Is it possible to use expired lipstick? Close the lid tightly after each use

Take a look around any woman's bathroom, and you'll almost certainly find a bunch of abandoned jars of cream, remnants of your favorite blush, and at least one tube of lip gloss that has outlived its usefulness. It’s difficult for ladies to part with cosmetic goods - they want what they bought to work for every penny they spent. But it’s time to say goodbye to the habit of hoarding unnecessary things.

Each cosmetic product has its own expiration date. Expired care products, in best case scenario, will not work, at worst, they will cause irritation or provoke the development of a skin infection. "Sealed tubes with good cosmetics at room temperature can be stored for several years, explains Nikita Wilson, a cosmetic chemist at Cosmetech Laboratory, located in Fairfield, New Jersey. “But as soon as air gets in, some of the ingredients begin to oxidize and break down.”

Every time you use a cream or lotion, germs enter and end up on your face. Heat and humidity promote the growth of bacteria, so the bathroom is not the best perfect place for storing cosmetics, although undoubtedly the most convenient.

It is often impossible to find out that the expiration date of a particular product has expired - on most cosmetic products it is simply not marked. If you can still determine its “suitability” by looking at the carcass, then with the rest of the bells and whistles you have to play a guessing game. That's why experts have compiled a list to help you decide what should be thrown away and what can still be used.

Makeup products. General rule It sounds like this: liquids are stored for six months, powders for two years. It is better to choose foundation and makeup foundation with a dispenser - by dipping your fingers into a jar of product, you are doing better for the bacteria, but not for yourself. As the foundation ages, it may delaminate as the oils it contains rise to the surface.

There are fewer problems with powders: where there is no water, bacteria do not multiply. However, over time, powders containing botanical ingredients such as aloe or jojoba oil may change their consistency as what little water they contain eventually evaporates.

Mascara. The shelf life of the mascara is three months: this is how long the preservatives will work. Even if the mascara has not dried after this time, it is not advisable to use it, since, as already mentioned, a humid environment is ideal for bacteria.

Their presence may not affect the appearance of the carcass, but you will earn barley. In addition, after the expiration date, the extension fibers begin to separate from the liquid, so that the mascara becomes lumpy and uneven. To prevent mascara from drying out prematurely, makeup artists advise not to push the brush into the tube - this will only “pump” air into it - but rather to screw it in.

Eye pencils and eye shadows. Liquid eyeliner It is stored for three months, eye cream shadows - six months, powder shadows and pencils - two years. Pencils owe their long shelf life to the fact that every time you sharpen them, their surface is cleared of all the “pests” that managed to land on it. The main thing is not to forget to regularly wipe the sharpener with alcohol.

Lipstick and contour pencils. Lip glosses and lipsticks expire after two years, but contour pencil can last more than two years. Makeup artists warn that long-lasting lipsticks have a shorter shelf life - they contain components that evaporate faster than regular “creamy” lipsticks. The story with contour pencils is the same as with eye pencils: by sharpening them, you extend their life.

Nail polish. The varnish can be stored for up to one to two years. After this it becomes sticky and viscous. Varnishes are especially sensitive to changes in temperature and humidity, so they should not be stored in the bathroom.

Face cream. In lotions and creams for problem skin Usually there is an expiration date, but cosmeceuticals do not have one. Therefore, remember: no matter how much product remains in the jar, after six months from the start of use it must be thrown away. If you buy creams in bottles with a dispenser, the service life automatically increases to a year.

Some ingredients, such as vitamin C, retinol and hydroquinone, break down faster if the cream is left in the sun or left uncovered. Less often - but this is also more dangerous - the components of the cream become stronger. Active ingredients such as retinol and glycolic acid, buy used O higher concentration as a result of evaporation of part of the liquid from the cream, which can lead to irritation or light chemical burn.

Sunscreen. The shelf life of cream with SPF is six months. Typically, sunscreen tubes state that they can be stored for a year, but a year is the amount of time you need to buy the lotion from the moment of production. As soon as you open the bottle, water begins to evaporate from it, causing the consistency to become uneven. As a result, in one portion you will end up with a decent amount of sunscreen filters, and in the other - as much as your nose. The cream should be stored in a cool place, protected from direct sun rays.

