you have pale skin, it is useful to drink a glass of red wine before dinner, but not more than 150 ml per day. The red cells contained in wine have a good effect on the blood. By the way, natural pomegranate juice has the same effect.
3. Bad habits
If you smoke, your skin has to smoke with you. With each cigarette you send many small and evil oxygen radicals into your body. They destroy the very basis of the skin - elastin and collagen fibers and mercilessly absorb vitamin C.
As a result, the skin loses its elasticity and becomes a sickly white color. In addition, due to the high concentration of carbon monoxide in the smoker’s body, there is a lack of oxygen, which does not have the best effect on the condition of the skin.
If you can't quit smoking, choose cosmetics rich in vitamins, fruit extracts and oxygen. Vitamins A and E protect skin cells and neutralize free radicals. Fruit acids(glycolic, apple, wine, lemon) stimulate the process of cell renewal and significantly improve complexion, and oxygen restores blood supply to the upper layers of the skin.
And about once a week, nourish your skin with masks containing essential oils of geranium, neroli, eucalyptus, lavender, sage, rosemary or lemon - they enhance the protective functions of the skin and restore a healthy complexion.
4. Tired skin
Stress, overload at work, unfavorable environmental conditions, prolonged stay indoors, air conditioning, central heating, improper care etc. may cause painful paleness of the skin. To give tired skin a healthy, beautiful color, you need to remove dry, dead cells. Special cream peelings are best suited for these purposes. They contain micro-granules that penetrate deep into the pores and cleanse the skin. If desired, peeling can be prepared at home.
Take honey, egg yolk, soda and rolled oats in equal proportions (1 tablespoon each). If you have a special sensitive skin, then you will have to exclude soda. Mix everything thoroughly until a homogeneous mass is formed. Peeling is applied to pre-cleaned skin in an even layer for 5-15 minutes (depending on individual characteristics), and then carefully wash off.
After deep cleansing, the skin may become irritated and red. There is nothing wrong with this, because peeling penetrates deep into the pores and removes dead cells. Therefore, after peeling, it is advisable to apply a soothing or moisturizing cream to your face that you use daily. As a rule, in 1-2 days the redness disappears and the skin acquires a beautiful, healthy color.
5. Heredity
As they say, you can't argue with nature. And if your mom and dad gave you milky white skin that doesn’t tan, you’ll have to camouflage yourself with decorative cosmetics. Foundation, powder, blush will help you achieve a beautiful complexion.
You can also use self-tanning. It allows you to quickly give the skin a dark, golden hue. Self-tanning is applied in an even, thin layer to well-cleansed skin. The hairline, skin around the eyebrows, knees and elbows require special care. The thinnest possible coat should be applied to these areas. The cream dries quite quickly - in 15 - 20 minutes. The resulting effect lasts for several days, depending on lifestyle and the quality of the cream.
But creating an artificial tan in a solarium is not recommended for women with such skin - there is a high probability of burns.
6. Diseases of the cardiovascular system
If you have taken into account all the previous points, and your face still has an unhealthy pale color, this may indicate a malfunction of the cardiovascular system. Basically, the condition of the skin is affected not by diseases of individual organs, but by the cardiovascular system as a whole (for example, hypertension).
This is due to the fact that with frequently repeated, sharp increases in pressure, the intensity of oxygen supply to the skin changes, and the vessels either expand or contract. In diseases of the cardiovascular system, pallor of the skin is sometimes accompanied by a painful blush and a clearly visible network of blood vessels. In this case, only a doctor will help you.
What not to do:

Rub your face with a washcloth or constantly pinch your cheeks, like Scarlett did from Gone with the Wind. Of course, massage is useful, but it should be done with light movements, without injuring the skin and after cleansing the face.

Use blush liberally. Blush applied in excess to pale skin (without foundation) will further emphasize an unhealthy complexion. Therefore, they should be used very carefully, avoiding bright colors.

Steam your face daily. When steaming, the pores expand and the face turns a little red, but immediately after the procedure the skin regains its original color. “Water baths” should be done no more than once a week.


Paleness is unnatural light color skin tone compared to its normal tone. Pallor is caused by decreased blood flow or decreased red blood cell count. Paleness can be general (over the entire body) and local. Local pallor usually appears on one limb. Contact your doctor if you suddenly develop general pallor or paleness in your limbs.


Anemia, a condition in which the body does not produce enough red blood cells, is one of the most common causes of paleness. Anemia can be acute (sudden development) or chronic (gradual development).

Acute anemia is usually the result of rapid blood loss due to injury, surgery, a bleeding stomach ulcer, or bleeding from the large intestine.

Chronic anemia is very common. It can be caused by a deficiency of iron, vitamin B12 or folic acid. There are also genetic causes of anemia, as in the case of sickle cell anemia and thalassemia (a genetic disorder that causes the destruction of red blood cells). Anemia that develops gradually can be caused by diseases such as chronic kidney failure or hypothyroidism (when the body does not produce enough thyroid hormone). Certain cancers that affect the bones or bone marrow can also cause anemia due to slow blood loss over several weeks or months.

Other causes of pallor:

  • lack of sun exposure;
  • natural pale skin;
  • exposure to cold or frostbite;
  • shock (life-threatening low blood pressure);
  • low level blood sugar;
  • blockage of an artery in a limb (local pallor).



Skin color is determined by several factors, such as blood flow to the skin, skin thickness, and the amount of melanin in the skin. Pallor may also be observed on the mucous membrane lining the inner surface of the lower eyelids (conjunctiva), palms, nails, tongue and oral mucosa. According to the Journal of General Internal Medicine, pallor of the eyelid conjunctiva is an accurate indicator of anemia regardless of race. It is also considered an indicative sign of severe anemia. Pale may indicate an emotion such as fear (pale as a sheet) that is not life-threatening, or it may be a symptom of a serious health problem such as severe anemia or frostbite. (JGIM)



Along with pallor, other symptoms are often observed, such as those associated with anemia. Symptoms of anemia depend on the type of anemia.

Acute anemia

Symptoms of acute anemia:

  • cardiopalmus;
  • dyspnea;
  • high or low blood pressure;
  • loss of consciousness;
  • irregular menstrual cycle or lack of menstruation.

