A telephone interview is an example of a conversation. telephone etiquette

Not all necessary professions are equally popular in society, especially among young people. Among the mass professions, there are many that require an average skill level from an employee - a cashier, a sales assistant, a call center operator, social workers, etc. How to attract people to a non-prestigious job?

The problem is that employers are interested in keeping responsible employees in these positions, but cannot offer them high salaries or special creative tasks. From the point of view of employees, such vacancies can be classified as unpopular. And from the point of view of a recruiter - to difficult ones, because you have to select only those candidates who meet:

  • position profile;
  • certain corporate requirements.

I have been working at Global Bilgi for more than four years. The team grew and developed before my eyes. Three years ago, when I was recruiting, everything was much simpler: there were fewer competitors, the projects were quite simple, hardworking and active applicants came to us. Behind Last year projects have become more complex and technologically advanced, and the selection has become three times tougher, although the flow of candidates has hardly grown. On the other hand, the number of competitors has increased, and candidates on the labor market have an opinion that it is worse and harder work than the operator, there is nothing.

The company had to change its HR strategy:

  • more efforts were made to retain and develop employees;
  • in order to attract new candidates, they gradually began to form an employer brand;
  • reviewed the assessment center - made it more practical and understandable for applicants.

Efforts began to bear fruit: the proportion of people coming to the introductory training (from the number of invitees) slightly increased. When it turned out that this was not enough, I had to reconsider other stages of recruiting ...

This is where we got to the phone interview. In fact, our recruiters have always done it well, rigidly following the script: “question - answer; question - answer ... ”But something was wrong.

After analyzing the problem, we came to the conclusion: we position ourselves as an outsourcing call center that knows how to sell, for our operators “the ability to sell” is the main competence. But our recruiters - researchers (researchers) do not know how to sell, and do not even try!

Having identified the problem, we began to look for ways to solve it. How did it go before telephone interview with candidates? We spent five to ten minutes on the call - we asked standard questions, not always thinking about the fact that a person’s decision largely depends on these questions: will he choose our company among identical offers?

The telephone interview is a rather effective tool and, despite its simplicity, is very useful in initial stage selection of suitable candidates. Personal communication helps to find out the missing information, or, conversely, to communicate what we are not ready to publish in the vacancy announcement.

In general, the interview should be considered as a two-way tool, because it can be used to:

  1. Primary selection of candidates who responded to the vacancy. Under selection in this case This means cutting off obviously unsuitable applicants - according to parameters that obviously do not correspond to the profile of the vacancy. For example, the criteria "general literacy" and "absence of speech defects" are defining for the position of "operator", but they are not amenable to remote research (by resume or questionnaire).
  2. Attracting "passive" candidates - those who did not show interest in the vacancy (outgoing calls on resumes).

Speaking of an unpopular vacancy, we know in advance what the motivational profile of most candidates will be - the criteria for choosing a job and their priorities are predictable. The order (in order of importance of motives will be something like this:

1) wages;
2) work schedule;
3) office location;
4) type of employment.

There are others, of course, but in most cases the decision is made on the basis of this information.

Of course, if during the day a candidate receives five calls with identical offers from different employers, he also begins to pay attention to reviews about the company in open sources, recalls a conversation with a researcher. This is where it works additional factor- "attitude towards a person in the process of conversation." This becomes important, because “ceteris paribus” it is the first phone call that demonstrates to the candidate the corporate culture of the company, its values ​​and standards. Yes, respectful attitude and a pleasant atmosphere is very easy to demonstrate in the office, giving a person the opportunity to observe employees for at least five minutes or ask them questions ... But whether he comes to the office depends on the call.

A well-conducted telephone interview influences a number of factors ( table).

Important points for conducting a telephone interview




The number of candidates who came for an interview

People also choose, and the more mass the profession, the more final decision depends on them.

What if I'm going with a friend? I told him, and he liked the conditions very much. He also wants to work for you. Can?


Did the person feel that he would be welcome? Did he want to learn more about the company after talking with the recruiter?


Reviews about the company influence the perception of the recruiter's arguments during the interview
Emotions from communication affect the perception of the employer

A friend advised me, you called him. But he won’t be able to combine it with his studies ... Can I come to you for an interview?

What needs to be done to conduct a quality interview?

A. Find out the name of the interlocutor and do not forget to repeat it several times throughout the conversation. This will demonstrate your respect and help to dispose him to frankness, because a personal appeal is pleasant to everyone ☺.

