How to open a suitcase lock. I forgot the lock code on my suitcase! What to do? How to open a combination lock

Somehow an empty suitcase with a combination lock came into my hands. It was a very presentable and super durable copy of the American brand. SAMSONITE. He was equipped with a combination lock, and this circumstance played a cruel joke with him. Apparently, the owner, having forgotten the code, tried to open the suitcase in other ways: he broke the lock, and opened it like a tin can, and beat and beat ... “Samsonite” at least that! So they threw him out of frustration.

And I found and opened. Because I know several ways to do this. Which I will now share with you.

  • Option 1. First of all, try entering the factory start code "000". Perhaps he was the one who stayed.
  • Option 2. Clicks and stroke changes. Slowly turn the wheel with the numbers on the lock and listen carefully. You may hear a click as you pass the number you are looking for. Or you can feel with your finger a change in the course of the wheel opposite one of the numbers (easier or, conversely, tighter). Write that number down and move on to the next one. But this method often works when opening locks 10-15 years ago. In modern suitcases, especially in branded ones, the locks rotate evenly, without visible changes in the course.
  • Option 3. What is called, to the light. Armed with a flashlight, turn the wheel and carefully look into the slot of the combination lock mechanism. As you pass through one of the numbers, you will see a small hole appear. If you continue to rotate, the gap will close. Fix the wheel in this position and proceed to the next one. When all the numbers on the lock are set, try to open. If it fails, then turn all the wheels one digit in one direction - and try to open again. Repeat this simultaneous turn until the lock opens. Don't forget to write down the found code!
  • Option 4. List of combinations. This method is easier than it looks. Especially if there are three numbers, and not more. Of course, it will take patience and time to go through 999 combinations - from 15 to 40 minutes.
  • Option 5. Figuratively speaking, amputation. It is necessary to carefully dismantle the hinges that fasten the lid and the body of the suitcase at the back. Or, if the cover is held on by a through pin, pull it out. At the latter, a locking ledge is filed for this. Open cover. Then, using a special lever, recode the lock. Re-insert and secure the pin.
  • Option 6. This is when none of the above options either worked, or you initially do not want to bother. The suitcase can be taken to the workshop, where the craftsmen will open and then recode the lock.

And finally, some food for thought option 7 available only to members of the security services. The fact is that combination locks of the TSA (Transportation Security Administration) format can be opened with a master key that is available only to security personnel. This allows them to inspect luggage, for example, at airports, without damaging it and without knocking down the code combinations dialed by the owners. In the event that the suitcase is closed with a lock not of the TSA standard, but it is necessary to open it, the FSB officers and their foreign colleagues will not hesitate to break into. Complaining will be useless.

Not everyone's memory shines with constancy. Sometimes he throws out something that puts you in a very awkward situation. As, for example, with a suitcase, the code to the lock of which you, in some incomprehensible way, forgot at the most crucial moment. What to do in such cases? How to open the lock on a suitcase if you forgot the code?

Let's start with the types of suitcases and locks for them

Almost all suitcases produced by the current industry for the needs of tourists are produced with zippers. To open the lid (top valve) of such suitcases, it is enough to pull the "dogs" - zipper locks, push them to the end, and the contents are in full accessibility.

In order to prevent it from becoming available to anyone you meet, the developers of leading brands have equipped their products with combination locks. As a rule, there are only three numbers, but picking them up seems to be a very “long-playing” occupation.

In some types of suitcases, the lock catches both ears of the "dogs" of the zipper, and you can open the path to the contents only by opening the zipper forcibly (or by cutting the material of the suitcase). In many, the design provides for a padlock, also, as a rule, a combination lock.

The most durable suitcases are made of hard materials and have built-in locks, only opening which you can get to the contents, even if you cut the zipper due to the tight-fitting strong frame of the lid itself. How to open the lock on a suitcase of this design? Not otherwise, as soon as with the help of a special tool such as a grinder.

Or, nevertheless, there are some other effective and less aggressive methods? We'll figure out.

