The silhouette is soft and straight. H-shaped silhouette, rectangle, pepper or banana

Surely everyone knows the statement that women love with their ears, and for men, visual images always come to the fore. Another fact: the sight of a half-naked body acts on representatives of both sexes more excitingly than completely naked. What's the secret? The fact is that a person is always attracted by a riddle, a mystery, the unknown. That is why Eve was tempted to taste the taste of the forbidden fruit, for which she paid with expulsion from Paradise. And until now, girls actively use it, attracting the attention of men. deep neckline, short skirts and tight dresses. Probably, the same interest explains the popularity in different types art of beautiful girls silhouettes. A viewer who is shown only the outlines of a face, body, or separate parts, forced to turn on the imagination and finish the "picture". Why is the silhouette of a girl's figure attractive? Let's try to figure it out.

art direction

Speaking in a dry language of terms, then a silhouette is called a graphic technique in a portrait, which is distinguished by the use of predominantly one color and is of a contour nature. Simply put, a silhouette is a vague or clear outline of a particular object, person, animal, other creature or object. First this technique was used in China over six hundred years ago. Pictures made in black paint, which in Europe were called “Chinese shadows”, became popular in Russia only in the 18th century at the suggestion of the French artist F. Sido. And in France, such portraits were ordered by representatives of the aristocracy, who went bankrupt and could not afford to buy a traditional portrait. By the way, the name "silhouette" is associated with the name of the French minister Siluette, who became famous for his stinginess and narrowness of views. It is for this reason that silhouette portraits were initially considered bad taste, cheap stuff.

Despite the dismissive attitude, the silhouette has moved from painting to arts and crafts. Craftsmen made dishes, snuff boxes, chests with images of silhouettes of girls in dresses, dancers.

Modern tendencies

In the era of development digital technologies the role of the traditional silhouette technique has diminished somewhat. Why draw silhouettes on black paper, cut them out and stick them on White background, draw with ink or use engraving techniques. The Internet is filled with stylized images of silhouettes of female models, girls in swimsuits, naked beauties. And this is not surprising, because the sexy silhouettes of girls do not look at all vulgar, unlike regular photos where they are shown in similar poses. Even the silhouette full girl, made in this technique, looks surprisingly harmonious and attractive.

Silhouette images are used very widely. They can act as wallpaper on the computer screen, avatars in various in social networks. Photo wallpapers, which depict beautiful female silhouettes, look incredibly stylish. Designers creating collections fashion clothes, also do not bypass this topic. Actual in the form of silhouettes of girls can be seen on T-shirts, and on tops, and on dresses. In trend accessories with small prints female silhouettes. Moreover, it is not necessary that the silhouette depict a girl in full height. Sensual parted lips, wide open or playfully narrowed eyes, graceful fingers, smooth curves female body bewitched by beauty.

"Fashion passes, style remains" - so the unforgettable Coco Chanel said. To impress well and tastefully dressed person, it is not enough just the harmony of color.

It is important to take into account other external data. When choosing a dress style, type of fabric and its pattern, your figure is the starting point.

Slimness or fullness - not the most the main problem, although this fact should not be overlooked.

There is another important criterion, in the difficult art of choosing a style that is advantageous for any figure - the so-called Line-Proportion-Scale system, which was described by the American Doris Puser in the book Style Always and in Everything.

Silhouette sharp straight

Let's start with the most significant point - the lines of your body. Women's figures, even the most flawless ones, are by no means the same. Look at Keira Knightley, Cher or Nicole Kidman.

Their silhouette is dominated by straight lines and angular shapes: long legs and arms, thin figure, straight shoulders, narrow hips, small breasts. An impression that emphasizes the structure of their face, with straight lines of eyebrows, a clear contour of the lips. Doris Pucer defines such silhouette as "Sharp-Straight".

Now imagine Marilyn Monroe or Beyoncé, Scarlett Johansson, impression: Oval face, arched eyebrows, soft curve of the lips, sloping shoulders, accentuated waist, lush hips and breasts. This the silhouette is defined as "Rounded".