Chronic anemia

With anemia that develops gradually, sometimes there is only pallor, fatigue, or increased sensitivity to the cold. You may also experience intense discharge during menstruation or periodic blood stains after bowel movements. Malignant neoplasms And poor nutrition may lead to weight loss and muscle mass. Poor nutrition is a common cause of anemia in many regions of the world.

Blockage of an artery in a limb

A blocked artery (poor or no blood circulation) can lead to localized pallor, usually in the arms or legs. Due to insufficient blood circulation, the limb becomes painful and cold.

Doctor call

Doctor call

If you suddenly experience general pallor, consult your doctor immediately. Pallor accompanied by signs of blood loss, such as fainting, vomiting blood, rectal bleeding, or abdominal pain, is considered an emergency. Shortness of breath and sudden pallor, pain in a limb or cold limb- also serious symptoms that require immediate medical attention.

Diagnosis and treatment

Diagnosis and treatment

Your doctor will review your symptoms to determine what tests are needed to make a diagnosis. Your doctor may also check your medical history and do a physical exam to measure your vital signs (heart rate and blood pressure). Pallor can often be diagnosed by appearance, but is difficult to identify in people with dark color skin. In such people, pallor can be identified by discoloration of the conjunctiva and mucous membranes. If a patient experiences sudden pallor and other severe symptoms such as fainting and abdominal pain, they are usually seen at an emergency room. If the patient appears pale and has symptoms such as fatigue or mild shortness of breath, it is usually seen in a doctor's office.

If pallor is accompanied by fainting, rapid pulse and low blood pressure, this is usually a sign of a serious illness. Abdominal pain and tenderness to palpation of the abdomen may indicate problems with the abdominal organs, which can cause pallor. If you experience these symptoms, your doctor may refer you for additional tests to help determine the underlying cause of your condition.

Tests that may be performed to diagnose the cause of pallor include:

  • a complete blood test to determine the presence of anemia;
  • reticulocyte count (a blood test that shows whether the bone marrow is replacing lost blood cells);
  • stool test for blood;
  • serum pregnancy test (to rule out pregnancy);
  • thyroid function test (low thyroid hormone levels cause anemia);
  • blood urea nitrogen and creatinine analysis (kidney function tests);
  • measuring serum iron, vitamin B12, and folate levels to identify nutritional deficiencies that may be causing anemia;
  • Abdominal radiography (a non-invasive test that uses X-rays to evaluate the condition of the abdominal organs);
  • Abdominal ultrasound (a non-invasive test that uses ultrasound to determine if problems are present);
  • computed axial tomography (CAT) of the abdomen (X-rays are used to create high-definition images of the abdominal organs);
  • limb arteriography (an invasive x-ray test in which dye is injected into an artery in the limb to determine if there is a blockage).

A moderate pink tint is considered a healthy skin color, so when we see a pale face, we immediately think that the person is unhealthy. Indeed, excessive pallor gives a certain morbidity to the image, although in past centuries it was an indicator of the beauty of women from the upper classes. But that was before, and now pale skin color is not welcome. In this article we will try to figure out how pallor can be recognized skin, is this always a sign of disease? You will also learn how to give your skin a healthier tone.

Main causes of pale skin

Let's start with physiological reasons. Pale skin is not always a pathology. Our face is permeated with a thick network of tiny vessels and capillaries, it is they that give us a light blush. Sometimes pallor only indicates that the vascular system is located quite deep from the surface. In other cases, if a person suddenly fades, you need to look for reasons inside the body.

  1. Unhealthy complexion can be the result of a lack of vitamin B, oxygen and folic acid. In this case there are additional symptoms in the form of dizziness, weakness, decreased visual acuity and peeling of the skin.
  2. With iron deficiency, anemia develops. It is characterized by severe weakness, apathy and constant drowsiness.
  3. Sudden pallor sometimes it speaks of overheating or hypothermia. In both cases, fainting may occur, severe headaches and weakness begin.
  4. Pale skin is observed in renal failure. It can be recognized by low blood pressure, colic and rare urination.
  5. One of the most dangerous causes of this phenomenon for humans is cardiovascular diseases. A pale face can be observed in people with serious heart disease, in a pre-infarction state. Usually, there is additional pain in the heart area, severe shortness of breath, dizziness and headaches.
  6. A period of exacerbation of a stomach ulcer, during which vomiting of blood and severe abdominal pain are observed.

However, do not be afraid ahead of time. With the modern rhythm of life, pale skin much more often indicates a person’s general overwork. Fatigue, lack of walks fresh air, unbalanced nutrition, stress, depression - all this gradually depletes and exhausts a person. In this case, just having a good rest is enough.

How to return the color to your cheeks?

If the absence of blush is not typical for you, and your health leaves much to be desired, then be sure to see a doctor. After an examination and a series of tests, it will become clear whether you have any alarming symptoms. In other cases, it is enough to follow simple recommendations to regain a healthy complexion.

  1. Give yourself a break. At least for a while, you need to streamline your daily routine a little. It is advisable to go to bed earlier, especially if you have to get up early in the morning. Do not forget that sleep should be complete, so eliminate all irritants - TV, computer, light and sound sources. A warm bath with lavender or sea salt will help you relax better and get more rest.
  2. Review your diet. Eliminate unnecessary, “empty” foods - fatty, spicy, fried, smoked, sweet foods. Now you need vitamins and useful material, so eat more vegetables, fruits, beef, cottage cheese, liver.
  3. To activate the vessels, it is useful to wipe the face with an ice cube from herbal decoctions in the morning.
  4. Even if you are a very busy person, set aside time for walks in the fresh air at least once a week. The best option is if you can get out of the city, where the air is not polluted by exhaust gases and dust.
  5. Give up bad habits and try to avoid being in smoky rooms.
  6. Treat yourself to oxygen cocktails more often. The lack of oxygen in the body is observed in every city dweller, so such treatment will not harm anyone.
  7. If you have severe pale skin for no apparent reason, then try a daily gentle massage using essential oils. This will help increase vascular tone, increase blood circulation and return the blush to the cheeks. The same result is achieved by using scrubs.

These measures will help only in cases where the pallor of the skin is not caused by internal diseases, but by more harmless factors, such as overwork. Therefore, the first thing to do is make an appointment with a therapist and go through all the necessary examinations.