Hair products. The approximate shelf life is one year. The best “protectors” are cans of hairspray; as for other products, close them tightly with a lid so that they do not delaminate and lose thickness from contact with air.

Perfume. Officially, their shelf life is two years, but experts say that perfumes can be stored for 4-5 years if they are kept in a dry place, out of reach of sunlight. Humidity and heat can change "behavior" individual ingredients, so the entire flavor will suffer as a result.

Simple secrets:

To prevent cosmetic products from spoiling ahead of schedule and do not cause irritation, follow these simple recommendations:

Before putting your fingers into a jar of cream, wash your hands thoroughly and wipe them dry;

To avoid re-infection, do not paint your lips if you have a cold sore, and put pencils and eye shadow aside until the stye goes away - the only exception is for those products that can be sharpened or simply cleaned with a knife;

Smell the mascara before you buy it - expired mascara has a strong chemical smell;

Apply Foundation on the pimple with patting rather than rubbing movements, so as not to spread the infection;

Take the time to put stickers on the jars with the start date of using this product. You can simply write the date with a marker on the lid or bottom of the jar.

Each modern girl There are a couple of dozen trendy beauty products in your cosmetic bag. Makeup is a modern necessity that allows girls to look fresh and rested under any circumstances.

True, there is a problem: often the shelf life of a favorite cosmetic product expires before the lover of spectacular make-up has time to fully use it. This is not always pleasant, because beauty products from luxury brands cost girls a pretty penny.

Let's try to figure out what to do with expired cosmetics. Is it subject to mandatory should it be thrown in the trash or does such a product still have a right to life?

How long do cosmetic products last?

The expiration dates for different cosmetic products may vary significantly. For example, lipsticks and eye shadows last quite a long time, but foundations and skincare products cannot boast of this.

How to find out the expiration date of your cosmetics? This important information either written on the label in letters or depicted in symbols. As a rule, this is a badge with an open box on which the number of months is marked. It is during this time that the product will remain suitable for use for cosmetic purposes.

This is especially true for foundation and skincare products, as they contain vitamins, antioxidants and other useful material, which over time under the influence of oxygen lose their magical properties. Thus, an expired foundation will not moisturize the skin, but may, on the contrary, cause it to become dry and cause acne.

How to understand that cosmetics are expired?

Was information about the expiration date of the product indicated on the packaging that you safely threw away? If you don't write down the expiration date of your favorite cosmetics, then try to visually determine whether your mascara, lipstick or blush has expired.

It's time to throw away cosmetics if they have changed color, smell, or texture. Appearance discomfort on the skin or mold on the surface of the product - this is a clear argument for throwing the cosmetic product in the trash.

Important: many girls use the same mascara for many months, although the optimal shelf life of this product does not exceed three months. Studies have shown that expired products multiply bacteria faster and may even contain fungi. Dispose of dried mascara without regret and do not try to dilute it with water. Remember that water is ideal environment for the growth of bacteria.

Shelf life of cosmetic products

Let's share optimal timing storage of various cosmetic products. Try to follow these recommendations for the sake of health and beauty.

Please note that the times given are estimates only. Check them with the information on the packaging or tube.

Decorative cosmetics

  • Mascara and eyeliner - 3 months.
  • Liquid or cream foundations and concealers - from 6 months to a year.
  • Powder products (blush, bronzers, shadows) - 2–3 years.
  • Lipsticks, pencils and lip glosses - 2–3 years.

Care products

  • Tonics - from 6 months to a year.
  • Moisturizing creams and serums - from 6 months to a year.
  • Cleansers - year.
  • Products with AHA and BHA acids - one year.
  • Lip balms - year.

How to extend the life of cosmetics

You can extend the life of your favorite beauty products if you follow a number of rules. First, always keep your makeup clean and regularly wash the brushes you use to apply your makeup. Secondly, practice good hygiene and don’t share cosmetical tools with anyone.

And finally, store your cosmetics wisely. Properly - this is not in the bathroom, not in the refrigerator and not in diluted form. Cosmetics are made so that they adapt to temperature fluctuations in living spaces. And diluting with water, saliva and other liquids is strictly prohibited. You change the composition of the product and create a favorable environment for bacteria to multiply.