Finally, something in between these two types. Looking at Angelina Jolie or Rihanna, we note harmonious combination straight and round shapes. This group also includes those women whose facial contours contrast with the body line: for example, round face with an angular figure or vice versa. Such the silhouette is characterized as "Soft-Straight".

The line of the body is an innate trait. Neither diet, nor enhanced nutrition, nor gymnastics will change it. It is enough to take a closer look at the ballerinas: they all have a slender, trained body, and, meanwhile, their figures are very different.

If you want to define your silhouette, look at the outline of your own shadow on the wall when you are naked. Do not pay attention to possible deviations from the "ideal", whether wide hips, short legs or oversized bust. Notice which forms prevail.

The line of the body will tell you which styles you will look best in, which fabrics and colors you should prefer, and which ones you should avoid. And that's not all - your figure requires a certain choice and even the manner of wearing all kinds of accessories - a bag, a hat, clip-on earrings.

In other words, adhere to the principle that your toilet should reflect natural properties your looks, your personality.

If you have determined that you belong to the Sharp-Straight group, then you will look best in suits tailored with a predominance of straight lines, geometric details, with deliberately emphasized edges.

The most suitable fabric pattern for you is geometric, abstract, dresses with a contrasting border suit you very well.

All kinds of jewelry - clips, brooches, clasps - should also have geometric shapes (it's interesting that the circle is in place here!)

"Your" fabrics must be dense: others will not be able to "keep" the straight lines of your outfit. Bags should also be made of hard material, and the shape should be rectangular. Avoid styles with rounded elements, free-falling folds, pockets, lapels, jacket floors should not be rounded in any case, skirts - “sun” are not suitable.

Do not get carried away with assemblies, draperies, frills, the exception may be a hard frill. Don't wear "colorful" fabrics that don't go well with straight cuts.

Silhouette rounded

Women of rounded shapes (again, this is not about the collection, but about the line of the body, the silhouette) should follow completely different rules.

Clothing should be fitted to the figure with a free cut, assemblies, folds or drapery (and here it is just the number of folds and assemblies that is directly dependent on the fullness of your figure).

Pockets, collars, hems of jackets or coats should be rounded. As for the pattern of fabrics, flowers, speckles, polka dots suit you more than a stripe, a cage or another geometric pattern. Fabrics should be soft, flowing, freely fit the figure.

Smooth materials are preferable, because textured fabrics will make your figure inelegant, heavy. The exception is, perhaps, thin velor. Bags and hats should be soft styles.

You should exclude from your wardrobe clothes that are cut absolutely straight. Women of rounded shapes look awkward in such toilets, especially if they suffer from excessive fullness.

Therefore, do not wear straight jackets, pleated skirts (except pleated flared skirts). Do not buy dense fabrics, especially coarse weaving - frotte, boucle, thick tweed. Be careful when choosing a pattern: small patterns better than large ones, diagonal ones are preferable to rectangular ones. In general, avoid geometric shapes, whether it's a bag, jewelry or belt buckles. Remember that you have to be feminine even when the style of the angular "teenage girl" is in fashion.

Silhouette soft straight

Women of this type should wear loose-fitting clothes, but not emphasizing the roundness of the figure. Details such as pockets, collars, belts must have a geometric shape, but rounded edges. Usage sharp elements should be balanced by the presence of soft ones: for example, a blouse with a stand-up collar in combination with a gathered skirt.

Suits with a straight cut, but from soft, flowing fabrics suit you. Skirts with unsmoothed, loosely laid folds will be good. It is better to choose soft materials, you can also textured.

The most suitable drawings: Turkish, cage, cube, stripe, motifs of animal skins - a tiger, a leopard, a snake. Parts must have a geometric shape with rounded corners, an ellipse shape is allowed.

Each silhouette has its own type of hairstyle. Eight great ideas for a stylish hairstyle on your own can be viewed here.

