The sea anchor is a symbol of what. Anchor Talisman Meaning

Initially, the anchor tattoo was associated with people in one way or another connected with the sea: sailors, fishermen, marines. But over time, the attitude towards this tattoo has changed, and now it can be seen on the body of girls and guys who have nothing to do with the marine theme.

Of course, one of the main signs of such demand is the design of the anchor. This is one of the few images that fits perfectly in any size, color and place.

The second factor that determines the popularity of the anchor tattoo is its meaning, which is much deeper than it might seem at first glance.

The anchor itself appeared 2500 years ago, and is one of the first objects whose image was transferred to the human body.

Anchor tattoo meaning

There are several interpretations of this image. All of them are full of philosophical thought and can become a real support in the most difficult times.

on the collarbone

So what does an anchor tattoo mean?

  1. Power and stability - an anchor is what keeps a ship or boat in one place, even in the worst weather. Therefore, the image of an anchor often symbolizes morale and willpower, necessary for a person to overcome even the most difficult life challenges.
  2. Strength and endurance - the anchor holds the ship even in the most severe storm. Anchor tattoo is associated with unique abilities a person to endure everything for the sake of his goal, to endure all hardships, no matter how severe they may be.
  3. Faith and devotion - this meaning goes beyond the design of the anchor. Here, most likely, there is a spiritual and emotional component. Since the anchor holds the ship in place, despite the current and bad weather An anchor tattoo often symbolizes devotion to the person you love. In these cases, the name of the lover or beloved is added to the tattoo.
  4. The connection of two principles - the ancient Egyptians believed that the anchor is a symbol of the connection of male and female nature. His Bottom part- feminine, top part- male. Therefore, another meaning of the anchor tattoo follows from here - life, which is quite logical when the male and female halves merge.
with a ribbon in the shape of a heart on blue

Anchor tattoo design

Anchor tattoo can be done different styles. It is very common to see a Celtic anchor or a tribal style anchor. This design is concise and does not allow the presence of additional elements.

However, simple images can be supplemented with other components, such as flowers, a rope or a heart.

  1. Anchor and heart is one of the most popular images for lovers. This tattoo is associated with love and devotion.
  2. Anchor and rose - love, honor and selfless sacrifice. According to legend, roses grew on the spot where Jesus Christ, a man who sacrificed himself for the atonement of human sins, was crucified. And the anchor itself is one of the symbols of Christ according to the Bible.
  3. Anchor and rope (chain) - distinguishing feature docker work is done, as a rule, by people associated with work at sea.
  4. Anchor and cross - this combination is also close to Christ and is often called the "cross of hope".

Today, an anchor tattoo can be seen on any part of the body. Due to its compactness and conciseness, this image can even be placed on the finger. This is exactly what some young couples do when they exchange vows of fidelity. Instead of wedding rings they get tattooed on their ring fingers.

Girls can be advised to choose following places for tattoo: wrist, collarbone, shoulder blade, lower abdomen, neck.

Guys choose more traditional places: shoulder, arm, rib and back.

for lovers with roses on the hip on the elbow

Anchor Means hope, stability, stability, calmness. An anchor wrapped in a chain can also mean a ship and a mast. In this case, the importance of the union between feminine, protecting the lunar boat, and a male phallic pole, or mast. In Egypt, this symbolism was strengthened by the fact that the snake of life was wrapped around the mast. The symbolism of an anchor with a dolphin is as follows: the anchor is slowness, and the dolphin is speed, therefore, in union, they personify golden mean, which corresponds to the saying hurry up slowly. In Christianity, this image means salvation and steadfastness (Poel. to Heb. 6:19), true faith. Serves as an emblem of Saints Clement and Nicholas of Mir. An anchor with a dolphin often means Christ crucified on the cross. In early Christian art, the image of an anchor was used as a disguised form of a cross, a symbol of hope. For peoples with developed navigation, the anchor is a symbol of reliability and good luck.

Symbol Dictionary. 2000 .


See what "Anchor" is in other dictionaries:

    anchor- anchor, I, pl. h. I, her ... Russian spelling dictionary

    Husband. anchors and anchors pl. iron tool, on which the ship, clinging to the bottom, stands and keeps in place. The anchor consists of a spindle, to the heel of which two horns with paws are welded; anchor head with an ear, an eye, and a ring (eye), under which, on ... ... Dictionary Dalia

    - (Anchor) a device for holding the vessel in place when moored in free water. Weight Ya. is in a certain dependence on the size of the vessel. Using the following empirical formulas, you can approximately determine the weight of that I., which ... Marine Dictionary

    ANCHOR, anchors, pl. anchors anchors, husband. 1. A device for holding the vessel in place in the form of a metal rod attached to a long chain with paws that hook on the ground. Stay at anchor. Drop anchor (see drop in 9th). To choose… … Explanatory Dictionary of Ushakov

    Anchor- An anchor in a dream is a great sign for sailors. This means that the sea will be calm. But for everyone else, such a dream portends parting with friends and a change of residence. It is also possible to travel abroad. If the anchor dreamed of someone ... ... Big universal dream book

