How do they perform marital duties on their wedding night in African tribes. The bride "in a circle" and the mother-in-law under the bed: the wildest traditions of the first wedding night of the peoples of the world

The wedding night is the traditional end of the wedding ceremony. This event should take place in a relaxed romantic setting. Lovers are looking forward to this moment of tenderness, love and affection.

For each nation, the first night of the newlyweds is different. For example, among some African tribes, the innocence of a girl is considered a shame, so brides lose her even in childhood. But in virginity is valued quite highly.

Wedding Night: Traditions of the World

Each religion differs from all others in its unique perception of a person's personal and social life. This includes marriage traditions.

The most exciting moment of the wedding is the anticipation of the wedding night by the newlyweds. During it, they will be able to know each other as spouses. This ritual is shrouded in many customs and traditions fixed in the minds of believers.

As for Christianity, this religion has built a whole system of sacred dogmas that affect marriage. In Rus', most people were quite loyal to the immorality of some girls. However, chastity has always been highly valued in society.

This view is also present in modern Christian world. To this day christian religion has such a tradition: immediately after the end of the festive celebration and the feast, the newlyweds are sent to the groom's house. The next day, the young family should receive guests.

Orthodoxy does not force the observance of ancient customs associated with wedding night lovers. Nevertheless, great attention is given to preparing a place where the newly-made husband and wife will spend their long-awaited night together.

The bed for the newlyweds should be laid by: the matchmaker, the groom's mother and sisters. As a rule, bridesmaids are not allowed, as they can envy the happiness of the newlyweds. Bed linen must be new and ironed.

After sleeping area prepared for the bride and groom, it must be sprinkled with holy water and baptized. You need to put in the room. They should not be removed or covered with sheets - in marriage, marital intimacy is not considered a sin.

The Orthodox Church recognizes only legal and. Priests say that only after the wedding, the newlyweds will know the sacrament of marital intimacy. That is why the rite of confinement church marriage carried out immediately after official registration relations.

Sex outside of spiritual marriage for believing Christians is considered a sin. The first intimacy must necessarily occur only after the wedding in the temple.

Sexual contact between spouses is not possible on the wedding night if the bride has her period on the day of the wedding or wedding.

During such periods, the girl's body is considered unclean. The fair sex should first calculate whether the day of an official or church marriage falls on “critical days”.

During this time period, women are strictly forbidden to attend church. Left alone with her lover, the wife, like a real Christian, should be humble. She needs to take off her husband's shoes and ask permission to share the marriage bed with him.

On this blessed night, the newlyweds should be especially affectionate and tender with each other. As for, then there are their own wedding traditions. Nikah - in Islamic family law union between a woman and a man.

The very last stage of this ceremony is the first night of the newlyweds. Among Muslims, it occurs only when the newly-made wife arrives at her husband's house.

The main part of the bride's dowry is a lot of pillows and blankets. Without high-quality bed linen and a comfortable mattress, a wedding night is impossible. Lighting should be weak or non-existent.. This is necessary so that the husband and wife are not embarrassed by each other.

In many Asian countries, it is customary to brightly decorate the bedroom where the bride and groom will spend their wedding night. This will positive influence on the mood of the spouses. The abundance of flowers speaks of the beginning of a rich and secure life together.

Newlyweds should be relaxed, and also strive for mutual pleasure from intercourse.

Where to spend?

