Essential oil burn what to do. Vegetable oil burn

Essential oils due to their useful properties often used in cosmetic and medicinal purposes. However, highly concentrated products can be a source of serious trouble if used incorrectly or for other purposes. The most frequent and dangerous consequence of the use of essential oils is burns and allergic skin reactions to irritation. Although great importance has a skin type (someone may experience discomfort and a burning sensation when applying oils, and someone will feel absolutely nothing), there are precautions that must be followed.

Precautions When Using Essential Oils in Face Masks

The most important thing is not to use a concentrated product, undiluted oil. Any essential oil (especially cinnamon and orange oil) can burn the skin. Lavender oil has a milder effect, tea tree, myrtle.

Rule number 1. Oil always should be bred in base or base oil.

Rule number 2. Before using essential oils, you need to read the attached instructions.

Rule #3. It is forbidden to apply the product on the mucous membrane and take essential oils inside.

Rule number 4. Before use, the oil should be tested on a small area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe skin (a few drops essential oil dilute with a small amount of any vegetable oil and apply to the wrist area and observe the reaction for 12 hours).

Redness after essential oil: burn or allergic reaction?

If you are prone to allergies, then some components of essential oils can cause redness and even blisters. The most correct thing in this case is to contact a specialist in a medical institution. He will most likely prescribe anti-allergic drugs. Often used such means as ointment Elocom, Claritin, Loratadin, Zodak.

To minimize the effects of a burn, vegetable oil will help, which should be used immediately after the appearance of irritation on the skin.

Treating essential oil burns

If the essential oil has got on the mucous membranes (eyes, mouth), then you should immediately consult a doctor.

In case of direct contact with essential oils on the skin, immediately lubricate the affected area with any vegetable oil then remove it with a cotton swab. You can repeat several times.

Do not wash the burned area with water - it will not help. Using a cream will be less effective.

Also, in case of slight redness of the skin, the following remedies will help relieve irritation:

  • compress from strong brewing of black tea;
  • freshly grated raw potato compress;
  • a compress of crushed Kalanchoe leaves.

Bath with essential oils: how not to harm

However, taking an essential oil bath must be done with care.

If redness appears on the skin after the procedure, this may indicate an allergic reaction.

Essential oil does not dissolve in water - drops can settle on the skin and cause a reaction in the body. Therefore, an emulsifier should always be used. It might not a large number of kefir, yogurt, milk or honey, in which you need to dilute the essential oil, and then pour the mixture into water.

Essential oils have found a considerable scope in cosmetology, aromatherapy, folk medicine. This is due to the large number of their useful properties for humans. Knowing how to use these phyto essences correctly, you can prolong youth and save yourself from many diseases. various origins. However, like all chemical and biological substances, with the wrong or careless application these concentrates can harm your body and body. A burn with essential oil can cause severe pain, burning, redness of the skin. Each of these mixtures contains more than 300 volatile components, and therefore refers to potent substances. Need to know what to do if chemical injury. After all, a burn from an essential oil is the most common problem in violation of safety regulations during the use of this substance.


Let's see what rules you need to follow to avoid burning with essential oil.

  • Never use oils in pure (concentrated) form. Before use, it must be mixed with special substances - emulsifiers. At home, finding them is quite simple; they can be: milk, honey, salt, cocoa, alcohol, cream, clay. It is important to know that water cannot be used, it does not dissolve oils, they only form a film on the surface of the liquid, touching which you can get burned from the essential oil. An exception may be the treatment of herpes, boils, warts. However, even in this case, it is better to dilute the oil by early stages treatment 1:1;
  • Read the instructions for use. Find out the concentration limit for a certain type of mixture. In general, the following proportions can be used for most oils: massage: 3-5 drops per 15 ml. base oil; bath: 1 drop per 10 liters. liquids; aroma lamps: 1 drop per 2-3 sq. m. of the room in which it will be located; soap, balms and creams: 30 drops per 100 g. For masks, lotions, inhalations, it is enough to use the smallest doses of such oils.
  • Keep the reagent container as far away from animals and children as possible.
  • In no case do not use the oil inside and do not allow it to come into contact with the mucous membrane. This is fraught with serious injury (such as corneal burns).
  • Test the oil by making a dilute solution to see how your body reacts. Mix it with an emulsifier 1:5 and apply it on your wrist, you will know about an allergic reaction within two hours. Redness, pain, itching, burning, swelling do not bode well, discard these products.
  • Don't save. A bad product can be recognized by flashy packaging, low prices and other marketing moves. Drop oil on paper, within a day a good product will evaporate, and a bad one will leave a greasy stain.

