Who can apply to the registry office. Standard application method

The first step towards a legal married life is the choice of the district registry office in which you are going to legalize your relationship. You can register at any branch or the Wedding Palace.

After choosing an institution, the preparation of the necessary documentation begins. The list of required documents includes:

    • Valid passports of the bride and groom.
    • Receipt of payment of the state fee, the amount of which is 350 rubles.
    • Additional documents that are provided if the potential spouses were previously married, or one of them has not yet reached the age of majority. In the first situation, you will need documents on the death of a spouse or a certificate of divorce. In the second case - permission from the district administration.

How to register in another area or country

If you are citizens of the Russian Federation, but do not currently reside in the country, you can get married in any district of your city. If the marriage union was concluded abroad, then in Russia it is recognized as legal in the event that no contradictions to state legislation have been identified.

What to do with registration

Russian law also prohibits refusal of registration due to any inconsistencies in residence or propiska. Registration of relations in Moscow is available not only for residents of the capital, but also for those living throughout Russia. At the same time, no one will require you to have a residence permit, permanent or temporary.

When to apply for registration

By law, the deadline for filing an application is only one month. But it can be increased or decreased due to the following circumstances:

      • Pregnancy of the bride and the imminent birth of a child.
      • A potential spouse is in the service or is just about to go to the army.
      • The bride or groom needs to leave the country immediately.
      • An unexpected long business trip of one of the newlyweds.

Each of the above cases must be documented. This may be a certificate from a doctor, confirmation from the military registration and enlistment office, official papers from the place of work. It should be noted that the summer and autumn periods are the height of the wedding season. It is at this time that a huge number of couples want to get married. Therefore, it is recommended to submit all documents in advance and apply for registration.

Quick registration on the same day

Sometimes newlyweds have reasons due to which the registration of relations can occur on the very day when the future spouses filed an application. Such cases include the following:

        • Late pregnancy of the bride.
        • The presence of joint children.
        • The stay of the groom in military service.
        • Urgent departure.
        • Of course, you will be able to carry out urgent registration only when you provide all supporting documents to the branch.

How is the state fee paid

The fee is an important item when applying, so it must be paid without fail. Without it, your application will be considered invalid. The amount of the state duty is the same in all cases. You can pay this fee at any branch of the Sberbank branch. And if the payment occurs during the electronic filing of the application, then the amount is deducted from the payment card of the bride or groom.

Days off in the registry offices of Moscow

All city registry offices and wedding palaces carry out their activities with two days off. They do not work on Sunday and Monday. In addition to weekends, the schedule of departments also includes sanitary days. As a rule, at this time, the registry offices are open, but no applications are accepted or registered. Sanitary days are usually on Thursdays or Tuesdays.

Before going to the registry office or the Wedding Palace, check in advance whether the institution is open and whether it accepts applications. Don't forget about lunch time. Usually the break is held from 13.00-14.00, and the working day lasts from 9.00 to 17.00.

What to do if the bride or groom is not in town

If, under any circumstances, one of the future spouses is not in the city, then the other half can submit two separate applications for registration of the relationship. But first you need to go and take the forms for registration in advance. They must be filled in by hand. The application of the absent party must be officially certified by a notary. The same requirement applies to grooms and brides from near and far abroad.

One last name for two

At the request of the newlyweds, their premarital surnames can be combined into one. But it is worth noting that if one of the spouses has a double surname, then such a procedure will not work. It should be taken into account that all personal identification documents, in case of a change, will need to be redone. Of course, you can also just keep your last name.

Is it necessary to arrange a solemn registration

Often, newlyweds cannot play a magnificent wedding for many reasons. Some people think that this is a waste of time, others cannot afford to organize a holiday due to lack of funds. Regardless of whether the celebration will be held, registration is considered legal in any case.

Non-ceremonial registration of marriage

This form of registration is suitable for newlyweds who do not have the desire or time to arrange a whole festival from the painting procedure. Moreover, it takes a minimum amount of time. Non-ceremonial registration is carried out not in the main hall, but in the office of the branch employee. You will only need to sign the necessary documents, after which you will receive your passports back with stamps. These stamps indicate that you can now be called legal spouses.

