How to protect yourself from dogs on the street. How to protect yourself and protect your child from dog attacks on the street: ways to protect

Recently, a huge number of different dogs have appeared in cities. Both domestic and homeless. In this regard, quite often problems began to arise for people who have nothing to do with them. How to avoid a meeting with a "bad dog", how to behave in situations where a passerby is attacked by such an animal, how to minimize physical losses if contact with it could not be avoided?

With these questions, we turned to a person who selflessly loves dogs and finds a common language with anyone. He worked for a long time in a closed institution, so he wished to hide his name behind a peculiar nickname - Commissioner Rex. So, read, wind on your mustache, and good luck to you.

Let's try to figure it out...

1. Who bites you.
As a rule, dogs (if you do not list breeds) are smooth-haired. Many of these breeds were recently bred, do not have a stable nervous system and are not intended for apartment keeping. Not all owners can afford the constant training of a pet in a good and expensive school, so training comes down to developing guard skills in a dog without instilling elements of general obedience. It is possible to determine the potential danger of such dogs by the following signs:

  • the dog moves on a tight leash and constantly tries to get closer to strangers;
  • if the dog is in a free state, then it tries to approach you from the side or from behind;
  • approaching you, the dog does not bark, but behaves aggressively (grins, growls, hair on end, tail lowered);
  • while the owner is nearby and is silent, or tries to give the dog a command (including "fu") with a hysterical cry.
2. How they bite you.

Here we consider only those cases when the dog is not properly trained or you became a victim at the command of its owner. I will not consider the option when you are attacked by a professionally trained (most likely an American Staffordshire Terrier, German Shepherd or Rottweiler) dog, since this happens extremely rarely, advice will not help here, and at best you will spend a long time in the hospital.

Most likely, the dog approaches you, assessing you as a rival and identifying your weak points, which are:

  • hands below the elbow;
  • legs below the knees;
  • loose pieces of clothing.
Most likely, the dog will try, if possible, not approaching you closely, to grab you by the part of the body or clothing that is as far away from the body as possible. In this case, the bite will either be instantaneous (grabbing-unclenching-trying to bite again), or the dog will make a grip and will pull you towards him jerkily.

3. How to avoid being bitten:

  • do not look the dog in the eyes (but track the actions of her and the owner);
  • do not brush away the dog with your hands and do not kick with your legs;
  • do not abruptly change the direction and pace of movement;
  • do not Cry;
  • do not turn your back or side to the dog;
  • do not try to sit down or lie down;
  • don't run away;
  • if the dog is running at you, try throwing (to the side) a fetch object;
  • or your bag (with two hands) and already in a running up dog (however, a voluminous object can be defended like a shield);
  • if you have time to take off your jacket (jacket, raincoat), take it in your hand so that a significant part hangs down (just hold on tight and do not let go when grabbing the dog). Many dogs would rather gnaw on your Kiton jacket safely than bite on an unfamiliar opponent.
  • do not come close to the owner if the dog is not on a leash and in a muzzle. Feel free to ask the owner to call the dog and put it on a leash. If he doesn't, go the other way.
4. If the bite cannot be avoided.

To begin with, understand: there is no need to be afraid. It will hurt you later when it's all over. Initial sensations are like a strong handshake.

  • a) What to put in:
    • wardrobe items mentioned above;
    • back, if the dog attacks in a jump (at the same time, turn around and bend your head down);
    • shoulder;
    • outer side of the thigh.
  • b) What not to substitute:
    • hands and arms in general up to the elbow joint;
    • head;
    • caviar;
    • groin area.
And then you have two options:
  • a) Passive:
    • follow the jerks of the dog, but do not lean on it (it can get confused and bite off something you personally need);
    • do not lie down or squat;
    • try not to fall at all;
    • do not Cry.
  • b) Active:
    • do not try to kick the dog;
    • do not try to hit the dog with your hand (stick, umbrella, bottle);
    • again, follow the dog, keeping enough tension so that the dog cannot get a comfortable grip;
    • try to grab the dog by the collar and bend it to the ground (you can use your knee). The collar should be slightly twisted in order to suffocate;
    • ideal: grabbing the dog by the collar at the moment of intercepting or preparing to attack, try to squeeze the dog between the knees (tightly, as if you were sitting on a horse), run your hand under the dog’s sternum and, grabbing his paw (if the hand starts from the left side, then for the right and vice versa), pull sharply and strongly (!!!) towards you. You are guaranteed a screech. It is not necessary to let go, just fix the dog more firmly. If you pull hard enough, the dog is most likely injured and is unlikely to want to continue the fight.
Try not to take out the evil on the dog and even more so not to kill it. Better mutilate her master.

