Wedding night like. Wedding night tips for the groom

First wedding night - what to do? To begin with, I would like to note that in the classical sense this concept is a rarity today. Newlyweds most often already have experience in sexual terms, which they acquired even before the wedding. But there are exceptions. It is worth considering them and answering the question: "The first wedding night - what to do?".

In the relationship of two lovers, several types of behavior can be distinguished. For example, Romeo + Juliet. This means that both the boy and the girl are virgins. Something that is really rare. And the fact that this couple has new impressions ahead and the discovery of a world unknown to them is great. So, in this case, to the question "wedding night - what to do?" it is worth giving the following answer: "Relax - and surrender to feelings and emotions." The process will go only when thoughts go into the background, and waves of languor and bliss capture the bodies of the newlyweds. You just need to relax and have fun, and not force things because somewhere in the subconscious there is a fear of not having time to do something. A man should remember: do not be surprised and afraid. After all, the girl at this moment wants to see a confident and strong man next to her, and not a timid and timid boy. She wants to know that she trusts herself to the right person. And the girl herself should listen to the call of her body and heart.

Arguing on the topic "The wedding night - what to do?" It is worth noting one more fact. After the first sex, a woman may not lose her virginity due to being very strong or elastic. An inexperienced man cannot break through it at one time. In this case, you should not be afraid. Finish what you started after five days.

Another version of the relationship in a pair is "Petrarch and Laura". This situation is more common. The girl did not have before marriage, and the man is experienced. Many guys are afraid to deprive their chosen one of virginity. For different reasons. Someone is uncomfortable, someone is afraid that she will be hurt.

There are pitfalls in this case, as in any other. For a girl, the wedding night is not an ordinary sexual experience. Experts have proven that the first sex has a huge impact on the emergence of sensuality. The slightest tactlessness - and the girl will have a negative attitude towards sexual life. It may even develop frigidity. An experienced man will first prepare his partner for intimacy. Simply put, foreplay will help. Only then will it be possible to proceed to the main process.

It also happens: the girl is already a goddess in sex, and the guy is a virgin. Well ... then the whole initiative is in the hands of the young lady. She has to make sure that her missus is not nervous and feels confident. After all, this can hurt his feelings - that his chosen one has experience, and he still "sat too long", so to speak.

Finally, the wedding night is also important for those who already have experience in sex: solemnity does not disappear! The girl always expects something special from the first "official" intimacy. Don't forget about it. In order to make the first night even more pleasant for the newlyweds, you can drink delicious wine before that, have a bite to eat. And, of course, the atmosphere. A semi-dark room, clean beautiful linen, flowers, music will fill your wedding night with romance that you will remember all your life.

