Do cats need to be bathed? Bathing a cat is a real science for lovers of furry pets.

Only a few can boast of a love for water. In most cases, bathing a pet turns into a real stress, both for him and for his owners. Cats do not have warm feelings for water, so during water procedures they behave accordingly - they scratch and strive to run away. But bathing still, you can make it a little more pleasant if you know the basic rules of this complex matter.

To begin with, it is worth deciding what goals the owner pursues by bathing his pet. If this is an exhibition cat, where a healthy and shiny coat is a necessary condition, then the question of how many times a cat can be bathed in a month is pointless to ask. It all depends on the frequency of the exhibitions.

If we are talking about an ordinary domestic cat, then it is necessary to follow the principle: "The less often, the better." The fact is that this animal lives in the world of smells, so it is very important for him that nothing interrupt his natural aroma. But still, various bacteria, dust and dirt particles invisible to the eye accumulate on the animal's fur.
Therefore, even if the cat is kept in an apartment and does not go outside at all, it is necessary to bathe it once every six months. Naked cats are bathed more often: in summer, water procedures are carried out once every two weeks, in winter - once a month.

Knowing how to properly bathe a cat is not enough for a successful wash. It is also important what you are going to bathe your pet with. Today there is a wide range of products designed specifically for animals. It can be liquid and dry shampoos, as well as special sprays.

Liquid shampoos are the most popular because they are the most effective against fleas and ticks. In addition, bathing your cat with liquid shampoo guarantees a silky and shiny coat without tangles. A huge variety of shampoo options for different lengths and colors allows you to choose the best product that is right for your pet.
You should not abuse liquid shampoos, as they can disrupt the sebaceous glands of the animal.

Dry shampoo will be a real happy find for cat owners who are terribly afraid of water. This powder-powder in its action is not inferior to liquid, while it does not require rinsing. To make the animal's coat clean and silky, you just need to apply shampoo to it, and then comb it out along with the dirt. Using this tool, you can not worry about the fact that water will get into the ears of the animal.

This greatly facilitates the bathing process. In addition, powder shampoo does not dry out the skin and can be used much more often than liquid shampoo.

Did you know? Wet cat hair smells strongly, and for a predator, which is a cat, it is undesirable to be noticed. This to some extent explains the dislike of such an animal for water.

Spray in its action is no different from a standard shampoo, but it has a more pronounced persistent aroma. A significant disadvantage of this tool is an unpleasant puffing sound that the spray bottle makes. It can scare the animal.

Bathing a cat with dry shampoo and spray is easy enough. You need to apply it, and then just brush it off. It is important to choose an appropriate surface for this procedure, from which it will be convenient to remove the powder later.
Using a regular liquid shampoo, you need to follow some simple rules before proceeding directly to the procedure:

  • It is not recommended to bathe an animal if you suspect that it is unhealthy.
  • The cat should be fed at least two hours before the procedure.
  • animals must be circumcised, or special caps must be put on them.
  • A special cap is put on the head of the animal to avoid water getting into the ears.
  • The temperature of the water for bathing a cat should be barely warm.
  • The room in which bathing is planned must be completely protected from drafts.

Important! Do not use "human" hygiene products for bathing an animal. First, they have a strong smell that is unpleasant for the cat; secondly, they can negatively affect the condition of your pet's coat.

After completing all the preparations, you can proceed to water procedures. Bathing water must be collected in a bath or basin beforehand. In a separate bowl, draw water for rinsing. This is done so that the sound of running water does not frighten the animal.

You can put a towel at the bottom of the container so that the cat does not slip and can cling tightly to it. If this is your pet's first bath, then the water level should be no more than five centimeters. With each subsequent bathing, it can be increased. So:

  • The animal must be firmly taken by the withers, lowered into the water, and with the help of a sponge with a free hand, slowly moisten the whole body, avoiding the ears and eyes.
  • Then we apply shampoo, lather thoroughly and rinse everything with pre-prepared water.
  • After taking the cat out of the bathroom, it must be wrapped in a towel and held in this form for a little while, allowing the water remaining on the wool to be absorbed.
  • If the house has a special hair dryer for animals, you should dry the coat with it. It is not recommended to dry a cat with an ordinary hair dryer, as this animal is afraid of loud sounds.

This completes the bathing process. Now the cat needs time to completely dry off and move away from the experienced stress. It is better if your pet spends a significant amount of time warm after taking a bath. Try not to let him go outside - this is fraught with diseases, the most common of which is pneumonia.

There is no consensus on the age at which kittens can be bathed. Some felinologists advise starting to accustom the baby to water from one month old - supposedly this will facilitate the process of getting used to water procedures in the future. Others, on the contrary, argue that this should not be done too early.

It is advisable to start accustoming a kitten to water procedures at the age of 3-4 months. It will be much more difficult to do this later.

Difficulties with how to bathe for the first time, so as not to instill fear of water in the animal forever, arise for many.
For the first acquaintance with water, the sink is best suited, it is small and convenient. Otherwise, you should bathe a kitten according to the same rules as an adult cat, but taking extra precautions: choose a special shampoo for babies, insert cotton swabs into the ears and lubricate the corners of the eyes with petroleum jelly.

Did you know? Cats can't have a sweet tooth. They lack a taste bud that allows them to taste sweet things.

You should be extremely careful if you need to bathe a pregnant cat. In principle, it is not a contraindication to bathing, but a number of nuances should be taken into account so as not to harm the animal and future offspring.

  • Bathing a pregnant cat should only be done when absolutely necessary. For example, if there is a threat of harmful substances entering the stomach. It should be understood that taking a bath is unlikely to be a pleasant event for her, and in this position, unnecessary experiences can have disastrous consequences.
  • Any discomfort experienced by a cat can negatively affect future babies.
  • Any shampoo is a chemistry that, if it enters the stomach of an animal, can cause permanent disturbances in the body. Therefore, it is better to replace traditional bathing with dry procedures with natural shampoo, made independently from oatmeal, baby powder and starch.

Washing a cat is an unpleasant process, but in some cases it is simply necessary. Of course, even if the basic rules are followed, this procedure is unlikely to ever become pleasant for both the pet and its owner. Therefore, it is worth pushing emotions aside and remembering the benefits that bathing brings. And do not forget to pamper your pet with something tasty after the end, so that the next time the hateful bath is associated with pleasure.

Is bathing a cat like torture? Find out how to carry out the procedure painlessly for the pet and its owners.

Even those who have never kept them at home are well aware of the attitude of cats to water. Purrs can’t stand her and everything connected with her! And if it becomes necessary to redeem the cat, the stress from the procedure, which often looks like an execution, is received by both the pet and its owner.

It happens so due to the fact that the rules of bathing are not observed, it passes in a hurry. Below are tips, listening to which, although you won’t turn the bath into a cat’s favorite pastime, you will at least make it bearable and harmless.

Do cats need to be bathed?

There is an opinion that cats are extremely clean animals, so they do not need bathing at all. Like, if the murchik does not sleep, does not eat or does not play, he licks himself, puts his fur in order.
This is partly true, healthy cats are always busy with their own hygiene. But washing animals living in the house, or, moreover, on the street, is a must.

IMPORTANT: Environmental conditions today have changed a lot. Not only people, but also their pets suffer from harmful environmental factors. Bad air, polluted water and synthetic food are bad for the condition of the skin and coat of cats. Bathing is one way to take care of them.

Bathing your cat is a must if:

IMPORTANT: Bathing is a mandatory procedure for a cat that participates in an exhibition or competition.

VIDEO: How to wash a bald cat?

How often can you bathe a cat and at what temperature?

