Organization of a subject-play environment in kindergarten. Methodological recommendations for creating a developing subject-spatial environment in preschool

Updating the content of the preschool stage of education provides for its variability, which ensures the transition to a student-oriented interaction of the teacher with children, the individualization of the pedagogical process. Pedagogical improvisation is widely introduced into everyday practice, which allows teachers to choose the forms, methods, methods of teaching in each specific situation, interacting with the child. Taking into account the uniqueness and uniqueness of the personality of each child, supporting his individual interests and needs gives teachers the opportunity to implement individual approach in training and education. One of the necessary conditions is the creation of a developing space in a preschool educational institution.

When organizing the subject environment in a group room, teachers should take into account everything that will contribute to the formation basic characteristics the personality of each child: patterns of mental development of preschoolers, indicators of their health, psychophysiological and communication features, the level of general and speech development, as well as the emotional-required sphere.

A properly organized developmental environment will allow each kid to find something to their liking, to believe in their strengths and abilities, to learn how to interact with teachers and peers, to understand and evaluate their feelings and actions, and this is precisely what underlies developmental communication. The free activity of children in development centers helps them independently carry out the search included in the research process, and not receive ready-made knowledge from the teacher.

When creating a developing space in a group room, it is necessary to take into account the leading role gaming activity in the development of preschoolers, and this, in turn, will ensure the emotional well-being of each child, the development of his positive self-perception, competence in the field of relations to the world, to people, to himself, inclusion in various forms of cooperation, which are the main goals of preschool education and education.

Teachers pay a lot of attention to the creation of a subject-developing environment, which should correspond to age characteristics pupils, their needs and interests, as well as the program chosen by teachers. In such preschools, children are comfortable, cozy, each child can find favorite hobby. All group space is available to children: toys, didactic material, games; children know perfectly well where to get paper and paints, scissors and fabric for sewing doll clothes, costumes and decorations for staging their favorite fairy tale. There is a privacy corner where you can look at pictures in your favorite book, look at photos of your family and just sit and relax with the children's team.

Creating a subject-developing environment, teachers take into account the period of study, seasonality. So, in the fall, the group is decorated with a bouquet of autumn colors and leaves, on a tray - the harvest; in winter, in a group of snowflakes on the windows, a decorated Christmas tree, silhouettes of fairy-tale characters made of paper by teachers and children.

There are eight principles for building a development environment:

1. The principle of distance, positions in interaction .

One of the conditions of the environment, which enables the teacher to approach the position of the child, and the child to “rise” to the position of the educator, is furniture of different ages. IN modern preschool there was such furniture that is easily transformed and allows the teacher to put it in different ways.

Well, if there is a corner of "adult" furniture in the group - a kitchenette, a sofa. Bringing the child closer to the position of an adult, the teacher helps the child overcome the feeling of anxiety because all the children were taken home, but he was not. In such an environment, time flies by unnoticed, and the baby does not feel lonely.

2. The principle of activity, independence, creativity.

For children who read, books with large print and simple text are selected. Children love to play with water and sand, the laboratory corner helps them develop curiosity and initiative. The use of pictograms allows children to independently determine how one or another inventory can be used.

3. The principle of stability - the dynamism of the developing environment.

The subject-developing environment changes depending on age characteristics, the period of study and the program implemented by teachers. It is important to “remember that the child does not stay in the environment, but overcomes, outgrows” it, constantly changing, becoming different every minute.

4. The principle of complexing and clear zoning.

Living space in kindergarten should give the opportunity to build intersecting areas of activity. This allows children in accordance with their interests and desires at the same time to freely engage in different activities without interfering with each other. The environment should represent a single complex of different modalities, each of these modalities contributes to the construction of the environment.

(Fitness room, music room, art studio, room of fairy tales and others)

5. The principle of the emotionality of the environment, individual comfort and emotional well-being of each child and adult.

Given that the child is in kindergarten all day, it is necessary to create optimal conditions for games, learning and development in different activities. Every child should be given their own space.

6. The principle of combining familiar and extraordinary elements in the aesthetic organization of the environment.

The group should not only be cozy and comfortable, but also beautiful. A good interior of the group develops a taste, a sense of beauty. The interior should change, it is advisable to introduce a subject-developing environment with objects, attributes, toys made by adults.

7. The principle of openness - closeness.

Children join the world of beauty, they learn to listen and distinguish sounds, enjoy the beauty of flowering plants and at the same time relax. Together with adults, children transplant and water flowers, feed birds, hamsters, turtles and clean their cages. The environment is organized in such a way as to contribute to the formation and development of the "I - image".

8. Principles for accounting for gender and age differences children.

When creating an environment, teachers take into account the age characteristics of pupils, interests. tendencies of boys and girls.

The subject environment must be designed with the program that is implemented in the educational institution. The teacher himself, who has knowledge of preschool pedagogy and psychology, must be able to create an environment. When selecting the subject content of the developing environment, it is important to focus on the "zone of proximal development", on tomorrow's children. Designing subject- spatial environment, it is necessary to take into account the needs of the child, both in individual and in joint activities. In building a developing space, it is advisable to use the advantage of the principle of integration of activities that are different in content. Creating the conditions for a harmonious comprehensive development child, do not forget about the aesthetic component of the organization of space. Therefore, in the design of the premises it is desirable to observe uniform style and use only highly artistic, works of professionals.

It is known that the choice of color for walls, furniture, accessories has a direct impact on the emotional state and intellectual development pupils. The colors of the group should cheer you up. In a group, in no case should it be gloomy. It is wonderful if every corner is lit. Whatever the child does in the group, bedroom, dining room, he should not strain his eyes. A modern kindergarten is a place where a child gains experience of broad emotional and practical interaction with adults and peers in the most important areas of life for development. The possibilities of organization and enrichment are expanded under the condition that a subject-spatial, developing environment is created in the kindergarten group, in which it is possible to simultaneously include all the children of the group in active cognitive and creative activity. The developing environment contributes to the establishment, assertion of a sense of self-confidence in a preschooler, gives him the opportunity to test and use his abilities, stimulate the manifestation of his independence, initiative, and creativity.

The defining moment in creating a developing environment is pedagogical idea- the goal that guides the team of kindergarten teachers. At the same time, it is very important to take into account the characteristics of each group: age, level of development, interests, inclinations, abilities, gender composition, characteristics of children.

Features of the organization of the subject-spatial environment of the second junior group. The age of 3-4 years is the period physical reinforcement, the rapid development of the psyche and the beginning of the formation of the main personality traits of the child. The situation in the second younger group should be, first of all, comfortable for the child. Young children do not respond well to spatial changes in the environment, they assume stability in this regard. We do not recommend frequently rearranging the equipment in the younger group, it is better to carefully plan the situation in the room before the children arrive. Children in the second younger group still do not know how to interact well with their peers, preferring to play side by side rather than together.

