Correct spelling of a letter sample. How to write a formal request letter - sample

How to write a business letter that will not be lost in the "information garbage" and will be read? Rules, recommendations, examples

The word is an affordable business tool. In the business world, it is impossible to find a person who would not use the word in his work.

Modern business is gradually turning into a correspondence business. With the help of letters - electronic or traditional - there is communication with customers, business partners, employers. The letter positions the author either as a professional or as a person with whom it is not worth continuing a relationship.

A professional must be able to write

  • clear
  • effectively
  • earnestly
  • interesting

And it's never too late to learn. We start with the basics: we comprehend the difference between business and ordinary writing.

How is a business letter different from a regular one? The specifics of a business letter

A letter is a short text of one or two pages, the purpose of which is to convey information to the addressee about something.

The nature of the information and the relationship between the sender and the recipient of the letter divide the correspondence into

  • business (formal)
  • personal (informal)

A business letter is characterized by:

  • conciseness
  • accuracy
  • reasoning and logic
  • informative
  • evaluative and emotional neutrality
  • standardization:
  • official forms are used
  • stable turns of speech, special clerical terms and constructions are used
  • number of topics - 1-2
  • targeting
  • clearly defined subordination (if necessary)

What are the types of business letters?

The type of business letter determines

1. Purpose of writing it

Commercial purposes

  • You want to conclude a deal and offer its specific conditions - write an offer letter (offer) for the addressee

  • If you have not decided on the terms of the transaction acceptable to you, send a request letter
  • Do you want to inform your addressee about the violation of obligations under the contract on his part? Compose a complaint letter

Non-commercial purposes

  • Give thanks in a thank you letter
  • Confirm your obligations with a letter of guarantee, and your consent with a letter of confirmation
  • Write informational letters if you think that your information will be of interest to the addressee
  • Remind about important agreements, obligations, penalties with reminder letters
  • Congratulate in congratulation letters, ask in request letters, condole in condolence letters
  • If you need to send important documents or valuables, be sure to write a cover letter for your shipment

2. Recipient

If you are addressing a letter to several recipients at once, then you are composing a circular letter

Your letter can touch on several topics at the same time, which automatically makes it multifaceted

4. Structure

Regulated letters involve compiling the text part of the letter according to a certain pattern, while unregulated letters have a free form of presentation

5. Form of departure

  • in an envelope
  • electronic
  • by fax

The structure of a business letter: introduction, body, conclusion

The structure of a standard business letter requires more careful consideration.

A well-formed letter must follow the following pattern:

Let's take a closer look at some points of the scheme:

1. Title

As a rule, this is a summary of the subject of the letter.

Important: Compose the heading correctly if you want the recipient to read your letter.

The absence of headings in business correspondence is typical for beginners who do not have basic business correspondence skills.

2. Handling

  • has the traditional form "Dear"
  • capitalized in the middle of the line

Important: The use of abbreviations in circulation is prohibited!

3. Preamble

  • introduces the recipient to the main idea of ​​the letter
  • prepares the addressee for the correct perception of the subsequent information contained in the letter

4. The main body of the text justifies the key idea stated in the preamble

This part of the letter

  • you clearly indicate the essence of the proposal / appeal
  • give arguments: facts, figures, other specifics on the subject of the letter. expert opinion, own positive/negative experience

For convenience of justification, the following scheme can be used:

Important: The last paragraph should contain a phrase that indicates a specific step or expected result and encourage the addressee to take action.

5. In conclusion:

6. In the "Signature" window, information about the addressee must be indicated:

  • job title

How not to make a mistake in choosing a writing style?

In business correspondence, you constantly have to make choices regarding the style of writing and the tone of communication with the addressee. How dry, formal, official or, on the contrary, lively, warm, humane, should your message be?

  • Personal style in business correspondence emphasizes the individual qualities of the person who wrote the letter.
  • When using a formal style, facts are stated and appropriate conclusions are drawn based on them.
  • Personal style involves communication between the author of the letter and the addressee on an equal footing.
  • The formal style demonstrates a clear subordination and strength that the reader of the letter has to reckon with.