Has anyone wondered why cats are afraid of water? How justified is this fear? In animals, everything is much simpler, they are not subject to unreasonable panic. Fear of water in cats is due to the following:

  1. After bathing, they are threatened with hypothermia or overheating. The air cushion that forms between the skin and fur of the cat warms it. After bathing, it disappears, the animal freezes. Also, the naturally sebum-moistened coat protects the cat from the scorching rays of the sun. A washed pet loses this protection.
  2. There is a risk of infection. The sebaceous glands of the cat produce a secret with antibacterial properties. During bathing, it is washed out, leaving the animal defenseless against bacteria, fungi, and other infections.
  3. Wet wool smells. Cats are by nature nocturnal animals and hunters. They have strong camouflage instincts. Purrs carefully bury their feces behind them, carefully lick their fur coat so as not to emit odors. Washed cat hair smells very strongly, and this makes the cat very worried.

Bathing a cat is stressful.

IMPORTANT: Bathing a cat is a necessary procedure, but you can’t overdo it with it. Frequent water procedures can harm the pet.

Therefore, you need to know how often to wash the cat. Veterinarians recommend:

  • regularly 1 time in 2-3 months if the animal is healthy
  • more often as needed and after consultation with a specialist

IMPORTANT: The body temperature of a cat is higher than that of a person, and is 38-39 degrees. The most comfortable for bathing the animal will be water of approximately the same temperature, but not lower than 37 degrees.

How and when to wash a kitten for the first time and with what?

Unless there are any special circumstances, a cat mother successfully takes care of her babies, including their coat. In the first month from birth, healthy kittens do not need bathing.

IMPORTANT: Veterinarians advise to make a bath day for a kitten for the first time at the age of 3-4 months.

  • baby can be scared
  • if he is with his mother, she may not recognize him smelling like shampoo
  • the baby has not yet established thermoregulation, it can freeze and get sick

IMPORTANT: Kittens that have been vaccinated should not be bathed for 10-14 days.

So, it was decided to wash the kitten. What is the best way to do this?

  1. The procedure should be carried out 2 hours after feeding the kitten.
  2. It is necessary to prepare a place for bathing so that cat shampoo and two terry towels are at hand. How to choose a shampoo, you can read below.
  3. Bathing a kitten is better not in the bath, but in the sink and in the basin. A terry towel or cotton sheet is laid at the bottom.
  4. About 5 cm of water is drawn into the sink or basin. They measure her temperature. 38 degrees is the best indicator.
  5. It is better to turn off the tap while bathing the kitten, the sound of water can scare him. You can wash off the shampoo with a scoop or mug. If the wool is dense, it can only be washed with running water, the jet from the tap or shower should not be under high pressure.
  6. The kitten should not be immersed in water abruptly, starting from the hind legs. At the same time, it is important to stroke him, to calm him down.
  7. Perhaps, like a child, a kitten will endure bathing more easily if he has balls, toys - squeakers that will distract him from the unpleasant procedure.
  8. You need to water the kitten's body very carefully, make sure that water does not get into the eyes and ears. Shampoo should be rinsed off the coat thoroughly.
  9. After bathing, the baby should be wrapped in a towel so that it does not freeze. Change the towel when it gets wet.
  10. Dry the kitten's fur with a soft brush or hair dryer if he is not afraid of it.

To calm the kitten while bathing, you need to talk to him. Your pet's favorite toy will also help.

IMPORTANT: The success of subsequent baths largely depends on the first bathing of a kitten. If it passed gently, already an adult animal will treat the procedure calmly and indifferently. If the baby is stressed, in the bath he will be a real demon, which will be difficult to cope with even together.

VIDEO: How to wash a kitten?

How to wash a cat if she is afraid of water?

An adult cat that is afraid of water and struggles out of the bathroom should preferably be bathed together.

  1. Water is drawn into the bath at a level of 10-15 cm, depending on the size of the cat.
  2. The water is turned off.
  3. The animal is carefully lowered into the water, its coat is soaked with a sponge, very carefully. Never immerse a cat in water with its head.
  4. The shampoo is diluted with water according to the proportion indicated on the package. Lather them with animal hair.
  5. Remove the shampoo immediately or after a while, combing the foam with a brush, watering the animal from a ladle or shower under thin streams.
  6. Like a kitten, dry and warm the cat with a towel. Change it when it gets wet. An animal with long hair is advisable to dry with a hairdryer with warm air.
  7. If after bathing the cat decided to retire and lick, do not disturb her.

