Psychology of men pause in relationships. Take a break from a relationship? Alternative Solution Methods

Today, as part of the article in this column, we will talk about whether it is necessary to take a break in a relationship. What does this lead to and what does it mean if your partner initiated such an offer.

Relationship Break: Salvation or End of Love?- So I formulated the topic of our conversation with you today.

We will try to answer this question from 2 different points view: the first will touch male gaze on this problem, and the second - female.

Man's motives

If your relationship has just begun to develop and your partner has proposed to you take a break in a relationship, that means that a man may not see the point in continuing to meet with you, but it is inconvenient to tell him about it.

Voice your guesses and worries directly by inviting the man to choose from what you think: are we breaking up because we really need a break or are you no longer interested in our relationship?

It may happen that you have to put an end to the relationship. But there are other situations as well. The male maybe invite you to leave for a while to put an end to previous relationships. Do not rush to get upset right away, because he acts honestly and decently towards you, especially if he openly and timely confessed to you.

In continuation of the discussion of the male perspective on issues related to temporary separation, one more thing should be noted. interesting scenario. If your relationship has been going on for quite some time long period and the man decides to take a break, then the reasons that prompted him to make such a decision may be as follows:

♣ Relationships have become boring and insipid. A man takes a break to think and decide whether he wants to be with you in the future or not;

♣ a man has another woman who is attractive to him and in this moment he is at the stage of making a decision: to stay with you or start new novel;

♣ The man has some difficulties and problems in other areas of his life. It can be health, work, business, family of parents, etc. If this is the reason, the woman herself will see the roughness in the life of her beloved, then just agree to his terms and see what happens next;

♣ Another reason is that a man is afraid, while his feelings for a woman are quite strong. What does it mean? - A man takes time to get used to the idea that he wants and is ready to have a serious relationship with a woman.

Observe for yourself: he feels good and comfortable with you, relations develop gradually, despite the fact that he has positioned himself an avid bachelor, "lonely wolf", and suddenly on you - disappeared! Do not get angry and do not get upset ahead of time. Most likely, this is not the end.

Whatever the reason behind the man's decision take a break from a relationship is his right. A woman can either accept the conditions put forward to her, or announce her own. What will a woman get by agreeing to pause in a relationship?

It is quite possible that during the period of separation, a man will understand how good and comfortable he was with you, he will want to continue the relationship and even transfer it to new level. Another scenario further development your relationship is that he will lose motivation and suggest that you leave forever.

Woman's motives

If the initiative to take a break in the relationship belongs to a woman, then this can mean only one thing: the woman makes a decision regarding the further development of relations - “to be or not to be.” Because if the relationship is completely satisfied with the fairer sex, she will not fill her head with such variations.

Therefore, either you need to change something in the relationship, try to look for a joint solution in order to improve them, strengthen them and find the long-awaited harmony, or still take a break and think about the expediency of your further union.

If you think objectively, a break in a relationship is made for one simple reason: people are tired, tired of each other. It cannot be said that feelings have come to an end, perhaps this is just a signal that the time has come to pay attention to what is happening between a man and a woman.

For some couples, such a step is beneficial and separation makes them look at each other from a different angle, begin to appreciate and cherish mutual feelings. Based on this, it can be said that in some cases break in relationship- there is the rescue for a couple. But it often happens that a break in a relationship is just an excuse to carefully and quietly embark on the path of their slow end.

In any case, everything will happen as it should happen and you need to trust what you feel and think - the unity of the soul and mind will tell you the right decision in the matter of temporary separation.

How to endure a pause in a relationship and how to behave

Taking a break in a relationship is often the only right decision for two people. The main thing is not to turn the break into torture with sleepless nights and endless torment. A competent thaum-out will help put everything in its place and will not cause additional strife between loving people. Is it necessary to pause in a relationship and how to behave during this period?

1. Do not part with your loved ones?
2. Obvious - probably
3. Pause - lifeline
4. Work on the bugs
5. Rules and taboos for timeout

Do not part with your loved ones?

It has been proven that even the strongest couples experience difficult periods. But some families "softly" switch to new stage relations, while others part with high-profile scandals and secure the status of an enemy for each other. It is surprising that after a stormy parting, for many, love does not disappear, but turns into torment and doubt. But... the dots have been set, conclusions have been drawn, and pride forbids showing weakness. Alas, an illiterate time-out in a relationship is often the beginning of the end.