A few tips for newlyweds on their wedding night

If you marry a virgin, then some
advice from gynecologists and sexologists about the culture of the wedding night.
The first wedding night is very important for the awakening of a woman's sensuality.
If the husband does not show tact, tenderness and understanding of the uncertainty and fear of his
young wife, then she may develop an aversion to sexual intercourse for the rest of her life.
But girls should also know that the wrong behavior of a husband can
be caused not by his tactlessness, but by inexperience, embarrassment, excitement.
Maybe he had earlier sexual contacts, but they took place in
unsuitable conditions, when desire has so taken possession of him that sexual intercourse
happened where the desire overtook him. And on the wedding night
must be done "for real", in bed, and he is very afraid of being
not up to par. In addition, a young husband may not know much about the culture.
It can also be a hindrance that the first wedding night usually takes place
after the wedding, when, according to the customs of our country, everyone drinks and eats a lot. If a
the young husband did not lag behind other guests in drinking and eating, then he may
have erection problems, and if he drank too much, then how many
drunk men, he can be rude and unceremonious.
The best thing for both newlyweds is to drink a glass of champagne, which
will relieve nervous tension, reduce the modesty of the newlywed and insecurity
newlywed, and also improve sexual sensitivity, but no more.
Some wines, and especially spirits, have a negative effect on
sexual feeling, reduce the sensitivity of a man, so sexual intercourse
can last too long, and when, after defloration, the newlywed
experienced pain, then prolonged sexual intercourse will give her a lot of discomfort,
and for the rest of her life she can remember her unpleasant impressions and desire,
so that the relationship ends as soon as possible.
Therefore, it is best for a girl not to tune in to the fact that the first in her
life, sexual intercourse will be the height of bliss and merging in ecstasy with your beloved
During the first sexual intercourse, almost no girl experiences
enjoyment. Most often, this is unpleasant for her if she is not yet morally
ready for defloration.
Defloration will be a little painful, but quite tolerable. Not
tune in to the fact that you will experience unbearable suffering,
otherwise, from fear, you may experience such a disorder as vaginismus -
spasmodic contraction of the muscles of the vagina, due to which you cannot
to live a sexual life not only on the wedding night, but also in the future.
Some virgins almost do not feel defloration.
After the first intercourse, a woman may remain undeflorated.
The reason for this may be too much extensibility of the hymen,
or vice versa, its strength is too great, "break through" which in one night
husband cannot. An extensible hymen may persist even until childbirth,
although the woman is regularly sexually active. And a strong hymen
sometimes you have to notch, and only then the man performs defloration.
Mandatory conditions for the first sexual intercourse, according to
M.Kinessa, is the mutual consent of the partners, the application
birth control (for example, a condom lubricated with petroleum jelly),
bed and complete privacy. The time of day doesn't matter. Although it is considered
that night is the best time for the first sexual intercourse, since a woman in
men are less shy in the dark, but during the day spouses are more active, sexual
the act will proceed under the control of vision, which will allow less injury
woman. And a girl, becoming a woman, can simply close her eyes, which is
do most women even during kissing.
The use of a condom during the first sexual intercourse, according to
M.Kinnessa, a gynecologist and sexologist with 50 years of experience, of course.
Firstly, it will protect a woman from an unwanted pregnancy.
There are many cases when women become pregnant after the first sexual intercourse.
Secondly, if the husband was sexually active with different partners before marriage,
then it is possible that he has venereal diseases, about which he himself
may not suspect.
Thirdly, the use of a condom will prevent falling into tears
hymen of various infections. The girl's vagina before the onset of sexual intercourse
life, while observing personal hygiene, has the highest degree of cleanliness, it
bacteria have not yet entered. Not all men know that before sexual
intercourse, you need to thoroughly wash your genitals with soap, and even more so,
before the defloration of a virgin. As a result, a man can enter into
female genitals various infection. Particularly sensitive to
infections torn hymen. In addition, if a man does not comply
personal hygiene in the area of ​​the glans penis, under the foreskin,
accumulation of urine and semen residues, which are carcinogenic
action, and can cause cancer of the female genital organs. Therefore the condom
not only obligatory for sexual intercourse with a virgin, but desirable
lubricate it with boron petroleum jelly, which has a gentle disinfectant
action and destroy bacteria.
Although during the first sexual intercourse, the girl probably will not experience any
pleasant sensations, but, nevertheless, a man must caress her. Firstly,
he teaches her to caress, and secondly, if he uses erotic caresses,
and she will have an orgasm when stimulating the clitoris, then it will be easier for her to endure
Gynecologists recommend defloration only in the position
women "lying on their backs".
At the second, third and subsequent sexual intercourse, the appearance of pleasant
and even voluptuous sensations are already quite possible if the psyche of a woman is not
traumatized by the tactlessness or rudeness of her husband.
Of great importance for the appearance of a woman's sexual feeling is
experience of the husband and his skill and knowledge of the whole range of erotic caresses.
If your husband is gentle and affectionate, then this is wonderful, and it would be nice,
so that it remains the same throughout your married life. But if
he will not show extraordinary caresses, then show indulgence and forgive
him for the first time. But only for the first. Subsequently, when you
get used to each other and stop being shy, then you need to gradually
accustom your husband to caresses so that they become an integral part of your intimate
life and took at least half an hour, and preferably more. The more tender and
the longer you will caress each other during your honeymoon, the
more likely that you will not remain sexually unsatisfied, and you
husband will be sexual harmony.
Understand the most important thing - sexual harmony is not given to spouses by someone
over. This is the result of their joint activities, it happens that even by the method
"trial and error", attention, patience and mutual tenderness. But everything is necessary
should be mutual. If you do not caress your husband, but will
lie "like a log", only passively perceiving his caresses, then even the most
a patient and loving husband may very soon be disappointed in you. The more
you will reciprocate your husband's caresses, the more active it will become
your spouse, wanting to give you maximum pleasure.
After a woman starting her sex life experiences
orgasm, her sexuality is booming. Attachment to a husband who
gives her the opportunity to experience such pleasure, can become very strong.
Sexual harmony brings spouses very close and helps them overcome
many disagreements in their life together and find compromises.
If the husband is drunk, then you will definitely be disappointed with his behavior. To
this, too, should be treated with indulgence, unless your spouse
drinker, and this is an isolated case. For a drinker, it’s better not at all
get married, especially at a young age. Most likely you are not
cope with your husband, and after the wedding he will drink even more.
If you have been sexually active for a long time, then still do not lose
head and after the wedding, do not forget about contraceptives.
It is known that many marriages are registered in the presence of pregnancy
brides, especially minors. Or the newlyweds are not protected
from pregnancy during the honeymoon, and after 9 months they
become parents.
M.Kinessa writes: "You should never strive to quickly give birth to a child.
This will immediately turn you into a slave, tie you hand and foot, and not only
physically. In case of a life mistake (and you can always make a mistake), a woman
will also be bound by a moral duty - to save the family in the name of the child. And
this is the worst. Personally, I advise women not to wait for change - how
as a rule, they do not come, no matter how the husband swears to change his behavior.
I think that all newlyweds should heed the advice of such an experienced
gynecologist and sexologist.
Let's see what happens most often in young families. A woman won't make it
get married, as soon as she becomes pregnant. Toxicosis begins with nausea,
perversion of taste, irritability. Conflicts begin with her husband because of
the fact that she is sick all the time, she feels bad, everything is disgusting, including intimate
life, and the husband himself. Then childbirth, after which a woman may become ugly or
she will have some complications. Then breastfeeding,
sleepless nights, a lot of worries and troubles, and again no time for sex and no time for a husband.
The wife is still young, she wants to take a walk and have fun, but she cannot,
because she has a baby. This may not affect the husband much, he
the child does not need to be breastfed, he can afford to have fun, including
number and change his wife.
Young wives, know that the first betrayal very often happens at a time when
when the wife lies in the hospital and in agony gives birth to a child. And it happens during
wife's pregnancy. A little squeaky lump that needs to be given
a lot of attention, does not yet awaken in the newly-made dad strong paternal
feelings, especially if dad himself is still immature and infantile. Having a child
does not stabilize your marriage, but may complicate your relationship if your spouse
your not very ready for the role of a father. It also affects the frequency
sexual contacts of spouses. When a child is naughty and cries nearby,
when a young mother is overworked and constantly does not get enough sleep, she is not at all up to
sex. This affects her sexuality as well. A woman may have
several children, and she will never experience sexual pleasure.
Therefore, those men who are sexual egoists do not
take care of the health of their wife, do not take care of her and do not protect themselves in order to
do not deprive yourself of full sensations, and thereby doom her to
childbearing or abortions are not very suitable for the role of a husband. It is very important
for marriage.
According to M. Kinessa, a real man will never allow, firstly,
leave a woman unsatisfied with intimate relationships, secondly,
to have at least one abortion that takes away so much women's health. That's why
she recommends that women never rush to have children and have them
only after making sure of the full health of your family and confidence in the strength
marriage. Very wise advice.
If you have carefully read all the previous chapters addressed to
mostly married women, and take into account all the recommendations, then this
will help you avoid many mistakes from the very beginning of your marriage.