In order to choose the right communication style in a business letter, consider:

  • in what weight categories are you and your addressee
  • you want to negotiate in a good way or put pressure from a position of strength

How to stick to the chosen style?

personal style

  • Presence of personal pronouns: I, we, you
    For example: I apologize to you and sincerely hope that such mistakes will not happen again.
  • Direct appeals and requests
    For example: Please do not leave personal belongings unattended.
  • Use of emotional evaluative expressions: stellar youth, deafening failure

formal style

  • Replacing personal pronouns with abstract nouns
    For example: The administration of the cinema sincerely apologizes for the change in the schedule of evening screenings
  • Replacing personal appeals and requests with statements
    For example: Please do not leave personal belongings unattended
  • Use of conventional clericalism: I bring to your knowledge, due to the fact that

The formal style is categorically not suitable if you are writing a letter of gratitude or a letter of condolence, that is, those business letters in which you need to express feelings. In a situation where you are writing a request letter or an offer letter, it is also better to stick to a personal style.

What is a claim letter and how to write it? How is it different from other types of letters?

Important: When composing a letter, focus the attention of the addressee on exactly what actions you expect from him. Also, set specific deadlines for the implementation of the tasks you set.

Complaint letter template will help you write it correctly:

What is a response letter and how to write it?

There are two types of letters of advice:

  • rejection letter
  • positive response letter

Composing both types of letters has two general rules (provided that the initiative letter was written correctly):
1. The vocabulary and speech patterns of the initiative letter are preserved in the response letter
2. The text of the response letter should not contain information about

  • date of writing the letter of initiation
  • his registration number

An example of a friendly and correct rejection letter is shown below:

However, giving up doesn't always have to be gentle. There are situations when a tough and strict style of communication is needed. Below is a rejection letter template for all occasions, from hard to soft:

Information letter: its difference from letters of response and letters of complaint

The information letter is multifunctional:

  • informs (for example, about price changes in price lists)
  • notifies (of the re-election of members of the board of directors)
  • notifies (of the shipment of goods)
  • declares (intentions)
  • confirms (receipt of goods)
  • reminds (of the fulfillment of obligations assumed under the contract)
  • advertises and informs (about the company in general, about goods / services in particular)

Perhaps the most pressing issue today is the question of how to write an advertising and information letter.

1. Lack of structure
2. The presence of slang or informal vocabulary in the text of the letter
3. Sloppy design
4. An abundance of spelling, syntactic, stylistic errors
5. Lack of reliable facts, objective information in the letter
6. Violation of elementary rules of politeness (especially in complaint letters)
7. Use of cumbersome and incomprehensible sentences in the text
8. Lack of logic in the presentation of the material
9. Absence of transcripts of abbreviations
10. General blurring of the text in the case of its aimless compilation

What else do you need to know about business letters?

1. For modern business correspondence, the method of block structure of text composition is used.
This method saves time and maintains the overall style of all business documentation. A characteristic feature of the method is open punctuation or the absence of periods / commas (for example, when making lists)

2. A sans-serif font (for example, Arial) can be used for the title of the letter. Such a font is subconsciously perceived as stable and solid.

3. Body text should use serif fonts (Times News Roman). Serifs make it easier for the eyes to move from letter to letter, making reading faster

Important: There are letters that are always written by hand!
These are letters of congratulations, letters of condolence, letters of gratitude

A large amount of useful information regarding the drafting of texts for business letters can be found in the video from Sasha Karepina.

Video: How to write cover letters and resumes

Video: "Learning from storytellers." Secrets of selling texts

Constant correspondence and emails have become everyday means of communicating with friends today, but writing a letter is a more traditional, effective way to put a smile on your friend's face. If you're writing an email the old fashioned way, the format is still the same: a letter to a friend should include a greeting, questions to a friend, news from your life, and an appropriate ending.


Beginning of a letter

Main part

    Start with nice things. The first part of a friendly letter is usually warm and cheerful. This can set the tone for the entire email, letting the recipient know what's next and making the email sound more serious or businesslike. Write a greeting in a few lines, tell a joke, or write about the weather.