There are several options for where to spend the first wedding night:

  1. in your apartment. It's not the most original idea but reliable. This allows you to decorate the bedroom with romantic attributes in advance. A familiar environment will help you quickly relax and recharge with positive;
  2. V parental home . It's quite acceptable option. Especially if the father and mother have nowhere to send for the night. There is one nuance here: you will have to forget about loud manifestations of feelings and behave quite modestly;
  3. V country house . Wedding night in a calm and secluded place - real dream. But, under the only condition: if there is a shower in the country house. Personal hygiene at such a moment should not be forgotten. In the house you can completely relax and enjoy a pleasant solitude with your soulmate. It is quite possible that it will be possible to diversify sexual games on fresh air, in the gazebo, near the river or on the grass;
  4. in the hotel room. On this moment this is the most popular option. Comfortable conditions, beautiful interior, new environment, excellent service and one significant minus - high price. The room must be vacated by noon. next day. Despite this, the wedding night happens only once in a lifetime and you can afford such a luxury. The hotel will not only allow you to enjoy all the delights intimacy with a loved one, but also to sit in a restaurant or cafe for small talk.

How to decorate a room?

the bedroom of the newlyweds, as well as banqueting hall, usually decorated with fresh flowers and balloons. Beautiful plants can be used to create unique artistic compositions.

They are placed everywhere: on the floor, window sills, cabinets. The main condition is that flowers should not interfere with movement around the room. It is better not to use plants with a pronounced aroma, as they will interfere with the process.

In the bedroom, paintings with images of flowers or romantic scenes are allowed. On the bedside tables you can put figurines of doves and angels. For many centuries bed dress were part of the bride's dowry.

Pillows and blankets were decorated various embroideries and symbolic designs. Today such underwear self made almost impossible to find. If follow modern rules, then it is better to cover the bed of the newlyweds with snow-white, pale pink or beige bed linen. As for the decor, it can be anything: the presence of lace, ruffles, bows, stones, rhinestones is welcome.

Passionate couples in love prefer bed sheets rich red, burgundy or black.


Traditionally, at a wedding, a separate modest table is prepared for the newlyweds with a minimum amount of alcohol and food. Hearty food and alcoholic drinks are not required for the wedding night to go smoothly.

To married life was happy, the first intercourse must take place. No matter how tired the newlyweds are, they need to make an act of love.

Until now, in many countries it is believed that only intimacy makes bonds official marriage legal. You need to try to save strength for intimacy.

If the couple does not want any of the guests to touch their bed, then it is better to do the preparations yourself. The main thing is not to tell anyone where the husband and wife will spend their wedding night. IN this case silence will serve as a kind of amulet. So no one will have the opportunity to interfere at the most crucial moment.

First you need to take care of choosing the right underwear. Let it be a spectacular peignoir or sexy underwear. It is imperative to change clothes, because wedding dresses, as well as on linen, remains negative energy some envious guests.

Lingerie should be seductive - lacy and light. It is better if it is white, milky, peach, pink or cream. These are gentle tones that will allow you to remember the first wedding night for the rest of your life.

Why is the first year of marriage the hardest?

The first year in a legal marriage is the most difficult. the main problem, oddly enough, the very fact of creation new family. The stress experienced by every person entering into legal marriage stronger than at parting.

Anxiety can be caused by negative emotions, as well as positive ones. Living together with another person means giving up some habits, leading a new lifestyle, and.

How to get through all the difficulties together?

Today, women take an active position in society. They fight for equal rights with men. A similar situation can be traced within the family. The wife, just like the husband, earns money. In this regard, there are many difficulties regarding the distribution of responsibilities.