These few are quite simple and effective advice help you avoid injuries such as essential oil burns.


Signs of a burn with essential oil are similar for any nature of the reagent.

  • Redness of the skin at the site of the lesion.
  • Burning after burn.
  • Itching, swelling.
  • A more severe injury is characterized by the appearance of blisters.

Face burn with essential oils

Often there are injuries to the face, nose, areas around the eyes when using essential oils. This is due to improper application and non-compliance with proportions. Such a concentrated substance must be diluted in accordance with the instructions, always follow the rules for using essential mixtures. IN this case oil can also be added to a face cream or mask. But it is worth understanding that the dosage is carried out in drops, and not tea (or even more so tablespoons) spoons.

Orange oil burn

This type of mixture can cause even more severe injury if, after use, the skin comes into contact with sunlight. This substance has a phototoxic function and accumulates (accumulates) falling on it solar radiation. And it can also increase the level of photosensitivity. Therefore, do not use it on sufficiently sensitive skin. This can lead to inflammation.

Essential oil of cinnamon

This type of reagent, if it comes into contact with the skin, will cause immediate redness and a burning sensation. With a longer contact - a burn with essential oil. This type must be checked before use, observing the dosage directly for your skin type. So, if you have it rougher, the dense dosage will be slightly more than for a person with sensitive skin. The attached instructions, a cosmetologist or a doctor will help determine the application rates.

As a rule, ether burns are limited to the second degree. And yet, it can cause swelling, itching, blisters, redness of the skin. These are not the most pleasant consequences, so you should not delay treatment. The wound can also become infected if the appropriate procedures are not carried out.

First aid for burns with essential oil

With a burn essential mixture you need to take off your clothes if oil has got on it, and then stop its effect on the affected area. Rinse cold water within 10 minutes, and then:

  • Remove the remaining oil with a cotton swab (soak it in advance with a soap solution).
  • Apply a cold object to the burn to relieve pain and discomfort. But be careful, with prolonged contact, the skin can be frostbite.
  • Remove excess liquid with a gauze bandage, waffle towel, paper napkin.
  • If small bubbles appear, do not apply a bandage. Treat them daily with anti-burn drugs (such as Panthenol or Olazol).
  • If you find large blisters with liquid contents - do not open them yourself, this should be done by the treating specialist.
  • If the reagent gets into the eye, rinse it with plenty of running water and consult a doctor immediately.

Often burns are not too serious and are treated at home. But if the damage turned out to be significant, then consult a doctor. His job will be to decontaminate the place, open the blisters, prescribe individual treatment for the victim.

Ether burns are quite common in areas of their application. And although the injuries are often minor, they can cause complications in the form of infections. If you get a second degree burn, don't try to treat it at home, entrust it to your doctor.

The most common oils that can be used as a remedy for first degree burns are chamomile, sea buckthorn, lavender, eucalyptus, fir, and tea tree oil.

If happened sunburn, a bath will soothe the skin well (several baths with a break of 3 hours) with the addition of 6 drops of chamomile oil. For a healing bath, a child can mix 4 drops of chamomile oil and a few drops of almond oil.