In conclusion, pay attention to one important circumstance. Fashion every time gives preference to one of the three types of silhouette described. So, the fashion of the 20s, and later the 60s, put forward a thin, angular figure to the fore; The 30s and 70s welcomed the soft-straight line. The fashion of the 1940s and 1950s resolutely focused on rounded shapes.

Have you ever tried to compare your figure with the one that was, say, your grandmother? If so, then you probably noticed: the silhouette modern woman has changed.

So much so that it gave a reason to supplement the classic chain "apple-pear-hourglass" with new types of figures. What? Read below.

One of the main differences between modern women and ladies of the Greta Garbo era is height: according to international studies, we have become about 10-12 cm taller, “stretched out” from 155 cm, which was considered the average of the last century. It affected our physique.

“The last study of the parameters human body, conducted in Russia in the early 2000s, found that young women became more Long hands, legs, more high level waist lines, wider shoulders with the same body size, ”explains Anna Faramazova, a nutritionist.

What happened to the waist

To even more interesting conclusions came scientists from the University of North Carolina. After analyzing the figures of several thousand women, they found out that the waist of modern ladies has become wider, therefore classic version the hourglass silhouette (lush bust and hips with a relatively small girth of the middle part of the body, as was, say, Marilyn Monroe or Sophia Loren) has become a rarity. It occurs in only 8% of women.

Why did it happen? Experts cite several reasons. First, our hormonal background, which, by the way, determines the proportions of the body. “Estrogen is responsible for the shape of a woman’s silhouette. The formation of the breast, the distribution of subcutaneous adipose tissue, the condition of the bones and, of course, the slimness of the waist depend on its level in the body. It has become a little less for modern ladies, ”says endocrinologist Olga Boyarkina.

Secondly, our lifestyle has also changed. In addition to the obvious “inactivity” of modern women, researchers also note a decrease in the amount of sleep: we sleep about 20% less than ladies of the last century, who spent an average of 8 hours in bed.

“Add here also changes in nutrition, the level of medicine, social fashion. In the end, all this can lead to a significant restructuring of the appearance of most women. This has already happened more than once: in the Middle Ages, plump women were valued, in the second half of the 20th century - slender, now fast food is taking its toll, and again there is an enlargement of dimensions, ”says Stanislav Drobyshevsky, Ph.D. M.V. Lomonosov.

From "pear" to "eggplant" and "broccoli"

All these data allowed British physiologists to revise the usual typology of female silhouettes and supplement it with several new types of figures. And although in general it seems a little funny, there is still a rational grain in it: it really reflects the changes that have happened to us over the past 80 years. So, in the new typology stand out:

"Muscovy Gourd": in women with this type of figure, as a rule, the volume of the bust and hips is the same, and the waist circumference is 20-24 cm less than this figure. But do not confuse “pumpkin” with “ hourglass”- their figure is 27-35 centimeters. "Pumpkins" among modern stars quite a few: Eva Mendes, Scarlett Johansson, Kim Kardashian.

How to balance the silhouette? Women with this type of figure should train in the same way as the hourglass. The most suitable program is functional training, which will help strengthen the main muscle groups.

"Pear": The most voluminous part of this silhouette is the hips. The owners of this type of figure have more circumference than the waist, by about 20-25 cm. But unlike the “nutmeg pumpkin”, the chest volume of the “pear” is noticeably less than the hips by at least 7-12 cm. Jennifer Lopez and Beyonce.

How to balance the silhouette? Get enough cardio (running, aerobics, elliptical) and upper body strength training. If you like dancing, try booty-dance, which will help strengthen your buttocks.

"Eggplant": this silhouette is a bit similar to the previous one: in women with this type of figure, the hips are the most voluminous part of the body, and the smallest is the chest. The upper part of the legs in women with such a silhouette also has a large volume. But the waist, as a rule, is implicitly expressed and much wider than that of the “pears”. “Eggplant” forms have Adele and Oprah Winfrey.

How to balance the silhouette?“Women with an eggplant-like figure should do strength training at intervals of 2-3 times a week: take one lesson to work out the lower body and two to the upper body. Such exercises will help to tighten the whole body, and if you add aerobic exercise to this at least once a week, you can lose weight faster, ”advises Ruslan Panov, group program coordinator of the X-Fit federal network of fitness clubs.

