How much urea is in the cream doctor. Cream "Lekar" with urea

There is such a remedy cream Healer with urea, which I will tell you about, dear reader, right now. This tool helps to moisturize the skin, heals small cracks on the heels, is quite effective and helps many people.

Of course, foot care is important for any person and should not be put aside. It should be equated to daily facial care, because if you do not pay attention to the legs, various problems may develop, which then will be more difficult to solve.

A popular remedy is a cream with urea, it contains other various components that in a positive way affect the skin of the legs. The recipe for making this remedy embodies the special traditions of the ancient technologies of Russian doctors.

It is produced in a small container of 50 milliliters. And the rather low price makes it quite affordable for many people. You can use it at any age. The instructions for the cream say that the set of constituent components that are present in the cream allows you to eliminate several problems that may appear on the skin of the legs. At the same time, natural substances are safe and effective.

What does Lekar contain, what is its composition?

I will give the composition effective cream a doctor with a fact-finding purpose for you, dear reader:

Olive oil;
Urea - up to 10% (this component has been used in medicine for hundreds of years, and in cosmetology its use has been practiced with success for decades);
natural moisturizer- glycerin;
Vitamin E (which has a regenerating effect on cells);
Leaves tea tree oil;
Oak bark (has an astringent and disinfecting effect);
Celandine, which has an antimicrobial effect.

All this contains a cream, the composition of which in itself is quite promising. The natural ingredients it contains healing cream, have a positive effect on skin covering, promote the healing of minor injuries, and also nourish the skin of the legs.

Indications for the use of the cream doctor

I will consider situations where foot cream is really effective. Our cream instructions for use allow you to use it under the following conditions:

Dry calluses on the feet (as a result of using the cream, dense areas of the skin gradually soften and are eliminated over time);
Calluses (in the presence of these formations, regular use of the cream helps to get rid of them);
The use of the cream helps to relieve heaviness in the legs, and also relieves fatigue in lower limbs;
Heals cracked legs regular use;
The cream is indicated for use to soften the feet;
The cream is used as an infection prevention, since the components present in it destroy pathogenic bacteria;
The cream is effective for inflammation on the legs, as it helps to remove it, in addition, it eliminates pain in the lower extremities.

Based on these instructions, the Healer for the legs has the following positive properties:

The application of a therapeutic cream on the keratinized layer of the skin of the legs helps to normalize the water balance in hardened places, the cells are replenished with moisture, due to which the skin becomes much softer;
The presence of urea contributes to the recovery processes in damaged cells, in addition, it allows you to retain moisture;
The cream replenishes the amount of substances that are necessary for the normal functioning of cells;
The cream is well absorbed, while it does not leave a greasy film that will stain clothes, in addition, the product affects not only the surface layers of the skin, in particular the epidermis, but also affects the deeper tissues.

It is worth saying that the Healer instruction for use prohibits the use in some cases, among these negative features the following situations can be noted:

When interacting with water, the urea present in the cream exhibits instability, resulting in the release of ammonia, which is known to have an unpleasant odor;
Some individuals may experience a burning sensation of the skin when applying the healer cream.

Here, in fact, are all the shortcomings that are indicated in the instructions for the cream doctor, there are quite a few of them.

What memories did the Lekar cream leave, what do reviews say about it?

Summing up, it can be noted that most of the reviews about this tool are only positive. For many, corns really disappeared, calluses were much softer or completely disappeared, the skin of the legs themselves became softer. And it all explains correct composition cream doctor, the main ingredient of which is urea.

Of course, has cream reviews and negative character. So, some people were given real discomfort by the smell of the cream. This is due to the presence of urea in it, which exudes ammonia smell.

In addition, some people actually felt a burning sensation of the skin after the cream was applied to the skin of the legs. Most likely this painful sensation explained deep cracks, the components of the cream penetrate into them and provoke an irritating effect.

There was also a group of people to whom the urea cream did not bring significant effectiveness, and its use did not cause any negative effects.


Undoubtedly, you should definitely try the use of the cream doctor, if there is evidence for that. In this case, it is necessary to use it regularly to get rid of corns and corns.

Foot care is important for every woman, it should not be relegated to the background. It's like a facial, daily makeup and morning wash. Lack of care can lead to the development of many problems on the feet.

