What are the rules of good manners? Calm, just calm

It's never too late to engage in self-education. If you decide to radically change your behavior and become stylish and modern, then you need to learn the basic rules of etiquette and learn good manners.

  • Harmony of soul, body and mind. Such a harmonious connection allows you to be happy, which is what most representatives dream of fair half humanity
  • Each of them wants to love and be loved, to engage interesting thing, feel respected and have a good reputation in society. But all this is not as simple as it might seem at first glance. Behind this is a lot of work and hard work on yourself
  • Becoming a real lady is not an easy task. For this, it is not enough to dress well, have a beautiful and well-groomed appearance and do what you love. You must have an inner charm that will allow you to attract interest in your personality
  • This often happens when outwardly beautiful girl becomes uninteresting literally after 5 minutes of dialogue with her. Whereas a girl who is not very attractive in appearance, but at the same time quite self-confident, is able to attract the attention of others. She is polite, modest, knows how to carry on a conversation correctly, and has good manners in her behavior.
  • Good behavior cannot go unnoticed. However, in modern life It is extremely rare to find morally and spiritually strong personality, especially among young people. Therefore, it is never too late to engage in self-education. And we’ll look at how a girl can learn good manners in this article.

Girl has bad manners

First of all, let's look at what behaviors will never make a girl - a real lady. So, bad manners.

  • Increased curiosity in communication
  • Gossip with friends
  • Humiliation of the interlocutor's personality
  • Snitching in a team
  • meanness
  • Vulgarity and rudeness
  • Complacency

It's just short list those manners that you need to literally “erase” from your character. And this process must begin immediately.

Adult girl etiquette

A cultured person is, first of all, polite and tactful. To cultivate such qualities in yourself, you need to learn to clearly monitor your emotions and thoughts, that is, control yourself. For example, you are walking in the park, and suddenly someone rushes by at full speed and accidentally pushes you to the side. Naturally, the first thought that comes to your mind on a subconscious level is strong indignation. And it is precisely at this moment that you must control that your emotions do not turn into action, and that rude words do not “fly” out of your mouth in pursuit of the person who pushed you.

Important: You must learn to calmly and slowly perceive everything that happens around you. This will prevent you from committing rash acts.

Now think about what behavior might irritate people. This list is likely to be quite impressive, so you can list them on a piece of paper. Arrogance, loud laughter, swearing, smell of alcohol, etc. Work to ensure that there are no such moments in your behavior.

Watch how cultured people behave in society, on the street, in public transport. Try to instill such character traits in yourself. Behave modestly, do not argue in situations where this issue does not concern you. Do not show that you are smarter, more beautiful and more modern than your interlocutor. Remember that politeness and modesty have always adorned a person.

Etiquette for the 21st century girl. Etiquette of a modern girl

Now let's talk in more detail about how you should behave modern girl in society, at work, at a party, in communication with your man, with friends, let’s consider the etiquette of a girl’s clothing and decent behavior.

Speech etiquette for a girl

Let's start, perhaps, with the fact that speech etiquette for a girl this is not simple game memorized phrases. You need to learn how to communicate correctly with people in order to win over your interlocutor. You don't need any special knowledge for this. It is enough that your speech is filled with politeness towards your interlocutor. When choosing a form of greeting, fill it with feelings, do not forget to show with all your appearance that meeting a person is really pleasant for you. You can say hello different ways: kisses, handshakes or just kind words. The main thing is that it be heard by those to whom it is addressed, and not by everyone around. There is no need to pause during a meeting.

Never be afraid to say hello first, even if there is someone in front of you unknown man. Remember that the one who is better mannered says hello first.

Video: Features of speech etiquette

  • Suppose you are invited to visit. There is no need to follow those rules that say “guests are always late.” It's not cultural. Moreover, such behavior is nothing more than disrespect for the owners of the house
  • By the way, a cultured girl will not allow herself to be late for business meeting, to the theater, cinema and even to meet your friend or work colleague
  • When entering the house, be sure to greet all guests first. You should not check the rooms for cleanliness and run your eyes from one piece of furniture to another. Girls with good manners cannot afford such behavior
  • While visiting, try not to talk on the phone. If someone calls you at this time, politely ask the guests to apologize and step aside. Explain to your interlocutor that you are currently visiting and as soon as you are free, you will certainly call him back

  • Don’t look at your watch often – this can show your hosts that you are not interested in their place and are in a hurry to leave.