Preliminary Operations

So, we evaluate the design of the castle and the extent to which we are ready to get to its internal contents. Often the balance between “sorry for the suitcase” and “do not care about the suitcase, just to urgently get to the contents” is outweighed precisely in the direction of the second. But first, you should try to kill two birds with one stone.

Before using our “bear” abilities, let's remember what is written in the instructions for the suitcase, which we, of course, did not read. And it would be worth it. Since in some models you can open the suitcase not only with your own code, but also with the factory code that comes with it, as they say, by inheritance. This code, as a rule, is not tricky, it is something like "000" or "123". We try. Did not work out? The preparatory work is over, we are starting the first phase of the operation "how to open the lock on the suitcase."

Option one, starting

Calm down and try to remember all the dates or other significant numbers that could serve as a code for the lock. After all, it cannot be that you programmed your lock for the first combination that came to mind. If the code came with a suitcase, you probably remembered it, again, associating it with some significant dates or numbers. Try to remember what you were thinking at that moment and try to guess the code. If it doesn't work, go to phase 2.

Option two: we open it like a "bear cub"

The safecracker method (as safecrackers are called in the common people) consists in selecting combinations based on special clicks of the code mechanism. Most modern suitcases, as already mentioned, lock both dogs with constipation. These, for example, include Samsonite running suitcases in our country. Without knowing the code, opening the lock using the "bear cub" method is a rather difficult task, but possible. To do this, you will have to retire to a room where there will be as little noise as possible. For example, in the toilet room.

Start turning the wheels while listening carefully. Some simple locks make a barely audible click when hitting the right number. The same circumstance should be paid attention to those who are wondering how to open a padlock on a suitcase equipped with code functionality.

After the last digit has clicked, press the slider of the unlocking mechanism. If the dogs are freed - you are a real "bear cub". If not, then the castle turned out to be more sophisticated. We will try to open the "poke" method.

Option three: the "poke" method

It sounds funny, but in this case we really have to “poke” something sharp into the gap between the wheel and the edge of the casing. As a rule, we don’t have a knife with a sharp tip at hand, because the police “peck” wonderfully at them. But the pin must be found. Otherwise, you can look for something similar in the pockets of the neighbors, maybe someone will borrow a pin.

So, we insert the pin into the gap and begin to gently draw it along the inner shaft of the wheel. Scrolling the wheel forward (or backward) one digit, we must find a small depression with a pin. As soon as the pin fell slightly, we found this recess. On some models there are two recesses, one large (or oblong), the other small. We need to find exactly the small one, usually located on the shaft on the reverse side of the large one.

We set the shallow recesses of each wheel in a row on the front side and try to open it. If the locks open, great. But how to open the lock on the suitcase, if such a procedure was not successful? Don't give up. Just sometimes the locking mechanism is located on the back side. In this case, we need to make sure that our shallow recesses are located on the opposite side. Since there are 10 numbers on the disk or wheel, we count up to five by turning the wheel. Now the recess on the opposite side. We do the procedure with the remaining two wheels. We move the locking slider - the suitcase has opened.

Those interested can watch the video tutorial. Here is a model with locks, where the wheels are located vertically.

This shows how to open a model with horizontal dialing wheels.

Sometimes the gaps between the casing and the wheel are so wide that the recesses can be seen simply by shining a smartphone flashlight into the gap. In any case, if you succeeded, everything is fine, and they got to the things, and remembered the number. If not, you will have to resort to other methods, how to open the lock on the suitcase.

Option four: other methods

There are models of suitcases equipped with overly sophisticated locks. Before us is a luxury model of the Samsonite suitcase. How to open the lock of this model, if even the pins cannot be inserted between the wheel and the casing? If you do not want to harm the suitcase, you have a direct road to the service center. But if you need to get to the contents of your luggage urgently, you can resort to less sophisticated actions, for example, force the sides of the zipper to open somewhere on the side.