B. Start simple. It is very important to concentrate during the call, and better - half a minute before it. It has long been tested and proven: it is the greeting phrase, or rather, its intonation and content that directly determine the style of the upcoming dialogue and its results.

IN. The candidate should feel that the recruiter is happy with his call.

G. We call not just to offer a vacancy or answer the candidate's questions (if the call is incoming), we try to "sell" it.

D. Separately, I would like to note the need to develop the correct structure of the conversation for the first call to the candidate. It is very important! Even the best “salespeople” always keep a script in front of their eyes (a typical conversation scenario, a step-by-step recording of all its stages, including a list of sample questions and answers to frequently asked questions). They also have a couple of important phrases in reserve that you should always pay attention to. Special attention. Explanatory "tips" help the seller feel confident, speak consistently, meaningfully and concisely.

Here is a typical script structure:

1. Greeting and establishing contact. The greeting should be concise. You need to speak legibly and slowly, because it is important for us that the candidate correctly understands who is calling him and why. It is also very important at the stage of greeting to clarify whether a person has the opportunity to pay attention to a full discussion of the vacancy, since we take away his personal time.

Sample conversation pattern:

Good afternoon, (name of candidate)! My name is ______, I am a Human Resources Specialist at _______. I want to offer you a job in our company. Can you talk now?

2. Identification of need. You can, of course, do without this item, immediately informing the candidate of all the advantages of the vacancy. But as often happens: what is good for one is not suitable for another. So if you start with a few simple questions, then you will be able to present your vacancy in the most attractive form for a particular applicant. For example:

  • What vacancies are you willing to consider?
  • What is the first thing you pay attention to when choosing a job?
  • "How will you choose?"
  • “Have you heard of our company before?”

In addition, at this stage, the recruiter may decide to end the conversation - if the needs and interests of the applicant are completely at odds with the company's offer.

3. Presentation of working conditions and official duties . It will be much easier to communicate the benefits and tasks that will have to be solved in this position, knowing what is important for this particular person. For example:

“Global Bilgi is an international company with a leading position among the world's contact centers. We work with companies such as _________________________.

We currently have a job opening for _______. This vacancy is fully consistent with your wishes for ________ (we list what we found out at the beginning of the conversation).

The duty is only one: to help the client in solving problems. Most of your time will be spent on:

  • phone consultations;
  • search for answers on the company's website;
  • fixing appeals;
  • drawing up applications for connection / diagnostics.

Most often, customers contact the contact center when they need:

  • assistance in choosing services / tariffs;
  • technical advice on setting up the Internet;
  • consideration of complaints and disputes”.

It is also important to say that:

  • where is the office located;
  • what conditions of employment are offered;
  • that the company provides introductory training.

4. Discussion. You need to go to this stage even in the process of presenting the conditions. It is important to find out from the candidate his salary expectations, how convenient the office location is for him, etc., and also to give him guarantees that introductory training will be provided. The task of the recruiter here is to interest the candidate so much that he wants to come and see everything with his own eyes. We usually say at the end:

I told and asked about everything that was important to me, now it's your turn.

If the needs of the applicant are not identified at the very beginning of the conversation or are not fully defined, then the discussion may develop into a fight with objections. In this case, you need to return to the stage of identifying needs - to find out:

  • what is important for the candidate in work;
  • what he would like to avoid.

5. Completion. By the end of the conversation, the recruiter should give himself the answer: is he ready to invite this candidate for an interview?

It is important to immediately inform the candidate about decision and his reasons. The worst option is to tell a person “on the forehead” that he is not suitable and why exactly he is bad. It is best to report unpleasant information using the "sandwich" method: "wrap" the refusal in a positive - not only objectively analyze why the identified shortcomings are incompatible with the position, but also emphasize the merits of the candidate.

For example:

“You have demonstrated good communication skills and understanding of Internet technologies. This is very important for this position. At the same time, competent Russian speech is also important for us, and you use a lot of Ukrainianisms.”

If a positive decision is made, the recruiter must:

  • tell the candidate how to get to the office, suggest how to find it easier;
  • give a contact phone number and offer to call if you have additional questions;
  • recall your name.