When all the festivities are already behind, the guests have fun and go home, the very time comes when the newly-made husband and wife can be alone. Although no one will know and see how you will spend this time, making it unforgettable is no less important than having a chic wedding or choosing a dress. This moment also requires some preparation, costs and imagination.

Wedding night after the wedding: where to spend it

Every bride wants to spend the night after the wedding in a beautiful romantic place. The right place is 80% success. Therefore, approach this issue responsibly. Discuss and examine several options at once, perhaps both of you will come to the same decision.

    • My house. Many newlyweds begin to live together long before the wedding, so they spend their wedding night at their own home. This has its advantages: everything is familiar, familiar, familiar, nothing will embarrass or interfere. And it is not necessary to deprive yourself of romance. You can also decorate the bedroom at home: pick up luxurious bedding, arrange flowers, candles, wine.
    • Parent's house. Not the best, but sometimes forced option. When funds do not allow you to rent a hotel room, but you don’t have your own apartment. In this case, it is recommended, of course, that it is better to rent a house, especially since you do not plan to live with your parents. But if there is nowhere to go, you will have to get out, especially if the parents do not go anywhere at this time. But most likely, they will understand the situation and spend the night with friends or relatives. The room allocated to you can also be decorated.
  • Country house. A good option for the summer, especially if there is a shower or bath where you can wash. But even if such amenities are absent, it's okay. You can draw water in advance, make a mini pool or something like that. Finally, you can have a picnic. There is nothing more romantic than clean air, nature and the absence of neighbors. Keep a mosquito repellent just in case.