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So nine pregnant months have flown (or crawled). You have become a young mother! It would seem: rejoice and enjoy your new position. But as soon as you go to the mirror, you not only want to cry, you want to howl with grief. Instead of a sweet face with a healthy blush, we see in the reflection a deathly pale, dull mask. And it's not nightmare, this is our face, which for some reason has acquired such an unhealthy color.

Why does the skin turn pale? Six objective reasons

Proper care is the key to health and beauty

Pregnancy and childbirth are a big test for the face. Under the influence of hormonal changes, the skin becomes more sensitive, loses natural moisture and quickly fades. Therefore, it must be constantly moistened. After all, even on oily or normal skin there can be dry areas. Naturally, the moisturizer should match your skin type. But when choosing cosmetics, it is necessary to take into account that during pregnancy and after childbirth, skin type may change slightly - depending on external factors, lifestyle and health.

At the same time, as a result of hormonal imbalance, hyperfunction is observed sebaceous gland and there is a sharp increase in sebum production. Excess oil accumulates in the pores and closes them, creating favorable conditions for the proliferation of bacteria and the formation of inflammatory processes. Even women with dry skin may experience acne and oily skin. In this case, it is better to replace the usual cream powder with dry, crumbly powder. It does not contain a greasy binding base and absorbs excess sebum well. If you are used to carefully masking defects, then choose a transparent foundation with a light texture and a masking pencil. Such a foundation does not lie on the face like an artificial mask, but looks natural. Just apply the tone moderately and carefully shade with a special swab, otherwise the excess cream will accumulate in the folds. And to correct makeup during the day, it is convenient to use special matting wipes that absorb greasy shine, but do not spoil makeup.

In addition, your skin is now sensitive to external influences and often turns red in the street. Such reddening of the skin can be caused by a number of factors, but the most common cause is vegetative dystonia. As a rule, skin redness is caused by vasodilation, and redness is a manifestation of small capillary network. Most likely, a few months after giving birth, everything will return to normal. In the meantime, before going outside, use special creams against cupiposis (vasodilation) with vitamin K. Just select the cream based on your skin type.

What not to do

  • Lie in the sun or in a solarium for hours. Tanning is the body's protective reaction to radiation. Under the influence of ultraviolet rays, skin cells actively produce the pigment melanin, resulting in a tan. But if you overexpose yourself to the sun, you can get very burnt. Moreover, pregnancy further enhances the effect of ultraviolet rays and provokes pigmentation. By the way, sunburn increases the likelihood of (skin cancer) several times. Sunbathing should be done in moderation, especially if you have pale skin. And be sure to use protective creams with a high SPF index.
  • Rub your face with a washcloth or constantly pinch your cheeks, like Scarlet did from Gone with the Wind. Of course, massage is good for the skin. But you need to do it with light movements, without injuring the skin and after cleansing your face.
  • Use blush liberally. Blush applied in excess to pale skin (without foundation), will further emphasize an unhealthy complexion. Therefore, they should be used very carefully, avoiding bright colors.
  • Steam your face daily. When steaming, the pores expand, the face turns a little red, but immediately after the procedure the skin regains its previous color. “Water baths” are good for the skin, but they should be done no more than once a week.


Nastenka, see above - what NOT to do. Those. So you don't have to do this every day :))

08.12.2003 20:07:05, Olga

I didn’t quite understand the last piece of advice:
“Steam more than once a week”?

10/28/2003 05:03:53 PM, Nastenka

good article, I think it’s worth mentioning about hemoglobin - it often drops after childbirth :(

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The rashes you describe are not at all characteristic of viral warts. Do not try to remove these formations and do not self-medicate. Please make an in-person appointment with a dermatologist as soon as possible. The doctor will clarify the diagnosis and prescribe treatment.

Yesterday evening, after the children returned from camp, a festive dinner and soup, the children said that their dad suggested that the four of them go to the cinema this weekend, together with his new aunt, because he loves her very much, soon they will live together, and he wants to introduce them to each other" O_O The children refused with the words “the four of us want to go only with you and mom,” the soup did not insist... The children “want to see dad, not dad in the company of another aunt,” as they told me explained your answer... I...


From my own experience. My (now ex) husband introduced our 9- and 4-year-old children to his beloved while we were still married. The children liked her, of course: she also wanted to impress them: a kind, affectionate aunt. Because My husband immediately moved from our house to live with her, and then he took the children to her place on weekends. The children didn’t mind: she spoiled them. I was furious and took sedatives. And to this day (they haven’t signed yet) she behaves like this. There are excesses: he calls my elder and says how much he misses him, how much he loves him, and is waiting for a visit. I immediately call my (used) husband and tell him not to mislead the children, in my opinion this is a farce... He listens, she doesn’t call for a while, but writes to her son in classmates... In short , go with the flow. The situation is simplified by the fact that now her son will live with her - 7 years old, and the children are by no means friends, he also calls BM "dad", which angers mine))) Good luck to you, wisdom and patience !!!

How was the word “maromoyka” born? Who is this anyway? “Soup” is obviously short for “spouse”. What about "maromoyka"?

April 19.. if anyone remembers, I wanted to give birth on April 15 or 19.. I had to postpone the 15th because of a trip to the phthisiatrician) since the 19th it’s also in the sky.. I definitely won’t be able to give birth in 3.5 hours)))) all I run to the toilet every day.. I went 8 times, it hurts on the lower right side, I suspect it’s the intestines, which means I’ll go more than once.. I’m also angry and I have heartburn.. and I don’t want to eat all day, I crammed some potatoes into my lunch and a couple of dry breads .. could it be that I’m sick from eating this much? The belly is behaving strangely... sometimes it feels sick at the bottom, sometimes it pulls, sometimes it pulls in the lower back...

It is very difficult for girls with porcelain skin tones to create makeup that will present their pallor in a favorable light. But nothing is impossible! We'll reveal a few makeup tricks that will give your skin health and radiance. Tone Do not try to disguise your pallor under a thick layer of dark foundation, give up the yellow-based product. If your skin has minor flaws and unevenness, disguise them with a primer. After that you can use the tonal...

Light brown underwear will help to give slightly tanned skin a bronze tint. - Emphasize and shade dark skin - this task is best handled by white. - A healthy light blush will be given to fair skin by pale pink sets. - Nude lingerie will help give pale skin a warm tint. - Do you want your skin to radiate a slight glow? - Choose a light violet bra and panties. - Emphasize natural color skin due to the reflection of color can vanilla linen. On the picture...

