Cosmetic procedure of the Egyptian queen Cleopatra. Beauty Recipes of the Queen of Egypt

There are many legends about the beauty of Cleopatra. Some argue that the queen was unusually beautiful, others protest and prove that Cleopatra's appearance had nothing to do with the standard of beauty.

Beauty is a matter of taste. Other times, other tastes. But they don't stop talking about Cleopatra. So what's the secret? What is true and what is fiction in the controversial statement about the unearthly beauty of the queen?

Cleopatra loved herself. And this means that as a woman who loves herself, she devoted a lot of time and effort to caring for herself.

Despite the scorching sun, the hair of the ruler of Egypt always shone, her skin emitted a pleasant delicate aroma and was distinguished by enviable smoothness and elasticity.

We will not talk about all the virtues of the queen, we only note that she had an excellent education and was fluent in the art of seduction.

Sources testify that Cleopatra died at the age of 37, and not everyone lived to such an age in those days. This means that the ruler also had enviable health. Summarizing all this with the ability to take care of herself, she deservedly was the Queen. Queen - the ruler of her people, and the Queen male hearts. It's not for nothing that they say: ugly women no. There are those who do not know how to use what is given by nature. But Cleopatra did. And Cleopatra's beauty secrets popular to this day.

Cleopatra's beauty secrets. Body care.

The main secret of Cleopatra's beauty is considered to be her "". They were prepared for the queen from donkey milk with the addition of honey. According to some sources, not added to the bath a large number of almond oil. The temperature of the bath had to correspond to body temperature (36-37º).

The queen basked in this luxury for 15-20 minutes. Of course, it is almost impossible to afford such exotic at home. But if you approach the issue creatively, nothing is impossible.

A bath should be prepared at a temperature of 36-37º. 1 liter of hot cow's milk dilute 200-300 ml. natural honey, then add a few tablespoons olive oil. The resulting mixture is poured into the bath and stirred. This is how the ancient Egyptians are adapted in the modern world.

If you don't have the opportunity to prepare a similar bath, you can "zoom out" and treat yourself to a hand bath. To prepare it, 0.5 liters of hot milk and 2-3 tablespoons of honey will be enough. Hands are immersed in such a bath for 10-15 minutes.

Enhanced the effect of a bath of sea salt, which was rubbed on the body of the queen before taking a bath. It cleansed and softened the skin, thereby preparing the body for a bath. To prepare such a scrub at home, it will be enough to mix 200 grams of sea salt and 100 ml. thick cream.

Secrets of Cleopatra. Facial care.

In facial care, Cleopatra preferred masks, which, like a bath, were prepared from donkey milk and honey.

Now we have the opportunity to replace donkey's milk with cow's milk and mix it with natural honey in equal proportions. To prepare maca, 2-3 tablespoons of each component is enough. Apply to face for 15-20 minutes, then rinse with cool water.

Another Cleopatra's beauty secret was to apply. To obtain them, a special grade of white clay was mined, which was diluted in donkey milk, honey was added and lemon juice.

You can also prepare an analogue of this mask. To do this, you need to mix 2 tablespoons of clay, 2 tablespoons of milk, 1 tablespoon of honey and 1 teaspoon fresh juice lemon. The mask is applied to the face for 10-15 minutes, then washed off with cool water.

The queen also had her own specially prepared face cream, the main component of which was aloe juice. And this is not surprising - having a healing power, aloe juice not only looked after the skin, but also helped to preserve the youth of the cells.

To prepare the cream, 2 tablespoons of fresh aloe juice must be mixed with 2 tablespoons of purified water and 1 tablespoon of rose petal infusion. The resulting mass is slowly heated in a water bath and 100 grams of melted pork fat are gradually added to it. The prepared cream is gently mixed, transferred to a glass container and put in the refrigerator.

Secrets of Cleopatra. Hair care.

Secret shiny hair the queen actually concluded…. in . Several yolks were beaten and rubbed into the roots of Cleopatra's hair. Wash off the mask with plain warm water. Well, about the beneficial effects of egg yolks on hairline you have probably already heard.

Secrets of Cleopatra. Body cleansing.

Cleopatra cared not only about external beauty but also the state of your health. How else! Health inside, beauty outside. To this day, evidence has come of cleansing the body with lemon juice and olive oil.