    • "How are you?" or "How are you?" - the most common ways to start a letter. Ask a question so that the letter seems to be part of a long conversation. If you want to receive a response to the letter, fill it with questions.
    • You can use the first paragraph of the letter to ask the recipient in more detail about his life. For example: “I hope that little Yulenka likes kindergarten. I can't believe she's grown so much!"
    • The beginning of the letter often refers to the time of year. Think about how to start a small conversation that develops into a deep conversation. For example: “I hope autumn does not darken your mood. The trees in the area have become so beautiful. I still think the winter will be cold.”
  1. Share news and details from your life. Now it's time for the body of the letter and the purpose of writing it. Why did you start this correspondence? Do you want to reconnect with an old friend, express how much you miss them, or thank them for their help? Be honest, open and try to clearly convey your thoughts on paper.

    • Write about what is happening in your life. Despite the nature of the letter, your letter will be appreciated, but stories about your life will bring your addressee and you closer. Thus, the letter will be more effective and open. Tell us what happened, what emotions did you experience, and what plans do you have for the future.
    • Do not describe your life in too much detail, otherwise the purpose of a friendly letter will be lost. Avoid the newspaper holiday template - your friend will immediately start reading the letter from the end if you list all your merits. No need to dive into the pool of your own problems, but be realistic when talking about yourself.
  2. Choose topics that directly relate to your friend. What was your friend doing the last time you met him? Maybe he broke up with his soulmate? Perhaps he had a hard time on the football team? Tune in by referring to familiar topics and ask questions to show your interest in a friend's business.

    • You can discuss topics that interest both of you. State your views on art, politics, recent events, or other areas of life that you would like to discuss with a friend.
    • You can offer to watch movies or read books that you think your friend might like. The exchange of valuable information is always welcome in letters.

Letter Completion

  1. Close the discussion. Write a final paragraph conveying best wishes to a friend or loved one. The last paragraph is usually lighter in terms of emotional load, but it should correspond to the general atmosphere of the letter. End the letter on a positive note to get your friend into your mood.

    • Repeat the purpose of the letter again. For example, if you invited a friend to a party, write the following: "I hope you come!" If you just want to wish a friend a good time, write something like: "Happy New Year!"
    • Inspire a friend to write back. If you want to be answered, write: “I hope for a speedy answer,” or: “Please write an answer!”
  2. Write an ending. It should convey the mood of your letter, depending on its tone: formal or informal. Like a greeting, the ending is determined by the nature of your relationship with the addressee. Complete the letter with your name.

    • If you want to formally end the letter, write: "Sincerely," "Respectfully," or "Best regards."
    • If the letter is written in an informal tone, use phrases such as "Your...", "Take care of yourself," or "Bye."
    • If the letter is personal, write "Love", "Love you very much", or "Miss you".
  3. Consider a postscript. Postscriptum (Latin post scriptum (P.S.) - “after what was written”), as a rule, is used at the end of a friendly letter as a method of additional information that is not worth taking a separate paragraph to it in the main part. You can also add an interesting joke, or just omit the postscript. In any case, make sure that the postscript matches the tone of the letter and gives your recipient the feeling that you want to see him.

“The most difficult thing for a person is given that which is not given to him.”
M. Zhvanetsky

Probably, everyone at least once in their life had to deal with the fact that there was an urgent need to write a business letter to the head of a commercial company, partner, official, or at worst, to the housing office. But if you consider yourself a businessman, even a beginner, or are going to open your own business, even in the distant future, you must learn how to write business letters competently.

So what is the difference between a simple letter and a business letter?

First of all, the absence of emotional components, and the predominance of logic and pragmatic a rational statement of your request or proposal. A businessman, company owner or head of a large, and even not very large enterprise, unlike just a “consumer”, is unlikely to be interested in your emotional and inspirational letter to him with a request about cooperation, providing assistance or establishing any other friendly relations.

First of all, you must understand that writing a business letter is how you write it to the point! Many will now say to themselves what a “pun”, it is clear that a Business letter differs from the rest in a clear understanding: “To whom”, “Why” and “Why”. I read a lot of letters and proposals, and, unfortunately, in some letters the meaning constantly slipped away, and at the end of the letter it was not at all clear what the author wanted to ask or offer.

Therefore, so that the meaning and idea of ​​the letter does not “spread through the tree”, you must answer the following questions for yourself:

  1. To whom are you writing a letter, did you make a mistake with the addressee?
  2. Why are you writing a letter, what do you want to offer or ask? Are your arguments clear, style of presentation and are they convincing your arguments for the Addressee? And what benefit will he get from cooperation with you?
  3. Why are you doing this? What result do you want to get? What further actions do you intend to "provoke" the Addressee?