A popular remedy, moreover, very economical, is a foot cream called "Healer", which contains urea and other active ingredients.


The recipe embodies special traditions: the product is made according to very old technologies of Russian doctors. Realization is made in tubes of 50 ml.

  1. A set of components allows you to immediately eliminate several problems that appear on the skin of the legs;
  2. Natural ingredients speak of safety and effectiveness;
  3. The low price makes the tool affordable for everyone;
  4. Can be used by people of any age and gender.

Why do you need

  • Eliminates dry calluses;
  • Gets rid of corns;
  • Heals cracks (we recommend reading the article foot cream for cracks);
  • Softens the skin of the feet;
  • Relieves heaviness and fatigue of the lower extremities;
  • Replenishes the amount of substances necessary for the functioning of cells;
  • Destroys microbes;
  • Prevents the development of infections;
  • Eliminates inflammation and pain.
  • Water;
  • Olive tree oil;
  • Urea - about 10%;
  • Glycerin is a natural moisturizer;
  • Vitamin E, regenerating cells;
  • tea tree leaf oil;
  • Celandine, which has an antimicrobial effect, and oak bark, which disinfects and relieves pain.

Natural ingredients have a beneficial effect on the skin of the legs, heal and nourish it.

Urea in cream

The use of this substance in cosmetology has been successfully practiced for decades (in medicine for hundreds of years).

Positive properties:

  1. Application to the stratum corneum improves water balance in hardened cells, replenishing them with moisture, due to which the cover becomes softer;
  2. The substance allows you to retain moisture in the skin of the legs, which itself is prone to dryness;
  3. Urea normalizes regenerative processes in cells;
  4. The content of urea in the cells increases;
  5. Due to its structure, the substance is easily absorbed and acts not only in the surface layers, but also in deep tissues.

There are also negative features:

  1. When interacting with water, the substance is unstable, ammonia is released, which has an unpleasant odor;
  2. PH cream with urea is alkaline, which negatively affects certain types of skin;
  3. The substance sucks moisture from the environment, its excess is undesirable for fatty type skin cover;
  4. Some feel a burning sensation when used.

Summing up, we can say that the Doctor cream really deserves attention, and the positive reviews are mostly real.

  1. Apply cream to washed skin. The skin can be lightly blotted with a towel, but do not wipe dry. Moisture molecules on the surface of the epidermis will help to better hydrate the cells.
  2. Evenly distribute the product on the skin, rubbing it with massaging movements.
  3. Give Special attention the most problematic areas of the epidermis.
  4. Apply the cream regularly, at least 2 times a day. If necessary, you can increase the frequency of application.
  5. This remedy can be used for various skin diseases accompanied by dry skin, including diabetes.

The appearance of corns or dry, rough skin on the heels can spoil the mood for any person. To fix the problem, girls and guys are looking for means that will show maximum efficiency and have affordable price. These remedies include Foot Cream Lekar.


Cream Lekar with urea is used to treat a wide range of discomfort and states. The main recommendations for the use of the tool are the presence of:

    • dry corns;
    • corns;
    • cracks;
    • heaviness and fatigue of the legs.

      Cream Healer

Also, patients use the ointment to soften the skin of the legs, replenish the amount of nutrients for adequate cell function, destroy microbes and prevent the development of infection of wounds and skin, eliminate the inflammatory process and pain.


The main active ingredient in the foot product is urea (urea). The instruction states that the Healer is developed exclusively from natural substances that have the ability to heal cracks and not irritate sensitive skin.

In addition to urea, the composition can be found:

  • water;
  • olive oil;
  • tea tree essential oil;
  • glycerol;
  • celandine (extract);
  • oak bark (hood).


Many patients, before choosing a cream, are interested in whether it has a smell caused by the presence of urea. The instruction states that the aroma of the Healer is neutral, only while washing off the product with water, urea can be felt, but to a small extent. Consider what properties the main substances of the drug have.

Urea is one of the harmless components. It is designed to improve the penetration of medicinal substances into the depths of the epidermis. It is the lack of urea that provokes the formation of calluses, peeling and excessive dryness. This substance has been used in creams for over 10 years.