In younger children, physical activity is actively developing: walking, running, climbing. At the same time, the movement is still poorly coordinated: there is no dexterity, quick reaction, dodge. Therefore, the spatial organization of the environment must take into account for the child the possibility of sufficiently wide, well-visible paths of movement. For stimulation motor activity it is desirable to put a slide with steps in the group room, a sports and recreation complex.

A small child actively enters the objective world and studies it with interest. Toys and objects in the group should reflect the richness and diversity of this world. At this age, the foundation is laid for the development of intelligence - sensory abilities child. Therefore, the subject environment of the group should stimulate the development of children's perception, contribute to the development of analyzers. It is desirable to select objects of pure colors, a clear and desired shape, different sizes, they must be made of materials that are safe for the health of the child. For development fine motor skills special didactic toys are needed: liners, pyramids, laces. For the same purpose, plastic containers with lids of various shapes can be included in the decor. The game is a favorite and natural activity of younger preschoolers - at this age they are just beginning to develop. Toys for babies should be primarily functional and generalized. It is important that the car has a body, wheels, a cabin so that it can be rolled. For such children, it is already possible to use toys that reflect real life: ambulance, doctor doll, etc. Small children prefer large equipment, large toys. For them, the main impetus for active action is an external stimulus.

Therefore, it is necessary to place materials on open shelves, and the materials themselves should be outwardly attractive, bright, catchy, and quite often they need to be changed.

It is recommended in the second younger group to allocate a place for games with sand, water, clay, paints. These games require special equipment. It is better to place materials for such “untidy” cases closer to the water source; water transfusion containers, small rubber inflatable toys, molds, buckets should be placed on the shelf.

For drawing, in which a child at this age begins to show more and more active interest, it is best to have special drawing boards with sticks, wax crayons. These materials are good because they contribute to the development of the first visual skills and do not create problems in organization: they do not get their hands dirty, they do not require frequent changes, wax crayons do not crumble to the floor. Almost every young child has an interest and attraction to a book with bright pictures. Since fingers, inept actions, impulsive and poorly coordinated, should be immediately saturated with books with strong sheets of thick paper. Be sure to have materials for theatrical children's games in the group: small toys, flat figures of animals, for entertainment with children - shadow and flat theaters, glove puppets.

A small child learns not only the world around him, but also people, including himself. In the group, you need to have places where photographs are attached, pictures on which people of different ages are depicted, with a reflection of different emotional states, with different appearance. It is very useful to have many mirrors in the group in different places so that every kid can see, and the corner of the dressing allows the child to purposefully change his appearance and observe these changes, knowing himself, so familiar and unfamiliar at the same time.

The psychology of a preschooler is such that everything must be mastered and fixed by him in practical activities. Carefully observing each pupil, the teacher thoughtfully and rationally organizes the developing space.

The construction of the subject environment is an external condition of the pedagogical process, which allows organizing the independent activity of the child, aimed at his self-development under the supervision of an adult. And so, the environment should perform educational, developing, educating, stimulating, communicative functions. But the most important thing is that it should work for the development of independence and initiative of the child.

The issue of creating a subject-developing environment for preschool educational institutions today is particularly relevant. It is connected with the Federal State Educational Standard to the structure of the main general educational program preschool education.

In accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard, the program should be built taking into account the principle of integration of educational areas and in accordance with the age capabilities and characteristics of pupils. Solution of software educational goals It is provided not only in the joint activities of an adult and children, but also in the independent activities of children, as well as during regime moments.

As you know, the main form of work with preschoolers and the leading activity for them is the game. That is why practicing teachers have an increased interest in updating the subject-developing environment of the preschool educational institution.

The concept of a subject-developing environment is defined as “a system of material objects of a child’s activity that functionally models the content of his spiritual and physical development»

(S.L. Novoselova).

Jean-Jacques Rousseau, an outstanding philosopher and educator, was one of the first to suggest considering the environment as a condition for the optimal self-development of the individual. Celestin Frenet believed that thanks to her, the child himself can develop his individual abilities and capabilities. The role of an adult lies in the correct modeling of such an environment that contributes to the maximum development of the child's personality. Modern scientists and teachers - Korotkova, Mikhailenko and others - believe that at the same time, the saturation of the space surrounding the child should undergo changes in accordance with the development of the needs and interests of younger and older children. preschool age. In such an environment, it is possible to simultaneously engage in active communicative-speech and cognitive-creative activities, both individual pupils and all children of the group (M.N. Polyakova).

The organization of the developing environment in the preschool educational institution, taking into account the Federal State Educational Standards, is built in such a way as to enable the most effective development of the individuality of each child, taking into account his inclinations, interests, level of activity.
It is necessary to enrich the environment with elements that stimulate the cognitive, emotional, motor activity of children.
The subject-developing environment is organized so that every child has the opportunity to freely do what they love. The placement of equipment in sectors (development centers) allows children to unite in subgroups according to common interests: designing, drawing, manual labor, theatrical and gaming activities, experimentation. Mandatory in the equipment are materials that activate cognitive activity: educational games, technical devices and toys, models, objects for experimental search work - magnets, magnifying glasses, springs, scales, beakers, etc.; big choice natural materials for study, experimentation, collections.

Materials are needed that take into account the interests of boys and girls, both in work and in play. Boys need woodworking tools, girls need handicrafts. To develop a creative idea in the game, girls will need items of women's clothing, jewelry, lace capes, bows, handbags, umbrellas, etc.; for boys - details of military uniforms, items of uniforms and weapons of knights, Russian heroes, various technical toys. It is important to have a large number of "improvised" materials (ropes, boxes, wires, wheels, ribbons), which are creatively used to solve various game problems. In groups of older preschoolers, various materials are also needed to help master reading and mathematics: printed letters, words, tables, books with large print, a manual with numbers, board games with numbers and letters, puzzles, as well as materials reflecting the school theme: pictures about the life of schoolchildren, school supplies, photographs of schoolchildren older brothers or sisters, attributes for school games.

Necessary in the equipment of older preschoolers are materials that stimulate the development of broad social interests and cognitive activity children. These are children's encyclopedias, illustrated publications about the animal and plant world of the planet, about the life of people from different countries, children's magazines, albums, brochures.

A rich subject-developing and educational environment becomes the basis for organizing an exciting, meaningful life and the versatile development of each child. The developing subject environment is the main means of shaping the child's personality and is the source of his knowledge and social experience.

The environment surrounding children in kindergarten should ensure the safety of their lives, promote health and harden the body of each of them.

When creating a subject-developing it is necessary to remember:
1. The environment must perform educational, developing, educating, stimulating, organized, communicative functions. But most importantly, it should work for the development of the independence and initiative of the child.

2.Flexible and variable use of space is required. The environment should serve to meet the needs and interests of the child.

3. The shape and design of the items is focused on the safety and age of children.
4. Decor elements should be easily replaceable.