It also happens differently. In an effort to maintain the union, the halves do their best to please each other, try to avoid conflicts. Outwardly, everything looks perfect, and the internal tension gradually grows and in one day spills out. The ending can be unpredictable.

Obvious - Probably

Psychologists say: sometimes it’s not just necessary to pause in a relationship, but it’s extremely important! But such a decision should not be spontaneous, but mutually meaningful.
To begin with, one must accept the fact that crises " varying degrees heaviness” is experienced by all couples. In the list of dangerous periods:

First year of relationship. At this time, loving people adapt to each other, recognize partners (and themselves) from new angles. Not everyone can stand the test of everyday life.
Birth of a child. It would seem that the happiest stage in family life for many it turns into quarrels, scandals, reproaches. A constantly tired wife requires help, her husband lacks attention.
Crisis 15 years. Spouses usually come to him complete family with a "baggage" of skills, a well-established life and ... some cooling, bordering on a habit.

Let's add here financial difficulties, lack of own housing, fleeting connections - and dozens of reasons for parting appear.

Is a pause a lifeline?

In most cases, yes.

A time-out in a relationship helps to cool down, look at the thrown phrases from a different angle, think about the situation and draw the right conclusions.
But in no case - do not engage in self-flagellation and do not look for new reasons to blame your partner! Otherwise from life buoy the pause will quickly develop into a new ball of resentment with mutual accusations.

A break in a relationship is useful in such cases:

You need to understand yourself. Living with another person, we often put our goals in the background and after a while we stop seeing the whole picture of the future. On the face - the crisis of self-determination, which is usually faced by young families before the birth of children.
There are doubts. They may concern the choice of partner, possible loss freedom, open relationships with another person ... To dispel them, you need time, distance from the object of passion and a cold mind.
Feelings have lost their sharpness. Ups and downs are natural companions of any relationship. But if within long period people are absolutely indifferent to each other, they are irritated, it is better to live separately for a while and understand whether this is a temporary phenomenon or the beginning of an inevitable end.

Many are subconsciously afraid of a timeout, have no idea how to survive a pause in a relationship, and are wary of a final break. But statistics say: after meaningful breaks, most couples keep the union.

Work on mistakes

The hardest part is keeping the mind cool when emotions are at their peak. However, without this, it is unlikely that it will be possible to “resolve” the situation and understand oneself. There are many questions to be answered, and the main one will not be “Who is to blame?”, but “What to do?”.

Before blaming your partner for everything, you should analyze your words and actions. If you are not sure that you can handle it on your own, contact a psychologist.

It is important to know that women and men react differently to crises in the family. The fair sex prefers to resolve issues at the negotiating table, their partners most often withdraw into themselves and deny any attempts to get through to the truth. Putting pressure on a man and trying to squeeze answers out of him is pointless. It is more correct to wait until he is “ripe” for communication. Raising the voice, reproaches, constant questions - worst enemies on the path to reconciliation. the main task partners - to express their thoughts and listen carefully to each other.

Rules and taboos for timeout

Many couples break up precisely because they don't know how to pause the relationship. In order not to provoke a new round of showdown, initially agree with your partner on the "rules" of the timeout:

Explain its reasons and the importance of such a step,
set the approximate pause time,
choose a time to talk on the phone.

As difficult as it may be to follow these rules, you have to do it. This is how you show respect for each other. The first days will have to deal with irresistible desire call.
This is especially true for women who are used to taking care of a guy (husband) or want to control their halves. Outbursts of jealousy on both sides are not ruled out.

How to pause in a relationship with a man or woman? This question often turns out to be too much for loving people. Pass painlessly difficult period a psychologist will help, who will understand the reasons for what is happening and offer the best “action plan” to overcome the crisis.

Remember the words from the song: “People meet, people fall in love, get married ...” - as soon as you start building a serious relationship with a man, you imagine approximately this development of events, but ...

Sudden: “Let's take a break”, as if they doused with ice water, brings you back from heaven to earth and the question arises: “How should I react to this and what should I do next?”. This is what I want to tell you in this article.

Calm. Only calmness!

Such news will unsettle any woman. Rational thinking turns off, emotions turn on and this leads to destructive actions. Therefore, first you need to exhale and pull yourself together.

