Instant mastery of hypnosis techniques for advanced. classic instant hypnosis

A person, being in a hypnotic state, does not rely on consciousness and cannot think about making a decision. Any suggestions at this moment are perceived by the subconscious as a natural conclusion and motivation for action. Instant hypnosis is characterized by rapid entry into a trance state.

instant hypnosis- the rapid introduction of a person into a state of trance


Hypnosis is a state in which a person cannot stay for a long time. As soon as he enters a trance, his consciousness turns off. He has no desire to rethink what is happening, to give in to the information received by doubts. The person is in a helpless, defenseless state. Hypnosis is used therapeutically to treat patients with obsessive thoughts And mental disorders(in some cases). For addicts, hypnosis helps to cope with addictions that have taken root.

Types of instant hypnosis:

  • street (gypsy);
  • classical hypnosis;
  • Ericksonian technique;
  • hypnosis without suggestion aloud;
  • self-hypnosis.

Instant hypnosis assumes a good susceptibility of the hypnotized. He not only favors this type of therapy, he believes in the power of suggestion. Receptive people are easier to put into a trance state: this border state between wakefulness and sleep.

A person is aware of what is happening to him, but is disconnected from external noise or distracting events. He is focused on commands, on those concepts that the hypnotist inspires him.

Specifics of use

The flash hypnosis technique is used by doctors and scammers who select a victim and use quick hypnosis to get money or benefit from them. essence quick techniques in taking a person by surprise: the effect of surprise creates additional terms to put a person into a trance.

Quick hypnosis is needed in cases where the patient needs urgent help: his life is in danger, he cannot control himself and his actions. For people with obsessive thoughts, hypnosis is the only way to calm them down.

To get rid of bad habits instant hypnosis is used less frequently. In such cases, it is necessary long-term treatment with psychotherapy.

Main stages

Rapid suggestion techniques are manipulations that are carried out within a certain time frame. Such manipulations can be carried out with the consent of the hypnotized person, or in secret from him. Instant suggestion techniques include:

  • moment of surprise or shock - attract the attention of the individual;
  • verbal and non-verbal influence (tactile contact, monotonous speech);
  • monotonous movements that introduce a person into a state of trance;
  • programming and suggestion;
  • exit from a trance;
  • distraction maneuver.

Instant suggestion is carried out if the patient resists treatment. In such cases, he should not learn about hypnosis. He is introduced into a semi-trance, and when he is brought out of hypnosis, the conversation continues with him. Hidden hypnosis helps in the treatment of addictions or suicidal tendencies of the patient.

Instant hypnosis techniques are used in selfish purposes when you need to win over a person to your side or benefit from him. In such cases, the victim of suggestion does not know about the manipulations carried out, she continues to perceive the suggested attitudes as her own thoughts and conclusions. Self-hypnosis can also be instantaneous (very fast) if a person needs to tune in before a meeting or quickly relieve tension. This type of hypnotic influence is the safest.

street hypnosis

One of the common types of instant hypnosis is street hypnosis. This is the kind of suggestion that gypsies actively use. The essence of hypnosis is a quick impact on the human psyche: the victim remains conscious, but she no longer reacts to the world around her. Gypsy women begin to hypnotize the victim from the first minute, as soon as the victim responds to the question. Gypsies operate according to one scheme of street hypnosis:

  • a stranger is lured with a question or request;
  • as soon as fortune-telling begins, the gypsy establishes tactile contact;
  • her speech is monotonous, measured and calm;
  • the victim is introduced into a semi-trance - she is focused on the words of the gypsy;
  • as soon as a person is imbued with inspired confidence, he comes out of a semi-trance;
  • the words of the gypsy seem true (after hypnosis, the fortuneteller continues to talk so as not to arouse suspicion).

It is easier for a gypsy to hypnotize weak-willed people who believe in mysticism. They are ready to believe her every word and, on her recommendation, give money for removing damage - there are a lot of variations of schemes for luring money.

Hypnotize easier than a human who makes contact: if it is difficult for him to refuse a stranger, he will endure uncomfortable conditions.

A gypsy quickly puts a person into a trance, and also quickly brings him out of it. For others, changes in the behavior of the hypnotized person are imperceptible. He is a little distracted, but continues to stand and talk. The state of hypnosis in this case is the concentration of attention only on the command of the hypnotist.

Gypsies actively use rapid hypnosis

Behavior rules

How to behave with gypsies and how to understand that they are hypnotizing? Instant hypnosis has few symptoms: the victim feels weak, his mind is confused, and the external noise disappears. The words of the gypsy seem very clear and precise. Instant suggestions are dangerous if the fortune teller attracted attention in crowded places: at train stations or near an underpass.

Consequences of instant hypnosis: confusion may remain for several days. It is difficult for a person to concentrate. There is a feeling that uncontrollable events are taking place. Memories of the fortune teller are blurry and fuzzy.

classic instant hypnosis

They use this kind of suggestion to give a person specific task. The words spoken in the session trigger a series of changes in the behavior of the individual. The techniques of such instant hypnotherapy alternate with other types of therapy: medication and psychotherapy.

The patient is in comfortable conditions, he knows what will happen to him and in what order. During a classic suggestion, the person may stop the session. She controls what is happening. The essence of suggestion is the exact setting for restructuring the thinking of the individual.

Erickson technique

Suggestions in a milder form, without violent changes in thinking - this is the Ericksonian technique. With the help of this technique, a person can get rid of a phobia or repressed fear.

For the treatment of severe mental illness this kind of instant hypnosis is not suitable. Patient appointments are prescribed only by a doctor. At home, the technique is not used.

Definition of Ericksonian hypnosis

Method without auditory input

Another type of quick hypnosis - without pronouncing special phrases. In such cases, a person is introduced into a trance with the help of monotonous movements, tactile sensations or even the power of thought. Instant hypnosis techniques without aloud suggestion are based on established contact: The person being hypnotized receives commands from the hypnotist through thought.

The meaning of the phrase that the hypnotist conveys is always simple: he orders to sleep or close your eyes and plunge into complete relaxation.

The more often a hypnotist works with a person, the easier it is for him to put him into a trance and carry out a suggestion. The words chosen for suggestion are also simple, they help to get rid of wrong attitudes or find the cause of fear. Helps to enter into REM sleep is a monotonous action that is synchronized with the opening and closing of the eyes. Such techniques are used in hypnotherapy, when calming the patient is the primary task of the doctor.

Hypnotic sleep or trance

To use instant hypnosis, you need to put a person into a trance, weaken his defensive reaction. Whatever method is used, it is necessary to achieve a state where a person cannot show resistance. Techniques that help immerse a person in a trance:

  • complete relaxation of the body;
  • the impact of sounds;
  • tactile contact;
  • special tone of voice.

It is more difficult to put people suffering from mental disorders into a hypnotic sleep. Their distorted perception can interfere with turning off awareness. Instant hypnosis, which involves a state of trance, has a number of contraindications: mental disorders, epilepsy, schizophrenia.

The words spoken during the session should not cause fear or fear in the hypnotized person. To learn how to put a person into a trance, one should study the psychology of human behavior: incorrect hypnosis causes a number of side effects. The personality of the hypnotized person can change, so it is impossible to introduce strangers into a trance without appropriate training.

Effective self-hypnosis

Self-hypnosis training occurs in several stages. It is important to realize the need for such a technique: he wants to get rid of bad habits, reshape their own thinking. The power of hypnosis only benefits those who know their own desires.

The basis of self-hypnosis is relaxation and a gradual restructuring of thinking. If the session passes quickly, then the number of sessions increases (when a person has many complexes and internal fears). Self-hypnosis and self-hypnosis are home exercises. They help to get rid of complexes and increase sociability. With each session, a person's life will be more conscious.

Basic tricks

The power of self-hypnosis lies in the rapid relaxation of the body. To do this, a person must use one of the effective exercises. The muscles of the body alternately tense, and then they sharply relax. The more practice a person has, the faster they reach the trance state. It is useful to adjust the breath during self-hypnosis.

Used to prepare for trance breathing exercise: you need to breathe calmly, then hold your breath for 4-5 seconds and continue to breathe calmly. The exercise is repeated several times.

The first methods of self-hypnosis are accompanied by counting: a person voices each stage of entering a trance. Complete relaxation is achieved at the moment when a person cannot open his eyes: he is calm and comfortable. In this state, he repeats the phrase, installation, prepared image. The exit from instant hypnosis occurs quickly, at the command "eyes, open." You can use the technique every day if you need to work on confidence and self-esteem.


Hypnosis is a technique for influencing a person who is in an unconscious state. She can control her movements, but all her attention is focused on one action.

An instant form of hypnosis is used to quickly calm down or to find solutions to crisis situations. Useful sessions for patients undergoing complex treatment. The choice of a quick suggestion technique depends on the need: why a person is put into a trance and certain images are suggested to him.

Instant hypnosis is a powerful mechanism of mental influence. And like any weapon, it is used both for creative (for example, medical sessions) and for destructive purposes. Anyone can learn instant hypnosis. Most people use it daily on an unconscious level. A person is exposed to the hypnotic influence of the surrounding world 24 hours a day. He is introduced into a state of trance by the sights that rush past the window of a moving vehicle, a computer monitor, a TV screen, etc. Another thing is to learn to consciously control yourself and influence others without causing harm.

The instantaneous efficiency and perceived ease of getting results are impressive. Many hope, having mastered the methods of rapid hypnosis, to manipulate the people around them. But this is a myth. Instant hypnosis techniques can help protect against manipulation or overcome painful conditions e.g. alcoholism, phobias, depression. But they are not able to change the character traits of people and impose their will on them without their consent.

Instant hypnosis cannot make a puppet out of a person. The use of any method of influence assumes that new settings will be perceived by the patient's subconscious only with full agreement with them. That's why prerequisite treatment for alcoholism or overcoming a phobia is the consent of the patient to the intervention and the adoption of replacement settings.

Having learned instant hypnosis, it is almost impossible to get a person to perform actions that are contrary to logic or threatening for existence. In a state of hypnosis, the subconscious becomes receptive to new attitudes, as critical evaluation is turned off. This property human psyche successfully used in psychiatry for the treatment of obsessions and pathological addictions.

In addition, to effectively influence the psyche of people by learning rapid hypnosis, is possible only if they are sufficiently emotional and hypnotizable. Such individuals are highly suggestible and easily accept new attitudes. Phlegmatic people with a poor imagination and a pragmatic temperament almost do not react to such a method of hypnosis, they can only be affected by long and hard work with a hypnotherapist.

What can cause a state of rapid hypnosis

Usually a person easily falls into a trance when experiencing a strong emotional load. It can be any emotion (anger, horror, confusion, confusion, or others). In this case, he loses control over himself and does not understand what to do. The human subconscious will gladly accept any hint without any evaluation.

An individual in a state of instant hypnosis sees in the person who introduced him into a trance, a support in his difficult situation and is in complete emotional dependence on her. This technique is often used by scammers for financial gain. To resist the power of suggestion of a manipulator who considers himself more experienced and mentally stable than the victim, it is worth mastering the techniques and techniques of instant hypnosis.

Receptions and techniques of suggestion

A feature of instant hypnosis is the fact that the trance state can be caused by any sufficiently strong negative or positive emotion (fear, joy, bewilderment, irritation). Hesitation and doubt can also contribute to a quick entry into hypnotic state. Consciousness at this moment is practically disabled, and the person is ready to plunge into a trance. The brain is involved in the thought process at the level of catalepsy.

The patient in this state allows himself to be controlled, unquestioningly perceiving all the commands of the manipulator. A person, if he makes attempts to critically evaluate reality, then all of them are rather weak and untenable.

The algorithm of actions when introducing into a trance using instant hypnosis:

  1. Winning trust.
  2. Attracting the attention of an object.
  3. Provocation of excitement or strong feelings.
  4. Subjugation to his will of his subconscious.
  5. Changing his picture of the world order.

To get the desired result with instant hypnosis, the following actions help:

  • abrupt change in behavior;
  • words or actions that are not included in the RMB of a person and provoke confusion;
  • quick hypnosis through touch;
  • influence on the subconscious with the help of things that go beyond the worldview;
  • submission of mutually exclusive information that confuses;
  • frightening sounds or unusual movements.

Understanding how these techniques work and applying them as self-defense in certain situations saves the life of a person who does not lose his head and uses the learned techniques in practice. For example, in case of any aggressive actions on the part of another person, to distract his attention, you can laugh hysterically, read poetry emotionally, and, taking advantage of the confusion of the attacker, strike or run away.

Faria and American hypnosis

There are several methods of instant hypnosis, but it is worth dwelling on some of them - Faria and American instant hypnosis. is a simple and effective way to instantly plunge into a trance state. It does not require much experience to practical application. Faria's method is especially effective in the treatment of highly suggestible people.

The American version of the impact uses commands in its technique, which are accompanied by a score. In this case, 30 seconds is enough to achieve a hypnotic trance, and almost 95% of the treatment is effective.

auto hypnosis

Self-hypnosis is used to control anxiety, overcome phobias, obsessions, and depression. It is also effective in asthma, skin diseases, overweight and sleep disorders. Learning the technique of self-hypnosis helps to improve memory, learning ability, overcome some personality problems, control emotions and relieve persistent headaches caused by severe psychological conditions.

To successfully apply to solve ordinary problems, you need to master self-control. This requires certain knowledge and regular exercises. Teaching self-management and recognizing what triggers a stimulus and what reaction follows it (irritation, fear, resentment, etc.) can experienced hypnologist. It will help to understand when a person has fallen under the influence of certain triggers and together find the "triggers" responsible for the loss of emotional control.

gypsy hypnosis

This is a kind of manipulation, which is often subjected to suggestible people. Usually the victim is "processed" by two people. They are located with different parties from the object of influence, simultaneously loading several sense organs of the victim. Manipulators simultaneously and quickly speak, while actively gesticulating and doing various incomprehensible from the point of view ordinary person movements, invade the personal zone, touch his body. All this unsettles the victim, puts him in a trance. In this case, there is an overload of all modalities, which is ensured by the cumulative psychological impact:

  • gestures, facial expressions, movements overload the visual modality;
  • speech - auditory;
  • touch is kinesthetic.

In just a few minutes, a person subject to hypnosis enters a trance and perceives any suggestion of scammers. Often criminals, working alone, use other methods of influence, such as intimidation. They inspire a person that his loved ones or he himself is in danger, and offer their "help". To actively counteract the influence of manipulators, it is enough to know general principles work of this type of hypnosis and be able to apply the method in practice.

Instant hypnosis is available to everyone. But self-learning the technique of hypnosis from videos or books is not advisable, since these sources of information cover only a small part of the material and do not allow you to fully understand the essence of the method. A hypnologist can teach rapid hypnosis. Nikita Valerievich Baturin - professional high level in the field of hypnotherapy, certified specialist, author of scientific articles on psychology and hypnosis. He conducts internal and external consultations, and also teaches effective methods of hypnosis.