Woman's monologue… Thank you. Thank you for not being with me right now. Thank you for not calling forty times a day and not swearing your love. Thank you for not whining all day that you miss me. Thanks for not being mine. Thank you. Thank you for helping raise this little one terrible monster who looks at me every morning from the mirror. A monster who does not trust anyone and hates this world. Thank you. Thanks for the fact that thanks to you I threw away all the sneakers and "yellow little shoes" and for weeks I do not get off my stilettos. So it is more convenient to crush those who are lying at their feet. Thank you for making me feel that one moment when you realize there is no choice. Thank you for helping me feel what the true, animal desire to possess another person is. When everything inside shrinks and gurgles, when the tooth does not hit the tooth, and the hands beat out the fraction. And not from the fact that it suddenly became cold or temperature. But only from the fact that he is in a fever. From the fact that at the slightest thought that I won’t be able to touch you today, I want to throw myself out of the window, hide in a corner and whine. Squeeze your hands so they don't hit the floor. Thanks for giving me this. State. Feeling. When your fingertips didn't lose that electricity for weeks after they touched your neck and arms. Thank you for the fact that when I closed my eyes, many days later I could feel this warmth under my fingers. The warmth of your skin. Thank you. Thanks for showing me what it's like. Do not be afraid. Run, choke, don't stop. Realize it's the only the right decision- run. Because otherwise it is impossible. Thank you for giving me this fleeting desire to run to you. Thank you for giving me that sense of my own measure. The absolute, highest point of pain, contact, sensation, love. Thank you. Thank you for looking at me, I always lowered my head and eyes. Thank you for being ready for anything. Thank you for giving this feeling of endless happiness to fulfill any desire, any of your whims. Thank you for the fact that in front of you I was not ashamed to "bend". Because I would prefer to "bend" and obey only you. Thanks for making it all good. For the fact that I did not have to cross this line that I drew for myself. The line beyond which I would no longer be me, but simply a person dissolved in you. Thanks for the wall. Thanks for the time. Thank you for eternal truth. Thanks for the fact that now I know exactly what it's like when on highest point. When on the edge. When on the edge of a knife. When everything seems to be the last time. Thanks for being gone now. And I calmed down. Because otherwise, from this endless "on the edge" I would have gone crazy. And love does not pass, does not end, does not die. She seems to be failing. Somewhere deep inside you. And you live with it. You know where it has failed and if you wish, you can always get it. But only sometimes let it fail better. After all, I want to live and move on. Let them crawl on their knees from time to time, if only forward. Thank you for making me a bitch for everyone. AND affectionate cat for myself. A sort of goldfish. Thank you for knowing my limit. Knew how deep I could go into it... (Linda Horace)

- I want you to score a goal against me!
"Then blow the whistle and the game will begin!"

A man comes into a cafe, takes 5 bottles of vodka and sits down at a table... A waitress comes up to him and asks: - You drink so much, probably you have some kind of holiday?
The man answers:
- Today, for the first time in my life, I learned what a blowjob is ...
- ABOUT! So it's a big holiday! Let me bring you some champagne!
- No! Champagne will not kill this taste ...

A rural Ukrainian hut… a young woman in full juice, blood and milk, busy with the housework: washes, washes, kneads dough, bakes pies… In the corner on a bench, a puny little man sleeps and constantly shudders nervously in his sleep. Baba shakes his shoulder. He wakes up in fright:
— Shaw, again trahatstso?!
Baba with a smile
- Eat a pie, formidable fucker.

The first wedding night, the newlyweds are in bed, candles, romance, beauty. All of a sudden:
“Darling, you know, I’m still a virgin and I don’t know anything about this ... like his ... shmeks ... sex. Tell me how is it?
Husband excited by this voice:
— Of course, my swallow! Look, what you have between your legs is like a prison, and what I have is like a prisoner. Now we take and put the prisoner in prison, so...
So the first time passed, the young fell on the pillow, satisfied, resting, young, all excited:
“Darling… but it seems to me that a prisoner has escaped from prison.
- Yes? Then you have to plant it again.
Again, now in other positions, etc. After once again no husband falls on the pillow, breathing heavily, from last strength reaches for a cigarette ... suddenly hears:
“Honey… darling!” Maybe it just seems to me, but the prisoner has escaped again!
The man nervously yells:
- Your mother, but they didn’t give him a life sentence!

Two men collide in a supermarket:
Oh, sorry, I didn't notice! I lost my wife, I've been looking for half an hour!
I lost mine too! What does yours look like?
- Well, such a tall, slender, full-breasted blonde on high heels in a miniskirt. And yours?
- It doesn't matter, let's look for yours!

