How to get rid of a wound faster. How to Heal Cuts Quickly (Using Easy Natural Remedies)

Some of the most annoying injuries people encounter are facial wounds. They are visible to the naked eye and spoil appearance and lower a person’s self-esteem. At improper treatment and caring for such damage leaves scars that sometimes cannot be hidden even with the help of cosmetics.

Small wounds on the face can be quickly treated at home; large injuries require a visit to a surgeon and the use of special medications.

Features of facial skin damage

Wounds can form in any area of ​​the face according to various reasons:

  • mechanical and thermal damage;
  • exposure to chemicals;
  • surgical intervention;
  • acne;
  • dermatological or infectious diseases.

Compared to wounds on other parts of the body, the treatment of injuries on the face has some peculiarities due to anatomical features:

  • active facial expressions;
  • constant muscle movement;
  • close location of blood vessels;
  • a very thin layer of fat cells.

In case of significant damage to the skin and muscles of the face, sutures can be applied within 36 hours. In other areas of the body, tissues need to be sutured within 24 hours to avoid microbes from penetrating into the deeper layers of the skin.

Possible difficulties during treatment

Anatomical features may cause some difficulties in the healing process of injuries on the face:

  • Edge separation. When wounds occur big size in the lower two-thirds of the face, healing may be slower due to facial movements.
  • Intense bleeding that is difficult to stop.
  • Infection. The penetration of microbes occurs when the rules of wound treatment are violated, therefore, in case of significant damage to the facial skin, local and general antibiotics are often prescribed.
  • The occurrence of edema accompanies almost all injuries on the face. This not only affects the appearance of the victim, but can also slow down the tissue healing process.

In addition, almost all wounds on the face cause discomfort to a person when eating and communicating. Due to the constant movement of the facial muscles, the victim experiences discomfort and pain.

At the same time, healing of wounds on the face occurs faster than with tissue damage in other areas. This is due to a large number of capillaries and intense blood circulation. Active nutrition of tissues with oxygen accelerates regeneration. Healing of injuries near the mouth occurs faster than in other areas of the face due to the special structure of the tissues.

Treatment rules

Minor injuries can be successfully treated at home. To do this, you must first clean them of contaminants and treat them with an antiseptic. If the injury is large, contacting a surgeon cannot be delayed.

Professional help may also be needed after a few days of treating a small wound at home. The reason for contacting medical institution may cause a sharp deterioration in the condition of the wound (the appearance of pus, swelling, divergence of the edges), the opening of bleeding.

The specialist will assess the severity of the damage using several parameters:

  • size;
  • depth;
  • presence of infection.

Redness indicates possible infection. severe swelling fabrics, heat at the site of damage.

After the examination, the surgeon performs several actions:

  • treats the edges of the wound with a professional antiseptic;
  • applies stitches to the damage (if necessary);
  • gives an anti-tetanus injection (if necessary);
  • informs about the rules of care.

The wound on the face needs to be treated several times a day. If the damage is deep or covers a large area, this should be done in a clinic.

Whatever the wound, you should follow several recommendations:

  • Treatment cannot be delayed; the sooner therapy is started, the faster tissue healing will occur and the lower the risk of complications.
  • Do not treat the wound with iodine or medical alcohol. Concentrated liquids will burn the edges, which may delay tissue healing. In addition, such actions can leave marks on the skin, which will be very difficult to get rid of.
  • For initial treatment, it is recommended to dilute alcohol or iodine boiled water, or use hydrogen peroxide, furatsilin solution or boric alcohol.
  • Do not stop bleeding with adhesive tape. It will reduce oxygen supply to damaged tissues and slow down scarring. If the wound is bleeding, after treatment you need to stop the bleeding using sterile wipes. The patch is applied a few days after the injury and changed several times a day.
  • For increase general immunity It is recommended to take during treatment vitamin complexes. During this period, it is recommended to cancel all diets and eat more protein and plant foods. Improving your health will speed up the regeneration process.
  • Choose the right form medicines. On initial stage It is forbidden to use oily ointments and fatty creams, they are much more effective after tightening the edges of the wound.
  • If the damage does not heal for several days or signs of infection appear, antibiotics are prescribed.

First aid immediately after an injury to the face is carried out in several stages:

  • removal of contaminants;
  • antiseptic treatment;
  • applying a bandage (sterile bandage or napkin).

You cannot keep the wound closed all the time; the bandage must be removed several times a day to ensure oxygen access.

To speed up the healing process, you must strictly follow your doctor’s recommendations and protect the wound from exposure to high and low temperatures, high humidity and ultraviolet radiation. Until the end of regeneration, it is not recommended to visit the beach, swimming pool, solarium and sauna.

Medicines, creams, ointments for quick treatment of wounds on the face

The rate of healing of a facial wound depends on the medications used and adherence to the care instructions received at the hospital.

Wound treatment products can be divided into several groups:

  • bactericidal;
  • drying;
  • accelerating cell regeneration;
  • antibiotics (if necessary).

Wounds are treated with bactericidal agents immediately after injury and before each application of other medications to wet areas. These include the already mentioned hydrogen peroxide, manganese solution and iodine and medical alcohol diluted with water. After the wound has dried, these drugs are not used.

Drying agents include drugs in the form of aqueous solutions or jelly. They do not block the access of oxygen to tissues, protect against penetration of microbes into the wound and accelerate the formation of a crust. These include:

  • Solcoseryl (gel).

The drug from Switzerland is obtained from purified calf blood, which activates the production of collagen in the skin. The gel is applied to the damaged area in a thin layer several times a day. The drug is used for all types of burns, ulcers, deep and superficial injuries.

  • Actovegin - Russian analogue Solcoseryl.
  • Eplan (water solution or napkins). The drug has antibacterial, analgesic and regenerating effects. The product is applied to the skin several times a day, the wound heals approximately three days after the start of use.

After the wound heals and stops getting wet, you can apply ointments and creams to it. They will create a protective film on the surface, speed up recovery and soften dry skin.

Tissue regeneration occurs due to components that accelerate collagen synthesis and metabolic processes in cells. Such drugs include:

  • Levomekol is a combined action ointment: regenerating, anti-inflammatory and antibacterial. It can even be applied to infected wounds. Levomekol is used to heal burns, incised wounds, and purulent boils.
  • Rescuer is an ointment that is used for any skin damage. The product has an analgesic and anti-inflammatory effect, normalizes blood circulation and relieves swelling.
  • Bepanten. The ointment stimulates tissue regeneration, moisturizes and protects against the penetration of microbes.
  • Contatubex is an ointment that heals wounds and prevents the formation of scars.
  • Panthenol. The regenerating, anti-inflammatory and analgesic agent is available in the form of a spray, ointment and cream.
  • Solcoseryl and Actovegin in the form of ointment.

When wounds on the face become inflamed, antibacterial agents are applied to them after treatment with an antiseptic. This group includes several drugs: Baneocin (powder), Tetracycline ointment, Levomekol.

You cannot use the listed remedies without consulting a doctor.

Traditional medicine to speed up healing

You can also take care of damaged facial skin using products you prepare yourself:

  • Lotions from fresh juice aloe or Kalanchoe is applied to the wounds for 10-15 minutes several times a day.
  • Homemade ointment made from Vaseline (butter) and plantain. 1 part of the crushed leaves of the plant is mixed with 5 parts of Vaseline. The product is applied to the lesions 3-5 times a day. An ointment with calendula is prepared in the same way.
  • To speed up healing, apply a thin layer of badger fat to the skin several times a day.

You can use the above remedies only after the wound stops getting wet in combination with medications.

How long can wounds take to heal?

Regeneration of tissue on the face takes place in 2 stages. Their duration depends on the size of the damage and the state of health of the person. How long it takes to heal a wound is difficult to determine. The healing stage lasts from several days to a month, during which time the wound becomes scarred. At the next stage, the appearance of the damaged area is finalized.

The final result (whether the scar will remain and what size it will be) depends to a large extent on how the damage was cared for and treated.

Possible consequences

At improper care behind a wound on the face, tissue infection may occur. This will not only slow down the healing process, but also threaten unpleasant complications:

  • general blood poisoning;
  • necrotization of surrounding tissues;
  • damage to the facial nerves.

One of the consequences of facial damage is the formation of scars. To reduce them, you can use special creams that activate collagen production, exfoliate dead cells and even out the color of tissues.

The products are applied several times a day only to the scar, without affecting healthy skin. You can start using such products only after the scar has hardened (after 2-3 months).

In addition to scar creams, you can use oils that are rubbed into colloidal tissue.

The scar remedy is effective if the injury mark is small. In cases where the scar area is significant, resort to cosmetic procedures, For example, laser resurfacing face or acid peeling.

Every person in the course of daily activities receives minor cuts, cracks, abrasions, minor burns or other superficial wounds of the skin. These small wounds are often very annoying, without being serious enough injuries to warrant a visit to the doctor. Typically, these changes are not dangerous, but can cause great discomfort. This is why it is very important to speed up the healing process. So how can you heal a wound quickly?

Acute and chronic wounds

Wounds are divided into acute and chronic. Acute ones occur after cuts or operations. These wounds heal quickly (2-7 days) and, if properly cared for, are not a serious problem. Chronic wounds, those that do not heal within a week, even despite maintaining hygiene. In this situation, it becomes necessary not only to treat wounds, but, above all, to find the reasons for this. Wounds that do not heal may indicate a serious illness in the body.

Chronic wounds more often affect older people. There may be several reasons. Worse tissue regeneration, inability of the elderly to treat the wound, serious illnesses, for example, does not respond well to wound treatment in diabetes (constantly increased level blood sugar leads to damage to the arteries, a process that ends in injury and even amputation of the foot) or venous insufficiency, when the wounds are the result of a malnutrition of the tissues of the leg.
A wound that does not heal within two weeks should be cause for concern. Especially when there are additional symptoms - redness, swelling or pain - that indicate infection or inflammation. You should then immediately go to the doctor to determine the cause. The earlier treatment is carried out, the greater the chances for fast healing.

  • 1. Formation of wounds

In order to understand what are the possibilities for accelerating the process and what substances can affect the healing process, it is worth referring to the individual stages of the process. Damage to the skin triggers an inflammatory response, which leads to the accumulation of fluid on the surface, which contains, among other things, growth factors, and whose main function is to stimulate the proliferation and migration of immune cells to the wound area. These substances work best in a moist environment, and drying an open wound will significantly prolong the healing process. Under the influence of the above factors, epithelial cells and intact hair follicles grow to cover the site of injury and lead to the formation of new epithelium covering the wound. In this case, the wound heals without scars.

  • 2. Stages of wound healing

As we can see, the healing process is complex and involves many of our body's defense and regeneration mechanisms.

First of all, it is very important for the healing process proper cleansing wounds. The skin should be cleansed under the jet cold water or an inert liquid, such as saline. The use of substances containing alcohol, iodine to clean damaged skin is not advisable, and the use of such compositions can further irritate the skin and cause large wounds. In addition, such opening of the wound causes drying, which delays the regeneration process of the epidermis and makes it an easy target for microbes. To speed up the healing process, keeping the wound surface moist is important. This environment delays crust formation. After cleaning the wound, it is worth applying a substance that provides a moist environment in the area of ​​damaged skin.

Several types of bacteria always live on human skin, which usually do not pose a danger to the body, but when the skin is damaged, there is a risk of infection. In addition, in the case of wounds, abrasions and burns, we are exposed to a number of bacteria in the external environment. That is why the drug applied to the wound surface must have antibacterial properties.

  • 3. Accelerate wound healing

A good choice for these minor skin lesions is a combination product that comes in the form of an ointment for topical application to the skin. The dosage form provides sufficient moisture to the wound so that the healing process continues as quickly as possible. It is desirable that such a composition has a composition of active substances with antibacterial activity. The influence of antibiotics reduces the risk of the emergence of resistant strains.

Stages of healing

Wounds, scratches, cuts happen every day. To make it easier to understand first aid in such cases, you should know the four stages of treatment:

1. Inflammation

The body's immediate defense response to any injury is to dilate the blood vessels to speed up the transport of blood to the injured tissue - the blood vessels become more permeable, allowing fluids and white blood cells (leukocytes) to be transferred from the blood to the tissues. Increased blood flow causes unpleasant but transient symptoms:

  • - increase in tissue temperature due to increased blood circulation;
  • - redness due to vasodilation (dilation of blood vessels);
  • - swelling caused by exudation of blood to the tissues;
  • - pain due to increased tension and excess fluid in the tissues.

2. Thrombus

After a wound, for at least 10 minutes, depending on the extent of the injury, the body forms a clot (thrombus) that connects the edges of the wound to prevent excessive blood loss.

3. Removal of dead tissue.

White blood cells begin the process of absorbing microorganisms, dead cells and foreign substances, having previously cleaned the wound area. The damaged cells are then isolated chemical substances to stimulate blood flow and attract more white blood cells to the site of injury. Dead white blood cells containing excess microorganisms and decomposition products are partially removed through the lymphatic system and partially form purulent discharge.

4. Wound healing.

In the following days, general tissue and epithelium grow to replace the damaged skin surface. In case of extensive injuries, a scar forms over the entire surface of the wound. The immune system and white blood cells play another important role - they produce antibodies that help the body fight infection. Therefore, the healing process goes smoothly if general state The patient's health is good. A weakened immune system significantly reduces the body's ability to fight infections and impairs wound healing. Fever, which occurs with extensive injuries from infection, is part of a protective mechanism - it helps fight infection (increased body temperature does not encourage the growth of harmful microorganisms) and speeds up the healing process (fever increases the flow of blood and nutrients to the area of ​​injury).

First aid

  • - Stop the bleeding

A bleeding wound requires immediate application of direct pressure. A piece is placed on the wound site pure material absorbing moisture, such as gauze bandages, towels or napkins and press tightly. If possible, the victim himself should clamp the wound, because he knows better with what force to do this. In general, pressure stops bleeding within 1-2 minutes. If blood leaks out, apply another layer of material and continue applying pressure. It is safe to apply a sterile compress to open wounds. Very heavy bleeding can be quickly controlled by using a hemostatic agent.

  • – Reduced pressure in damaged blood vessels

Wounds should be treated as soon as possible to prevent infection and skin trauma. The entire area around the injury site is washed with soap and water, hydrogen peroxide, antiseptic or water. This reduces the number of bacteria, foreign objects and dead tissue fragments that threaten the wound. The wound (wound surface) should be carefully washed with water and gauze or a cotton swab 2 times a day, from the wound outward, to avoid infection by skin bacteria. Then apply the patch and leave it overnight. The patch should only be applied when the wound is wet.

  • — Wound dressings

Exposure to air causes crusting to form, which slows down the process of growing new cells. Therefore, a sterile bandage with plastic or gauze coated with Vaseline is applied to the wound. This prevents the wound from drying out and allows a small amount of air to flow in. Cell regeneration is faster in moist tissues.
After the bleeding stops, wrap the wound with an elastic bandage in the right direction - the blood should flow freely. The bandage must be controlled; it should not interfere with blood circulation.

Ways to accelerate wound healing

In modern restorative medicine, hygiene without the use of chemicals is preferred. The method of maintaining hygiene affects the rate of healing of all skin lesions. Chemical cleaning Wound products (soaps, gels, shampoos, etc.) can irritate the wound and delay the healing process, but cleaning is necessary to prevent the development of a secondary infection.
That's why original solution is to comply daily hygiene using natural air-water sterilizing effect. Thanks to this, the healing process proceeds without interference, is enhanced and occurs much faster. In addition, microbubbles perform a unique micro-massage that stimulates blood flow within the wound. For these reasons, consistent use of microbubbles in daily hygiene significantly reduces the appearance of scars.
Japanese water nanotechnology experts have developed and patented home generators of medicinal bubbles in the form of shower heads and systems, bath faucets.

Traditional medicine for healing

Herbal infusions and oils can be added to the bath to further enhance the therapeutic effect.

Wound healing herbs.
The compress is soaked in a cooled and strained herbal solution and then applied to the wound. Recommended tinctures: nettle, sage, yarrow and St. John's wort.
Ointment for wounds.
The best are ointments containing broad-spectrum antibiotics, for example, Fenistil or Bipanten. People using antibacterial ointments show 30% faster healing and less scarring. Popular ointments containing preservatives can cause allergies - redness and itching around the wound, which can cause a secondary infection. Preparations containing components are the best alternative For local treatment wounds with pharmaceuticals. Recommended: green clay, honey, ointments based on echinacea, arnica, calendula and oregano, broom oil, coconut, argan oil and essential oils to support wound healing:

  • rosemary oil;
  • bergamot essential oil;
  • patchouli oil;
  • rose oil;
  • geranium oil

Allantoin facilitates the separation of necrotic tissue and wound cleansing, stimulates the epidermal mucous membranes and skin. Hyaluronic acid as a component of the skin plays a key role in all stages of wound healing: accelerates scarring of wounds and clot formation (according to at least 3 times faster). Promotes epidermis renewal. Hyaluronate containing preparations are recommended as a supplement for the healing of all types of wounds.

You should contact a DOCTOR in the following cases::

  • - the blood from the wound is pulsating and its color is light red - this may be due to damage to the artery;
  • - it is not possible to remove all foreign bodies from the wound;
  • - injury to a place where there should not be a scar, for example, the face;
  • — there is pus around the wound or redness at the edges of the wound wider than a finger;
  • - a large wound in which the bottom is visible - it needs to be stitched up!
  • - the wound is deep and can cause damage to blood vessels, nerves, tendons, ligaments and/or muscles (for example, puncture wounds.)
  • - wound caused by a bullet - gunshot wound;
  • - any wound on the head, serious wounds to the abdomen and chest;
  • - the injury does not begin to heal within 24 hours;
  • - Anti-tetanus injections are needed. A large surface of the wound and its contamination with earth, objects that were in the ground, and dust are indications for the administration of anti-tetanus serum. If you don't remember when last time received a dose of the vaccine, be sure to consult a doctor on the day of injury!

If the wound does not heal - reasons

It is true that chronic wounds are difficult to heal, especially in older people. However, problems with the wound are often associated with non-compliance with the rules of behavior - the wrong choice of hygiene, medication or neglect of them. Very often, therapeutic measures are aimed only at the wound, and not at removing the cause. And this is a mistake! Wound healing depends primarily on the underlying disease.

The most common mistakes that prevent wounds from healing are changing dressings too often.

The rule is this: the dressing should be changed as often as necessary and as little as possible. In the case of chronic wounds, it is changed once a week, and in case of copious discharge from the wound - every 2-3 days. Frequent change damages the new one, soft cloth and destroys reparative processes.

The second mistake is pouring disinfectant liquids into the wound (for example, hydrogen peroxide or salicylic alcohol, as well as iodine).

Wounds are also not treated with antibiotics. These disinfectants and antibiotics cause damage to healthy cells and slow wound healing.

The safest environment for a wound is normal saline and drugs that prevent the access of pathogenic microorganisms and infections from the outside, but do not damage environment wounds. Vaseline or zinc-based ointment also cannot be classified as a good solution. They are used only to protect the skin around the wound.

  • 1. Wounds are washed with saline, 0.9% or Ringer's solution. You should not use disinfectants - alcohol, iodine or hydrogen peroxide, because they destroy the newly formed very delicate skin and granulation newly formed tissues.
  • 2. Avoid frequent and excessive application of ointments, creams and gels to the wound (without consulting a doctor).
  • 3. The wound should be kept in a moist environment, thanks to modern dressings. They do not stick to the wound surface and therefore do not cause tissue damage or pain.
  • 4. The skin around the wound is nourished with preparations with a slightly acidic pH, which inhibits the growth of harmful bacteria.
  • 5. The wound should not have any contact with clothing and the dressing should be placed so as to prevent contamination.
  • 6. Depending on the stage of healing, the doctor indicates the frequency of changing the dressings, preferably once a week.

Preparations for rapid wound healing

There are hundreds of different types of drugs. They can be divided into following types:

  • hydrogels (for example Intrasitegel, aquagel) - capable of absorbing exudate, maintaining high humidity, and also having cleansing properties, which leads to hydration of necrotic tissues;
  • hydrocolloids (for example Granuflex, Tegasorb), which are in the form of layered plates and upon contact with exudate form a gel, which occurs during the granulation process;
  • dextromers (for example, Acudex, Debrisan) - dressing materials consisting of polysaccharide grains that form a gel upon contact with wound exudate; used to treat large, deep and infected bedsores;
  • alginates dressings (for example, Kaltrostat, Tegagel.) - Dressings, natural polysaccharides obtained from seaweed with very high absorbent properties;
  • semi-permeable polyurethane film (for example, Opsite, Tegaderm.) - Capable of ensuring free evaporation of wound exudate from the surface, but not permeable to water and bacteria from the outside.

How to speed up wound healing?

1. Medicines applied locally

The classic patch or bandage has now been replaced by so-called hydrocolloid dressings. Preparations of this type Fenistil for wounds. Acid hydrocolloid creates optimal conditions for wound healing. Provides sufficient moisture to dry wounds, absorbs excess wound exudate, protects against external factors. As a result, the dressing hydrocolloid accelerates tissue repair and reduces scar formation. Such a dressing can be applied to the wound surface, such as minor abrasions, cuts and wounds - bedsores. They should not, however, be applied to purulent wounds. The drugs are applied directly to the wound. In addition, you can apply a regular bandage or plaster on top.

To speed up the healing of serious wounds, Solcoseryl is prescribed in the form of a gel on a wet wound and Solcoseryl ointment on a dry wound and Curiosin gel. The drugs are applied to the cleaned wound 2 times a day. The active ingredient of Solcoseryl is dialysate from the blood of calves, which facilitates access of oxygen and nutrients to the cells inside the wound. In Curiosin, the active component is zinc hyaluronate, which ensures adequate hydration and an appropriate response of inflammatory cells.

For slow-healing, purulent wounds, medications can be used to speed up cleaning. Ichthyol ointment has an anti-inflammatory effect, slightly astringent. It can be used for boils, 2-3 times a day. Medicines may temporarily irritate the skin.

The new skin that forms must be properly hydrated and nourished from the outside. It is necessary to use ointments or moisturizing creams with allantoin (Alantan), dexpanthenol (Bephanten, Dermopanten), vitamin ointments. The creams are safe and can be used several times a day for adults and children.

2. Diet and nutritional supplements to speed up healing

For large cuts, surgical wounds, it is important to supplement the amount of vitamin C in the body. It participates, together with the amino acids lysine and proline, in the formation of collagen, which is a kind of scaffolding for cells. The body cannot synthesize vitamin C and lysine, so it must be obtained through diet. Lysine-rich foods include hard cheeses, legumes, fish, and meat. Take vitamin C supplements high content- 1 g, preferably of natural origin.

Before operations, as well as to promote skin regeneration, it is worth enriching your diet with omega-3 preparations, taking linseed oil, B vitamins, especially vitamin B5, vitamin A and E.

What can you eat to speed up healing?

One thing to keep in mind is that the wound healing process is supported by carnosine. Typically, the main source of carnosine is beef and pork. If, however, for various reasons, the patient cannot eat meat, drugs containing carnosine must be taken. Carnosine is thought to aid in the healing of bedsores (and prevent the formation of new bedsores), but it actually helps in the healing of all wounds. Colostrum, or the first milk that is produced after childbirth, is a unique immune support system. Colostrum accelerates the healing of all types of wounds.

Open sores and wounds on the face can cause many problems because they cannot be hidden as easily as on other parts of the body. Such wounds can appear as a result acne, herpes or chafing. To quickly get rid of them, keep your skin clean, moisturize and do not irritate it.


Wound care

    Wash your hands. Before touching or treating wounds on your face, be sure to wash your hands. Use warm water and antibacterial soap. Then dry your hands clean towel. After this, do not touch anything so as not to stain your clean hands.

    • Do not touch wounds on your face with dirty hands, so as not to introduce dirt and bacteria into them and thereby slow down their healing process.
  1. Wash the wounds. Wash the wounds on your face with warm water. Do not use hot water, otherwise the wounds may start to bleed. Do not use soap as it may irritate the wounds. Remove dirt and damaged tissue from wounds.

    • Among other things, washing wounds helps remove bacteria that can cause infection.
  2. Apply ointment. Wounds should be moisturized to speed up their healing. You can use Vaseline or antibacterial ointment. Apply the ointment with clean fingers or a cotton swab.

    Cover the wound with a bandage. Open wounds are very vulnerable. They can become trapped by dirt, damaged tissue, and other contaminants, which can cause infection. To protect open wounds on your face and speed up their healing, cover them with a bandage.

    • Try to find a dressing material that is highly breathable, such as gauze. It will not block air access to the wound, which will speed up its healing.
    • The bandage will help retain moisture, which is beneficial for skin healing.
  3. Make sure the skin around the wound remains clean. Keeping the skin around the open wound clean will help protect the wound and prevent infection. You can wash the skin around the wound with a cleanser or antibacterial soap.

    • After washing the skin around the wound, you need to dry it and make sure that it remains dry.
  4. Don't peel off the crust. When an open wound begins to crust, do not try to pick it off, as this may slow down the healing process and lead to scar formation. Leave the crust in place.

    • Continue applying Vaseline to the wound to keep the scab moist.
  5. Do not apply aggressive products to wounds on your face. When treating wounds, do not try to clean them with aggressive solutions. This can damage tissue and irritate the wound, which will slow down the healing process.

    • Do not use antibacterial solutions, hydrogen peroxide or iodine solution.
  6. Try not to move too much facial muscles. As the wound heals, try to limit the movement of the muscles surrounding it. Excessive muscle movements can irritate and stretch the wound, which slows down the healing process.

    • Try not to move your facial muscles too much when you smile, chew food, or talk. Limit movements while the wound is healing.
  7. Apply an ice pack. If the injured area is swollen, try using cold compresses. Wrap a cold compress or ice pack in a towel and apply it to the wound for 10–20 minutes. This can be done repeatedly throughout the day.

    • Never apply ice directly to a wound, as this may cause a burn.
  8. Do not apply heat to the wound. To avoid irritation and swelling around the wound, do not apply anything warm to it. Don't wash your face hot water and don't take hot showers. You should also avoid applying warm compresses, eating hot or spicy foods, and drinking hot drinks.

Children are more often susceptible to “asphalt disease”, but sometimes such a nuisance can happen to an adult. And if a wound on the knee or elbow can be hidden under clothing, then abrasions on the face cause a lot of inconvenience for both children, teenagers and adults.

The abrasion itself can appear after a bruise, blow, or any other mechanical impact that violates the integrity of the skin. The tissues closest to the wound swell a little, and ichor and blood ooze from it. There is little pleasant here, especially if you have to go to work or school the next day. Therefore, any person who has received such damage always thinks about how to quickly heal the abrasion.

Types of abrasions and scratches

Taking into account the depth of damage to the surface layer of the skin, abrasions and scratches are conventionally classified into two types:

  1. Small ones. This includes microtraumas that a person can receive due to negligence in Everyday life. Small scratches are not deep, so they usually heal quickly.
  2. Deep. They can appear when handled carelessly with a knife, broken glass, wood chips, etc. It is important to immediately wash a deep scratch and treat it with an antiseptic to prevent the development of infection. The healing process for deep abrasions and scratches takes on average 7-10 days.

Stages and stages of healing of abrasions

There is a natural healing mechanism for abrasions and scratches. It is launched immediately after an injury has occurred to close the damage and prevent infection from entering the body.

To reduce the time required for complete healing, need to use medicines which the doctor prescribed. Regular use of cream for abrasions and scratches on the face or body helps the skin recover faster, and the likelihood of scar formation is reduced.

Stages of healing of abrasions and scratches

As noted above, an abrasion is a slight damage to the skin. Its healing can be described as follows:

  1. Initial phase. The surface of the abrasion is wet, but gradually dries out. It is located slightly lower than healthy skin.
  2. Crust formation phase. It is observed 1-2 days after injury and lasts 2-4 days. At first, the scab is located on the same level as the intact skin, and then begins to rise above it.
  3. Epithelization phase under the crust. The edges of the scab gradually rise and peel off. After 7-10 days the crust disappears.
  4. The abrasion mark phase. When the scab falls off, a smooth spot remains pale pink. It becomes invisible after 10-15 days.

The indicated periods are average - the healing process of abrasions can proceed either faster or longer. This depends on the location and size of the scratch, the presence of infection, the age of the patient, and the presence of other diseases.

Diseases that affect the healing rate of scratches and abrasions

If first aid for abrasions is provided correctly, healing usually proceeds without complications. But there are situations when a scratch on the hand, face or body does not heal for a long time - it looks inflamed for more than 3-5 days, is painful to the touch, bleeds, and ichor and pus are released from it. Some diseases can lead to such complications:

  • eczema;
  • diabetes;
  • oncology.

It is also noticed that modern means, for example, creams that heal wounds and abrasions do not always have the expected effect if the patient has a low level of hemoglobin in the blood, is severely weakened the immune system after earlier past illness, lack of vitamins and microelements, exhaustion.

When can an abrasion be dangerous?

Any injury has degrees of severity, and an abrasion on the face is no exception. At mild form damage at the site of injury, sensations of pain and burning appear, droplets of blood and ichor appear on the surface of the wound, and slight swelling of the tissue around the abrasion appears. With such symptoms, damage to the skin can be easily dealt with on your own, but sometimes the situation is a little more serious. So, you should go see a doctor if the following points appear after being injured:

  1. For a long time it is impossible to stop the flow of blood or it flows heavily;
  2. Pus appears at the site of injury, the skin around the wound becomes hot and there is general increase body temperature;
  3. It is not possible to clean the abrasion on the face from contamination: dust, dirt, foreign small objects.

Bleeding that does not stop may indicate damage to large vessels. In this case, to stop blood loss, doctors resort to cauterization. If there is pus in the wound, this indicates that it is infected with microbes and bacteria. When pus appears, the use of healing ointments for abrasions and scratches alone will not be enough. Treatment is supplemented with drugs that have an antimicrobial and antibacterial effect. If the wound is heavily contaminated, then it must be thoroughly cleaned, otherwise this can lead to the same infection with all subsequent complications, as well as to the infection entering the bloodstream and spreading throughout the body.

Is the abrasion dangerous?

First aid for an abrasion

In order to prevent infection from entering the body, an abrasion on the face should immediately respond to antiseptic treatment. Considering that the skin damage is located on a visible area of ​​the body, it would be inappropriate to use brilliant green or iodine. The best solution for treatment is hydrogen peroxide, which is in the first aid kit of every home.

  1. Having soaked a piece of bandage or gauze in peroxide, you must first wipe the skin around the injury, then use a new piece of bandage to do the same with the wound itself. It is better to repeat this action several times. Peroxide works great for minor bleeding and kills germs. If for some reason there are no antiseptic solutions at home, you can wash the damaged area with ordinary soap, previously lathered on your hand. It is better not to use cotton wool to treat an abrasion, as its small fibers may stick to the wound.
  2. To relieve swelling, you can apply a cold compress, such as ice in a towel or a damp cloth, to the damaged area. This will narrow the blood vessels, causing blood to stop flowing from them and swelling to begin to subside. In addition, cold can relieve pain.
  3. If this is possible, then it is better to apply a sterile dry bandage to the wound, which will prevent further contamination of the wound and infection. The patch cannot be used on the first day after receiving an abrasion, as it blocks the access of oxygen to the damaged area and prevents healing.

You should not try to disguise an abrasion using cosmetics, such as foundation. This causes the pores to become clogged, air is not supplied to the injury, and the wound itself becomes contaminated, which can lead to infection.

How many days the abrasion will last, how much time will pass before the skin is completely restored, depends on how large it is, on the quality of first aid and further treatment. Of course, it is impossible to heal damaged skin in one day, but you can significantly speed up this process.

How to treat abrasions on the face and body?

An abrasion is a damage to the skin or mucous membrane, characterized by slight release blood. Despite its small size, such a wound can cause infection and leave behind an unsightly scar. Yes, and in general, an abrasion in a visible place is an unpleasant thing, so it is important to deal with it as quickly as possible. Let's consider methods of treating abrasions on the face and body in adults and children.

Treatment of abrasions with pharmaceutical drugs

Every person wants the treatment of a facial abrasion to take as little time as possible. And if previously it was possible to remove abrasions for yourself and your child only with the help of a solution of brilliant green - brilliant green, today pharmaceutical companies and pharmacies offer a wide selection of creams, ointments and gels that ensure rapid healing. These include:

  1. Levomekol. This is an antiseptic that contains an antibiotic. The ointment can be used not only to heal abrasions, but also to treat deeper wounds. The drug relieves well inflammatory process and removes tissue swelling. In order to quickly get rid of an abrasion on the face, you should anoint the area of ​​the injury and apply a sterile bandage on top.
  2. Solcoseryl. The drug is available in the form of an ointment and a jelly-like gel. Treatment with this remedy should be carried out after antiseptic treatment and begin when the wound is not oozing. Throughout the treatment, the drug creates a thin film on the surface of the wound, which protects it from germs and helps the abrasion go away faster.
  3. Actovegin. Suitable for healing skin damage of different nature. Can be used for abrasions, cuts, burns. The drug effectively eliminates the inflammatory process occurring in the wound.
  4. Rescuer. Ointment for abrasions, burns, cuts, scratches, frostbite, bruises and other skin damage. Thanks to its anti-inflammatory effect, it eliminates pain and heals wounds.
  5. Bepanten. Available in the form of ointment and cream. It is widely used to treat diaper rash in children, but is also good for treating facial abrasions. The drug is very well tolerated by all patients age categories and has no contraindications or side effects.
  6. Arnica ointment. It has an anti-inflammatory effect and regenerates tissue well. Eliminates pain and resolves hematomas. The drug is not used on contaminated lesions or large areas of the body.

All these remedies work equally well; which drug to choose should be decided by the victim himself based on his preferences and financial capabilities.

Treatment at home

Treatment of facial abrasions at home begins with washing the affected area. If the wound is not too dirty, then it is enough to rinse it with running clean water. When the contamination is severe, you cannot do without an antiseptic solution: 3% hydrogen peroxide solution, 2% boric acid solution, potassium permanganate solution, Chlorhexidine, Decasan.

Important! If you don’t have pharmaceutical antiseptics on hand, you can use regular soap. To avoid burns, you cannot treat the entire wound with iodine or brilliant green.

Further treatment plan for abrasions:

  1. After treatment, apply a bandage to the wound. It will protect against new contaminants and stop bleeding. Be sure to use a sterile bandage for dressing.
  2. The patch is not suitable in this situation; ointments cannot be used at this stage of eliminating abrasions. The wound should be left open, then it will heal faster.
  3. Carry out antiseptic treatment regularly - Chlorhexidine or Decasan.
  4. The germicidal patch can be used after a few days. But it must be constantly replaced with a new one, removed in time, and the wound must be left open for some time.

Important! Various special antibacterial ointments, which are sold in pharmacies, can be used only if the abrasion does not heal well within a few days, and after examination by a doctor.

Treatment of abrasions in children

It is children who receive various abrasions most often, because they are very actively learning the world and learn many things while falling, tearing off the skin on their elbows and knees, as well as on their face.

If a child gets an abrasion, it is important to wash it with running water and soap as quickly as possible.

If the damage is localized on the face, you can use a cotton or gauze swab, which should be soaked in boiled water, lather with soap and wipe the damage with the resulting foam, then wash off the soap with a clean swab and boiled water.

It is necessary to treat an abrasion on the face with an antiseptic solution. You can just get it wet cotton pad or a gauze pad with Chlorhexidine or Miramistin, apply to the abrasion and secure with a bandage or light plaster that does not stick too much to the skin.

You can treat the wound with hydrogen peroxide, but it is important to remember that pouring this solution onto damaged tissue directly from the bottle is prohibited, since air bubbles that appear when peroxide gets on the skin and living tissues and remove all bacteria and other microorganisms can enter the bloodstream and lead to embolism.

Treatment of facial abrasions with traditional methods

When deciding how to remove damaged skin on the face, you should not ignore proven methods of traditional medicine. For quick healing, you can use one of the following recipes.

Oil balmThis remedy was used in Rus' and was used for non-healing wounds. To do this, take 1 tablespoon of chopped pine needles for 1 tablespoon of butter. These components were thoroughly mixed. This balm was applied directly to the abrasion 2-3 times a day until complete healing. Thanks to the oil, the wound heals quite quickly.
Aloe juiceEveryone knows medicinal properties of this plant. Its bactericidal actions accelerate the recovery of affected tissue areas and quickly relieve inflammation in affected areas. Thus, aloe juice is a reliable remedy for healing long-existing abrasions. Using a cotton swab (disk), apply it to the affected area for 10-15 minutes. This procedure It is recommended to repeat 2-3 times a day. Within a week you will feel visible results.
Badger fatThis product can be purchased at a pharmacy. It is sold in the form of ointments or creams. In addition to its healing abilities, badger fat makes the skin more elastic, rejuvenated and smoothes out fine wrinkles. This property is due to the huge content of vitamins, microelements and organic acids. Before use badger fat To heal the abrasion, the wound must be washed with hydrogen peroxide. It is recommended to perform the procedure 2 times a day.
Ointment based on cinquefoil juiceTo prepare it you will need 2 tablespoons of pork fat, 1 teaspoon of beeswax, 1 tablespoon of bloodroot juice. Melt these ingredients over low heat and bring to a boil. Transfer the cooled product into a glass container with tight lid. It is recommended to use the ointment 2-3 times a day, rubbing it with light massaging movements directly onto the abrasion.
Butter, chopped pine needlesMix an equal amount of butter and chopped pine needles, mix and place in a cool place. You can use this balm three times a day, applying it to the abrasion with light massage movements.
Mushroom raincoatApply the pulp of the puffball mushroom to the damage and wrap it with a bandage. The substances found in this mushroom kill germs and heal wounds well.
AloeBandage a piece of a fleshy leaf of a three-year-old aloe to the wound or soak gauze in its juice and make a compress. This method of treatment is especially good if the abrasion has festered, but is also suitable for non-infected injuries.
carrot juiceCarrot juice also has a regenerative effect on the skin and helps abrasions go away faster.

An abrasion on the face is an unpleasant phenomenon, but it can be easily dealt with if treatment is started on time and the damaged area of ​​skin is not contaminated.

Features of healing of facial abrasions

Not knowing how to quickly cure scratches on the face, some begin to mask the skin defect with the help of cosmetics - powder, foundation, all kinds of correctors. Doctors do not recommend doing this, especially in the first days after injury. The components included in cosmetics can slow down the process of skin regeneration and prevent the wound-healing creams used from working at full strength.

It is necessary to wait until the abrasion on the face is covered with a thin scab, and only then resort to foundation.

How to treat abrasions on the hands?

It is very easy to get an abrasion on your hand while doing daily household chores, at work, or while walking. Children most often receive abrasions on their elbows and palms.

To treat abrasions on the elbows and palms, it is recommended to wash the wound with antiseptics and stop the bleeding by applying a pressure bandage or cotton swab for 10-15 minutes. This is usually enough to leave bleeding after an abrasion. If it is necessary to treat an abrasion on a child’s hand, then use aqueous solutions of an antiseptic; they do not cause a burning sensation. Please note that when heavy bleeding If the bandage is soaked in blood, do not tear it off your hand. The best way is to soak it with water or hydrogen peroxide.

Since abrasions on the fingers and palms are at risk of infection, it is better not to leave them open. Use a germicidal patch or bandage the abrasion to keep dirt out. To speed up tissue regeneration, use ointments, but they must be applied to already dried abrasions.

How to treat abrasions on the legs?

Each of us at least once in our lives has fallen off a bicycle or received an abrasion while roller skating. Sounds familiar, doesn't it? Therefore, before the attack summer season It is very important to find out what methods are available to treat knee abrasions at home. After all, the knees are the most vulnerable place when falling or getting hit.

As mentioned above, to ensure proper treatment It is necessary to clean the abrasion area from dirt. This is necessary in order to prevent the development of infection due to bacteria. Next, apply a sterile bandage and rest your leg. To make a knee abrasion heal faster, try to move it as little as possible.

Traditional medicine is also an effective remedy for treating abrasions on the legs. For example, lavender oil can be used as an antiseptic to treat abrasions on the knees. An excellent tool To stop bleeding, use cayenne pepper; apply a small amount of cayenne pepper to the abrasion. To stop development bacterial infection, use honey or tea tree oil.

If an abrasion on the knees does not heal for a long time, then an oil balm is used for treatment. To make it, you need to take equal quantities of crushed pine needles and butter. Mix thoroughly and apply 2-3 times a day to the abrasion until it heals.


If the wound does not heal well, it may become infected. In this case, it will fester and take too long to heal. You can’t do without antibiotics, and they are known to kill the immune system and disrupt the intestinal microflora. In addition, the consequences of injury can be:

  • colloidal scar;
  • scars;
  • damage to the facial nerve, which can lead to necrosis of the damaged area;
  • loss of sensitivity.

If it is small in size and area and was quickly processed by a professional, tissue restoration occurs in up to 10 days. Residual effects in the form of scars and scars, while they are still fresh, can be eliminated.

It’s a different matter if too much of the face is affected, if the edges of the wound are too far apart or if dirt has gotten into it. Treatment will require time and patience.


How to quickly remove abrasions on the face?

If the abrasion is on the face and it needs to be removed as quickly as possible, then the following measures should be taken:

  1. Wash the injury site with soap and water;
  2. Treat the injury with hydrogen peroxide or another antiseptic solution, covering the skin around the wound by at least 2 cm;
  3. Dry the abrasion with a sterile gauze pad;
  4. Apply ice placed in plastic bag, which must be wrapped in a towel or other clean cloth, and the wound must be covered with a sterile gauze pad. Keep the ice for no longer than 10 minutes;
  5. Treat the damage with an antiseptic again;
  6. Dry with sterile gauze or bandage;
  7. Apply a thick layer of Troxevasin or Troxerutin ointment, or in extreme cases Indovazin;
  8. After an hour, when the ointment turns into a dry film, it should be washed off with a gauze swab dipped in an antiseptic solution, being careful not to cause any harm to the healing wound;
  9. Repeat application of ice;
  10. Apply the ointment again.

Applying ice will prevent the appearance and spread of a hematoma, and ointment for facial abrasions helps to resolve the internal bruise that forms after a blow, even before it appears on the surface of the skin.

How to disguise abrasions?

If the abrasion is small and was immediately treated correctly, and measures were taken to quick fix, then the next day only a few scratches will remain at the site of the damage.

Of course, scratches will not decorate a person’s appearance, so it is best to disguise them.

The easiest way to do this is with regular foundation, which is used as a base for makeup. But at the same time, it is important to choose the right tone of the product so that it does not differ from natural color skin. It is better for women to apply Foundation over the entire surface of the face.

You can additionally powder the damage, and if the abrasion is on the cheek, then apply a little blush on top of it, not forgetting to do it symmetrically on the other side.

In addition, to disguise minor skin damage, scratches, and thin scars, today you can buy a special pencil, choosing one that matches the basic skin tone. Such products are very convenient to use, they allow you to very accurately apply a masking substance to the site of damage, and, if necessary, repeat this procedure almost anywhere, which is very convenient for many people.

What to do if you bruise your leg? First aid and treatment Kidney bruise: signs, symptoms and treatment

Often, abrasions on the face become unpleasant companions for several days, or even weeks. It all depends on the degree of damage to the skin, the type of abrasion and the measures taken for speedy healing.

Abrasions on a child's face

Baby creatures are very nimble and unpredictable. Therefore, abrasions on a child’s face are not uncommon. As soon as mom turned away, the tomboy already had a bump or wound decorating his forehead or cheek. Knowing the activity of their child, many mothers always have an antiseptic, healing ointment, band-aid and cotton wool on hand. It would seem a simple set, but it makes the baby’s condition easier and allows as soon as possible cope with the problem.

Abrasions on a child’s face can be treated with either a simple solution of hydrogen peroxide or Miramistin. The second drug, in addition to cleansing the affected surface, also has a healing effect. It is important to remove all foreign particles from the wound and clean it well. If you don’t have an antiseptic on hand, even plain water will help clean the surface.

Among the most common ointments that can be used to lubricate the delicate skin of children are Bepanten, Sulfagin or Sudacre. They not only have a healing effect, but also do not allow bacteria to grow.

If you don’t have a patch on hand, you can make a sterile bandage. Although, the child is unlikely to repeat his feat and will bring new dirt into the wound.

It will not be possible to get rid of a deficiency quickly. Especially if it is a bleeding wound or bruise. They can help you like traditional methods, and a pharmacy kit. The most proven ointments that have a beneficial effect on the skin include “Rescuer”. With its help, treatment of facial abrasions is accelerated. Although it will not be necessary less than a week in order to eliminate all consequences.

Among other ointments you can use for children: “Bepanten”, “Sulfagin” and “Sudakrem”. Having a mild effect, they quickly dry out the abrasion and help in its speedy healing.

How to treat abrasions on the face?

Treatment of facial abrasions first of all involves their thorough treatment with an antiseptic. No healing ointment will have the desired effect if foreign particles and bacteria remain in the wound. Hydrogen peroxide will be enough to neutralize the work of bacteria. It would be a mistake to use alcohol-containing solutions. Despite the fact that the wound will be washed, some tissues will be burned. Their death will prolong the healing process and worsen the situation. As mentioned above, the Miramistin solution will help neutralize bacteria and properly treat abrasions on the face.

How to get rid of abrasions on the face?

Instantly restore your face to its former freshness and evenness skin covering it won't work. Treatment of facial abrasions involves a long process. If time is pressing, then you can contact a cosmetologist who can quickly cope with the problem.

When there is no opportunity to go to a specialist, but you need to act immediately, then a foundation can come to the rescue. But its use is advisable only when the wound is not deep or a bruise is a problem. Completely recreate old look It won’t be possible, but it will be possible to smooth out the situation.

When deciding for yourself how to get rid of abrasions on the face, you can use a regular patch and use it to hide the affected area. And although it will still be noticeable, the impression of what you see will be less significant.

Ointment for facial abrasions

When there are no specialized products at hand, a wound-healing ointment for a wound on the face should be selected. The nearest pharmacy can easily offer about a dozen of the most affordable offers:

  • "Panthenol".
  • "Kontraktubeks".
  • "Sulfagin".

The ointment for abrasions on the face does not provide an immediate effect. But regularly lubricating the affected area of ​​skin for a week or two will definitely give results. The main thing is that scars do not appear at the site of the previous abrasion.

Folk remedies for facial abrasions

Human wisdom has accumulated over centuries. In her piggy bank there are many options for getting rid of shortcomings. Folk remedies for abrasions on the face, completely different ones can be used, but they have the same result - speedy healing.

  • Dry horsetail, ground into dust, is applied to the wound. A cotton-gauze bandage is applied over the powder. It is advisable to change horsetail 2 times a day.
  • Carrot juice helps heal wounds and abrasions. During the day, the affected area should be wiped 4-5 times.
  • Raincoats, mushrooms that contain penicillin, heal the wound well. Mushrooms are applied to problem area and cover with a tight bandage.
  • Kalanchoe leaves help heal facial abrasions very quickly. After removing the top skin from the leaf, you need to apply the leaf to the abrasion and attach it with a band-aid. Repeat the procedure 3 times daily. On the fifth day the result will become obvious.
  • Foil applied to the affected dermis accelerates the healing process of wounds.

There are a dozen more tips with which you can remove abrasions on the face. But they do not always lead to the desired result in the required time frame.

Spot after an abrasion on the face

An unpleasant consequence after a healed abrasion is spots on the face. They appear at the site of the affected area of ​​the skin and cause a lot of trouble with their unaesthetic appearance. In most cases, a spot after an abrasion on the face appears as spring-summer period in people with a tendency to excess pigmentation. Therefore, to reduce color intensity it is advisable to use sunscreens with the maximum level of protection. Whitening creams soften the severity of spots. In order to get rid of the deficiency, in the autumn-winter period it is advisable to carry out cosmetic whitening peelings and general skin therapy aimed at eliminating the deficiency.

How to remove a stain from an abrasion on the face?

It is preferable to contact a specialist with this question. Dermatologists and cosmetologists will determine the nature of the appearance of the spot. Severe pigmentation, insufficient healing, scar tissue can be the basis of the stain. And in order to get rid of them, in every specific case a special cream, ointment or set of procedures is required. The spot after an abrasion on the face will go away if you follow all the recommendations of specialists and do not delay solving the problem.

Abrasions on the face are a vital, but unpleasant phenomenon. They need to be disposed of immediately. Therefore, look for the right assistant in solving this issue It is better to use it in advance and apply as needed.
