How to be a leader in a women's team. Management of the women's team

Leading a women's team is even more difficult than working in it. Even good specialists are prone to gossip, talking about nothing, resolving personal issues in work time. Only a person with extraordinary organizational abilities can set limits on what is permitted.

Surely, many people remember the wonderful Soviet film "The Lonely Are Provided with a Hostel", in which the hero - the former "sea wolf" - was appointed commandant of the hostel, where there were only women.

If you remembered the plot, then you also remembered how insulted and offended this man was, who was used to commanding harsh sailors, and now forced to “build” weavers. However, in the final, when he was offered another seat, he declined. Why did this happen? Let's try to figure it out.

"Kingdom of the Fairies" or "Snake Ball"

So, why for some the leadership of a women's team is torture, but for someone it is a reward? The fact is that a woman is truly a special being. She cannot obey blind commands and generally lives by the principle: “Every business is creative, otherwise why?”.

It is hard to work only in a women's team, but it is doubly difficult to lead such a team. In addition to professional issues, the manager will have to deal with gossip, long conversations during working hours that are not at all on work topics, absenteeism from the workplace for a number of reasons, and a couple of dozen more reasons because of which any boss is ready to run wherever his eyes look from his team.

The most interesting thing is that the choice of a leader on the basis of gender practically does not work. If a man becomes the leader, then he will be doomed either to incessant attempts to ring him (if he is still not married), or to countless complaints from colleagues, or to outright sabotage of his duties.

If a woman is in charge, it is even more difficult. Firstly, they will discuss it for any reason: beautiful - ugly, smart - a fool, married - not married, etc. There are many reasons for discussion. Secondly, almost every woman who is subordinate to her boss will constantly be tormented by the question: “Why me and not her? How is she better?"

Therefore, it is simply necessary to take into account the following features of the female gender, which sometimes determine the “face” of the entire team:

  • excessive emotionality
  • optionality
  • simulation of active labor activity
  • the ability to collect and spread gossip
  • envy and rivalry
  • exaggerated perception of everything
  • mood volatility

This list can go on and on, but any boss, whether male or female, must face the main question: how to use this energy and better still for peaceful purposes?

In order to gain authority from subordinates from the first days or, according to at least, “make it clear” (after all, according to the statement of the poet Vladimir Vishnevsky, “the poet does not know how to compose as much as a woman knows how to make it clear”), who is the boss in the office, you can adhere, at least for the first time, to the following recommendations.

1. Put in place

As they say, every cricket know your hearth. Therefore, if you are faced with a clear violation of subordination, when the women entrusted to you try to be with you on short leg, it is necessary to stop all such attempts and very hard.

2. Hire married women

This is quite logical. Firstly, they will not need to search for the second half, which means that all working time will be devoted directly to the performance of their official duties. Secondly, married women more responsible, because they are responsible not only for the quality of the performance of their official duties, but also for family life, parenting, etc.

But unmarried employees in search of a profitable party will spend part of their working time flirting with male colleagues or clients.

3. Set specific goals for the day

The best remedy for gossip and other useless pastime is, oddly enough, work. If you set a circle of some very specific tasks for each employee, then there will simply not be enough time to be distracted by something else.

4. Change activities

Uniformity and monotony kill creative activity in the bud. Therefore, so that women do not get tired of the same type of work (this is when they will switch to gossip and idleness), provide for a shift during the working day different types activities.

For example, those who have been silent for a long time, it is quite natural to put them on the phone to call customers. Those who literally do not turn their tongues, after lengthy negotiations, it will be much more efficient to take some analytical reference or writing a report. By the way, even in stores, sellers change departments every two or three months: they move from meat to vegetables, from manufactured goods to grocery, etc.

5. Organize leisure

In modern corporate policy, not the last place is given to team building with the help of joint holding leisure. Common forms are the following: a trip out of town with families and children, a three-day boat cruise, various professional and entertainment competitions(such as "Guess the melody", "KVN" and the like).

Spending free time together creates really closer and warmer relationships, which means it contributes to the development of a favorable psychological climate within the team, especially for women.