IMPORTANT: To make bathing a cat comfortable, you need to take into account not only the temperature of the water in the bath, but also the air temperature in the room. It should not be below 15 degrees Celsius, otherwise the pet may get pneumonia.

Can I wash my cat with human or baby shampoo?
Shampoo for cats from fleas, lichen, ticks, dry, anti-allergic: how to use?

Fortunately, in pet stores and veterinary pharmacies, cat bathing products are in variety.

What are they like?
According to the form of release, shampoos for cats are:

  • dry
  • liquid
  • in the form of sprays

Dry shampoo- a real salvation for cat owners who do not like to swim. The tool has the form of powder, which is applied to the coat of the animal and after a while is removed from it with a comb. It is also suitable for long-haired cats, which, after regular bathing, dry for a long time and risk catching a cold. The disadvantages of dry shampoo are that it will not cope with strong pollution and is not very suitable for cats with dark hair.

Choice shampoos in sprays not yet too wide, they act on the same principle as dry ones. In addition, sprays protect the animal's coat from static electricity.

Liquid shampoos are still the most popular. They clean the cat's hair well from dirt, make it easier to comb it, and help to cope with many problems. Liquid cat shampoos are:

IMPORTANT: Of course, a better (or more expensive) cat shampoo will be advised at the pet store. But it is still best to consult a veterinarian. Skin diseases in cats are treated for a long time and hard.

VIDEO: Dry shampoo

How to wash a cat if there is no special shampoo?

Of course, when getting a cat, it is better to immediately buy shampoo for him. But if it so happened that the pet got dirty, and there is no special product to wash it, you can use the usual shampoo for people, preferably for children, once:

  • fragrance-free
  • without dyes
  • hypoallergenic

Shampoo with conditioner is better not to use.

You can also make a weak solution of laundry soap, wash it off the wool very carefully.

Tar soap for fleas in cats: how to apply?

Tar soap based on birch tar contains natural substances with disinfectant properties. It is believed that they can remove fleas from cats.

IMPORTANT: Yes, tar flea soap helps, but the procedure will have to be carried out several times, perhaps a lot. The soap solution washes out or kills the fleas, but not their eggs. Frequent bathing is harmful for cats, it is preferable to use modern means that get rid of fleas in 1-2 applications.

If, nevertheless, they decided to remove fleas from a cat with tar soap, this is done as follows:

  1. Prepare a soap solution. 0.25 soap rubbed on a grater and completely dissolved in 200 ml of warm water.
  2. Moisturize the cat's coat with plain warm water.
  3. The wool is treated with a solution of tar soap so that it gets on the skin. Thoroughly wash the folds of the paws, under the tail, neck and withers.
  4. Keep the animal in a soapy solution for 5-10 minutes.
  5. Thoroughly wash off the tar soap from the cat's hair.
  6. Repeat the procedure every 2 weeks as needed (it takes 2 weeks for flea eggs to hatch).

IMPORTANT: Even after thorough rinsing, a specific smell of tar soap remains on the animal's coat, which can cause discomfort. If the cat does not perceive well the procedure for removing fleas with tar soap, it is better not to repeat it and choose another remedy.

VIDEO: We bathe the cat with tar soap

How and what to bathe a British cat?

British cats have a plush coat with a thick undercoat. She needs special care, which, in addition to proper nutrition, taking vitamins, regular combing, includes bathing every 2-3 months.

British cats need bathing.

Bathe the British in the bathroom. The fact is that it will be difficult to wash all the shampoo out of his undercoat in the sink or basin. If the cat is afraid of the sound of water, washing it out of a ladle or mug, at the same time you need to comb it out with a special brush.

For bathing, you should get a special shampoo for the British breed.

Is it possible to bathe a cat or a cat in the heat?

If the cat suffers from heat in the apartment in summer, the owners may be tempted to give it a bath to freshen it up. But frequent bathing, as we already know, can do harm. Therefore, “refreshing procedures” are recommended to be carried out as follows:

  • place a wet towel within reach of the animal so that you can lie on it or wet your paws
  • spray cat with water from a spray bottle
  • wipe the cat's head and paws with a damp cloth

And even in these cases, the water should not be very cold so that the cat does not catch a cold.

When can I bathe a cat after castration and a cat after sterilization?

A reputable veterinary clinic gives a complete list of recommendations for owners of cats after castration and cats after sterilization. There should be an item about swimming.
If there are no such recommendations, the general rule is not to bathe the postoperative animal for 2 weeks.
A cat that, after anesthesia, walked past the tray and smells, can be wiped with a damp cloth, avoiding seams and wounds.

Can you wash a pregnant cat?

If a pregnant cat likes to swim, she has no contraindications to the procedure.

Is it possible to bathe a cat during estrus?

You can bathe a cat during a difficult estrus period, the procedure will not harm her. Moreover, some owners have noticed that after bathing their pets are so busy licking that they even calm down for a while. But this does not mean that water procedures can be arranged every day. They come to them only once.

The cat has allergies: can I bathe him?

If a cat has an allergy that makes itself felt with skin itching, bathing every 5-7 days will help. Shampoos for such bathing should be as mild as possible, they are recommended by a veterinarian.

VIDEO: 5 steps to help you bathe your cat

Many cat owners think about the need to wash their pet, but do not know how often this procedure should be carried out. However, it is necessary to accustom the animal to water from an early age.

Cats older than 1 year are painfully endure water procedures and you are unlikely to be able to cope with an anxious pet alone. You can prevent this situation by gradually accustoming a kitten to water, which will explore the bathroom with interest.

Preparation for the water procedure

Cats are known to be clean animals. Caring for wool, they methodically lick dust particles and other impurities from it.

For centuries, such pets lived next to a person who did not think about bathing them. Today, cat hair contains a lot of dangerous bacteria that increase the risk of chronic diseases, so experienced breeders recommend at least occasionally bathing a cat at home.

A tinted shampoo enhances the color of the coat and is suitable for show individuals, and you can also choose the right detergent for cats with oily or dry hair in the pet store.

Shortly before the procedure, the owner should carefully comb out the pet's hair, remove tangles and large dirt, and protect the cat's sensitive ears with small cotton balls.

The shampoo is dissolved in a sufficient amount of water based on the concentration of the detergent, and breeders recommend putting a rubber mat or a terry towel on the bottom of the bath or basin. The room in which the animal is bathed must be freed from various objects and accessories of the owners.

What water should you bathe your cat in? Veterinarians believe that it should not be too hard and clean enough to avoid undesirable consequences.

The optimum water temperature in this case varies from 38 to 40 ° C, and its level should reach the pet's stomach, so you should not fill the container to the top.

A prerequisite for successful bathing of a cat is the timely trimming of the claws. Due to stress, even a calm and affectionate animal can injure the owner with its natural weapon, so you should protect yourself from possible damage to your hands.

You can also trim the nails at the veterinarian, who will perform this action as quickly and painlessly as possible for the pet.

How to bathe a cat who is afraid of water

An animal that is accustomed to water from an early age does not experience much stress during water procedures. Another thing is a cat, which will bathe for the first time in its life.

Experienced breeders advise the owner to use thick rubber gloves to avoid painful scratches on the skin.

The pet's fear of water is not due to character flaws, but to the instinct of self-preservation; in the wild, such an animal rarely finds itself in a pond, except for life-threatening moments. Unlike tigers and other members of the family, the domestic cat has a negative attitude towards water procedures due to the risk of drying out delicate skin and loss of natural smell. However, a cat that trusts its owner is fine with this process.

Not all owners know how to teach a cat to bathe. To get started, try carrying your cat into the bathroom in your arms, thereby showing her the safety of your intentions. Curious pets enter this room with interest and watch the owner, who washes his hands or is busy with water procedures.

It is worth noting that lighting plays a huge role - animals can worry about a dim light source or flashing lights, so the owner should take this aspect into account.

To accustom a cat to water is possible only through love and affection. Calm your pet, do not try by all means to force him to wash, otherwise such an action will negatively affect the health and mood of the animal.

Bathing a cat

When all the necessary actions are performed correctly and the container with warm water is prepared, the pet is brought into the bathroom.

Confidently and carefully place the cat on the rug in the basin or bath, then begin to wet the coat, pouring water over the pet, starting with the croup. So, he will quickly get used to new sounds and sensations.

How to bathe a cat? When his fur coat is completely wet, the owner should carefully apply the diluted shampoo with massaging movements, avoiding the detergent in the eyes and ears.

The foam should be rubbed into the hair growth, after which the shampoo should be left for 1 minute to achieve the best effect. Now comb off the remains with a soft brush and rinse thoroughly with warm water. If necessary, apply a special conditioner that will add shine to the show cat's coat.

It is important to know that all detergents must be washed off the pet's coat without residue, as chemical particles can cause an allergic reaction and dry out delicate skin.

Not all owners know how to properly bathe a cat with thick hair. Such an animal spends more time in the bathroom, as its thick coat needs special care.

Properly selected shampoo and mild conditioner help facilitate further combing and improve the quality of the animal's coat. After washing off the funds, the water should be clear, the owner's task is to carefully and caringly treat the fluffy pet's coat.

After washing, carefully remove the cat from the water, affectionately calling him by name. Next, wrap the animal in the prepared clean sheets or towel, and blot its fur.

Furry animals are blow-dried by owners, and short-haired cats will dry quickly at room temperature, but the room in which the cat is located must be protected from drafts. At the end of the water procedures, treat your beloved pet with a treat and stroke it.

How often can you bathe a cat

Cats that are kept strictly at home need water procedures no more than 1 time in 3 months, and the animal also needs to be combed regularly.

A pet walking outdoors in the summer should be bathed 3 to 5 times a year based on the condition of the coat and skin, fluffy individuals are more likely to get their coats dirty. But breeders advise to wash naked cats once every 2 months, and in the summer - every 2 weeks.

The water temperature for bathing a cat in the warm season should not be cold.

As a rule, cat cubs normally tolerate water procedures and fearlessly jump into the bath, so animals accustomed to bathing from an early age swim enthusiastically. The main thing is that the water temperature is comfortable for the cat.

The veterinarian will tell you how many times you can bathe a cat before the show. Owners of pedigreed animals should explore the range of detergents and care products for healthy coats.

At home, you can use dry shampoo once a month, as it is often impossible to bathe a cat because of the risk of drying out the skin. The powder is rubbed into the coat, then its residue is carefully combed out with a soft brush for animals, this procedure is relatively painless and can be used for fearful pets.

The benefits of water procedures for cats

Contrary to popular belief, bathing a pet is not a harmful and optional action. However, the owner must be aware of how often to bathe the cat, and it is also important to choose the right shampoo for the animal.

In order for the pet to always be healthy and neat, you should treat it with care and avoid stressful circumstances.

Cats are very clean and spend a lot of time grooming their fur. But, sometimes the pet still needs to be washed. Most of them have very little respect for this procedure and try to avoid it at all costs. How to bathe cat so as not to cause him great discomfort?

How often to bathe a cat? You don’t need to wash a cat just like that, there must be a reason for this. A healthy pet takes care of itself and does not avoid any contact with water. Wash needed:

  • cats brought into the house from the street;
  • sick or elderly pets who find it difficult to wash themselves;
  • animals preparing to participate in the exhibition;
  • dirty cats.

On the question of how often can you bathe cats, kittens that have lost their mother are allocated to a separate group. The cat licks her children almost always, putting their coat in order and removing all kinds of dirt. If the kitten is an orphan, a person should take responsibility for maintaining its hygiene. Such crumbs are washed with warm water and shampoo (it is possible without the latter). As a rule, kittens are not bathed completely, but only the most polluted areas are cleaned. Full bathing can be started from the age of one month.