Lavender oil - good remedy with burns different types(including chemical) and stages, easily penetrates the skin due to the simple structure of the molecules. They can lubricate the damaged areas, after washing them, as well as make lotions and apply bandages. The latter must be changed every two hours. If the burn is not severe, you can prepare a special lotion yourself by mixing a glass of vegetable oil with 10 drops of lavender oil, half a glass of vinegar and 1 tsp. 5% iodine solution.

With 40% tea tree oil, you can lubricate the burned area and the skin around it (without open wounds), after washing them with very cold water for 2 minutes. This procedure is recommended to be carried out twice a day. If you have a sunburn, you can add a few drops to almond or vegetable oil with vitamin E, and rub the burnt skin with this mixture twice a day.

Well help with burns lotion from a solution of eucalyptus oil. It is not difficult to prepare it - you need to pour 30 ml of oil into 100 ml of boiling water and let it cool. You can apply a swab soaked in a solution to burned skin quite often.

Sea buckthorn oil is especially effective for burns. hot water. It is applied with a sterile cloth to a dry, cleansed affected area of ​​the skin. It is also possible to frequently moisten the burned area with oil using a napkin.

Features of the use of essential oils for burns

Sea buckthorn oil should not be applied to damaged skin if abscesses have formed on it. Essential oils in large quantities can cause chemical burns, so you need to monitor their dosage and allowable concentration. Essential oils should not be taken internally or allowed to get into the eyes.

Essential oils can cause allergies, especially in people with sensitive skin, so you need to check yourself for their presence. For this on clean skin inner surface hands are applied 2-5% oil solution.

This happened to us when the twins, taking advantage of the short absence of their mother, poured the contents of a bottle of essential oil into the water during an evening bath. A few minutes later, the skin of one of them turned red in many places, as happens with burns. The second got less, and since he differed from his brother in a more patient character, pretending that nothing had happened, he lay down in bed and covered himself with a blanket.

Baby got essential oil burn. What to do? The first impulse is to wash the body clean water to reduce the oil concentration by skin. Which was done, with soap, but did not bring tangible results.

The next step is to dive into the Internet in search of information. We did not find a suitable article, but we took the advice from the discussions of moms on the forums.

In particular, we learned that aromatic oils do not dissolve in water, and therefore add them to pure form bath wrong. A large amount of oil can lead to a chemical burn, which happened in our case.

To avoid burns, the essential oil should be dissolved in some kind of emulsifier (cream, milk, honey, kefir) and only then added to bathing water.

If such precautions were not taken, and the child received a burn with essential oils, it is necessary to lubricate the affected areas with any vegetable oil. This will help dissolve the aroma oil and thus reduce its concentration. Then carefully remove the vegetable oil cotton pad. If necessary, the procedure should be repeated several times.

Instead of vegetable oil, you can use fatty baby cream, but it will be less efficient.

In our case, we used a self-made "miracle ointment" that was stored in the refrigerator. Sharing the recipe:

1. Pour 200 g of olive oil into an enamel bowl and put the container on a slow fire;

2. In olive oil add 30 gr beeswax and keep it on fire until completely dissolved;

3. Finely crumble and gradually add 1/2 of the boiled egg yolk to the heated mixture;

4. Without adding fire, bring the composition to a boil and turn it off after a couple of minutes;

5. After 10-15 minutes, strain the mixture through gauze, pour into glassware and refrigerate for storage.

This ointment is excellent for various skin diseases, irritations, and for wound healing.

We smeared the burns with this ointment, and by the morning our boy was white, without any traces of the trouble that had happened the day before. We pulled the second "hero" out from under the blanket, just in case, to check it for burns. smeared problem areas ointment, but since this was done with some delay, by morning one could find a small rash on the body, which soon also disappeared safely.

Finally, I would like to clarify: a large amount of essential oil that gets on the skin causes chemical burn and not an allergic reaction, as some people think. If a child has an allergy, he will react even to a few drops. And if before that everything was in order, then this is definitely a burn with essential oil!