  • Hotel. Not the cheapest, but the most romantic option. Of course, they will not let you in to decorate everything, but you can order room decoration, champagne and other luxuries. The new environment, beautiful decoration and the presence of maids who are themselves responsible for cleaning will please any bride.

First wedding night: what to do

It seems that the question itself is superfluous, and the answer to it has long been known to everyone. We will talk about what you need to do on your wedding night so that it is remembered for a long time, and what you don’t need to do.

First, don't forget to prepare. During the celebration, it is not recommended to eat up and overdo it with alcohol. This rule has been known for a long time. In Russia, young people were specifically forbidden to drink during a feast. Only one mug of mead was allowed. And our ancestors knew what they were doing. You can drink properly and on time by allocating a special weekend for this.

Secondly, do not overwork yourself on the eve of the wedding. Give some authority to friends or parents. If you already come to the wedding tired, what can we say about a good mood and a wedding night in general.

Feel free to ask your parents to spend the night with friends if you live together, and they themselves do not realize the awkwardness of the situation. This is possible because in their time it was very common to spend the night after a wedding in the same house with a hundred guests sleeping on the floor. You have the right to be alone and hope for the understanding of the older generation. Take care in advance of everything that you may need: beautiful linen, for example, a bottle of wine, beautiful glasses.

Any advice on how to behave on the wedding night is inappropriate. Especially if people have already lived together. Nobody knows you better than yourself. You can discuss some nuances in advance or arrange an interesting surprise for your other half. But I would like to clarify about the latter - it is better to be sure that the second half will appreciate the surprise.

For those who did not follow all of the above recommendations and found themselves with red eyes from lack of sleep and a headache from alcohol after the wedding, only one thing can be advised - go to bed. The morning is wiser than the evening. It is better to have a romantic night at another time on your honeymoon than to overdo yourself after the wedding.

Beautiful wedding night after the wedding: decorating the bedroom

Despite the abundance of worries and lack of time, few brides will agree to entrust the decoration of the bedroom to strangers. This is a very crucial moment, so everything should be exactly in the taste of the bride and groom.

  • The most common decoration is fresh flowers. Pick your favourites, but make sure both of you are not allergic to them. For this reason, you should not buy exotic flowers or strong-smelling lilies. Flowers can be arranged in vases or various compositions can be hung on the walls, but in such a way that you do not drop anything and do not injure yourself. You can traditionally sprinkle rose petals on your bed if you like the smell of roses.

  • Pictures and figurines will also come in handy if they support a love theme. You should not overdo it, it is enough to make the room more unusual and beautiful than usual. For this, paintings depicting flowers, angels, doves are suitable. You can even hang your shared photo from a romantic photo shoot.
  • Balloons will please many. If you are not afraid that the balloons will suddenly burst and scare you, you can make very beautiful compositions and place them around the bed.
  • Lighting also plays a big role. The light should be subdued, romantic. To do this, it is recommended to purchase a night light or candles. Choose only thick large candles in special candlesticks. They burn for a long time and do not stain furniture.
  • When choosing bed linen, opt for soft or white tones. Screaming, dark or too slippery sheets can only get in the way. Bright colors are too annoying, and dark ones create an aura of gloom, especially by candlelight.
  • Romantic music can also decorate the evening. Choose the most romantic melodies that will appeal to both.

  • Sometimes fruits and sweets come in very handy. For example, if you didn’t manage to eat at the wedding, you will want to have a snack.

Wedding night in Russia: customs and traditions

How to spend the wedding night, you already know, but how did our ancestors spend it before?

In ancient times, preparing for the wedding night was a real ritual, a complex and special act. It was believed that it was on this night that the foundation of future family life was laid, the girl becomes a woman and wife.

Usually after the wedding, the young went to spend the night with the groom's parents. Then not everyone could boast of their own hut. The room must be necessarily cool, and what the bed of the young was like is a completely different story. At first, sacks of flour and rye were placed on the wooden flooring so that the family would be rich. Mattresses and pillows were laid on top, everything was covered with a white sheet embroidered along the edge with a pattern. Under the bed they could put a poker, a frying pan or logs. All this had a certain meaning and was supposed to bring happiness and healthy children to the young family.

