Good dates for a wedding in December. What the year of the Fire Rooster prepares for lovers

Of course, each new couple I want their marriage to be the most beautiful. And the key to future well-being is the right date. So what days in 2017 are the most favorable for a wedding?

Wedding in 2017: auspicious dates

Of course, all newlyweds want their wedding date to look beautiful. The mirror row of numbers looks great both in the documents of the registry office and in invitations for guests. And 2017 offers several such dates.

  • In the first place in terms of effectiveness, of course, is the seventeenth of February. Agree, 02/17/2017 looks very attractive.
  • The second most popular date for future newlyweds is the seventh of July. As many as three sevens - 07/07/2017 - in one day will definitely bring happiness.
  • And in third place - the seventh of October. The date 10/07/2017 looks no less impressive than the rest.

However, the beauty of writing is not the most important thing in these dates. According to numerology, the combination of several identical numbers in beautiful dates for the wedding bears favorable energy which has a positive effect on such an outstanding celebration. The presence of the seven in the date will be especially good. After all, this figure symbolizes good luck and prosperity in business and undertakings.

Pay attention to the unit. The first digit of the numerological series in the date is a great start for a young family. The unit carries a positive charge for all new things and marks an easy start for the life of two lovers together.

Favorable days for a wedding in 2017

Each month has its auspicious and unfortunate dates for future wedding. A huge impact the moon has an effect on the well-being of this or that day. After all new family, which is formed happy groom and the bride, like a young shoot - she must grow and develop. And just like a plant, the rise or fall of the moon will positively or negatively affect the marriage. So, you should not appoint a celebration for the new moon - the absence of a night star in the sky will not bring happiness and joy. Conversely, the waxing moon attracts positive energy, promising wealth and prosperity.

Choosing the day important celebration in your life, be sure to check it against the following table.

January July
01.01.2017 Sunday 07.07.2017 Friday
08.01.2017 Sunday 28.07.2017 Friday
29.01.2017 Sunday 30.07.2017 Sunday
February August
03.02.2017 Friday 02.08.2017 Wednesday
05.02.2017 Sunday 25.08.2017 Friday
10.02.2017 Friday 27.08.2017 Sunday
March September
03.03.2017 Friday 03.09.2017 Sunday
10.03.2017 Friday 04.09.2017 Monday
31.03.2017 Friday 22.09.2017 Friday
June December
04.06.2017 Sunday 01.12.2017 Friday
09.06.2017 Friday 22.12.2017 Friday
30.06.2017 Friday 24.12.2017 Sunday

Wedding 2017: signs and features

As you know, 2017 Eastern calendar- Year of the Rooster. The rooster is one of the most demanding and complex figures in the horoscope, in addition, the bird will be in its most aggressive form - Fiery. Therefore, it is important to observe all the traditions and signs of the future celebration.

  • The main thing to remember is color. The bride or groom must have something red on hand. A ribbon, a pen, a garter, a flower in a bouquet, a glass or even a plate on the table - at least one item of scarlet, orange, deep yellow, that is bright colors raging flame.
  • Try to follow the established wedding traditions - an attempt to introduce something new and untried may not please the wayward Rooster and cause his anger.
  • If you believe Eastern horoscopes, then the best day for a wedding in 2017 will be Friday. Particular attention should be paid to the morning and lunch hours - favorite time restless rooster.
  • Drive away doubts! The Rooster is always confident in himself and will demand the same from you. And so the choice auspicious date for a wedding in 2017, you should do it quickly and decisively.
  • Anxiety - distinguishing feature Rooster. Therefore, you should not be surprised at unexpectedly fallen troubles or suddenly changed plans of your dressmaker, florist or restaurant administration - all these minor troubles must be resolved in your favor. So the Rooster checks your future marriage for strength and stability.
  • For all its extraordinary activity, the Rooster is also distinguished by rare conservatism. Therefore, we should expect that the marriage concluded in 2017 will be similar to those classic family relationships that are written about in novels. A strong, reliable and stable family is what awaits those who get married in the year of the Rooster.
  • The man is the head of the family. And the Rooster is firmly convinced of this. Therefore, all the signs dedicated to the symbol of the year must be observed by the groom on an equal basis with the bride - only in this way willful bird guarantees a strong marriage.


Of course, someone believes in astrology, someone - in numerology, and someone trusts only the lunar calendar for choosing a wedding day in 2017. Psychologists say that a firm belief in the auspiciousness of the chosen wedding date affects the subconscious, as if coding for the creation of happiness in the future. One way or another, but the right day for marriage will help make your future union, if not ideal, then prosperous for sure.