We arm ourselves with something sharp, insert the tip between the cloves and turn. When the teeth of the lightning have parted in this place, it is not difficult to dissolve it further, then, by bending one of the sides of the upper valve (lid) of the suitcase, to get to its contents. True, after that you will have to tighten the luggage with some kind of rope or tape so that things do not fall out of it during transportation. But this is a question of a different plan. You have reached your main goal.


We hope that our article on how to open the lock on a suitcase if you forgot the code was useful to you. Now it remains to be hoped that you will not use this knowledge for selfish purposes, but apply it only in relation to your luggage.

When we start packing for a vacation or a trip, the first thing we do is grab our favorite suitcase. However, many of them are equipped with digital locks for security purposes, and if the product has not been used for a long time or the code is simply forgotten, problems may arise at this stage of collection. After all, it is difficult to open a suitcase with a lock code without knowing the numerical combination.

Below we will tell you how to crack a combination lock by selecting the necessary combination:

  • Initially, manufacturers set the password on the lock to three zeros or three ones. Such a simple combination does not suit many owners, so they perform a completely logical action - change the code at their discretion. How to find out the lock code if it is changed by you, but forgotten? Try to remember the most remarkable numbers for you that you could put on the lock. The number of possible combinations is quite large, it is possible that the autopsy will take a long time;
  • if the lock code is forgotten, the device itself will come to the rescue. Looking closely at the mechanism, you can see small gaps through which the inside of the locking mechanism is visible. When choosing a number that is not part of the encryption code, only the wheel is visible in the gap. With the correct number, you will see the groove;
  • You can open an inexpensive suitcase model by ear. If the product does not open, we recommend turning the lock toggle switches one by one, stopping at the position in which a characteristic sound is heard - a click, indicating that the encryption code digit is set correctly.

The described technique is not always suitable for more expensive and reliable mechanisms. Often, the only thing the owner of the bag can do is take it to a workshop where a professional will do the opening.


The problem of protecting luggage from vandal penetration is relevant in any journey. To this end, manufacturers of bags and suitcases often build special security mechanisms into their products, among which a combination lock is one of the most common.

However, users who have just bought a brand new suitcase often have the question of how to decode the lock.

You should act according to the following algorithm:

  1. place the bag on a flat, well-lit surface, so that the lock is on the top of the case;
  2. scroll the first toggle switch until it matches the first digit of the encryption combination. Align it flush with the line on the suitcase;
  3. similarly, you need to turn the rest of the lock until the entire password matches. Make sure all numbers are in a straight line;
  4. after entering the code, you need to open the latches located on both sides of the combination lock.

Related video:

How to reset the combination lock on a suitcase

The basic combination of numbers set by the manufacturer can be changed by the owner of the luggage bag. By default, it is assumed that it is possible to reset the code lock as many times as necessary.

In order to reset the code on the lock, use the following instructions:

  1. set the toggle switches to the basic combination that you were told when buying (most often it is 000);
  2. press the reset button or lever, usually located on the side face.

Thus, you will be able to remove the code from the lock in order to choose a new, more secure one in the future.

How to code a lock on a suitcase

Recoding a combination lock is as easy as resetting the factory settings. To do this, you must perform the following sequence of actions:

  • come up with a sequence for which you plan to change the lock code in advance. It is best to set numbers that are informative and memorable for you personally, but difficult for outsiders to guess (for example, closing a suitcase with a combination lock with password 123 is not the most reasonable move);
  • after choosing a combination, you can start coding. To do this, we press the reset button, without releasing it, you should set the code by rotating the digital toggle switches in the required sequence;
  • you can release the reset button only after you managed to set the code lock in the correct order;
  • We recommend that you double-check if you have successfully reprogrammed the defense mechanism. To do this, close the lock, dial a new code and try to open the suitcase. If the manipulation fails, repeat the above steps again, trying to program the product again.

How to change the code on the lock for a TSA suitcase

This abbreviation refers to the standard set after the 2001 terrorist attacks by the American Transportation Service. It gives permission to customs officers at any time to inspect passengers' luggage without notifying them. Modern suitcases designed according to this standard have built-in locks that can be opened using a master key held by customs officers.

