How to clean an ink stain. Solvents: benzene, acetone or nail polish remover

You will need

  • - ammonia;
  • - water;
  • - turpentine;
  • - milk;
  • - alcohol;
  • - acetone;
  • - match;
  • - vinegar essence;
  • - potassium permanganate;
  • - hydrogen peroxide;
  • - oxalic acid;
  • - lemon acid.


Pour one solution over the other before use, and mix well again. You get an ink that can even be used to paint materials like ceramics, porcelain, etc.

Useful advice

In addition to alcohol and hydrogen peroxide, household stain removers can be used to remove ink stains.

Ballpoint pens often "smear" or leak, and as a result, purple stains that do not wash out often form on the clothes of students, schoolchildren, office workers and other "long-writing" people. How to remove the ball handle With fabrics without a trace?


Before you begin to treat the stain, place a paper towel or napkin folded in several layers under it, which will absorb excess liquid. Otherwise, when treated with a solvent, the stain may spread, increasing in. If the stain is large and still damp, it is best to remove excess ink that has not yet absorbed before solvent treatment. Take a paper napkin or towel, put it under the stain, cover the stained cloth on top with the second napkin and press firmly. The paper will absorb excess ink.

Fresh ballpoint stains can be removed using the old proven "stain remover" - a solution of soda and ammonia. Take a glass of warm water, add a teaspoon of baking soda and a solution of ammonia and treat the stain with this composition, then rinse and wash the fabric properly.

Also remove the ball handle With fabrics you can use a mixture of ethyl alcohol and acetone, combining them in equal proportions, moistening a cotton swab and treating the stain. Note that in the case of dyed and synthetic fabrics, this method can only be used by first trying to process the fabric in an inconspicuous place: it may turn out that acetone “at the same time” dissolves the dye or fibers fabrics. For delicate fabrics, pure alcohol or vodka can be used instead of a mixture of alcohol and acetone.

Another "grandmother's" way to remove traces of ballpoint pens - soaking fabrics in sour milk for several hours. After such a soak, wash the fabric in soapy water with the addition of a small amount of ammonia or borax.

Ink stain problem ball pens affects almost anyone, especially students and clerks. Often you have to carry a pen with you in your bag or pocket, sign and fill out receipts. Even a small trace of ink can hopelessly ruin your item if you don't know how to get rid of it.


The most effective chemical ink remover is acetone. You just need to wipe the stain until it disappears completely with a cotton swab, abundantly moistened with acetone. Then you can wash. Unfortunately, acetone is a very aggressive substance and can remove paint from things, and you can’t hide a whitish wiped stain with anything.

Many types of ink can be easily removed with alcohol as it is a solvent for them. The technology is the same as with acetone - wipe the stain with a cotton swab, then wash.

In most cases, plain table vinegar or lemon juice can help. Apply a wet cotton swab to the stain and let it sit for a couple of minutes to let the acid begin to eat away at the ink. Then rub the stain until completely gone. Be careful with lemon juice or apple cider vinegar: these substances leave soft, but noticeable stains on white things.

Many housewives use a mixture of vinegar and alcohol in a 1: 1 ratio. Use this remedy in the same way as pure vinegar.

If you don't have alcohol, you can use Triple Cologne, but you can't mix it with vinegar, so use it neat. Be careful - in some cases, it may leave stains on white fabric.

Another way to remove ink is with baking soda. This method is good because it leaves no marks and does not damage the paint. It can handle even the most delicate fabrics without the risk of damaging them. So, make a paste of baking soda with water and apply it on the stain, then wait about five minutes. Then rinse the baking soda off the fabric and send the item to the wash.

If you have inked a white piece of fabric that can be bleached with chlorine, then you are in luck. Just soak the item in bleach for an hour and the stain will disappear. But at the same time, be sure to look at the information on the label to see if the product can be used. Many fabrics, seemingly durable in appearance, do not withstand exposure to chlorine, since this is a very aggressive substance.


As you clean your clothes, replace the swabs as needed when they get dirty to avoid smearing the ink.

Useful advice

Just in case, you can add oxygen bleach to the washing machine. It will not damage even colored things, because it does not contain chlorine.