Etiquette rules for a girl on a date

  • If a properly brought up girl with good manners does not allow herself to be late for a visit, work or a business meeting, then with a date the situation is a little different. But this is kind of an exception to the rule
  • However, why do etiquette rules recommend that a girl be a little late for a meeting with a guy? It is believed that this is a kind of prevention for men
  • While he is waiting to meet the girl he likes, he has the opportunity to weigh everything again, to be alone with his thoughts and intentions
  • But you can only be slightly late for a date. If a guy waits too long for you, it may interpret this as disdain for him.
  • If this is your first date, and naturally the guy will shower you with a lot of compliments, then you shouldn’t tell him what efforts you make to look like this, where and how much you bought this outfit or mobile phone etc. Remember speech etiquette for a girl and its basic rules.

Never call a guy yourself after the first date - he should show interest in you himself.

Clothes etiquette for girls

As the saying goes: “You’re greeted by your clothes, you’re seen off by your mind.” This stereotype has become a part of our lives and has not lost its relevance at all times. A girl’s correctly selected wardrobe indicates her level of education.

Important: Clothing should always be appropriate to the atmosphere of the event and its setting. A well-mannered girl will never allow herself to appear at a social event with bright makeup and in a short leather skirt.

  • Clothes should be beautiful. This rule applies not only to the wardrobe, which is intended for going out into society, but also for home
  • A properly brought up girl will not allow herself to be in the house in an unkempt robe or nightgown, even an expensive one.
  • Home clothes should be comfortable, simple, neat and beautiful. You should always look beautiful and well-groomed in order to receive a sudden guest or go out at any time

  • Another rule is to cultivate a sense of tact and taste. Those girls who wear a lot of jewelry look defiant. There is one unwritten rule– wear no more than 13 pieces of jewelry. These include bracelets, earrings, chains, bright inserts, buttons, belts, etc.

An elegant woman is a good posture, which means a straight back, gently lowered shoulders, a tucked in stomach, straight legs at the knees, a raised chin and slightly bent elbows.

Restaurant etiquette rules for girls

Sooner or later, a moment comes in a girl’s life when she will be invited to dinner at a restaurant. The rules of restaurant etiquette begin right at the door of the establishment. The first person to enter a restaurant is always a man who approaches the metro-giver and inquires about availability. free seats. He must move the chair for the girl and help her sit down.

  • At a restaurant table you need to sit with a flat wall, not lean your elbows or cross your legs. Never wear makeup during lunch or talk on the phone unless you receive important call. Ordering is a man's lot. A lady can only express her wishes and consult with a man
  • In addition to the fact that a properly brought up girl knows what style of clothing to choose and how to apply makeup correctly, in a restaurant you will also be required to know how to properly arrange your handbag and umbrella
  • What do the rules of etiquette say in this case? If you have a clutch, you can put it on the table or on a nearby empty chair. The same applies to handbags small sizes. But with larger accessories you need to behave correctly - display them on public view, By at least, not tactfully. If possible, hang your bag over the back of a chair. Otherwise, you can put it under the table so that it does not interfere with you
  • When entering a room, immediately close your umbrella, even if it is wet. You cannot leave an open umbrella at the entrance with the intention that it will dry out better this way. In each restaurant, special accessories are provided for this case that allow you to leave umbrellas in them - take advantage of this

How to accept gifts for a girl? How should a girl behave in a relationship?