Continuing with the above...

5. If a dog threatens your child or companion:

  • do not hide the child behind your back and do not spin with him, trying to protect him from a bite, the dog will still try to get him, since this is the least protected part of the opponent for him;
  • take the child in your arms, lift it higher (but not on outstretched arms) and hold it tight. Here, all the means of protection are good, you can fight back with your feet;
  • if you still fell, cover the child with yourself and substitute your hand;
  • if the dog has bitten and is holding an adult companion, try to grab the dog by the collar and continue as described in paragraph 4b. Also, to release from the grip, a second person can grab the dog by the hind legs and turn it over on its back (think about what is best in a particular situation);
  • again, do not try to hit the dog (you can make it even more angry), try to fix it.
6. If the dog does not bite you, but also does not let you move (in the entrance, on a bench, or you take out someone else's plumbing from a new building):
  • do not get up from your seat and do not change positions at all (the ideal position is sitting, hands pressed to your knees);
  • do not look the dog in the eye and do not yell at it;
  • do not try to give the dog a piece of biscuit or share a barbecue unless he asks;
  • if the wait for the owner is delayed, you can chat with the dog, occasionally and quietly saying the words "good", "ah, well done";
  • do not try to run away;
  • and if it still itchs (the owner of the plumbing returns), see paragraph 4b;
  • you can also play with the dog: you will surely have a worthy fetching item (ball, hat, wallet). But first make sure the dog is calm and interested in the subject;
  • but you don’t need to stroke the dog, even if it has already put its muzzle on your knees.
7. If a pack of stray dogs approaches you:
  • remember your childhood, pick up a heavier stone or stick from the ground (a twig is not always good, but you can wave an umbrella or a raincoat). A stone can be thrown without waiting for an attack, and it is desirable that there are enough stones around to switch the fire to automatic mode. If there are no stones, then snowballs, dirt, change from pockets, a cell phone or a bottle of beer are suitable. Throw to defeat!
  • try to use a wall as a defense;
  • and here it is already possible to kick off especially active legs.
8. If you are drunk:
  • everything is the same, just don't express your love for animals by trying to pet them or get on all fours for a kindred kiss;
  • and do not beat the dog with a bottle, it is difficult to break a bottle against it (a dog).
9. If you have cold or firearms:
  • use it only if you are absolutely sure that you will be attacked, and not just sniffed and wagged your tail;
  • do not hold a knife prepared for a blow in an outstretched hand, they need to act quickly and imperceptibly;
  • before using a weapon, think about whether you will have to immediately shoot or cut the upset owner of the dead dog.
10. If a dog attacks your dog:
  • the same thing - find someone else's dog in a ball and, grabbing it by the hind legs, turn it over on its back or fix it by the collar as in paragraph 4b;
  • if the owner of the attacked dog is interested, like you, in taking away pets, then you grab yours by the hind legs, and he grabs his;
  • if your dog is on a leash, give him freedom of action, let go of the leash.
P.S. Especially for cat owners: if an outside dog tries to bite a cat in your arms or in a basket, then simply throw the basket (or cat) aside and hope that it runs away.

Attributing human qualities to nature, we often misunderstand the motives for the actions of dogs. The ability to look at what is happening through the eyes of the “other side” is one of the universal laws of personal security.

In the case of a dog, it will be quite clear to you why you can’t stare into her eyes, smile (doggy means to show her teeth and show strength), run away (rarely a dog will refuse an invitation to hunt) and behave wary, that is, from a dog’s point of view vision - to suspect and prepare for the fight. By the way, one of the mistakes is to consider each wagging of the tail as a manifestation of friendliness.

Other elementary conditions of a relationship with a dog include the good habit of not approaching a dog on a leash, not taking away its toy, and, even if you are very afraid, never show fear or excitement in front of a strange dog.

The general important rule can be called this: do not impose your society on the dog. For example, if she does not want to play or be stroked. If the dog often bites "their own", this may mean that she is poorly brought up, and she is trying to seize power in the family (in her pack). The problem of training in general is most often human. When a dog breaks off the leash and barks at passers-by, it usually just means that the dog is ill-mannered and its owner is boorish.

However, even a trained dog can bite in a situation that experts call "provocative behavior." For example, abruptly pick up a child when a dog runs nearby. Get too close to a strange dog if it is sitting on a leash or walking towards you in a narrow place (especially with the owner). Often bites happen in entrances, elevators, so if a person with a dog is walking towards you, it is better to stop and let them pass.