And finally advice: love each other. Any day, even the most favorable and corresponding to all signs, may not bring the expected happiness. After all, for strong marriage not only the date is important, but also love. Sincerity, respect for each other, trust - that's the key strong family. The reliability of marriage does not depend on the date in the certificate, but on the desire to give each other happiness and joy.

It is undesirable to have a wedding in December 2017. It has only three favorable days for marriage. And the thing is that in December, the Orthodox adhere to the Philippine fast, which originates on November 28 and lasts until January 6. So it is better even if you want to have a wedding, then do not arrange a magnificent celebration.

Favorable days for a wedding in December 2017

As we have already said, there are practically no favorable days for a wedding in December 2017. You can celebrate the holiday only on the 2nd, 10th or 17th. And it is undesirable to arrange a feast for the whole world - the celebration should be quite modest. But if you do not believe in omens and do not fast, you can strengthen the union and celebrate this event on a grand scale.

Lunar wedding calendar for december 2017

The lunar wedding calendar for December 2017 shows which days you can get married and which days it is undesirable to do so. From what date you choose, your future family life will be determined. It depends on this whether you will be happy in marriage or not.

By choosing the best day for your wedding in December 2017, you can avoid the occurrence of unpleasant situations and build relationships in which harmony will reign. Auspicious days: December 1, 22, 24, 25, 29, 31. Let's talk about each in more detail. So, on December 1, the moon is in the sign of Taurus. The union concluded on this day will be ideal. Partners will complement each other, equip the family nest, make it comfortable and cozy.

It is believed that such a union will be creative, as lovers love good music, caring for plants, having fun on any holidays. They will be happy only from the fact that they will be with each other, spend free time together, cook, in a word, engage common affairs.

On December 22, the moon will be in the sign of Aquarius. Marrying on this day family life spouse will become for another best friend. Such a union will be extraordinary: lovers are "eccentric", which attracts them to each other. They will trust each other, get involved in common affairs, help others, show hospitality. And even with the birth of a child, the relationship of the spouses will remain good: the baby will bring something new and unusual into their lives. However, this can be said about all couples, but it is this crumb that will inspire new joint achievements.

December 24, the moon is in the sign of Pisces. Marriage made on this day makes partners devoted friend friend, so the union is spiritual. True, in public a couple may seem closed, but in reality it is harmonious and silent. Lovers, as it were, will be connected by some kind of energy that does not need any words. Each of the spouses will be ready to do everything for their soulmate. Spiritual values ​​prevail in this pair - they will be in the foreground.

On December 25, the moon, as well as on the 24th, will be in the sign of Pisces. In a couple whose marriage is concluded on this day, everything will be the same as that of the lovers, whom we talked about a little higher. December 25 - the seventh lunar day, on which it is better to marry creative people. Why? Because the family that was formed on the seventh lunar day, will be very close-knit and friendly.

Another wedding date in December 2017 that suits marriage is December 29th. This is the 11th lunar day. A family born on this day will be prosperous, all its members will trust each other.

And finally, the last day of December is included in the number good days for a wedding in December 2017. At this time, the moon is in the sign of Gemini. The marriage concluded on this day will be strong. Both spouses will be sociable and active, they will have common interests. That is why spouses will not bother each other. True, for this each of them will have to retire from time to time. This is normal (in principle, everyone should do this).

December wedding tips

There will be quite a lot for a wedding in December, and basically all of them are related to the weather:

  • Frost can not be afraid. On the contrary, severe cold before the wedding - to a strong union.
  • The cold suddenly came to visit? So, the relationship will be warm and tender.
  • If the weather is calm, it is warm enough outside, fate will delight with pleasant surprises.
  • Rain on the day of marriage promises wealth.
  • Snowing? The family will be happy.

All this must be taken into account so that the future family life is happy. But the wedding itself must be given great attention. And she cannot do without a professional who will solve many issues, help organize the celebration and make it unforgettable. The host and musician Oleg Berg easily completed all the issues related to the organization and holding of the holiday. He will carefully consider everything and offer best options for the event.

Many lovers prefer to celebrate their wedding celebration in the summer or "golden" autumn time, when everything in nature is actively blooming and covered with bright colors. But true romantics prefer to hold wedding celebration December - after all, this severe frosty time brings into the future life together newlyweds only sincere feelings and the strength of marriage. Will the wedding be successful in December 2019? What they say folk omens and recommendations lunar calendar on this occasion?

wedding omens

If you believe folk wisdom, then the December wedding promises the newlyweds only a lasting and happy family union. Our great-grandfathers tried to organize a magnificent celebration in the coldest December days, because such a sign promised the young the strength and durability of marriage. What December wedding omens exist in true modernity? Is the character left winter month favorable for conclusion happy marriage?

  • If on the date of the festive event a cold rages on the street and a heavy snowfall is circling, then such a sign indicates financial stability in family.
  • The strongest frost on the date of the marriage also indicates that the son will become the first-born in a young family.
  • When at the time of the wedding, the bride's tights are torn, this means a quick replenishment in the family.
  • If lovers see crows sitting together on trees, then this judges the family's loyalty and strength of mutual relations.

There are also signs for a wedding in December 2019 regarding the marriage itself:

It should be noted that, according to popular beliefs, a December wedding is very favorable, but according to church canons, it is impossible to get married during this icy period. The whole point lies in the fact that the whole of December in Orthodoxy, the basics of the Nativity Fast are in effect, which ends only on January 6th. Not a single priest in any church church will marry the young at the time of fasting. A special day is December 4, when believers meet great holiday- this is an introduction to the sacred temple of the Virgin. This celebration should be dedicated only Christian foundations but not worldly pleasures.

To summarize, the wedding in December 2019 is approved by the people and promises young people strong, strong and faithful relationship. But getting married this month is strictly prohibited.

Favorable dates for a happy wedding according to the lunar calendar

Modern young people are especially respectful of the recommendations of the lunar calendar, in which all 2019 is clearly spelled out.

  • 1 - the most perfect date months, it represents positive result in any endeavor. It is believed that a marriage made on this day will give future spouses novelty and romance in a relationship.
  • 5 — good number for lovers, for whom friendship is a priority. Of course, this does not mean that marriage will become only a semblance of love, on the contrary, mutual support will reign in the family, true love and care of spouses only about each other.

When it comes to a wedding in December, there can be disputes between the newlyweds (and even their parents) regarding the date of the future celebration. It would seem that what could be good in winter holiday?! At least the opportunity to get beautiful winter photos and a chance to be fashionable stylish fur coat dianafurs, feeling like a real winter queen.

The portal is in a hurry to prove that a wedding in December is not only capricious weather and cold, but, according to signs, a guarantee of a happy marriage! And a responsible approach to organizing a holiday will help organize a dream wedding!

Registration of marriage in December

Even in Rus', the ancestors sought to strengthen the relationship between a guy and a girl at the beginning of winter. If you believe the beliefs, then a marriage in December, in contrast to registering a marriage in January, promises to be long and happy, promising the couple understanding and undying love. But it is immediately worth noting that fasting begins in December, because of which churches do not crown newlyweds. If you plan to secure your relationship with the Almighty, be sure to consider this fact.

Due to Lent and cold weather, not many couples want to get married in December, which means you can choose almost any date you like for the wedding! Agree, this is a definite plus. But are all days for a wedding in December favorable? Let's find out what the ancestors thought about this.

December wedding: auspicious days

Superstitious brides choosing better days for a December wedding, rely on the lunar calendar and even trust numerology. But there are numbers that carry a beneficial effect on marriage, regardless of the year. We invite you to talk about them.

To register a marriage in December, choose from the following dates:

  1. 01.12 - lovely date for any undertakings, including for the birth of a family;
  2. 05.12 - it is believed that in family life spouses will fully satisfy each other in all aspects;
  3. 11.12 - the day they are born friendly families in which spouses always make concessions and know how to hear one by one;
  4. 15.12 - the date promises that the couple will easily cope with all the plans set;
  5. 17.12 - it is better to choose this number for those who have been in a relationship for a long time, but still do not dare to sign;
  6. 20.12 - ancestors believed that the 20th brings lovers harmonious relationship and lasting union;
  7. 31.12 - according to signs, a wedding on December 31 will bring lovers only positive emotions. marital relationship will be strong and reliable.

It is impossible not to mention the days that promise failures and an early break in relations. And here it is worth talking about next dates: 4, 14, 22, 29 December. Listen to the advice of astrologers, it will never be superfluous in the pursuit of family happiness.

Being a leap year, 2016 is considered an unfavorable time for marriage. For this reason, young couples postponed the wedding "until better times." But will the wedding in 2017 bring happiness, strong union And material wealth? What factors to focus on when choosing a date for the celebration? And is it necessary to believe in wedding signs?

It is believed that before the wedding, the future newlyweds experience only joy, and preparations for the celebration are pleasant and easy. Psychological condition Specialists describe newlyweds in other words - depression, fear, stress, panic. Do you know how many fears there are? Fear of loss of freedom, fear of change and responsibility, and the most unpleasant fear of a wedding is losing love, fear that registration for some reason will fail in last moment. And it is this fear that gives rise to blind faith in absurd signs and superstitions.

To dispel fears and get rid of anxiety, let's try to determine auspicious days for a wedding in 2017. What future newlyweds are guided by to determine the wedding date:

  • folk omens;
  • moon calendar;
  • astrology;
  • choose memorable numbers for the wedding.

Folk signs - the year of the widow

Let's figure out if it is possible to get married in 2017. The year of the widow is considered the first year after the leap year. The year of the widower comes the year after the leap year, immediately after the year of the widow. Now let's think rationally. The cycle of a leap year is once every four years, then comes the year of the widow and widower. It is not recommended to marry either in a leap year, or in the year of a widower and widow, which means that for a happy marriage there remains single year. The next year suitable for marriage registration is 2019! If young couples observed such folk signs, then humanity would have already died out. Where then do such superstitions come from?

The widow's year appeared due to a historical pattern. The thing is that grandiose events with a negative background often occur this year, entailing many human victims. Examples of such events were the revolutions of 1905 and 1917. 1937 - the year of repression and huge amount innocent victims falls on the next after leap year. Start Patriotic War 1941 is also the year of the widow. The list of terrible events in Russian and world history that fell on the year of the widow is endless. Wars, like any bloodshed, entail the death of millions of people, especially men. Wars leave children orphans and women widows.

2014 was considered the year of the widower. Statistics show that the mortality of women during this period did not exceed the mortality figure of previous years. It turns out that people themselves come up with superstitions, tying certain events to unconfirmed facts, and for a wedding, 2017 will not be better or worse than previous years.

Moon calendar

The moon affects the state of a person, whether this influence is negative or positive depends on the phase of the moon. Therefore, it is not surprising that in Lately planning even ordinary, daily affairs is accepted taking into account the lunar calendar. Significant events require thorough preparation and accurate calculations of a favorable period.

The lunar calendar of weddings 2017 is compiled by the method of elimination. To accurately calculate the date, exclude from the calendar all days that fall on the solar and moon eclipse. Then you need to exclude the days on which the full moon, new moon, the phase change of the night star falls. So, you need to delete the following lunar days from the calendar: 3, 4, 5, 8, 9, 13, 14, 19. So by the method of elimination we got favorable days for marriage in 2017: 10, 11, 16, 17, 21, 26, 27.

Astrological forecast

2017 a year will pass under the aegis of . A more conservative animal is difficult to find in the zodiac circle. In the year of the Rooster 2017, the wedding is marked by strong bonds and commitment family traditions. In such a family, each partner clearly knows and strictly fulfills his duties. Children are brought up in a strict framework, but with due respect for the child. In the year of the Rooster, it is better to organize a classic celebration, in compliance with all wedding traditions including showing due respect to the parents of the newlyweds.

Church calendar of weddings

The official Church does not raise the question whether 2017 is favorable for a wedding or not. Celebrations such as christenings, weddings, and the day of the angel should be celebrated in accordance with the dates of fasts and great spiritual holidays. The Church does not recommend getting married during:

  • Assumption Lent (08/14/17 - 08/27/17, the exception is 08/19/17);
  • Christmas fast (01/01/17 - 01/06/2017, 11/28/17 - 12/31/17);
  • Easter Lent - (02/27/17 - 04/15/17, with the exception of 04/07/17, 04/09/17);
  • Petrov post - (06/12/17 - 07/11/17, the exception is 07/07/17).

Please note that weddings are also prohibited during one-day fasts, on great holidays. Palm Sunday, . The days of remembrance and mourning for the dead will become unfavorable.

If we exclude all the forbidden periods, the time 01/20/17 - 03/07/2017, 05/08/17 will be happy for a wedding celebration in Orthodoxy, all autumn period(besides one-day posts).

beautiful numbers

Newlyweds believe that a number that is beautiful in perception can bring good luck and prosperity to the marriage. In 2017, digital combinations containing 17 will become memorable numbers. If you choose such combinations, you get the following list:

  • in winter - 01/17/2017, 02/17/2017, 12/17/2017;
  • in spring - 03/17/2017, 04/17/2017, 05/17/2017;
  • in summer - 04/17/2017, 07/17/2017, 08/17/2017;
  • in autumn - 09/17/2017, 10/17/2017, 11/17/2017.

Combinations with the number of the day and the month look no less attractive, for example, for February weddings, you can choose 02/02/2017 or 02/20/2017, for July - 07/07/2017. In a similar way selected dates each month.

As you can see, there are many methods to find a happy date. But to simplify the choice solemn day easily. Trust your own intuition, choose a sunny day, visit the registry office and agree to the number that you will be offered there. Happiness is created with my own hands, and no signs can destroy a marriage made in heaven.