Positive characteristics of the component:

  1. Improves water balance in skin cells that have become keratinized.
  2. Moisture in the epidermis lingers and prevents callosity.
  3. There is a normalization of recovery processes.
  4. The structure of the urea molecule allows the substance to penetrate deeply into tissues.

Except positive qualities urea also has negative:

  1. Upon contact with water, ammonia begins to be released, which gives the product an unpleasant odor.
  2. The alkaline pH of the cream can Negative influence for some skin types.
  3. Urea-based preparations are not suitable for patients with oily skin.

Celandine extract helps fight germs. Essential oil tea tree is involved in the elimination of irritation and dryness of the skin. Olive oil and glycerin are added to the foot treatment for added hydration and relief from calluses.


The only contraindication to the use of foot cream Doctor is the presence of an allergy or individual intolerance to the main or auxiliary components of the product.

Side effects

In most cases, when applying the cream to the skin, there are no negative manifestations. For this reason, it is suitable for self-administration and prior consultation with a doctor is not required. On the Internet you can find a large number of positive feedback, which describe how the Healer helps fight peeling. The reliability of this information cannot be verified, everything will have to be proved or disproved from personal experience.

How to apply

For achievement maximum effect manufacturers have developed a number of rules. They argue that their observance will help get rid of calluses and keratinization in a short time.

  1. Wash your feet thoroughly before using the product.
  2. Dry them with a towel, but do not dry them as the water molecules help additional hydration epidermis.
  3. Cream Healer should be applied to the legs and spread over all the skin that needs treatment.
  4. Rub means light massage movements.
  5. Apply cosmetic preparation morning and evening, and regularity is very important.

The instruction describes that the Doctor is allowed to be used for dermatological diseases, during which excessive dryness occurs (this also applies to diabetes).

Within a few days, the skin areas on which average degree roughness will become much softer. All excess skin can be removed with a pumice stone or brush, which will greatly speed up the regeneration process.

With dense formations or calluses will have to work much longer. The main thing is not to stop, the main components of the Healer ointment will help to overcome this problem.

It is important to understand that not only women, but also men can use the cream, because the problem of corns and corns worries them to the same extent.

To prevent the formation of corns and corns, it is necessary to apply the product every evening, after steaming the feet in a decoction of pharmaceutical herbs.


Cream Lekar is used by a large number of patients who claim that with its help they managed to get rid of various painful conditions on the skin. Women prefer this tool for such characteristics:

  • acts gently and carefully;
  • affordable price;
  • aroma is pleasant.

In order to feel the effect or be completely disappointed in the cream, you need to try the Doctor yourself and draw conclusions. Practice shows that one cannot unquestioningly trust everything that is written. Before any purchase, you need to weigh the pros and cons, study the composition of the drug and request a quality certificate.

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Not every one of us takes care of our feet in the same way as our face and hands. Often we turn our attention to them when they are appearance approaches critical: the skin becomes dry, cracks appear, dry calluses. You can continue to admire such a picture, but there is little pleasant in this. In general, the feet require care. AND the best remedy for them there will be a cream "Healer" with urea. Reviews about it can tell a lot useful information. Let's try to figure out whether it is really as useful as they say about it.

The composition of the cream and indications for use

Cream "Lekar" with urea is designed for foot care. Its main active ingredient is urea, the use of which in cosmetology began more than two centuries ago. In addition to urea, the cream also contains extracts of celandine and oak bark, tea tree oil, vitamin E, as well as several auxiliary substances.

Why do feet get dry? One of the reasons is the lack of urea in the skin. Cream "Healer" with urea, reviews of which we will consider below, makes up for the lack of this substance, as a result, the skin is moisturized and becomes tender. It should be noted that urea is an excellent conductor. Quickly absorbed into the skin, it is able to penetrate into its deep layers, carrying along with it other useful material. There are many for sale various means for foot care, but almost none of them can boast of such an effect. Along with urea, extracts of celandine and oak bark also benefit. They are great at fighting inflammatory processes, protect the skin from fungi and other troubles. But tea tree oil helps the fastest update skin, as well as its softening.

You can use the cream yourself without consulting a doctor. There are practically no contraindications to its use, with the exception of an allergic reaction, which can make itself felt in people prone to allergies.

