Where do the tallest men live? In which countries do the tallest people live?

Tall and handsome people are considered more attractive. Girls tend to wear shoes with heels in order to become at least a little taller, while men, in turn, have to be content with what nature has awarded them. Now we want to tell you about the countries in which the most tall people.

What can affect a person's height?

The World Health Organization has defined international standards for the growth of children under 5 years of age. This classification is based on the norms observed in children born in well-off families and having the same growth rates when breastfed in infancy. A person's height is measured from the top of his head to his feet. The measurement is done using a device called a stadiometer.

There are some factors that are associated with growth. In places with the same factors environment and genetic background, similar growth trends are observed. Genes and endocrine system can cause things like dwarfism or gigantism, stunted growth, and reduced growth later in life due to malnutrition. This can serve as external factors like wars or a difficult economic situation in the country, such as poverty. With this in mind, scientists looked at population growth in European countries. These figures represent the average of all populations analyzed, including both male and female participants.

Luxembourg - 1,799 meters

Luxembourg ranks tenth in the list presented. Statistics show that average height of the country's inhabitants is 1,799 meters for both sexes.

Genes affect growth rates throughout life. Nutrition and environment are also factors that have a direct impact on childhood growth. promoted in the country breast-feeding which is very useful for children.

Slovenia - 1,803 meters

Slovenia is on the list in ninth place. Located in the region of the Dinaric Alps, this country is known for the fact that people are born here who are much taller than average. This is partially influenced by genes, although it can be noted that Slovenes eat a diet that is high in protein and meat.

Czech Republic - 1.8031 meters

Residents of the Czech Republic, now commonly known as the Czech Republic, are among the tallest people in the world with an average height of 1.8031 meters. Good level life and income of the population is one of the possible theories of the impressive growth of the Czechs.

Croatia - 1,805 meters

Residents of Croatia are ranked seventh in the list of the tallest people. This is a country where the average height of citizens is 1.805 meters. The location of the country in the Dinaric Alps leads researchers to the idea that the gene pool of the population should include genes tall in order to live comfortably in these conditions.

Germany - 1.81 meters

Germany is in sixth place in the ranking, the average height of citizens is 1.81 meters. The way of life in Germany is known all over the world. Of particular note are the beer festivals and big choice sausages. The Germans have a saying: "breakfast like a king, dine like a prince, dine like a beggar." This gives us an idea of ​​the German diet, which is rich in protein, sugar and fat.

Potatoes and wheat are staple foods that are usually accompanied by meat as well as dairy products. The use of alcohol and tobacco in Germany is one of the highest in Europe, although it cannot be said that these factors contribute to the increase, yet the use of these harmful products was not enough to slow down the growth of the Germans.

Serbia - 1.82 meters

Serbia ranks fifth on the list. Citizens have an average height of 1.82 meters. Presumably, the combination of Slavic and Mediterranean gene pools is the reason for such a high growth of these people. Athletics and exercise from childhood may be factors that also influence the growth of the inhabitants of Serbia. In addition, Serbian dishes are always rich in protein, which cannot but affect the physical development of people.

Norway - 1,824 meters

Norway is in fourth place in the ranking. The average height of its inhabitants is 1.824 meters. In the old days, the Vikings who inhabited these lands were considered one of the tallest people in the world. The Norwegian diet includes a large amount of protein foods. In addition, all dishes are quite high in calories, which, probably, causes good growth and development from childhood. The country is known for its quality of life and social stability, as well as state aid in the field of human development.

Denmark - 1,826 meters

A good gene pool and favorable environmental factors are the reason for the high growth of the Danes. The average height of the inhabitants of this country is 1.826 meters for both men and women.

The Danes are known for their attractive appearance and stateliness. They are considered the richest nation in Europe and their income is one of the highest per capita in the world. The Danish government takes care of the population through social services. Diet and genes, however, appear to be critical in shaping height.

Montenegro - 1,832 meters

Montenegro ranks second on the list. The average height of its citizens is 1.832 meters for both sexes. Montenegro is located in the Dinaric Alps, where the weather is beautiful and the mountain air is clean. The children here are well fed, which partly explains their tall stature. The cuisine of this beautiful country includes Italian, Turkish and Hungarian traditions: dishes have good nutritional value. The Montenegrin gene pool is certainly the main factor that allows the population of this country to be considered one of the tallest people in the whole world.

Netherlands - 1,838 meters

The inhabitants of this country rank first in terms of growth. On average, it is 1.838 meters for both sexes. By definition World Organization health care, their quality of life and a good diet of dairy products and a large number fish, could contribute to this indicator. It is interesting to know that all government buildings in the Netherlands have tall doorways.

What is your height? Do you think it is sufficient or would you like to be a couple of centimeters taller?