A pause in a relationship is not a final break. If it happened, you need to accept the situation and realize why you need to go through it. Your task is to rationally assess what is happening and learn the lesson.

Why does the man ask for a break? Types of Checks

So why does a man ask for a pause? Let's figure it out!

1. Pause-check.Perhaps your chosen one sees in you perfect woman to create a family and thus wants to test your sincerity and interest in him. There is an option that he simply does not trust you, and wants to make sure of your feelings and the prospects of this relationship. In both scenarios, the outcome can be completely unpredictable, and stories do not always end with a happy ending.

2. Pause due to forced necessity.In this case, circumstances force a man to take a break in a relationship. It can be work, business, family - anyone life crisis, which is able to deprive him of his usual way of life and take him out of his comfort zone. Then a man just needs to put the relationship on the back burner in order to immerse himself in solving an emergency. This does not mean that he stopped loving you or that he has another. It's just that men are designed in such a way that they can focus on one thing.

3. Pause due to doubts about you.At some point, you made a mistake and offended your partner. The degree of trust is lowered, the man begins to be cautious and reconsider the relationship. Perhaps you can guess why this happens.

  • If so, it is necessary to resolve the conflict before it leads to disaster.
  • If you don't understand why your partner has changed his attitude towards you, sit down and think. There is a reason and you need to find it, sort it out and try to resolve the misunderstanding with your partner.

4. Pause due to self-doubt.A man is not sure that he is ready to plunge into a relationship with all the consequences. He doubts the need to take responsibility and build a family. He's just not ready for serious relationship and is afraid that they will change his habitual way of life.

Important! Relations after a pause are not always possible to restore, so try not to make sudden maneuvers that can lead to an accident. Only in last resort draw your sword, otherwise you risk destroying everything that took so long to build .

When a man takes a break, never do this...

If the situation has turned in such a way that a pause in the relationship is inevitable, never - hear, never! - don't do this:

  • Imposing yourself.Daily calls, letters, sms, searching for a meeting through acquaintances and friends will only add fuel to the fire and turn the man away from you. Give him what he asks for - some freedom and time to evaluate what is happening.
  • New relationship on display.Do not try to attract the attention of a partner with the help of ostentatiousness. No need to demonstrate your new men and relationships with them, as this will only worsen the situation.
  • Manipulation.No need to go to extremes and achieve your goal through manipulation. Do not threaten him, do not try to put pressure on pity or cultivate guilt in him. It won't help the case. And even if you continue to build relationships, they will not last long.
  • Completely disappear from view.Need to find the right one golden mean between aggressive pressure and complete inaction. Communication should be maintained, but unobtrusively and benevolently. Complete shutdown negative emotions and refraining from showdown is the key to harmonious communication.

Think! No need to indulge in despair and pour tears into the pillow. The coin has two sides, so use the time you spend apart for yourself.

How to make time work for you

In any situation, you need to look for positive moments. They are always there, just hidden behind emotions and not visible to the naked eye. So, what to do when your man pressed STOP in a relationship?

  • Exhale and wait.This does not mean that you need to watch the phone and drop everything to read the next message in social network. Sit down and think what would you like to do? Perhaps you have a hobby? Then immerse yourself in it, hone your skills. Or maybe you've always dreamed of new job or career advancement? It's time to show management that you deserve more. Don't forget to meet up with friends, family, and loved ones as well. Or go on a trip to see the world and show yourself to it.The main thing is not to get hung up on parting and move on.
  • Think about whether this is your man.Indeed, plunging into relationships, we are guided by emotions and completely lose our minds. When everything is fine and the thought does not arise: “Is this my man?”. It's time to dive in and find the answer to this question.
  • Chat with other men.Do not deprive yourself of the attention of other men. Communicate! Make contacts. It is always useful, interesting and exciting. Who knows, maybe one day an innocent adventure will define your life once and for all...
  • Maintain contact even during pauses.Sometimes, no more than 1-2 times a week, remind your man about yourself. simple but interesting message more than enough. If you contacted him first - lay low and wait. The next move is his.

It's simple but effective recommendations that always work. Do them and you will find how your life is filled with new, bright and saturated shades. By the way, not always a man is the initiator of a temporary gap. It happens that a woman makes such a turn. Is it correct? Let's figure it out.

The initiator of the pause is me ...