You can change the code on the TSA code lock as follows:

  • to change the code, first press the large button labeled PUSH, usually manufacturers place it on the side;
  • then you need to make sure that the runners popped out of the grooves;
  • set the base password;
  • determine the location of the reset button. Most often, it looks like a small depression located on the same side where the runners are attached;
  • you can change the code lock by pressing this button with a pencil or the tip of a toothpick;
  • now you can change the password by setting a new combination;
  • then remove the pencil, press PUSH again.

How does a combination lock on a suitcase work?

This device functions as follows: during the rotation of the typesetting disks, on which images of letters or numbers are applied, the locking disks also begin to move.

The latter have a special groove, if it is oriented strictly down on all disks, then a metal pin can be inserted into it, unlocking the locking mechanism. When the lock is locked, the pin will not be able to enter the grooves.

How to set a combination lock on a suitcase

The instructions above will help you set up the code, improve the security of your items. However, try to select such combinations for recoding that are guaranteed not to disappear from your head in a few days.

These numbers should carry some meaning for you personally. Otherwise, you will have to experience all the joys of guessing the right combination.

Have you forgotten the code for your suitcase? Do not panic! Most likely the suitcase will be able to open on its own. First you need to understand what kind of problem you are facing:

Built-in lock with key

The oldest type of lock on a suitcase, which was produced in the USSR and Europe in the last century. The success of independent discovery directly depends on the quality of the mechanism. You can try to open an inexpensive suitcase by prying the latch with a knife or a nail file. High-quality locks (as on Redmond suitcases) cannot be opened so easily and the help of a specialist may be required. In extreme cases, you can use brute force by breaking the lock with a thick screwdriver.

Integrated code lock

The most common type of lock on a suitcase is a built-in mechanism with a code. The default combination is "000" or "0000" (very rare), which must be changed immediately. If the code was forgotten, then there are several ways to open such a lock at once:

Rough hack

On budget models, the locks for the zipper sliders are made of plastic. You can simply cut them with a knife and release the zipper. In the future, a new lock purchased on for 200-300 rubles can be installed on the suitcase. It is very easy to change, under the lining it is attached with 2 screws to the body of the suitcase.

"Rip" the lightning

You need to take an ordinary ballpoint pen and pierce the zipper. The lightning will disperse to the sides and it will be possible to access the contents of the suitcase (), but keep in mind that it will no longer be possible to close it. If you used this method while on vacation, think about how you will take things back. You can not stuff a suitcase to the top with things, tie it with a rope, wrap it with a film and return to your homeland in this form.

brute force

If the lock has a code consisting of 3 digits, then you can sort through all the combinations in less than an hour. And if you remember at least one number, you can do it in 10 minutes. All you need is perseverance and attentiveness so as not to miss the right combination.

Like a "bear"

The most difficult, but at the same time interesting way in which you can try yourself as a burglar-"bear cub". You will need a flashlight (you can turn on the flash on your phone) and a needle (paperclip, thin knife).

Gently insert the needle into the slot next to the first wheel and start spinning it. In the slot where the needle is located, a disk will become visible, on which a recess should appear, sometimes there may be two of them - a large one and a small one.

It is important to position the notch (or the larger of the notches) at the BOTTOM, i.e. if a large recess appears at the top in position "1", the lock must be set to position "6". At position "2" - you need to set "7", etc. In other words, when you see a notch on the disk, add “5” to the current value and move the disk to this position. Do the same with the other two wheels. The method is discussed in more detail in the video:


While pressing the suitcase open button, at the same time start turning the lock wheels (the first one is closest to the latches). By clicking or feeling, you can understand that the disk is in the right position and you can move on to the next one. Unfortunately (or fortunately for the owner), only the oldest and cheapest suitcases can be opened in this way, which have a very simple mechanism with direct feedback from the latch to the disks. Most likely this method will not work for you.