5. In each group, it is necessary to provide a place for children's experimental activities.

6. When organizing the subject environment in a group room, it is necessary to take into account the patterns of mental development, indicators of their health, psychophysiological and communicative features, the level of general and speech development, as well as indicators of the emotional and need sphere

7. The color palette should be presented in warm, pastel colors.

8. When creating a developing space in a group room, it is necessary to take into account the leading role of gaming activities.

9. The subject-developing environment of the group should change depending on the age characteristics of the children, the period of study, and the educational program.

It is important that the subject environment has the character of an open, non-closed system capable of adjustment and development. In other words, the environment is not only developing, but also developing. Under any circumstances, the objective world surrounding the child must be replenished and updated, adapting to neoplasms of a certain age.
Thus, creating a subject-developing environment of any age group in a preschool educational institution, it is necessary to take into account the psychological foundations of the constructive interaction of participants in the educational educational process, design and ergonomics of the modern preschool environment and psychological features the age group targeted by the environment.

In connection with changes in modern society, economic and social reforms, the value of education has increased, the need for its quality has increased. Necessary condition effective solution problems of modern quality preschool education is the implementation of comprehensive measures. One of important aspects is the creation of a subject-developing environment in the preschool educational institution.

According to the definition of Svetlana Leonidovna Novoselova (Ph.D. Academician of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences and the Academy of Creative Pedagogy): “The developing subject environment of childhood is a system of conditions that ensures the full development of the child’s activity and his personality.”

The fundamental requirement for the organization and content of the subject-developing environment is that it must correspond to the age characteristics and capabilities of children.

In each age group, conditions must be created for independent active purposeful action in all types of activities (game, motor, visual, theatrical, etc.), which are located in centers (zones) and contain a variety of materials for developing games and activities, and also to provide the right to choose activities and realize the individual interests and capabilities of children.

Organization and arrangement of objects of the developing environment in space group rooms should be rationally logical and convenient for children, meet the age characteristics and needs of children, and have distinctive features. For example, in preparatory groups for children's games, you can use the space of not only group rooms, but also bedrooms. Children will be able to save the buildings and play areas they have created in order to continue playing for as long as they need. It is important to use not only stationary, but also mobile furniture: multifunctional gaming equipment: screens, gaming benches with many holes, the so-called “store of valuables”, where a variety of multifunctional items, materials, pieces of fabric, bags, elements are concentrated in shallow boxes, drawers different costumes and other details of the external signs of roles that preschool children try on. All this will give children the right to change the spatial environment; equip your world of play from the standpoint of your children's interests. The location of furniture, play and other equipment in the subject environment must meet safety requirements, the principles of functional comfort, allow children to move freely in space, and also meet sanitary and hygienic regulatory requirements. And, of course, it should be noted that the design of the subject-developing environment must meet the requirements of aesthetics, attract the attention of children, and encourage active action in it.

In all age groups, there should be a cozy place to relax, which is better done in a bedroom. These are podiums with soft pillows, with which you can lie down, embracing; light air pavilions made of transparent fabric or other materials, in which flowers, sofas will be placed, various soothing toys will be provided for children such as “snowfall in a ball”, “floating fish”.

Starting from the age of three, a child in a group should have an “inviolable” place where he could store his personal property: a mirror, postcards, badges, gifts from educators, friends, toys brought from home, etc.

As for the content of the subject-developing environment, all centers, play areas, fields should be filled with developmental content that meets the program requirements, the tasks of upbringing and education, age-related opportunities related to the physical, intellectual, other development of the child, as well as the interests of boys and girls , not only in play, but also in those that they manifest in other activities. For example, for children of older preschool age, the center of manual labor and design will be much more attractive if the boys find in it samples of the manufacture of various equipment (interplanetary ships, catamarans, submarines), fortresses, entertaining games such as "car racing", "come first ”, etc., and girls - samples of handbags, jewelry, chests for storing them, etc.

In the subject-developing environment, conditions must be created that contribute to the formation of psychological neoplasms that appear in children in different years of preschool childhood.

The content of the subject-developing environment should be periodically enriched with a focus on maintaining the child's interest in the subject-developing environment and the program material covered.

A children's educational institution, like air, needs a modern subject-developing environment that expands the horizons of children, enriches their ideas about human capabilities, about the life of people in our Motherland and other countries, about nature native land and the whole Earth, about modern information opportunities, about the culture of life and about environmentally correct behavior.

It is necessary to create such an objective environment in which the child acts, applying the knowledge and methods of action already available to him, which should be inexhaustible for him, informative, satisfying the child's need for novelty, transformation and self-affirmation. A kindergarten, equipped in accordance with the concept of a developing subject environment, acquires the status of a cultural educational center of a district, city, village, raising the prestige of education and upbringing of children in the eyes of parents and society as a whole.

Modern philosophers interpret the concept of "environment" as a system that includes the relationship of subject and personal nature. Through the environment, upbringing adapts the personality to circumstances, and education acts as a model of society.

Educators see the environment as an opportunity to effective development individuality of the child, taking into account his inclinations, interests and level of activity.

When building an environment in a preschool educational institution, it is necessary to be guided by the principles of V.A. Petrovsky:

Position distances during interaction: maintaining a visual connection between an adult and a child. Creation of conditions for confidential communication adult - child, child - child. The ability to choose the distance of interaction, taking into account their ideas.

Activities: inclusion of all premises in the operating environment. Providing the opportunity to freely and independently model the environment, act in it. Using an active background in horizontal and vertical planes. Intensive saturation with problematic and incomplete images, stimuli of movements; "self-made" effects.

Stability and dynamism: use in a space with constant dimensions of variable and replaceable elements of decoration.

Integration and flexible zoning: use of a cassette system that allows children to simultaneously engage in different activities. The use of transforming equipment to ensure that areas of activity do not intersect (or vice versa, intersect).

The emotionality of the environment, individual comfort and emotional well-being of each child and adult: providing a "personal" space. Giving the child the opportunity to retire, do what they love. Use of incentives personal development, factors of mental and physical recovery. The presence of a toy is a symbol.

Combinations of familiar and extraordinary elements in an aesthetically organized environment: the use of a peculiar language of art in design: lines, images, colors, etc. The use of simple but talented works of art in the interior. The inclusion of effective spectacles: color, light, music (sconces, lamps, rainbows, curtains, etc.).

Openness-closedness: interaction and connection with nature. Introduction of elements of the culture of their country, region. Providing opportunities for parents to participate in the organization of the environment. Giving the child the opportunity to express his "I". The exclusion of everything that leads to the violation of the Rights of the child.

Accounting for gender and age differences: three-level modeling. Orientation to the zone of proximal development of the child. Ensuring complete or partial isolation of boys and girls in the bedroom, shower room, toilet. Providing boys and girls with toys, information, information of equal value.