Despite the fact that the fashion for tanning is not losing ground, many foreign stars are proud of the aristocratic pallor of their skin. Join now!

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Topping the list of “pale” celebrities is the “union of redheads” - Julianne Moore, Nicole Kidman, Rose McGowan, Marcia Cross, Bruce Dallas Howard, Amy Adams. Those with red hair naturally have not only alabaster skin, but also freckles, which are romantically called kisses of the sun, but are necessarily removed using Photoshop by the editors of glossy magazines. What's wrong with freckles? Isabelle Huppert, for example, considers them her trademark, and even wrote a children's fairy tale “Strawberries with Freckles” - that’s what she was called as a child.

But the most famous of these red-haired beauties is, of course, Nicole Kidman. And it is absolutely incomprehensible how she managed to remain so white-skinned, first in her native Australia - where the cult of the sun and the beach is, and then in Hollywood - where is the cult? Nicole admits: “The beach was part of my culture, my childhood. But I didn't like surfing or swimming - most of the time I sat in the library, away from direct sunlight." According to rumors, her first husband, Tom Cruise, tried to somehow correct Nicole’s tastes and, instead of the library, took her to the solarium. But now the actress is proud of her refined appearance - and noble pallor has become her personal know-how.

By the way, Nicole is far from the only untanned Australian. Cate Blanchett was teased at school for her skin color as a “milk bottle.” So where are these idiots now that she has become a famous actress?

If you want to stay young and beautiful for a long time, try to keep your time on the beach and in the solarium to a minimum.

The model with the alien look, Gemma Ward, was also born in Australia. Every morning, instead of exercising, she ran to swim in the ocean, but during the day she tried to avoid sun rays- her skin burned instantly. There, on the “land of the antipodes”, the stars rose Abbie Cornish And Rose Byrne. The latter has repeatedly criticized Hollywood beauty standards, including excessive tanning. “Americans are inconsistent. They don’t want to get old, but tanning is what causes premature aging of the skin.”

These words are true not only for Americans. Well known history Nicola Roberts, one of the lead singers of the English group Girls Aloud. Nikola has naturally very pale skin, but for the time being this did not cause her any particular problems. Until her appearance attracted the attention of fans and the girl was mercilessly criticized for her “unhealthy pallor.” Roberts developed a real inferiority complex - and she fell ill with what she herself called tanorexia (from the word tan - tan). “I have tried absolutely all products from all brands of self-tanning. I sunbathed in the solarium every evening and prayed at night: “Lord, let my tan last until the morning!” My boyfriend tried not to notice at first terrible smell from creams and my “panda eyes,” but then I couldn’t stand it and said: “Maybe you won’t be so zealous?” To which I simply lost my temper and shouted: “You have no idea what it’s like to be in my place and have such blue feet!” Nicola also tried to tan naturally - in Thailand and Mallorca. Of course, she used sunscreen with factor 50. But every time it all ended sadly: “I was just brick-colored.” She drove make-up artists crazy, demanding powder three shades darker than she needed...

It’s good that Nikola’s “illness” ended on time, and she even learned a lesson from all this: in addition to performing on stage, the singer began to produce a special line of cosmetics for pale skin Dainty Doll. She has both foundation and powder with a puff, but Nicola believes that her sisters with pale skin can do without makeup at all. "It's like telling an African-American woman she's 'too black.' We must accept ourselves as we are."

By the way, it was Nicola Roberts who topped the rating as "the most beautiful untanned celebrity." Right behind her are model and Cambridge student Lily Cole and actresses Anna Friel and Anne Hathaway.

Many men like white-skinned beauties. No, we don’t just mean the vampire Edward Cullen (by the way, Bella Swann plays Kristen Stewart, has a magnificent matte porcelain skin tone). By the way, after the premiere of Twilight, sales of makeup for fair skin of various brands increased by 200%. The top seller is the pale pink powder that gives the skin a glow. Mineral Veil from Bare Escentuals. All girlfriends Marilyn Manson, And Rose McGowan, And Dita Von Teese, And Evan Rachel Wood, can confirm that their boyfriend willingly shared it with the girls.

Even he prefers noble pallor Madonna- if she exposes her face to a “ray of light,” it is only in the song of the same name. Zooey Deschanel And Liv Tyler protect their fragile pallor. But only Lindsay Lohan can be called a kind of strikebreaker - nature has endowed her with amazing porcelain skin, but she mercilessly torments herself in the solarium (journalists like to note her uneven tan, mocking that there are spots in the sun too).

One thing is clear: if pallor has not become fashionable, it has at least defended its right to exist. Especially this season, when Dracula's brides and vampire lovers are parading along the catwalk and on screens. Activists of the movement “For White Skin” buy special T-shirts on the website with, for example, prints: “Pale is the new tan.” And why not a guide to action?!

Olga Marsheva
Fotobank(3). Fotolink(2). Vostockphoto(1)



The trend for white porcelain skin has not lost its position in fashion for the second season. Models with noticeably pale skin flash on the catwalk, and among celebrities there are more and more fans of not tanned skin, but porcelain color faces.

Dita Von Teese

Christina Hendricks

Diane Kruger

For many European women, fair skin is quite natural; they do not naturally have dark skin. With the help of modern makeup - powder, foundation and shimmer - the whiteness of the skin is only emphasized and intensified.

Some people like this makeup trend, but others don’t, but today I suggest you remember that the history of porcelain skin goes back not just a few seasons, but several centuries.

The first mentions of white powder have been known since the time Ancient Greece. The Greeks, although naturally dark-skinned, considered white facial skin very beautiful and attractive. At that time, white powder was created based on lead, which was extremely harmful to the skin, however, this powder recipe lasted until the 19th century.

Geishas actively used this powder in their makeup. A white face and neck were and remain mandatory attributes of traditional geisha makeup. In the Japanese mind, white skin is an invariable sign of female beauty. However, the use of lead-based powder did not spare the skin, which caused it to age early.

The real heyday of fashion for white porcelain leather occurred in the 16th - 18th centuries. Queen Elizabeth I of England introduced the fashion for aristocratic pallor.

She herself had naturally pale skin, and in addition, she tried to emphasize the pallor of her skin with powder, as well as special masks made from eggshells, which whitened the skin. Elizabeth, and after her many noble ladies, painted blue veins on their faces, which is why the skin seemed especially white and transparent. It was then that white skin began to be considered a sign of aristocracy, as opposed to the tanned or pink skin of peasants.