6. Indulge in bonuses more often

A woman is a woman, which means that it is important for her how she looks even among those like her. Therefore, small bonuses handed out at the end of the quarter, for the holidays as a means of encouraging for a job well done, can do a good job.

When a woman buys a blouse, shoes, handbag or stunning jeans she likes, her self-esteem will immediately increase, and she will again want to “live and work”, which will undoubtedly benefit everyone.

And in general, provide at least a few five-minute breaks during the working day so that women can once again powder their nose, fix their hair, just exchange greetings, and the result will not be slow to affect: the work will be argued, the client will get in touch, and the quarterly report will finally converge .

7. The main dignity of women

Yet many leaders are happy to have women under their command. The main thing in this case is to learn to understand female logic and then you can start to rule the whole world. Main question- How?

Of course, it is possible to motivate with a career, but there are only a few who will sacrifice everything for the sake of a career. After all, the main purpose of a woman is to be a wife and mother. Therefore, women who are happy in marriage and in the service are successful if they can combine family and career. Then it will the best employee- responsible, executive, sometimes understanding intuitively what really needs to be done at the moment.

one more indisputable advantage women is their susceptibility to other people's problems. Therefore, their flexibility, ability to smooth sharp corners help with customer service. A competent leader must take advantage of this advantage and be able to distribute functional responsibilities in the women's team in accordance with the personality characteristics of each of the women.

We should not forget about the excessive emotionality of many of the fair sex. The conflicts that arise on this basis can be resolved only after the passions subside. The task of the leader in this case is not to take sides. Otherwise, you risk making enemies on both sides. Women who quarreled will someday make up, and you will remain their eternal enemy.

Male leader and female leader - is there a difference?

Psychologists do not distinguish any special differences between the two types of leaders in the case of the women's team. If the boss has a wealth of leadership experience behind him, then it doesn’t matter what gender he is. Nevertheless, a number of differences can be identified between a man and a woman in the management of a women's team.

For a man, the main thing is the performing discipline and the result. In what ways the team came to the result, he doesn’t really care. A woman leader appreciates the manifestation of any initiative, especially if it affects the final result.

A man will not stand on ceremony in choosing the means to communicate with the team. In a fit of rage, he can stoop to outright insults. And he will be deeply indifferent to whether the attitude towards him will change in the team after that.

The woman leading the team will try to “keep face” even at the most stalemate moment. If she flares up, then she will definitely apologize, realizing that the women who are subordinate to her can be very offended and hold a grudge.

The difference between the sex of the leader can also manifest itself in the fact that a man will not attach too much importance to his appearance. If he is young, then his appearance may mean something to him, and for a man of age it will not matter how he looks in the eyes of the women around him.

A woman is a woman and always remains a woman, even in the role of a leader. Therefore, she will strive to always have an impeccable appearance, knowing full well that her subordinates will notice any oversight in appearance, immediately ring up throughout the office and remember this incident at the first opportunity.

It is quite obvious that a woman leader should simply set the tone both in the manner of dressing, and in how to behave, how to “save face” even in the most hopeless situation. In fact, willingly or unwittingly, she will have to be the face of her women's team. But you will have to keep your face with all your might.

It is worth several times to show loyalty to violators of the internal regulations, as everyone else will sit on the neck, and even the legs will hang down. You can be a loyal leader only in good mood. The only alternative is to become a miger. Only this will help to establish yourself for a long time, not only in the eyes of your subordinates, but also for higher authorities.

Irina Kulieva - about how she manages to manage a car service, in which all employees are men

IT tools used by Irina Kulieva

  • 1c accounting
  • Flamp
  • whatsapp
  • Google Docs

Being a female leader is not easy - too great importance Our society still has gender stereotypes. But this is doubly difficult if the team you manage consists exclusively of men. Irina Kulieva came to the car service as a manager at the age of 23 - and in order to start working normally, she had to fire everyone and recruit a new team. Irina Kulieva spoke about the principles that a woman leader should follow in managing a male team in the corporate blog of the Fit Service company.

Car service station manager Fit Service(Barnaul). Education: Altai State Technical University (specialty "environmental engineer"). Previously, she worked in a large transport company, was engaged in rail transportation, and managed truck drivers. The Fit Service network develops 140 bus stations in 32 regions and is one of the top three largest networks in the country.