People who go on vacation to Southeast Asia for the first time often pay attention to very short stature indigenous people. We think they are very small compared to us. And in which countries do the smallest people live? Where do giants live?

So, 5 countries with the tallest men:

  1. Netherlands: 182.5 cm
  2. Belgium: 181.7 cm
  3. Estonia: 181.6 cm
  4. Latvia: 181.4 cm
  5. Denmark: 181.4 cm

As you can see, the most tall men planets live in Europe, mainly in the northern part.

5 countries with the tallest women:

  1. Latvia: 169.8 cm
  2. Netherlands: 168.7 cm
  3. Estonia: 168.7 cm
  4. Czech Republic: 168.5 cm
  5. Serbia: 167.7 cm

Most tall women the world also live in Europe, but there is no longer a clear range, but are distributed from south to north.

Now let's move on to the shortest men:

  1. East Timor: 159.8 cm
  2. Yemen: 159.9 cm
  3. Laos: 160.5 cm
  4. Madagascar: 161.5 cm
  5. Malawi: 162.2 cm

In general, these are residents of Central Africa and Southeast Asia.

5 countries with the lowest women:

  1. Guatemala: 149.4 cm
  2. Philippines: 149.6 cm
  3. Bangladesh: 150.8 cm
  4. Nepal: 150.9 cm
  5. East Timor: 151.2 cm

Here, too, mainly residents of Southeast Asia.

In general, in general, there is a tendency, the closer to the equator and the hotter the climate, the lower the indigenous people. And the more north the country, the higher the inhabitants. There is also a dependence of population growth on the standard of living, the higher the standard of living, the higher the population, and vice versa, in less developed countries, the population is generally below average. Of course, there are exceptions, but in general such trends are visible.

What are these regularities? Most likely with the fact that in developed countries people work less exhausting physical labor devote more to their health and proper nutrition, go in for sports, medicine and human rights are developed in such countries. In underdeveloped countries, most of the population is engaged in exhausting physical labor (most often in agriculture), often go hungry, devote less to their health and sports. In addition, human height directly depends on the place of residence, for example, in dense forests and impenetrable jungles, it is easier for people with short stature. Thus, long-term genetic selection has led to such different results.

In general, there is a trend towards an increase in the average population growth in the world. Over the past 100 years in all countries of the world there has been an increase in this indicator. So over the past 100 years in Iran, Greece and Japan, the average height of men has increased by more than 15 cm. And the average height of women in South Korea by as much as 20 cm! In Russia, the average height of men is 176.5 cm (an increase of 9 cm over 100 years), and 165.3 cm for women (an increase of 12 cm over 100 years). Again, this can be associated with a sharp increase in the standard of living of the population of the countries.

Scientists believe that the global change in growth man goes wavy. In the ancient period, residents of developed countries at that time had an increase modern man. In the future, human growth decreased and reached a minimum in the Middle Ages. Over the past 200 years there has been a constant increase in growth. It is believed that in the next 50-100 years the average height of a person will stop increasing, and perhaps in a few centuries a new decline will begin, initiated by some kind of disease or warriors. But this is all a distant future that only our great-great-grandchildren will see.

You will find the rest of the countries in ours, in the "Medicine" section.

An ordinary European who was among the representatives African tribe Tutsi will feel like a dwarf, because the average height of local men is almost 2 meters, and women are not far behind them. We propose to make a trip to Central Africa, where the tallest people on the planet live.

The Tutsi people, numbering about 2-2.5 million people, live on the territory of several Central African states: Rwanda, Burundi, the Democratic Republic of the Congo and in some neighboring countries.

The ancestors of the Tutsis, who came to Central Africa from the territory of Ethiopia and Sudan in the 15th century, were engaged in cattle breeding. Later, they began to mix with the larger Hutu ethnic group, adopting their farming skills and language. Gradually there was also a mixture of these two peoples, as evidenced by their genetic closeness. But pastoralism is still considered the Tutsi's preferred occupation, and bride price is also measured by the amount of cattle handed over to the family.

The Tutsis speak two closely related Bantu languages, Rundi and Round. Apart from mother tongue, many Tutsis speak French, which is the official language of Rwanda, Burundi and the Democratic Republic of the Congo. Most modern Tutsis are Catholic, although traditional beliefs are still strong among the Tutsis living in the villages. This people has a very rich folklore, they know many fairy tales, sayings and legends. The traditional craft, which the Tutsis are fluent in, is the weaving of various products from dry straw and reeds. Tutsis make baskets, boxes and pieces of furniture from improvised plant material.