  • If you have a boyfriend, then behave with him the way you would like him to behave with you. Remember that, first of all, a guy wants to see femininity, understanding and beauty in his chosen one
  • Ease and ease in behavior always attract a man, regardless of his status and age. Give him the opportunity to feel stronger around you. But by giving him the palm, do not lose your own dignity
  • Learn to say “thank you” correctly! It is so customary in society that a man should please his woman with gifts. And how often you will receive them depends on how you accept his gift.
  • To be honest, modern women have forgotten how to accept gifts in such a way as to inspire a man to do this as often as possible. Many of the women limit themselves to a dry “thank you,” or, at most, a kiss on the cheek
  • But you must make sure that your man can also feel the joy of this event. Dry gratitude is not enough for him. He dreams of seeing delight in your eyes, joyful and sincere emotions

  • Express your gratitude with many pleasant and kind words and do not forget to note its exquisite taste even if in fact you are not particularly delighted

Rules of business etiquette at work

A set of laws called etiquette exists not only in social life, but also in a business environment. It's a kind of pass to the world business people and the standard of communication. It is customary to judge a person by his deeds, behavior and ability to build right relationship in the business field.

Therefore, compliance with the rules of business etiquette at work plays a significant role. We can talk endlessly about this, but we will try to briefly describe to you the most important rules etiquette:

1. Time is money. This means punctuality, respect for the interlocutor and his time. No person will enter into relationships with those who do not know how to plan their work day, sort out urgent and important matters and do not keep control over the course of all events

3. Dress code. Neat hairstyle, business style clothes and properly selected jewelry

4. Order on your desktop means order in your head

5. Workplace for work. It is not permissible to spend work time for gossip, empty talk and chatting on the phone

6. Be able to listen and hear. Business Etiquette involves hearing your opponent, and not just listening to him

7. A healthy atmosphere within the team, the basis of which is considered to be respectful and equal relationships between colleagues, goodwill and timely assistance if necessary

8. Compliance telephone etiquette. Telephone conversations in modern society are able to establish relationships between competitors and conduct negotiations correctly and in a timely manner. Telephone communication during business hours is permitted only for business purposes. Phone calls of a personal nature are permissible only in cases of extreme necessity

Calling etiquette rules

Phone calls have their time, just like business. Well-mannered man will not allow himself to disturb his friend with a phone call earlier than 8 a.m. and later than 10 p.m., unless this call has been agreed upon with him in advance.

  • The rules of etiquette dictate that if the mobile connection is interrupted during a conversation, then the person who called the first time needs to call back
  • If you are talking on the phone with stranger, be sure to address him as “you”
  • When you call, be sure to say hello and introduce yourself. When communicating, use only impersonal forms. It is not ethical to address the subscriber with words such as “girl”, “young man”, “woman”
  • Be sure to answer business calls within the first three rings. If you are calling, it is not customary to wait longer than six rings for the call. A business conversation cannot last more than 5 minutes
  • If you expect a longer conversation, be sure to ask the subscriber if he has the opportunity to devote 20-30 minutes to you, for example
  • If you are in a restaurant, put your mobile phone in your bag or pocket. Never put it on the table
  • It is not civilized to write messages or “sit” in social network while communicating with a real interlocutor
  • Never answer someone else's phone

Etiquette rules for girls in society

Not only the girl, but also everyone around her must follow the rules of behavior in society. It is known that society influences a person’s character. Therefore, if you decide to learn good manners, then you cannot part with them in any society, regardless of its level.

A decent girl will not allow herself to “fall face down in honest company,” but, on the contrary, will conquer those around her with her manners, appearance and upbringing.

  • Never respond to a greeting with “good afternoon.” in a short word- "Kind
    Behave in a calm, polite and courteous manner
  • When leaving the room, try to hold the door for the person following you
  • If the rules of etiquette in society allow a girl to wear a hat and gloves indoors, then you must take off your winter mittens and hat
  • The rules of etiquette prohibit everyone, without exception, from swearing, speaking loudly, discussing, laughing and gossiping

Etiquette rules for girls in company

Video: How to communicate beautifully? Rules of etiquette

Etiquette rules for girls with parents

Sooner or later in every girl's life there comes a time when a guy introduces her to his parents. This is always exciting for a girl and she tries in every possible way to produce best impression About Me. But don't overdo it!