Of course, guests at non-ceremonial registration will not be able to attend in large numbers, because there is not enough space in the office. Usually, those invited wait in the lobby, and only after registration are they allowed to congratulate the newlyweds.

What to choose: the registry office or the Wedding Palace

The registry office is an organization where a wide variety of life events are registered. Here you can not only legalize relationships, but also get a divorce, get a birth and death certificate. Only marriages are registered in the Wedding Palaces. By and large, the difference between them lies mainly in the design. Marriage palaces are decorated more beautifully and presentably, and they also tend to have a larger capacity.

What does exit registration of marriage mean. Is it legal.

Registration of relations in Moscow can become exclusive if you order this procedure not in the registry office, but, for example, in a museum, art gallery or in a nature reserve. But first, you should familiarize yourself with the rules for organizing such an event. Exit registrations can be made only by the capital's registry offices: Ryazansky, Khamovnichesky, Perovsky, Kutuzovsky, Tsaritsynsky, Tversky. The employees of the Wedding Palace can also carry out field registrations. But this applies to Palaces No. 1 and No. 3. Such ceremonies are performed only on a certain day set aside for the wedding, so the date must be agreed in advance.

Official and unofficial registration of marriages

Exit registration of relations can be not only legal, but also informal. Legal registrations are carried out only by employees of the registry office or wedding palaces. Unofficial ceremonies include registrations that are made simply in honor of the newlyweds who have entered into a marriage relationship in another country, or they can be celebrations of the next date of marriage. No legal documents are issued.

Are witnesses required?

If you do not have such people who could become your witnesses, then you should not be upset. The well-known tradition of the obligatory presence of witnesses at the wedding ceremony is long gone. Today, witnesses simply represent the observance of national customs. They don't put their signatures on documents.

Shooting Information and Memory Photo

Photographing the solemn registration in the Wedding Palaces or in the registry offices of Moscow is not prohibited by law. In all Wedding Palaces, no one will forbid you to completely shoot a wedding celebration. But please note that only one photographer and videographer is allowed to work in the hall. A large number of masters by the rules is considered unacceptable.

In Art. 114 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation states that every officially employed citizen has the right to annual paid leave. At the end of each calendar year, any enterprise must draw up a vacation schedule, according to which all employees will “walk” for the next working year.

In Art. 123 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation says that 2 weeks before the start of the vacation according to the schedule, the employer is obliged to notify the employee in writing. This is done by written notice.

There is no unified form of this document, but the employee must sign it. This suggests that he is familiar with the fact that he has to go on vacation. In addition, all employees should be familiar with the vacation schedule for the next year.

Vacation is granted to the employee in the following order:

  • the personnel department notifies the employee 2 weeks in advance;
  • the employee writes a statement;
  • on the basis of the application, an order is issued;
  • the employee is paid vacation pay.

When do you need to apply? How many days before vacation should I do this?

Vacation pay must be paid, according to Art. 136 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, no later than 3 days before the start of the vacation. Therefore, the application must be written in the interval from 2 weeks before the start of the vacation (when the notification is received) and no later than 3 days before it starts (the date the vacation pay is received).

But if an employee goes on vacation according to a previously drawn up schedule, then he is not required to write an application. He signs the notice, that is, he agrees with it. Based on this notice and the previously approved vacation schedule, a vacation order is drawn up, and the accounting department is given a “go-ahead” for calculating vacation pay. In addition, the employee signs an order to grant him the next vacation. Thus, all personnel nuances are observed.

But the employee can go on vacation and not according to the schedule, having agreed with his employer. In this case, you need to write an application for leave. It will be an excuse for the absence of the employee at the workplace. Especially if the employee asks the employer for administrative leave, that is, unpaid.

The application is not mandatory, but a necessary document. If you do not write an application for vacation (in the event that it does not coincide with the schedule or the employee takes several days at his own expense for a good reason), then the employer may declare that the employee left the workplace on his own, and he must be fired for absenteeism. Therefore, verbal agreements are not welcome.

According to the Labor Code, there is no clear framework for writing an application. But in this document it is necessary to indicate the period for which the employee leaves the workplace. It is necessary to write exactly the numbers of absence, and not the period. For example, I ask you to grant me a vacation from 05/15/2018 to 05/31/2018. This is the correct wording.

Apply to the registry officeThere are two ways to register a marriage: traditionally in the registry office at the place of residence or electronically on the Unified Portal of State and Municipal Services. Both applicants need to submit an application to the registry office, this right cannot be transferred to a representative.

How long before the wedding is an application to the registry office

Between the filing of an application for registration of marriage and the wedding itself, a certain period must pass. Such precautions are set out in Art. 11 of the Family Code of the Russian Federation. According to the idea of ​​the legislator, this time is given to the couple to seriously approach the issue of creating a family, and not be guided by emotional impulses.

Couples have to follow the rule and prepare for the celebration, taking into account this particular period of time. But this month is somewhat arbitrary. If the couple came to the registry office on the 15th, then the celebration will not necessarily take place exactly on the 15th of the next month. The date can be postponed taking into account the wishes of the bride and groom themselves, as well as due to the lack of free places in the schedule of the selected institution, especially since the registry offices work with days off.

In practice, in certain wedding palaces, everything is scheduled two or three months in advance. Therefore, you need to go there, taking into account the queue, in order to book a date. And throughout the entire waiting period, you will need an additional visit to confirm your intentions to hold a celebration.

Do I always have to wait a month after applying

Family law provides for a number of situations where a couple can sign immediately on the day of application. Reasons for speeding up the process can be:

  • bride's pregnancy
  • birth of a child;
  • serious illness or other threat to life.

This list is not exhaustive. The head of the registry office may give his permission for accelerated registration for other good reasons.

A couple may want not only to reduce the waiting period, but vice versa - to extend it, then the wedding day can be rescheduled. The deadline here is set at six months, then it will be considered that the applicants refused to marry.

How much does it cost to apply to the registry office

For registration of marriage, applicants will need to pay a state fee. The amount of the state duty is determined in Art. 333.26 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation. In 2016, this service will cost the newlyweds 350 rubles. Beneficiaries are also registered in the same normative act. Regarding the registration of marriage, only the Heroes of the USSR and the Russian Federation, as well as full holders of the Order of Glory, will be able to do this for free.

Receipt is presented at the time of application. If the applicants decide to do it online, then you can pay the state fee in the process of filling in the data, then you will not need to provide an additional receipt.

How to fill out an application to the registry office (sample)

A couple who come in person to apply can fill it out on the spot. Then you will have to get a form from the registry office worker. In order not to waste time, a sample can be taken on the official registry office management portal or downloaded from our website and filled out at home.

Important! Signatures and date when filling out the application at home are not put. This is done only in the presence of the registry office employee accepting the application.

If, for example, the groom cannot personally appear to submit an application, then each of the young people fills out a separate form, and the groom's signature is certified by a notary (if he is abroad, then at the consulate). And the bride submits both forms herself.

Those who decide to use the online application service must follow the instructions on the website of the Unified Portal of State and Municipal Services. But only the couple in which both the bride and groom have been officially registered on the portal can use this service.

Thus, after submitting an application to the registry office to register a marriage, you will have to wait at least one month before the wedding day, and in some wedding palaces, the wait may be longer. If the couple changed their mind and did not appear at the appointed time for marriage registration, then the money paid will not be returned to her.

Nowadays, many scold youth for freedom, but, interestingly, the number of marriages is not seriously reduced. On the contrary, magnificent weddings and modest ceremonies are in fashion, after which it is so pleasant for a couple to officially accept the status of spouses. If you decide to take such a responsible step as registering a marriage, you will probably be interested to know how much they apply to the registry office.

Standard procedure for registering a marriage

According to the legislation of the Russian Federation, all citizens wishing to marry must submit an application 1 calendar month before the desired date of marriage. Provided that the bride and groom have Russian citizenship, they have the right to legalize their relationship in any registry office in our country. 30 days before this event, the couple must arrive at the selected department with passports. Applying for marriage registration is a formal procedure, all you need to do is fill out a standard form and pay a state fee. Now you know how much they apply to the registry office, but what if this period does not suit you?

A good wedding requires a lot of preparation.

The wedding ceremony today is not only a painting in the registry office and a banquet in a restaurant. Many couples arrange lavish walks, photo shoots and entire celebrations for a large number of guests. It is not easy to organize such holidays even with the involvement of professionals. The month allotted for preparing for the wedding is not always enough. Some registry offices accept preliminary applications for marriage registration. Usually the maximum period is six months, and as soon as there is a month or two left before the marriage, personal submission of documents is also required. If you want to know how much they apply to the registry office in a particular city, do not be too lazy to call the institutions you need and clarify the possibility of pre-booking a specific date.

Is marriage registration available to everyone on special days?

Many lovers want to become husband and wife on some magical date. This trend has two directions: someone wants to organize a marriage on a personal holiday (birthday or date of acquaintance), and someone on a national holiday. The so-called beautiful numbers are also very popular, their maximum number was in 2012. But even today you can pick up interesting combinations of the day and the number of the month. So, if you want to get married on a special day, you should definitely apply in advance. Many official bodies have long noticed this fashion among the newlyweds and strive in every possible way to please them. Just do not forget to find out in advance how much they apply to the registry office in Moscow (or any other city) for marriage registration on a special day in the chosen wedding palace.

Is it possible to get married immediately?

The legislation of our country provides for the urgent conclusion of marriages in special cases. If there is a threat to the life of one of those wishing to enter into a marriage union, a long business trip is planned soon or the couple is expecting a child, you can put stamps in your passport almost immediately after submitting an application. Most often, this issue can be resolved directly at the registry office. Don't forget to take documents confirming the existence of special circumstances with you. A certificate from the workplace or from the hospital is enough. But many modern brides are not even interested in how much they apply to the registry office during pregnancy, and organize a marriage ceremony according to general rules, without taking advantage of their interesting position.

How to buy the right time and day at the registry office?

A wedding is a special event in the life of every couple. And if there are any problems with the organization of the wedding on a specific date, many lovers begin to have a real panic. Be careful, many unscrupulous people try to cash in on this. The services of the registry office are free of charge, with the exception of the state duty, which must be paid when submitting an application. Also, some wedding palaces offer newlyweds to order musical accompaniment or photography. There are no paid services for pre-application and booking a wedding date. Please contact the Registrar's Office directly for questions like this. How much to apply for and how to behave on the day of registration, you will be told by its staff. Beware of scammers who personally or remotely offer you marriage filing services for money.

Is it possible to apply without a second half?

Most often, happy and a little excited couples come to the registry office, ready to immediately fill out all the necessary papers. But what if the wedding date is scheduled, and the bride or groom is in another city or even abroad and plans to return directly to the wedding? In this case, one of the future spouses must submit an application, he must have a form filled out by the absentee and certified by a notary. Employees of the registration authority do not have the right to refuse in this case without gross violations.

List of documents for marriage registration

You already know how much they apply to the registry office, it's time to check if all the necessary documents are at hand. The most important thing is the passports of the bride and groom. You will also need temporary registration and a residence permit if one of those wishing to marry is not a citizen of the Russian Federation. Provided that one of the future spouses was previously married, you will also need documents confirming the termination of this union (certificate). If an urgent marriage registration is planned, papers are required confirming the existence of special circumstances. Also, minor brides and grooms need permission from their parents or other legal representatives.

We have already discussed how much they apply to the registry office. Yekaterinburg and many other cities of our country offer all people who wish to legalize their union to submit a virtual application in advance on the official website of public services.

But keep in mind that after that, 30 days before registration, you still have to personally visit the registry office and bring all the necessary documents. Decide in advance all controversial issues, in particular, decide which surname the bride will take after marriage. Today, not all girls tend to change their own initials. Moreover, many husbands are happy to take the beautiful and sonorous surnames of their wives.

Do you want to make your wedding unusual and original? Start preparing for it in advance. You will definitely have time for everything, because you know how much they apply to the registry office. Krasnoyarsk or Moscow - in fact, it does not matter at all what city you were born and live in, today everyone can organize a wonderful wedding in any region. And how do you like the idea of ​​signing in a castle or an old manor? A similar marriage ceremony can be held not only in Europe, but also at home.

An increasing number of real palace-museums offer on-site registration. You can also become husband and wife in many modern country complexes with landscaped areas, their own restaurants and all kinds of entertainment venues. Each person dreams that the marriage union will last as long as possible, and the day of its registration will be remembered for a lifetime. So do not be afraid to dream and do not spare the time and effort to organize the wedding of your dreams!