"Apple": the owners of this type of figure differ relatively skinny hips, small bust and pretty voluminous belly, which in terms of girth may even slightly exceed other parts of the body. Mariah Carey and Kate Winslet are among the “apple” young ladies.

How to balance the silhouette? Spend enough time on strength training and perform exercises on the main muscle groups, giving Special attention working out the muscles of the chest and hips. Another option is to do yoga.

"Broccoli": distinguishing feature this type of figure - a voluminous bust with a relatively narrow hips and unexpressed waist. In nature, it is quite rare, much more often thin “carrots” are turned into “broccoli” plastic surgeons, adding volume to a small bust. The most striking example of this silhouette is Angelina Jolie.

How to balance the silhouette? Training women with this type of figure should solve 2 tasks - firstly, strengthen the muscles of the back and chest (this will improve the condition of the bust and posture), and secondly, “pump” the muscles of the legs and hips. If strength training is not to your liking, give preference to strength yoga or Pilates.

Many of you, approaching the mirror, noticed that the silhouette of the figure resembles some geometric figure or a popular fruit. This article will help all beautiful people to learn about such a concept as the type of figure and get acquainted with all the nuances of each of the types. So, let's proceed to a detailed analysis of the question, how to determine the type of woman's figure ?!

Popular classifications of female silhouette types

Following a longstanding classification of all types female figure, we can distinguish 5 bright varieties that are similar to geometric shapes. But in our world, some associate these classifications with the names of fruits or sometimes with letters of the Latin alphabet. All types of figures have certain parameters, such as height, weight, posture, shape and volume of the chest, neck length, waist width and height.

Hourglass or X figure

The hourglass figure type can be safely called ideal. Marilyn Monroe and the beautiful actress Sophia Loren have such a luxurious silhouette. The clock figure type has proportions of 90-60-90, these numbers reflect the volume of the hips, waist and shoulders. Even if the owners of the X-shaped body gain a little weight, then it will be deposited proportionally, adding more attractiveness and piquancy. But the type of hourglass silhouette still has one minus - beauties with such shapes may appear “ears” or “riding breeches” on the hips.

If you want to keep your hourglass in perfect condition, do not forget to strengthen the muscles and maintain correct mode nutrition. Attend fitness training, run or pay attention to dance aerobics and you will not have problems with an X-shaped figure.

Silhouette "Pear" or figure A

The girls "pears" with a silhouette of a triangle are very narrow shoulders, but the hips are wide enough, there is no fat on the waist, slim stomach. Bright representatives pear-shaped figures Jennifer Lopez, Salma Hayek, Tyra Banks, Shakira and singer Christina Aguilera. The pear or A body type accumulates fat on the buttocks and thighs, so the butt seems heavy, and the legs are somewhat plump. Another minus is that beauties with such a body may have a cellulite problem. Many men consider the owners of a triangular silhouette to be feminine and very attractive.

Girls “pears” should fight with fullness, so carefully count the calories consumed, take the time to exercise, which helps to lose weight in the area of ​​the hips and buttocks.

Silhouette "apple" or figure O

The type of apple or circle figure is not so common. Girls with an O-silhouette have very thin hips, a small bust (there may be exceptions), but a very voluminous belly, which in girth exceeds all other parts of the body. Apple ladies include Kate Winslet and Mariah Carey. A few years ago, the apple figure type was considered purely masculine, but the excessive consumption of beer by ladies led to a small “apple epidemic”. Fat quickly affects the abdomen and the figure becomes very disproportionate like a ball.

Girls “apples” need to pay attention to cardio, do not forget about functional training and attend Pilates.