If you keep your cosmetics clean and tidy and practice good hygiene, your favorite beauty products can last longer than stated on the packaging. At the same time, it is still better to approach everything wisely and not store cosmetics for years.

Many women not only use cosmetics, but also cannot deny themselves the pleasure of buying them. This means that a huge supply of products, both necessary and not so necessary, accumulates in the cabinet and in the cosmetic bag. And one fine day the time comes to sort through them and get rid of the expired ones.

On the last phrase we do special accent. Many of us, whether consciously or not, do not pay attention to the expiration date and use a cosmetic product until it runs out. But, like food, cosmetics have a limited shelf life. Ignoring it is fraught with unpleasant consequences: expired cosmetics can actively multiply microbes that can cause various skin diseases and more.

If you are one of those whose cosmetic bag is replete with tubes that you once opened and forgot, tried and didn’t like, let it lie - it will come in handy again... Be careful!

How can you tell if a cosmetic product is spoiled?

What to do if the expiration date is not indicated? Most likely (if the product is of high quality), the shelf life of such a product is more than 30 months. Now look for the icon of a jar with an open lid - this will tell you how long the product can be stored from the moment it is opened.

If you haven’t found such an icon, you’ll have to point to own feelings. The general rule is simple: as soon as you notice changes in your cosmetic product, it means that the shelf life has come to an end.

First of all, the smell - as soon as unpleasant notes, harshness or rancidity appear - it is expired.

Pay attention also to appearance(a shine has appeared...), texture (granules have formed, liquid has left, the consistency has become uneven) or gases have formed in the tube - the expiration date has expired!

It is very easy to determine the “old age” of mascara - as soon as it has dried, throw it away without regret, and under no circumstances try to “reanimate” it.

Even if the recently purchased product was in the heat for quite some time long time– don’t use it anymore. Especially it concerns sunscreen, they can only be used for one season, do not store until next year– after being “tested at high temperatures”, cosmetics lose their sun protection properties.

Keep in mind that products in sealed packaging with dispensers are stored better than cosmetics in jars with more access to air. Just like cosmetics containing alcohol (deodorants, perfumes, varnishes) are stored much longer than natural cosmetic no preservatives. Products with a solid consistency (lipsticks, pencils) are stored better than liquid ones (creams, body milk, shampoo, shower gel).

In addition, in order for your favorite cosmetic product to “live” the period promised by the manufacturer, it must be stored correctly - in places with a constant low air temperature, without direct access to sunlight, and avoiding high humidity.

In short, if the appearance or smell of a product makes you suspicious, it’s better not to use it again! The French National Institute of Consumerism INC recommends stopping using cosmetics at the first sign of a change in the smell, color or texture of the product.

Possible consequences of using expired cosmetics

To begin with, let us note that cosmetics are not only decorative means, but also hygiene products. And if for the former, the past expiration date will mean, first of all, the loss of decorative properties and will not cause any particular harm to health; then the consequences of using expired creams may be much worse.

In general, expired cosmetics have two dangerous moment: risk of allergies and deterioration of properties and qualities. Unlike food, cosmetics do not deteriorate to such an extent as to cause significant harm to health. It ceases to perform the functions promised to the manufacturers, changes its appearance, can become sticky, greasy, change the smell and color. That is, you lose in quality and aesthetic pleasure, which, you see, is also a lot.

With care cosmetics the situation is more serious. After the expiration date, your favorite cream becomes a favorable environment for the active growth of bacteria, mold and fungi, which can be very harmful and even dangerous. They can cause rashes, acne and pimples to cause eczema. Even worse if pathogens penetrate the epidermis and reach blood vessels– in this case, serious intoxication is possible.

So, we part with the expired cream as soon as you notice the first signs of a change in smell or consistency - otherwise you risk getting allergic reactions and painful skin irritations that, to put it mildly, do not look very aesthetically pleasing.

After the expiration date, sunscreens lose their ability to perform their direct functions - that is, to protect from the sun. Remember that sunscreen will only last you for one season, and even after six months (for example, if you are going on vacation in winter), you should no longer expect reliable protection. This cream itself is not dangerous, but indirectly it can cause burns and cause peeling.