If you're thinking about taking the initiative and taking a break from a relationship, think twice. Harmonious Relations do not tolerate fuss. No need to race at full steam ahead of the locomotive. There is no need to build relationships at the pace of your partner. Only you define the boundaries and only you can decide how fast to love, how deep in a relationship to dive, and how often to do it.

Instead of an epilogue

You know, relationships are like wine. The longer they ripen, the richer and brighter the aftertaste will be. That's why best option to accept or reject the relationship in which you are, and the man with whom you build them - make a decision INDEPENDENTLY. How, how fast and how far are you willing to go? Is it really worth wasting your time? The choice is yours.

To all my beloved readers, have a good spring day!

Today's article is written at the request of girls and women who want to take a break from relationships and take a break from their man. Especially for those who have already taken it and do not know what to do with this pause.

We talked about what to do if a man offered to put the relationship on "stop". Now it's time to find out if women should take such a time-out on their own initiative, and how to do it right.

Possible reasons why a woman wants to take a break from a relationship

    You started arguing a lot. It's incredibly exhausting! In business, stagnation begins, everything falls out of hand, there are no forces. All this is the consequences of frequent scandals and disputes with the second half. We can say about such a situation: the relationship has reached an impasse. And many women at this moment prefer to take a break and think it over well.

    Your man is a "tanker". It looks like this: he is always busy with his life, focused only on his desires, and he uses you as a cook and in bed. You try to get through to his "deaf tank" and explain that you also have desires and you are a living person. And he bends his line and continues to behave like an egoist.

    The fire of passion went out in a couple. In general, if, apart from sex, nothing else connects the partners, after about a year or two, such cooling is provided. And some women also prefer to separate for a while to refresh their feelings.

    He seriously screwed up. This includes: cheating, lying, beatings, and everything that you specifically consider a serious offense.

    You are in love with another man. And take a break to finally understand: who do you need? Or they simply decided to spend more time with a new admirer in this way.

    You are bored with each other. Before, you could walk for hours, chatting about everything. But now be silent and you don’t even know how you can have an interesting time together. And when you try to talk, you start arguing and quarreling.

    You finally took off your rose-colored glasses. Time has passed, and one day you wake up next to the "stranger". Where is that nice gallant guy that you met? He is no more! Before you lies a man who is completely unsuitable for you ... And you can only wonder: “How did it happen? Where were my eyes?!”

    You want to leave, but are afraid to tell the truth. Something inside you has been whispering for a long time: “We must leave him!” But telling the truth to your face is scary. You hope that after spending time, the relationship will fizzle out on its own.

    Your lover is Othello. Jealous, controllers, paranoid... All those men who are simply impossible to live with! They watch, read SMS, listen in on calls and literally force us to look for a way out of such a cage.

Often, taking a break in a relationship is the only way out that comes to the mind of a completely confused girl. But is it worth it? Let's look at all the obvious pros and cons.

What are the benefits of taking a break in a relationship?

◈ Cool down and think. Of course, at the moment when you are shouting unprintable words to him, and he is throwing dishes at you, it is difficult to understand anything at all. To solve the problem, you need to come to a calm state and weigh everything well. Sometimes a temporary separation helps both realize their mistakes and forgive each other.

◈ It will mature before the next step. When he feels that he can lose you, the hunting instinct will hit him in the head, and he will be ready to lay at your feet. the whole world. More often than not, we want much more to have something that we once already had by default, but now we are losing it. More than what we haven't had yet. It will most likely work, but be prepared for any outcome. Suddenly you overestimated his love for you? In any case, study first.

◈ Check feelings. If you are not sure about your favorite, you can check it this way. faithful and loving man who agreed to the timeout will be waiting for you. And the one who only plays in love will run for the first skirt. Here you will see the truth, and also check yourself.

◈ Get bored well. If you disperse and both realize that you are very bored, it means that not everything is lost and you can negotiate further. And if you quickly cool down and start forgetting each other, then the final expense will no longer be a tragedy for you.

It would seem - a chic way this timeout! It wasn’t there ... There are still a lot of pitfalls that it would be simply dishonest not to warn you about.

Possible unfortunate consequences of a pause in a relationship

⌦ The problem will get worse. The problem lies right in front of you. We need to solve it, not run away from it! In addition, such an escape can hurt your other half very painfully and add fuel to the fire.