Cream "Lekar" with urea: reviews

Well, now let's see what ordinary consumers think about this cream. It is possible to talk endlessly about the effectiveness of this or that means, but until it is used in practice, confirmation of these words cannot be found. When the cream "Healer" with urea first appeared, reviews about it were rather scarce. People looked closely, evaluated its effectiveness. Today we can say with confidence that he won numerous hearts, and especially women's. After all, who, if not women, most of all cares about their appearance?

Cream "Healer" with urea, despite its relatively low cost, is really very effective. Hundreds of people were able to verify this. Having rough skin on their feet, dry calluses, cracked heels, they started using the cream and after a few days noticed visible changes. More precisely, they appeared after the first application of the cream.

So, the skin instantly becomes tender and soft, moreover, this effect does not disappear after a few minutes, but persists for a very long time. It is enough to rub the cream once a day into problem areas after pre-cleaning the skin so that it starts working. Women note that it is good to use it after a pedicure. And not only because the skin is saturated with nutrients, but also because the cream protects against infections.

Thus, if you have problems with your feet, you can take the “Healer” cream with urea into service. Most of the reviews about him are only positive, almost always he turned out to be effective and helped get rid of various problems with the skin on the legs, ranging from roughness to dry, often even painful calluses. In addition, the use of the cream helps to relieve fatigue from the legs after a busy day.

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"Healer"- This is a foot cream that includes urea in its composition. The cream is produced according to old Russian recipes and is sold in packs of fifty milliliters.

The composition of the cream "Lekar": Specially prepared water olive oil, 10% urea, glycerin, stearin, oak bark extract, celandine extract, emulsion wax, vitamin E, tea tree oil, as well as a number of excipients.

The cream "Healer" is prescribed for dry

Cracks on the heels, corns, peeling, as well as dry and hard skin on the feet. In addition, the cream can be used to relax and eliminate heaviness in the lower extremities.

Urea, which is part of the cream, has a powerful moisturizing effect. In addition, it allows you to compensate for the lack of urea in the skin. An extract from the bark of oak and celandine destroys pathogenic microbes, relieves inflammation, pain and heaviness in the legs, and helps to heal cracks faster. Tea tree oil promotes the regeneration of damaged tissues, makes the skin more tender and softens it.

How to use the cream: Pre-washed and dried feet are treated with cream once a day. You can use the cream after the pedicure procedure. This will prevent fungal infection.

The cream may cause allergic reactions. Therefore, it is advisable for people prone to allergies to undergo tests or consult an allergist before use.

Urea cream should be stored at room temperature no longer than twenty-four months from the date of issue. It is not recommended to use the cream after the date indicated on the tube.

ATTENTION! The information posted on our site is a reference or popular and is provided to a wide range of readers for discussion. Purpose medicines should only be carried out qualified specialist based on medical history and diagnostic results.

Dry skin, cracked heels common consequence wearing the wrong shoes made of poor quality materials, insufficient care and health problems. Feet respond to any changes in temperature regime, humidity in environment and failures in the work of the internal systems of the body. To solve the problem, it is necessary to establish the cause of dryness, eliminate it. Cream Healer with urea for feet will help repair damage and prevent the appearance of new cracks.

The therapeutic agent has a moisturizing effect on the skin of the legs, heals wounds, providing a full comprehensive care. The cream is shown to daily use, which allows you to keep your legs beautiful and without corns, calluses.

The effectiveness of the action is explained by its balanced composition:

  • vitamin E - regulates the water balance in cells, fills with moisture, heals;
  • olive oil - softens;
  • water;
  • tea tree leaf oil - has a wound healing effect, relieves inflammation, eliminates the development of harmful bacteria;
  • glycerin - softener and moisturizer of natural origin;
  • celandine - relieves pain, kills microbes, disinfects.

The active ingredient is 10% urea or urea. This substance is known in cosmetology for its powerful effect on rough skin. It has the following positive characteristics:

  • after applying urea, moisture is retained in the skin;
  • the regenerative properties of cells are normalized;
  • coarsening is softened;
  • penetrates into the deep layers, relieves inflammation, normalizes the regeneration process.

The composition of the cream Lekar contains only natural ingredients providing a therapeutic effect.

Application area

Inexpensive foot care cream Doctor is indicated for use in the following cases:

  • heel crack;
  • dry corn;
  • fatigue and heaviness in the lower extremities;
  • increased sweating;
  • corns;
  • rough skin;
  • pain, inflammation.

The cream composition effectively destroys pathogenic microbes and fills in the skin cells the lack of moisture and substances necessary for normal functioning. The doctor is called to heal and care.

Instructions for use for sweaty feet

Increased sweating, fetid odor causes discomfort and interferes with leading a normal life, going to visit. To reduce the manifestations of foot hyperhidrosis, many methods and care products have been developed. Cream Lekar has the ability to reduce activity sweat glands and prevent the emergence bad smell. The main component of urea in a duet with tea tree oil has a cooling effect and kills bacteria that are the source of odor.

  1. Wash feet with detergents. Pat the skin dry with a towel, but leave it damp.
  2. Squeeze a small amount of cream into the palm of your hand and distribute with massaging movements. The entire leg is worked out until the mass is completely absorbed.
  3. If it is necessary to soften the roughness, then the heel or foot at the base of the fingers is massaged more thoroughly.

The application of the cream should be regular, 2 times a day. The multiplicity of application can be increased if the problem of sweating is pronounced and cannot be treated according to the scheme that the instructions contain.


An allergic reaction and individual intolerance to the components of the cream is the main contraindication to its use. In most cases natural composition well tolerated by the body. The doctor can be prescribed independently without prior consultation with a dermatologist or physician.

Pregnancy and childhood are not prohibited from use.

All more people for skin care, they try to use folk remedies that have been proven for centuries. Manufacturers meet the desires of people and take for production cosmetics old recipes. Usage medicinal herbs and plant extracts allows you to effectively act on the skin, accelerating the processes of its regeneration. One of these cosmetics based on folk recipes, is the cream "Healer". More precisely, it is even a series of creams under the same name, but with different active ingredients and various influences on the body.

What is included in all creams of the series

What is the cream "Healer"

In this series, many therapeutic and preventive creams are produced for skin health, relieving leg fatigue and treating various diseases. Depending on the plant extracts included in its composition, it helps in the regeneration of skin cells, strengthens blood vessels, relieves pain and swelling. Some creams of the "Lekar" series can be used to treat colds, rheumatism, varicose veins veins. They help in sputum discharge in case of broncho-pulmonary diseases, eliminate spider veins, bruises, and can even fight cellulite. According to their action, the creams of this series can be divided into three groups: acting on the skin, on subcutaneous tissues and treating internal diseases.

Cosmetics for the treatment of skin problems

1. Cream with aloe helps eliminate increased dryness of the hands, treats weathered, cracked skin, heals microcracks.

2. Cream with bodyaga restores protective functions skin, its softness and elasticity, improves tissue nutrition and eliminates bruises.

3. Cream "Healer" with nettle helps with many skin diseases. He is excellent antiseptic, treats boils, acne, helps to heal wounds and microcracks.

4. Cream with urea is used for dry calluses and corns on the legs. Perfectly softens rough skin on the heels.

Subcutaneous tissue agents

1. Cream-gel with arnica relieves spasms, strengthens blood vessels, has anti-inflammatory and analgesic effects.

2. Cream with Japanese Sophora strengthens blood vessels. It helps fight spider veins, pain and swelling in the legs, and is also indispensable for bruises to prevent bruising.

3. Garcinia and green tea cream is used for body shaping. The herbal extracts that make up the cream strengthen and tighten the skin, reduce subcutaneous body fat, prevent stretch marks and even help fight cellulite.

4. Cream that contains red Palm oil, used for mastopathy. Antioxidants and plenty of provitamin A help fight diffuse seals and even treat small discharge from the mammary glands.

5. Cream with hazelnut and ginkgo biloba helps fight spider veins, strengthens the walls of blood vessels and prevents the formation of blood clots.

6. "Healer" with chaga extract relieves fatigue, swelling and a feeling of heaviness in the legs.

Healing creams series

1. Cream "Healer" with licorice and wild rosemary is used for rubbing. It is an excellent warming remedy for diseases of the upper respiratory tract makes breathing easier bronchial asthma and helps to expel mucus.

2. Warming healing cream with mustard is used for rheumatic pains and colds.

Cream "Lekar" with urea

Perhaps this is the most popular tool in the series. If there are many drugs and creams from other manufacturers to prevent other problems, then rough skin on the heels is very difficult to treat. This is especially important in summer, when a woman wants to wear open shoes and be beautiful. But the skin on the feet, rough from wear uncomfortable shoes and long standing, often looks unattractive. And only the cream "Healer", which has urea in its composition, can cope with this problem. Its unique composition helps to quickly put your feet in order. No wonder this cream is called softening. Why does it fight corns and rough skin so effectively? It's all about the substances that make up its composition.

Features of urea cream

1. Its effect on dry skin is explained unique properties urea. This natural substance perfectly moisturizes and replenishes the lack of moisture. It perfectly conducts all biologically active substances, so the skin quickly acquires healthy look and normal softness. Thanks to the action of urea, the heels become smooth and tender and retain this condition for a long time.

2. Helps to achieve a lasting effect of tea tree oil, which is part of the cream, which has emollient properties.

3. Quickly heal small wounds and cracks extracts of celandine and oak bark. These plants also have an analgesic effect and relieve fatigue in the legs.

Applying foot cream

Manufacturers recommend using it once a day, preferably at night. And even with this application, the cream “Healer” is the best for softening the feet. The reviews of those women who have tried it on their feet speak of its extraordinary effectiveness.

In the treatment of mastopathy, a complex effect is especially effective. Depending on the form and stage of the disease, tablets, injections, decoctions and infusions are used, which should be supplemented with external agents:

One of the popular products in this category is the Lekar cream, based on medicinal herbs.

Advantages and disadvantages of the cream

One of the most popular and proven means that is used for - cream "Lekar". This the agent is especially effective in diffuse form with a predominance of fibroids.

The cream helps relieve pain and heaviness, reduces discharge from the nipples, removes swelling and improves skin condition.

With prolonged use, a decrease in individual tumors and seals was noticed, the outlines of the mammary glands become more uniform.

Cream "Healer" from mastopathy, created on the basis of red palm oil, rich in antioxidants, fat-soluble vitamins A and E, carotenoids and folic acid.

The oily base perfectly softens the skin and promotes deep penetration of active substances.

Red palm oil helps to influence the metabolism, improves blood circulation, improves lymph outflow.

Active substances

The composition of the product includes extracts from plants:

  • arnica;
  • bodyagi;
  • mustard seeds;
  • gingo biloba;
  • cinquefoil;
  • chaga mushroom;
  • red pepper;
  • aloe extract.

All components are certified, plants are collected in ecologically clean places. Plants are selected so as to have a complex effect on all the symptoms of the disease.

Chaga has a pronounced antitumor effect, gingo biloba increases its own defensive forces body, bodyaga thickens the skin and affects vascular system, arnica actively fights edema and tumors.

Herbal extracts complement natural beeswax, as well as D-panthenol, which promotes active tissue regeneration.


There are practically no contraindications, the only obstacle to use may be individual intolerance to one of the components.

Care must be taken when applying the cream to the skin with damage: pustular rash, scratches, severe irritation.

The cost of funds

Ointment or cream "Healer" for mastopathy can be purchased at a pharmacy at a price of 140 to 200 rubles, a prescription is not required. The product is packaged in a convenient tube and cardboard box, attached detailed instructions description of the components and rules of use.

Mode of application

The cream is especially effective in initial stage mastopathy. But it is also possible to use it in more serious forms as maintenance therapy. It is applied when unpleasant symptoms: swelling, pain, burning.

A small portion of the cream is distributed with soft massage movements throughout the mammary gland, without affecting the nipple and areola.

The product is rubbed until completely absorbed, self-massage is possible without strong pressure. Feels after application pleasant warmth, the skin becomes elastic, pain and burning sensation disappear.

The course of treatment for the initial form of mastopathy is at least 14 days, most often it is used in the second half menstrual cycle when the pain and feeling of heaviness intensifies.

IN individual cases the cream is used for several months in a row. The effect of the application can occur after a single application.

But just in case, it’s better to stock up on several packages so as not to run to the pharmacy every time, especially since the price is this tool fairly democratic.

What is combined with?

The tool goes well with other components of the treatment.