    Anchor- ship: a admiralty; b Hall; in Matrosov. Ship's ANCHOR, a device for holding a ship in place. Tied to the ship by an anchor chain. The effectiveness of an anchor is measured by the ratio of the force that the anchor can take without moving ... Illustrated Encyclopedic Dictionary

    A ship's device for holding a ship or other watercraft in place when moored by interacting with the ground or ice. It is connected to the vessel by an anchor chain. The holding force of the anchor is on average 10 12 times its weight. By design.... Big Encyclopedic Dictionary

    See hope to weigh anchor... Dictionary of Russian synonyms and expressions similar in meaning. under. ed. N. Abramova, M .: Russian dictionaries, 1999. anchor hope; drek, werp, plekht, dagliks, kotva, stopanker, anchor, anchor, werpunker Dictionary of Russians ... ... Synonym dictionary

    Anchor. The most ancient type of anchor is the so-called. admiralty Ya., consisting of a spindle (rod) with paws at the bottom and a stem (crossbar) at the top, and the stem and paws lie in two different planes, so that the anchor does not lie flat on the ground and not ... ... Encyclopedia of Brockhaus and Efron

    Ship, a device for keeping the vessel in the parking lot. Tied to the ship by an anchor chain. The effectiveness of the anchor is estimated by the ratio of the force that the anchor can take without moving or leaving the ground, to the weight of the anchor (on average, it ... ... Modern Encyclopedia

The meaning of an anchor tattoo goes back several thousand years.. It retains its popularity from the time of the first pirates to today. Marines and the US Coast Guard. Anchor tattoo in more used by people whose life or work is closely or partially connected with the seas and oceans. It was adopted as a symbol of love for the sea by thousands of sailors and pirates. AT general case the meaning of an anchor tattoo is hope, safety, salvation, strength and caution, luck and fidelity, stability and self-confidence. Sailors often get an anchor tattoo after they cross the Atlantic Ocean.

In Renaissance art, the anchor was often depicted together with the dolphin, as two opposites: the dolphin is a symbol of speed and playfulness, and the anchor is inhibition and validity. Also, the anchor can be an artistic tribute to some marine inhabitants or deities.

The top of the anchor often resembles a cross, so it has some connection with christian religion. The anchor became one of the first symbolic signs of the early Christians, it was often depicted on tombstones and in the catacombs. And it symbolized, first of all, the hope of Christians for salvation, as the anchor is the support of the ship in the sea, and hope is the support human soul in the worldly sea of ​​adversity and suffering. The image of the anchor is already present in the letters of the Apostle Paul to the Jews. Later, the anchor, as a symbol of security, became the emblem of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker.

In Egyptian art, the anchor is presented as a symbol of the universe, the union or intersection of the masculine and feminine.

In many countries of the world, especially the Mediterranean, the anchor was associated with images of sea gods:

Neptune - the Roman god of the sea (Poseidon in Greece).

Amphitrite - Greek goddess, which protects sailors and gives birth to dolphins.

Triton - a mythological deity half - man, half - fish.

Varuna - the Hindu sea god, who, according to legend, took under his care people who died in the sea.

The anchor tattoo has become very popular in the West in the last two hundred years. For sailors, he has become a symbol that helps them not to go astray and protects them from strong winds and rough sea currents. The anchor is often used in the national symbols of many coastal countries. The anchor tattoo is perfect for people who love water and seafaring or are looking for some shelter in the sea of ​​life.

In Indian divination cards (mantika), the anchor has become a symbol of an unexpected obstacle that can cause a stop in business.

Anchor, well known to everyone as a naval emblem, in the first centuries new era was closely associated with the Christian religion. For the early Christians, who saw in him hidden form kres
that anchor personified the hope of salvation from caution, safety and strength.
This symbolism is reflected in the New Testament. Speaking about the hope of salvation, the apostle Paul declared that it " for the soul, as it were, a safe and strong anchor." Thus, in the anchor-shaped cross depicted by the early Christians on the walls of the Roman catacombs, their innermost hope for the salvation of the soul and the dream of the beautiful Kingdom of Heaven was embodied.

In Christian iconography, the anchor, as an emblem of security, is the main attribute of St. Nicholas Mirlikiis-whom - the patron saint of sailors. Another meaning should be attributed to the anchor of the semi-legendary Pope Clement (88?-97?). According to church tradition, during the period of persecution of Christians, godless pagans hung an anchor around the Pope's neck and drowned the high priest in the sea. However sea ​​waves soon parted, exposing the temple of God at the bottom. In this mythical underwater temple, the body of the holy champion of the faith was allegedly discovered.

AT fine arts Renaissance anchor - an attribute of the personified Hope. An allegorical emblem depicting a dolphin with an anchor was especially popular in Renaissance painting. In this composition, the dolphin symbolized speed, and the anchor - restraint. The emblem was accompanied by the Latin motto: "Festina lente" ("Hurry slowly").
In the mantle, namely in Indian fortune-telling cards, the anchor symbolizes an unexpected obstacle that causes a stop in business.