The boundaries of interaction with the outside world of a young child are significantly expanding in comparison with an early age. When organizing a developing environment in the younger group, it should be taken into account that children of this age do not respond well to spatial changes in the situation and prefer stability in this sense (M.N. Polyakova), so you should not often rearrange the equipment in the group. It is important to remember that at a young age, the child's sensory abilities are formed, so the subject-developing environment should create conditions for the development of analyzers. When making microzones in the younger group special meaning acquires the use of pictograms, algorithms and diagrams. The use of algorithms and schemes contributes to the formation of independence in children, the development of thinking and visual perception. Teachers must explain in detail to the children what is shown in the diagram, what each symbol means.

When organizing the subject environment in the middle group, it is necessary to take into account the high mobility of 5-year-old children. In children of middle preschool age, the need to play with peers is clearly manifested, the peculiarity is to retire, create their own world of play in secluded corners, so children of the 5th year of life will use the created by you with great pleasure cozy houses, beautiful palaces, military fortresses and other structures filled with different content and designed for the game of 2-3 children.

When organizing the subject environment in groups of older preschool age, it is necessary to take into account the need of children for creativity and self-affirmation. The environment in the senior and preparatory group is a field of activity, a way of life, the transfer of experience, creativity, subject education, historical era. This environment is changeable and dynamic. It is quite varied.

In all groups, they use not only the horizontal plane (floor), but also vertical surfaces (walls), and also master the air space (toys, crafts are hung from the ceiling). It is important to organize the zones so that the child can sit in it, sitting on chairs, cubes, on the floor, standing at the easel, typesetting canvas, kneeling at the podium with a variety of designers, materials, layouts, etc. The content of the subject-developing environment should be periodically enriched with a focus on maintaining the child's interest in the subject-developing environment and:

On the program material passed;

on the individual abilities of children;

Providing a zone of proximal development;

Inexhaustible information content.

Subject-developing environment in the preschool educational institution

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The play center is the personal space of the child, where he has the opportunity to act freely. How to arrange it so that the child is comfortable, and he can fully develop? To answer them, first of all, we will determine the age range. Psychologists designate the age from one to three years as "rfannii", from three to six or seven years as "preschool".

The presence of a play corner is a counterbalance to the indestructible craving of many parents for hyper-custody, for the desire to keep the child depending on their will and mood.

The "stuffing" of the play corner is associated with activities that a child aged from two to six or seven years old can indulge in, alone or with a close adult, or with a peer friend.

In fact, you don't need much for a play corner. An optimally saturated subject environment is needed, stimulating a variety of preschool activities and at the same time not satiating him, but pushing him onto the path of creativity and ingenuity. The main thing to remember is that the play corner is the personal space of the child, which he owns completely.

The playroom for a child is a place for the development of creativity and imagination. Creating a space that will inspire children to play provides amazing opportunities for whimsical décor choices.

Think about a comfortable seating area for your kids (you can scatter pillows). If there is a table in the children's room, then it should be placed in such a way that it is convenient to operate both sitting and standing, with a free approach to any side.

Toys and materials purchased for a child must be safe for their physical health and meet the requirements of the State Standard of Russia and the State Sanitary and Epidemiological Supervision of Russia.

It is unacceptable to purchase toys and materials from random people and in unauthorized outlets. It is necessary to take into account the age-appropriateness of toys and materials.

Newly purchased toys and materials should be washed with soap and water and rinsed with water before being used by children (toys that wash off paint should not be given to children; Stuffed Toys are very difficult to process, so they are not recommended for children under the age of 1 year).

The gaming environment should not give rise to negative emotions, the manifestation of fear, uncertainty, anxiety.

The equipment used in the play area must be stable and firmly fixed.

The play area should be free of clutter, excess toys and materials.

Toys and materials placed in open places (shelves, etc.) should create a pleasant environment for the eyes. color scheme without an excess of bright, "flashy" tones.

In the play area, it is desirable to have toys and materials for various activities: play, cognitive research, productive, motor.

For gaming activities you need:

Story games and toys:

    toys-characters (dolls, figurines of people, animals, fairy-tale and fantastic characters); toys-objects (dishes, toy tools and materials); various transport toys (especially for boys);
games with rules:
    balls, pin sets, ring throws, etc. - for physical competence; children's dominoes (with pictures), checkers, chess, backgammon, etc. - for mental competence; Board games such as "goose" and "lotto" - for good luck (chance).

For development, didactic (educational) or and toys are needed.

These include:

    pyramids, various inserts, mosaics, collapsible toys, puzzles, etc.; desktop-printed games and materials that stimulate the child's ability to classify and generalize (cut pictures, puzzles, sets depicting fruits, vegetables, various objects); materials for simple experimentation (metal, wood, safe glass and other objects that allow the child to get acquainted with the properties of the materials of objects, find out what sinks, what floats, etc.). For the safety of the child, this activity should only be carried out with adults.

Productive activities for children include drawing, modeling, and construction. For the development of these activities, it is necessary to have paints, paper, plasticine, scissors (with blunt ends), etc.

Mandatory presence of building kits, designers.

In the presence of "stationary" equipment (gymnastic walls, rings, ropes), it is necessary to have a gymnastic mat to prevent injuries to children.

When creating a developing environment in the family, it is necessary to provide a place for storage additional material(various safety cords, rubber tubes, sticks, plastic bottles, cones, pebbles that can be widely used in games with children (for example, the cord can be used to "refuel" vehicles, cones and pebbles - to play "Shop", etc.). d.).

The developing environment of the child must be constantly transformed. Toys that have ceased to be interesting for the child can be removed for a while and, if necessary, brought back into the play area. Toys and materials must be stored in a designated area. It is necessary to teach the child to clean them in their places after games and classes.

It is very important for adults to support children's games and, if possible, take part in them.

At present, kindergartens today function and develop in conditions of unstable socio-economic and educational situation. The regulatory framework is changing. This cannot but affect the development of its subject-developing and gaming environment as part of the educational process. The pedagogical community is aware of the need for changes in the educational process of preschool institutions. Therefore, the search for ways to increase its efficiency and improvement always turns out to be associated with the development of subject-environment models of the organization. pedagogical interaction with children in kindergarten.

The scientific and psychological foundations for the development of education and the foundations for organizing a developing and playing environment as an integral part of such education in relation to the preschool level are outlined in the works of outstanding Russian scientists of the twentieth century - L. S. Vygotsky, S. L. Rubinshtein, A. N. Leontiev, A. V. Zaporozhets, D. B. Elkonin. Their followers L. A. Venger, F. A. Sokhin, N. N. Poddyakov, O. M. Dyachenko, G. G. Kravtsov have worked and continue to work in this direction.

Meanwhile, one should not forget that the environment for the development of a preschool child is also the space of his life, therefore, the modern environment, first of all, must have the qualities of interactivity and establish relationships between its social and subject components.