Remove ballpoint ink from paper possible by various means. But a simple stationery gum or a razor blade will not work for this. After all, if we are trying to eliminate traces of the pen, then we need to preserve the quality of the paper. Various solutions will help with this.


The most effective remedy against ballpoint ink on paper is a solution of 70% table vinegar and potassium permanganate. You will also need hydrogen peroxide.

First, take about thirty grams of vinegar and start adding potassium permanganate to it, mixing thoroughly. When the solution acquires a dark saturated purple color, it is ready for use. Use a cotton swab to apply it to the surface of the ink. It is only necessary to moisten the traces of a ballpoint pen, but do not rub them.

After a minute of waiting, spray a cotton swab with hydrogen peroxide and gently soak the stains left as a result of processing the ink with the solution. As a result, all records will be deleted, and the paper will remain safe and sound.

If you need to remove ballpoint ink from a large area, a composition of water, oxalic and citric acids will help you. To prepare it, mix in 100 ml. water, 10 grams of each of these acids. With a wide soft brush, apply the resulting solution to the ink, then moisten with plain water and dry with a blotter.

The question of how to remove an ink stain arises among many people who, due to their negligence or prank, have colored stains on their favorite clothes or furniture. It will immediately seem that the thing is irretrievably damaged, but it is not. Modern ink is easy to remove using simple, proven methods.

How to remove an ink stain?

When a problem is discovered, it is important to act immediately, as removing a ballpoint ink stain is easier when it is fresh. To do this, use many improvised means that are easy to find in the first aid kit or at home in the kitchen. The method of exposure differs depending on the type of fabric that has been soiled. It is necessary to remove the ink before the soiled thing is washed so that it does not spread further along the material. To begin with, a sorbent is applied to the blot - starch, crushed chalk, baby powder. After a few minutes, you can shake it off.

How to remove ink stains from white clothes?

When deciding how to remove an ink stain from clothes from, you can use the following methods:

  1. Chlorine containing agent. You just need to apply the composition (for example, whiteness) to the product and give it time to act. After the clothes can be washed. In some cases, hydrogen peroxide can also help, it has a mild whitening effect. It is applied with a cotton swab to the pollution and, if there is a positive effect, the blot is wiped until it disappears.
  2. It is easy to remove ink from a snow-white thing as follows: knead a hydroperite tablet in 50 g of water, pour vinegar and a little potassium permanganate into another container. The first cotton swab is applied to the blots with a purple mixture of potassium permanganate, the second - a solution of hydroperite. Then the product must be rinsed under running water, there will be no trace of ink left.
  3. White cloth can be cleaned with ammonia and hydrogen peroxide (1:1) diluted in a glass of water. It is necessary to moisten the cotton wool with the product and attach it to the soiled place, then wash the thing.

How to remove ink stains from colored clothes?

When deciding how to remove an ink stain from clothes made from colored fabrics, you need to be careful that the material does not shed or bleach due to processing. For cleaning, it is better to use gentle products. How to remove an ink stain from colored material:

  1. Mix acetone and alcohol in equal proportions. Pour the solution onto the contaminated area, rub it and wait until the ink disappears. The remaining stains can be treated with a 10% ammonia solution, after checking how resistant the paint is to it. Then wash the item.
  2. You can remove the stain with milk. You need to hold a thing in it, rinse and wash.
  3. Make a solution of five parts alcohol and two glycerin. Apply it on pollution, hold, rinse and wash. The ingredients allow you to keep the color of the matter.
  4. A gruel of mustard is applied to the silk fabric for a day, after which it must be scraped off and rinsed in cool water.

How to remove ink stains from jeans?

If the pen has stained your favorite jeans, you do not need to immediately throw the item away. You can easily clean the material, and they will last for several more years. How to remove ink stains from denim:

  1. Pour some rubbing alcohol or spray hairspray on the stained area. Blot it with a clean cotton swab, rinse in clean water after the ink disappears.
  2. Make a solution of vinegar and heated water 1:1, pour on the ink for 30 minutes. Make a paste with water and baking soda. Rub it into the dirt with an old toothbrush, which must be dipped in vinegar solution. Field rinse jeans in cool water.

How to remove an ink stain from a shirt?

