How to wear high heels safely. Shoes with heels for everyday life

No woman can imagine life without beautiful shoes especially when it comes to shoes with heels. Heels not only do female leg slender, but also gait more smooth and attractive.

Not without reason, Marilyn Monroe herself considered hairpins an indispensable part of her image. It is to them that the actress owes her seductive gait, and not long hours of training. To smoothly swing her hips while walking, Marilyn cut her heels by a centimeter.

1. Check your posture.

It's not easy to wear high heels. Often such shoes change our silhouette, as the center of gravity shifts.

To look beautiful in heels, you need to monitor your posture. To do this, take off your shoes and stand against the wall so that your heels, buttocks, shoulder blades and the back of your head are pressed tightly against the support. Hold this position for 1 minute. Then stand on your heels and repeat the same pose. That's how you should walk in shoes on flat sole as well as shoes with high heels.

It is important that the head is straight and the chin is raised.

2. Work out your posture.

It is very important that your upright posture stays the same throughout the day.

To do this, you can use the following exercise.

Stand in front of the mirror and align your shoulders in one straight line, put your head parallel to your shoulders, take your shoulder blades back. Stay in this position for 1 minute. Then close your eyes and relax your muscles. After rest, try to restore the posture with eyes closed. Then open your eyes and check in the mirror if you are standing correctly. Do this exercise several times until your body remembers correct posture. You can train in this way regularly until you can easily restore the pose.

3. Walk right.

When you wear shoes with heels, you need to watch how you put your foot. The first ground should touch the heel, or rather the heel, and then the foot. Stepping, completely straighten the leg with which you make the movement. So your gait will be straight and smooth. Socks should look apart, not inward, otherwise you will look clubfoot. The feet should be placed almost in a straight line, and the heels should follow each other.

Hands play an important role in walking. Do not swing your arms too much when walking, otherwise you will create the effect of a windmill.

It must be remembered that not everyone can wear shoes on high heels. People with curvature of the spine or varicose veins veins, you should wear heels no higher than 5 cm.

It also has an effect on the spine Negative influence and flat shoes. Even if you can't wear high heels, make sure your shoes are at least on a small wedge.

It is also useful to know that our foot is shorter by 0.5 cm when we are sitting. Therefore, when choosing shoes in a store, walk in the model you like before buying.

For the correct gait, you need to consider the size of the shoes. Ideally thumb must not come into contact with the toe. However, you should not buy a model one size larger, this will only make your gait heavier.

High heeled shoes give female silhouette grace and elegance. On breathtaking stilettos, any woman feels like a goddess who walks, barely touching the mortal earth. Men do not remain indifferent, because for them high heels are a sign of a woman's sexuality. But owning such shoes is half the battle. Heels must be worn.

Why high heels can be dangerous

There are real contraindications to wearing high-heeled shoes. The first is varicose veins. In addition, you should not wear high heels if you have problems with the spine, poor posture, flat feet, and problems with overweight. If there are no contraindications, you still should not abuse the wearing of high heels. In addition, if you are just starting to get used to such shoes, then you should start with heels no higher than 3-5 cm, and only gradually move to higher models. The most important condition for any shoes with high heels is its comfort. No matter how much you like certain shoes, if they make you uncomfortable, then it is better to refuse to purchase them.

Women who are new to high heels should opt for models that have rounded toes, in which the toes will not be pinched. If you buy open-toed shoes, pay attention to the size, as the heel slipping down interferes with normal walking. Do not forget that your feet swell significantly in the evening, especially if you are constantly forced to wear high-heeled shoes. Subsequently, your fingers may become very swollen, which is fraught with pain and calluses. Do not buy shoes that are even a little tight, because wearing such shoes with swollen feet makes walking virtually impossible due to pain and, of course, very negatively affects the condition of your feet. If you buy shoes with narrow toes, you need to buy shoes 1 size larger. The same applies to shoes with a heel higher than 10 cm.

Secrets of wearing heels Many women are familiar with the trouble associated with bumps on thumbs that deform and disfigure the shape of the foot. To avoid this, there is little secret, which is successfully used by ballerinas whose legs are under heavy stress. Need to take a small cotton ball and put it between the first and second finger. Another trick that helps to avoid painful deformation of the toes is the use of silicone and helium insoles and special linings in shoes. This method, which allows you to soften the pressure and distribute it correctly, has another version - collagen injections into the fingertips.

But, of course, this is a very radical method. Wear high heels with caution, after exercising at home. If you need to dance, walk a lot and actively, then in no case do not wear shoes with heels higher than 10 centimeters. No need to wear to the office high stilettos- shoes with 5 cm stable heels also look very feminine and elegant. Narrow studs look good only with evening dresses. Also, the thinner the heel, the harder it is to walk on.

Learn to walk properly

The most important aspect of wearing high heeled shoes is correct gait. It starts with correct posture. Put on your shoes and go to the wall, touching it with five points (heels, calves, buttocks, shoulders, back of the head). You must remember this position and keep it while walking. Remember to straighten your legs and keep your shoulders locked. Stepping on the foot, touch the ground first with the heel, and then with the rest of the foot. Try to put your feet in a straight line - this is a model gait that allows you to walk elegantly, swaying your hips. You can use the well-known and effective remedy- walking with a heavy book on your head.

If you feel that walking in heels is still difficult for you, do not force yourself. You can take a change of shoes with you if you need to, for example, go to the theater or to an official reception after work. Beauty and elegance are, of course, good, but health is more expensive anyway. In addition, the constant and active wearing of uncomfortable shoes leaves ugly marks on the feet, the condition of which only gets worse with age. Do not forget about daily and thorough foot care. It is necessary to do a pedicure in a timely manner, get rid of corns and corns. To do this, it is very useful to take foot baths with herbal poisons (chamomile, oak bark) or with sea ​​salt. If you do not suffer from varicose veins, then it will be useful to do a foot massage before going to bed. Going to bed, lubricate your feet with a thick layer of moisturizer.

The content of the article

Many girls dream of buying original Louboutins for themselves and desperately save up money for them. And when they finally fulfill their dream, it may turn out that they simply do not know how to wear them correctly. Therefore, so that these shoes do not gather dust on your shelf, today we will tell you how to wear high-heeled shoes correctly.

Any woman knows that beautiful shoes high heels can give you self-confidence, so you definitely want to have and wear such shoes. However, if worn incorrectly, even the most luxurious louboutins can harm your health. Therefore, you should definitely know the basic rules for how these shoes should be worn so that you are comfortable in them and they do not harm you.

Get the right size shoes

On the Internet you can find a lot of profitable offers, but you can’t try on shoes here. Of course, many stores meet the needs of their customers, and they can return shoes that do not fit. However, if you buy shoes in online stores from other countries, then everything will be much more complicated and you can make a mistake with the size.

Any shoes that are the wrong size are bad, but shoes with high heels are doubly bad. The wrong shoes for you can be a real disaster. Most often, the inconvenience is due to the fact that here the leg will slip forward. Therefore, before you buy shoes with high heels, you should definitely check how the front of your shoes will feel, because it is she who will have to hold in right place your ankle.

Buy shoes with the right instep

by the most the best option for you will be shoes with such a gradual rise, with which it will only be possible. You might like stiletto heels with a near-vertical rise, but they're the ones that will put the most strain on your foot while causing you back pain.

If you want to significantly increase your height, choose shoes with high heels and a hidden platform that can add a few centimeters to you, and in which your instep will not be very large.

Try out heels before you buy.

If you're going to be wearing your new Louboutins for a date, wedding, or job interview, be sure to wear them around the house a few times before going out. It's always good to break in your shoes, but it's especially important to break in shoes with high heels.

Use special pads and insoles

If you need to adapt your new shoes to your foot, use special insoles or pads that should be placed under problem areas. If you don't want to use insoles, you can place a cushion under the ball of your foot. Sometimes silicone linings can completely change how you feel when wearing these shoes. However, in order to feel it, you should experiment.

Don't wear high heels for too long

If you have the opportunity to sit down, be sure to use it, because in this case your legs will then hurt less. Let your fingers rest for a few minutes every half hour, and you will be able to relieve the tension accumulated in the foot.

Choose the right shoe model

Carefully study all the features of your foot before buying shoes for yourself. If you have corns or calluses, you would be better off buying shoes with open nose, which can reduce pressure in problem areas. Ankle boots or boots will perfectly fix your foot and will be a great choice for you if your legs or back hurt from high heels.

Choose thicker heels

Many brands offer us the most different models shoes that are made on a stable thick heel. These shoes will help you keep your balance easier, besides, such a sole distributes pressure on the foot more evenly and is able to relieve discomfort.

Keep your legs and back straight

Many women have back pain because they wear high heels incorrectly. Your back should be straight, and try to straighten your legs with each step. This will relieve pressure on your feet and back, and make you walk more elegantly in high heels.

High-heeled shoes add grace and elegance to the female silhouette. On breathtaking stilettos, any woman feels like a goddess who walks, barely touching the mortal earth. Men do not remain indifferent, because for them high heels are a sign of a woman's sexuality. But owning such shoes is half the battle. Heels must be worn.

Why high heels can be dangerous

There are real contraindications to wearing high-heeled shoes. The first is varicose veins. In addition, you should not wear high-heeled shoes if you have problems with the spine, poor posture, flat feet, and problems with being overweight. If there are no contraindications, you still should not abuse the wearing of high heels. In addition, if you are just starting to get used to such shoes, then you should start with heels no higher than 3-5 cm, and only gradually move to higher models. The most important condition for any shoes with high heels is its comfort. No matter how much you like certain shoes, if they make you uncomfortable, then it is better to refuse to purchase them.

Women who are new to high heels should opt for models that have rounded toes, in which the toes will not be pinched. If you buy open-toed shoes, pay attention to the size, as the heel slipping down interferes with normal walking. Do not forget that your feet swell significantly in the evening, especially if you are constantly forced to wear high-heeled shoes. Subsequently, your fingers may become very swollen, which is fraught with pain and calluses. Do not buy shoes that are even a little tight, because wearing such shoes with swollen feet makes walking virtually impossible due to pain and, of course, very negatively affects the condition of your feet. If you buy shoes with narrow toes, you need to buy shoes 1 size larger. The same applies to shoes with a heel higher than 10 cm.

Secrets of wearing heels Many women are familiar with the trouble associated with bumps on the thumbs, which deform and disfigure the shape of the foot. To avoid this, there is a little secret that is successfully used by ballerinas whose legs are under heavy stress. You need to take a small cotton ball and put it between the first and second fingers. Another trick that helps to avoid painful deformation of the toes is the use of silicone and helium insoles and special linings in shoes. This method, which allows you to soften the pressure and distribute it correctly, has another version - collagen injections into the fingertips.

But, of course, this is a very radical method. Wear high heels with caution, after exercising at home. If you need to dance, walk a lot and actively, then in no case do not wear shoes with heels higher than 10 centimeters. There is no need to wear high heels to the office - shoes with 5 cm stable heels also look very feminine and elegant. Narrow stilettos look good only with evening dresses. Also, the thinner the heel, the harder it is to walk on.

Learn to walk properly

The most important aspect of wearing high-heeled shoes is the correct gait. It starts with correct posture. Put on your shoes and go to the wall, touching it with five points (heels, calves, buttocks, shoulders, back of the head). You must remember this position and keep it while walking. Remember to straighten your legs and keep your shoulders locked. Stepping on the foot, touch the ground first with the heel, and then with the rest of the foot. Try to put your feet in a straight line - this is a model gait that allows you to walk elegantly, swaying your hips. You can use a well-known and effective tool as a workout - walking with a heavy book on your head.

If you feel that walking in heels is still difficult for you, do not force yourself. You can take a change of shoes with you if you need to, for example, go to the theater or to an official reception after work. Beauty and elegance are, of course, good, but health is more expensive anyway. In addition, the constant and active wearing of uncomfortable shoes leaves ugly marks on the feet, the condition of which only gets worse with age. Do not forget about daily and thorough foot care. It is necessary to do a pedicure in a timely manner, get rid of corns and corns. To do this, it is very useful to take foot baths with herbal poisons (chamomile, oak bark) or with sea salt. If you do not suffer from varicose veins, then it will be useful to do a foot massage before going to bed. Going to bed, lubricate your feet with a thick layer of moisturizer.

In my wardrobe, heels disappeared with the birth of a child. And now, two years later, I came out of the decree and realized that I had completely forgotten how to wear such shoes. And how you want to defile in elegant shoes at least before work ...

The other day on the net I came across the advice of a successful supermodel from the 80s Marie Helvin. She's been tapping the catwalk in heels her entire career, so Marie knows what she's talking about.

So, Halvin instructs: wrap the plaster on the third and fourth toes, and then boldly put on the shoes. The secret, they say, is that there is a nerve between these two fingers, which causes a sensation of pain if you press on it.

Marie Helvin

I was skeptical about Marie’s advice, so I didn’t dare to test it “in the fields” - I decided to walk in high heels at home. She left her left leg intact, and wrapped the toes of her right leg in plaster, as Miss Halvin had instructed.

Honestly walked around the apartment for an hour, simultaneously doing general cleaning. Thirty minutes later, the left leg began to slowly whine, and the right with tied fingers was stoic. You can sin on the placebo effect, but there was a feeling that all the pain had gathered in the middle toe of the left foot. So thank you, Miss Helvin, your method worked for me.

Marie Helvin in her youth

1. Don't underestimate the danger of too smooth soles on new shoes. Rub her sandpaper, making the soles rougher. That way you won't slip for sure.

2. Having bought a new pair give her a test drive at home. So you will know exactly where the shoes are rubbing. Then stick fabric patches on these places, briefly lower the glued feet into the water, and then put on the shoes again. This will allow new shoes adapt to the shape of your legs - wet patches will stretch problem areas and save you from future blisters.

3. Absolutely tight shoes Halvin stretches with special wooden blocks. However, our girls got the hang of breaking in their shoes, putting on two pairs of winter socks under them.

3. If you have a long night in heels, give your legs a workout - stretch the hamstrings, rotate the ankles. You can also exercise while going out - for dining table where no one will see your workout.

4. Spray your feet with deodorant. So the feet will not sweat and will hold tightly in the shoes, which will save you from blisters. In addition, hairspray will help fix the foot inside the shoe.

5. Rough edges inner surface shoes can be processed with a nail file, and then smeared with petroleum jelly.

6. Glue special rubber pads on the sole. They will give stability due to depreciation.

“Christian Louboutin would be horrified to know how I deal with the famous red soles of his shoes, but I have such overlays on every pair of shoes,” says Ms. Halvin.

7. With age, the legs become less tolerant of high heels. Therefore, Mari Halvin uses special shoe pads that are glued to the insole. They prevent the feet from sliding forward, providing additional support.

8. Platform shoes are sometimes no less elegant, but much more comfortable and stable than thin stilettos. And Halvin often wears shoes under tight tights, although he admits that it does not look so sexy anymore.

9. Buy shoes in the afternoon, when you have already spent several hours on your feet - by this time they will swell a little. So you will save yourself from shoes that are mercilessly tight in the evening.

10. If it still comes to blisters, dip your feet for 10 minutes in warm water with Epsom salts (magnesium sulfate, which is sold in pharmacies). This solution will help heal the skin and disinfect wounds.

11. If your feet are buzzing from narrow, pointed shoes, stick your fingers between your toes - it will become easier.

12. Use anti-inflammatory gels to relieve leg pain after long walks.