For business letters, the corresponding GOST R 6.30-2003 has been developed, which describes the basic requirements for the content and execution of documents. You can familiarize yourself with this GOST in more detail by purchasing it at a business book store, and using it in the future when processing your office work.

But, I would like to pay special attention to some important points:

  1. The heading of a business letter should contain an appeal to the Addressee. It is issued a little below the registration number: in the upper right corner, the position and full name are indicated. Addressee. Below you can specify the Subject of the letter. Even lower, in the center, an Appeal is drawn up. In the appeal, respect should be expressed using generally accepted words: “Dear”, “Mr.”, “Madam” (abbreviations are not allowed). The cap is usually highlighted in bold.

For example:

Ref. No. 01 dated 04/20/2012

on Vh. No. 01 - RiK dated 01/01/1930


LLC "Horns and Hooves"

Bender O.I.

"About a batch of defective horns,

delivered on 01.01.1930"

Dear Ostap Ibrahimovich,

  1. Introduction. In the introduction, it is necessary to briefly define the essence of the letter. You can start traditionally: “I bring to your attention ...”, “I ask you ...”, “At present ...”, etc. - if the letter is written in the first person.

If the appeal comes from a legal entity, then the narration comes from a third person (For example, “Our enterprise offers ...”).

Moreover, both in the introduction and in the following text of the letter, the pronoun you and all its forms (you, you, your) should be written with a capital letter.

  1. In the conclusion of the letter, the results of what has been written are summed up; a request or proposal is often written. For example: "Given the above, I ask you ...".
  2. The main text of a business letter traditionally ends with the phrase: “Respectfully, ...” - if a neutral address is intended. If you are personally acquainted with the Addressee, then you can end the letter with the phrase - "Sincerely yours, ...".

For example:

Yours sincerely,

Underground millionaire (signature) A.I. Koreiko

Position, full name (first name and patronymic are printed, and then the surname), the signature is put in one's own hand.

  1. The business letter ends with information about the sender, which should contain his full name. (preferably in full) position, and contact phone number. This is necessary if the Addressee or their representative needs to be contacted for additional information. You can also indicate the responsible person (full name), and his contact phone number. By the way, do not forget to indicate the area code along with the phone number. Do not force the Recipient to spend time searching for this information.

I also want to draw your attention to some points related to the presentation of the letter itself. At one time I used various options for the presentation of the letter, up to before use NLP, but all this was of little practical use, since the style of business writing itself is very conservative, and letters that do not match this style, they simply did not go beyond the “customs control”, represented by the company secretary. Therefore, I refused from experiments and began to write, as required by the business style.

Remember, your letter should contain three main sections, these are introduction, reasoning and conclusion. Many authors of the letter immediately get down to business, without introducing the interlocutor into the course of this matter. Of course, if the letter is long enough, the businessman may or may not read the introduction, but will jump straight to the point. But he can also return to the beginning of the letter if this "essence" interests him. In conclusion, you need to write what you want to receive. There should not be any double interpretations in the letter, only one clear thought through your entire letter. To do this, it would be nice to recall Aristotle, who, 300 years before our era, considered the logic of propositions and formulated logical laws based on it:

  1. The law of identity - the concept must be used in the same meaning in the course of reasoning;
  2. The law of contradiction - "do not contradict yourself";
  3. The law of the excluded middle - "A" or "not-A" is true, there is no third.

According to the writing rules, the main part of a business letter should logically disclose the content of the request or proposal, making it understandable to the Addressee. All previous paragraphs should flow logically into the next. Provide specific facts and figures as needed. And don't forget that "brevity is the sister of Talent". Remember that too long text can "tire" the Recipient, he may put off your letter, and not find out what is the point of your unique offer.

And only after you consider that your letter is finally written, be sure to check it for spelling and punctuation errors. Check again its logical sequence and the readability of the entire text (it is best to read it aloud).

If you inadvertently or in a hurry make spelling mistakes, then this will be an embarrassment. How can one "do business" with a company that distributes error messages? Be carefull!

In conclusion, I would like to say that your letter will also be greeted first by “clothing”, you need to pay special attention to the quality of the paper on which the letter is printed, to the design, whether the letter will lose its shape during transportation, whether they want to take it in hand. If everything is fine in this regard, then a neat, logically consistent, revealing essence, well-written business letter will incline the Addressee to positive decision in your favor. Write letters!