When the shirt is stained with ink, the problem can be solved with the help of vinegar. How to remove ink stains:

  1. Place a white paper towel under your shirt.
  2. Spray the stained area with water, leave for 5 minutes.
  3. Blot the ink with a tissue many times until it absorbs it.
  4. Mix in a bowl 1 tbsp. l. dishwashing detergents, 2 tsp. vinegar and a glass of water.
  5. Soak a white cloth with the composition and put it on the ink for 20 minutes.
  6. Rub the dirty area to completely remove the ink, wash the product in a typewriter.

How to remove ink stain from leather?

If the pen has stained a leather jacket, bag or sofa, the problem can be solved using proven methods. Before removing an ink stain from leather, test the cleaner on an inconspicuous area to make sure that it does not change the color of the material. To get rid of the blot, the following recipes are acceptable:

  1. To do this, dilute 1 tsp. soda and 1 tsp. ammonia in a glass of water. Moisten with a cloth, treat the contamination, when the ink is cleaned, rinse the area with water.
  2. Removing ink stains from clothes is done with a composition of 1 tbsp. l. salt and a drop of detergent diluted in half a glass of water. The mixture is applied to the blot, left to dry. After washing the remnants of dirt and cleaning composition with a rag.

How to remove an old ink stain?

Removal of ink stains from clothes should be started as early as possible, new contaminants dissolve better. But it is also possible to cope with dried stains. How to remove an old ink stain:

  1. The ink is treated with a mixture of alcohol and acetone (1: 1), covered with a sheet of clean paper and ironed with a heated iron. Then the thing must be washed.
  2. You can make another potent mixture - alcohol and turpentine in equal proportions. The blot must be processed several times, after which the thing should be washed, because the composition has an unpleasant odor.
  3. Old ink is easy to remove with a mixture of vinegar and ethyl alcohol in equal doses. Then the treated tissue is washed with plenty of water.

Ink stain remover

When deciding how to remove an ink stain on clothes, you can act on it with a ready-made stain remover from the store. It is not difficult to use it, the removal of pollution will take only a few minutes of time. Stain removers are available as:

  1. Pencil. The choice is wide, these are Faberlic, Udalix, Heitmann, they cope with fresh ink and dried blots. The products work in the same way - first you need to wet the dirt with heated water, then rub it with a pencil until foam appears, let it stand for 15 minutes. After the time has passed, the item can be washed. On old blots, the exposure time is increased to 2 hours. Pencils are suitable for all types of fabrics, especially fine textures can be processed with a sponge.
  2. Oxygen bleaches do a good job of removing the paste, for example, Dr. Beckmann, S.C. Gel. With their help, blots from ink, markers, felt-tip pens, traces of carbon paper, graffiti paints are removed. Before buying a product, you need to read on the packaging what type of pollution it is suitable for.

Question: "How to wash the ink from the pen from the fabric?" many ask when they accidentally notice a stain from a ballpoint pen on clothes. Not finding an answer, they are disappointed that they will have to say goodbye to their favorite thing. But you don't have to get upset. In the article we will try to talk about how and how to remove ballpoint pen ink from fabric.

The most important thing in removing any contamination is an immediate response. Do not leave the cleaning of the product for later. Fresh pen marks are much easier to remove than they are deeply embedded in the material. But if you did not have the opportunity to immediately begin to remove the stain, then this does not matter. Pollution can be washed off, you just have to make a little effort and patience.

How to get fresh ballpoint pen ink out of fabric

A stain is considered fresh if you find it a couple of minutes after its formation. And immediately proceed to remove it so that it does not have time to soak into the material.

In this case, the ideal absorbents are:

  • talc;
  • starch;
  • cosmetic product for powdering baby skin;
  • chalk powder, always white.

Sprinkle a dirty area with one of the proposed products and wait a couple of minutes. Then blot with a damp cloth.

The above list of absorbents may not always be at hand. In modern apartments it is easier to find a variety of chemical products. Therefore, if you have a stain remover, then you are lucky. You will save not only your time, but save yourself from unnecessary trouble. See below for how to remove ink from fabric.

Apply the stain remover to the dirt with precise movements and wait fifteen minutes. Then fill the item of clothing with cool water, leaving for twenty minutes. Then wash it in any powder.