Every nation on our larger planet has its own unique wedding ceremonies. Somewhere the bride is led to the altar by the hand by her father, and somewhere the groom's friends secretly steal her from the bedroom of her father's house. Somewhere newlyweds are thrown with rice, and somewhere they are showered with banknotes. African wedding ceremonies are certainly the most exotic for the civilized world.

Wedding night in a communal apartment

In the Berber tribe, the bride and groom rarely manage to stay alone on the night after the wedding. They spend the first wedding night collectively, for which several couples settle down together in one large bedroom. This counts as a training session love games and also relieves stress before important event. The bride and groom are not always well acquainted with each other, and it is still more fun to engage in obscenity in the company of peers.

Assistant under the bed

In Swahili culture, arranged marriages between parents are accepted, and often before the wedding, the bride and groom do not know each other. In order for them to cope with the difficulties of the wedding night, to this day, the eldest relative of the bride is arranged under the bed - an assistant, or somo. If necessary, she gives advice to the newlyweds during the process, and in the morning testifies that everything went well, and shows her fellow villagers a sheet with traces of blood.

Mach virgins

At the Zulu people's wedding, before the newlyweds leave for their wedding night, the families of the bride and groom arrange a dance competition. The culmination is the bride's dance, during which she must raise her leg as high as possible and remain in this position for as long as possible in front of her mother, who, meanwhile, must look under her skirt and make sure that she is still virgin.

Fat night

In the Himba tribe living in Namibia, before going to the wedding night at the groom's house, the bride comes to the house of her father, who tells her about her upcoming marital duties, after which her relatives smear the girl's head with cow fat. Fortunately, usually a special cowhide headdress is first put on the bride's head.

Out of the blue

In the African Shona tribe, the first wedding night comes before the wedding, and for the groom it comes as a surprise. After the conclusion of the engagement, the bride herself chooses the night on which she, in a white wedding attire and accompanied by relatives, comes to the groom's house with songs and dances. No one else knows this date, and this is not an accident: they believe that in this way the girl checks her beloved and his family for the ability to cope with unexpected problems. The groom's relatives should notice the procession in time and, in turn, greet it with a joyful dance. After a mutual expression of joy, the bride remains in the mother-in-law's house, where, finally, she will be left alone with the groom. Well, the wedding ceremonies will begin in the morning.

The third is not superfluous

In the Banyankole tribe of northwestern Uganda, the traditions are even stranger. Before the bride gets married, her aunt must sleep with her fiancé. Experienced woman thus checks that the man is all right with potency, and at the same time evaluates his sexual talents. Then, on the wedding night, the aunt is also present in the newlyweds' room - but this time in the role of a coach: she tells inexperienced young people what and how to do.

The candle burned on the table, the candle burned

In the villages of Tunisia, the groom, having fulfilled his marital debt, must immediately light a candle and put it on the window. So he informs the whole village, carefully watching the windows, that everything went as it should, and the bride was a virgin.

Among girlfriends

In Morocco, virginity is strict. During the bachelorette party before the wedding, the bridesmaids are required to check if she is a virgin and report their findings to all interested parties. And in the most traditional families girlfriends come and on the wedding night.

Let there be blood!

In Ethiopia, the main concern of the wedding night is the virginity of the bride. She must take her white head covering with her into the bedroom - it is on it that she should leave traces of blood. While the newlyweds indulge in pleasures, the newly-made mother-in-law and a witness from the groom's side are waiting outside the door. Immediately after the end of the process, the girl must take out a scarf stained with blood. If for some reason there is no blood, the young husband has the right to flog his wife with a whip and even refuse her, sending her back to her parents and demanding full compensation for the ransom.

In bed with a stranger

In Tanzania, things are even worse: the girl sees her betrothed for the first time only in the bedroom, during the wedding night. Marriages there are made exclusively by agreement with the parents, and the bride and groom do not meet before the wedding. The whole festival also passes without her: while the groom and relatives are having fun, the girl, dressed up and made up, sits at home and waits. young husband. When he arrives, the girl is escorted into the bedroom - and here she first meets the one with whom she will share a bed today - and always.