After the end of the celebration, the young people were escorted by the whole crowd. Friends and girlfriends walked ahead. Druzhka went into the hut first. He paid a ransom to the women who guarded the bed, then beat the marriage bed with a whip and thus drove away evil spirits.

The young were left alone, with the door locked. At the same time, a man remained near the door, who guarded the spouses from intoxicated guests.

Even alone with each other, husband and wife must observe a number of traditions. So, for example, the two of them ate chicken and bread together so that life would be rich and with many children. In Russia, it was customary for a wife to obey her husband. It was very important, therefore, as a sign of her humility, the bride took off her boots from the groom, and then asked him for permission to go to bed.

Wedding night traditions in other countries

It would seem that everyone knows what a wedding night is, how it goes and when it starts. But in some countries there are very interesting customs that can change your idea of ​​a wedding night in general. We will consider only the most unusual foreign traditions. Some of them you can use if they seem appropriate to you, while others will just serve as a great conversation topic at a bachelorette party.

  • Perhaps the most unusual and famous tradition existed in medieval Europe, when the bride should spend the night not with her lawful spouse, but with her overlord. Someone associates this with sacrifice, and someone with the desire of those in power to leave more of their offspring.
  • In some African tribes, the husband knocked out his wife's two front teeth after marriage. This is what is considered a sign of a mature married woman, which distinguished her from single girls.
  • In Scotland, for some time it was customary to do everything possible to prevent the wedding night of the newlyweds from taking place. The guests made as much noise as they could, interfered, rattled and distracted the bride and groom. They could only be alone when all the guests were tired and asleep.
  • In China, a special role is given to the venue of the night. Everything should be as beautiful as possible, candles in the form of red and black dragons are placed near the bed.
  • In other African tribes, a husband and wife fight on the night after the wedding. And so every night for a week. Until dawn, they are supposed to beat each other with all their might. This is explained by the fact that during this week they must throw out all their anger, and live the rest of their lives in peace and harmony.
  • There is something similar in Macedonia. There, the newlyweds were locked at night in the basement, and a hat and boots were left in the corner. Husband and wife began to fight over these things to prove who was in charge in the house. In the morning they were released, and it became clear who was the master in this family.
  • There is a wonderful and incredible tradition in Japan. There are many small islands, so young people can retire to one of them. First they feed each other, then they give gifts. A wife to her husband is a beautiful sword as a defender and a warrior, and a husband to his wife is a fabric that he cuts with this sword. A dress for the wife is then sewn from a larger piece, and an outfit for the first-born from a smaller one.

The first wedding night: signs

To believe in signs or not is a personal matter for everyone. Some do not pay any attention to these signs, while others, thinking about how to prepare for their wedding night, try to study all possible superstitions.

Previously, in Russia, brides took off all their jewelry before going to bed, because the sign promises: if you lose an earring, you will lose your husband. The marriage bed must be sprinkled with holy water to protect it from evil spirits. No one should sit on the bed, so as not to take away the happiness of the young.

In the old days, it was customary to sing indecent ditties, seeing off the young. Now this sign has already become obsolete. The more discreetly and tactfully you leave the wedding, the better.

After the wedding, the bride must change her clothes completely in order to remove clothes that could have left the evil eye or the envy of her friends. In Russia, for this purpose, a shirt was sewn, on which various amulets were embroidered. Clothes for the night should be included in the list of how to prepare for the wedding night. It is desirable that the shirt was new.

Only the bride's bouquet can be left in the bedroom of the young, if the groom chose it himself, and the bride did not throw it into the crowd. Some girls buy two bouquets and throw away the one that was postponed in advance. They say that the longer the bouquet stays in the bedroom, the longer and happier the life of the family will be.

To make the offspring healthy and strong, take a piece of chicken from the wedding table and put it under the bed. Pillows on the bed should lie slots to each other. This will bring harmony to family life.

An interesting poll was held on the Reddit website: how was the first wedding night, if it was also the first sexual experience in life?

Many people still prefer to wait for the official marriage, and then part with their virginity. There may be a variety of reasons for this: tradition, religious considerations, or simply personal preferences. One of the users of the Reddit resource decided to ask such people what their first time was, and received very diverse answers.

Many admitted that the first sexual experience did not impress them. Others said it was worth the wait.

One of the girls said that she was still a virgin and that she was getting married the next day, and promised to tell how everything would go.