The next method is more suitable for employees of medical institutions. They use a ballpoint pen all the time and marks from it are a common operating cost. Doctors certainly know how to remove ink from fabric. And the means by which you can get rid of trouble are in the workplace.

How to remove ink from fabric with a cotton pad

An alternative to a stain remover than to wash ink from a pen from a fabric is ammonia and alcohol. You just need to abundantly wet the cotton pad and put it on the dirt, waiting for about two minutes. The procedure must be repeated 3-4 times using a clean cotton pad until the ink brightens. After that, wash the product in the usual way.

Housewives know how to remove ink from fabric in the first minutes of its appearance at home. This option is also suitable for lovers of environmentally friendly products. To implement it, you need milk and lemon. The "magic" composition of natural products is so unique that, penetrating deep into the fabric, it can easily cope with any flaws.

How to remove ink from fabric with lemon

These products are easy to use as a stain remover. One has only to pour lemon juice or warmed milk on the treated area. Wait fifteen minutes and wash the garment with powder.

If you find old spots from the handle on the product, then do not worry that you will have to say goodbye to it. Take it to the chemical treatment, experts probably know how to remove ink from the fabric. But if you do not have such an opportunity, use our advice.

Clothing made of colored materials requires delicate care. A softer mixture of glycerin and alcohol is suitable for her. They are taken in the following proportions: two parts of one and five of the other. "Miracle cocktail" is applied to the stain and aged for two hours. Wash the item in the usual way.

Ink is removed from clothes made of synthetic fabric or natural silk using heated kefir, in which the item is soaked for three hours. Wash and the result will surprise you.

How to get ink out of wool

Wool is a delicate fabric, so to remove marks from the pen, you need to resort to less radical options. Ideal in this case is mustard, which is mixed with warm water to a state of thick sour cream. Mustard seven is applied to the spots, left for a while until it dries. The mustard crust is peeled off at the same time as the ink. Next, you need to wash the product in warm water using soap.

How to remove ink from cotton fabric

For all types of material in this category, two methods are suitable:

  • Alcohol acetone solution. The components are mixed in equal parts and heated in a water bath. The traces of the handle are impregnated with a warm solution. Through wet gauze with a hot iron, they pass over the stain to be removed.
  • Concentrated lemon juice.

The brightest representative of cotton and linen are white fabrics. And not every ink cleaning method is suitable for white fabric. If we talk about the alcohol-acetone mixture, then stains will appear on the white fabric after its application, which are removed with ammonia. And lemon juice is generally not suitable for use.

How to remove ink from white fabric without causing damage

Dilute the same amount of ammonia and hydrogen peroxide with warm water in a volume six times larger. Immerse the product in the solution for a couple of hours. Then wash it in warm water in powder with a whitening effect.

Ink stains on white clothes are excellently removed with ammonia. Only not clean, diluted in warm water. Five milliliters of ammonia is enough for 250 ml of water. Wet a cotton pad in the solution and treat it with pollution. Then - the usual wash.

How to remove ink from silky white fabric

We prefer to wear white silk clothes in the summer, fleeing from the sweltering heat.

To save a soiled thing will help:

  • lemon juice + salt;
  • milk;
  • glycerol.

Before removing ink from a white cloth or any other, test your chosen method on a small, invisible piece of cloth to avoid unpleasant surprises.

How to remove stains from a ballpoint pen (video)

Everyone at least once in their life faced such a problem as ink stains on clothes. They are noticeable even on rather dark things and, as every housewife knows, they are extremely difficult to wash. But we'll fix it! In this article, you will find simple tips and learn how to remove ink from clothes without resorting to dry cleaning.

Taking action quickly

As with other difficult stains, the key to successful ballpoint pen removal is your speed. The sooner you notice the stain and take action, the more likely it is to be completely removed.

So what do you need to do to get rid of fresh ink?

  1. Slow down the process. If the stain is only a few minutes old, you can reduce the damage done to the fabric. To do this, cover the ink with talcum powder or baby powder. For this purpose, crumbs from white chalk or starch are also suitable. After a few minutes, blot the cloth with a tissue paper or thin towel. The powder will act as an absorbent and prevent the ink from seeping into the fabric.
  2. Use a stain remover. If there is a professional laundry detergent at home, do not hesitate to use it. Spot it on the ballpoint pen stain and leave it for 10-15 minutes. After that, soak the item in cold water and wash after 20 minutes using your regular laundry detergent.
  3. Think about the funds from the first aid kit. Ammonia or medical alcohol is a worthy replacement for a stain remover. Moisten a cotton swab liberally and apply it to the problem area. No need to put extra effort and try to "wipe" the ink. For best results, simply hold the cotton for 1-2 minutes, then change it and repeat the procedure. You will notice that the pollution has noticeably lightened. Now it will be easy to remove it.
  4. Check out the refrigerator. Lemon and milk are sure to be found in every home. The special composition of these natural products allows them to act on pollution, penetrating deep into the fibers of the fabric. You can easily remove gel paste or a ballpoint pen mark after pouring a little warm milk or lemon juice on the stain. Start washing 15 minutes after processing the material.

Safe home remedies

It is not enough to know how to remove ink. It is important to take into account the characteristics of the fabric and remember certain safety rules that guarantee thorough and safe stain removal.
First, do not expose materials to long-term exposure to acidic compounds. Despite the high effectiveness of bleaches and home remedies based on lemon juice and alcohol, they are very aggressive. This can play a trick on you: in place of the former stain from a ballpoint pen, you risk getting a hole or severe wear. Therefore, always follow the recommendations on the amount of the product and the time of its exposure.

Are you afraid to ruin your favorite thing? Try the new whitening method on the wrong side. If the color of the product does not change and the quality of the fabric remains the same, you can safely use it to wash a ballpoint pen. Otherwise, use another method.

Second, avoid high temperatures. Hot water will not only not help to remove the ink, but, on the contrary, will accelerate their penetration into the deeper layers of the fabric. Always soak dirty items in warm water using regular laundry detergent or soap lather.

Knowing these simple rules, you are guaranteed not to spoil your favorite thing. If this gentle approach doesn't work, you can always rewash with chemical bleach or take it to a dry cleaner.

  1. Cotton fabrics can be cleaned of ink stains with an alcohol solution. Saturate the fabric with it and wait for the stain to lighten a little. After that, you should immediately start washing. If necessary, the procedure can be repeated several times.
  2. For thick cotton, such as a men's shirt, the following method is also suitable. Mix equal amounts of ammonia and hydrogen peroxide. For a small spot, you only need 1 tbsp. l. such a mixture. Dilute it in 1 cup of warm water and apply generously on the stain. After a few minutes, you can try to wash the thing with a thick foam from laundry soap.
  3. To remove the paste from silk, wool or any other delicate fabric, use sour milk. Soak the stain in slightly warmed yogurt or yogurt for 2-3 hours, then wash as usual.
  4. The most gentle way to remove ink from fabric is baking soda. Mix it with warm water until a liquid slurry forms and apply to the contaminated area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe clothing. Wash it off with cool water after 20 minutes. Fix the effect obtained with turpentine. Spot it on the remaining ballpoint pen marks. After that, send the item to the laundry.
  5. Removing a ballpoint or gel pen from jeans is very difficult! This is especially true for light jeans. Use laundry soap and a brush first. Using warm water, whip up a rich foam and apply it to the stain from the pen. Using a brush, wash the fabric thoroughly. Unfortunately, this method is only suitable for small contaminants. If the stain is large, first remove it with alcohol applied to a cotton pad.
  6. Salt can be used to clean leather or suede. Apply it in a thick layer on the contaminated area and leave for 2 days. Shake off the salt and use a soft sponge dipped in turpentine. Act slowly and carefully. Your goal is to carefully polish the surface of the material.

Removing old stains

While sorting things out, did you find an old ink stain? Of course, the best way out is going to the dry cleaners. But you can try to solve the problem yourself. Proven home remedies will help you.

Before using a stain remover, test it on an inconspicuous area of ​​the fabric.

How to wash a pen from clothes quickly and easily?