Business letter is a business correspondence tool that plays an important role in terminating or maintaining mutually beneficial and friendly relations with partners, suppliers, customers, employees. A well-written business letter allows you to create a positive image of the organization. Our website contains samples of writing and formatting different types of business letters.

business letter samples

Thank You Letter

A letter of thanks is a business letter that contains words of gratitude for some reason: for professional work, quality services, etc. A letter of gratitude can be addressed to the organization as a whole or to a specific person. It can be a response letter to an initiative letter: a letter of congratulations, an invitation letter, or an initiative letter written on the compiler's own initiative. How to write a thank you letter Thank you letter

Thank you letter to teacher

A letter of thanks to the teacher is a business letter that expresses gratitude to the kindergarten teacher for his painstaking work in raising children on behalf of the director of the preschool institution or the parents of the children. How to write a letter of thanks to a teacher A letter of thanks to a kindergarten teacher has the same form as a regular business letter and consists of the following structural elements: Document header. Contains the position, surname and initials of the educator in ...

Thank you letter to doctor

A letter of thanks to a doctor is a business letter that expresses gratitude to the doctor for the assistance provided in recovery. A letter of gratitude is written on behalf of the patient or relatives of the patient. How to write a letter of thanks to a doctor A letter of thanks to a doctor has the same form as a business letter: Header of the letter - full name of the doctor or head physician of the healthcare institution in the dative case (written as needed). Appeal - the name of the doctor to whom it is expressed ...

Thank you letter for cooperation

A letter of thanks for cooperation is a business letter that expresses gratitude on behalf of the head of the organization to his partner for the high-quality and timely delivery of goods, work performed, services rendered. How to write a letter of thanks for cooperation A letter of thanks for cooperation has the same details as a business letter: Letter header. The position, surname and initials of the employee of the organization are written, to whom words of gratitude are addressed for ...

Thank you letter from the organization

A letter of gratitude from an organization is a business letter that expresses gratitude for the successful negotiation, meeting and time spent, hospitality during a business trip, etc. How to write a letter of thanks to an organization A letter of thanks from a company has the details of a business letter: Document header - full name of an official of the organization to which gratitude is expressed. Appeal - full name of the official of the organization to which the words of gratitude are addressed ....

Thank you letter to parents

A letter of thanks to parents is a business letter that expresses gratitude to the parents of graduates of a school or kindergarten for the good upbringing of their children, active participation in the life of a group, class and educational institution, helping a school, kindergarten, etc. A letter of gratitude is drawn up on behalf of the director, class teacher, educator or head teacher. How to write a letter of thanks to parents A letter of thanks to parents of graduates consists of the following structural ...

Thank you letter to an employee

A letter of thanks to an employee is a business letter that expresses gratitude to the employee for his work, contribution to the development of the company, conscientious attitude to work, etc. A letter of gratitude is compiled on behalf of the head of the organization in honor of some significant event: anniversary, professional holiday, etc. How to write a thank you letter to an employee A thank you letter to an employee has the same form and structure as a regular business letter: Document header. AT...

Thank you letter to a student

A letter of gratitude to a pupil or student is a business letter that expresses gratitude to the student for academic success, for active social activities, participation in sports life, etc. A letter of gratitude is drawn up on behalf of the principal of the school, the rector of the university. How to write a letter of thanks to a student, a student Gratitude to a student, a student is written in any form. The text of the letter of thanks contains words of gratitude to the student, student. Below, under the text of the letter, ...

Thank you letter to teacher

A letter of thanks to a teacher is a business letter that expresses gratitude to the teacher, class teacher for the work of raising and educating children on behalf of the director of an educational institution or the parents of student children. How to write a letter of thanks to a teacher A letter of thanks to a teacher has the details of a business letter: The heading of the document - it indicates the name of the teacher to whom the words of gratitude are sent. An optional structural element of a thank you letter...

Types of business letters

Letter of guarantee

A letter of guarantee is a non-commercial business letter that contains a confirmation (guarantee) of the performance of some actions or compliance with certain conditions: the terms and fact of payment for the products received, work performed or services rendered, quality assurance, etc. In other words, a letter of guarantee is a way to ensure the fulfillment of an obligation by a party to a transaction. A letter of guarantee may be drawn up in response to a letter of claim. How to write a letter of guarantee Form of a guarantee ...