Gorgeous Cate Blanchett as Elizabeth I in The Golden Age

Porcelain leather became a real trend in 18th century France. At that time, powder became not only a way to give the skin a pale tint, but also to hide skin defects, such as pockmarks, for example. Mandatory elements of makeup in 18th century France were: white porcelain skin, bright blush on the cheeks, bright lips, black thin eyebrows and, of course, flies. The flies were made of velvet or taffeta and glued to the face, neck or chest. With the help of flies, women could convey messages to their fans. A front sight in one place or another on the face carried a certain meaning.

Franz Winterhalter "Adelina Patti"

Thomas Gainsborough "Portrait of a Lady"

E. Deveria "Elegant Lady"

Michelle Mercier as Angelique in the film "Angelique and the King." The film clearly demonstrates the fashion of 18th century France.

In Russia, where fashionistas tried to follow and imitate European fashion, the fashion for flies, however, did not catch on. But the fashion for porcelain leather lingered until the 19th century. Perhaps because in snowy and frosty Russia it was not so difficult for fashionistas to avoid the sun's rays. Therefore, whether or not, but White skin It was also considered a sign of aristocracy and in the descriptions of many beauties of that time we will find mention of white skin. Remember, in Leo Tolstoy’s novel “Anna Karenina” the author more than once mentions, when describing Anna, her white face framed by black curls or white full shoulders and hands.

Tatyana Samoilova as Anna Karenina

Tatyana Drubich as Anna Karenina

Another surge of interest in white skin occurred in Russia at the beginning of the 20th century, during the era of decadence. Expressive lips outlined with dark eyeliner, bright lips and very white skin are in fashion. In the course was not only cosmetics, but other means. For example, it was believed that vinegar could whiten the skin.

Makeup in the style of the 20s

Now the trend for white porcelain skin has returned again, and we can be glad that we do not have to resort to such tricks as fashionistas of bygone centuries had to do. Cosmetics these days allow any girl to turn into a porcelain doll, if only she wants to. So if you like this trend, proven over centuries and generations of fashionistas, feel free to experiment with your makeup. You will look feminine and modern.

“Bronze often looks very unnatural on the skin, especially if it is as pale as mine. But pink blush, on the contrary, is very cute: they nicely refresh the face and create a subtle blush. Pink looks very healthy and natural, not like your face has been recently plastered. My favorite blush is Convertible Color Dual Lip & Cheek Cream, Stila, in Fuchsia.”

Lily Collins

“I don’t use foundation, only concealer and blush with reflective particles to give my cheeks a glow and not overload the skin. I love Lancôme's UV Expert GN Shield™ SPF 50 face sunscreen because it's super hydrating and has a high degree of sun protection. I can't live without it in the summer. For my fair British skin, UV protection is very important, because in the sun I burn very quickly.

Liv Tyler

“To create the perfect complexion, I take two shades of foundation at once and mix them together. My last choice Maifanshi Moisture Foundation, Koh Gen Do, shades #123 and #12. I like to apply the foundation with my fingers, gently patting the pigment into the skin. When make-up artists color me, they use a sponge for this, but I myself have never used this tool in my life.

Kate Bosworth

“When it comes to makeup, I follow the rule that less is more. I am also constantly in search of the perfect foundation. I'm currently crazy about Le Teint Touche Éclat Illuminating Foundation, YSL. It has a very comfortable fluid texture and blends well into the skin. The complexion becomes even, but it seems as if you did not use anything, it looks so easy and unobtrusive on the skin.

Amanda Seyfried

“Since I started using Clé de Peau Beauté products, my skin has become so clear, so beautiful, that I can’t believe it myself. I don't even use foundation now. For the last five years since I started using Clé de Peau Beauté, I wake up and am ready to go out into the world. Despite this, I always have concealer with me as my skin is very sensitive and red spots can suddenly appear on my cheeks and cheekbones.”

Jamie King

“I don’t really go out in the sun very often. I warm myself under it for about 10 minutes, because my body needs vitamin D, and go back to the shade. I like to be fair, very, very fair-skinned. For me, the best sunscreen is Brightening UV Defense SPF30, SkinCeuticals, as it not only protects against UV rays, but also prevents the appearance of age spots.”

Lindsay Ellingson

“I was taught this technique by British makeup artist Dick Page. I was so impressed by his work then that I remembered that technique and now use it all the time. Paige applies the lipstick like blush and applies it to her cheeks before applying foundation. And it looks simply gorgeous! This blush looks very natural and natural.”

It has long been believed that representatives of the fair sex who have white skin belong to the aristocracy. However, fashion trends tend to change rapidly, and in modern society a beautiful, even tan is considered the standard of beauty. Despite this, many girls are interested in how to make their skin white. After all, a healthy and even complexion is a sign of not only beauty, but also health.

White skin is a sign of aristocracy - a brief excursion into history

How to give skin a porcelain whiteness first interested the ancient Greeks. Despite the fact that they naturally had dark skin, it was believed that their faces were undeniably attractive. It was they who first invented lead-based white powder. Despite its destructive properties, this recipe was used until the end of the 19th century.

Geishas also used this powder for their makeup, for whom the combination of white skin and black hair was the standard of beauty.

But white facial skin gained its greatest popularity in the 16th-18th centuries in Europe, where it became a sign of the aristocracy. Now this trend is gaining popularity again, and many girls who do not have porcelain skin strive to give it a mysterious pallor.

How to make your skin white

Now available for ladies wide choose facial skin whitening products. You can use folk remedies that involve compresses and washing with special decoctions, or whitening cosmetics. IN special cases When radical changes are required that are impossible at home, you can use ultrasound or the services of a plastic surgeon.

Regardless of what type of remedy you choose, you should start with proper nutrition and avoidance of cigarettes and alcohol. This will be the first step towards healthy white skin without a hint of yellowness and age spots.

If you decide to resort to folk remedies, you have a wide choice. You can use essential oils based on lemon or orange, which have a pronounced smoothing effect.

It is important to rule out the possibility of an allergic reaction to citrus fruits before use.