This methodological recommendation has been developed on the basis of an analysis contemporary research, developments and pedagogical practice and is dedicated to the organization of the subject-game environment for pupils of the middle group of preschool institutions.

The purpose of the methodological development is to explain the correct organization of the subject-game environment in the middle group of a preschool institution.

Explanatory note.

The main task of educating preschoolers is to create in children a sense of emotional comfort and psychological security. In kindergarten, it is important for a child to feel loved and unique. Therefore, the environment in which the educational process takes place is also important.

At present, there is an acute problem of constructing educational environment in preschool institutions, first of all: society's requirements for the growing personality are changing, authoritarian pedagogy has been replaced by a personality-oriented model of raising children, and this requires organizational changes.

The introduction of the new Federal State Educational Standard (FSES) to the structure of the main general educational program of preschool education offers other requirements for the organization of a subject-developing and gaming environment in institutions.

As you know, the main form of work with preschoolers and the leading activity for them is the game. That is why educators have an interest in updating the subject-developing and gaming environment in the preschool educational institution.

Jean-Jacques Rousseau, an outstanding philosopher and teacher, was one of the first to suggest considering the subject-game environment as a condition for the optimal self-development of the individual. Celestin Frenet believed that thanks to her, the child himself can develop his individual abilities and capabilities. The role of an adult lies in the correct modeling of such an environment that contributes to the maximum development of the child's personality. Modern scientists and educators - Korotkova, Mikhailenko and others - believe that in this case, the saturation of the space surrounding the child should undergo changes in accordance with the development of the needs and interests of preschool children.

The standard clearly spells out the principles of the development environment, it should be:






GEF DO recommends that the educational space should be sufficiently well equipped with training and education tools, including gaming equipment. The environment should provide the necessary and sufficient opportunities for movement, object and play activities with different materials.

The space should be easily transformed based on the intention of the educator in organizing his work, according to the intention or desire of the child.

The subject development environment should open up many opportunities, provide all the components of the educational process, and in this sense should be multifunctional.

The variability of the environment implies the presence in various spaces, including for the game, as well as a variety of different materials, games, toys and equipment that ensure the free choice of children, the periodic change of play material, the emergence of new items that stimulate children's activity, including play.

The accessibility of the environment should imply free access for children, including children with handicapped health, to games, toys, materials, aids that provide all the main types of children's activities.

All materials and equipment must be serviceable, safe and properly stored.

The organization of a developing and playing environment in a preschool educational institution, taking into account the Federal State Educational Standard, should make it possible to most effectively develop the individuality of each child, taking into account his inclinations, interests, and level of activity.

When organizing the subject environment in a group room for children of the middle group, it must be remembered that the fifth year of life is a period of intensive growth and development of the child's body. There are noticeable qualitative changes in the development of the basic movements of children. It is important to establish a reasonable motor mode, create conditions for organizing a variety of outdoor games, game tasks.

The organization of life and the upbringing of children of the fifth year of life are aimed at further development the ability to understand people around them, to show a friendly attitude towards them, to strive for communication and interaction.

The subject-developing environment of the group is organized taking into account the opportunities for children to play and engage in separate subgroups. Benefits and toys are arranged so as not to interfere with their free movement. It is necessary to provide a place for temporary solitude of a preschooler, where he can think, dream.

In the middle group, the subject-play environment should be significantly changed compared to the younger groups. Permanent plot-forming sets (thematic zones) give way to more flexible combinations of plot-forming toys. Children already partially organize the environment according to the plan.

In the fifth year of life, a high interest in the role-playing game is shown. Children of middle preschool age, when playing, like to somehow designate their playing territory. In this regard, conflicts often arise when children not participating in the game try to ignore the rules of the game, or invade the territory of the players. To avoid this, you can use lightweight folding screens, colored cords, play mats. Having thus designated the game boundaries, the players feel more confident, the game group unites faster, new ideas arise.

A child of the middle group, like junior preschooler, loves to repeat favorite game actions and plots many times, and if the plot of the game is reproduced with enthusiasm, then there is no need to encourage children to new game, make new toys, attributes. Let the children enjoy the familiar story of the game to the fullest. Decreased emotional background speech activity and the rapid winding down of the game is a signal of the need for significant changes in the gaming environment. In this case, attributes for new plots are added to the group. The plots of games at this age are simple and related to the child's experience: family, shop, kindergarten, holiday, and others.

A five year old child gives great importance toy, she pushes him to new game ideas. Therefore, in the play sets for the middle group there should be dolls of different sexes and professions, toys (kittens, foxes, dogs, bears and others) of different, not very large sizes; sets of furniture large and for games on the table, dishes, clothes, various types of transport. A supply of additional game material is needed in the group: boxes of different sizes and various shapes, twine, coils, shreds of fabric, sticks, tubes. All this will find its application in the game and will contribute to the development game ideas and creativity.

Do not forget about the place for dressing up, where you should add decorations, details to indicate the profession, costumes of fairy-tale characters, animal masks. In the group it is necessary to have a mirror where the child can see his transformation.

In order to instill in children the habit of putting toys away after games, it is advisable to purchase plastic containers, baskets, fabric modules for toys. It is easier for a child to collect play material in them than to put it in boxes or put it on a shelf.

Table number 1. Organization of a subject-play environment for children 4-5 years old with the aim of comprehensive education and development.

Development Centers

Materials and equipment


1. Toys and attributes for role-playing games (substitute items).

Doctor: a hat with a red cross, a bathrobe, attributes (tube, syringe, thermometer, medicine bottle, ointment jars with a stick, pipette, cotton wool, bandage, mustard plasters - rectangular pieces of medical oilcloth, tablets drawn on pieces of cardboard) .

Driver, motorcyclist: seat belt, helmet, gloves; copies of various instruments - wrench, hammer, screwdriver, pliers, pump; gas station - cubes, module; hose - rope; steering wheel.

Cook: cap and apron, dishes, products.

Pilot: cap, cap, attributes (steering wheel), control panel with functional buttons - doorbells; switches are real objects, children themselves make a remote control from them.

Driver: railway cap, tools, remote control.

Hairdresser: bathrobe, combs, curlers, scissors, basin, shampoos, perfumes, soap, towel.

Sailor, captain: peakless cap, sailor's collar, captain's cap, binoculars; anchor on a cord; flag mast; tools; props - steering wheel, captain's bridge, Lifebuoy, Spyglass.

A box of wonderful things: tape reels, various caps (large, small, wooden, rubber, plastic), reels, tubes, cubes, bars, cylinders, skittles, sticks, bells, switches, all kinds of corks, plywood plates ( different lengths, widths and shapes), ropes, pieces of foam rubber, colored shreds.