Medical statistics say that more than 50 percent of those bitten suffered from dogs that have an owner. As for stray dogs, they usually attack in situations where they consider themselves "in the service" - for example, they live in the territory of a garage or warehouse, even a city yard or in a situation of protection. Therefore, approaching such a protected area, it is most reasonable to immediately call a watchman - to drive away the dogs.

In another situation (for example, on the street), it is enough to bend down to the ground, supposedly behind a stone, or pick up a stick, so that the mongrel jumps back. True, you will have to endure her barking for some time - she will accompany you at some distance.

The rules of relations with the most ancient human companion are so instructive that they are included in proverbs. As "do not wake a sleeping dog" - entered the English language in the formulation of the poet J. Chausser back in the 14th century.

If the dog is ready to attack you:

  • stop and firmly give the command “stand!”, “sit!”, “down!” etc.; in some cases, a series of commands is triggered, which simply leads the animal into confusion;
  • to buy time, throw any object towards the dog without raising your hand high;
  • defend yourself with a stick, stones;
  • a crouching dog is especially dangerous - it is preparing to jump. And to protect the throat, you need to press your chin to your chest and put your hand forward;
  • a gas pistol will stop a dog, but not every gas cartridge - many of the "human" gases do not work on a dog; however, you can protect yourself from the animal with a canister of gas based on red pepper extract.

Most martial arts systems include the technique of fighting with animals, with dogs - in the first place (there were special fighting dogs in the army of Alexander the Great). In many cases, determination can replace special training, as even a trained city dog ​​is usually not in fighting shape.

A few simple tricks from a dog attack:

  • turn to face the attacking dog, take a stance or rush towards it if you are sure of yourself: the dog is trained on a fleeing person and, most likely, will bounce to the side;
  • using improvised means (umbrella, stick, stones), retreat to a shelter with your back - a fence, a house, calling for help from others;
  • if possible, wrap your forearm and arm with a jacket, raincoat, and then, exposing it (protecting the neck and face from a bite), provoke the dog to bite and hit the dog’s upper jaw with force - it can break from a strong blow;
  • if the dog knocked you down, fall on your stomach, cover your neck with your hands;
  • pain points in a dog - nose, groin, tongue.

What to do if a dog bites you?

Firstly, wash the wound with plenty of water (and preferably hydrogen peroxide), lubricate the wound circumference with iodine, apply a clean bandage.

Secondly, ask the owners if they have been vaccinated against rabies. A stray dog ​​- to tie or put in a cage, this will not only save other passers-by from being bitten, but also allow you to find out if you need to be vaccinated against rabies.

Thirdly, be sure to contact the nearest emergency room, where you will be provided with qualified assistance and told what to do next. And by the way, the victims still need to be monitored for more than one month, because the incubation period of rabies sometimes lasts up to a year.

What does a dog with rabies look like?

Large animals are more likely to become aggressive. At first they become capricious, avoid people, try to hide in a dark place. Such behavior will be replaced by violent excitement - the dog tries to lick the owner's face and hands. Over time, it becomes difficult for the animal to drink, there is increased salivation, an unsteady gait, and strabismus. The dog tends to attack other animals and people. There are seizures of convulsions, the tongue falls out of the mouth. Lai becomes hoarse. In small indoor dogs, the disease proceeds in a quiet form. Cats with rabies are aggressive - they literally rush at a person.

Statistics show that there are more children affected by dog ​​bites than adults. This should be considered not only by parents, but also by dog ​​owners.

Information about the relationship between a man and a vicious dog would not be complete without one story that went around the pages of newspapers in the summer of 1991. Canadian postman Dick McCone on one of the wastelands of the town of Fort George was attacked by a pack of stray dogs. Accepting the imposed conditions, the postman got down on all fours, bared his teeth and with a furious growl pounced on the largest dog. The dog jumped away, McCone followed it, and soon the pack fled, having once again received indisputable proof that man is the king of nature.

You, not suspecting anything, are walking down the street, and suddenly a growling dog rushes towards you ... The picture is extremely unpleasant and, unfortunately, very possible in our life.

In rural areas or in the conditions of the city - everywhere there is a risk of encountering the aggression of this not always a domestic animal.

By the way, in crowded places, citizens in the company of a hefty wolfhound are outlawed in many European countries.

In any case, a dog is only a friend for one person, for his master. How to be the rest in an inadequate case? Let's analyze the situation in detail, there are several options for self-defense.