Speech as a method of instant hypnosis

Verbal means of communication play a major role in communication and are the main element of the psychological impact on the individual. At the same time, the importance of the elements of non-verbal communication should not be underestimated, since they play not only an additional, but often the main role. Hypnotherapists in their work take into account and successfully use non-verbal to enhance or reduce speech influence.

With verbal influence, the meaning of attitudes is best preserved. During the dialogue, there is a constant change of communicative roles with an understanding of the meaning of the verbal message. In this case, the success of the event is determined by the bilateral interest in dialogue, maintaining the thematic focus, and the desire to achieve positive changes.

Important elements of non-verbalism are eye contact, average voice power, fluency of speech, and an open facial expression. It is important to conduct a conversation without interruption, without unnecessary pauses that cause a tense state in the client, while maintaining the same pace of speech. On the face of a hypnotherapist right moments there may be an open smile, it is necessary to maintain a friendly expression and utmost attentiveness during the entire conversation. The strength of the voice should be such that the interlocutor hears well, but it is desirable that the phrases are not heard by others.

Why you need instant hypnosis

There are many life situations in which it may be necessary to apply the described techniques. These skills can be useful different areas activities, constantly forced to contact people: from businessmen and lawyers to social workers, teachers and doctors.

Instant hypnosis is constantly used in the promotion of goods and services, when companies are interested in subordinating buyers to their interests. In business negotiations, they often use an introduction to a state of confusion, when a disoriented interlocutor is not able to dominate and make decisions soberly, therefore, he willingly listens to arguments. The technique of rapid suggestion is an effective way to gain leadership positions.

This type of hypnosis is not so easy to perform. But it is possible to learn the technique of instant hypnosis and use it for self-hypnosis or to protect yourself from manipulators. This must be done under the supervision of a professional. Practitioner training

instant hypnosis. The power of suggestion, techniques, techniques Zaitsev Viktor Borisovich



We all heard about mysterious stories when a person, being hypnotized, did not remember his actions, although a few seconds before that he had done very strange things.

Surely we have watched many films in which this theme served as the main engine of the plot. The mass of modern detectives stands their intrigue on hypnosis, although in Lately it is already considered in bad taste, the explanation is too simple.

From time to time, there are notes in the newspapers about how a man entered the bank, instantly hypnotized the cashier, and he gave him all the cash. The fraudster has disappeared, the cashier remembers nothing, except piercing gaze stranger.

Many are understandably distrustful of such stories, although they do happen all the time. This topic is more than relevant for current situation. And not only because someone wants to learn instant hypnosis in order to subjugate people, but someone, on the contrary, wants to be as protected from negative influences someone else's will.

In order to understand this phenomenon, we will have to consider the mechanism of the work of consciousness, which allows a person to plunge into a trance. We will follow step by step how this happens, we will give exercises that will help you gain the right degree of concentration, we will talk about ways to suppress someone else's will and resist such attempts.

Instant hypnosis can be a very powerful weapon. But, like any weapon, it can be used for a variety of purposes. The moral aspect of the problem is on your conscience. But remember that you have to pay for everything, sometimes very expensive. And the price of retribution can significantly exceed the momentary benefit from the successful use of hypnotic techniques.

Let's just say that it is impossible to learn instant hypnosis in 5 minutes. But, paradoxically, the vast majority of people already own necessary skills and, moreover, daily unconsciously apply them in practice.

To some extent, we are all in a state of hypnosis 24 hours a day. Literally everything hypnotizes us - from the view outside the window to the monitor panel. Scientists call this state "consensual trance." The question is whether we are satisfied with this state, or whether we want to change it. And if we want, then why? Do we need to change it drastically, or can we limit ourselves to small adjustments that will help us function more successfully? Will you be comfortable "waking up" and discovering that the world is not at all what you used to see it?

Of course, this is not the film "The Matrix", everything is not so fatal and not so magical. But everyday life can sometimes be a much more dizzying example for honing the skill of awareness, without which neither hypnosis nor ways to counter it are possible.

Street (gypsy) hypnosis

To begin with, we will not dive deep into the theory, but consider such an ordinary and familiar immersion in a trance while communicating with gypsies. This good example instant hypnosis that some of you may have had the misfortune to experience.

So, what is this unpleasant and dangerous phenomenon? The essence of instant gypsy hypnosis is that a swindler (usually a gypsy fortune teller) approaches a passerby on the street and, with the help of hypnosis, deprives him of money and material assets that he has with him. Tens of thousands of people in Russia succumb to criminal hypnosis every year.

Mysterious Gypsies

In many ways, the degree of suggestibility here depends on the halo of mystery that has hovered over the gypsies for centuries. And this is the first degree of hypnosis. We know in advance that they can do it and that they will definitely do it. Someone tried to check and succumbed to their bait. Someone got out of trouble. But it is very important to understand that we are confident in their abilities in advance and only this helps the phenomenon of instant hypnosis to manifest itself in all its "glory".

Gypsies are an ancient Indian caste of untouchables who were engaged in music, dancing and singing. In 420 AD e. this caste left (or was expelled) from India and began to settle throughout the world. Gypsies appeared in Rus' in the middle of the 5th century. and called themselves "Luri". IN modern world there are about 40 million gypsies, consisting of twenty main gypsy ethnic groups. Within each ethnic group there is a finer division into "nations". The next division is into genera, the names of which come from the name of the revered progenitor.

"Gypsy hypnosis" is hypnosis in the waking state, but with little focus. Immersed in a “gypsy” conversational trance, a person, as it were, “withdraws into himself” and continues to perform externally meaningful actions for a short time, without realizing this and not remembering them after the end of the “session”.

Gypsy hypnosis is used mainly for the imperceptible short-term immersion of a person in a state of controlled contact and the extraction of certain material benefits.

Elements of the methodology

The technique of hypnosis has been known to gypsies for a long time, and this "gift" is passed down from generation to generation through the female line. All gypsies are excellent psychologists and physiognomists, and this is precisely their gift, but not everyone has unconventional abilities influence on people and clairvoyance. Gypsies, who have an innate gift, are professionals, it is they who come into contact with their victim, the rest - without abilities - falls into the role of distractions.

The art of "talking teeth", as well as fortune-telling, has been taught to a gypsy since childhood. By the age of ten, it is already possible to understand whether the gypsy has the talent of a hypnotist.

The gypsies themselves consider the innate gift of fraud with the help of hypnosis to be divine, and refusing it is a terrible sin.

From a medical point of view, the secret of gypsy hypnosis is that the scammer turns off the left hemisphere of the brain in her victim, which is responsible for assessing the situation and controlling behavior. Only the right hemisphere is active, which is responsible for feelings and imagination. A person ceases to evaluate reality and lives only with emotions. When you are in this state, you can be controlled like a robot.

Also, the principle of the work of gypsy hypnosis is explained by the "theory of super-wakefulness." According to her, hypnosis is a state of the cerebral cortex in which one of its areas is super-awake. Thanks to this focus of overexcitation, a person, obeying the commands of a hypnotist, believes that he is acting of his own free will, without coercion.

What a gypsy says during hypnosis is either not consciously perceived by a person at all, or is perceived uncritically. It turns out that in order to hypnotize a person, it is only necessary to create in the cortex of his brain a focus of superexcitation, which the theory speaks of. To create such a hearth, many techniques and techniques are used. The most commonly used techniques include breaking the template, chattering and overloading the mind.