  • Etiquette rules recommend remaining yourself, behaving calmly and civilly.
  • Don’t show your parents your excitement, but you also don’t need to hide it by randomly twisting the ring on your finger or straightening your hair.
  • When meeting for the first time, you should not take the initiative in the conversation - behave modestly and correctly, and sincerely answer your parents’ questions. Try not to talk about yourself unless you are asked to do so.
  • Spread out a glass of alcohol at the table throughout the evening and don’t fall for your future father-in-law’s tricks of pouring alcohol on
  • Don't refuse treats. Moreover, admire their taste
  • Do not bring any animals as a gift. It is also not customary to give perfume, underwear and cosmetics until you really get to know your parents’ taste.
  • Don't stay up late. When leaving, be sure to invite the groom's parents to visit in return.
  • Simplicity and naturalness are the main rules of modern and correct well-mannered girl. First of all, you need to respect yourself and be yourself. Then you won’t have to hide your complexes, laugh loudly in the theater or cinema, or avoid communicating with your loved ones
  • Simply, if something surprises you, be surprised; if it makes you happy, smile! But for yourself, not for others. Then those around you will be able to immediately notice this cute creature, with a bright and clean face, open, kind and well-mannered

How can a girl learn good manners?
Rules of social life for a girl

In conclusion, let's list 20 rules of female etiquette.

  1. Always be neat and tidy
    2. Do not wear more than 13 decorations, including bright buttons
    3. Avoid talking about money, health, politics and religion at the table.
    4. Don’t go on a visit without calling
    5. Do not dry the umbrella in open form in the office, at a party and in a restaurant
    6. Do not use plastic bags from the supermarket as bags.
    7. Do not place your bag on your lap or on your chair.
    8. Handbag for ladies, not for men
    9. Do not wear a hat and mittens indoors
    10. The man always enters the elevator first, and the one standing closest to the door exits.
    11. Do not discuss people who are not present in the company
    12. Address people over 12 years old as “you”
    13. Before opening the door of the room, be sure to knock
    14. Do not place your mobile phone on a table in a public place
    15. Do not write an SMS message while talking with a real interlocutor
    16. In a concert hall or a movie theater, walk towards those sitting
    17. You can’t laugh loudly and announce publicly that you’re on a diet.
    18. Observe speech etiquette
    19. In a restaurant, the one who says the phrase “I invite you” pays off.
    20. Be punctual and open to conversation

Etiquette rules - how to make an unforgettable impression

When the word “etiquette” is mentioned, most people think of complex table settings using dozens of cutlery, prim ladies and coldness. official events aristocratic houses. Meanwhile, etiquette is just a set of rules governing people’s behavior in a given situation. And even if you consider yourself a rebel, going against all the norms and rules of society, it never hurts to know the main rules of female etiquette. This is especially important when traveling, because very often the rules of conduct in different countries differ significantly, and what is customary in your homeland may surprise or even shock foreigners.

In that article we will talk about modern European rules of etiquette for women.

Etiquette of a modern girl

Everyday etiquette for girls includes the following basic rules:

  1. Any communication begins with a greeting. Its purpose is to express the joy and pleasure of the meeting. When greeting, you should take into account the degree of friendliness of the relationship. For distant acquaintances, a verbal greeting will be enough, close friend or a relative can be kissed on the cheek or given a light hug. However, you should maintain a balance between a lukewarm and an overly exuberant greeting. Remember that those with whom you greet should hear you, and not everyone around you within a radius of several meters. Avoid loud exclamations, violent hugs and noisy long kisses.
  2. IN rainy weather the guy holds an umbrella over the girl (if he is taller or the same height as her). If there is a significant difference in height, each person carries their own umbrella. When entering a room, remember the need to protect others from water flowing from your umbrella. To do this, use a cover or leave the umbrella in a special stand at the entrance.
  3. Eating on the street, especially while walking, is indecent. Of course, no one will forbid you to eat ice cream on a bench in the park, but you should not enter public transport, store or museum with a bitten hamburger or sandwich.
  4. You should come to visit exactly at the appointed time. Contrary to popular belief, guests should not be late. If you cannot arrive at the appointed time, be sure to notify the hosts about this. If you need to leave before other guests, do not invite unnecessary attention. Leave quietly, without fuss, and of course, do not forget to say goodbye to the owners and thank them for their welcome.
  5. Control your movements. Too active gesticulation not only disturbs others, but also does not look very nice.