Emblematics of the Modern and Newest times connects the anchor exclusively with navigation. Having turned into the emblem of sailors and rivermen, the anchor adorns the cockades and uniforms of military and merchant sailors of all countries. So, for example, on a brass plaque of a Russian pilot of the 19th century, a large Admiralty anchor was depicted with an inscription along the oval of the sign: “SP. Burg Pilot Team.
Sometimes the emblem of the anchor is found on the signs of not only naval, but even ground units of the Russian army. The 102nd Vyatka Infantry Regiment had a distinctive anchor badge adorned with the imperial crown and the monogram of Nicholas II. This is not surprising, since this regiment was formed back in 1803 from the 4th Marine Regiment. The Vyatka regiment, which participated in several military campaigns, became especially famous in the Russian-Turkish war of 1877-1878, for which he was awarded St. George's silver pipes.

The emblem of the anchor can also be seen on the naval awards of many states. In the USSR, for example, a large anchor framed the Order of Ushakov, and five small anchors were located on the rays of the star of the Order of Nakhimov.

In our time, on all geographical maps, the anchor serves as a worldwide sign of ports.
In Russian urban heraldry, the emblem of port cities is usually represented by two crossed anchors and a third additional element A indicating the destination of the port. So, in the coat of arms of Taganrog, two crossed golden anchors are crossed by a vertically laid caduceus, which qualifies this city as a major southern trading port, and two silver anchors (sea and river) in the coat of arms of St. Petersburg are crossed under a golden scepter - a symbol of the exceptional state significance of the northern sea capital .

Glory to the great victories of the Russian navy acquired a visual embodiment in the personal and family coats of arms of the Apraksins (an anchor intertwined with a rope), the Chichagovs (an anchor with a laurel wreath), the Golovins and the Vyazmitinovs (crossed silver anchors). The emblem of the anchor is also present in the coats of arms of the Varvartsievs, Islenyevs, Kashkins, Cretans, Kuprey-novy, Skobeltsyns and other Russian nobles. Unlike the Russian emblems that arose later, in the European family emblems, the emblem of the anchor bore the ancient symbolism of hope.

An anchor lying on the bottom soil is even depicted in the personal coat of arms of Pope Pius X (1903-1914). This great pontiff, of course, never served either in the navy or in the merchant marine, so the emblem of the anchor in his coat of arms could be attributed to the same early Christian symbolism. But the point here is different: when he was a cardinal, Giuseppe Sarto was the patriarch of Venice. Hence the anchor and the lion of St. Mark in the coat of arms of the future pope.

In modern state heraldry, the anchor emblem is used very rarely and plays the role of a secondary element. So, in the coat of arms of South Africa, an allegorical female figure, personifying the developed shipping and maritime trade of this South African state.

Anchor tattoo is one of the most ancient symbols of mankind. First of all, people, one way or another connected with the sea or with travel, adorned their bodies with such a symbol. The meaning of an anchor tattoo on a deeper level means a safe home, stability, faith in a better outcome, hope for salvation.

Who chooses such a tattoo?

First of all, sailors and fishermen adorn themselves with such a symbol - for them, the anchor is a talisman against sea dangers. Often every sailor serving on a ship or submarine adorns himself with such a tattoo.

For travelers and traders, the sea anchor represents a talisman for a safe journey and good luck in all matters.

A man chooses such a tattoo to show his strength and power, and girls choose their independence.

For lovers, such a drawing symbolizes the fidelity and indissolubility of their bonds until death. Some couples get the same tattoos on their arms or fingers as a sign of their own. eternal love and affection.

What does an anchor tattoo mean?

The main meanings of a sea anchor tattoo are as follows:

  • strength and power. An anchor is a device that keeps the entire ship in place during a storm and during a complete calm. This symbol denotes a strong will, unbrokenness, firmness of character;
  • devotion - to oneself, a loved one or an idea, principles. Such drawings are most often made in pairs to perpetuate love or friendship;
  • spiritual quest - in its form, the anchor resembles a Christian cross and denotes the hope of saving a person from sins and vices, the search for the true path;
  • meaning for girls is gaining independence, their destiny, reliability, perseverance in the fight.

As for the location of the tattoo on the body, the male half prefers the anchor tattoo on the arm, forearm and shoulder blade. On the leg, thigh, the anchors are most often pierced by girls and women. The back is a neutral territory where both guys and girls apply anchor tattoos with the same frequency.

Anchor - ancient symbol, which has retained its importance and popularity to this day. This tattoo has direct meaning- correlation to the sea and maritime professions, and allegorical - the personification of reliability, stability, the ability to stand on firm feet. The design of the tattoo can be different, and something else can be added to the main meaning of the drawing - more personal, intimate.

Nautical anchor tattoo: photo

From our site - a selection of photos of a tattoo of a sea anchor.