Stages of gypsy hypnosis

First, your attention is attracted by some phrase, such as a request to give a smoke, help to find a canteen (and then, as if in gratitude for the service, offers to tell fortunes for free) or a direct offer to tell fortunes. Someone passes by, and someone responds to the words of the gypsy, thereby allowing the transition to the next stage of hypnosis.

The gypsy begins fortune-telling with a touch - she takes your hand. The palms are directly connected with the subcortex of the brain. Soft strokes lull the mind.

At the moment when you relax, the gypsy woman says something monotonously and quickly, but not always legibly. Thus, it overloads your brain. Under the influence of this stream of incomprehensible words, it seems to turn off for a while, you enter a state of semi-trance.

Sometimes this happens to you without the influence of other people: for example, when you admire the scenery passing outside the window from the bus and after a while you turn off, plunging into a trance.

The fortune teller is using your altered state of consciousness for its own purposes. She begins to make a suggestion: portends some terrible problems, trouble with loved ones. In a state of trance, you cannot take her words critically and believe every word of the scammer, believe in her supernatural abilities.

In fact, gypsies are not clairvoyants at all, they simply use our subconscious, forcing us to believe in what it tells us. Gypsies speak in meaningful but vague phrases so that you yourself can put your own content into these words. Everyone knows such phrases as “A long road awaits you”, “Interest in a government house” and others.

While you are in a trance state, the part of the brain that controls behavior is turned off. Only the imagination works.

Another factor that contributes to the overload of consciousness is bright and colorful national clothes, incessant small movements, touches, movements of "assistants", etc. Sometimes the technique of breaking the pattern or intimidation is used, when phrases like "Stop, where you walk or walk, where you stand, otherwise you will be paralyzed, ”and he stops. Sometimes a method is used based on receiving several affirmative answers, which cause a certain inertia of thinking in the victim of fortunetellers and make it easier to inspire something to a person. For example, at first they address you “Man!” (you consciously or unconsciously agree to yourself, yes, I am a man, not a woman). “Do you know where the nearest bus stop is here?” (you answer that you know), and then everything goes according to a verified scheme: “You, I see, are very good man"(Who can refuse here). “Now you have some, I see, there is a problem, but it will be resolved” (practically every person at any moment of his life has some kind of problem, big or small, so such a fortune-teller’s statement will always hit the target, that is, it will reach the person’s consciousness) etc.

Having intimidated you properly, the fortuneteller suggests a solution to all future and current problems: if you perform a certain ritual, which is usually associated with money, we will remove the evil eye, damage and other troubles. You have the opportunity to save loved ones and yourself.

A person in a trance believes that by giving his money to a fortuneteller, he will be able to get rid of his problems, which gypsy hypnosis helped him to believe in the existence of.

When the gypsy is sure that the vigilance of the victim has weakened, she asks to give her any paper money to wrap her hair. Or he simply asks to tightly squeeze the money in his hand and repeat the words of the spell after her.

Further more. A small bill will not suit her - “come on bigger, otherwise it won’t help.” While a person takes out money, the gypsy keeps track of where they are with him. As a result, the hair will either immediately be wrapped in a large bill, in which case the gypsy will take it for herself, or, if she saw that the “client” has a larger one, she herself will place the square with the hair where he keeps the money, saying: “ Take it, you see, I give it myself, I don’t take anything.”

But "on way back» From a pocket or purse, her hand will take with it the largest bill. Such an action will be motivated by the fact that "you need to blow big money to make it work."

When performing operations with money, the fortuneteller simultaneously takes out something from her skirts - a box or a small bundle. She needs these items in order to a short time divert the attention of your victim. This is enough time for her to hide the money.

The hypnotist then gives the fooled detailed instructions what he still needs to do and, while his brain entered into a trance makes attempts to realize everything that has happened, disappears from the field of view.

So, hypnosis achieved its goal. The victim of the gypsies gives everything she has of value with her.

Sometimes hypnosis is so strong that a person goes home and takes out family jewelry to fortune-tellers.

At the end of the fortune-telling, a setting for forgetting can be given, or a metaphor is told about how water washes away all traces left in the sand, or something else like that. As a result, a person is left without what the gypsies needed, and with vague memories of how it all happened.

Sometimes the extortion process fails. For example, a not very experienced fortune teller cannot put her victim into a trance. Then a few more gypsies join her. Sometimes people are caught not on catchy phrases, but “on an egg”. That is, they offer to tell fortunes and apply the victim's hair to the egg. Then the partners distract the passer-by, and at that moment the gypsy replaces the egg with a rotten one or with some other object that causes negative emotions. A person under the influence of this trick becomes more amenable to gypsy hypnosis, as his brain is overloaded. Then the scammers deploy the already described scheme.

There is even a case when a person closed a bank account in order to give all the accumulated savings to gypsies.

Gypsy hypnosis techniques can also be used by swindlers of other nationalities. In exchange for your money, they may offer not fortune-telling, but some kind of product. They will suggest to you that it is necessary for happy life, and pull out of your wallet an amount ten times the cost of a mostly useless item.

Also, scammers can introduce themselves as interviewers or representatives of the organizer of the lottery in which you suddenly won. General scheme their actions are the same as those of gypsy fortune-tellers, only the words are used differently. It is very easy to achieve an overload of human consciousness using scientific terms and abbreviations.

Protection methods

Now, having found out how gypsies and other street hypnotists operate, we should touch on how to avoid this deception.

First, you should avoid any contact with fortune-tellers. Even if they do not lag behind, do not engage in conversation with them, do not stop, do not look them in the eye. Even if you are surrounded by a whole camp, go through it.

Among gypsies, it is considered a curse to spit on the palm and touch the forehead with this palm. If you perform this action, the gypsies will leave you very quickly.

Secondly, when you see gypsies, make “the right face. Fortune tellers know who to approach and who not to. She will see you as her potential victim if you look tired, distant, or dreamy. Thus, when you see a gypsy, wipe off a worried or upset expression from your face, “put on” a smile or aggression on your face. If the gypsy is still heading towards you, speed up your pace and try in every sense to avoid communicating with her.

If you didn’t manage to leave right away, you need to be active: switch to “you”, talk incessantly about anything, ask personal questions, interrupt. In other words, talk more yourself and not listen to what is being said to you.

Surrounded by gypsies, do not linger in one place and in one position - move, gesticulate, do not let yourself be stunned.

You should not be afraid of a gypsy curse: even if you believe in curses, a professional gypsy will never use it, only if you give her a really serious reason for revenge.

Also, you should not make contact with fortune-tellers on your own in order to check whether you can resist their hypnosis. Practice shows that this is practically impossible. Gypsies have been honing their skills for years.

If you are faced with a whole camp, beware - they will definitely “cleanse” you, therefore, in this case the only way out is to run.

IN the following places most likely to stumble upon gypsies:

- railway stations;

– close to hospitals;

- on busy streets

- in parks;

- at the entrances of residential buildings.

If you nevertheless became a victim of gypsy hypnosis, the stolen money can only be returned with the help of the police. And the sooner you apply, the better.

If you come to your senses when the gypsies who robbed you have not yet disappeared, run to the policeman and go with him to detain the camp. If there is no law enforcement representative nearby, grab the liar yourself and start screaming, attracting the attention of passers-by. In this case, you will most likely get your money back.

Street gypsy hypnosis is a prime example of how the technique of instant hypnosis can be used for selfish and criminal purposes.