Restaurant etiquette for girls

If you go to a restaurant with a gentleman, then, according to the rules, the guy enters the room first. Having taken the menu, he must give it to the girl, inviting her to choose first. Then he takes the menu himself, makes a choice and orders dishes for both of them.

You should not start eating before the order is brought to everyone present. The only exception is when other people themselves invite you to start the meal without waiting for them.

At the end of the meal, the cutlery is placed parallel to the plate. If you pause while eating, the cutlery should be placed crosswise.

While eating, you should not slurp, noisily sniff food or demonstratively pick at it. Eating with a knife or, sitting at the table, picking out particles of food stuck in the teeth are the rudest of possible violations etiquette.

If you accidentally dropped, scattered or spilled something, do not panic and do not rush headlong to correct your mistake. Spilled liquid should only be wiped up with a napkin, and spilled crumbs should not be brushed onto the floor.

Business etiquette for women

Clothing etiquette for business women provides for compliance with the classic official style in appearance. Ideal option there will be clothes business suit(jacket and trousers or skirt) in subdued tones. At the same time, an absolute coincidence of the “top” and “bottom” of the suit is not necessary - you have the right to combine, for example, sand jacket and a blue skirt.

The main requirement for any clothing is cleanliness and neatness. Make sure that your suit is always washed and ironed and has no stains or holes. Your hair and makeup should be just as neat. Taking care of your appearance means showing respect for others. But you shouldn’t clean yourself up (pull up your stockings, shine your shoes, straighten your hair, powder your nose, touch up your lips, or wipe off leaking mascara) in public. It's better to do this at home or in the ladies' room.

As you can see, modern etiquette for women it does not provide for overly complex rules or grueling responsibilities. It is enough just to be friendly, behave with restraint, but not constrained, and treat others with respect.

Someone said a long time ago that there is no such thing as friendship between a man and a woman. A very simple conclusion follows from this: even if they support friendly relations, some subtext of flirting is always present. You shouldn't be afraid of this. You just need to separate understatement and hints from simple communication, if it is not expected that they will move to a qualitatively new level in the near future. Well, if you really want them to move...
At a minimum, a girl’s behavior should not cause irritation and be pleasant in any environment.

Etiquette for communicating with a guy

Of course, we need to start with the simplest things. A girl should look good. This does not mean at all that she should wear expensive clothes, cosmetics, and perfume. Everything can be very simple, but carefully and tastefully chosen. Great importance has well-groomed arms and legs, suitable general image hairstyle.
It is equally important to maintain the same harmony in behavior. Active gestures and facial expressions, a loud voice and causing laughter cause rejection and will not help lead to continued meetings.

Modern emancipation should not completely hide from the eyes (and other senses) of a man that a girl needs his guardianship and care. To demonstrate this, trivial techniques from the rules of etiquette that have developed over many centuries are perfect.

  1. When approaching a chair near the table before dinner, you need to look back at it. This is enough for the man to help him sit up.
  2. When overcoming any obstacle, a man can (and should) offer his hand, otherwise he may be embarrassed to offer his hand first and end up in an ambiguous position (did not help).
  3. If a girl accidentally witnesses a meeting of her companion with acquaintances, she should not strive to accept Active participation in a conversation, a polite greeting and discreet attention are enough.

Etiquette with a guy

When communicating with a man, you should demonstrate your interest in him. A girl shouldn’t talk incessantly “to keep the conversation going.” A more favorable impression will be formed about her if, when asking suggestive questions, will provide an opportunity for your interlocutor to speak. This simplifies further communication and is good example in etiquette of behavior with a young man.

  • If a girl is invited to a restaurant and asked to choose a treat according to her own taste, she should choose something from the average price range: the cheapest dish will demonstrate that she is shy, the most expensive - her tactlessness (in case her companion limited budget). You shouldn’t run around every 15 minutes to “powder your nose” and chat on the phone.
  • Driving in a car requires certain skills. If a girl with a stranger, we have to wait until he opens the door for her (great, even if old friend doesn't forget about it). This way she won’t make a mistake with the place where she has to go. When getting into the car, you need to carefully lower yourself onto the edge of the seat, and then move your legs inside. When exiting, it is also better to first, turn slightly, place your feet on the ground, and then stand up.