I've been running a car service for three years now. There are only men in my team, I had to assemble the team myself. At first there were many problems: firstly, when I joined the company, I was only 23 years old, secondly, I am a woman, and thirdly, I was appointed to this position. Therefore, there was neglect, misunderstanding. I had to fire everyone and put together a new team. It has already become easier here: I began to explain everything, talk to each one separately - and the employees realized that they were engaged in the technical part, and I was in charge of the business.

In my team, there are no problems with submission due to the fact that I am a woman. On the contrary, we have a strict subordination. Somewhere my colleagues are afraid of me, in some situations they silently admire me.

A woman in business should be on a par with men or even higher, since she performs several social roles- a strong leader and "mistress of the house": everything should be in her hands, under control.

Now I have about 40 people under my command - all men. Over the years I have developed principles effective work with the strong sex and managed to gain respect.

PrincipleI: understand male psychology

Understand the Features male character. Men are executive, punctual, mostly silent - unlike women. They are more concise, reserved, less emotional, so it is easier to work with them. In the male team, it is not customary to gossip and discuss personal life. They are income oriented. They are interested in working moments, the result of their own work, career growth.

Sometimes at planning meetings, I notice that employees cannot make any decisions on their own, so I push them to do so. For example, there were problems with upselling - employees did not want to offer additional services or goods that, in fact, customers really need. I “on the fingers” explained everything to my colleagues, showed how much money they were losing - and they realized that additional sales could bring good income.

PrincipleII: make you feel important

Books on personnel management recommend: if employees add up friendly relations, do not transfer them to the workflow, do not involve employees in business problems. For example, the team should not be told that there is not enough money for salaries (after all, the auto business is seasonal, in January-February there is traditionally a low flow of customers), you should try to get out of the situation yourself.

But men should feel their importance, importance for the company, so you need to instill this feeling in them. I do this: I convene a planning meeting where a number of issues need to be resolved, I give everyone the opportunity to speak, but I use the well-known female cunning- I make the decision myself, letting the employees know that without their advice, I would not have come to this decision. For example, when I am going to buy something new - equipment or tools. First, I monitor myself, compare prices, read reviews, and then consult with employees whether it is worth buying a product. In fact, I myself already know that the product is good and I will buy it, the employees only confirm this.

PrincipleIII: set clear goals

Men need to accurately formulate the problem and task. clear goal, a clear task, clear deadlines - and everything will be fine. Women like to understand everything at the level of speculation, build incomprehensible logical connections and do not always complete the task the way you want. Men are wired differently.

A fuzzy task sounds like this: “Fill out the documents correctly”, and a clear one like this: “When filling out documents, do not forget to write the reason for the appeal, customer data, ordered services, information about the guarantee.”

PrincipleIV: control yourself

Leaders are not allowed to get emotional. Especially a female leader. In such situations, I take a short pause, exhale, think, realize my mistakes.

It had to break at first. There was a situation when "return" clients came and came, and the master-acceptor could not resolve conflicts. It all happened in one day, I broke down. At first I wanted to talk calmly with my colleagues, but I saw a wall of misunderstanding - and started screaming and arguing. In the heat of the moment, I fired one employee and went home. On the way, I realized that these problems are not worth the emotional costs that we experienced. In the evening I called him and apologized, offered to talk calmly tomorrow. We discussed all claims and comments. The colleague stayed, and later even got a promotion.

I was ashamed, and since then I have tried not to break down. It doesn't always work out, but I work on myself. Sometimes, when I feel like I might snap, I don't personally talk to the person, but just write on WhatsApp.

PrincipleV: build human relationships

With subordinates, I maintain a balance between friendly and professional relationships. When I was a student, I read in a book on psychology that good leader, if he has up to 50 people on his staff, he must know all employees by name and patronymic. I didn't understand how you can remember everyone. But now I know not only the name, patronymic, birthdays, but even who has how many children. On New Year I provide gifts for employees with children. These are human relationships.

A good leader is not only a strong leader, it is also a comrade. If I have any problems, colleagues always try to help, help out. I treat my employees as human beings and ask them to do the same. If there are any comments on the work and after the second comment nothing changes, then I resort to a system of penalties. From the first time, colleagues rarely understand, sometimes they even make the same mistakes. Everything is very individual here: someone often has to be fined, and someone rarely.

There are two types of sanctions: a real fine - for example, for the fact that a person did not go to work without warning. The second type is errors in work, they are punishable by penalty points, which at the end of the month turn into rubles.

PrincipleVI: create competition

I introduced a motivation system - monthly smart tasks and individual rewards, monetary and material. I decided not to limit myself to awards. I see how much time people spend at work - our whole life is here, and there is no time to enjoy some things from the outside, to figure out how to have fun on the weekends. So I decided to do it for them.

Smart tasks are a sales plan for our services. Since the business is seasonal, I tie each task to a specific month of the year. The main thing is that it supports the spirit of competition, because men love to compete. Tasks are individual. For example, for administrative and managerial personnel I set a general task - to sell 50 cabin filters, but everyone should do it. For mechanics, the task is to work out at least 120 standard hours per month.

To control the execution, I keep records in the Fit Service automation system, where you can track everything. You tie a service or product to a specific employee, look, analyze.

I reward leaders. It can be an award, a family photo session, a trip to the pool or billiards. It is important to know the staff so as not to give the bachelor a family photo session.

I introduced the system a year ago and it is already working. At the end of the month, we analyze the results of smart tasks. At the same time, many colleagues ask me to sum up intermediate results in order to understand where they are, what to strive for.

For the system to work, convey to people that this is not only their personal bonus, but also the image of the car service as a whole. I put pressure on the spirit of competition, motivate to become the best, support the competitive spirit, but no longer on personal level but at the network level.

It is necessary to implement "points of control". I have a task stand with cards in my office. different colors: red - task not completed, green - completed. So I control the execution of tasks.

PrincipleVII: "bring up"

A lot of effort goes into the "education" of employees. And you need to do this every day. looking for different ways work with personnel: meetings, fly-outs, even just chatting on WhatsApp.

New employees rarely come, we don’t have a turnover, but if someone new comes, then always with his own line, because before that he worked in another place where everything was different. I always listen to a person, pay attention to him previous experience, because if it is valuable, we can adopt something.

Three years ago, a master inspector came to me, who used to work for himself, but the business did not work out. I whole year retrained him. For example, he blacklisted negative clients and did not work with them. I explained to him that we do not divide clients into positive and negative ones, that we treat everyone equally and are interested in all of them returning.

I do not take people over 45 years old - it is already impossible to remake them. I feel more comfortable with people from 28 to 40 - I can convey something to them, get feedback.

PrincipleVIII: to be a woman

Once a girl brought a new Hyundai Solaris for repairs. The master-receiver handed over the keys to the diagnostician, who was supposed to test the car. Two hours passed, and the diagnostician lost the keys. The situation is ridiculous. I call the client and explain the problem. We talked calmly, somehow, in a purely feminine way, we managed to agree, to resolve this situation. A few hours later, her husband came to the car service. He began to shout, swear, asked the director. I was already gone, he promised to come tomorrow. The next morning I was already waiting for him in my office. I heard him furiously going up the stairs. The client, apparently, did not understand that the director was a woman, because when he burst into the office, he was immediately dumbfounded and immediately calmed down. He says: “Probably, you were put here on purpose. To calm such violent ones. I laugh it off: “Do you think I can handle you?”. He laughed, sat down, and we talked quietly.

Clients perceive me as a professional. There were no situations to say that I don’t understand something, because I am a woman. They understand that I don’t fix cars, but manage a business process, it’s much more important to understand this, and not be able to fix cars.

On the contrary, such situations happen with employees. Especially when they have problems technical terms For example, expensive equipment has failed. I do not know how to fix it, my task in this situation is to figure out who to contact to solve the problem. In the first months of my work, I generally called any part “engine”.

In many Russian companies half or most of the staff are the fair sex. In this regard, male leaders increasingly have to manage the women's team. If you find yourself in such a role, use a simple instruction. It was made by a man who long time led the sales department big company, and under his command predominantly women worked.

Be calm and polite

First rule successful leadership- forget about rudeness and, moreover, profanity. Unlike men, women tolerate harsh words much worse. Outwardly, they can remain calm, but such an attitude seriously demoralizes them. Of course, in any case, the leader will have to make comments, but it is important not to go beyond the boundaries of decent behavior. It is best to play on female vanity: remember past merits and notice that this time the work was done not on such high level. Politeness comes in handy Everyday life. It will be easier for a manager who comes to work in a good mood and personally greets each employee to establish relations with the women's team.

Let the woman look good

Caring about their appearance is inherent in all women without exception. All attempts to deprive them of the opportunity to take care of themselves are doomed to failure. If the leader does not understand this, he will face a decrease in labor enthusiasm. Therefore, in the room where the ladies work, there must be a large mirror. Better yet, a few mirrors. In addition, the manager needs to stop being nervous when employees leave. workplace to fix your hair or make-up. At proper organization labor such absences do not matter.

Some bosses foresee so-called “dead zones” in the schedule, when high performance is not required from employees. Usually it is 15-20 minutes before the start and end of the working day. And of course, the leader should be able to give compliments, because efforts in the name of beauty should be encouraged. However, it is important to have a sense of tact and not violate the boundaries of decency. And one more important point. Women are not only interested in own appearance but also how the people around you look. Therefore, the manager will have to monitor his hair, the cleanliness of shoes, the quality of clothes and accessories. After all, the attitude of the female team to the male boss is 60% dependent on his appearance.

Clearly formulate tasks

Of course, all women are different. Some like to take the initiative and know how to set tasks on their own. However, most women prefer clear instructions. This is due to the inherent fair sex caution and unwillingness to take risks once again. In addition, in many teams women's initiative treated as a minor factor. The older the women's team, the less inclined it is to make independent decisions. The manager needs to take this into account.

Unlike men, women are more focused on the process of work and not so result-oriented. This is explained different type thinking. In men it is tunnel, and in women it is fan. Therefore, when performing tasks, a woman can concentrate too much on minor details and finish the job with the same starting data. later men. When entrusting a woman with some business, the leader must prioritize and control the process. It is necessary that strategic decisions be made first. important tasks, and only then - current affairs.

Give women the monotonous work

It will be right decision, although the tendency to monotonous and painstaking work is also associated with personality traits. However, most of the traditional women's professions- accountant, proofreader, clerk - imply the repetition of the same actions for a long time. Women are attentive to details and prone to perfectionism, so they can be trusted to perform the same tasks that require high concentration.

Get ready to fight for your attention

Women often compete with each other in an effort to get the attention of the boss. Sooner or later, every male leader will have to face this. If he knows a little about female psychology, then he can use this situation to his advantage. common cause. To do this, you need to allocate a zone of responsibility to each employee and ensure that subordinates respect the boundaries. If women are fighting for the attention of the leader, then it is better not to use the “internal competition” technique. This will ruin relationships between employees and complicate an already stressful environment.

The leader must remain friendly and show signs of attention to each lady. If even one woman feels left out, conflicts are inevitable. At the same time, the manager must remember that a woman's labor activity will decrease if she loses interest in him. Flirting will be replaced by apathy, and the leader will have to look for other ways of motivation besides personal charm.

Avoid idle chatter

It is difficult for women to refuse to talk to each other for the most different topics. If there are several women in the same office, gossip and chatter cannot be avoided. Of course, the leader can prohibit conversations on personal topics, but this is unlikely to give at least some result. There are more effective reception, which is called "decoy duck". It is enough to dilute the female company with at least one male employee. The behavior of women will immediately change. If the field of activity allows, it is better for the manager to avoid homogeneous teams altogether. Mixing the sexes in this case will only benefit.

It has been proven that conversations on abstract topics reduce critical thinking. Therefore, a close-knit female team begins to give out ideas that have nothing to do with real life. In addition to the presence of male employees, intensive work is the best therapy for idle chatter. Give your subordinates as many difficult tasks as possible to find worthy use of their intelligence and energy.

The women's team is able to work perfectly, perform challenging tasks, accept quick fixes, commit effective action. But for the successful management of a women's team, the leader needs to know the secrets of female psychology, the features of building relationships in such a team, and be able to direct right direction strengths and weaknesses of their subordinates, create and maintain such a corporate culture in the salon that motivates your young ladies to exploits. Then the team will work harmoniously and with pleasure.

Correct task setting

When receiving a particular task, your employee in 99% of cases will say that she understands everything, and she will say this completely sincerely. Unfortunately, the results of the work still remain far from expectations. The fact is that a feature of female psychology is the ability to think out and complete the picture to the fullest, to fill in the “blank spots”. This is the first reason.

There is another reason that the leader must also remember - the woman's fear of "looking bad" in the eyes of her leader. For a woman, the attitude of the leader towards her is of great importance. The woman is afraid that by asking additional questions, she will make an unfavorable impression on him, so she prefers to figure it out herself.

When assigning tasks, follow simple rules and you will always get the desired result:

  • formulate tasks clearly and transparently (do not forget classic rules goal setting);
  • fix the task in writing: an order, instructions on paper or an order for e-mail(the wording will definitely not be lost or distorted);
  • convey the content of the task directly, and do not transfer it through third parties;
  • ask "Is everything clear?" and ask to repeat the task;
  • initiate asking questions: “Your questions?”, “What do you want to clarify?”, “What details need to be clarified?” etc.
  • and, of course, control the execution. Decide how, when and what you will control, and do not forget to tell your employee about it.

Proper implementation of changes and innovations

Innovations in the beauty salon - frequent situation, I want to be “ahead of the rest”, attract customers, and for this you cannot stand still. But often the heads of beauty salons are faced with the resistance of employees. To overcome these pitfalls, it is necessary to understand the reasons for this resistance. So your employees are reluctant to take on (or silently sabotage) new and challenging tasks.

  • Conflicts in the women's team: how to reconcile employees once and for all

Features of female psychology: women are much better at optimizing an existing one than with creating something new. Therefore, to work on new projects, it is better to involve either a man or an innovator woman (unfortunately, there are not many of them among us). What can be painlessly entrusted to a woman: the development of rules and procedures, honing the details of processes, building relationships.

In the women's team, evolutionary processes are better than revolutionary ones. Talk about transformation, improvement, putting things in order.

When managing a women's team, be sure to give an emotional coloring to your transformations, describe the results, show the benefits of the company and employees. Give meaning to planned events. Emphasize the importance of your employee's role, let her feel valued and important.

A woman is important moral support“You can do it”, “Everything will work out”, show her your willingness to help.

If successful, give a high rating and in the future use these achievements as evidence of the capabilities of your employee.

There are different ways to motivate a woman, but a competent leader needs to remember that the most important motivator for your employee is the approval, praise and recognition of her merits in the work of the salon.

The manager needs to find time to pay attention to each of his employees. A woman is very important complicity and delicacy. And you, as a leader, knowing what is happening in the life of your team, always keep your finger on the pulse and be able to stop “harmful” trends in time.

In the question of how to manage a women's team, it is highly recommended to ask the opinion of employees more often on the organization of their work processes. Thus, you involve your team in the discussion, encourage their caring attitude to work, and involve them in decision-making. Women highly appreciate when the leader respects their opinion and listens to their suggestions.

Another feature of the female team, which often becomes the cornerstone of communications in the salon, is the intrigues and gossip that women are so prone to. For the manager, this is an occasion to think about the workload of employees. As a rule, gossip and gossip begin to flourish when your employees have nothing to do, there is not enough workload at work, or the work does not arouse interest. That is when it occurs an exciting activity in the form of discussions with colleagues and clients. If, nevertheless, such processes are going on in your salon, then the iron rule for the head is non-interference in undercover intrigues and the strict suppression of such trends.

It is important for the head of the women's team to properly build a distance with their employees. Avoid familiarity. Authority, respect and trust in you on the part of employees - this is the attitude towards yourself that you must cultivate in your subordinates.