Distinctive feature the people of the Tutsi people is their tall stature, long legs and narrow long face. The average height of Tutsi women is 175 centimeters, and men - 193 centimeters, although it is not uncommon for Tutsi people to be over 2 meters tall. The researchers suggest that one of the factors that influenced the high growth of the Tutsi was their living in a semi-desert climate of the savannas and traditional pastoralism, which involves significant daily foot crossings. This is also indicated by the fact that other tribes live in this region of Africa, whose representatives are taller than other peoples of the world. These are Dinka, Masai, Samburu, Luo and other peoples who traditionally inhabit East and Central Africa.

The last decades have been very difficult for the Tutsi people. Despite centuries of living in the neighborhood of the Hutu people, the abundance mixed marriages and mutual language, inter-ethnic conflict broke out between these tribes. But these are the realities of post-colonial Africa: hundreds of thousands of Tutsis became victims of the conflict, many were forced to leave their habitats. One can only hope that soon peace will reign in this long-suffering region and the Tutsi will again lead their numerous herds of cows with graceful horns across the expanses of the savannah.

The tallest people in the world have always been interesting to others and left their noticeable mark on history. Unfortunately, their high growth brought them not only fame, but also serious problems with health due to the huge load on the spine and cardiovascular system. Not all people whose height is over 2.40 meters were included in the well-known book of records. Most often the fact of their gigantic growth remained imprinted on the images that for several years now amaze and amaze contemporaries, or in medical records.

10 Bernard Coyne (USA) 2.49 meters

In tenth place on the list of the tallest people in the world is Bernard Coyne, according to the official version, his height reached 249 centimeters, and according to unconfirmed facts, he was 2.53 meters. Bernard continued to grow throughout his life and it is not known how much growth he could achieve, but Coyne died quite young age. A young man died at the age of 23 in the USA. Fast growth the guy was accompanied not only by problems with the spine, like most tall people, but also by a lag in his sexual development.

9 Don Kehler (USA) 2.49 meters

The ninth place in our ranking is occupied by Don Koehler, who is quite long time was the tallest man on the planet. Don was born in the USA, the growth anomaly began to appear when the boy was 10 years old. interesting point in the Koehler family, it turned out that the anomaly did not affect his twin sister at all, she was completely normal growth. Koehler also reached 2 meters 49 centimeters, which gave him huge problems with the health of the spine.

8 Vikas Appal (India) 2.51 meters

This man became famous thanks to the height own growth at 251 centimeters and ranks eighth on the list. Vikas has lived all his life in India, although the Guinness Book of Records did not record his height. Local health workers monitored him and he was recognized as the tallest in India. Vikas died at the age of 21 during an operation.

7 Sultan Kösen (Turkey) 2.51 meters

In seventh place on the list with a height of 251 centimeters is Sultan Kösen. To date, the Turk is the tallest person living on the planet. Successful treatment of the pituitary gland led to the stunting of the Sultan, which increases the chances of living a longer and healthy life than other representatives with similar anomalies who lived earlier. On the this moment The Sultan is engaged in farming, and his main difficulty lies in finding clothes and shoes that need to be sewn to order.

6 Edouard Beaupré (Canada) 2.51 meters

Sixth place in the ranking is occupied by Edouard Beaupre from Canada. Compared to other people of abnormal growth, Beaupre possessed and huge force, than he earned money by working in the circus. The growth of the strongman reached 251 centimeters. Despite his strength, Edward did not live long and died young at the age of 23 from incurable tuberculosis in 1904. But even after his death, he did not cease to amaze, since his body was embalmed, and it served as an exhibit at the University of Montreal until 1990. After long litigation he was cremated and buried at home.

5 Veino Myllirinne (Finland) 2.51 meters

The top five tallest people in the world are opened by Veino Müllirinne from Finland. The height of the Finn also reached 2.51 meters only about 40 years old. And at a young age, his height was not so outstanding: at 21, he was 2.22 meters. The Finn lived for 54 years and gained his fame as the tallest man who served in the army.

4 Leonid Stadnik (Ukraine) 2.57 meters

In fourth place is Leonid Stadnik, who lives in Ukraine. The height of the tallest Ukrainian was 257 centimeters. At the age of 12, Leonid underwent brain surgery and his height began to increase abnormally. Stadnik worked as a veterinary surgeon and died at the age of 44 from a sudden cerebral hemorrhage. Last years Leonid suffered from problems with the musculoskeletal system and could not move without additional assistance.

3 John Carroll (USA) 2.63 meters

The three tallest people on the planet are opened by John Carroll with a stunning height of 263 centimeters. Huge spinal problems made it very difficult to measure John's height. John's first leap was in adolescence, then in just a few months he grew by 17 centimeters. John lived for 37 years and died in 1967 in Buffalo.