What behavior of girls do guys like?

Finally, how to behave with a guy who has attracted your attention and likes him, with whom the girl would not mind continuing to get acquainted?
First of all, the girl establishes a distance. If she allows herself or the guy to violate her, then sympathy has arisen. This can be clearly demonstrated by random light touches(nobody canceled the “talking” looks).

On an intuitive level, if a man sees a girl constantly touching her hair and wrists, he understands that he has found his heart.

Many people forget about such seemingly simple truths, and then they are surprised for a long time that the man whom she really liked at the first meeting, and whom the girl would not mind getting to know better, suddenly disappeared. Do not push away the one who can become your only one with small carelessnesses and adhere to etiquette not only for getting to know each other and getting closer, but also in everyday life.

Etiquette - a set of rules good manners, knowledge of which for modern woman important today. Let's leave aside wisdom about table setting and high society - it doesn't happen that often in life. But at every step you have to deal with people who annoy you with their rudeness, slowness, and exactingness. Meanwhile, the main difference between an intellectual is not to cause trouble to others and at the same time not to deprive them of attention.

The last stronghold of manners and elegance on earth remains the London School of Etiquette. This bastion dispassionately declared the habit of placing a cell phone on a restaurant table as bad manners - it seems we are all on the blacklist. Let's see what else you should abstain from during a group meal.

Table manners

  1. Even if you are very hungry, a plate of food is already in front of you, and the others have not yet received their food, wait for them. You can’t pounce on appetizers and salads alone, as this will instantly ruin your reputation. And even in family circle do not allow a “solo” feast. You can start when the owner sits down and takes a napkin.
  2. There is only one exception to the rules: if the owner of the table or other guests ask not to wait for them. Some dishes take time and lose their taste as they cool down: in order not to miss the pleasure, you will be asked to start - then go for it.
  3. During lunch/dinner, only those items that are directly related to the meal are allowed on the table. Sunglasses, smartphones, books and keys must be removed as soon as the dishes are placed in front of the guests.
  4. If you are expecting an important call or SMS, you don’t need to publicly “flip through” your smartphone, every now and then take it out of your pocket and look through your mail. Get up from the table, apologize and go into another room - and only monitor the gadget there.
  5. Everyone knows that for some reason they don’t like inveterate teetotalers in companies, they bypass them or even try to surreptitiously get them drunk. Experts from the same London school are confident that the point is a categorical refusal: the phrase “I don’t drink” sounds like a challenge to those who don’t mind getting wet. And since we live in times of tolerance, so as not to hurt the feelings of those who drink, use the phrase: “Thank you, not today.” And then let them think for themselves why you are abstaining now.
  6. They don’t say this out loud, but many people find it unpleasant when their dining companion generously pours mayonnaise or ketchup on delicacies - this reveals an undemanding taste. Even if you eat dumplings hand sculpted, for which God himself ordered fatty or hot sauce, dose the portion.
  7. As an experiment, record a video of yourself eating food. Things are bad if you slurp, swallow food noisily, “sip” air, suck your fingers, sniffle. Fortunately, if you take control of yourself, dinners with your company will soon become enjoyable.
  8. For some time now, most offices have been equipped with kitchens. On the one hand, this is convenient, on the other hand, it is painful, because some people don’t realize that specific smell food annoys others. According to general opinion, it is simply criminal to heat any fish and dishes with it, fried meat and cutlets, stewed cabbage, cabbage rolls, offal like liver and liver, and cabbage soup in a shared microwave.
  9. Very few people know how to combine conversation with eating. Distorted facial expressions and diction, open mouth with unnecessary details process, danger of choking - leave it in the past. If you want to say something, chew and push your speech.
  10. There is a toothpick and sometimes dental floss on the restaurant table. But God forbid you use them in front of everyone: they quietly took you and marched to the restroom.
  11. Traces of lipstick on a glass are considered in bad taste almost since the invention of this cosmetic product. To remain not only a beautiful, but also a well-mannered woman, blot your lips with a napkin in advance, and only after that take a sip. Hide the napkin in your purse, and after dinner you can touch up your lips again.
  12. Let's say a certain dish or bread basket caught your attention. There is no need to stretch, stand up, or loudly demand - calmly ask the person sitting nearby to pass the plate.
  13. Before you put something from a common plate on your own, ask the neighbors on your right and left hand, if they would like to join. If you agree, groom them first. Same with drinks, ask to stop when you have had enough.
  14. If you are invited to visit, don’t ask, you can take your girlfriend or boyfriend with you. If this is acceptable, the party hosts will offer it themselves. By the way, the question is: “Who else will be there?” inappropriate.
  15. The same rule works in reverse side When you are hosting a celebration at your place, make sure that the evening is planned without children, whether the number of people is limited or not.