The power of suggestion

As we saw in the previous chapter, the main thing in hypnosis is the power of suggestion. And, oddly enough, your unconscious consent to be subjected to it. Suggestion is an influence on a person, or rather, on his thought processes and behavior that allows you to get a response to a stimulus directed to the person's subconscious.

The success of suggestion is influenced by the mood of the suggested person, the nature of the impact and the conditions in which it was produced, and other factors. In addition, two large groups of suggestion are distinguished: verbal, that is, with the participation of words, and non-verbal, that is, not containing a verbal component. Let's take a closer look at both groups.

Verbal Suggestions

IN large group There are three more types of verbal suggestions: direct, indirect and open suggestions. With direct suggestions, the therapist's intentions are clear and cannot be interpreted in any other way. This is especially evident with explicit direct suggestion, when the doctor explains in detail what should happen and what goal he sets. Most often, explicit direct suggestion is used in operations for pain relief.

In the case of camouflaged direct suggestion, the doctor does not say directly what is expected in the process of suggestion, but still makes it clear that to some extent the result will depend on the patient himself. Post-hypnotic direct suggestion is used to induce self-hypnosis and then to induce the patient to forget any negative events. With the help of post-hypnotic direct suggestion, the psychotherapist programs the patient's mind to perform any actions after a hypnosis session.

Consider indirect suggestions. They differ from direct ones in that the patient has a choice: he has the right not to accept what is suggested to him. The goals of the psychotherapist indirect suggestion incomprehensible to the patient. This kind of suggestion is used to direct the patient in a direction he is avoiding.

Indirect are also divided into several types. This is the acceptance sequence. The doctor lists the statements with which the patient agrees, and at the end sets out the statement that the patient must accept. Second important point is an implication. The doctor states what can happen, and the patient is programmed in advance for the inevitability of this situation.

The double bind technique is often used. The patient must choose one of the two options, which are actually the same. The double bind technique includes, for example, such a question: “Do you feel light in your right or left hand?”

The next type is suggestion by the absence of mention - if an important, significant element is omitted when listing possible situations, its absence focuses attention on it. As a result, the patient can be focused on an important aspect.

Another group of direct suggestions are open suggestions. Their common feature is to provide the patient with a wide choice of actions. The psychotherapist can offer the patient a vague framework that the latter can fill in at his own discretion. This type of suggestion is called mobilizing suggestion. Or the patient is presented with many possible answers (limited open suggestion).

The saying "You can work different ways”invites the patient to choose one of the methods. This saying refers to a mobilizing suggestion.

The therapeutic metaphor is very often used. Metaphor is the replacement of the name of one thing by the name of another. This technique is used both in literature and in everyday life. Metaphor is used to connect disparate aspects of reality, with its help people pass on some information to each other.

Metaphor is widely used in psychotherapy. It forms a system of basic concepts of Jungian psychotherapy, such as Self, Shadow, Person, "muscle shell" and many others. The metaphor used in a suggestion session is always multi-level. In other words, each phrase, gesture, idea is not unambiguous, but has two or more meanings. The explicit is intended for the patient's consciousness, and the hidden is addressed to his unconscious.

At the same time, the suggestible person retains the right to choose, that is, he himself decides whether or not to accept the second meaning of this statement.

Suggestions at the non-verbal level

Non-verbal, that is, suggestions carried out not by words, but by gestures, intonation, tone of voice, are very important in hypnotic manipulation. It must be said that they can be used not only with some specific purpose but completely unconscious. Non-verbal suggestions, in turn, are divided into several types.

The first type of nonverbal suggestion is catalepsy. This is a phenomenon in which the patient takes such a forced position that the doctor suggested to him. There are catalepsy of the whole body and some one part of it (for example, catalepsy of the hand). Frequent use of this type of suggestion is not recommended.

Pauses are another common form of nonverbal suggestion. With the help of pauses, you can change the meaning of statements that take on the form of an open suggestion. That is, the patient independently fills the void in the phrase with his decision.

A pause can also highlight the main idea of ​​a statement.

One more type should be mentioned, around which there is terminological confusion. This is levitation. In this case, we do not consider the ability to float in the air, which is attributed to some of the most advanced yogis. In our case, levitation is another type of non-verbal suggestion. During levitation, the physical influence of the hypnotist is not necessary: ​​the suggested one independently carries it out with the help of imagination. The start time of levitation is also determined by the patient. The advantages of this method also include the fact that levitation greatly facilitates the process of immersion in a trance state, since having experienced this suggestion at least once, the patient can independently repeat it. Therefore, levitation is often used in self-hypnosis; during this state, the patient experiences comfort, making levitation one of the most common types of non-verbal suggestion.

In the last century, the dangers of suggestion, or side effects, have been repeatedly discussed. For example, a large proportion of patients developed a skin rash and redness. But this can be explained rather by the peculiarities of the psyche of the subjects: a rash appeared in those who experienced strong excitement or fear.

Can you be hypnotized?

Let's answer this question in the affirmative. Even if you can't be hypnotized by outside influences, you can still handle it on your own. Moreover, you use such methods all the time, without even realizing it.

The simplicity and magic of hypnosis

The well-known researcher of altered states of consciousness, Charles Tart, in his book Awakening, says this about the phenomenon of hypnosis: “Since a part of your mind is very skeptical, your distrust of the reality of hypnosis is quite understandable ... All this has a clear smack of magic. No psychotropic substances are used, no brain surgery is done, there are no powerful emotions - nothing that could push a person to the extreme limit of his functioning. Two strangers are sitting in an ordinary room. One, called the hypnotist, does nothing but just say some words to the other, called the subject. But at the same time, the reality of the subject changes dramatically, in a seemingly completely impossible way. Isn't it magic when the spells (just words) of the wizard change reality?

And here is how he describes his student practice: “The altered state that made the greatest impression on me at the very beginning of my research activities, was hypnosis, and I will use it as an example to briefly illustrate the extreme power of altered states of consciousness in changing the perception of what we think is real.

To induce a hypnotic state, we sat down with a volunteer who volunteered to be hypnotized. We were both supposed to be quite normal people. It was also assumed that we both saw the same room that other people could see, and our ears heard the usual real sounds in this room. We smelled the smells that were there and felt the hardness of the real objects in this room.

Then I started talking. Researchers have given this way of speaking a special name, "hypnotic induction procedures," but at its core, it's just saying words. The subject being hypnotized is not given any powerful psychotropic substances, is not placed in any particular environment, and is not subjected to any external influences- and yet in twenty minutes I could completely change the universe in which he lived.

After a few of my words, the subject could no longer raise his hand. After a few more words, he began to hear voices, as if he were not alone in the room. A few more words - and he could open his eyes and see something that no one else could see except him, or, with the appropriate suggestion, some real object located in a room in a conspicuous place, became invisible to him.

As the suggestion continued, the subject could experience visions, sometimes as vivid as the most vivid dreams of the night. Then, as the suggestion continued, the subject could completely forget the present and feel like he was five years old, behaving as he did in childhood. Another suggestion - and after awakening the subject could not remember anything that happened to him while he was in a state of hypnosis.

It was possible to completely eliminate even such a fundamental sensation as pain. Although I have observed this many times, I am still amazed by the procedure of the test, which we called "immunity to the smell of ammonia." I could suggest to the subject that he is now unaware of any odors. Then I would open a bottle of ammonia, bring it within two centimeters of his nose, and tell him to take a deep breath. The smell of ammonia is not just very Strong smell, it also causes very painful sensations, as if your nostrils are burning with fire. Although I myself winced involuntarily, a highly hypnotic subject could take a deep breath. And no reaction! He did not have tears in his eyes, he did not jerk his head away and did not show any anxiety. "Do you smell any?" I asked. "No," he replied.