Types of aggression

Conventionally, all variants of aggression against a passerby can be divided into the following subspecies:

1. The case when the owner of the dog deliberately sets the “pet” on you.

2. It suddenly seemed to the dog (it doesn’t matter, justifiably or not) that you are a threat to its owner, or you are encroaching on the territory protected by the dog.

3. You are attacked by an unowned animal in neutral territory. For the most part, this happens when your behavior indirectly irritates the animal (for example, dogs often rush at people who are running away, gesturing animatedly, being drunk, and so on).

How does a dog attack?

Front. The dog dodges the blows of a person and tries to bypass him from the side or from behind. After that, the dog bites on the arm or leg.
Behind (chase). A heavy dog, catching up, grabs a man by the torso with his teeth and throws him to the ground. A medium-sized dog strives to knock a person down by jumping with all four paws on him and striking him in the lumbar region. Light dogs jump onto their backs and strive to grab a shoulder, neck or hang on a person.

What to do

1. Never be afraid of a dog. Imagine that this is a small evil "man". You are higher and stronger than him - never give vent to fear, your self-defense depends on you.

2. Do not try to run away from the dog (never run away!), do not turn your back on the animal.

3. Specially untrained dogs are instantly lost if the owner leaves their field of vision or when the dog leaves its protected area. Therefore, you need to retreat so that the dog finds himself in a different environment than he was at the beginning of the collision. Without confidence, the dog becomes much less aggressive and is more likely to run away in shame.

4. As a self-defense option, it makes sense to growl at the dog, show her your grin, scream threateningly.

5. An effective technique in a very extreme situation, if the dog jumps on you from the front to grab your throat: put your hand in front of your throat, and as soon as the dog grabs it, the second one is superimposed on the back of the dog's neck. Then, sharply with a hand in the mouth, a movement is made from oneself, up or sideways. The hand lying on the neck makes a jerk towards itself. As a maximum, the dog's neck will be broken, at least - the excitement will completely evaporate.

For self-defense against dogs, any items will do: a stick, a cut-off bottle, and the like. An aggressive dog must be beaten on vital points, or in extreme cases, stuff all this into the dog's throat. The classic weapon is the club. Your own clothes are also suitable, you need to let the dog grab onto the sleeve of the jacket, then throw the jacket over its muzzle, thus buying time.

Vulnerable points of the dog, as a rule: the tip of the nose, the bridge of the nose and the transition from the muzzle to the forehead. It is necessary to hit the animal with a strong blow of the fist or club perpendicular to the surface of the head. While snapping the ears, paws, or tail and ribs, blows to the sides do not always cause the enraged beast to retreat.

6. The unleashed dog instantly rushes at the enemy, so it is very important to notice the moment of the attack and reward the dog with a powerful blow to the chest or stomach.

7. The dog's gaze is always directed to where it wants to bite, therefore, with a certain skill, it is not at all difficult to dodge and knock the animal off its paws. Everything must be done decisively, quickly and as strongly as possible, preferably in the area of ​​​​the shoulder blades, neck and chest.

8. Never provoke a dog to attack, do not shout at him and the owner, do not wave your arms, do not approach unexpectedly from behind and do not suddenly start a conversation with the owner (especially in the evening). You can not stretch your hands to an unfamiliar dog, stroke and try to command it.

9. If the dog still managed to cling to you, then you need to know that there are recesses on the neck under the jaw, on both sides of its trachea. If you put your fingers (thumb and forefinger) into them, and then squeeze them hard on both sides, then the dog will retreat. To begin with, it makes sense to study familiar dogs on this account, because in an extreme situation, saving pain points may not be found the first time.

We use weapons

1. Cayenne mixture: Consists of one part finely ground tobacco (the worst you can find) and part ground (preferably black) pepper. Pour this powder into a small plastic container (3 x 10 cm). Carry with you only in your breast pocket, never put in your pants pocket. In case of danger, pour it into the dog's face. The cayenne mixture was used during World War II in SMERSH units.

2. Ultrasonic dog repellent device. You can buy such a device today at any weapons store.

3. Tasers are very effective against inadequate dogs.

4. Gas weapons can serve as a good self-defense tool and deterrent.

5. Pepper spray is a good alternative to protect against an angry dog.
Always remember: when biting, you can’t let everything take its course. Immediately go to the nearest emergency room or immediately call an ambulance.

Unfortunately, in our life there are situations in which it is necessary to quickly and effectively be able to fend for ourselves. These include just cases in which not only people are involved, but also animals, in particular dogs.