2. Equipment for directing games: multifunctional cubes; layouts (volumetric - houses, garages; planar - maps-schemes play space, screens); sets of figurative (volumetric and planar) toys of small size: little men, soldiers, cartoon and book characters, play equipment (furniture, dishes); animals (fabulous, realistic; in senior group- fantasy creatures unformed game material: cubes, balls, pyramid rings, bottles; symbols of space (rivers, sun, benches, flowers, mushrooms; in the senior group - unidentified objects and objects; in the preparatory group for school - small flat images and several playing fields).


Theatrical activities

1. Hats, masks for dramatization games on the themes of favorite fairy tales.

2. Puppet theater.

3. Theater of homemade toys.

4. Theater of rubber toys.

5. Finger, glove, mitten theaters.

6. Club theater.

7. Puppet theater.

8. Flat theater.

9. Shadow theater.

10. “Corner of disguise”: costumes, jewelry - pendants, beads, belts, bracelets, cuffs, crowns, butterflies, frills, kerchiefs with lace, scarves, scarves, hats, ribbons on rims.

11. Attributes for theatrical and director's games (elements of costumes).


1. Games: "Logic cubes", "Corners", "Make a cube".

2. Series: "Fold the Pattern", "Magic Cube", "Fold the Picture".

3. Games for understanding symbolism, schematics and conventions (“What does it look like?”, “Finish”).

4. Models: numerical ladder, a series of values, spiral models for the knowledge of temporal relationships.

5. Games for the development of magnitude, numerical, spatio-temporal relations (“Make the same pattern”).

6. Games with algorithms, including 3-5 elements (“Growing a tree”).

7. Albums with samples of logical exercises.


1. Construction kits and constructors with different ways of fixing parts.

2. Samples of buildings and crafts.

3. Plastic jars, boxes of different sizes.

4. Sticks.

5. Modeling kits


1. Musical toys (voiced - musically flat balalaika, piano, etc.); folk toys;


Substitute items: cash register, scales, weight weights, money, bags with "products": granulated sugar, flour, pasta, cereals, peas, beans. Jars, bottles of small sizes made of plastic, cardboard, plates with sets of products, vegetables, fruits for dishes: soup, borscht, porridge, compote; sets of vegetables, fruits made of plastic, cardboard, plywood, voluminous of oilcloth stuffed with foam rubber inside; dummies - products (buns, pies): handbags, baskets from different materials (plastic, wicker, cloth, flat cardboard, oilcloth.


A dressing table with a mirror, combs, brushes (made of cardboard, plywood, linoleum), toy sets for hairdressers.


Beds of different sizes (3-4), with bedding according to the size of the bed (mattress, sheet, blanket, duvet cover, pillow, pillowcase, bedspread - 3-4 sets), rocking cradle with bedding for it. Baby dolls in envelopes. Wardrobe with bedding sets, diapers for baby dolls, clothes for boy and girl dolls, sets of winter and summer clothes.


Kitchen table, chairs, faucet, stove, shelf or cabinet for dishes, refrigerator, set of kitchen utensils, elements of home utensils: a real small saucepan, ladle, etc., a set of vegetables and fruits (made of papier-mâché),


Ironing board, irons, doll clothes, toy bedding


Doctor doll in professional clothes with a symbol (medicine - a red cross), a phonendoscope, a thermometer, a themed set.

Taking into account the above principles for building a developing and playing environment, the Federal State Educational Standard of preschool education, the following additions have been developed to these methodological recommendations:

Evaluation sheet of the state of the subject-play environment in the middle group (Appendix No. 1).

Questionnaire for educators on the topic "Guide role-playing games for children 4-5 years old" (Appendix No. 2).

- Questions to the pedagogical council “Conditions for activating intellectual abilities and thinking in children 4-5 years old through the organization of the subject-play space of the preschool educational institution "(Appendix No. 3).

Criteria for evaluating toys that ensure the safety of the child, his protection from negative impact toys for health and emotional well-being (Appendix No. 4).

Criteria for evaluating toys that ensure the development of the child (Appendix No. 5).

Questionnaire for parents on the state and improvement of the conditions for the development of the child's playing abilities in a preschool educational institution (Appendix No. 6).


The main task of educating preschoolers is to create in children a sense of emotional comfort and psychological security. In kindergarten, a child needs to feel loved and unique. Therefore, the environment in which the educational process takes place is also important.

From generation to generation, children traditionally play family, hospital, school, ship, etc. However, without a properly selected subject-play environment in the preschool educational institution group, the participation of the educator and his sincere interest in this extremely important type of children's activity, the elders preschoolers in many ways can remain at the same level of development as toddlers.

A rich subject-developing and play environment should become the basis for organizing an exciting, meaningful life and the versatile development of each preschool child. The developing subject environment is the main means of shaping the child's personality and is the source of his knowledge and social experience.

Used Books:

  1. federal state educational standard preschool education.
  2. Nishcheva N.V. Object-spatial developing environment in kindergarten. Principles of construction, tips, recommendations / Comp. N.V. Nischev. - St. Petersburg, "CHILDHOOD-PRESS", 2006.-128 p.
  3. Ryzhova N.A. Developing environment of preschool institutions (From work experience). M., LINKA-PRESS, 2003.-192 p.
  4. Artamonova O. Object-spatial environment: its role in personality development // Preschool education. - 2005. - No. 4.
  5. Petrovsky V.A., Klarina L.M., Smyvina L.A., Strelkova L.P. Building a developing environment in a preschool institution. - M., 2003.
  6. Artamonova O./Object-spatial environment: its role in personality development. Preschool education. 2005-#4.
  7. Designing a developing subject-spatial environment of a modern kindergarten.// Journal "Reference book of the head of a preschool institution", 2010.


Evaluation sheet of the state of the subject-play environment in the middle group.

Educators _______________________________________________________________


Points for assessing the degree of manifestation of indicators




1.The subject-play environment ensures the psychological safety of the child

Does not provoke aggressive actions, violence, cruelty.

Does not generate negative emotions, manifestations of fear, uncertainty, anxiety.

Does not cause premature interest in sexual problems.

Doesn't provoke disdain negative attitude to the racial characteristics and physical disabilities of other people.

2.Subject - game environment is safe for physical health and meets the requirements of the State Standard and the State Sanitary and Epidemiological Supervision of Russia

Equipment and toys are made of materials that are safe for health

Are age specific

kept clean

3. Subject - game environment ensures the versatile development of children

and has the following qualities

Polyfunctionality (possibility of flexible, variable use)

Didactic value, correctional focus

Aesthetic focus

Compliance with the age and individual needs of the child

4.The system of conditions that ensure the full development different types games

In the game room, mini-environments for different types of games are allocated and appropriate conditions are created:

For directorial and role-playing games:

Toys and crafts for director's games (pre-age)

Sets of figurative toys and attributes for the implementation of ideas in role-playing games

For theatrical games:

Costumes, elements of costumes, theatrical and game attributes

Different types of theaters

Theatrical and play equipment


Performance design, costume elements made by children according to their own design projects

The location, amount of play equipment and materials is convenient for children and the organization of collective activities

Speech therapist………………………………../signature/………………

Art. educator………………………./signature/………………


Questionnaire for educators

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The subject-play environment of kindergarten groups is organized in such a way that every child has the opportunity to do what they love.