…Our usual point of view is that we live in real world and accept it as it is. This book in your hands is real, it feels like a solid object because it is a solid object, and you see the words printed on the pages of the book because they really are there. And yet this ordinary reality can disappear with just a few minutes of speaking the words.

The book in your hands may disappear altogether, or it may no longer seem hard, but soft, and familiar words may turn into a meaningless set of letters. Can we then take the well-known wisdom of ordinary consciousness for granted?

Hypnosis and personality types

"I'm not hypnotized." "I'm very suggestible." “They tried to hypnotize me, nothing worked.” “I fell asleep right away and don’t remember anything. What was it? These are the most polar opinions.

In fact, everyone can be hypnotized, the only question is what techniques are used.

Sometimes during a conversation it is enough to scatter a person's attention so that he falls into a light trance for a few seconds. And this is hypnosis. And the same person will actively resist direct hypnotic suggestion and, most likely, he will succeed. Here is such a paradox.

I must say that the very concept of hypnosis already has a certain trance effect. Expecting something out of the ordinary is the first step to trance. But then - it depends on many reasons.

For someone who wants to learn hypnosis, it is very important to know which categories of people are more susceptible to hypnosis, and who can resist it. We will also try to determine what qualities a person must have in order to become a hypnotist.

There are many hypotheses about susceptibility to hypnosis. So, many are sure that there is a special category of people on whom absolutely any person can suggest. They are called the best somnambulists. But there is another group of people who, on the contrary, are extremely difficult to hypnotize. These are non-receptive subjects. True, bright representatives of both groups are rare. Most people are in between and varying degrees subject to hypnosis.

Suggestibility is the ability of a person to change their behavior and thoughts under the influence of the words that the hypnotist pronounces. The scientist Brenman believed that suggestibility is a permanent property of the individual. But studies have shown that suggestibility is not a mental predisposition, but a quite common property of higher nervous activity. The measure of suggestibility depends on many factors: age, gender, social status, intellectual development subject and many others. Importance has the way hypnosis is done.

A person may be completely immune to suggestions from other people, but his tendency to self-suggestion will be very strongly developed.

A strong tendency to suggestibility is observed in sleeping people. In the state of sleep, they are most susceptible to hypnosis, since hypnosis and sleep are of a similar nature. As a result of numerous studies, the percentages of people who can be put into a state of hypnosis and who are not amenable to suggestion have been established. So, the English doctor Bramwell believed that 10-20% of people are hypnotizable, that is, subject to hypnosis, and can fall into a deep trance. Other researchers, such as A. Boni, proved that 90% of people are susceptible to hypnosis. P. Dubos believed that everything depends on psychological state subject. Adherents of the Charcot school and some other scientists believed that hysterical people are most prone to suggestibility, since they have the corresponding mental characteristics. However, later it was proved that not all people subject to hysterical seizures are easily hypnotized. In fact, many patients with hysteria simply need to be put into a state of hypnotic sleep, but also a large number of people with the same diagnosis were found to be immune to hypnosis.

Not only among patients with hysteria, but also among neurasthenics, only a certain percentage of patients are suggestible. It is very difficult to put those suffering from psychasthenia into a state of hypnotic sleep; many do not succeed at all. Patients with pathologies of attention, phobias, obsessive-compulsive states, egocentrism are either strongly susceptible to suggestion or do not show suggestibility at all. Chronic alcoholics, drug addicts, people suffering from mental disorders easily give in to hypnosis.

For a long time, scientists have tried to establish what connection exists between susceptibility to hypnosis and the personality of the hypnotized person. Experiments were conducted with people of different races, characters, physiques, social positions, but the studies did not give even approximate criteria that determine the degree of hypnosis. The observation of the American scientist Kaufman is curious. He noticed that soldiers were subject to hypnosis to a fairly high degree. So, during the Second World War, he healed more than 2,500 soldiers. Such a strong suggestibility was explained by the high degree of obedience of the soldiers, for whom the execution of commands is one of the main components of military service.

The problem of the dependence of the power of suggestibility on the personality of the person being hypnotized was studied on patients with psychosomatic disorders. As a result, two groups of patients were identified: those who were immune to hypnosis and those who did not consciously submit to suggestion. All tested were socially unadapted people, with an unstable psyche. Those who succumbed to hypnosis, on the contrary, had a fairly strong ability to adapt in life, in other words, they knew how to resolve conflict situations. It can be said that people subjected to hypnosis had a tendency to hysterical manifestations. Therefore, for a long time it was believed that only patients with hysteria have easy suggestibility. But researchers have now found that healthy people even in more more susceptible to hypnosis than neurotics.

It has been proven that young people are more suggestible than people middle age. A number of researchers believe that gender also influences susceptibility to hypnosis. Some are sure that women are easier to hypnotize, while others, on the contrary, believe that men are more hypnotizable. Also, factors influencing susceptibility to hypnosis include the frequency of entry into special states of consciousness, the speed of falling asleep, concentration of attention, general state hypnotized. If the patient slowly plunged into a trance state for the first time, then later he may well reach more success, removing interfering obstacles, such as excitement, extraneous distracting thoughts, tension. The patient who falls asleep quickly and easily achieves a deeper state than those who fall asleep with difficulty. Some patients are overly anxious because of the desire to quickly plunge into the hypnotic state. It also interferes with hypnosis.

The general condition of the patient is also of great importance. A physically or mentally tired person is easier to suggest, and therefore hypnosis sessions are usually carried out at a time when the hypnotized person is somewhat tired. Thus, the best time for hypnosis is after lunch or in the evening. Particularly hypnotizable are people exhausted by work, malnutrition, and stress.

As a result of research on neurotics, it was concluded that suggestibility is also to a certain extent influenced by a person's temperament. However, this hypothesis requires more serious evidence, since there are a number of difficulties that make it difficult to establish its truth.

For example, difficulties are associated with determining the type of higher nervous activity of a person. Not everyone can determine the type of their own temperament, since in pure form sanguine, choleric, phlegmatic and melancholic are extremely rare.

There is a hypothesis according to which sanguine people are most susceptible to hypnosis, that is, strong, balanced, mobile; less hypnotizable choleric - strong, unbalanced. This is followed by melancholics (weak type), and in last place in terms of suggestibility are phlegmatic (strong, balanced, inactive).

Tests for hypnosis

Before starting a hypnotic session, you can take a number of tests that will help establish the hypnotizability of a person and increase his suggestibility during immersion in a trance.

Coue and Baudouin's methods of determining suggestibility are widely used.

In the first technique, the subject stands with closed legs half a meter from the wall. The doctor inspires the patient that as soon as the first looks into the eyes of the latter, the patient will lose his balance and fall back. The wall in this case plays the role of insurance. Usually this technique is very effective.

The second method is as follows: the patient should spread his fingers with tension, so that they become hard. The doctor inspires the patient that he cannot bend his fingers.

Often the hypnotized person is suggested that he feels some kind of taste, smell, touch. For example, a doctor describes in detail how a patient picks up a ripe lemon, cuts it, tastes the sour piece. Those subjects who, during this description, experience increased salivation, are more susceptible to hypnosis than those who do not experience such sensations.

Another test is that the doctor suggests to the sitting person that his hand is heavy as lead. In this case, the patient needs to focus all his attention on any point on his hand. Then the doctor makes an attempt to raise the hand of the hypnotized. If the resistance of the latter increases, then it has great hypnotizability. In other words, the subject feels that his arm has become heavy, although in fact its weight has not changed.