Loose powder stored for a long time can contain a lot of dust, where mites can easily start and multiply. Once on the surface of the skin, such powder can provoke seborrheic dermatitis.

Mascara and other eye cosmetics can cause this unpleasant disease as keratitis, or in other words - inflammation of the cornea.

To avoid unpleasant consequences, part with mascara no later than a year after purchasing it; You can store eyeliner, lipstick and nail polish for up to two years maximum; foundations longer than a year usually do not “live”; powder can last up to four years, and contour pencils even longer. Much will depend on storage conditions. Therefore, regularly conduct an “audit” of your cosmetics bag and focus not only on dates and expiration dates, but also on personal feelings: as soon as the consistency of the product begins to change, its color and smell - this clear sign that it has spoiled and belongs in the trash can.

Often, many women spend a lot of money on cosmetics and often never run out of them. Naturally, you feel sorry for wasting money on it, especially when you don’t want to get rid of your favorite lipstick or mascara, and that’s why many people ask: should you throw out expired cosmetics or can you still use them?

Consequences of using expired cosmetics

Expired cosmetics are very harmful to the skin. Any product is a potentially favorable environment for the appearance of harmful bacteria. Due to their penetration, various diseases can appear in the body. The result may be allergies, dermatitis, or even hair loss.

So, for example, if mascara or eyeliner has expired, then it further use may pose a risk of conjunctivitis.

If the expiration date has expired loose powder, then ticks may appear there. Once such powder gets on the skin, it can cause seborrheic dermatitis.

If you often use sunscreens for sun protection or preservation sun tanning, it is worth saying that they are stored only for one season. Therefore, even if the expiration date is 3 years, you should not trust it. Reliable protection This cream won't work. In addition, such a product may cause peeling and artificial burn on the skin, which can cause further consequences.

Please note that any cream that has been stored incorrectly or has expired can cause the appearance of various bacteria with mold and fungi in it. Naturally, they can be dangerous to the skin and health in general. They will provoke rashes, acne and pimples, eczema: everything that can worsen your appearance and health. If pathogenic bacteria reach the blood vessels, blood cancer or even intoxication may occur.

Therefore, you should not try to "reanimate" what you apply to your skin, as it may cause big problems with health.

How can you tell if your cosmetics have gone bad?

Note that there are many tools and not all of them contain information about the possible time of its use. If not a single note was found either on the packaging or on the lid of the product, then you should rely on your own feelings. For all creams there is one guideline - bad sour smell and the appearance of a yellow film on its walls. If its smell contains some harshness, similar to alcohol, the cream is expired. If the appearance and texture of the jar has changed, for example, the granules have lost their structure, water and shine have appeared - this also indicates that the product is spoiled. As for creams in a tube, everything is simple here too: if there is a smell, water, bubbles, then it is spoiled.

With mascara everything is very simple. Once the mascara dries, this will indicate its shelf life. If it's dry, there's no need to add water to it and try to get it back. Discard it and throw it away. Nail polish becomes unusable after thickening.

Note that improper storage of cosmetics also contributes to its rapid deterioration. So, if a recently purchased cream or mascara was exposed to direct sunlight for a long time, then you can safely say goodbye to it, since it will no longer be possible to use it.

The fact is that the sun is in chemicals- a direct source of bacteria, which begin to eat all the nutrients and fill the product with bad substances. By the way, excessive humidity or heat may also influence favorite remedy spoiled. All these factors negatively affect all types of cosmetics. Therefore, always store all cosmetics correctly. To do this correctly, read the instructions for storing a particular substance.

General information on storage, by the way, is available. Be sure to purchase substances in sealed packaging, as this will help prolong their life. If they do not have access to oxygen, then any solid or liquid substances will be preserved better and longer and can be used more safely.

So, if we summarize the above a little, we can say that any appearance of changes in your favorite cosmetics, be it smell, structure or even color, all this can indicate its deterioration, so you should refuse to apply it to the skin. In addition, if you want not to overpay and use it longer, buy it in tubes and special dispensers, store it correctly, according to the instructions usually included with any package.

How long do cosmetics last?

Of course, so as not to get caught uncomfortable situation when the person during important events not ideal or even worse, appeared serious problems With health, you need to know how long what you use every day is stored.