According to the researcher, Cleopatra drank 100 ml once every two weeks. lemon juice and olive oil mixed together. There is also an opinion that she diluted this drink with a small amount of purified water. This body-cleansing drink should be drunk in the morning, before eating, after which the queen was given a massage. abdominal cavity so that the abdominal muscles are pressed against the spine. Thus, the cleansing of the liver and intestines was achieved.

Secrets of Cleopatra. Captivated by aromas.

A very important component of the image of Cleopatra was the aroma of her skin. Just think about it: honey and milk ... is nothing but an effect on the subconscious. Honey has always been associated with nature, and the smell of milk personified the child. At the deepest levels of the psyche, the aroma of Cleopatra hypnotized better than any NLP technician. In addition to these scents, the soothing aromas of frankincense and myrrh surrounded the queen.

These were the unpretentious beauty secrets of Cleopatra, which you can easily use at home.

There are many legends about the beauty of Cleopatra. Some argue that the queen was unusually beautiful, others protest and prove that Cleopatra's appearance had nothing to do with the standard of beauty.

Beauty is a matter of taste. Other times, other tastes. But they don't stop talking about Cleopatra. So what's the secret? What is true and what is fiction in the controversial statement about the unearthly beauty of the queen?

Cleopatra loved herself. And this means that as a woman who loves herself, she devoted a lot of time and effort to caring for herself.

Despite the scorching sun, the hair of the ruler of Egypt always shone, her skin emitted a pleasant delicate aroma and was distinguished by enviable smoothness and elasticity.

We will not talk about all the virtues of the queen, we only note that she had an excellent education and was fluent in the art of seduction.

Sources testify that Cleopatra died at the age of 37, and not everyone lived to such an age in those days. This means that the ruler also had enviable health. Summarizing all this with the ability to take care of herself, she deservedly was the Queen. Queen - the ruler of her people, and the Queen of men's hearts. After all, it is not in vain that they say: there are no ugly women. There are those who do not know how to use what is given by nature. But Cleopatra did. And Cleopatra's beauty secrets popular to this day.

Cleopatra's beauty secrets. Body care.

The main secret of Cleopatra's beauty is considered to be her "". They were prepared for the queen from donkey milk with the addition of honey. According to some sources, a small amount of almond oil was added to the bath. The temperature of the bath had to correspond to body temperature (36-37º).

The queen basked in this luxury for 15-20 minutes. Of course, it is almost impossible to afford such exotic at home. But if you approach the issue creatively, nothing is impossible.

A bath should be prepared at a temperature of 36-37º. Dilute 200-300 ml in 1 liter of hot cow's milk. natural honey, then add a few tablespoons of olive oil. The resulting mixture is poured into the bath and stirred. This is how the ancient Egyptians are adapted in the modern world.

If you don't have the opportunity to prepare a similar bath, you can "zoom out" and treat yourself to a hand bath. To prepare it, 0.5 liters of hot milk and 2-3 tablespoons of honey will be enough. Hands are immersed in such a bath for 10-15 minutes.

Enhanced the effect of a bath of sea salt, which was rubbed on the body of the queen before taking a bath. It cleansed and softened the skin, thereby preparing the body for a bath. To prepare such a scrub at home, it will be enough to mix 200 grams of sea salt and 100 ml. thick cream.

Secrets of Cleopatra. Facial care.

In facial care, Cleopatra preferred masks, which, like a bath, were prepared from donkey milk and honey.

Now we have the opportunity to replace donkey milk with cow milk and mix it with natural honey in equal proportions. To prepare maca, 2-3 tablespoons of each component is enough. Apply to face for 15-20 minutes, then rinse with cool water.

Another Cleopatra's beauty secret was to apply. To obtain them, a special grade of white clay was mined, which was diluted in donkey milk, honey and lemon juice were added.

You can also prepare an analogue of this mask. To do this, you need to mix 2 tablespoons of clay, 2 tablespoons of milk, 1 tablespoon of honey and 1 teaspoon of fresh lemon juice. The mask is applied to the face for 10-15 minutes, then washed off with cool water.

The queen also had her own specially prepared face cream, the main component of which was aloe juice. And this is not surprising - having a healing power, aloe juice not only looked after the skin, but also helped to preserve the youth of the cells.