  1. Mix equal parts hydrogen peroxide and ammonia. Add 6 parts warm water. Soak clothes for 2 hours, then wash thoroughly in warm water using a bleaching powder.
  2. For colored fabrics, a more delicate method is suitable. Combine 2 parts of glycerin with 5 parts of a mixture of turpentine and ammonia. Use spot solution on ink. Wait 2 hours before washing.
  3. Remove stains from delicate synthetics and natural silk after a 3-hour soak in warm yogurt.
  4. Gently clean the paste from the wool with a cotton swab and turpentine. This method can also be used for jeans. But you need to first make sure of the quality of their coloring. Otherwise, ugly stains will remain in the place where the ink was. To check, use turpentine on the wrong side of the jeans.

Now you know how to remove ink from clothes. These tips will help you put everything in order on your own, from a thin silk blouse to tight jeans.

How to remove ink? Many of you may have experienced this kind of problem. Both schoolchildren and students, as well as adults who work with documents, can stain clothes with a ballpoint pen. No one is safe from ink stains on a white shirt, medical gown or blouse.

Ballpoint or gel pen ink cannot be hidden on any type of fabric. They can be clearly seen even on dark clothes, and on white office shirts, ink blots look unaesthetic.

Why is it so difficult to remove ballpoint pen ink or printer ink from clothes? The secret lies in the special composition of the ink. In fact, ink is a liquid coloring matter that is necessary for writing text, printing impressions, or creating some sketches and drawings. It is possible to get an image on paper using a printer.

Not only schoolchildren and teachers have to deal with ink, but also people engaged in intellectual work. The latter, during the working day, need to sign documents several times, certify them with stamps and seals, and also work with office equipment.

To understand how to deal with ballpoint pen or printer ink stains, you need to understand what dyes are made of.

What is included in the ink:

  1. Solvents.
  2. Dyes (pigments).
  3. modifiers, preservatives and surfactants.
  4. Dyes.
  5. Drying speed and viscosity modifiers.
  6. preservatives.

This is not the whole list of components from which ink is made. Depending on the purpose of use, the list of coloring substances can be supplemented by certain substances.

At the sight of a stain from a ballpoint pen on a child's school uniform, the mother is horrified, trying to remove the pollution as quickly as possible with the means available in the house. Unfortunately, the result is not always positive, but rather the opposite.

Or it happens. The inkblot accidentally ended up on the doctor's white coat. The doctor often has to write out prescriptions and sick leaves, and then stamp them. Stamp dye can be a hassle when it comes to laundering a medical white coat.

Fortunately, the days when people wrote with fountain pens are long gone. Ink has been replaced by gel and ballpoint stationery items. The composition of the dyes of today's pens is not as stable as it was 100 years ago. With the help of modern household chemicals, the trace of the paste at home is much easier to remove.

But not all inks are created equal. In more expensive models of fountain pens, the dyes are quite persistent, but in cheap copies, the opposite is true. On a sheet of paper, budget ink from ballpoint and gel pens does not last so long. For this reason, removing stains from clothes is not difficult. But still, you will have to make a little effort if the damaged thing is dear to you.

To achieve an effective and 100% washing result, you can use several methods. As with any stubborn stains, ink marks must be removed immediately or at least after 1-2 days. The longer you put off washing, the more difficult it will be to remove the ink blot.

You can find out how to remove ink stains in the next section of the article.

Removing ink stains the right way

To properly remove ink stains yourself, here are a few effective methods that you can use.

As mentioned earlier, recent ink marks on white, colored or denim clothing are much easier to remove than old ones. This is because the fresh blot has not yet had time to penetrate deeply into the fibers of the fabric. To eliminate last year's ink from a jacket, you will need quite powerful stain removers and special household chemicals.

To remove dye from white clothes, a quality stain remover or bleach that matches the structure of the fabric will help. Before starting the process, you must make sure that the product will not harm the product. You must first test the product from the wrong side or in an inconspicuous place. If the product has not lost its original appearance, then the tool can be used. Anyone who will be using chlorine-based bleach will need to dilute the chemical with water. Next, you can process or moisten the place of contamination in the resulting solution.

Delicate fabrics must be handled with great care. Aggressive substances of some household chemicals can harm the structure of the fibers. If you are worried that you might ruin the fabric, take the item to the dry cleaners. With the help of special chemicals and the necessary equipment, professionals will restore your favorite white jacket to its former glory.