There is another method for determining the suggestibility of a person, which is called "non-existent smells." The person is invited to sniff a few clean bottles and say where the water was, where ammonia and where is the kerosene. A hypnotizable person, with the help of his own imagination, will begin to detect smells and say in which vial what was. A non-suggestible subject will bluntly state that he can't smell anything.

There is another technique that illustrates the reason for the phenomena in which people see non-existent objects on the walls. They tend to explain this either by hallucinations or by the action of otherworldly forces. In fact, a completely natural process takes place. If you focus on any image for some time, be it a red cross or a black skull, then when you look at the wall, you can see the picture just being considered.

The Levy-Sahla technique is based on this phenomenon: the patient, during verbal suggestion, needs to keep his eyes on the red cross. Closing his eyes, he will see a green cross.

There are a large number of other techniques by which you can determine the hypnotizability of the patient. This once again confirms the thesis that the degree of suggestibility of a person is influenced by a large number of various factors.

How to put a person into hypnosis

We are all already hypnotized. A light trance is present with any concentration and, paradoxically, with any relaxation. It's like the microdoses of medicine that we have to take in "horse doses" in "correct" or "scientific" hypnosis.

Any dreams, distraction, relaxation - this is already a trance. It is up to you to strengthen it or interrupt it, although many people prefer to stay in a trance all their lives, only switching its various “channels”.

Trance as the basis of hypnosis

The fundamental problem with hypnosis, according to Charles Tart, is the premise of trance. “The word trance usually has a negative connotation for us. If someone is acting stupid, we tend to say that he is in a trance.

Trance is not necessarily just a passive dullness, but may include a purposeful pursuit of some wrong thing.

When we sense that someone is in a trance, we encourage them to wake up and use their natural abilities to the fullest.

As a scientific term, the word "trance" is no longer widely used, partly because of its negative connotation, and partly because its meaning has not yet been clearly defined. Every scientific term must clearly describe what the phenomenon to which it refers is, without confusion between what it is and how we feel about it. Here we are interested in negative associations.

Despite positive results use of hypnosis in medicine and psychotherapy as a means to accelerate learning, and despite decades of effort by responsible professionals in an attempt to develop more positive opinion about hypnosis, the vast majority of people still associate hypnosis with trance. Hypnosis itself acquires negative meaning: it is believed that a hypnotized person is in a lifeless, half-asleep state, under the control of a hypnotist who controls and manipulates him, using the superiority of his mind and will ...

I think that part of our dislike of the trance state that hypnotists induce is that at some level we are aware of a fact that is very unpleasant for us. We are already in a trance state and spend too much of our lives in one form or another of trance. Our behavior and our inner experiences are already largely controlled by other people, and we have little hope of changing anything. And the hypnotic state is perceived by us as an obvious "trance" simply for the reason that some of the things we do in such a state are socially unusual.

Methods of immersion in hypnosis

The technique of introducing a person into a hypnotic state is based on the use of various methods, which are conditionally divided into two large groups: methods of influencing analyzers with monotonous stimuli and methods of influencing a strong stimulus (shock methods). All methods of introduction to hypnosis fall into one of two main methods.

One of the most simple methods- this is an introduction to a hypnotic state by fixing an object. The hypnotist asks the patient not to take his eyes off some object: a coin, a key, a pencil hanging from a rope. The choice of subject is practically unlimited. The main thing is that it should be at a distance of at least 25 cm from the eyes of the hypnotized person.

After the patient has focused on the subject, the hypnotist should begin to make a series of suggestions. An indispensable condition is that the words should be pronounced monotonously, repeated and have a figurative character. First, the patient is suggested a feeling of relaxation, drowsiness, heaviness, warmth, and then - sleep.

In the past, people were hypnotized without verbal suggestions (for example, the Breda-Liebo method). But at present, the impact accompanied by words is more common.

Verbal formulations help to describe sensations so that the hypnotized person feels them more fully. Verbal suggestion is intended to force the patient to close his eyes.

If he does not want to do this, the psychotherapist resorts to the help of an account. In this case, the suggestion is resumed when the count is from 1 to 10.

But counting doesn't always help. Then, in order for the patient to close his eyes, the Bernheim method is used. To do this, the hand should be held at a distance of several centimeters from the patient's face and often moved from top to bottom and vice versa. During these actions, the suggestion is repeated:

“Follow my hand – up, down, up, down – and you will want to sleep. You are getting more and more sleepy." Then they say to the hypnotized: "Now you can close your eyes." The hypnotist then covers the patient's eyelids with his fingers.

The method of simple verbal suggestion is also used, which is carried out without the use of an object on which the gaze must be concentrated.

The method of simple verbal suggestion is used when it is difficult for the patient to concentrate on something.

Hypnosis occurs in this way: the patient lies down on a sofa, the hypnotist asks him to close his eyes and makes a verbal suggestion.

Abbé Faria created in 1813 a method later named after him. Hypnosis by means of charm was especially widespread in India among fakirs and conjurers. However, this technique is now rarely used. The patient does not look at the object, but into the eyes of the therapist. In medicine, this method is most often used in the treatment of alcoholism, drug addiction, with the imbalance of the patient.

An example of a suggestion given by a hypnotist:

“Look into my eyes. Your eyes become heavy, heavy, your arms become heavy, your legs become heavy, your whole body becomes heavier. Your eyes are closing, but keep them open as long as you can look into my eyes. Your eyelids get heavy, they become heavy like lead. You fall asleep, you fall asleep."

When the patient closes his eyes, the therapist says:

"Your eyelids are stuck together, you won't be able to open them until I tell you to." The patient is then seated in a chair.

Main difficulty this method consists in the fact that the hypnotist needs to look into the eyes of the patient without looking up and without blinking. To learn this, the doctor must practice every day. Remember that using the enchantment method, the therapist himself runs the risk of being hypnotized.

The method of raising your hand is quite complicated. It was developed in 1923 by Erickson and is called the "American Method". To successfully apply this technique requires special training. The main advantage of the American method is that the patient himself is involved in the process of hypnotherapy.

The hypnotist says the following words:

“I want you to sit comfortably in a chair and relax. Sit down, put your hands on your hips. Yes, yes. Look at your hands. Watch them carefully, but at the same time relax, do not strain. Keep track of what happens during relaxation. The phenomena that you observe happen all the time when you relax, only before you did not notice them. I will let you know when they happen. Focus on all your feelings, fix them. Whatever these phenomena are, remember them. You may feel an itch or a slight tingle, or maybe feel a heaviness in your hand. It doesn't matter what you are experiencing, the main thing is to observe it. Don't take your eyes off your hand. She is still and calm. While she remains in her place, but there are already barely perceptible movements in her. You do not feel them, but look without looking up at your hand. Try to catch the moment when the movements become more tangible.

Chapter 5. The End of Time Management: Illusions and Italians Perfection is when you do not subtract or add. ANTOINE DE SAINT-EXUPERIE (1900-1944), French writer, pioneer of international air mail It is ridiculous to spend a lot of effort on something that can be done with less blood. WILLIAM OKKAM (c.