The danger is not only stray dogs, but also "master's". Quite often on the street you can see how dogs are walking without a muzzle and a leash. The assurances of the owners that the animal does not bite can calm few people, especially if the dog is large.

The craze for breeding fighting and guard dogs causes considerable public concern. And the negligent attitude of the owners on walks and the lack of training in dogs can lead to extremely undesirable consequences.

As for stray dogs, they usually attack in packs. Solitary dogs are more preoccupied with finding food, but with obvious signs of aggression, they can attack a person alone.

That is why dog ​​repellents have become popular lately, allowing you to protect yourself from animal attacks.

What to do when aggressive dogs appear?

If you notice a clearly aggressive dog in your immediate vicinity, the best way out of this situation is to quietly leave the dangerous territory. In this case, you should not attract the attention of the animal - waving your arms, shouting or throwing stones or sticks at it.

In the event that the dog directly shows "interest" in you, it will not be superfluous to have on hand stray dog ​​protection device. This will help scare the animal away without causing physical injury.

separate story- if the dog attacks a person or is about to attack. The consequences can be catastrophic - the animal can cause serious damage, turn out to be sick with rabies.

In case of bites, you should immediately contact the emergency room. If the dog is a domestic dog, you should find out what vaccinations were given to it, but if the dog is a stray, you will have to complete a full course of rabies injections.

The best remedies for stray dogs

We bring to your attention an overview of the means that provide protection from dogs on the street. All information is presented on the basis of real customer reviews, as well as manufacturer's instructions.

Folk methods

Since ancient times, the so-called cayenne mixture has been used as a defense against dogs. It consists of finely chopped shag (you can take tobacco) and any ground pepper, preferably hot, but in its absence, any will do.

The mixture can be poured into a bottle with a neck diameter of 3-4 centimeters, a height of 7-9 centimeters. With such container sizes, one movement is enough for the powder to easily get into the dog's muzzle. For these purposes, a vial of vitamins is best suited.

You should be aware that the kayne mixture should not be used indoors.

Important. Experts recommend that you never put a container with a mixture in your pants pocket. The best place for it is the chest pocket. If you are in dangerous areas, you can quickly get a vial and use the mixture.

Another well-known remedy is citric acid. You can buy it in grocery stores, in those departments that sell spices. Recommendations are the same as above. But the effectiveness of the cayenne mixture is much higher than that of citric acid.

Ultrasonic repellers

They are among the most effective dog repellents. A proven action gives reason to talk about them as devices with maximum efficiency.

The action of repellers is based on the effect of ultrasound on the hearing organs and, accordingly, on the brain, in dogs. For comparison, imagine that an airplane flew over you at a low altitude.

Ultrasound causes discomfort in animals, and they try to escape from the danger zone for them as quickly as possible. If you notice an aggressive dog, you should direct an imaginary beam from the device directly at the animal, preferably at its head. When the animal turns and runs, the beam must be directed after.

In the photo one of the leaders in sales -

The highest efficiency of devices is observed with a range of 5-10 meters, then the effect of ultrasound is significantly reduced.

The best of the series of ultrasonic dog repellers are Typhoon ls-300,.

Very important. Testing devices on benevolent animals is strongly discouraged. This can cause them to have an attack of aggression and inappropriate behavior. Also, you should not direct the beam of the device at people - severe headaches and a feeling of discomfort are possible.

Ultrasonic repellers are considered the most effective dog repellers for children. Ease of use, compactness and aesthetic design of devices resembling a toy make it possible to use the products by children and people of age.

Pepper cans

Another effective remedy for protection against animals. The composition includes a mixture of peppers that cause burning in the eyes, tearing and severe coughing.

Of the shortcomings of this method of protection, the following point should be noted. You need to get the can from the bag, remove the cap and direct the jet at the dog. You may simply not have these seconds - by the time you perform these simple actions, the animal will already attack you. Pepper cans are not recommended for indoor use.

Like it or not, dogs are predators by nature, although they have learned to live quite peacefully next to a person. Regular reports of aggression from mongrels and even seemingly tamed dogs lead to an unambiguous thought: know how to behave when you see an aggressive dog and be able to defend yourself from its attackvital.

Fact. Surprisingly, the dachshund is recognized by researchers as the most aggressive breed of dog. Every 5th dachshund has ever bitten a person, and every 12th has attacked its owner.