Before you begin the process, familiarize yourself with the type of fabric that you will need to wash off the ink. It will be useful to observe some precautions.

The main condition for effective washing is that the damaged item should not be exposed to aggressive chemicals for a long time. Sometimes even a harmless folk remedy based on lemon juice or ammonia, in which a thing is soaked for 2-3 hours, can harm the product. As a result, there is a risk of earning a new problem, and much more serious than a blot from a ballpoint pen. A blouse or dress may have a hole or noticeable roughness that is visible to the naked eye.

If the stain is very fresh, then you can cover it from above and below with a thin sheet of paper to allow the paint to soak into the notebook sheet. As an "absorber" of ink, you can use any improvised means, for example, paper towels, serving napkins, paper handkerchiefs or toilet paper. If, in addition, a little dry talc or potato starch is poured onto a fresh ink blot, the effect will be stronger.

Then you can do the following:

  1. Pour a small amount of alcohol into a container.
  2. Dip a washcloth in it.
  3. Treat the stain, moving from the edge to the middle.

If this manipulation was not enough and the stain is still on the clothes, then the procedure must be repeated. Several processing steps are worth doing because alcohol does not work on a wet cloth. For this reason, the blouse must first be dried and then returned to the procedure. It must be carried out until there are no prints left on the clothes.

The following way to clean a white office blouse will surely interest some ladies. To cope with a fresh trace of printer ink, hairspray will help, which perfectly keeps the hairstyle during the working day. However, enterprising women found him a second use. If you spray hair styling product on a fresh ink stain and wait a minute, you can see how the blot disappears. After that, you can gently treat the contamination with a piece of cloth or a handkerchief, performing cleansing movements. On the inside of the stain, place a dry cloth so that the fabric can absorb the dye and hairspray.

These actions can be performed right at the workplace, for example, in the toilet. Upon returning home, the item should be washed. If the result is unsatisfactory, you can first varnish the product again, and only then the thing can be washed.

For more information on how to remove ink from clothes, see the next section.

What can be used?

What can I use to get old ink stains off jeans or jackets? To answer this question, let's look at a few effective ways that you can take note of.

In the table below, as a "cheat sheet" for housewives, various means are described that will help to cope with ink stains on various types of fabric.

A professional stain remover or a quality laundry detergent (it is advisable to have both products at home) will easily remove fresh stains. It is necessary to apply the product locally on the damaged area and leave for 15-20 minutes. Then the clothes should be soaked in water at room temperature, and after 15-20 minutes, washed using a powder.

At the soaking stage, you should not use hot water, since in this case it is not your helper, but most likely an enemy. Try to lower the damaged item in warm water, to which a powder or foam solution of laundry soap is added. If you follow the recommendations of experts and do just that, then your favorite thing can be “reanimated”.

Removing an ink stain from jeans is quite troublesome. It is problematic to remove blots from dark models, and sometimes it is impossible to remove blots from lighter products. This does not mean that your favorite denim clothing should be sent to the landfill.

Before you begin to print an ink print from a denim, you must be prepared that you may not succeed. But there are no hopeless situations. In this case, you will either have to take the item to a professional dry cleaner, or drape the stain with a beautiful appliqué or sticker. As you can see, you still have an ace up your sleeve.

A little dirt on the denim will help eliminate the bar of laundry soap. It is necessary to make a soapy solution out of it, and treat the pollution with the resulting foam, then clean it with a brush.

You can read more about what other industrial tools should be used in the next section.

Household chemicals

If the funds listed above were not enough, then special household chemicals will help to cope with ink on clothes.