If you decide to use special masks, they will be based on ordinary homemade products stored in the refrigerator. For example, you can make a mask based on:

  • cabbage and kefir: mix in a 2:1 ratio and keep on your face for 15 minutes;
  • cucumber: grate half of the fresh vegetable and mix with fatty nourishing cream;
  • cottage cheese: 50 g dairy product mix with one tablespoon of sour cream, honey and a few drops of lemon juice;
  • lemon: squeeze the juice from the citrus, add a tablespoon of honey, moisten a napkin in the resulting porridge and apply it to your face.

You can try any of the recipes listed, they all have the same effectiveness.

Makeup for white skin - important subtleties

Not all girls with porcelain color faces, can correctly apply makeup, presenting their aristocratic pallor in a favorable light.

To do everything right, you must follow a number of rules:

  1. The right tone. Trying to disguise your pallor with a dark foundation is the most big mistake. This way you will not only give your skin an unhealthy tint, but also add a few extra years to yourself. White skin on a girl requires the use of a primer to mask all defects and the lightest shade foundation with a light texture.
  2. The powder should be used as carefully as possible, in the most necessary cases. It will contribute to the effect of dryness and highlight your paleness, so try to avoid it.
  3. A little blush - required element makeup. After all, it is he who will give your skin the necessary brightness. It is important to choose the right shade, because too much emphasis on the cheekbones will not look harmonious. Give preference to light pink, peach or coral shade. The absence of mother-of-pearl and sparkles is the right choice for the aristocracy.
  4. Choose shadows in cool and light shades, because too bright colors will look defiant.
  5. Mascara, on the contrary, should be black and maximally lengthening. Properly painted long dark eyelashes will perfectly set off your noble pallor.
  6. Lipstick depends on the time of day. If it's a working day, give preference to soft neutral lip shades: peach, beige, soft pink tones are exactly what you need. And to create a bright evening makeup You can use burgundy, scarlet or brown lipstick.

If you follow all the rules, your image will look irresistible: white glowing skin, gentle blush, a modest look from under long black eyelashes, soft pink lips and well-groomed hair.

How to tan if your skin is white

It causes certain problems for its owners. One of them is the inability to get a fashionable tan. Achieving the desired result requires patience, because porcelain skin is prone to burns.

It is necessary to apply sunbathing in small doses, gradually increasing the time spent in the sun. You can start with 15 minutes so that your skin gets used to the effects of ultraviolet radiation. Gradually the time can be increased, bringing it up to 2 hours. In this case, it is imperative to use sunscreen before, after and for tanning.

If you are out in the sun without wanting to tan, wear a wide-brimmed hat and make sure all areas of your body are covered. This way you can be sure that your skin will remain even, without individual intensely tanned areas.

If you are not careful, the risk of sunburn is quite high. And after a burn, white skin takes a long time to recover, which can become a serious problem. Therefore, to avoid unpleasant consequences, pale people need to treat sun exposure with extreme caution.

When white skin is a sign of problems

Sometimes it happens that the face suddenly changes its color. Often, a pale tint is a sign of poor circulation and iron deficiency in the body. And if you have isolated white areas that were not there before, this is also a reason to think about your health.

For example, white skin around the mouth and under the nose can be a signal that indicates problems with the cardiovascular system and even the presence of heart failure.

And if you have had white skin around your lips for a long time, this is also a sign of existing problems in the body; as a rule, this indicates that the food you eat is poorly digested. And if there are white vertical wrinkles above the lips, the problem is in the water balance.

A final diagnosis can only be made after a medical examination, but do not forget that the skin is a mirror of health.

So, let's summarize. Girls who dream of having a face can achieve what they want with the help of special means. And young ladies, whom nature has awarded with a porcelain shade, need to remember the rules for caring for it and the subtleties of makeup.

If pallor appears in certain areas of the face and after a certain event, it is necessary to do a medical examination to rule out any health problems.

Famous owners of porcelain skin about beauty secrets during the summer period

Most recently, the red-haired beauty talked about how she keeps her skin flawless in an interview with InStyle magazine: “I would like to appeal to all young ladies. Stay out of the sun! I have very fair skin that is incredibly sensitive to any influence. I always wear sunscreen and walk on the shady side of the street."

The Spider-Man star admitted that she never liked her fair skin. “There was a time when I hated being pale. I'm from Arizona, where everyone is very, very tan. It's very sunny there. But I couldn’t stay in the sun because my skin seemed to have no tanning pigment—which, by the way, I really appreciate now,” she told The Huffington Post.

The celebrity's Twitter profile reads: "Pale, awkward and very, very small." Perhaps this is why we love her.

Julianna Margulies

For those who still don’t understand, we repeat: fair skin and the sun are incompatible. The Good Wife star reiterated this by bluntly stating, "Being very pale, I avoid the sun most of my life."

Still from the TV series “The Good Wife”

So what's the secret to maintaining Nicole Kidman's glowing, creamy skin tone? It's simple. She told Allure: "I don't go out in the sun at all and I meditate all the time." Well, we get it.

The self-proclaimed "true white" Twilight star is often cited as a trendsetter in "cold and pale" beauty. Who knew that vampires were so influential in our world?

Michelle Trachtenberg

The former Buffy the Vampire Slayer superstar once shared with US Weekly that she was cast and even auditioned for the role of Bella in Twilight. Obviously, such a step was taken largely due to Michelle's pale skin - apparently, only a truly select few have vampire characteristics.

Photo: Michelle Trachtenberg / instagram

Ann Hataway

The Oscar winner is so concerned with every conceivable means of protecting her stunning porcelain complexion from harmful effects ultraviolet rays that often even carry an umbrella in very sunny weather.

Still from the film Les Miserables - 2012

No matter what movie she's in, whether it's Dawson's Creek or Valentine's Day, we'll always be jealous of her alabaster skin.

Christina Hendricks

The star of the television series "Mad Men" should definitely become the president of the club "Opponents of the sunburn." “I use sunscreen every day. And, although I wear a cap every time I find myself by the pool, I do not consider myself paranoid, ”she said.

Still from the TV series “Mad Men”

An interesting trend: the Turgenev young ladies did their best to preserve their milky-white skin, which was a sign of aristocratic origin, and natural dark-skinned women spent kilograms of white so that no one would guess the natural color of their face. Now it’s the other way around: a healthy, golden complexion is in fashion. And women with pale skin do not envy the young ladies of Turgenev and do their best to hide the milky whiteness of their faces. But in order to achieve the desired result, it is necessary first of all to find out the true cause of pallor and, depending on this, choose tactics to combat it.