Telephone etiquette and its basic rules

  1. The real scourge of our time is smartphones; fortunately, people have slowly realized that minibuses, public transport and in general public places not suitable for busy people telephone conversations. If you receive a call, apologize and ask when you can call back.
  2. Always warn the telephone interlocutor about turning on the speakerphone - so as not to get into trouble if he talks about something in front of strangers that is intended only for you.
  3. As soon as the subscriber answers, greet and ask if it is convenient for him to talk now; if not, specify the time when you can disturb him again.
  4. Take pictures when talking sunglasses and take out both (!) headphones. If the interlocutor did not do the same, this is not a reason to remain “in your own way” - in the end, this way you narrow the channels of perception and at the same time become like an ignoramus.
  5. When in any establishment, put your phone on vibration mode - yes, yes, now the rule applies not only to the cinema, theater and hospital.


  1. Queues have become a rare occurrence these days, but they do happen. And then it’s really annoying if those in front haven’t made their choice. For example, at the meat counter: “What do you recommend? I don’t know, maybe I should take some minced meat... I’ll take half a kilo. Although let's give one and a half, so that we can make both cutlets and meatballs. Although no, still goulash. Or a clipping..." If you recognize yourself, stop immediately, this behavior reveals your disorganization and disregard for others. Formulate your request and don’t let your thoughts wander.
  2. Continuing the theme: while standing in line, prepare bank card or wallet in advance so that fiddling around in your bag does not delay the process.
  3. Let's say that after choosing a product, you change your mind. There is no need to place it on the nearest surface, take it to its place - especially if the product needs to be frozen.
  4. Confused by the seller's intrusiveness? Reply that you want to inspect the assortment yourself and, if you need help, seek advice. Do not get annoyed or reprimand the employee for long monologues of “advantageous offers”: he does not act this way of his own free will, this is a requirement of the owners of the retail chain.

Rules of etiquette in communication

  1. It happens that we need the help of others, be it colleagues or friends. Formulate your request politely, without blackmail, and do not impose conditions. If you ask for a replacement, do without moralizing, like: “Come on without being late.”
  2. Unsolicited advice is an absolute evil, if you can’t restrain yourself, at least preface your speech with the phrase: “If you allow me, I’ll give you advice.”
  3. And here is the rule we were waiting for: the door is opened by the one who is closer, without reference to male or female gender. And always hold the door for those following.
  4. If you are walking with a man and he says hello to a stranger, you need to do the same.

And finally, treat people the same way you would like to be treated. These are general rules good form for modern women.

IN modern world not knowing the rules of etiquette means spitting against the wind, exposing yourself to uncomfortable position. Unfortunately, many perceive adherence to certain norms and rules of communication as something shameful, considering it a sign of highbrow aesthetes who are completely far from real life. However, these people forget that rude and insensitive behavior can cause the same reaction in return.

In fact, the basics of etiquette are quite simple. This is a culture of speech, basic politeness, a neat appearance and the ability to manage one’s emotions. Both apply to both men and women.