⌦ The gap between you will become larger. At the time of parting, everyone will go their own way, focus on their lives and their problems. Do you feel like something is missing? Correctly! Words: we, ours, common ... Everything for the sake of which people essentially enter into relationships, in such pauses, goes away.

⌦ Branching horns will grow on your head. Well, or on the head of your man, which is no better. Cheating is a serious reason for a complete break. And by putting your relationship on pause, you give yourself and him a great carte blanche for infidelity.

⌦ No one wants to take responsibility and take the first step. This happens when the pause has been going on for a long time, and the problems in the couple have not been resolved. And now the former lovers are both so proud that no one simply wants to take the first step towards reconciliation.

⌦ In the end, you may just be abandoned. You are all like: “I left to return!” You come back and no one is waiting for you. The man sensed the will and he liked being free. And then what?

What to do for everyone who has already taken a time out in a relationship or is going to take it anyway, because he sees no other way out? Urgently run to ask for forgiveness and beg for mercy for your man? No. It is enough to follow simple rules.

Relationship Pause Rules

✔ Choose the right time. Do not dazzle your sweetheart with statements about temporary separation when he has a complete blockage at work or Bad mood. Approach your man with such an offer at a time when he is calm and satisfied with life - this will smooth the situation.

✔ Clearly and calmly explain your position. In no case do not make this decision without his participation. Call him for a conversation and calmly explain the reasons for your decision. Make it clear that this is the only way out for you at the moment and you are not going to leave it. Listen carefully to his position and find a compromise.

✔ Discuss all conditions in advance. Set up break times. Decide that after the appointed time you will meet and share with each other your thoughts about what is happening. Agree that during this period, none of you will try to start new love- everyone will try to find a solution to your problems. Also agree on whether you will communicate during the break and how often.

✔ Be responsible for your words. This means that you make a decision, and then you really follow everything that is said. If you start changing your mind 100 times, changing your mind, running back and forth with things, then your man will never take you and your decisions seriously.

✔ Do not fall for temptations. Most likely, during such a pause, fate will begin to seduce you and test you with other men. Don't give in! By at least until the end of the break. If you feel a strong attraction to another, first break off the existing relationship.

✔ Fill your life. Business, hobbies, meetings with friends. You must realize again that life is not all about love and relationships. There are also you and your interests. Otherwise, you will urgently want to return to it simply
because you got bored.

✔ Listen to yourself. Make time for yourself. The time when all alone you can listen to your inner voice. Your intuition. At first, you may be sad in the company of yourself, but this is how you will find answers to all questions. Face yourself face to face, honestly ask yourself - do you need your man? What can be done to improve your relationship? Do you feel the lack of his attention, care and affection? If not, then you either don’t need anything from him, or he didn’t give you anything, so during a temporary separation, you didn’t feel the difference.

✔ Study the psychology of relationships. Devote some time to studying the literature on this topic, reading blogs, watching videos. Otherwise, your whole life with any man will be continuous respite between big problems.

And remember: a temporary respite is just a way to get away from accumulated problems. Pauses help only when the only problem- lack of an offer, or very unworthy behavior of a man: he insulted you for the first time, came home drunk in the morning, tried drugs, hit a child, and so on. That is, he is completely to blame for something. In other cases, when your behavior was also far from ideal, a time-out most often leads to a final breakup. Therefore, if you still value your relationship, use more productive methods fixing them.

Real Problem Solving Options

    Go on vacation. If you're really tired (and you can be), instead of putting the couple at risk of breaking up and asking for a break, just take a break alone. To my mother, to a friend in another city or on a business trip, anywhere. There, alone, you can think and understand what you want. But remember, if your man ever wants to do the same to you, let him.

    Talk heart to heart. Just don't quarrel, but talk honestly! Let each of you express what does not suit him. The other person will listen attentively during this time, and then both of you will figure out how to solve these issues.

    Consult with a relationship specialist. If you are not sure that you can calmly talk together with your man, then most likely you just stopped listening and hearing each other. Let them help you establish communication and contact. For example, sign up with me.

    Correct your mistakes. In a quarrel, no one is to blame. These are always the mistakes of two people at once. With your feminine hand it will be wise to start correcting your jambs, and your man will begin to change himself just before your eyes. Don't believe? And you try! You definitely won't lose anything. If a man continues to answer your “good” with “evil”, then why do you need such a man?