To prepare the cream, 2 tablespoons of fresh aloe juice must be mixed with 2 tablespoons of purified water and 1 tablespoon of rose petal infusion. The resulting mass is slowly heated in a water bath and 100 grams of melted pork fat are gradually added to it. The prepared cream is gently mixed, transferred to a glass container and put in the refrigerator.

Secrets of Cleopatra. Hair care.

The secret of the queen's shiny hair was actually .... in . Several yolks were beaten and rubbed into the roots of Cleopatra's hair. Wash off the mask with plain warm water. Well, you probably already heard about the beneficial effects of egg yolks on the hairline.

Secrets of Cleopatra. Body cleansing.

Cleopatra took care not only of external beauty, but also of her health. How else! Health inside, beauty outside. To this day, evidence has come of cleansing the body with lemon juice and olive oil.

According to the researcher, Cleopatra drank 100 ml once every two weeks. lemon juice and olive oil mixed together. There is also an opinion that she diluted this drink with a small amount of purified water. This body-cleansing drink should be drunk in the morning, before eating, after which the queen was given an abdominal massage in such a way that the abdominal muscles were pressed against the spine. Thus, the cleansing of the liver and intestines was achieved.

Secrets of Cleopatra. Captivated by aromas.

A very important component of the image of Cleopatra was the aroma of her skin. Just think about it: honey and milk ... is nothing but an effect on the subconscious. Honey has always been associated with nature, and the smell of milk personified the child. At the deepest levels of the psyche, the aroma of Cleopatra hypnotized better than any NLP technique. In addition to these scents, the soothing aromas of frankincense and myrrh surrounded the queen.

These were the unpretentious beauty secrets of Cleopatra, which you can easily use at home.

ContentsSecret 1: Milk rivers, jelly shoresSecret 2: Massage treatments and gentle exfoliationSecret 3: Toning lotion for beautiful skinSecret 4:An anti-aging face creamSecret 5:A gentle treatment for blemishes and inflammationSecret 6:Refreshing mask against dullness and fatigue of the skinSecret 7:Natural shampoo for Luxurious Hair Secret 8: Nourishing mask for shiny curlsSecret 9: Vegetable juice for glowing skin around the eyesSecret 10: final touch- sensual fragrance

November 2, 69 BC Queen Cleopatra was born - one of the most beautiful and seductive women in world history. The beauty of the Nile became famous not only for her royal origin, exceptional intelligence and dramatic love story for the Roman commander Mark Antony, but also for her beauty recipes.

Cleopatra was fluent in nine languages, studied mathematics, philosophy and astronomy, was well versed in politics and wrote several scientific works on cosmetics.

Secret 1: Milk rivers, kissel banks

Today, this beauty secret has been adopted by many spas. Milk baths with the addition of fragrant honey and delicate almond oil perfectly moisturize the skin, perfectly relax and restore strength. It is known that in order to be able to take a bath at any time, Cleopatra always took a couple of donkeys with her on a trip. It was their milk that she used to preserve youth and beauty, but it is not at all necessary to follow it so strictly. old recipe. Donkey milk can be safely replaced with cow or goat milk, while the health and beauty benefits will not decrease.

How to cook?

Mix in a small bowl 3 cups of milk with 1/2 cup of fresh honey and 5 tablespoons of almond oil. Stir until smooth and pour the resulting mixture into the pre-filled hot water bath. Happy relaxation!

Secret 2: Massage treatments and gentle exfoliation

In order for the skin of the body to be tender, smooth and velvety, Queen Cleopatra regularly took care of it. During each water treatment she carried out a light peeling, massaged the skin. Today it is known that massage treatments have the ability to tone the skin, heal it, as well as the whole body. A timely exfoliation dead cells skin gives " green light» new, young cells.

How to cook?

Combine three tablespoons of sour cream or milk cream with two tablespoons of pure sea salt. Apply the mixture on the skin of the body and massage for 10-15 minutes with light circular movements. If desired, you can use massage brush or a special mitt.

Secret 3: Toning lotion for beautiful skin

Today, the beauty industry offers thousands of options for refreshing and tonic facial tonics and serums. Many of them, according to the recipe of Queen Cleopatra, are based on rose water. Why not try making your own at home? After all, taking care of the youth and freshness of your skin is not only commendable, but also pleasant!

How to cook?

handful of petals Red roses(collected on personal plot, and not purchased at a flower shop) pour a glass of boiling water and let it brew. When the tonic lotion has cooled, pour it into a glass jar and refrigerate. You need to use the lotion twice a day - in the morning and in the evening - before applying makeup and after removing it from the face.

Did you know?

The Egyptian queen Cleopatra considered herself a goddess. She told her subjects that the soul of the goddess Isis came to life in her. The Egyptians actually considered her a deity.

Secret 4: Anti-aging face cream

Search good cream today more than one community is dedicated to in social networks. The fair sex share their beauty finds in stores, prepare creams on their own using recipes natural cosmetics. One of these recipes was created by Queen Cleopatra herself. According to her testimonies, it maintains skin health and even rejuvenates it.

How to cook?

Dissolve two tablespoons over low heat until liquid. beeswax. Remove the wax from the heat and add two tablespoons of freshly squeezed aloe vera juice, 4 drops of rose essential oil, and one tablespoon of almond oil. Mix well and pour into a cosmetic jar. A gentle cream for the beauty and youth of the skin of the face is ready! You need to store it in the refrigerator for about a week.

Secret 5: Delicate treatment for stains and inflammation

If after autumn bad weather, winter frosts or hot sun rays the skin looks dull and lifeless, blotchy and visibly irritated, it can be helped. To do this, you don’t even have to prepare a special tool - everything you need can be found in your own kitchen!

How to cook?

Take cotton pad or soft clean textile napkin and soak them in apple cider vinegar. Allow excess moisture to drain and gently wipe face. If the procedure is repeated twice a day, the irritation will pass, and the inflammatory elements will begin to heal. But it is worth remembering that this recipe is not an alternative to cosmetic treatment, but rather a supportive therapy.

Secret 6: Refreshing mask against dull and tired skin

Face masks made of kaolin (white clay) have not lost popularity for many years. Based on it, modern cosmetics manufacturers make miracle compositions, including the brands Pulanna, Eveline Cosmetics, Siberian Health, SPA Alganika, Kosmo Teros and many others. But it is not necessary to use ready-made formulations, good mask you can cook it yourself, according to the recipe of the first beauty of the Nile.

How to cook?

In a small vessel, sequentially enter the ingredients - 2 tablespoons of kaolin mixed with the same amount of milk, 1 tablespoon of honey and the same amount of olive oil. Stir the mixture and apply on the face for 10-15 minutes, then rinse with warm water. Your skin will be remarkably soft and fresh.

Did you know?

Cleopatra can be called a "trendsetter" in Egypt. Women who lived with her at the same time dreamed of being like her, they styled their hair in the same way, copied her makeup and clothes, and even wore distinctive pearl jewelry.

Secret 7: Natural Shampoo for Luxurious Hair

Today, many of the fair sex are concerned about the condition of their own hair. Unfortunately, frequent styling, constant coloring and experiments with hair do not add health to them. But there is a solution - natural shampoo, which cares for the hair, strengthens it and makes it strong and strong.

How to cook?

The composition of the shampoo is extremely simple - an egg and water. Mix one beaten egg with a little warm water, apply to wet hair, spreading it from roots to ends and leave for 5 minutes. Then rinse under running water and twist your hair into a bundle, getting rid of excess moisture.

Secret 8: Nourishing Mask for Shiny Curls

revitalize damaged hair and many of the fair sex dream of returning them to their former beauty and density, having once been disappointed in ammonia paints and seeing the destructive effect of some salon procedures. Here, the mask of Queen Cleopatra, tested by millions of women, comes to the rescue.

How to cook?

Combine 4 tablespoons of liquid fresh honey with one tablespoon castor oil. Distribute the composition on pre-washed hair and leave for 5-15 minutes, then rinse with running water. This mask is good for restoring damaged curls making them softer, shinier and more manageable.

Secret 9: Vegetable juice for radiant skin around the eyes

Modern cosmetics offers many solutions for dull and dark skin around eyes. Balconies under the eyes are able to remove gels, creams and serums based on caffeine, cucumber extract and green tea, hyaluronic acid. The first beauty of the Nile had her own recipe!

How to cook?

Grate a fresh celery root, squeeze the juice well and pour the resulting liquid into a glass container. It needs to moisturize the skin of the eyelids in the morning and in the evening, as well as every time you need to “wake up” and cheer up.

Did you know?

Cleopatra was an incredibly seductive woman. When she was 21 and Julius Caesar was 52, they began dating and soon Julius Caesar introduced her as his mistress. At that time, this news caused a lot of gossip behind Cleopatra's back, because Julius Caesar was married.

Secret 10: The final touch is a sensual scent

According to eyewitnesses, Queen Cleopatra was not only very beautiful, but also incredibly seductive. She knew how to charm a man, that's why she had so many fans! In addition to natural beauty and high intelligence, sensual fragrances undoubtedly played a role in this. It is known that the beauty actively used them, considering them effective aphrodisiacs.

How to cook?

Purchase at a natural cosmetics store essential oils roses, frankincense, cypress, neroli or myrrh. And use them as fragrant perfumes. If desired, the oils can be mixed, getting your own unique aphrodisiac.

Be beautiful!

Take the testThe level of your sexuality testWith this test, you can determine the level of your sexuality. The main thing is to answer questions sincerely.

The last queen of Egypt left a solid legacy in the form of recipes that she personally tested on herself. And the secrets of the first beauty of the Nile can be trusted: it was not for nothing that great men lost their heads from her irresistibility

The most beautiful Cleopatras in cinema: Elizabeth Taylor, Vivien Leigh and Monica Bellucci

The last queen of Egypt left a solid legacy in the form of recipes that she personally tested on herself. And the secrets of the first beauty of the Nile can be trusted: it was not for nothing that great men lost their heads from her irresistibility.

No one knows for sure what the legendary queen of Egypt looked like, but in the cinema she is represented by reference beauties: Vivien Leigh ("Caesar and Cleopatra"), Elizabeth Taylor ("Cleopatra"), Sophia Loren ("Two Nights with Cleopatra"), Monica Bellucci ( Asterix and Obelix: The Cleopatra Mission. However, is external data so important when you are a woman of exceptional intelligence and know how to properly take care of your appearance?

Secret number 1: honey and milk

Hot climate - main enemy female beauty so Cleopatra found excellent tool to moisturize the skin - milk-honey baths, in which she added a little almond oil. Today, this procedure has been adopted by SPA-salons, but you can feel like the queen of the Nile at home.

Cleopatra's milk baths. Shot from the film "Asterix and Obelix: The Mission" Cleopatra ". Photo:

Recipe milk and honey bath Cleopatras: add 3 cups to a warm bath whole milk, 150 g of honey and a few tablespoons of almond oil (it can be replaced with olive oil). 15 minutes in such a bath will make the skin tender, soft and moisturized!

Secret #2: Sea Salt and Cream

Sea salt and heavy cream - this is a simple recipe for the perfect body scrub that will cleanse and take care of delicate skin. His queen applied to the skin just after a milk bath. And today, sea salt wraps are considered one of the most effective means against cellulite.

As a body scrub, the queen used sea ​​salt and cream. A scene from the movie Cleopatra. Photo:

Recipe for gentle Cleopatra scrub: take 200 g of sea salt for half a cup of heavy cream, mix and massage movements apply to the body. For fragrance, you can add a few drops of rose, myrrh or orange oil. Wash off with warm water after 5 minutes.

Secret #3: Oatmeal

It is in our time to wash your face with soap - an unforgivable rudeness towards the skin, and Cleopatra washed her face with soap every day.

Cereals - great alternative soap

True, it was a mixture of boiled water oatmeal. The grains of an unpretentious plant can rid the skin of small problems: peeling, rashes, blackheads and uneven color faces.

Secret number 4: white clay

White clay masks are another cosmetic discovery of the Queen of the Nile. Scientists believe that it was these masks that helped Cleopatra keep her skin in perfect condition. After all, the basis of healing white clay is the mineral kaolinite, which is responsible for the elasticity and renewal of the skin.

White clay gives elasticity to the skin

Recipe clay mask Cleopatra: mix 2 tablespoons of white clay and milk, 1 tablespoon of honey and 1 teaspoon of lemon juice. Apply this consistency to the skin, rinse with warm water after 10-15 minutes.

Secret #5: Aloe

Water infused in a silver vessel, honey and aloe juice are the clues to the anti-aging emulsion from Cleopatra, which still works today.

Revitalizing emulsion with aloe

Cleopatra's Revitalizing Emulsion Recipe: 1 cup pure water pour into a silver bowl, add 2 tablespoons of fresh aloe juice and 1 teaspoon of honey, cover and leave for 10-12 hours. Use morning and evening, rinsing with water afterwards. Store the emulsion in the refrigerator for no more than a week.