Thanks to good attitude employees who are already loyal to the company will come to candidates at all stages of selection, and those who for some reason did not come up will advise interested applicants. In our practice, there was a case: three people were invited, and seven came. Sometimes we say to the most deserving candidates: “Your skills and knowledge will be very useful in this position. And if you have friends with the same level of training, then come together.” This works very well - as a rule, candidates choose smart friends, so most interviews are successful. IN worst case Only one candidate will pass, but it will be the strongest!

Basic mistakes. A recruiter can also make the mistake of missing out on a worthy candidate. And because of some blunders, the entire company can lose the trust of the labor market. What mistakes are made most often? Recruiter:

  • Corresponds by mail during a conversation with the candidate. But distracted, he may miss important points, and the candidate will come to the conclusion that he is not interesting to the interlocutor.
  • Doesn't record/memorize responses. As a result, he asks for the same information over and over, giving the impression of an inattentive and indifferent listener (and will not be able to add “you said that ...” in a personal meeting).
  • Doesn't ask questions key points positions, therefore invites those who clearly do not meet the requirements. As a result, the company will not acquire an employee, and the candidate will remain dissatisfied, because he wasted time and money on the road.

For example: already at the interview, the applicant learns that the company has a “floating” work schedule, with priority given to morning shifts, and the opportunity to work in the evening hours is important for him (he didn’t say on the phone, but we forgot to ask). The person is indignant, and most importantly, he is ready to talk about his negative emotions"to the whole world."

  • Scornful of those who are unsuitable or "unworthy". This is a direct threat to the employer brand! Everyone knows that the negative is remembered better. If there is nothing unusual in the interview, then the candidate will not remember about it ... But if he did not like the tone or words of the recruiter, then, believe me, he will not be silent! All friends, relatives, neighbors and just random people will find out about the insult. Of course, how violent the reaction will be depends largely on the temperament and sociability of the interlocutor, but it’s better to part with people “in a good way”.

If the company consistently builds an HR brand, maintains a positive corporate culture, and generally cares about employees, then recruiting should also be professional and positive. If the phone interview works to strengthen the employer brand, both the candidate and the recruiter will benefit from it. And the business will definitely not lose!

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the editors of the magazine

This is the initial selection stage before an interview in the office and a position. Can you make it successful? In this article, we will consider an example of a telephone interview.

general information

The hiring manager prefers the phone interview to a face-to-face meeting because he thus can communicate with a much larger number of people than when meeting.

It can be concluded that start preparing for the interview in advance, preferably immediately after sending the resume.

An approximate algorithm for passing a telephone interview, questions and answers:

  1. Before the phone interview, write down the questions (and the answers to them). What does the company do? What will you be doing directly? What will be your working hours? What is the size of your future wages? Is she white? And so on.
  2. Ask people close to you to evaluate your speech and your voice while you are talking on the phone. The phone may be distorting sound or there is interference. Perhaps the voice sounds slurred or the speed of speech is fast from excitement.
  3. If you get a call from a recruiter and you feel uncomfortable talking, apologize. Confirm that you are interested in the position and ask when you can call back. Specify the phone number and name of the person to be contacted.
  4. Talk in a room where no one can disturb you during the interview.
  5. Eliminate loud sounds so as not to annoy the interlocutor. If possible turn off the internet to exclude the sounds of instant messaging services.
  6. Vocal experts recommend that you talk on the phone while sitting at a table or standing, so you will speak more confidently.
  7. Answer the manager clearly, to the point of the question asked.
  8. Listen to the question until the end. Correctly specify the question if necessary.
  9. Ask your questions about the proposed work when you are offered to do it. Keep a list of questions in front of you.
  10. Speak to the manager in a cheerful voice, even if it's already 101 interviews.
  11. Rehearse your conversation by phone. Ask people close to you to help you with this.
  12. If it is possible to provide a landline phone for contacts, use this to avoid interference from the mobile operator.
  13. At the end of the conversation find out when to expect interview results. If you were refused or the vacancy did not fit, politely thank the manager.
  14. If you are invited to a meeting, write down the address, date and hour of the meeting, directions and telephone number for possible questions. Specify how the interview will take place, what documents you need to bring with you.
  15. Do not hang up first at the end of the interview.
  16. Do not immediately call the recruiter back to clarify something.

Advantages and disadvantages

The phone interview is a pre-selection.

For the recruiting manager, these are numerous benefits: no need to go around the whole region in search of the right applicant, economic benefits, efficiency of recruitment, wide geography of search.

For an experienced manager, the picture will be formed in a few seconds: first impression, level of interest in the vacancy, relevance.

They can refuse you just because you were not ready for a conversation: you were confused, lethargic, insecure, spoke inappropriately or unfriendly. And for you, the same few minutes will allow you to find out how this vacancy suits you personally.

If something does not suit you, do not show it with your voice. Suddenly you won't find anything better? It is better to write down the phone number, position, duties, work schedule, contact person, dates of a possible meeting, etc.

For employers, the disadvantages of telephone interviews are:

  • the inability to visually verify the sincerity of the candidate;
  • inability to check compliance appearance candidate job requirements.

One of the forms of a telephone interview is. The specialist will evaluate not only your speech, but also your external data. In this case it is better to appear in front of a person not in home clothes and in an office suit.

Main stages

Standard phone interview with a candidate consists of 2 blocks:

The telephone interview with the applicant begins with a greeting, introduction of the manager and short message about the vacancy:

  • assessment of the candidate to the relevant requirements;
  • clarification and addition according to the candidate's work experience;
  • preliminary conclusion on compliance.

If the candidate is not suitable for this vacancy, you should correctly, painlessly and honestly refuse, thanking for the attention.

Arrangement for a future meeting:

  • detailed presentation of the vacancy;
  • answers to the applicant's questions;
  • appointment of the place and date of the interview.

Selection of candidates by telephone interview is applicable to all categories of candidates.

For selection of individual vacancies. For mass vacancies in any industry. For remote vacancies, so as not to pay for travel to the office of all job seekers.

The telephone interview is a recruitment method that has been around for a long time. more than a decade. Knowing the basics of preparing for it, you can be sure that having a high-quality base in the form of professional training and work experience, you can safely apply for the selected vacancy.

Useful video

In this video given useful advice to help you successfully pass the interview:

So how do you book a phone interview? The best way agree on the date and time of a telephone interview - call the applicant. At the same time, it is necessary to explain how long the conversation will take and why it is needed. Next, a convenient date and time for the interview is discussed with the candidate.

Often they do not agree on an interview in advance, but find out already in the course of the conversation whether the candidate is ready to devote 10-15 minutes right now to clarify and discuss some points regarding the vacancy and his resume.

This option is good because the applicant does not have time to prepare and in such conditions it is easier to find out more interesting information about him, as well as evaluate him communicative qualities. True, for the applicant, such a spontaneous interview can be a serious stress.

Advantages and disadvantages

Obvious advantages phone interview:

  • candidates feel calmer than during a face-to-face interview, which makes it possible to obtain more relevant information. A relaxed person makes contact easier than a tense one;
  • saving time for the employer and job seeker;
  • the ability to conduct the initial selection of candidates quickly and effortlessly;
  • low cost telephone interview.

Minus two:

  • inability to evaluate a candidate By non-verbal signs, which allows him to be insincere;
  • the inability to assess the appearance of the applicant in cases where it is important for a vacant position.

Important! Another significant disadvantage phone interview is high risk bias in the assessment of the candidate. If the interviewer does not have sufficient experience in remote assessment, he can easily make a mistake and weed out a suitable candidate at this stage.


Almost all types of interviews can be conducted over the phone. Both biographical, and projective, and situational questions can be asked as part of a telephone interview. That's why main feature such an interview is versatility.

Another feature is that in the case when the applicant is not suitable, you can end the telephone conversation at any stage. With a face-to-face interview, this is more difficult, because it is problematic to finish it 5 minutes after the start.

When is such an interview conducted?

A telephone interview is indispensable in the following cases:

  • territorial remoteness of the candidate;
  • preliminary assessment for mass vacancies, when it is necessary to weed out unsuitable candidates, saving your and their time;
  • professional testing of candidates for positions related to telephone sales.

Often a telephone interview is required, for example, if the head office is remote from the branch, in which it is necessary to conduct an interview with a candidate for a key position.

In many companies, for vacancies of telephone sales managers, telemarketers, call center specialists, a telephone interview is a mandatory selection stage. In this case, one of the employees of the employing company, for example, can play the intractable client, and the applicant is trying in every possible way to make a sale to him, working with objections. This is a great way to test the candidate in the field.

What is being checked?

If a telephone interview is the first stage of selection, then its task is to determine the formal compliance of the candidate with the vacant position. For this, information about education, past experience, reasons for leaving previous place work, degree of ownership foreign language if required.

telephone conversation enough to understand how good the candidate is in spoken English. An opinion is also made about the communication skills of the applicant.

By asking specific questions, the employer can reveal the candidate's motivation, degree of command, degree of learning ability, basic inclinations and personal qualities, and much more.

Phone interview: how to conduct?

The employer can find out any information through a telephone interview and clarify the details of interest. These are details about work experience, education, marital status and everything else that turns out during a face-to-face meeting. The conversation algorithm is the same.

A telephone interview is convenient even if if the HR specialist has any questions while studying the resume. Talking on the phone will quickly clarify controversial points.

To make the interview effective and not take a lot of time, you need to prepare a questionnaire in advance. The list of questions is compiled based on the purpose of the interview and the reason why it is being held. Having prepared such a list and a resume of the candidate with notes on what needs to be clarified, you can proceed to the interview.

In the initial selection, the conversation might start like this:

Hello Stepan Stepanovich! Olga, HR manager at 101 Million. I'm calling as we agreed. Can you talk now? I’ll tell you a little about the company and the vacancy, and then I’ll ask you a few questions…

Examples of personal biographical questions:

  1. Who are your parents by profession?
  2. What school subjects were the easiest for you?
  3. Who influenced your choice of institute and faculty?
  4. Which of your current hobbies are directly related to your profession?
  5. What sport were you doing at that time? And what are you doing now?

Examples of biographical questions related to the profession:

  1. How long did you work at your last job?
  2. What were your responsibilities?
  3. Which of these did you like the most? Why?
  4. What success have you achieved? What are your main achievements?
  5. What education do you have? Why did you choose this faculty? Do you want to continue your education?

Examples of projective questions:

  1. What did you want to be when you graduated from high school?
  2. Why? Did you succeed in the end?
  3. Why didn't it work?
  4. Why did you choose your current profession?
  5. Do you think you are good (named current profession)? Why?
  6. Why does a person choose a certain profession?
  7. In what situations is lying justified?

Situational questions (cases), focused on testing skills are selected for each position individually. To determine the candidate's behaviors and values, the following cases can be offered:

  1. You find out that a colleague is talking bad about you behind your back, and this hinders the development of your career. What will you do?
  2. You have learned that one of your colleagues systematically commits unseemly acts against the company. Your actions.
  3. The ideal leader - what is it?
  4. What is the ideal team?
  5. Imagine that you received two offers from employers at the same time. How will you choose?

After the interviewer has asked all the questions of interest and received satisfactory answers to them, it is necessary to give the applicant the opportunity to voice his questions:

Thank you, Stepan Stepanovich, for the exhaustive information! What questions would you like to ask me?

It is better to ask questions directly, because when building the phrase “Maybe you have some questions for me?” many candidates get lost and forget what they wanted to ask.

The interview should end with a discussion of further interaction and gratitude for the time spent:

What time would you like to come to our office tomorrow or the day after to talk in person? Then tomorrow at 16:00 I'll be waiting for you. Do you know how to get to us? Please take your passport with you, as we have a pass system. Thanks for taking the time to chat with us today! I will be glad to see you tomorrow!

Average length of initial phone interview 10-15 minutes. When evaluating applicants for managerial positions, it may take up to 1 hour.

It is desirable for the interviewer to divide the interview plan into several stages - control points.

In the event that unsatisfactory answers are received on the questions of the first stage, it is not even worth moving on to the second. It is better to immediately end the conversation, thereby saving time for both yourself and the applicant.

How to prepare?

To prepare for such an interview, the candidate must follow most of the rules for preparing for a face-to-face interview and not let things take their course. A telephone interview is no less serious stage of selection for a vacant position than all the others. For especially charming outwardly candidates, this interview option may be more difficult, because it is more difficult to charm an interlocutor over the phone than in person.

To be prepared for an interview, a candidate must:

  1. Reread attentively own resume and think about what points in it may cause recruiter questions. Choose concise and comprehensive answers.
  2. Explore company website and publications about it in electronic media, to have a clear idea of ​​what the company does, who manages it, what its mission is, whether there are branches, how many employees are in the state. Based on the results, prepare several questions about the company to the interviewer.
  3. Prepare short story About Me. Better even in 2-3 options.
  4. Make a list of questions to the employer about the vacancy, think and write down, if any, your wishes and suggestions.

It is useful to ask the interviewer interesting non-standard questions in a telephone interview:

  1. What do you expect from the person who will take this position?
  2. What does a person of my experience and qualifications need to do to get a job in your company?
  3. What do you personally like about the company and working in it?
  4. What tasks will I solve in this position, and in what time frame?

At the end of the interview, you must thank the interlocutor and be sure to stipulate further actions, response time based on the results of the conversation, the possibility of a personal meeting. It is also advisable to ask a question about who the next interviews are coming up with and how many there will be.

The telephone interview is an independent staff assessment tool, but it cannot replace the standard face-to-face interview. In most cases, the impression of the applicant received during the telephone interview is confirmed during the meeting. But for this, the employee conducting the remote assessment must have a high level of professionalism.

And finally, we invite you to watch a video on the topic.

telephone interview

Punctuality comes first

Your chances of being among those “lucky ones” who have overcome the first barrier in the form of a telephone interview will increase significantly if you take this type of interview as seriously as you would a face-to-face meeting with an HR. Before calling back to the employer, prepare a short introduction about yourself, including a description of your professional achievements and the reasons for your interest in the job offered.

Before calling back to the employer, prepare a brief introduction about yourself.

PR, marketing, advertising consultant Penny Lane Alina Kotovich believes that a telephone interview helps to verify the truth of the information indicated in the resume. “Very often, a CV incorrectly reflects the skills and competencies of the applicant, and even more so cannot reliably testify to his motivation and personal qualities. In addition, it is not uncommon for candidates to slightly "correct" information. So, "free" English sometimes turns out to be colloquial, and even basic. Without talking to a person, you will not find out this information, - the expert notes. “While an experienced recruiter, already at the stage of a telephone conversation, can determine how interesting a candidate will be to a potential employer.”

The average length of a telephone interview is usually 10-20 minutes. With regional selection of personnel - from 40 minutes to one hour. If the employer indicated in the ad a time interval for calls, then, accordingly, the call time of the applicant will allow you to assess the organization and punctuality of the latter. If the period is not indicated, then it is better to call about work from 10.30 to 13.00 and from 15.00 to 17.30.

Invisible interlocutor

Penny Lane Personnel consultants attach great importance to how the applicant builds the conversation during the telephone interview. “If a recruiter has a psychological education, then psycholinguistic analysis is connected, which makes it possible to find out a lot of information about a person without seeing him,” says Alina Kotovich. - For example, then How the applicant is fluent, how builds proposals and how makes accents, allows you to determine the type of personality, preferences, basic motivational factors and much more.

If you forgot or did not have time to ask something, then it is not recommended to immediately call back and clarify.

The specificity of the telephone interview is the lack of eye contact with an interlocutor. On the one hand, there is no need to take care of the external presentation, on the other hand, you are deprived of the opportunity to shift the opponent’s attention to abstract topics, moreover, many business suit and other details of appearance give confidence in own forces. Telephone communication can distort the timbre of the voice, but cannot affect the intonation and manner of negotiating, so pay attention to the following important details.

Try to avoid two extremes on your first telephone contact with the employer: do not speak too fast, trying to keep within one minute in the process of conducting mini presentations, but at the same time, do not exaggerate your modesty, do not be shy when communicating with representatives of the personnel service. Do not interrupt the interlocutor at the other end of the wire when he, in turn, begins to represent the company and talk about working conditions. you didn’t understand or didn’t hear, do not be afraid to clarify, ask again. This behavior is much better than blushing at the second interview, justifying that you listened to this part, and referring to poor quality communications. Career counselors advise standing up for telephone interviews. Such psychological reception helps you speak louder and more confidently.

The main thing - do not get distracted!

As with any other interview, be prepared not only to answer, but to ask questions yourself, which will help convince the employer of your interest in getting a job in his company. If the applicant is aimed at a specific vacancy, then his questions will mainly relate to functional duties and criteria for evaluating his performance. “Do not hesitate to ask if you want to impress a strong candidate,” advises the president of the personnel association "Metropolis" Valery Polyakov. - First of all, these should be questions about the content of the work, tasks, resources. It is better to ask about wages and other compensations not at the beginning, but at the end of the conversation.

If you forgot or did not have time to ask something, then it is not recommended to immediately call back and clarify. Such behavior can lead the HR to think about your disorganization, absent-mindedness. The formation of an opinion about a candidate can also be influenced by various sounds associated with the living environment (a working TV, a barking dog, the voices of relatives, children), street noises (when you call from a car or from a cell phone). Based on the current situation, the recruiter, firstly, will assess how seriously the applicant takes this species negotiations, and secondly, with a greater degree of accuracy will be psychological picture applicant. So, one employee of the personnel service cites as an example the case when a girl was interviewed by phone, and it was heard that a third person was taking part in the negotiations. It was her mother, actively prompting her daughter for answers to questions.

After the conversation is over, be sure to ask what your next steps are.

The HR interest in you as a potential employee of his company may fade if you are distracted by other things during the interview. For example, one of the applicants talks about a mistake he made: in parallel with a telephone interview, he checked email. When the interlocutor asked about the reasons for the delay in his answers, he honestly admitted that he was simultaneously looking through the letters. There was no proposal for a personal meeting from this company.

If refusal, then polite

If the initiative of the call comes not from you, but from the employer, and at this moment it is uncomfortable for you to talk (it does not matter for what reasons: you feel unwell, a tense working atmosphere, business negotiations), or you are simply psychologically unprepared for an interview, then best to reschedule the phone interview. The answer can be formulated as follows: “Thank you for paying attention to my candidacy, thank you for the call. Your proposal interested me very much, but, unfortunately, I cannot talk now - I have to leave in five minutes. Will this be enough time to talk, or can I call you back at another time? In this way, you will clearly enough express your interest in the vacancy, honestly warn about the time you have left, and agree on the date for the next call.

After the end of the conversation, be sure to ask what your next steps are: when you can wait for the result of the interview, and, in case of a positive decision, what Additional materials and documents you may need at a personal meeting. If you know email address of the employee who communicated with you, after the conversation, you can send him a short reminder letter in which, in addition to gratitude for the conversation, once again list your strengths as a professional.

If, as a result of a telephone conversation, you immediately receive a refusal or realize that you yourself are not interested in this position, then be sure to thank your interlocutor for pleasant conversation and express your hope for the possibility of cooperation in the future. The experience of conducting telephone conversations with the employer, like any other skill, is not acquired immediately. The more phone calls you make, the more confident you will feel from time to time and, therefore, make fewer mistakes. This is the same case when quantity inevitably turns into quality.

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Many people talk on the phone. Business people are talking. The percentage of telephone conversations per day is sometimes much more than face to face. Observe telephone etiquette! This is very important rule. You are a well-mannered person, aren't you? Exactly.

Pick up the phone. They are calling you!

When the phone rings, we automatically pick up the phone and answer the usual “Hello!”.

Is that enough to start a conversation?

Let's see what telephone etiquette says.

First of all, let's draw a dividing line between business and personal contacts.

The moment that unites all conversations is politeness, restraint, command of the voice.

Your interlocutor cannot see what you are doing on the other side of the handset. But the slightest intonation betrays irritation, hostility, chagrin and other emotions.

business hello

They call you on your work phone. Do not grab the phone after the first beep. This can give the caller the impression that you have nothing else to do but answer the phone. It's not just your reputation. The conversation will leave an impression of the authority of the entire organization. Answer by waiting for two or three rings. But by no means more. The rules of telephone etiquette do not allow you to be disrespectful to a person in this way.

It is not recommended to immediately start a conversation with the name of the company. It is best to greet the caller with the neutral phrase “Good day!” This time of day is considered the main working time. In other cases, you can use the appeal "Hello!"

A prerequisite for a business conversation is the addition of a greeting to the so-called voice " business card". This may be the name of the organization or your personal data - position, first and last name.

Ideally, the greeting scheme would look like this: “Good afternoon! Sun Company! or “Good day! Sun Company. Manager Olga Sergeeva.

A well-structured answer to the call will start a successful pleasant conversation. Will create good impression about the organization, emphasize its status and give solidity. WITH educated people always a pleasure to deal with. Therefore, the impression made can play a significant role in further cooperation.

Personal "Hello!"

If it seems to you that a conversation with a friend or friend can be started in any way, then you are mistaken. Any incoming call to your personal phone is also better to start with a wish for a dear day and your own introduction.

This way you protect yourself from unnecessary waste of time explaining if the caller dialed your number by mistake. When you receive a call about a personal matter in work time, a little formal introduction will set the tone for the general conversation, that is, you will let the person know that to conduct empty conversations in this moment no possibility. Yes, and this is just a manifestation of good breeding and politeness, which is interpreted by the rules of a telephone conversation.

When you call

It would seem, what is easier, dialed the number and laid out the essence of the conversation. But many have already seen through experience that the way you start a conversation is the way it will develop. Whether a business call becomes the beginning of a successful collaboration depends on the first moments of the conversation. The same can be said about personal contacts. Spend half an hour explaining who is calling and for what reason, or state the essence in a couple of minutes, it will be clear from the initial appeal.

business call

You dialed the company number and received a standard greeting response. You also need to introduce yourself. If you represent an organization, indicate its name and position. Next, briefly describe the essence of the appeal. You should respect the working time of others and do not waste your own on inconsistent explanations. Assuming a long conversation, do not forget to ask if it is convenient for the person who answered the phone to talk now. Perhaps the conversation should be rescheduled for a more convenient time.

The rules of conducting a telephone conversation say "no" to such greeting phrases as "You are worried about ...", "You understand what's the matter ...", "It's okay if I disturb you ...". Your “hello” in this case should be obeyed with dignity, without fawning. Then you can count on a productive conversation and self-respect. After a personal introduction, you can say “Help me solve this question…”, “Tell me please…”, “I am interested in…”, etc.

Personal call to a friend or relative

"Hello my friend. How are you?" - Of course, you can start a conversation with loved ones like this. But it would be better to introduce yourself. Especially if you are calling on a specific matter, and not just to chat. Firstly, you can dial the number of a friend at the wrong time. The person is busy, at work or business meeting dealing with personal issues. Secondly, imagine that your number was simply not determined, and your voice seemed unfamiliar due to poor quality communication. In order not to put yourself and a friend in an awkward position, name yourself.

Let's continue the conversation

In any conversation, you must be attentive to the interlocutor. How to start a telephone conversation is a great skill, but its continuation is of great importance.

business continuation

You are the caller. So you have a specific task that you want to solve during the conversation. Prepare a list of questions that interest you in advance so as not to stray into third-party and not waste someone else's work time. Listen carefully to the interlocutor. Try to take notes of the answers, this will help to avoid asking again.

Lost connection during a call? Call back if you started a conversation. You must also end the conversation. Be sure to thank the interviewee. A pleasant ending will, of course, be a wish for a good day.

If they call you, listen carefully to the request. Do not forget to keep your attention to the conversation with the phrases “Yes, of course ...”, “I understand you ...”, “We will try to help ...”, etc. The interlocutor will feel confident and will be able to describe the problem. When a conversation threatens to drag on, take the initiative to help steer the conversation in the right direction.

Before closing, check with the interlocutor whether he received all the answers. If you cannot help him due to other official duties, tell him the contact of an employee who is competent in a given topic.

Personal conversation on the phone

In personal conversations, the situation is easier. But here, too, telephone etiquette provides some guidance. For example, a friend called you at an inconvenient time with a great desire to chat. For such cases, there is a standard telephone conversation: “Sorry, now in a meeting ...” or “I have a very important meeting, I'll call you later…". You can add “I understand that this is very important. I'll call you as soon as I'm free..." For the interlocutor, this will be an indicator that you are not ignoring his problems. So, there will be no more resentment. By the way, try to call back if promised.

General rules for telephone conversations

Phone etiquette rules are not made up out of thin air. These are the observations of psychologists, practical experience, analysis based on the results of many conversations. There are certain actions that etiquette welcomes or denies. We will collect some of them in a small memo.

  1. Avoid loud personal conversations in public places and at work. You put others in an awkward position, forcing you to listen to the intimate details of your life, which has nothing to do with them.
  2. Do not turn on the speaker phone unless you have warned the interlocutor about it. This situation can create adverse consequences. But first of all, this is a manifestation of respect for the person on the other end of the line.
  3. Be careful when choosing a ringtone. Less loud aggression, because people with a weak nervous system may be nearby.
  4. Turn off the sound on the phone while at meetings, meetings, in cultural institutions, as well as in those places where such a requirement is prescribed by the rules of conduct.
  5. Do not combine phone conversation and eating. This makes it difficult to understand, expresses disrespect for the interlocutor.
  6. Be careful about the time when you plan to make a call. Early morning, late night- these are, as you understand, not the most successful periods for talking even with the closest person. You can call at such a time only for the most urgent matters. Don't forget about it.

A small conclusion

Now you know telephone etiquette. Call on time. Be polite. Pleasant telephone conversations and good mood!