Letter of guarantee for the provision of a legal address

A letter of guarantee on the provision of a legal address is a business letter that contains confirmation of the fact of concluding a lease agreement with an existing company or the intention of the owner of non-residential premises to lease it after the state registration of a new legal entity. In other words, it guarantees the right to conclude a lease agreement in the future. This letter is submitted to the registration authority and is compiled at the request of the tenant. How to write a letter of guarantee for...

Letter of guarantee for employment

A letter of guarantee for employment is a business letter that contains a guarantee of the conclusion of an employment contract between the employer and the employee. Most often, it is necessary to provide it to the FMS when an employee moves to another country. How to write a letter of guarantee for employment The form of a letter of guarantee for employment contains the following details: number and date of the document; the recipient of the letter - the name of the organization and the full name of the official to whom it is addressed, or the text: ...

Payment guarantee letter

A payment guarantee letter is a business letter that confirms the terms and fact of payment for products received, services rendered or work performed. A letter of guarantee for payment can be a response to a letter of claim. How to write a letter of guarantee for payment of debt The form of a letter of guarantee contains the following details: the number and date of the document; the recipient of the letter - the name of the organization and the full name of the official to whom it is addressed; Title of the document -...

Drafting a business letter

Before writing a business letter, think about what end result you want to achieve: increase sales, speed up the payment process, offer cooperation, make claims, congratulate, invite, and more. In accordance with this, compose a business letter, trying to emphasize your goal as much as possible.

Formatting a business letter

Registration of a business letter is carried out on the letterhead of the company, which should indicate the name of the organization, location address, contact numbers, possibly e-mail, website, logo.

A business letter must be printed using margins: the left margin must be at least 3 cm (for filing documents), on the right - at least 1.5 cm.

The heading of a business letter should contain the name of the recipient company, indicating the full name and position of the recipient person (in the upper right corner).

In the upper left corner under the heading of a business letter, the date of writing and the registration number (outgoing) are indicated. If the business letter is a reply letter, then it is necessary to indicate to which document this letter responds.

As necessary, after the date and number of the document, its title is indicated.

A business letter should contain an appeal to the recipient of the letter.

At the end of the business letter, the signature of the sender (full name, position, signature) must be present.

For official business correspondence, Times New Roman is usually used with a 12-point font size and single spacing.

Probably, everyone at least once had to deal with the need to write a business letter. When compiling it, you involuntarily come to the conclusion that it is not at all easy. There are many rules and regulations for writing business letters that you need to know. The article describes in detail the process of drafting a document, provides samples of a business letter, discusses their types and design.


Ready-made forms will give solidity and indicate the reliability of the company. They contain essential information about the organization, such as:

  • Name.
  • Address.
  • Contact phone numbers.
  • Website.
  • Email.
  • Logo.
  • Other contact details.

There are no strict rules on the forms. Therefore, each organization independently decides what information to put in them.

How to write business letters correctly? Training

Business letters are written and executed in a certain way, obeying their inherent rules and requirements. Depending on the goal, the author thinks through the content in detail in order to get the result he calculates. He must clearly understand what information the addressee already knows on the subject of the letter, what to proceed from and what will be new in it. Arguments depend on what purpose the author pursues. The process of preparing a business letter can be divided into the following stages:

  • The study of the issue.
  • Writing a draft letter.
  • His agreement.
  • Signing.
  • Registration.
  • Sending to the addressee.

Structure of business letters

When compiling a letter, it is necessary to saturate it with information, that is, put all the necessary information there. It can be simple or complex. In a simple letter, the content clearly and concisely displays information that generally does not require a response from the addressee. Complex may consist of several sections, paragraphs and paragraphs. Each paragraph presents one aspect of the information. Samples of this type of business letter usually consist of an introductory, main and final parts.

Below is an example of writing a business letter - its introductory part.

The main part describes situations, events, their analysis and evidence. It is in this part that they convince that it is necessary to act in one way or another, prove how things were and inform about the need to participate in any event, citing various arguments.

The conclusion contains conclusions that are made in the form of proposals, requests, reminders, refusals, and so on.