What can be used:

  1. Vanish stain remover. The contaminated area is treated with this liquid agent and left for 4 hours. After the trace disappears, it is necessary to wash off the remnants of the product under a tap with warm water. Next, the item should be washed by hand or in a washing machine.
  2. whiteness. This chemical will help remove black and red ink from white fabrics. 3 tablespoons of whiteness must be diluted with water, and then soak the product in a bowl for 60 minutes. After an hour, the damaged item should be thoroughly rinsed, and then washed in the washing machine at maximum speed, adding powder.
  3. Stain remover Dr. Beckmann. This product will be able to eliminate color ink from the printer other than black. With this tool, pollution is treated and left for a while. Then the thing is rinsed, and only after that it is sent to the drum of the washing machine.
  4. Arenas stain remover. This versatile enzymatic product is designed to wash all types of fabrics. It does not contain phosphates and guarantees excellent washing results at temperatures from 30°C to 90°C. It is necessary to treat the blot with a stain remover, and after 30 minutes wash the product in an automatic machine.
  5. Spray foam "Antipyatin". This tool is very good at removing both recent dirt and old ones. The spray is suitable for all types of fabric. Thanks to its special composition and convenient packaging, it penetrates deep into fabric fibers and breaks down ink stains. Spray-foamer is used before the washing stage.

This is not the whole list of resources that you can use. We have specially collected the most effective ones for you. Before starting the process, be sure to make sure that the product will not harm the product. Test the product on the wrong side or on an inconspicuous area of ​​the fabric. If the product has not changed color or faded, then you can safely proceed to the cleaning procedure.

Folk ways

Folk methods of dealing with ink pollution are no less effective than industrial products. Our grandmothers also used these methods, so you can start the process of removing stains without fear.

What may be needed:

Product name

Mode of application

Sour milk or kefir

Soak clothes in the product and leave for 1 hour. A small stain can be treated with milk, and washed off after 40 minutes. After that, the product should be washed by hand or machine, adding detergent.


A fresh dairy product needs to be warmed up a little, and then the traces of ink stains should be moistened with it. The product should be left for a while, and then washed.


The drug should be slightly warmed up. Then you need to apply it to the blot and let it soak into the fibers of the fabric. After the product has been properly moistened, it can be treated with a small amount of ammonia. After that, the thing is thoroughly rinsed, and then washed by hand or in an automatic machine.

Lemon juice and salt

Squeeze citrus juice onto the stain and sprinkle salt on top. The product should be left for 3-4 hours. Then it is necessary to remove the remnants of the product, and then wash it by hand or machine.

Dry mustard

You need to dilute 1 tablespoon of dry mustard powder with warm water in equal proportions. Then the resulting mixture must be treated with contamination and left for 24 hours. Then, with gentle movements, you need to remove the remnants of the dry product with a moistened washcloth. After that, the thing should be washed by machine, adding a liquid detergent.

Turpentine and ammonia

It is necessary to process the ink trace with this substance and leave it for a while. Next, you need to moisten a cotton pad in hydrogen peroxide and remove the remnants of turpentine from the product. After that, the thing can be soaked in water, adding powder, and then washed by hand with them in an automatic machine.

Ethyl alcohol and table vinegar 9% vinegar

It is necessary to dilute these products in equal parts. Then the resulting solution can be used to treat the ink stain. Next, the thing must be washed by machine, adding a high-quality laundry detergent.

Before you start fighting ink prints with folk remedies, you need to read the manufacturer's label on damaged clothes to determine the type of fabric. After you clearly know what material the product is sewn from, you can choose the right tool. Feel free to test the product on the inside of the garment and make sure that the item is not damaged.

Our helpful laundry care tips will help you avoid washing mistakes.

Things to remember:

  • do not try to wash a large ink trail along the “hot” marks, as the pigment can penetrate deep into the fibers of the fabric;
  • do not rub the stained thing too hard so that the stain does not increase;
  • for colored delicate fabrics, do not use bleach, so as not to discolor the product;
  • before using the stain remover, test it on an inconspicuous area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe fabric, and only then treat the clothes with it;
  • get rid of the habit of carrying a ballpoint or gel pen in a shirt or jacket pocket;
  • if none of the above methods helped to get rid of traces of ink, then the item can be dry-cleaned;
  • before starting the process, the denim product must be tested from the inconspicuous side, and only then proceed to washing;
  • try not to rub the ink print, but soak it, moving from the edge to the middle;
  • do not wash and dry a thing that still has ink contamination, so that the dye does not eat into the fabric fibers.

Now you know all the subtleties and nuances of washing clothes that accidentally got ink. These tips will come in handy for you to independently remove unsightly dirt from a ballpoint pen or printer toner. Act - and you will certainly succeed!