What to do if the dog barks

1. In most cases, if a dog barks at you, then its purpose is not to attack, but to scare away. Most likely, she just wants to drive you out of her territory, considering herself the rightful owner of the site she has chosen. It can be a yard, a small intersection, a front garden, or just a favorite curb. The likelihood that the animal will try to bite you, of course, is there. But this will only happen if you show your back to him or turn sideways to him. So, if possible, just bypass the quadruped without losing sight of the source of the barking.

2. If you can’t get around the dog (for example, you ran into a narrow lane, or at the entrance to the entrance), pick up or pretend to pick up something from the ground: a stick, a stone or a handful of earth. Most mongrels have an unpleasant experience with such objects, and most likely, when they see you bend down, they will immediately retreat.

3. It will be useful to remember a few common commands, such as "fu", "sit", "fetch", "walk" and "cat". Even if the dog has not been taught this, it is likely that these words will be familiar to her. If you see that she reacts to them, pauses in barking and freezes for a moment, develop the situation. After the “fu” command, you should order “walk”, and after the “fetch” - throw the raised object away, preferably a stick, of course. The exclamation “cat!” can be very effective.- most dogs will start looking around and rushing around in search of a mustachioed animal, which will give you time to leave.

4. Remember dogs are great at feeling fear and even more start up if they are afraid. Do not panic: even if you were afraid at first, try to direct the adrenaline rush towards courage and determination. Shout at her in a threatening tone. In fact, it doesn’t matter what you say, the intonation and mood are important. Dogs can smell the difference between the adrenaline of fear and the adrenaline of a winner. If she understands that you are the master of the situation and self-confident, then he doubts his abilities and retreats.

Fact. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), every year the number of people bitten by animals infected with rabies reaches one and a half million people. Of these, about a thousand die from this infection..

What to do if the dog is preparing to attack

1. If a dog growls and runs at you, grins and tries to go around you in order to go behind your back, this is a clear sign that you should expect an attack. Never try to run away. The speed that a dog is able to develop is many times greater than a human. You will not run away, but only provoke the animal and awaken the instinct of a predator in it. It only makes sense to run short distances. if there is a fence or a tree nearby that you can climb.

2. If there is any body of water, river, lake or sea, without hesitation, rush there - without support under the paws, the dog will quickly cool down.

3. If there are no water bodies around, The best way to defend yourself from a dog is to keep your back against the wall. or a fence. So you will not fall during the attack, and the aggressor will not be able to come from behind.

4. Take off your outer clothing, jacket, sweater or shirt and, holding at arm's length, push the crumpled clothing forward. The dog will instinctively grab whatever is closest to it and pull it towards itself. Hold very tight, and at the moment of maximum tension, hit the toe in the dog's throat. In addition to outerwear, other improvised items can also serve as a distracting item: a bag, a hat, a scarf, etc.

5. If you do not have such things that could be substituted for a dog's grip, stand sideways to the animal, holding the arm bent at the elbow at the level of the belt. Slightly spring your knees, and take your shock leg back. When the distance between you and the gobbler is reduced to two meters, sharply push your forearm forward. The dog will react to this movement by instinctively attacking the outstretched hand. When he jumps, his body will stretch out, revealing his unprotected belly. in which there are no abdominal muscles. Taking advantage of this, strike with your foot in the hypochondrium.

6. If the dog has bitten you and doesn't let go after grabbing, hit her in the nose, forehead, eyes, stomach and groin area. These are the most painful and vulnerable places. Keep in mind, the pain threshold of these animals is very high, so you should hit very hard. If you managed to grab the aggressor by the paw, try to twist or break it. Otherwise, the dog will not let you go.

Fact. The most dangerous dog, according to a study conducted in the United States and Canada, is considered to be representatives of the Pit Bull Terrier breed. If you believe the statistics for 1982-2010, the number of attacks by this dog was 1552 times. Among the victims are 691 children. Fatal victims - 166 people.

It should be understood that if a dog attacks a person, you should not feel sorry for it and hide behind the postulates of animal defenders. She's already crossed the line and, in fact, should be destroyed. It is no longer possible to re-educate her, and the next time her victim may not be a trained person, but a child who cannot defend himself from a wild dog.

On a note

If inadequate dogs are often found on your regular route, buy a special dog repeller. It is a whistle or a device that emits ultrasound, which is harmless to humans, but intolerable to animals. With such a tool, you can easily drive away aggressive quadrupeds and feel safe.

And here's how Bear Grylls, a well-known survivalist in extreme situations, deals with aggressive dogs.

According to the materials of the site "How to"

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