Listen everyone!

For Libyan Muslims, a wedding is a long business, and usually lasts at least five days. The first three days the bride and groom spend each in their own home. On the fourth day, the bride arranges at home friendly party, where the groom comes for her in the evening, taking his friends with him. Then the couple, accompanied by the whole crowd of friends, goes on foot to the house young spouse. Among the friends of the newlyweds at this time, it is customary to make noise as loudly as possible and joke for all to hear about what will happen behind closed doors.

Virginity in sacrifice

At a traditional Egyptian wedding, it is not the groom who takes the bride's virginity. This is done by a specially called midwife, wrapping her fingers with a white handkerchief. The blood on the handkerchief, which is immediately shown to the groom's relatives, is indisputable evidence of innocence, which, alas, the groom himself was not destined to fully enjoy.

extramarital night

Wedding preparations in Namibia whole year, it is accompanied mass celebrations, a feast for the whole world, music, dancing and other fun. However, after the festival, the bride and groom each go to their own homes and spend the night separately from each other. They have to wait another whole day - only on the second night after the wedding they are allowed to lie down in the same bed. But by the way, the woman does not count. official wife before having a second child.

Under the typewriter

In the Sudanese Nuer tribe, after the wedding feast, friends take the bride to the groom's village, where they first shave her head baldly, and only then take her to her husband. The meaning of this custom is not clear, but the fact remains: a girl with hair does not have the right to go to bed with her lawful young husband.

Practice is the way to mastery

In Zambia, traditions are extremely liberal: there, the bride and groom arrange a wedding night on the eve of the wedding. On the pre-wedding day, the bride's older relatives give her a master class on sex, telling her everything they know, right down to how to properly wash each other in the bath. After that, the bride is taken to the groom's house and the young people are told to practice sex until they lose their strength. And the next day, all the girls in the village ask the bride how everything went, waiting for detailed answers.

Many young people hope that their wedding night will be unforgettable, different from the usual sex. But after the celebration, dancing and a chic feast, the newlyweds are very tired, and all they want is to relax and sleep. Therefore, remember: this is, first of all, a holiday for you, and the night of love is the logical conclusion of the wedding celebration.

Bed for honeymooners

The mother of the groom lays or godmother. If this is not possible, you can assign this role to another married woman that you trust. This will save you from the dirty tricks and conspiracies that envious people make on the marital bed.

No one should tell where the newlyweds will sleep, only the bride and groom and the woman who prepares the bed for them should know about this. No one should be allowed into this room, and even more so, one of the guests should not lie down on the bed for the young.

It would be better if the newlyweds spend their wedding night where there will be no one else besides them. If a young family does not yet have their own housing, you can rent a hotel room.

Pillows need to be put with pillowcase cuts to each other - the young ones will be close and happy in family life. You can put a small mirror under the pillow - passion will increase.

Don't sleep!

Wedding signs and superstitions say: if the newlyweds did not have intimacy on their wedding night, this portends a cold in a relationship for a young family, including an intimate one. No matter how strong the fatigue is, on this day the newlyweds should give each other love, and not count money or watch TV. Physical intimacy on this day reads mutual understanding and a happy family life.

Do not delay the celebration, ask friends and relatives to help in organizing and holding the holiday. You must have fun, dance and smile. Save your strength for the wedding night and then you will succeed!

Believe in wedding omens and rituals or not - you decide. Most importantly, remember that this event in your life will happen only once. Be careful and gentle with each other.

It is important that this evening pass in an atmosphere of love and tenderness. Even if young people live sexually before marriage (today you will not surprise anyone with this), you need to try to make your wedding night special, romantic and unforgettable. This is exactly what will bring you together for many years!