All group space is divided into CENTERS that are available to children: toys, didactic material, games. Children know where to get paper, paints, pencils, natural material, costumes and attributes for dramatization games. IN THE CENTER OF solitude - behind a screen, they can leaf through their favorite book, look at photos in a family album and just sit and take a break from the children's team. Wooden portable screens and racks also serve as walls for children's individual games. Using them, the child can make a room for the game, thus fencing off from the common space, creating his own little world. In this simple way, the personification of the environment is achieved, i.e. creating your own personal space. In each group, furniture and equipment are installed in such a way that each child can find a convenient and comfortable place to study in terms of his emotional state: sufficiently remote from children and adults, or, conversely, allowing you to feel close contact with them, or providing equally contact and freedom. For this purpose, various furniture is used, including multi-level furniture: all kinds of sofas, ottomans, as well as soft modules. They are easy enough to move and arrange differently in a group.

Such an organization of space is one of the conditions of the environment, which enables the teacher to approach the position of the child.

A powerful enriching factor in child development is the sociocultural environment and its objective environments. Each child in his development experiences the undoubted influence of the family, its way of life, cultural preferences, the form of employment of the elders and the content of family leisure. Kindergarten as an educational center always carries not only a charge of "programmed" culture, but also is influenced by the cultural aura of the microdistrict, village, city, enriching the life of children in different ways, their experience of activities and experiences. All these environments: family home, kindergarten, school, microdistrict, city (village), natural and park landscapes - can become a source of enrichment for the experience of children's activities, psyche, personality.

The kindergarten itself, with a variety of premises, their purpose, the nature of the activities of people in them, is also quite an interesting microenvironment for the child, which should be the first moments of his acquaintance with the world.

The basic components of the developing subject environment include not only group rooms, but also other functional spaces. A children's institution should be wholly owned by children and adults - their educators. Children's institutions are peculiar cultural center and for parents, their club where they can showcase their talents and meet their parental expectations.

A variety of basic components of the developing subject environment make it possible to avoid routine and informally organize pedagogical process. After all, if a child is always busy with useful and interesting business, this is already a great pedagogical success. An active, enterprising child can only be where he feels himself in a warm, cozy, familiar home, open to him, his friends, educators and parents.

Children should have access to all functional spaces of the children's educational institution, including those intended for adults. Of course, access to rooms for adults, for example, to a methodical office, a kitchen or a castellan, should be limited, but not closed, since the work of adults is always interesting for children.

There is an opinion about a specific subculture of childhood, different from the world of adults and requiring autonomy: children's toys, children's furniture, children's books, children's drawings - a children's vision of the world. This opinion is true, but only half. Well-known art historian G.N. Lyubimova wrote that the child for his normal development it is necessary to live in three subject spaces: scaled by the actions of his hands (“eye-hand” scale), scaled by his growth and scaled by the objective world of adults. This correct idea is confirmed by simple, historically established everyday common sense, the theory of the zone of proximal development (L.S. Vygotsky), the cooperation of an adult with children (Sh. Amonashvili), as well as the idea of ​​the significance of the cognitive structure of the development of a child’s outside of the children's room.

The full development of the child cannot take place only within his children's world, he needs an exit to wide world and this is the adult world. That is why in an educational institution all three scales of the subject environment in which the child operates should be present.

This provision applies to all the basic components of the developing subject environment of the educational children's institution, the design of which must also be taken care of.

All changes in the psychological content of activity are correlated with age, have a pronounced hierarchy, which makes it possible to build a psychological tree of goals in the developing objective environment of childhood. The stem (trunk) of this tree is the age of the child from birth to 7 years. Each age period (or phase) has its own motivation for the leading type (kind) of activity. Its manifestation is conditioned both by the already existing experience and by the social situation of development, the influence of which can correspond to the age, lag behind or get ahead of it. Usually social situation is considered as social (family, educational, etc.) conditions that are a given that must be reckoned with.

Compliance with age is one of the most significant and at the same time difficult to fulfill conditions. This is due to the fact that the materials, the complexity and accessibility of their content must correspond to today's patterns and characteristics of the development of children of a given particular age and take into account those features of development zones that are again characteristic of each individual child today. At the same time, it must be remembered that the next age group is the guardian of the environment of the previous group for many reasons. It must preserve materials of a past stage of development, firstly, for children who have not yet mastered these materials; secondly, for those games and activities that return children to their favorite toys and objects (plastic and rubber toys, plywood and cardboard planar images of natural objects for building games, games with sand, water, etc.); third, to create game situation, which at an older age is almost not represented game material, and all these things that were significant in the past are now secondary material for children.

Children of younger groups, whose development is at the turn of the transition from objective to play activities, should receive opportunities from the environment for the development of precisely these types of activities. In accordance with the patterns of development of thinking, memory, attention, speech, etc. here the environment of objective activity and the conditions of sensory upbringing and development of children connected with it should be powerfully represented, and the nascent play activity receives nourishment here. Thus, the developing environment of the younger group should contain all types of activities, but their focus is associated with subject and game activities. In their content, all the tasks of the development of children of this age should be implemented. General form groups - playful, bright, objective.

In the middle group, such content of the developing environment should prevail, which determines the transitional stage from objective activity to a more developed gaming one. This level should grow, it can be ensured by a smooth transition from secured creative play to the game, forcing the child himself to look for combinations of the game situation, environment, game content, rules and actions. Therefore, gaming equipment gradually gives way to the academic content of activities throughout the year.

Senior group. Here there is a further development of the leading activity, this is the period of the peak of the development of a creative role-playing game, and here special requirements. In order to fulfill the functions of the development of a child of this age, it must first of all be developed itself. Its development depends on the play environment that adults will create. And the more obstacles the child encounters during this period of development of the game, the more effective will be the development of both the child and the game. In the senior group, the main areas of activity are cognitive, intellectual, mathematical, environmental, speech, motor, artistic, research, labor, design in its various forms - construction, technical, artistic, musical, theatrical, etc.

The school-preparatory group is similar in content to the senior group, but differs in content, which fits the program objectives, individual characteristics and needs of children. Here the same approaches to the formation of the environment, maybe a little more content. Speaking about the design of the developing environment for children in the preparatory group, I want to warn the desire of adults to turn this group into classroom with visual aids, geographical and historical maps, diagrams, etc. When creating an environment, working with children, one should always remember the words of the remarkable Russian psychologist A.V. Zankova: “Before you start working with children, ask yourself two questions: Why is this a child? How much will it cost him? There is no need to turn a child's life into a rush of achievements, you just need to be afraid to intensify his aging.