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Many people think that instant hypnosis is more like some kind of deception, but in fact everything is quite real. Many things can bring a person into a hypnotic state, for example, a flickering picture in the window when you are driving in a car, a working TV, some kind of uniform noise, etc. The technique and techniques of instant hypnosis and power are based precisely on the mechanisms of the work of human consciousness. They can be used both for good, for example, in the treatment of psychological diseases, and for harm, for example, deceiving gypsies, etc.

instant hypnosis technique

Many people want to learn how to put others into a trance in order to be able to use this in order to receive certain privileges. First you need to get in touch and relax the victim. Then, you should take the person by the hand and look into the eyes. Without looking away, place your hand on your neck for at least 6 seconds. After that, sharply shout "Sleep" and tilt the victim's head towards you, and remove your hand. Remember that practice is very important.

How the power of suggestion works, and gypsies know instant hypnosis, on the traps that are caught great amount Human. Knowing their secrets, it will be possible to protect yourself from such deception. The first thing a gypsy does is call out on the street with the banal “Woman or man!”. The person who turned around will be the victim of hypnosis. The man stops and the gypsy asks a question to which he will know the answer exactly. For example, she may ask about the nearest stop, the location of a store or a pharmacy. the main task hypnotist for the victim to respond. Then this instant method implies the desire of the gypsy to thank for the help, and most often she offers to tell fortunes or talks about what she sees. serious problem from close relatives. All this ends with the use of the chattering technique, which leads to the fact that the brain is simply overloaded with the flow of information. After that, the gypsy simply begins to inspire her victim with what she needs and gets what she wants.

We all heard about mysterious stories when a person, being hypnotized, did not remember his actions, although a few seconds before that he had done very strange things.

Surely we have watched many films in which this theme served as the main engine of the plot. A lot of modern detective stories rely on hypnosis for their intrigue, although recently it has already been considered bad form, the explanation turns out to be too simple.

From time to time, there are notes in the newspapers about how a man entered the bank, instantly hypnotized the cashier, and he gave him all the cash. The swindler has disappeared, the cashier remembers nothing, except for the piercing gaze of the stranger.

Many are understandably distrustful of such stories, although they do happen all the time. This topic is more than relevant to the current situation. And not only because someone wants to learn instant hypnosis in order to subdue people, but someone, on the contrary, wants to be as protected from the negative influences of someone else's will.

In order to understand this phenomenon, we will have to consider the mechanism of the work of consciousness, which allows a person to plunge into a trance. We will follow step by step how this happens, we will give exercises that will help you gain the right degree of concentration, we will talk about ways to suppress someone else's will and resist such attempts.

Instant hypnosis can be a very powerful weapon. But, like any weapon, it can be used for a variety of purposes. The moral aspect of the problem is on your conscience. But remember that you have to pay for everything, sometimes very expensive. And the price of retribution can significantly exceed the momentary benefit from the successful use of hypnotic techniques.

Let's just say that it is impossible to learn instant hypnosis in 5 minutes. But, paradoxically, the vast majority of people already have the necessary skills and, moreover, unconsciously put them into practice every day.

To some extent, we are all in a state of hypnosis 24 hours a day. Literally everything hypnotizes us - from the view outside the window to the monitor panel. Scientists call this state "consensual trance." The question is whether we are satisfied with this state, or whether we want to change it. And if we want, then why? Do we need to change it drastically, or can we limit ourselves to small adjustments that will help us function more successfully? Will you be comfortable "waking up" and discovering that the world is not at all what you used to see it?

Of course, this is not the film "The Matrix", everything is not so fatal and not so magical. But everyday life can sometimes be a much more dizzying example for honing the skill of awareness, without which neither hypnosis nor ways to counter it are possible.

Street (gypsy) hypnosis

To begin with, we will not dive deep into the theory, but consider such an ordinary and familiar immersion in a trance while communicating with gypsies. This is a good example of instant hypnosis that some of you may have had the misfortune to experience.

So, what is this unpleasant and dangerous phenomenon? The essence of instant gypsy hypnosis is that a swindler (usually a gypsy fortune-teller) approaches a passerby on the street and, with the help of hypnosis, deprives him of the money and material values ​​that he has with him. Tens of thousands of people in Russia succumb to criminal hypnosis every year.

Mysterious Gypsies

In many ways, the degree of suggestibility here depends on the halo of mystery that has hovered over the gypsies for centuries. And this is the first degree of hypnosis. We know in advance that they can do it and that they will definitely do it. Someone tried to check and succumbed to their bait. Someone got out of trouble. But it is very important to understand that we are confident in their abilities in advance and only this helps the phenomenon of instant hypnosis to manifest itself in all its "glory".

Gypsies are an ancient Indian caste of untouchables who were engaged in music, dancing and singing. In 420 AD e. this caste left (or was expelled) from India and began to settle throughout the world. Gypsies appeared in Rus' in the middle of the 5th century. and called themselves "Luri". In the modern world, there are about 40 million gypsies, consisting of twenty main gypsy ethnic groups. Within each ethnic group there is a finer division into "nations". The next division is into genera, the names of which come from the name of the revered progenitor.

"Gypsy hypnosis" is hypnosis in the waking state, but with little focus. Immersed in a “gypsy” conversational trance, a person, as it were, “withdraws into himself” and continues to perform externally meaningful actions for a short time, without realizing this and not remembering them after the end of the “session”.

Gypsy hypnosis is used mainly for the imperceptible short-term immersion of a person in a state of controlled contact and the extraction of certain material benefits.

Elements of the methodology

The technique of hypnosis has been known to gypsies for a long time, and this "gift" is passed down from generation to generation through the female line. All gypsies are excellent psychologists and physiognomists, and this is precisely their gift, but not everyone has unconventional abilities to influence people and clairvoyance. Gypsies, who have an innate gift, are professionals, it is they who come into contact with their victim, the rest - without abilities - falls into the role of distractions.

The art of "talking teeth", as well as fortune-telling, has been taught to a gypsy since childhood. By the age of ten, it is already possible to understand whether the gypsy has the talent of a hypnotist.

The gypsies themselves consider the innate gift of fraud with the help of hypnosis to be divine, and refusing it is a terrible sin.

From a medical point of view, the secret of gypsy hypnosis is that the scammer turns off the left hemisphere of the brain in her victim, which is responsible for assessing the situation and controlling behavior. Only the right hemisphere is active, which is responsible for feelings and imagination. A person ceases to evaluate reality and lives only with emotions. When you are in this state, you can be controlled like a robot.

Also, the principle of the work of gypsy hypnosis is explained by the "theory of super-wakefulness." According to her, hypnosis is a state of the cerebral cortex in which one of its areas is super-awake. Thanks to this focus of overexcitation, a person, obeying the commands of a hypnotist, believes that he is acting of his own free will, without coercion.

What a gypsy says during hypnosis is either not consciously perceived by a person at all, or is perceived uncritically. It turns out that in order to hypnotize a person, it is only necessary to create in the cortex of his brain a focus of superexcitation, which the theory speaks of. To create such a hearth, many techniques and techniques are used. The most commonly used techniques include breaking the template, chattering and overloading the mind.

Stages of gypsy hypnosis

First, your attention is attracted by some phrase, such as a request to give a smoke, help to find a canteen (and then, as if in gratitude for the service, offers to tell fortunes for free) or a direct offer to tell fortunes. Someone passes by, and someone responds to the words of the gypsy, thereby allowing the transition to the next stage of hypnosis.

The gypsy begins fortune-telling with a touch - she takes your hand. The palms are directly connected with the subcortex of the brain. Soft strokes lull the mind.

At the moment when you relax, the gypsy woman says something monotonously and quickly, but not always legibly. Thus, it overloads your brain. Under the influence of this stream of incomprehensible words, it seems to turn off for a while, you enter a state of semi-trance.