Six reasons for aristocratic pallor

1. Lack of vitamins

The lack of vitamins affects the work of all body systems and the condition of the skin as well. With hypovitaminosis, pallor of the face is accompanied by dryness and flaking of certain areas, dull hair and brittle nails. To a greater extent, vitamin A is responsible for the health and beautiful color of the skin. The need for a healthy person in vitamin A is 1.5 mg for adults and 0.5-1.3 mg for children. Do not forget that an overdose of vitamins can cause even worse consequences, so they should be taken according to the instructions on the package. Outside, you can nourish your face with vitamin masks made from fresh fruits. When preparing a mask for dry skin, it is advisable to add olive or soybean oil (1 teaspoon per 100 g) or egg yolk (1 yolk per 100 g) to the fruit mixture. And for oily skin - a few drops of lemon juice or beaten egg white, it helps to narrow the pores. But do not overuse nourishing masks. It is recommended to make 2-3 masks per week, no more.

2. Poor nutrition

With food, a person receives a huge amount of necessary and unnecessary substances. Moreover, the latter are not reflected in the best way on our face. Sickly pale skin may indicate that you do not have enough animal fats.

Be sure to include lean meats (such as beef), fish and poultry in your diet. However, it is advisable to boil or steam the meat rather than fry it. And try to at least temporarily exclude salty, spicy and pickled foods from your food. Then in a week you will see that the face has acquired a beautiful, healthy color. If you can’t avoid “harmful” foods, try to drink 2-3 liters of fluid a day (if there are no kidney problems) so that numerous toxins leave your body as quickly as possible.

Also, if you have pale skin, it is useful to drink a glass of red wine before dinner, but not more than 150 ml per day. The red cells contained in wine have a good effect on the blood. By the way, natural pomegranate juice has the same effect.

3. Bad habits

If you smoke, your skin has to smoke with you. With each cigarette you send many small and evil oxygen radicals into your body. They destroy the very basis of the skin - elastin and collagen fibers and mercilessly absorb vitamin C.

As a result, the skin loses its elasticity and becomes a sickly white color. In addition, due to the high concentration of carbon monoxide in the smoker’s body, there is a lack of oxygen, which does not have the best effect on the condition of the skin.

If you can't quit smoking, choose cosmetics rich in vitamins, fruit extracts and oxygen. Vitamins A and E protect skin cells and neutralize free radicals. Fruit acids (glycolic, malic, tartaric, citric) stimulate the process of cell renewal and significantly improve complexion, and oxygen restores blood supply to the upper layers of the skin.

And about once a week, nourish your skin with masks containing essential oils of geranium, neroli, eucalyptus, lavender, sage, rosemary or lemon - they enhance the protective functions of the skin and restore a healthy complexion.

4. Tired skin

Stress, overload at work, unfavorable environmental conditions, prolonged stay indoors, air conditioning, central heating, improper care, etc. can cause painful pallor of the skin. To give tired skin a healthy, beautiful color, you need to remove dry, dead cells. Special cream peelings are best suited for these purposes. They contain micro-granules that penetrate deep into the pores and cleanse the skin. If desired, peeling can be prepared at home.

Take honey, egg yolk, soda and rolled oats in equal proportions (1 tablespoon each). If you have particularly sensitive skin, then soda will have to be excluded. Mix everything thoroughly until a homogeneous mass is formed. Peeling is applied to pre-cleansed skin in an even layer for 5-15 minutes (depending on individual characteristics), and then carefully washed off.

After deep cleansing, the skin may become irritated and red. There is nothing wrong with this, because peeling penetrates deep into the pores and removes dead cells. Therefore, after peeling, it is advisable to apply a soothing or moisturizing cream to your face that you use daily. As a rule, in 1-2 days the redness disappears and the skin acquires a beautiful, healthy color.

5. Heredity

As they say, you can't argue with nature. And if your mom and dad gave you milky white skin that doesn’t tan, you’ll have to camouflage yourself with decorative cosmetics. Foundation, powder, blush will help you achieve a beautiful complexion.

You can also use self-tanning. It allows you to quickly give the skin a dark, golden hue. Self-tanning is applied in an even, thin layer to well-cleansed skin. The hairline, skin around the eyebrows, knees and elbows require special care. The thinnest possible coat should be applied to these areas. The cream dries quite quickly - in 15 - 20 minutes. The resulting effect lasts for several days, depending on lifestyle and the quality of the cream.

But creating an artificial tan in a solarium is not recommended for women with such skin - there is a high probability of burns.

6. Diseases of the cardiovascular system

If you have taken into account all the previous points, and your face still has an unhealthy pale color, this may indicate a malfunction of the cardiovascular system. Basically, the condition of the skin is affected not by diseases of individual organs, but by the cardiovascular system as a whole (for example, hypertension).

This is due to the fact that with frequently repeated, sharp increases in pressure, the intensity of oxygen supply to the skin changes, and the vessels either expand or contract. In diseases of the cardiovascular system, pallor of the skin is sometimes accompanied by a painful blush and a brightly visible mesh blood vessels. In this case, only a doctor will help you.

What not to do:

Rub your face with a washcloth or constantly pinch your cheeks, like Scarlett did from Gone with the Wind. Of course, massage is useful, but it should be done with light movements, without injuring the skin and after cleansing the face.

Use blush liberally. Blush applied in excess to pale skin (without foundation) will further emphasize an unhealthy complexion. Therefore, they should be used very carefully, avoiding bright colors.

Steam your face daily. When steaming, the pores expand and the face turns a little red, but immediately after the procedure the skin regains its original color. “Water baths” should be done no more than once a week.

Just 100-150 years ago, pale skin was considered a sign of aristocracy: they said so about white-skinned ladies - “aristocratic pallor” or “porcelain figurine”.

Peasant women also protected their skin from the sun - tanning was not in fashion, and they covered their faces with scarves right up to their eyes so that it remained white and soft - so girls from the common people were no less fashionistas than graceful young ladies in crinolines.

Delicate skin is still in fashion today, but pallor is no longer considered attractive: different types of tans are now in fashion - bronze, golden, chocolate, and dark-skinned beauties are much more likely to attract admiring glances men than light-skinned men.