Pedagogical, aesthetic, hygienic and economic requirements are imposed on the developing environment of preschool institutions.

The world of childhood has its own language, its own ideas, its own way of expressing what it sees. Creating his own world, the child forms his image, his personality, lifestyle, unique, individual and different from an adult.

Therefore, I believe that recently the active role of pedagogy in the search for ways to improve the environment as a condition for the formation of personality has been increasing. The formation of personality is an important task of pedagogy, as it allows each child to form ideas about the purpose of life. Having developed an image of the environment, the child begins to compare it with reality, search or transform it in accordance with his ideas. In a preschool institution, the furnishings of all rooms serve one task - the upbringing and development of the child in a team. The creation of such an auspicious environment is a great art, involving a reasonable and beautiful organization space and its elements. This problem is interesting because the interior is created by an architect, designer and artist, and the aesthetics of the interior, beauty and order in the room are organized and supported by the educator.

Exploring the environment, scientists defined its educational potential in different ways: an environment filled with moral and aesthetic values ​​gives a way to live and develop, creates the world as if anew, it has strength and action (V.S. Bibler), forms an attitude towards basic values, promotes the assimilation of social experience and the acquisition of qualities necessary for life (N.V. Guseva, L.P. Bueva); represent an integral socio-cultural system, promotes the spread of new cultural values, stimulates group interests, strengthens relationships (Yu.G. Volkov, V.S. Polikarpov); acts as a way of transforming external relations into internal structure personality (A.V. Mudrik); surrounds, belittles, lures into the orbit of the subject's activity, satisfies his needs (V.A. Nechaev).

L.I. Bozhovich defines the environment as a special combination of internal development processes and external conditions that determine both the dynamics of development and new qualitative formations. She notes that it is very important to understand the nature of the experience of the child included in the environment, the nature of his effective relationship to the environment. This position L.I. Bozhovich made it possible to search for the organization of the environment in two conditions: spiritual-spatial and object-spatial, which ensured not only the child's attitude to the environment, but also his activity in it.

The practical, thoughtful implementation of the developing function of the environment puts the teacher in front of the need to constantly improvise and in the immediate pedagogical activity, and in the mediated one. Today this quality - the ability to improvise - is relevant, because without it the search cannot be realized. pedagogical technology that allows you to interact with the child on the principles of a personality-oriented model.

game pedagogical kindergarten

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In the course of designing a subject-developing environment in a preschool educational institution, the following tasks should be solved:

The study and implementation in practice of new approaches to the organization of the subject-developing and subject-game environment, providing full development preschoolers in the framework of the main educational program of the preschool educational institution;

Organization of a developing environment that promotes the emotional well-being of children, taking into account their needs and interests;

Creation of conditions for providing various types of activities for preschoolers (game, motor, intellectual, independent, creative, artistic, theatrical);

Comfortable conditions for the stay of pupils close to home;

Promoting cooperation between children and adults to create a comfortable subject-developing environment;

Introducing preschoolers to active subject-transformative activities in the interior.

The work begins with the study methodological literature, as well as regulatory documents regulating the choice of equipment, educational and methodological and gaming materials.

During the implementation of the project, teachers act as designers, decorators, puppeteers, tailors, artists, designers, psychologists, craftsmen.

The zoning of the premises is decided in such a way that materials that stimulate the development of cognitive abilities are located in different functional zones. To do this, different centers must be formed within the group space.

Furniture and play equipment in each group, selected taking into account sanitary and psychological and pedagogical requirements, are installed in such a way that the child can find a convenient and comfortable place to study based on the emotional state: far enough away from children and adults or, conversely, allowing to feel close contact with them , or providing for contact and freedom in equal measure. For this purpose, various furniture is used, including multi-level furniture: all kinds of sofas, ottomans and soft modules that move easily. Properly selected and arranged furniture, rationally used space group room allow you to save space, create comfort and bring a "zest" to the interior of each room.

You can create the following play and development centers within the group space:

· role-playing games "We play";

· sensorimotor development "World at hand";

solitude "My little house";


· construction "Little builders";

· physical culture and health-improving "We are sportsmen";

· theatrical "Playing in the theater";

local history;

Creativity "Talented fingers";


Development of speech "Let's speak correctly";

· group library "Hello, book!";

· sand and water;

· nature "Young ecologists";

· experimentation "Young researchers";

· educational games "Erudites".

For example, educational games collected in the Erudite center are aimed at developing imagination, speech, memory, logic, attention (for example, the games "Fold the pattern", "Logic train", Gyenesh blocks, Kuizener's sticks, etc.).

The groups are equipped with magnetic boards, modern carpet makers (carpet lined into cells) created by the hands of teachers.

Play is a reflection of the preschooler's experience. She is a deep difficult process transformation and assimilation of what the child has learned from his environment. In the game, children try to imitate adults. The toys presented in the center of role-playing games "We play" bring preschoolers as close as possible to the objects that surround them in everyday life (for example, a kitchen, a bed, a wardrobe, an ironing board, a table, an armchair, toys, a dressing corner).

To implement gender approaches to raising children, when creating a subject-developing environment, the interests of boys and girls are taken into account, and the necessary attributes for sex role-playing games are selected.

Attributes for older preschoolers are more detailed. Most of the equipment is stored in boxes that have an inscription and a picture to recognize the game. Children choose which game to play on their own.

Particular attention in the preschool educational institution is paid to the aesthetic design of the premises, since the environment plays big role in the formation of personal qualities of preschoolers. The child is in kindergarten all day and the environment should please him, contribute to awakening positive emotions and education good taste. In the interior of all age groups, a bet will be made on the "domestication" of the object environment.

At registration of a preschool educational institution the opinion of the pupils is taken into account, the works made by them under the guidance of teachers in the course of joint activities are used. Inclusion of preschoolers in general process the design of the environment contributes to the development of their aesthetic taste, more careful attitude to the environment that is created with their direct participation, while the children feel comfortable, are not afraid to break or drop something.

Thus, the advantage of the created environment is that it becomes possible to involve all children in active independent activity. Each child chooses an interest class in any center, which ensures a variety of subject content, accessibility and ease of placement of materials. Pupils are less in conflict with each other: they rarely quarrel over games, play space or materials, as they are passionate about interesting activities. The positive emotional mood of preschoolers testifies to their cheerfulness, openness, desire to attend kindergarten. The productivity of independent activity will increase significantly: during the day, children will create and perform many drawings, crafts, stories, experiments, game improvisations, etc.

After analyzing the data obtained during the empirical study, we came to the conclusion that role-playing games of children are characterized by an average level of development, poor in content and themes. IN independent games there is a repeated repetition of plots, without introducing new plot lines by children. Therefore, it is necessary to take measures to increase the level of formation of gaming skills in older preschoolers.