Check your cosmetics regularly: remove bad substances from it. Please note that even if the packaging does not provide information about shelf life and use, you can use the information below.

  • Liquid substances can be stored for 6 months, dry substances - 3 years.
  • Mascara and eyeliner “live” for 3 months.
  • Lipstick lasts for excellent condition 3 years.
  • Sunblock can only last for 1 summer season recreation.
  • Other cream is stored for no more than 2 years.
  • Perfume is stored for 5 years.
  • Tonics and other liquid substances for body and face care - 6 months.

Sealed cosmetics last longer. Opened, due to the ingress of dust particles and bacteria into it, it is stored less. That is why, if the date is indicated, then you can see the expiration date for the sealed and for the opened product. If you don’t want to get upset and lose half a tube of cream or tonic, you should calculate its volume before purchasing and how often you will use it.

Is it possible to extend the shelf life of cosmetics?

Please note that after unsealing any cosmetics, its shelf life is halved immediately. This is worth remembering, because the sun, dust and bacteria entering after opening the package significantly affect the consistency of the substance and its suitability.

To extend the shelf life of any cosmetics, try to keep creams in a cool place where there is no direct exposure to the sun. As for powder, mascara and eyeliner, keep them in a cool, dark place with the caps closed. In other cases, extension of its period is impossible.


To avoid unpleasant situations expired, immediately throw away the mascara six months after purchasing it. Feel free to forget about eyeliner along with lipstick and varnish and throw it away after two years without a second thought. Regarding foundations, powders and contour pencils- no matter how good they still look, you should safely say goodbye to them after two years of use.

Naturally, be that as it may, everything needs to be stored correctly, because everything will depend on correct or incorrect storage. Therefore, do not forget to read the instructions and sometimes carry out “audits” of your cosmetic bags, so as not to harm yourself and not overpay for your beauty and health twice, but on the contrary, make yourself more beautiful, younger and better.

Favorite foundation or it can be a pity to throw away lipstick, especially if you didn’t have enough time to use up even half the tube. However, you still have to update the set of products in your cosmetic bag - it’s not for nothing that manufacturers indicate the expiration date of the product on the bottle. Today we will talk about whether it is possible to use expired cosmetics and what Negative consequences waiting for its owner.

Consequences of using expired cosmetics

Expired cosmetics can be harmful to the skin. Any remedy is potentially favorable environment for the growth of bacteria. And their penetration into the body threatens various diseases. As a result: allergies, skin rashes, dermatitis, hair loss. Mascaras and eyeliners that have expired can cause conjunctivitis. Lipstick often contains staphylococcus, and powder contains micromites that can cause skin irritations.

Due to natural chemical reactions Cosmetic products may lose their properties over time. beneficial features. For example, it makes sense to use an anti-tanning product only within six months from the moment the bottle is opened. After this, the composition is no longer able to protect the skin from ultraviolet radiation.

The best conditions for storing cosmetics: temperature from 5 to 25 degrees and dryness. Do not keep cosmetics in the sun or near heat sources.

How can you tell if your cosmetics have gone bad?

Even a product that has not yet expired may be spoiled. You should pay attention to changes in the structure or smell of cosmetics. A sign of "damage" cosmetic product There may also be inhomogeneity in consistency. If an unhealthy reaction occurs to a product—the eyes become watery, irritation or spots appear on the skin—it is better to get rid of the cosmetics. It is also worth doing with the product that was used by strangers, or with the cosmetics that were used for an infectious disease.

How long do cosmetics last?

You should regularly “inspect” your cosmetic bag and promptly get rid of products with expired expiration dates. If there is no production date on the bottle, and the box has long been lost, you can use a cosmetic calculator and find out the expiration date of the product by batch number. True, not all cosmetic brands provide such a service.

Liquid products are stored for no more than six months, dry products are stored for no more than 3 years, and mascaras and eyeliners remain “fresh” for only 3 months.

Sealed cosmetics can last longer. Once opened, it is subject to additional exposure - air, skin particles and bacteria enter the product. Often, two expiration dates are indicated on the bottle: for a sealed tube and for an open one. In order not to part with an almost full tube of cream that has expired, you should rationally calculate the volumes and give preference to mini-packages.

You can also learn about the dangers of using expired cosmetics from this short video:
