A polygamous man is ... What is a polygamous family? monogamous and polygamous marriages. Passion VS Devotion

Polygamy(from the Greek ????? - "numerous" and ????? - "marriage"), polygamy A form of marriage in which a spouse of the same sex has more than one spouse of the opposite sex. There are two types of polygamy: polygamy (another name is polygyny) and polyandry (polyandry). Polygamy is opposed to monogamy. Multiple monogamy should not be confused with polygamy. Multiple marriages and the associated multiple divorces are not the same as being officially married to several wives (husbands), that is, persons of the opposite sex.

Violation of a single monogamy or polygamy (depending on social, religious and other laws and customs) is usually condemned, and can be interpreted as treason, fornication, etc., that is, a violation of chastity (both in marriage and outside it) [ source not specified 508 days] .

Polygamy was outlawed in Japan in 1880, in China in 1953, and in Nepal in 1963.

In nature, both monogamous and polygamous animal species are known.

From a biological point of view, the existence of several stable mating systems in humans is surprising, because most animals have any one mating system, which is a species trait.

In humans, on average, for every 100 girls, 105-106 boys are born. The deviation from this average is influenced by the mother's diet, since the mother needs more calories to give birth to a boy. Therefore, more girls are born in times of famine (for example, in China in 1959-1961).

In botany, polygamy is the presence of both bisexual and unisexual flowers in one plant species. The following combinations are possible:

  1. unisexual and bisexual flowers are on the same plant:
    • andromonoecy, or andromonecia- the plant has male and bisexual flowers;
    • gynomonoecy, or gynomonetia- the plant has female and bisexual flowers;
    • trimonoecy, or trimonecia, or pricemonetion- the plant has bisexual, male and female flowers;
  2. unisexual and bisexual flowers are located on different plants one kind:
    • androdiecia- male and bisexual flowers are on different plants;
    • gynodietia- female and bisexual flowers are on different plants;
    • trietia, or three-house- bisexual, female and male flowers are on different entities.

polygamous family
Polygamy (from the Greek ????? - “numerous” and ????? - “marriage”), polygamy is a form of marriage in which a spouse of the same sex has more than one spouse of the opposite sex. There are two types

polygamous family

Universal Russian-English Dictionary. Akademik.ru. 2011 .

See what a "polygamous family" is in other dictionaries:

family- a family, a minimal social association based on ties by marriage, consanguinity, or some other relationship (for example, non-formalized sexual) and existing in all human societies. The family is characterized by obligatory ... ... Encyclopedia "Peoples and Religions of the World"

Family - Interpersonal relationships Relationship types Agamia Marriage union Bromance Widowhood Civil partnership Friendship Wife (spouse) ... Wikipedia

FAMILY- FAMILY based on marriage or consanguinity a small group whose members are connected by common life, mutual assistance, moral and legal responsibility. As a stable association arises with the decomposition of the tribal system. Main historical ... ... Modern Encyclopedia

Family- FAMILY, based on marriage or consanguinity, a small group whose members are connected by common life, mutual assistance, moral and legal responsibility. As a stable association arises with the decomposition of the tribal system. Main historical ... ... Illustrated Encyclopedic Dictionary

FAMILY- - a small group based on marriage or consanguinity, whose members are connected by a common way of life, mutual assistance, moral and legal responsibility. As a stable association arises with the decomposition of the tribal system. The main historical forms ... ... encyclopedic Dictionary in psychology and pedagogy

Polygamy- Interpersonal relationships Types of relationships Agamia Marriage union Bromance Widowhood Civil partnership Friendship Wife (spouse) ... Wikipedia

polygamous- oh, oh. book. Based on polygamy, pertaining to polygamy. Polygamous family ... Small academic dictionary


Polygamy (polygamy)- Polygamy is polygamy, in which a marriage partner of one sex has more than one marriage partner of the opposite sex. It has two forms of polygyny and polyandry. The custom of polygyny existed among most peoples in all parts of the world to this day ... ... Wikipedia

Polygamy- Polygamy is polygamy, in which a marriage partner of one sex has more than one marriage partner of the opposite sex. It has two forms of polygyny and polyandry. The custom of polygyny existed among most peoples in all parts of the world to this day ... ... Wikipedia

jibaro- (jibaro), an Indian ethnic group living mainly in the east of Ecuador, along the tributaries of pp. Santiago and Pastas. The number of 10-20 thousand people. The X language is genetically close to the Arawakan languages. Currently, part of X. enjoys ... ... encyclopedic reference book " Latin America»

polygamous family
Universal Russian-English Dictionary. Akademik.ru. 2011 . See what is polygamous family» in other dictionaries: family - family, minimal social association based
http://universal_ru_en.academic.ru/2079102/%D0%BF%D0%BE%D0%BB%D0%B8%D0%B3%D0%B0%D0%BC%D0%BD%D0%B0%D1 %8F_%D1%81%D0%B5%D0%BC%D1%8C%D1%8F

polygamous family

Be prepared for the fact that the articles published in the group will scare you a lot, cause rejection and discontent. This is natural: understand, you have been stuffed with false models since childhood family behavior. The process of breaking stereotypes is always painful.

It is best to start familiarization with the materials of the group from the posts located at the bottom of the page, as they say, "from the bottom up".

The community is in no way intended to offend anyone. Location: Moscow, Russia

I am looking for a second wife for my husband, and for myself a sister in spirit to create common ideas and implement them. Show in full… Also for creating big family based on true love, respect, friendship and mutual assistance.

We are healthy, we live in the beautiful Altai. Husband built beautiful house has everything you need for happy life. We are already large family and want to create more more family. We also love to travel.

Our goal in debunking the myths about polygamy (polygamy) is to show that there is an alternative to monogamous marriage and strong husband can build a much more friendly and effective Rod around him, if he marries not one, but several women.

And most importantly, remember that POLYGYNY IS A RESPONSIBILITY IN ARITHMETIC PROGRESSION, depending on the number of wives.

Our group helps men become more courageous and wiser, and women more feminine and accommodating. For together they are a team and serving the Family (and the Cause), the main task any strong family.

So, the presence of shame in a person is an indicator that he is a Human. that he has not lost his divine essence and your true nature.

polygamous family
The educational materials of the group will be very useful, first of all, to women, since the main thing is that women themselves realize the unambiguous benefits of polygamy. patriarchal family and obedience.

The polygamous man is

A polygamous man is. What is a polygamous family?

Looking into Dictionary, you can see that a polygamous man is a person who simultaneously supports sexual relations with several women (two or more). In addition, the concept of female polygamy is distinguished.

In primitive society, such a thing as monogamy did not exist at all. For our distant ancestors, polygamy was simply necessary - only thanks to it it was possible to constantly continue the clan and increase its population. In turn, this is what allowed the tribe to survive in harsh conditions. Of great importance was the hierarchy within the tribe itself. So, the leader, the strongest representative of the genus, had the unconditional right to fertilize any of the females, and after him, in descending order of importance, other males. In parallel, natural selection took place, because stronger and more enduring children were born from stronger males. Why is the word "polygamy" now used most often in a negative context?

As evolution proceeded, more stable and strong ties began to emerge between individual representatives of different tribes. There were even the beginnings of marriage. However, they continued to be based on polygamy. The husband could have any number of women on the side, but his wife, in case of treason, risked being stoned. By the way, it was in this version that harems were born.

Over time, issues of division of property began to arise. They were decided very simply - since it was the males who dominated the society, the male child also had to inherit everything. In order not to leave all the property acquired for long life, someone else's offspring, the head of the family had to be sure of his paternity. This is where the question of paternity comes into play. Nowadays, this problem is solved in just a couple of hours - the child and the father pass special analyzes, and then almost instantly know the result. Then the only way out was a monogamous marriage.

Religions played an important role in strengthening and developing monogamous marriage. In parallel, purely human relationships also developed - in addition to the natural instinct of prolonging one's own kind, attachments and feelings began to play the role.

Many representatives of the stronger sex justify their love affairs the fact that they are naturally polygamous and unable to resist the influence of instincts. This question begs itself: “Perhaps a polygamous man is normal?” Let's try to figure it out.

Why are men polygamous? It is believed that the reason really lies in ancient instincts - primitive males tried to fertilize as many females as possible and leave as many heirs as possible. Is it likely that these instincts still operate today?

Physiologically, men are indeed prone to polygamy. However, we should not forget that a person differs from an animal in the ability to think and act contrary to the call of nature. Therefore, it is not easy to be faithful to a man all his life, but it is possible. However, it is necessary to remember this not only for the husband, but also for the wife - having surrounded her “male” with love, care, understanding, giving him everything that is needed for happiness, she protects herself from betrayal. After all, a decent and able to be grateful person will appreciate what the chosen one does for him. And at least out of a sense of respect, he will not hurt her feelings by going “to the left”.

However, there are people who believe that cheating with male hand- this is normal, they sincerely do not understand why girls are so categorical about this. The main thing here is to be initially honest with your other half, immediately dotting all the “i”.

What does polygamous mean, we have already figured out. Now let's talk about the common myth that all animals are polygamous. This is far from true. Relations between representatives different sexes in the animal world are also built differently. For example, some birds converge only for the time of incubation of eggs and hatching of chicks, and in next time looking for new partners. There are arctic foxes, foxes, and even some types of fish that practice an exclusively monogamous lifestyle. But, say, beavers can behave differently depending on the habitat.

It is noteworthy that in the animal kingdom, even polygamous males try to fertilize strong healthy females. A polygamous person, hiding behind his instincts, most likely does not even think about procreation and survival. At least in this case, he should have chosen exactly those women who theoretically could bear and give birth to healthy offspring (strong, with wide hips, not just with beautiful breasts). If this is not the case, then talk about polygamy is nothing more than empty words in order to justify one's own promiscuity.

So, polygamous relationships are a form of contact between men and women, in which one partner maintains contact with several people of the opposite sex at the same time (yes, polygamy is characteristic not only of men, but also of some women).

Let's put moral questions aside and look at what advantages a polygamous family can have. We note right away that we are not talking about one-time betrayals, but about a real polygamous family (as in Arab countries where a man can have several wives at once). And this complete family where each member has their own duties, rights, etc.

Actually, the main advantages of polygamous families:

  • from the point of view of biology, the diversity of sexual relations has a beneficial effect on the vitality of the offspring;
  • a polygamous family is a rather difficult step for a woman, and if she agrees to this, then only on the terms of a deliberate agreement;
  • as a consequence of the previous paragraph, the percentage of divorces in polygamous families is practically zero.

In addition, it should be mentioned that men can have several wives (in those countries where this is allowed) only if they have enough funds to support the entire harem. That is, the wives of such a “sultan” will be 100% sure that their children will never need anything, will not starve, and will receive a decent education.

Now let's talk about the cons. First of all, a polygamous man is a person who must pay enough attention to each of his partners. It succeeds, to put it mildly, few. And although in terms of wealth no one in the family lacks, some psychological discomfort can still occur.

You should also not think that you can get used to a polygamous marriage, and that over time there will be no hint of jealousy. Most likely, it will simply have to come to terms with it as an inevitable fact, but nothing more.

On top of that, it has been noticed that a polygamous person, who already disperses his attention to several partners, devotes less time to children.

Someone may object and cite as an example the happy polygamous families of the East. However, several factors must be taken into account. Firstly, polygamy is not prohibited by Islam (unlike Christianity, which is widespread among us). Secondly, girls are brought up in this culture from the very beginning. early years, they are psychologically ready to become a "senior" or "junior" wife.

It should also be taken into account that in the Arab countries, women have practically no rights. Our girls, who fell under the powerful current of expansion, are unlikely to be able to share their man with someone. And therefore, the legalization of polygamous marriages in our country, most likely, will not lead to anything good - there is simply no suitable psychological foundation that has been formed for centuries.

Unlike men, women do not have historical background for this phenomenon. There are simply no corresponding mechanisms in the genetic code of the fair sex. Female polygamy is nothing but a psychological phenomenon, even a deviation from the norm. After all, girls are genetically programmed not to have children from as many males as possible, but to choose the strongest, hardiest and smartest representative of the species and give birth to offspring from him. Actually polygamous women go across genetic code and its natural purpose.

No matter how we relate to this phenomenon, a polygamous man is a fairly common phenomenon. And the only logical way out of the situation is to do everything possible to ensure that the partner is so happy and satisfied that he cannot hear the call of nature.

When meeting 38-year-old Andrei Brezgin, he immediately warns that his family is not quite ordinary: he has two wives. At first, he admits, it was difficult. The first polygamous family broke up, women did not want to divide their husband into two. However, the second attempt to create a polygamous marriage was, according to Andrey, successful.

About how he came to this family format, the businessman told the site.

"For the first wife, I was like property"

Irina Demekhina, AiF-Ural: Andrey, when did you get married for the first time?

Andrey Brezgin: He married for the first time at the age of 25, lived together for 13 years, gave birth to 4 children.

- How did you come to the conclusion that you need two women in one family?

- My wife could not give birth anymore, but I wanted more, especially since there was only one son. And among the Slavs, the family is transmitted through sons. Women pass into the clan of the husband. I've always been fascinated by the concept large families: gave birth to three - already an achievement. For me, having many children means at least 7-8 children. It is possible to give birth to so much alone, but it is difficult. And 10 is generally unique. I want at least 15, and preferably 20 children. At the same time, I am not chasing just quantity, quality is also important for me. My wives are now both educators and are thinking seriously about homeschooling. Children can be socialized extra classes in development schools, circles and sports sections.

To bring another woman and tell about it, to announce intentions is, in my opinion, an unrealistic situation. How did you deal with it? How did your first wife deal with it?

The second did not want to share me with the first. Like the first one with no one. Moreover, in the future I planned to bring 2 more wives. When it came to the second, the first was resolutely against, for a very long time converged. After all, for her I was property, it is love, like food, for example. And then her food will have to be shared with someone. With this approach to build polygamous family useless.

- Were you able to resolve the differences in the end?

Unfortunately no. The first family broke up, each of the wives pulled the blanket over themselves. And I realized it too late. Leaving the family, I decided that I would be better good father out of the house than to make scandals at home, in front of the children. new family created on the shore, agreeing that there would be a polygamous family. Wives previously came to visit for a week, as they are from other cities, and then moved permanently.

Andrei says that for his first wife he was like property. Photo: courtesy of Andrey Brezgin

- You and your spouses are adults and, as they say, you understand everything. But how did the children react to this decision?

Children take this calmly: they are given more attention and care, a strong father is nearby. Compare with a single mother. Society works and raises children. And who is it? Educators and teachers, often also lonely, dissatisfied with life and with a small salary. Not all, of course, but many. And there are 11 million such women in the country. 300 thousand children are born in incomplete families and the situation is getting worse every year.

- In the registry office, as I understand it, did not go?

Men are now generally difficult to force to marry. In our country with anti-male laws, they become legal slaves. The court in 95% of cases takes the side of women when it decides with whom to leave children. Although 80% of the initiatives to break up the family - for a woman. After all, the state takes care of her: benefits, alimony, which, if not paid, will bring super-interest. My wives understand this and both agreed to live without seals.

“One more husband - no problem. But not in my family."

- What do you want to get from such a relationship? In general, what gives a man a polygamous marriage?

A polygamous family is needed in order to raise worthy offspring, to strengthen the clan, so that the family has order and prosperity. Someone says: where there are so many children, this is the path to poverty! But at the same time, they forget that a pair of hands is attached to one mouth, the children grow up and begin to help first around the house, then to their father in business.

And besides children, two or more wives in the house give more energy to the husband for his work. Without it, a creative man will burn out at work, the reserves are not unlimited. Therefore, many people have mistresses, but we are for honest relationships.

- And the woman?

A polygamous marriage makes it possible to realize one's nature, for a man to be masculine and for a woman to be feminine. Women work out their karma through childbearing. But many do not understand this. And they live for themselves. And they have a husband - to satisfy their Wishlist. Which brings the appropriate results.

And women in polygamous families have more time for themselves, since household duties are distributed, plus there is a second wife, she is closer than a sister and you can always talk like a woman, within the family. And most importantly, she has a strong and faithful husband This is a rare combination these days.

"Polygamous marriage provides an opportunity to realize one's nature." Photo: courtesy of Andrey Brezgin

- Do you advertise your “special status”. Colleagues, acquaintances and friends in the know?

Not only relatives know that I have a polygamous family. But also at work, my sports team, although we try not to advertise it much. Happiness loves silence. And our people see only what they want to see, at least explain yourself.

If you have several women at once, do you admit that one of your wives will also want to have another spouse? That's what then? Or is the ability to have multiple partners in marriage a privilege of men?

If men are ready to be under the heels and not know who the children are from without a paternity test, then why not? True, such a family will not give many strong offspring, but, apparently, this is not the main thing there. I generally keep quiet about bioenergetics in such a family. It's like two trees twining around a creeper - ugly, contradictory and unreliable. One woman can satisfy many men, but not give birth to all and many. But if one of my wives wants to have another spouse - no problem. Just not in my family anymore. Our family is closed and self-sufficient, in terms of the fact that the nature of each member is satisfied, and flirting and communication on the side are prohibited.

"Usually a man restrains himself"

Do you think it counts married man who has a polygamous mistress? Or a polygamist - one who openly demonstrates his position to his partners?

A man who has a mistress is not a polygamist. The wife is the one with whom you live, and more than one day a week. But if a man lives in two houses, then yes, he can be called a polygamist. Only this tears a man apart, and the wives hate each other. For the most part, they live like this because of the children, they endure mistresses. And such families are the vast majority.

Is there a polygamous marriage consumer attitude to a woman? A man can think, they say, when one wife grows old, I will take another one, younger ...

If a man takes a younger family into his family, this does not mean that the older wife will be abandoned in terms of communication. Just as a mother loves her children, so a husband should respect and love his wives equally. In general, one of the myths about a polygamous family is that children and women suffer in it, and only the husband feels good. Although, in fact, the opposite is true, the husband is the epicenter, he bears all the responsibility. Material, physical, spiritual.

- Polygamy, in your opinion, is it a return to the roots? Scientists argue about the polygamous nature of man ...

Polygamy in Russia is more like a return not only to natural, but also to historical roots. Before the baptism of Rus', this was the norm among successful husbands. Yes, and the merchants, until they introduced passports, had several wives. So it's not about Islam or Hinduism. Religion has nothing to do with it at all. Men will always instinctively seek out more women, not just because they get used to it. It is their nature to make as many offspring as possible. And the nature of a woman is to find the most powerful male. This is why polygamy is closer to nature than monogamous family. In it, a man restrains himself, and then gets sick and cannot understand why. Or walking quietly. And it suits everyone.

- Can every man create a polygamous family?

I am not agitating anyone to create polygamous families: to each his own. It is said in the Vedas that this is not for everyone, but only for those who pull. After all, polygamy is not sodomy, which leads to childlessness. On the contrary. It's a responsibility, first and foremost.

The hero of one of the media materials about polygamous relationships said: “In fact, monogamy is like with wolves, when a couple is for life: they met, sniffed and run side by side to death. This is rare in the human world." Do you agree with this point of view or are there exceptions?

You can live for the sake of children, endure that they drink, beat, walk, live with a degenerate. In general, you really know a lot happy families, and not a large-scale window dressing in social networks? Alas. Mikhail Litvak also wrote that out of 11 thousand families he knew only three happy ones. And you can build a big, honest and friendly family. Some will say that these are extremes. But, again, to each his own.

After the baptism of Rus', traditional, monogamous marriages became much more numerous, but at the same time, polygamy did not disappear anywhere. There was also concubinage - extramarital cohabitation. Concubines, as a rule, became slaves who were owned by their master.

In fact, for a man, the main thing is not the family, even if it is polygamous, but the business, he follows him, and the wife follows her husband. Children for mom. But now we have the opposite. Flipped families. The wife goes ahead, the husband follows her, and the children run somewhere in the middle - chaos generated by matriarchy. They say patriarchy is evil. This is responsibility. Modern men rust idle on the couch, and women age prematurely from stress, female body not meant to be a leader's responsibility. Turning to face the family, the man turns to another place to work. And then the wife saws that there is not enough money, and the husband hides from her reproaches in a bottle. But after all, the whole family and society benefit from the fact that the husband is doing well in his business. However modern women They want their husband to earn a lot and pay the same amount of attention. To be strong macho and at the same time gentle, caring, romantic, to be a leader, but obey. This doesn't happen. This is cognitive dissonance, the combination of the incompatible. But the Cinderella tale and the idea that modern man should (while she herself is a goddess, and she only should) give unjustified expectations. As a result, 9 out of 10 divorces over the past year.

“There is no pathology in polygamy, psychology is silent about this. Probably, women who agree to a polygamous marriage must be very progressive. At the same time, a man must understand that diversity implies a large number of obligations and responsibility. Culturally and historically today, scholars say that social institution family and marriage is undergoing massive, dynamic changes. Formerly concept"family" was more specific, understandable to everyone. Divorce and second marriage were not encouraged either by society or the state. Of course, all this happened, but people tried to do it slowly, not particularly talking about it. And now families can be anything - with several wives in different territories, same-sex, childless - those who consciously do not want to have offspring, mothers with many children. In sociology, even a person who lives alone is regarded as a family, he runs his own household, is a cell of society, ”says psychologist Oksana Sobina.

« AiF-Ural" begins a series of materials on the institution of marriage. Publications devoted to different, not quite familiar, forms family relations, are covered with comments from experts and have nothing to do with the opinion of the editors.

Recently, an acquaintance spoke at length about the benefits of polygamous family relationships. Of course, they meant first of all families where one man has several women. What is really behind this form of cohabitation?

What does a polygamous marriage look like?

As we know, in the East a man can have. True, provided that he can support them all. We have very different cultural concepts. But still, polygamous families are found in our country.

For example, a man lives in two families. They may be in different cities or even countries, and maybe in the same city. Children can be born in both families. Sometimes wives (as a rule, official - only one, or all marriages - civil) know about each other. Sometimes - no. Sometimes they just pretend they don't know. A man can have more than two such families - three, four ... Especially if he is wealthy.

Much less common is the situation when a man lives with both of his women in the same house. By the way, not necessarily wives can be only two. For example, leaders of sects often create for themselves a whole harem of concubines, and all the ladies live on the same square and give birth to "guru" children.

If all the "spouses" live together, then they usually share family functions and responsibilities among themselves. The “older” wife runs the house, decides all “organizational issues”, the “middle”, say, looks after the children, and the “younger” serves mainly for bed comforts.

Under what conditions can a woman voluntarily agree to become "one of"? By different reasons. For example, she has already grown old, and the man still needs sex. Or they don't have kids and he wants a kid. Or only daughters were born, and he dreams of a son-heir ... Often she cannot imagine how she will survive alone - she does not have her own money, housing, etc. If a woman is still young, then she may be attracted by the condition of a man, she wants to live in abundance. There are, of course, cases when a woman simply loves this man and is ready to do anything to stay with him - even to share him with other "wives".

Pros of a polygamous marriage

At first glance, there are a lot of advantages to distribution. Solving the problem of shortage of men and women female loneliness, since any representative of the fair sex, if she does not find herself a single man, can always become a member of such a family. A woman is “attached” financially, she has a roof over her head, she does not have to take on all the household duties, caring for children, there is always someone to help. No one will force her to perform marital debt- if she can’t or is not in the mood, the husband will simply go to the bedroom with another “wife” ... By the way, a polygamous marriage does not necessarily imply a “threesome”. Most often, each of the "wives" has her own room, and sometimes an apartment where she lives with her children.

There is no need for a man to run after his mistresses. If one of the wives does not suit him in bed, but at the same time, for example, good hostess, then there’s no need to get divorced, because you can find another wife who doesn’t even know how to cook scrambled eggs, but she’s sexy. And if there is nothing to talk about with both ladies, then you can take another intellectual who will accompany her husband to receptions and dinner parties and entertain him and his entourage with smart conversations.

Cons of a polygamous marriage

Now let's look at polygamy from the other side. There can be no talk of equal relations in such a marriage. The husband is the master and master, and the wives must meet his needs. That's why he brought them on.

Each normal woman dreams of being the one and only for her beloved man. How does it feel to know that you will never be the same for him? Perhaps, outwardly, a woman agrees to accept the rules of a polygamous game, but inside all the same, no, no, and resentment boils up: why am I alone not satisfied with him, why does he need someone else to live?

It is unlikely that this will increase female self-esteem. After all, if a man lacks her alone, then something is wrong with her. So, she is simply unworthy of a man choosing her. She is just an appendage to this man, and not the only one.

It turns out that a polygamous marriage gives advantages primarily to a man. He gets at the same time a housewife, a mother of his children, a mistress, an interesting interlocutor - and there is no need to look for one that combines all this in one person. But is this about love?

If a person really loves, then he accepts his beloved along with all the shortcomings. You strive to get used to your loved one in sex, you can forgive him for impracticality or the fact that he doesn’t have enough stars from the sky ... After all, they love, by and large, not for any merits. They just love. And it would never occur to a lover to look for a partner on the side, because love gives him everything he needs.

If you remember, even the Turkish sultans had beloved wives, and the rest - so, because it is customary ... The desire for polygamy is nothing more than a consequence of the inability or unwillingness to love. And for a woman, the acceptance of such a relationship, in my opinion, is humiliating. However, everyone is free to make a choice.

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The topic of polygamy is quite interesting and extensive. It is studied by psychologists, sociologists, physicians, in general, by everyone who deals with nature, behavioral reactions, personality development, etc. I don’t want to bore you with scientific terms and calculations, so I’ll tell you what I read and what conclusions I drew.

Perhaps someone will disagree with them, so I invite everyone to discuss this topic.

Polygamy: definition

First of all, I propose to separate the concepts of polygamy and polygamy. Polygamy, as it is written in dictionaries - polygamy. That is, when a marriage is concluded between one partner of one sex and several partners of the other. This fact alone indicates that polygamy is inherent not only in men.

Polygamy, as I understand, - phenomenon which is conditioned by culture, religion, traditions certain group(nationality, people).

ABOUT polygamy , in my opinion, we say when we mean a specific person. That is, polygamy is the tendency (desire, ability) of a person to have several connections at the same time.

In defense of my conclusions, I will give a simple example. Suffice it to recall the well-known historical facts when the eastern ruler, having many wives and concubines, favored only one of them, the most beloved, who was essentially his wife in every sense. That is, not only in intimate, but also in spiritual communication, it was this woman who was closest to him.

The most striking example is Roksolana, but if you search, you can find many such examples. But what about the other wives? - you ask. After all, they had children from this ruler, which means that he was not so faithful to his only one. And here is one interesting fact: legal wives rulers had the right to demand from their master equal attention to all. And this is a fact. So, whether the poor man wanted to or not, he had to fulfill his marital duties.

As for the concubines, the fate of many of them was sad - they were dying in a golden cage as virgins. Having several hundred, or even thousands of concubines, the master could never show interest in them in their life.

I say this to make it clear that man living, so to speak, in the traditions of polygamy, there was not necessarily polygamy.

Polygamy in men and women

In dictionaries we read:

Polygyny- a form of marriage between one man and several women. Polyandry- Marriage between one woman and several men.

From this I draw two main conclusions: 1. The theory that men and women are equally polygamous finds its next confirmation. 2. Polygamy is still marriage. That is, responsible serious relationship which should not be confused with promiscuity.

Let's get back to polygamy. Polygamy in men and women is laid down by nature to the same extent. Psychologists say that half of both sexes tend to be polygamous.

There are other opinions as well. Allegedly, one egg that matures in a woman during one cycle is evidence against the polygamy of women. A lot of spermatozoa speaks just in favor of the natural polygamy of men.

It is generally fashionable to talk about the fact that men are polygamous by nature, especially men themselves support this statement. They are echoed by women who seek to justify the unworthy behavior of a man in the eyes of others, and in their own. In fact, in nature (between animals), along with polygamous, there are also monogamous relationship. For some reason, this is not customary to remember.

Yes, monogamy is inherent in the nature of most women. But I tend to think that this is due to centuries of tradition, religion and the natural desire of women to be protected. I mean the fact that a woman seeks to find a reliable man who can take care of her and the child throughout her life, which is quite difficult when having a polygamous relationship.

For the men intimate relationship with a woman, pregnancies cannot end, that is, they can be easy from beginning to end. A man, entering into a relationship with a woman, does not take responsibility at all, although for some reason many women are sure that since a man invites them to have sex, it means that he has something in mind.

So polygamy, as the essence of nature, for me means conscious promiscuity or mental illness.

In support of my opinion, I found a report by a psychologist, which identifies the main reasons for the polygamy of women and men.

Here's what it looks like.

1. a lack of maternal love in childhood may eventually be expressed in polygamy. Men in this case are looking for a mother in a woman, while they gravitate towards perfect image and the search can take a long time. The polygamy of women in this case is explained by the fact that they are also looking for an ideal. Entering into a relationship with several men at the same time, they try to combine the mind and wisdom of one, the wit and cheerful nature of the other, green eyes and Strong arms another, etc. That is, in their understanding, this is one perfect man, protector and protector.

2. domineering parents, suppressing the will of the child, also push him to polygamy. As a result, an adult is afraid of falling into dependence on a new tyrant and, on a subconscious level, they avoid serious relationships with one partner.

3. Internal complexes, confidence in one's own imperfection, the need to be loved by many people at the same time also leads to the fact that a person becomes polygamous. He seeks to prove to the whole world that he is good and loved. In psychology, such a tendency to polygamous relationships is called Don Juan syndrome.

4. Psychological unpreparedness being responsible for a serious relationship forces people to look for escape routes literally from the very beginning of a new relationship.

5. If we are talking about the polygamy of a person who is in a monogamous marriage (that is, cheating), then this is a slightly different topic. But here I will say that the main reason is loss of interest to a partner, no matter what they say, and no matter what other reasons they give.

Psychologists also noted such a fact as a change in views on polygamy with age. That is, many of those who aspired to polygamous relationships, reaching a certain age, changed their minds and finally entered into monogamous marriages.

polygamous marriages

A few words about polygamous marriages. As mentioned above, there is an option when a man takes several wives. This option is most common, especially in Muslim countries. I would like to note that such a marriage is a responsible decision, a man fully understands what he is getting into. He has to be responsible for several women and joint children.

At the same time, a man also acquires free workers, which is very beneficial for a large farm. Hence the conclusion: for a polygamous marriage, polygamy as a feature of nature is not the main thing. The main thing is just the ability of a man to take responsibility and provide decent life several wives.

Many researchers say that this practice is very positive, especially for women left alone after the death of a spouse, for example. After all, as we know, Eastern countries such a phenomenon is very developed when a man marries the widow of his own brother or other relative, as if paying off a debt to his memory.

Polygamy also gives a man weight in society. Big family- an indicator of wealth and solvency of the owner. A man in a certain position in some Eastern countries is simply obliged to have several wives.

Polygamous marriages, when a woman has several husbands, were mainly practiced by the northern peoples who inhabited Alaska, as well as by the Eskimos. More long history such marriages take place in India and Tibet.

One of the forms of such a marriage was unrelated polyandry, that is, men did not have family ties. The meaning of the barque was that the husbands shared the responsibilities for the maintenance of the woman and the family as a whole and received an equal amount of attention from the wife. Such a marriage was typical for wives of high position.

Related polyandry involved the simultaneous marriage of men who were relatives, such as brothers, to one woman. This phenomenon was due to the fact that in some tribes there were quite cruel customs (of a traditional or religious nature) that ordered the killing of female babies.

The reason for such cruelty is unknown to me (maybe one of you knows?). The result, however, was a shortage of women in the tribe, that is, such marriages were rather forced.

As far as I know, there was another reason for such marriages. Northern nomadic tribes, whose main occupation was driving animals from pasture to pasture, went into the tundra for for a long time. A woman in such a family became a wife for everyone, since special choice, obviously, it wasn't.

As I said at the beginning, I made such conclusions from what I read on the topic. If you know more about polygamy or have a different opinion, please share with us. Maybe you have experience polygamous relationships or even marriage, and you don't mind telling us about it? We'll be interested to see how it looks on the inside.

A polygamous family can exist only in those societies where marriage with several partners is allowed. In Murdoch's sample polygamous marriages, albeit in limited quantities, are permitted in 195 societies. Polygamy can be of three types: polygyny, polyandry and group marriage. Polygyny means the marriage of one man to several women; polyandry - marriage of one woman with several men, group marriage - marriage, which unites several women and several men at the same time. The most common among them is polygyny. As for group marriage, its existence in human society as a cultural norm is not confirmed. “On the whole,” writes Murdoch, “there is no evidence that group marriage anywhere exists (and ever existed) as the predominant form.”

Polyandry is very rare. In only two ethnic groups in Murdoch's sample is it the normal and preferred form of marriage, although it occurs sporadically in several other societies. The ethnic groups where it is considered normal and preferred are the Marquesas (Polynesia) and the Toda (India). In a number of cases, anthropologists have taken for polyandry the connections of men with one woman, in contradiction with the cultural norms accepted in society, or the connections of a woman with her husband's brothers, allowed by local customs.

The polyandrous family can act in two forms - fraternal and non-fraternal. The fraternal form means the marriage of several brothers with one woman, the non-fraternal form means the marriage of several men who are not related to each other, with one woman. Paternity in polyandry is determined with the help of certain rituals. For example, among Todas who practice fraternal polyandry, paternity is established during pregnancy through a specific ritual in which one of the husbands gives his wife a toy bow and arrow. The father of the child is the one who performs the ritual last.

Polygyny means a form of marriage entered into by one man with two or more women at the same time. When analyzing a polygynous marriage, errors can be made due to insufficient clarity of the criteria for such a marriage. A successive marriage of one man to several women, for example, after a divorce from previous wives, can be taken as a religious marriage. Some observers mistake banal cases for polygyny adultery by the men. But in both of these cases, we are talking about a monogamous marriage rather than a polygamous one. Among the signs of polygyny, researchers include the presence between a man and women of not only sexual, but also economic relations, Cohabitation, as well as public permission and approval of this form of marriage. A polygynous society is considered to be one in which polygamy is not only allowed, but also considered more prestigious and more preferable than monogamy. According to these criteria, in Murdoch's sample, 193 out of 250 societies were classified as polygynous, 43 as monogamous, and 2 as polyandrous.

Can we assume that in 193 societies qualified as polygynous, polygynous marriages prevail over monogamous ones? Undeniably not. This is impossible for demographic reasons, since the number of women in a society cannot exceed the number of men so much that there is a possibility of a predominant number of polygynous marriages over monogamous ones. In addition, there are economic reasons: a husband must be able to support several wives and their children. Murdoch acknowledges that monogamous marriages always predominate over polygynous marriages, even in societies with an extremely strong preference for plural marriages. “... Even in highly polygynous societies,” Murdoch notes, “basically, only a certain number mature men has several wives, while most are forced to limit themselves to one wife or even remain single.

Such customs as "levirate" and "sororate" are associated with polygamous forms of marriage. Levirate is a cultural norm that a widow has the right to preferentially marry the brother of her deceased husband. Sororat means the custom that a widower should marry his sister dead wife. According to Murdoch, levirate and sororate are extremely common. Levirate is attested as the unambiguously preferred form of marriage in 127 societies in his sample, and sororate in 100.