According to some of those interviewed, anticipation can take over, and then the reality will be a complete disappointment.

With discouraging honesty, people talked about how many problems they had because of their solution.

One woman said that she was quite scared on her wedding night, but thanks to the tenderness and patience of her husband, everything went well, and then they discovered the world of sex together.

One of the respondents admitted that the first sex after the wedding was too short, and now he is ashamed to remember it.

But in general, the range of opinions received was huge: from “terrible nightmare” to “delightful”.

We were both virgins before we got married. I was only 19 years old, and my husband was 25, but before me he had no one. Our first wedding night was just fabulous. We spent her at the hotel. I put on silk underwear, and my husband turned on the radio. And as Olivia Newton John's Let's Get Physical came on, we finally got to know each other. We realized that this is a sign that symbolizes the beginning of a new life for us. We made love three times the first night, and this song played every time. Even after 35 years of marriage, this memory still touches my soul.

It was terrible. I could hardly wait, and on the day of the wedding, my wife began "these days." She was also nervous about the wedding turmoil. So imagine what kind of sex it was: nervous, both virgins, and it lasted about five seconds. The second time in the morning was better, at least a few seconds longer. But then things got better, and now we have been together for 11 years.

My wedding night earns a solid 10 out of 10. Not because of the sex. The sex was far from the best. But because I liked to discover this new and AMAZING side of life with my husband. It was great even without orgasms. We also ate a huge pizza in the jacuzzi after sex. I recommend to all!

Our wedding night was wonderful. We rented a honeymoon suite with breakfast. While helping me take off my wedding dress, my husband said, "We've had a very long day... Do you want to take a bath?" I gladly agreed. He lit the candles in the bathroom, opened the champagne and ... left to relax alone. Less than 15 minutes later, I called him to join. No, we didn't have sex in the bathroom, we explored each other's bodies, relaxed, got used to seeing each other naked. And then we moved to the bed ... It was unforgettable!

I was a virgin before marriage because my wife insisted on it. But those were the best 30 seconds of my life. Too bad my wife didn't like it. Well, she still doesn't really like it, but I'm working on it.

The first wedding night is of tremendous importance in the future life of the young couple, mutual understanding. The wedding night is especially important for the bride. If a girl marries a virgin and has no previous sexual experience, the wedding night can make her both an absolute sex hater and super sexy - it all depends on how she feels before and during defloration. And the main role in this matter is given to the groom.
An innocent girl is shy, shy: she may not allow a young man to her intimate organs, not allow, for example, oral sex, considering them "shameful." On the one hand, she thus deprives herself of sexual sensations that will help her get aroused properly, maybe even experience an orgasm, which will help reduce pain during defloration. On the other hand, a groom who is constantly stopped “halfway” may lose his patience and use force and rudeness. It is unacceptable! By such behavior, the groom will turn his young wife away from himself once and for all. There is also a category of men who believe that before defloration, you don’t need to try hard at all, caress the girl. Anyway, during defloration, she will experience pain and her sexual desire will disappear. Therefore, we must quickly take it by force. Such an attitude during the wedding night, disrespect for the wife is, first of all, a criminal offense that causes severe mental and physical trauma to a young woman.
In addition, there are cases when, due to anatomical features, the hymen cannot be torn the first time. Such a situation can occur both because of the inexperience or weak potency of the groom, and because of the special strength of the binding tissue that forms the hymen. If you keep trying again and again at home, this can lead to severe physical injury to both the bride and groom, to vaginal or even uterine bleeding. In the case of a particularly strong hymen, you need to go to a gynecologist, who will remove the hymen surgically.
There are also diametrically opposite cases when an innocent girl has no hymen at all. Such phenomena are frequent among women of Latin, Brazilian origin. Also, girls of the Slavic nation can also lose their hymen before marriage, not because they had sex before their wedding night, but because of an injury, washing too thoroughly or playing certain sports. Such girls, on the contrary, do not experience fear before the wedding night, and, as a rule, they begin to like sex immediately. Of course, in order to avoid misunderstandings, if the girl does not have a hymen, the situation should be explained to the groom before the wedding night.

The first wedding night is the climax to which the entire wedding process aspires. And only in the power of the bride and groom to make her unforgettably beautiful.

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2016-07-04 14:12 from Slavik

It often happens that you look at the photo and understand that there are almost no romantic photos where the two of you are almost absent. For this, they probably came up with a photo shoot in the style of a love story, which literally means a love story in pictures.