There are sometimes situations in life in which any person is lost, and for the first moments he does not know what to do.

Someone burns in the sun, someone has a cup of hot tea knocked over and, in such cases, the question always arises, will essential oils help with burns?

And it’s good when the knowledge gained in this area helps, and the means for saving are always at hand in the home first aid kit.

Unfortunately, burns, as a rule, a person receives in living conditions. This is always a big nuisance, sometimes requiring emergency treatment V medical institution. That is why it is so necessary, at least in general terms, to understand the types of burns and their classification. Otherwise, it will be very difficult to understand whether the burn is subject to home treatment or you need to call an ambulance immediately.

Degrees of burns and indications for the use of essential oil

If we are talking about the use of essential oil for burns, then, in this case, only thermal and radiation burns are considered. These are just those burns that are obtained at home and with the abuse of tanning. Chemical and electrical burns require medical attention.

Thermal burns come in 4 degrees:

  1. Slight redness of the skin and the formation of small blisters.
  2. Severe swelling of the skin, vesicles may open.
  3. Skin burn that penetrates to the bone.
  4. Charring of the burned part of the body.

From listed list it is clear that essential oil can only help in the first case, with a 1st degree burn.

There are also several other necessary criteria for the classification of burns:

  • By area of ​​burns
  • By localization on the body
  • According to the condition of the victim (presence of temperature, purulent discharge from the wound, etc.).

Home help is used for burns that are not large in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe palm. If the face, hands (hands) or genitals are not affected by the burn, and if there are burns, then their area should not exceed the size of a coin.

First steps after a burn and methods of treatment

Immediately after a thermal burn, the burn site should be treated with running water for 10-20 minutes. If there are anti-burn ointments, they should be applied. Well, in case of their absence, resort to other methods, in particular, to soothe the affected skin from burns with essential oil.

  • For these purposes, chamomile essential oil, which has a cooling effect, is best suited. Effective means there will be a bath with the addition of 5-6 drops of chamomile ether. If a misfortune happened to a child, then a bath with 4 drops of chamomile essential oil dissolved in a few drops of almond oil will help from a burn.
  • excellent, recognized experts remedy is also lavender essential oil. Take 10-12 drops of lavender ether, dilute in one tablespoon of water, moisten the cloth and apply to the burned area of ​​the skin. If small blisters are already visible, undiluted lavender oil should be applied to them.
  • And the third most commonly used for burns is eucalyptus essential oil. It also has cooling properties and has, thanks to pleasant aroma, anti-stress effect. It is also used for baths and in spray guns, with the help of which the oil composition is sprayed onto the burned area.

The same advice for using essential oil can be given for sunburn.

For minor burns

  • 1 glass of olive oil;
  • 0.5 cups of vinegar;
  • 1 tsp 5% iodine solution;
  • 10 drops of lavender essential oil

Mix everything and, moistened with a swab, wipe the affected areas of the skin.

Contraindications to the use of essential oils for burns

The issue of anti-burn measures, as already noted, is very serious and therefore essential oils cannot be used in the following situations, When:

  • Large areas of skin were burned (larger than a palm).
  • Affected mucous surfaces, face, joints, genitals.
  • The degree of burn is greater than 1 degree.
  • The burn was caused by an electrical impact.
  • With the formation of large blisters that have changed color (black or white).
  • With suppuration of the burn surface.

You should also pay attention to the fact that allergic reactions are possible from the essential oil used for burns. If after a long time the burning sensation from the essential oil does not go away, it is better to stop using it, and wash the burn area with cold water and soap and consult a doctor.

Rules for the use of essential oils for burns

If a burn occurs and you need to quickly help the victim, a number of requirements must be met before applying the oil:

  • Use the oil only after sterilization in a water bath;
  • Treat the wound around the edges with iodine;
  • Disinfect the burn with hydrogen peroxide;
  • Dry the wound after treatment.

And already these actions soak a napkin with essential oil and apply to the burnt place several times a day.