Inverted triangle, broccoli or T

An inverted triangle figure type or a broccoli silhouette can be safely attributed to a problem type. Ballerina Anastasia Volochkova and American star Angelina Jolie have such a silhouette. These beauties have a very athletic physique, they have broad shoulders, narrow hips and not too pronounced waist. Sometimes it happens that the torso is a bit short, unlike the lower part of the body, this is visible in most athletes. Ladies with a T-shaped figure look massive, and sometimes even masculine. Beauties with this type of body during weight gain accumulate fat mainly in the upper body, that is, shoulders, arms, waist and stomach become fat.

The inverted triangle body type requires a diet with the inclusion of complex carbohydrates, a sufficient amount of vegetables and fruits. Broccoli girls should pay attention to aerobics, where large muscle groups are involved. An example of useful aerobics would be an exercise bike, a stair machine, a treadmill and crossrobics.

Butternut squash silhouette

Buttercup girls are sometimes confused with an hourglass. These two silhouettes are very similar - full bust and hips, but the waist is slightly wider than the standard 90-60-90. Bright representatives of the genus of butternut squash are such stellar persons as Kim Kardashian, Scarlett Johansson and Eva Mendes.

The “nutmeg pumpkin” figure type requires the same workouts from the ladies that the “hourglass” beauties have included in their lives. Also don't forget about balanced diet nutrition.

H-shaped silhouette, rectangle, pepper or banana

The rectangle body type is far from ideal, a characteristic feature is that the shoulders, hips and waist are almost the same width. Banana or pepper girls do not have a waist, so the silhouette is a little masculine. H-shaped girls tend to be overweight, fat overcomes the waist, back and sides, thereby bringing the beauties closer to the “apple” silhouette. Actress, Nicole Richie, Lindsay Lohan, Milla Jovovich, Penelope Cruz and Cameron Diaz have a banana figure type.

The abdominal muscles of the ladies-rectangles are strong from birth, so ladies can safely go to training in the press and achieve results in short terms. It is better to choose a low-calorie diet.

Eggplant silhouette

The silhouette of an eggplant can be confused with a pear-shaped one. They have similar features - this is a small width of the shoulders and the hips are lush in volume, but there is one significant difference - the ladies of the "eggplant" have the upper thigh area very plump, and the waist is wider than that of the pear. The bright owners of the eggplant body are the singer Adele and TV presenter Oprah Winfrey.

Eggplant beauties need to go in for sports at least 2 times a week and give preference to strength training, working well on the legs and buttocks.

Carrot silhouette, V-shaped body or triangle

The type of figure carrot can be called masculine, but there are still notes of femininity in it. In girls with a V-body build, the shoulders are quite wide, the hips and waist are narrow and there is no buttocks. As for the chest, it can be any size. Carrot girls include singer Madonna, Cher, actress Catherine Zeta-Jones, Nicole Kidman and Sigourney Weaver. Fat affects "carrots" on the back and sides.

Beauties with a triangular silhouette need to exclude saturated fats and carbohydrates from their diet. Carrot body type prefers tennis, walking or skiing.

So, let's consolidate the information on how to determine the type of figure by parameters. Stand in front of a mirror and start carefully examining:

  1. Rectangular figure type, pepper, banana or H-body. You small chest, wide waist, broad, but not overly massive shoulders, legs may be shorter than your torso;
  2. X-shaped body or hourglass. You have lush hips, the width of the shoulders coincides with the width of the hips and a thin underlined waist, a massive buttocks and plump legs. Some young ladies may have a little full hands;
  3. Broccoli, inverted triangle, T-body. The shoulders are wider than the hips, the waist is not too pronounced, slender long legs, not too puffy chest but rib cage wide;
  4. O-body, apple or oval. You are a young lady with a small booty, thin legs, a non-fluffy bust (there may be exceptions) and a voluminous belly. The width of the shoulders and hips can be the same;
  5. Pear, A-body. You have steep rounded hips, a slender pronounced waist, fragile delicate shoulders, hips are very wider than shoulders and the butt looks heavier;
  6. Eggplant. You are a lady with lush hips, your chest does not have splendor, your problem area is overly plump legs, you can be satisfied with your waist;
  7. Carrot, triangle and V-body. Triangle girls can mark their inexpressive waist, narrow hips and slender legs, most often carrots have small breasts;
  8. Butternut squash. In order not to confuse yourself with an hourglass, pay attention to your waist, because it is a little wider than that of the owners of parameters 90-60-90. You have a large bust and big hips.