The skin of girls who fail to tan is compared to many things: they say they are pale as a sheet; like paper; as a powder or tablet, so inferiority complexes arise very often on this basis; and of course, we try our best to tan, or do something that will allow us to look tanned. However, not everyone can go to the sea and not always, just like visiting a solarium - it takes time and money, not to mention the fact that many people simply cannot stand a tan - under the influence of ultraviolet radiation, the skin loses water, shrinks, dries and becomes rough, and then begins to age quickly - at any age.

We feel especially awkward when we have to attend some important event - for example, at a corporate evening or a reception, where we have to show our best side, and there is no time to get a tan, and there are no opportunities a little too. But there are simple ways that are available to everyone and do not require much time and effort - these are homemade masks with a tanning effect. Of course, after these masks you will not become as tanned as after relaxing on the beach or visiting a solarium; Self-tanning also gives the skin a brighter shade, but not everyone can tolerate it either, and it is not always possible to get the expected result - often after applying it, the face becomes spotty.

Using home tanning products, you can give the skin a light shade of tan; if you show a little more patience, you can make the skin of the whole body slightly “tanned”.

The simplest way is to wipe your face with strong brewed black tea or strong coffee - natural, of course; you can also use cocoa powder. In addition to the fact that the skin will acquire a darkish tint, its tone will return, and it will become fresher and healthier. And a healthy glow will be restored to the skin by rubbing with ice cubes from strong coffee and tea - this should be done in the morning and evening.

Natural ground coffee makes excellent homemade masks with a tanning effect: freshly ground coffee is diluted with warm water to a thick paste, and this paste is applied to the face for 10 minutes. If the skin is dry, then coffee is diluted not with water, but vegetable oil- for example, olive, sesame, sunflower, etc. Masks from cocoa powder are made in the same way.

Carrots are the next proven folk remedy: in addition to the tanning effect, the skin receives excellent nutrition and hydration from masks with carrots, but you should be more careful here. Women with very white skin should not use carrots - in this case, the skin may become yellow tint, and it will not look very attractive - rather the opposite. If your skin is naturally slightly dark and has simply turned pale after winter, you can use carrots; with its help, you can maintain an already acquired tan.

You can apply fresh carrots, grated on a fine grater, to your face every day, or wipe your face with freshly squeezed carrot juice, adding a little olive oil to it. Wash after masks and wiping after 15-20 minutes; lubricate the skin with a moisturizer.

Rhubarb is a plant that many people have in their garden, but most people pay little attention to it: in best case scenario they make jam or compotes with it, but drugs are obtained from it that are successfully used to treat diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, skin, gall bladder, nervous system etc. People used to use rhubarb to strengthen the body's strength, but now we are talking about what can be obtained from its roots effective remedy for Tan.

You need to squeeze the juice out of fresh rhubarb roots twice a day and lubricate your face with it - the effect will be noticeable within a few days. Using rhubarb juice, like carrot juice, also requires attention - it dries and tightens the skin; therefore, when dry and normal skin 10 minutes after applying it, you need to wash your face with warm water and apply moisturizer to your face.

If your skin is oily, you don’t have to wash off the juice, but even if you have dry skin, you can find the best way: rhubarb juice (1 tbsp) is mixed until smooth with your moisturizing or nourishing cream and applied to the face - then you don’t need to wash off the mask either.

You can make a mask with rhubarb (2 tbsp), sour cream (1 tbsp), and raw egg yolk. All ingredients are thoroughly ground, and the mixture is applied to the face for 15 minutes; wash off with slightly warm water.

Rhubarb can be used in different ways - for example, you can wipe your face not only with the juice, but also with a decoction of rhubarb roots. Dry roots are crushed, pour 1 tbsp. raw materials cold water(1 cup), bring to a boil and cook over low heat for about 20 minutes, stirring occasionally; then remove, cool and filter. Wipe your face with this decoction, and after 15-20 minutes wash with clean water.

About what the decoction and juice of rhubarb roots gives to the skin swarthy shade, people have known for a long time - they used to treat vitiligo - a disease in which the skin of the body becomes covered with white spots. Rhubarb also helps in coloring hair darker.

Other herbs that help achieve a tanning effect are chamomile and string. Chamomile inflorescences and dry string grass (7-8 tablespoons of the mixture) are poured with boiling water (1 liter), covered with a lid and left for 2 hours. The infusion is filtered and used for washing every morning.

Other remedies include red henna - just don’t keep it on your face for too long, otherwise the shade may turn out unpredictable. Pour a few tablespoons of henna with warm water, stir and apply the paste to the face and neck. Keep for no more than 10 minutes and rinse with warm water.

The tanning effect can be given not only to the skin of the face, but also to the skin of the whole body, if you have the patience to take tea baths every day. Black tea (4 tbsp) should be brewed with boiling water (1 l), then strain and pour into a bath with warm water - for greater effectiveness you can add sea ​​salt. Take baths for 15 minutes for a week - the skin of the body will not only become slightly tanned, but will also acquire firmness and elasticity. The infusion of chamomile and string mentioned above can also be used for such baths.

There are other recipes for effective and safe, and even healthy home tanning. Masks with turmeric not only give the skin a golden hue, but also tighten pores and relieve inflammation - turmeric has an antiseptic effect on the skin. Turmeric powder (1 tbsp) is diluted with the same amount of mint infusion, the paste is applied to the face and neck for 20 minutes, and then washed off with warm water.

Juice from the shells of unripe walnuts also gives an excellent tanning effect. The green shells of the nuts are juicy and fleshy - they must be passed through a meat grinder and then the juice must be squeezed out. You can apply it pure or mixed with any vegetable oil - it is best to do this at night, and wearing gloves. The remains of the mask are washed off in the morning; if everything is done carefully, the shade turns out even and beautiful. Another way is to add a little juice to your cream - this way you can maintain the tanning effect constantly.

Foods can also affect skin color - primarily fruits and vegetables, which contain many carotenoids: apricots, pumpkin and especially carrots and carrot juice; however, to get at least a light tan, you will have to eat them every day, and quite long time- it is better to use this opportunity as an addition.

Trying to do tanned face and neck, don’t overdo it: if the rest of the body, including the décolleté, arms and shoulders, remains pale, it will look original, but is unlikely to be aesthetically pleasing and attractive, and will most likely cause ridicule from others instead of their admiration. Moreover, some girls manage to tan only their face, while their neck remains white, so be more careful and patient if you decide to use self-tanning masks at home.

Gataulina Galina