2 Joe Rogan (USA) 2.68 meters

The exact date of birth of the person ranked second on our list is unknown. Joe Rogan was born in the family of a former slave and was the 12th child. The estimated date of his birth is 1865-1868. The approximate age of the first abnormal jump in his growth was 13 years. The guy began to earn money by taking pictures and selling photos at stations and railway stations. By about the age of 20, the guy could only move with the help of crutches, the reason for this was ankylosis of the joints. Joe's height increased until his death (1905). He is still considered the tallest black man on the planet.

1 Robert Wadlow (USA) 2.72 meters

The first place of one of the highest representatives is occupied by Robert Wadlow. The American was born in 1918 and became the main record holder with a height of 272 centimeters. The record itself was captured less than a month before Robert's death. Despite his enormous height, Wadlow not only graduated from the university, but was also a Freemason, for whom he had to create the largest ring in the history of the lodge. During the funeral, the coffin was carried by 12 people. Robert's parents were very worried that after the death of their son, his corpse would not be stolen, so Wadlow's grave was concreted.

Fedor Makhnov2.85 meters

It is impossible not to note another giant in world history. His height was not recorded in the Guinness book, but, according to some information, it was Fedor Makhnov who was the tallest man on earth in history. According to unverified data, Fedor's height was 285 centimeters. The whole family of Fedor was distinguished by unprecedented growth, although such giants as he was no longer observed. At one time he entered the circus arena, entertaining the people, and when he got tired of traveling around the world, Fedor went to his homeland and got married. He died at the age of 34.

More than 5 thousand nationalities live in the world. They differ from each other in eye shape, hair and skin color, and height. So, the Russians seem like giants compared to the Thais. And the Thais, in turn, will look down on the inhabitants of African Madagascar, where the average female growth- one and a half meters. The poorer the country, the lower the people in it. What is it: a coincidence or a pattern?

Experts from the scientific community NCD Risk Factor Collaboration, with the participation of the World Health Organization (WHO) and Imperial College London, studied the body length of people in different countries Oh. They studied the data of the inhabitants of several dozen states and determined where the tallest people live, and where the smallest people live.

Born basketball and volleyball players live in Eastern Europe. For example, in Latvia, neighboring Russia, the average male height equal to 181.4 cm, and the female - 169.8 cm. Estonia is also inhabited by "giants". The height of the average woman there is 168.7 cm, and men - 181.6 cm.

Residents of the Scandinavian countries are also distinguished by high growth. On average, a Norwegian grows up to 179.7 cm, and a Norwegian - 165.6 cm. Finns are a match for Norwegians. Men there reach a height of 179.6 cm, and women - 165.9 cm.

The inhabitants of Russia are shorter than the Scandinavians, but they also differ in considerable growth. The average resident of our country has grown to 176.5 cm, and a resident - up to 165.3 cm.

Very tall people live in North America and Australia. The height of the average resident of the United States is 177.1 cm, residents - 163.5 cm. Australians are even taller. Their men grow up to 179.2 cm, women - up to 165.9 cm.

The smallest were the inhabitants of Asia and Africa. Citizens of Yemen - a state in Southwest Asia - are almost dwarfs compared to Europeans. The average man there grows up to 159.9 cm, and a woman - up to 154 cm. There are also many countries in Africa where short people live. On the island of Madagascar, the average height of a man is 161 cm, and women - 151 cm.

At the same time, it is in Africa that the tallest people on earth live - the Tutsis. They live on the territory of several Central African states: Rwanda, Burundi, Democratic Republic of the Congo. The average male height is almost two meters, women are only slightly shorter than men.

The inhabitants of North America are located in the middle. They are not as tiny as Africans and Asians, but they are far from giant Scandinavians. So in Uruguay, the average height of a man is 173.4 cm, and women - 162.1 cm, in Brazil, men grow up to 173.6 cm, women - up to 160.9 cm.

News.ru found out from experts why people from different countries are so different in height.

Geneticist, researcher, founder of the medical genetic project Genotek Valery Ilyinsky: ((photo-small-left-d3b7c207−7f7a-445e-a861−592 819 643 256-)) The growth of a particular nation depends largely on genetics. It is not related to living conditions - air temperature, humidity, type of food. A vivid example is two African peoples: the Tutsis and the Pygmies. The first is very high, the second is very low. They live in similar conditions, eat similarly. I have not seen a proven correlation between population growth and living standards in a particular country. Doctor of Philosophy, Professor of the Department of Philosophy of the South Ural state university, full member (academician) of the Academy of Humanities, specialist in philosophy, anthropology Igor Vishev: ((photo-small-left-49b32a7c-3e12−4565-bc70-b1a97621f3ac-)) The more developed the country, the taller people live there . The same Scandinavia, the same Norway. Tall people live there, and the countries themselves are more developed, richer. People eat better, better physical development, higher growth. The climate also matters. Northerners are taller than southerners. The more strength is needed for survival, the struggle for existence, the larger the person. Therefore, it is easier for a short person to live in the south.