An example of writing a business letter - its final part - is presented below. This summarizes the requirement stated in the main.

All information provided should be optimally consistent and understandable for perception.

Each email starts with a center-aligned message. This little part is extremely important. When choosing it, the author should consider:

  • The position of the addressee.
  • The nature of the relationship.
  • Officiality.
  • Etiquette.

The letter must end with a polite form. For example: "... I express hope for further cooperation (thanks for the invitation) ...". These phrases are followed by the signature of the author.


All letters must be in a formal business style, which means using the means of speech for a formal business relationship. The features of such a language are formed under the following circumstances:

  • The main participants in business relations are legal entities, on behalf of whose managers and officials letters are written.
  • Relationships in organizations are strictly regulated.
  • The subject of communication is the activity of the company.
  • Documents of a managerial nature generally have a specific addressee.
  • Often in the course of an organization's activities, the same situations occur.

In this regard, the information contained in the business letter should be:

  • Official, impersonal, emphasizing the distance between the participants in communication.
  • Address, intended for a specific addressee.
  • Current at the time of writing.
  • Reliable and impartial.
  • Reasoned to induce the recipient to take any action.
  • Complete for decision making.


A business letter must meet the following requirements:

  • Speech is standardized at all levels - lexical, morphological and syntactic. It contains many turns, terms and formulas.
  • The tone of writing is neutral, restrained and strict, without the use of emotional and expressive language expressions.
  • The accuracy and clarity of the text, without logical errors, the clarity and thoughtfulness of the wording.
  • Conciseness and brevity - without the use of expressions that carry additional meaning.
  • The use of language formulas formed as a result of repetitive situations.
  • The use of terms, that is, words or phrases that have special concepts.
  • The use of abbreviations, which can be lexical (that is, compound words formed by removing letters from parts of words: OOO, GOST, and so on) and graphic (that is, the designation of words in abbreviated form: grn, zhd, etc.).
  • The use of constructions in the genitive and instrumental cases.
  • Phrases with verbal nouns ("support" instead of "support").
  • Using simple common sentences.

The above examples of a business letter below are shown in the full version (with the main part). The information meets all the requirements of the official business style.

Types of business letters

It is best to write a business letter on any one specific issue. If you need to solve several issues at once, it is recommended to draw up several different options.

Business letters can be in their content:

  • Accompanying. Such letters are usually needed to inform about where to send the documents.
    (How to write a business letter? A sample cover letter will help those who need to write this kind of document.)

  • Warranty. They are written to confirm any promises or conditions. It can be guaranteed, for example, payment for work, rent, delivery times, and more.
  • Thank you. They have been used more and more frequently in recent years. Such letters demonstrate the good tone of partnerships. They can be issued on a regular letterhead or on colored paper with a beautiful print.
    (How to write a business letter? A sample of a thank-you variety is drawn up in a free form depending on the tasks that it solves. In this case, the letter expresses its essence in the shortest form. Such a sample, made on colored paper with an ornament, can hang on the wall in the room companies in a place of honor.)

  • Informational.
  • Instructive.
  • Congratulatory.
  • Advertising.

There are also letters:

  • Proposals about cooperation. Quite common in recent times, sent to organizations, are often promotional in nature, for example, like this sample. It is quite difficult to write commercial letters, you need to take into account many nuances so that they pay attention to it, and even more so get interested. But if you make it according to the model below, it has every chance of success.

  • Invitations. They are sent, offering to participate in various events. Usually they are addressed to the leader or official, but they can also be addressed to the whole team.
  • Requests.
  • Notifications.
  • requests and many more.

How to write a response to a letter. Example

The answer should begin with a repetition of the request set out in the first letter. Then the results of its consideration are given and approval or reason for refusal is expressed. A business response letter may contain an alternative solution to the expected information. It usually follows the following principles:

  • The presence of a link to the first letter and its content.
  • The same language means.
  • Comparable volumes and aspects of content.
  • Compliance with a certain sequence.


In addition to using letterhead business letters, you need to take into account other subtleties in their design. These are details, rules for abbreviations, spelling of the address, heading, text length, field width and more.

Samples of a business letter help to compose it, taking into account all the subtleties and nuances. They are used by both novice clerks and experienced workers. Thanks to the samples, they learn how to write letters correctly and save a lot of time.