Video: master class on determining the type of figure

Only by opening his eyes, a person already has an urgent problem: what to wear? For some, this is a trifle, but someone takes their wardrobe very seriously. Be that as it may, we do not live in an era, therefore, our appearance should not be given the last place. After all, our emotional condition and in turn affects mood.

Every year there are new trends, and people's clothing preferences are completely changing. Only one thing remains unchanged - models that are defined by time. Since our outfits are constantly being improved and complicated, it is necessary to decide on their shape and silhouette.

What does the word "silhouette" mean?

Such an interesting term came to us from French. If we make a literal translation, then the silhouette is the outline of the subject, in other words, its outline. Fashion designers are trying to reproduce an object on a plane, that is, to transfer volumetric form to a diagram on paper.

When a specialist wants to show what a piece of clothing will look like, he will need a schematic image. Thanks to such a sketch, at a glance it is clear what an element of the wardrobe is. And already visually you can understand whether it fits the figure or not.

Silhouette of a girl. How are they classified?

The classification of the silhouette is directly related to the figure of the fair sex. After all the main objective such a sketch - to repeat the shape of the figure. Thus, the element of clothing should look good on the model, that is, emphasize its advantages and hide its flaws.

Since everyone has different figures, for this there are several varieties of shapes and silhouettes in clothes. The silhouette in clothes can be divided into two main types:

  • according to the degree of fit;
  • type of geometric figure.

To properly compose your wardrobe, you just need to choose a silhouette that will perfectly emphasize the figure. From this approach depends on how harmoniously the clothes on the girl will look. You should not be frivolous in choosing clothes, because you don’t want to look ridiculous at all.

Types of silhouettes in tailoring

Since the trends of the season directly depend on the designers, it is they who focus their attention on certain silhouettes and thus set the fashion. Among the popular types of object outlines are:

1. Straight silhouette is geometric shape rectangle, which is characterized by narrow and extended tailoring. In this essay top part item must match the bottom. At the waist, attention is not focused.

2. Expanded - resembles the shape of a trapezoid. These are free-cut products with a fixed waistline. This was popular in the distant past, but now objects of moderate volume are in fashion.

3. The adjacent silhouette is a model that emphasizes the figure in all respects (we are talking about the line of the breasts, waist and hips). This effect is achieved with the help of a relief seam and darts.

4. Semi-adjacent - characterized by an incomplete fit along the line of the breasts, slightly loose towards the bottom. The waist in such an item does not stand out too much, the same applies to the hips. This type of silhouette unobtrusively repeats the outline of the figure.

5. Fitted - this is a girl's silhouette, which emphasizes the waist line, fitting snugly to it. Such tailoring focuses only on the midline of the body; top and bottom, in turn, can be from adjacent to free cut.

A-line dress

Dresses of this cut never went out of fashion. It's all about the simplicity of form and pleasant appearance. A-silhouette is a model that is characterized by a narrower top, where the fabric softly contours the shoulders, and a flared hem. Christian Dior was the first to introduce A-line dresses into fashion. It is thanks to this talented fashion designer that such a wardrobe item is known to us today.

This style was at the peak of popularity in the 60s, when every self-respecting fashionista was simply obliged to have this item in her wardrobe. The dress quickly came into use, as it gained popularity for its practicality. This model is perfect for everyday wear and festive. The fact is that the length of the product can vary from short to floor length.

Another reason why the model has gained such a response is that the style suits most ladies. Especially this model looks good on obese women whose hips are trouble spot. A-line dress emphasizes the waistline and hides the wide bottom.

Summing up

Understanding the styles of clothes is very interesting activity. Although fashion changes, the silhouettes still remain the same. Such knowledge will help you choose the right wardrobe for yourself. There is always the opportunity to experiment and find the most suitable silhouette. Photos of some models can be viewed above and analyze which one is right for you.