Do not wash adults more than once every three months. The most adequate schedule is two or three baths per year. If a cat does not leave the house anywhere and does not go to exhibition events, she can live almost her entire life without taking a bath.

Required Items

To bathe a cat, you must first prepare everything you need for this:

  • shampoo;
  • a towel that is placed on the bottom of the bath;
  • soft towels for drying the animal;
  • container for dilution of detergent;
  • a comb with rare teeth (if the cat has long hair).

Cats are washed only with a special shampoo, which is selected in accordance with the condition of the pet's coat. A kitten picked up on the street needs a mild flea shampoo. An animal brought from the dacha is also washed with this remedy.

For pets with a long plain coat, tint products are intended. For those who are going to take part in the exhibition, they are especially important. For white animals, a shampoo is needed that eliminates yellowness, and for black animals, redness. There are special shampoos for almost all shades of wool.

Specialized stores sell shampoos at a variety of prices. For thoroughbred pets, more expensive products are selected, the formula of which takes into account the length and structure of the coat. You should not neglect universal means, because they also do their job perfectly.

Washing a cat with human shampoo is not worth it. Cat hair is different in its structure, so even the softest and most gentle product for human hair can harm it. The cat's coat will become too soft, fluffy and electrified. Dermatological problems may also arise.


We must try to do everything as quickly as possible.

  1. The diluted shampoo is whipped into foam.
  2. It is better to trim the cat's claws so that it cannot scratch you.
  3. A towel or rubber mat is placed in the bath to prevent the animal from slipping.
  4. The bathtub is filled a few centimeters with warm, but not hot water.
  5. The cat is placed in the bath. It is necessary to fix it more securely so that it cannot jump out.
  6. Water with a diluted agent must be poured over the back, abdomen, chest, limbs and tail of the animal. You need to be careful not to scare the pet.
  7. Washing starts from the back and tail, then moves to the chest, stomach and paws. Never put water in your cat's ears!
  8. To wash off the shampoo, the cat is poured with warm water from the shower.
  9. It is necessary to rinse until the water flowing from the animal becomes clear. Shampoo left on the coat is the cause of dandruff.
  10. The wool is carefully wrung out.
  11. The cat wraps himself in a towel and pulls out of the tub. It is necessary that another towel lay on the floor, on which the animal is placed.
  12. If the towels become very wet during wiping, they must be replaced with dry ones. Cats with long hair are then combed with a wide-toothed comb.
  13. Let the animal go to a secluded corner, lick itself and find peace. The main thing is that the room in which the cat will be placed is warm and without drafts.

Everyone knows that cats are big cleaners. Therefore, inexperienced (beginner) owners of cats or cats have a number of questions related to this procedure. First of all, do they bathe cats at all, and if they do, how often can a cat be bathed? Let's try to answer these questions.

Water procedures for a cat

For a cat, licking its fur is not just such a pastime, it is a hygienic procedure. With their tongue, which has special bristles, like a comb with very frequent teeth, they smooth the hair, while eliminating all kinds of pollution. In addition, the coat of cats has a special lubricant, thanks to which the coat of a healthy animal has a well-groomed appearance. And when bathing, this lubricant is washed off and, as a result, the cat may develop dandruff or even some kind of skin disease. This is why cats should not be bathed often.

Cats cannot tolerate water. Therefore, the best way to bathe an animal is to use a special dry shampoo. In this case, bathing is reduced to the procedure of ordinary combing. When bathing a cat in water, first of all, protect the ears of the animal from water. It is better to bathe an adult cat in the bathroom, taking water just above her stomach and putting a terry towel on the bottom so that she (the cat) does not slip. At the same time, it is better to turn off the water so that the noise of pouring water does not frighten the animal. The temperature of the water should be such that it does not burn the lowered elbow, but not cool (remember that the body temperature of cats is higher than that of humans). After bathing, the animal should be thoroughly dried (if possible, dried with a hair dryer) and placed in heat.