  1. If you say the phrase: “I invite you” - this means you pay. Another formulation: “Let’s go to a restaurant,” - in this case, everyone pays for themselves, and only if the man himself offers to pay for the woman, can she agree.
  2. Never don't come visit without calling. If you are visited without warning, you can afford to wear a robe and curlers. One British lady said that when uninvited guests appear, she always puts on shoes, a hat and takes an umbrella. If a person is pleasant to her, she will exclaim: “Oh, how lucky, I just came!” If it’s unpleasant: “Oh, what a pity, I have to leave.”
  3. You shouldn't ask a girl out on a date through and, even more so, to communicate with her like that.
  4. Do not place your smartphone on a table in public places. By doing this, you show how important a role your communication device plays in your life and how much you are not interested in the annoying chatter going on around you. At any moment you are ready to leave useless conversations and once again check your Instagram feed, answer an important call or get distracted to find out what fifteen new levels have been released in Angry Birds.
  5. Man never doesn't wear women's bag . AND woman coat he takes it only to carry it to the locker room.
  6. Shoes should always be clean.
  7. If you are walking with someone and your companion greets you with a person, should say hello and you.
  8. Many people believe that you can only eat with chopsticks. However, this is not entirely correct. Unlike women, men can eat sushi with their hands.
  9. Don't make idle chatter on the phone. If you need an intimate conversation, it is better to meet with a friend face to face.
  10. If you are insulted, you should not respond with similar rudeness, and, moreover, raise your voice at the person who insulted you. Don't get down to his level. Smile and politely move away from the ill-mannered interlocutor.
  11. On the street the man should walk to the left of the lady. Only military personnel can walk on the right and must be ready to perform a military salute.
  12. Drivers must remember that in cold blood splashing passers-by with mud is a blatant lack of culture.
  13. A woman may not take off her hat and gloves indoors, but not a hat and mittens.
  14. Nine things you should keep secret: age, wealth, a gap in the house, prayer, composition of a medicine, love affair, gift, honor and dishonor.
  15. When you come to the cinema, theater, or concert, you should go to your seats only facing those sitting. The man goes first.
  16. A man always enters a restaurant first, main reason- By this characteristic The head waiter has the right to draw conclusions about who is the initiator of coming to the establishment and who will pay. In case of arrival big company- the one from whom the invitation to the restaurant came first enters and pays. But if a doorman meets visitors at the entrance, the man must let the woman through first. Then he finds empty seats.
  17. Never you should not touch a woman without her desire, take her hand, touch her during a conversation, push her or take her by the arm above the elbow, except when you are helping her get on or off a vehicle, or cross the street.
  18. If someone calls you impolitely (for example: "Hey, you!"), you should not respond to this call. However, there is no need to lecture or educate others during a short meeting. It is better to teach a lesson in etiquette by example.
  19. Golden Rule when using perfume - moderation. If in the evening you smell your perfume, know that everyone else has already suffocated.
  20. A well-mannered man will never allow himself to fail to show his due. respect for a woman.
  21. In the presence of a woman, a man smokes only with her permission.
  22. Whoever you are - director, academician, elderly woman or a schoolboy - entering the room, say hello first.
  23. Maintain confidentiality of correspondence. Parents should not read letters intended for their children. Spouses should do the same towards each other. Anyone who rummages through the pockets of loved ones in search of notes or letters is acting extremely rudely.
  24. Don't try to keep up with fashion. It's better to look not fashionable, but good, than bad.
  25. If after an apology you are forgiven, you should not return to the offensive issue and ask for forgiveness again, just don't repeat these mistakes.
  26. Laughing too loudly, chatting noisily, staring staring at people is offensive.
  27. Don't forget to thank your loved ones people, relatives and friends. Their good deeds and the willingness to offer one’s help is not an obligation, but an expression of feelings worthy of gratitude.

I am very sensitive to the rules of good manners. How to pass a plate. Don't shout from one room to another. Do not open closed door without knocking. Let the lady go first. The purpose of all these countless simple rules- make life better. We cannot live in a state of chronic war with our parents - this is stupid. I take great care of my manners. This is not some kind of abstraction. This is a language of mutual respect that everyone understands.

American actor Jack Nicholson