Secret #6: Rose Water

Rose petals are still used to create cosmetic products. Cleopatra loved to tone her face with an infusion of rose water.

Infusion of rose petals perfectly tones the skin

Recipe pink tonic Cleopatra: pour rose petals with boiling water, cover the vessel and leave for several hours. Use morning and evening.

Secret #7: Egg Yolks

Achieve shine and perfect smoothness yolk shampoo helped the queen's hair chicken eggs. Proteins with their ability to fold into hot water remained out of work, but the yolks were stirred until foamy (sometimes with the addition of almond oil and honey) and cleansed the scalp well, enveloping each hair and making it shine.

Secret perfect smooth hair Cleopatra - egg yolk shampoo. A scene from the movie Cleopatra. Photo:

As a rinse, Cleopatra used decoctions of burdock, nettle leaves and hop cones.

One of the most majestic women of her era - Egyptian Queen Cleopatra became a legend during her lifetime. Historical descriptions repeatedly mention that it was incredibly beautiful and charming woman. The tragic death at the age of 38 aroused even greater interest in the personality of the queen. The poison, hidden in the hair clip, drunk by her, proved to be fatal.

What Cleopatra really was is not known for certain, but in the cinema her role is played by the best actresses and beautiful women modernity. The basis for romantic plotsmotion picture steel her love relationship with Caesar and Mark Antony.

Cleopatra, unlike her contemporaries, many of whom did not even live to be forty years old, retained her youth and was unusually attractive. In this she was helped by her own secrets and inventions.

milk baths

In a hot climate, the skin of the Egyptians was extremely dry. The way out of the situation for Cleopatra was milk baths . According to the queen's recipe, for one cup of honey you need to take a liter of hot milk, mix and use the mixture for bathing. 15 minutes of this bath makes the skin soft and supple. At the same time, it is necessary that the temperature of the milk be 36-37 º - no more, no less.


It seems to be modern cosmetic product, was known and lived in the 30th century BC. Cleopatra. As a scrub queen used mixed sea salt and heavy cream.

Face masks

For skin care, she used white clay masks, with unique whitening properties. Milk, honey and lemon juice were added to the clay. The mask is quite easy to prepare: for 2 tbsp. l. clay you need to take the same amount of milk, 1 tbsp. l. honey and 1 tsp. lemon juice.


Creams were prepared according to special recipes. Aloe juice was used as the main ingredient. Cleopatra cream recipe: 2 tbsp. l. aloe juice, the same amount of beeswax and 1 tbsp. l. almond oil. The mass was heated, gradually adding 100 grams of melted fat. You can also add a vitamin E capsule to the cream. . Keep refrigerated.

Nail polish

The queen gave a reddish-brown tint to her nails, using henna for this purpose. The short-lived effect was easily renewed.


Instead of shampoo, which Ancient Egypt did not exist, Cleopatra used chicken egg yolks that give hair strength and shine. To prepare a hair wash, honey was added to the yolks and almond oil, which were thoroughly whipped and rubbed into the roots of the hair, after which they were washed off plain water. To improve the quality of her hair, the queen also used masks from a mixture of 3 tbsp. honey and 1 tbsp. l. castor oil.


Cleopatra was also aware of the benefits of detoxifying the body. To cleanse herself of toxins, she drank once every two weeks. mixture of olive oil and lemon juice. After taking 100 g of this mixture, she was given a stomach massage.

Hand cream

Cleopatra attached great importance to the beauty of her hands. Baths for brushes were prepared from a decoction of nettle, plantain, calendula with the addition of honey, chicken fat and castor oil.


Knowing the effect smells have on people, Cleopatra skillfully used this, using for incense frankincense, rose, cypress and neroli oils. Not a single man could resist her - and aromas played an important role in this.


The image of Cleopatra from the cinema was remembered by us with clearly traced eyes and eyebrows. What did the beauty use to apply such a bright and memorable make-up? During the reign of Cleopatra, women used a rich palette eyeshadow made from plant and mineral pigments. Cleopatra most often used this combination: an emerald green shade of shadows on the lower eyelids and blue shadows with a golden sheen made of lapis lazuli on the upper ones. Eyebrows were drawn with a powder mixture of lead sulfide mixed with animal fats. Served as lipstick and blush iron oxide red pigment.

Smoke in your eyes

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