There is another feature in the women's team - a passionate desire to make the atmosphere around you homely and cozy, this often harms the image of your salon. An excess of napkins, vases, figurines, favorite mugs with funny pictures, trinkets and baubles do not add taste and prestige to your salon. Follow this strictly and require compliance with the order in the workplace.

Requires special attention and the dress code of your employees. Of course, a girl and a woman can be understood, the dress code makes them all the same, the opportunity to be individual, to stand out, to attract attention disappears. The uniform is disgusting and dull. First of all, in this matter, we are interested in the perception of customers, and it is more pleasant for them to see our staff in a neat and identical uniform than in different-sized, not always tastefully selected and appropriate clothes. Moreover, female clients themselves want to be unique and special, and not compete with the salon employee in attractiveness. Clear rules of appearance and, of course, constant control help here.

And, perhaps, the last recommendation. Women love to bring delicious and fragrant homemade food and heat it up in the microwave. There is nothing worse than a beauty salon with the smell of borscht, meatballs and herring with onions. Here the manager needs to do the following: create conditions (rules) for eating in a beauty salon, clearly indicate what is allowed and what is not, determine everything possible options and lunch places for employees. And again to control the implementation of the rules.

Managing a women's team is an art. An integral part of your image is a smile and patience. Be in everything and always an example for your employees. And most importantly - love those who daily help your beautiful business flourish and develop.

Olga Dubrovina,
director of the company "SERVICE PLUS", psychologist

Any leader at some point thinks about how to properly build relationships with a team of subordinates. And this is where books and articles about organizing effective leadership come to the rescue. But the problem is that most of these recommendations are focused mainly on some abstract "staff".

Vakhrusheva Nadezhda Viktorovna, pedagogue-psychologist Novoportovsky kindergarten"Teremok" from the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug is sure that in order to effectively manage a team, it is necessary to take into account the peculiarities of female psychology.

It is known that in educational institutions Our country's teaching staff is mostly female. Therefore, the leader one way or another has to take into account the peculiarities of female psychology.

Leadership of the women's team should not be just leadership. Leading women - it means living with them as one family, experiencing the pain and joy of each as your own, but at the same time being a model of wisdom and decency, unobtrusively teaching this to all members of your “family”.

What are these features?

Firstly, Psychological studies show that women are more likely than men to be sensitive to psychological climate in the team, for them it is the most significant emotional connections with colleagues. Women subconsciously build their relationships in a team on the principle of a family and, accordingly, expect emotional warmth, support and understanding from colleagues and the leader.

Secondly , in a purely female team, competition manifests itself in a peculiar way. Attuned to mutual support and prone to empathy, women are good to those who feel bad (which means they can take the side of the “innocent victim” from the anger of the leadership), which again can affect the effectiveness of work and trust in the leader as a whole. Therefore, the leader has to more take into account compatibility, strive to maintain not only warm, but even relations with all members of the women's team. In addition, you have to find time to inquire about the mood of employees, their household chores and other “little things”.

Third a feature of the women's team can be called the presence of some "undercurrents" that are felt by all members of the team, but rarely "overflow the banks." Conflicts in men's teams proceed mostly openly: as a protest or a challenge. In women - more hidden, with the use of gossip, slander and even petty dirty tricks. Therefore, the head of the women's team has to be on the alert, not deceived by the absence of open conflicts, to clearly monitor the mood in the team, firmly suppressing the spread of rumors and gossip.

And finally fourth, As experience shows, it is very difficult to implement competitive elements in the women's team. After all, if men relatively easily experience their loss in the production sphere, it is enough for them (according to psychologists) to feel like winners in other areas of life: hobbies, attention of the opposite sex, etc., - With women, everything is much more difficult. Being subtle, emotional natures, they want to be successful in everything. That is why, if a leader singles out any of the employees based on the results of competitive activities, this should be well justified and understandable to all members of the women's team. Otherwise, the success of one of the colleagues may be perceived by women as their own loss.

All the difficulties of the women's team listed above should not be taken as difficulties. If the leader begins to take them into account only as features of the women's team, he will be able to reach an understanding with the staff and he will be able to count on the support of the team.