    Set up a joint “aspiration vector”. What it is? Very simply - these are your common goals and the speed with which each of you is ready to go towards them. For example, if you want a child, and your man is categorically against it, then why torture each other? Obviously you are not on the right path. Often quarrels in a couple occur precisely because both want too much different lives. And here you need to either agree and find something in common, or find a person whose goals coincide with yours.

About joint goals is a huge topic. I will write more about this. So subscribe to updates at your convenience.

Everything went as well as possible - he told you that he loves and that he does not need anyone else. You have already made plans for the future - marriage, children, grandchildren, etc. As they say, nothing foreshadowed trouble, but the man wants to take a break in the relationship, explaining that your relationship has reached an impasse. He leaves to live alone, and you stay with your thoughts to see if you can live without each other.

According to statistics, many couples are tempted to put a relationship on hold because they believe it can change everything for the better, and your partner is no exception. Although quite often a proposal for a relationship break can be synonymous with a breakup, but only this is more soft way care, without weeping and suffering.

Why does a man want to take a break in a relationship?

But, before suffering about this, it is better to understand why your significant other decided to take a break from you. There are seven possible reasons why men want to take a break from a relationship.

1. Squeezed like a lemon

Relationships full of misunderstandings and lack of mutual understanding often cause clashes and indifference, which leads to emotional exhaustion. At first, partners tolerate each other, trying to find a compromise in the relationship. But when they see no end to the regular scandals that seem to last forever, apathy ensues. It leads to the idea of ​​putting the relationship on pause. The fact is that, unlike women, men are less patient with daily emotional upheavals, it is easier for them to get away from them to hell, perhaps forever.

2. Feel the difference

A pause is not always a sign of an inevitable break with a person. Often men make this decision in order to try to build a relationship with another woman. When young man becomes bored in a relationship, he usually begins to think that he has the right to start an affair on the side, in order to later decide whether to return to the official partner or not. Therefore, it is advisable not to lose sight of your partner during such a break, unless, of course, you want to become a victim of infidelity.

3. Breakup without pain

Indecisive guys don't have the guts to look their girlfriend in the eye and tell her their relationship is over. On the contrary, they try not to hurt her too much, looking for difficult approaches and creating false hopes, without thinking that even after a pause in the relationship, they still have to admit their desire to leave, which is no less painful. Such behavior is likely to lead to hatred and resentment towards him.

If you realize that his desire to take a short break is an excuse or a well-thought-out plan to carefully break the connection, just talk to him frankly, let him tell the truth, even if it hurts you a lot.

4. Trying to avoid responsibility

This happens when one person in a couple takes on the entire burden of problems and responsibilities. But it’s impossible to move forward like that: everyone needs someone’s support. So, there are men who are afraid to take responsibility, because they got used to such a comfortable and carefree way of life, when you can shift all the worries and troubles onto other people's shoulders.

If your soulmate is just like that, then you should think about whether there is any point in further coexistence. Maybe, the best solution so that the pause he proposed would lead to a complete separation.

5. Checking the senses

Many men offer to pause the relationship in order to test how much you idolize him. In his mind, if you truly love him, then you won’t let him leave quietly - you will throw yourself on his neck, fight in hysterics and grab his legs.

When you understand that this is a test of your feelings, and are ready to go through it in order for him to stay with you, then you can act according to his rules. When the heart and soul resist such a test, then release the manipulator on all four sides, because, as you understand, you will be tested more than once.

6. Feeling overwhelmed

If you spend all the time together, and when not around, then constantly call or send messages, there is no doubt that he feels depressed: the lack of freedom of action and personal space has not yet made anyone happy.

However, a break in the relationship will only provide temporary relief: when you do not agree that he can have his own friends, his own interests and a life without you, then it is better to break your connection. You crush him so much that you can bring him to nervous breakdown. In a word, a break is inevitable.

7. Self-reflection

When you are faced with a crisis in a relationship, each of you should think about the current situation and make a lot of efforts to restore the former harmony. It may take your boyfriend a lot of time to figure out which path to take for your couple. Let him think calmly. Perhaps this break will be a kind of test, whether to start from scratch or completely break. It all depends on your willpower, feelings experienced and mutual decision to be together.

Perhaps learning why your boyfriend decided to take a break from the relationship will make it easier for you to change to start over, or to conclude for yourself that you are not a couple!