Padlocks for suitcase

Such locks are usually hung on suitcase zippers when there is no built-in security mechanism. They are also divided into code and with a key. According to statistics, it is suitcases with padlocks that become the subject of increased interest of airport customs officers and potential thieves. In view of this, think about it, is it worth hanging it? An alternative and more efficient way is wrapping luggage with film: on special equipment at the airport or ordinary food from the supermarket. There is usually less desire to open a suitcase in a package, and the film also protects from dirt.

Opening the padlock

A padlock can be opened in the same way as a built-in lock, but please note: there are no plastic elements in it. The lock with the code can be opened by full enumeration or by finding recesses with a flashlight and a needle. The lock with a key can be turned with a small screwdriver, bite the shackle with wire cutters.
In addition, the suitcase with a padlock can be opened and closed with a regular ballpoint pen. To do this, you just need to pierce the zipper, open the suitcase without touching the lock, and then simply slide the sliders to close it.

Of course, the built-in lock can also be opened this way, but the suitcase can no longer be closed.

How to change the code on the lock of a suitcase

The password on the combination lock of a new suitcase is "000" or "0000" by default. It must be reset before the trip. This is done in 4 simple steps:

  1. Set start code (000 or 0000).
  2. Find a recess on the lock with a button that you can press with a ballpoint pen. If there is no such button, then recoding can be carried out by pressing the button to open the lock.
  3. Keeping the button pressed, change the code to a new one. The main recommendation - do not set 3 digits of the same value. Potential attackers check such options first.
  4. Release the button.

The hinged combination lock can be configured in the same way, the main thing is to determine whether there is a separate button on the lock or you just need to keep the latch open and change the position of the discs with numbers.

Most modern travel suitcases come with a special combination lock that prevents the suitcase from opening, which means the theft of your personal belongings at a hotel or airport. Many people who bought such a suitcase do not know how to properly set up a combination lockso that it opens only with the code that its owner came up with. You can set a new code on your suitcase in a couple of minutes.
Our video instructions will help you with this:

Locks differ in model, and, accordingly, in the way you set your personal code.

  • The code lock is standard.

1) Open the suitcase by pressing the latch that opens the lock. The suitcase will be open

2) Check the original combination of numbers - the code must be set to 0-0-0.

3) Press the button to open the lock and, without releasing it, twist the numbers to get the number you need, for example, 123

4) Release the button - the code is set!

  • Your suitcase has a TSA 002 lock.

Many of our clients ask a question after receiving their suitcase: "Where is the key to the lock?"

Currently, the American Transportation Security Administration (TSA) at all US airports practices special rules for screening passengers' luggage. Service agents have the right to search any suspicious, from their point of view, baggage without the knowledge of the owner. Moreover, if your suitcase or travel bag is locked, authorized TSA employees have the right to crack it. However, TSA is not responsible for any damage to luggage or locks. Agree, not a very pleasant prospect.

TSA representatives themselves suggest that passengers do not lock their luggage, but simply close it securely, or tie it with strong tapes, belts. Which also may not suit passengers, since in the process of moving luggage, quite a few people come into contact with it, in addition to the owner. And no one will undertake to guarantee complete safety for things.

However, from this situation there is another, in our opinion, the most optimal way out. Modern luggage manufacturers equip their suitcases, travel bags and other travel accessories with a specially designed lock, which, by analogy, is called the "TSA lock". In appearance, it may not differ at all from any other combination lock, but it has one major addition. TSA code locks have a key cylinder, which the owner of the suitcase does not have.

Let's explain in more detail.

Regardless of the type of TSA lock, be it a combination lock or a turnkey lock, customs officers and airport services have special universal keys with which such a lock can be opened without breaking. After checking things, the luggage is locked again, and, in the case of a combination lock, the personal code, which only the owner knows, is not violated. This allows you to completely eliminate the possibility of breaking the lock during the inspection of luggage. By the way, in the United States, a similar baggage screening system that allows lockpicking has been in place since 2002, and at present the countries of the European Union are inclined to introduce similar requirements. Therefore, the TSA lock is relevant not only for those who are going on a trip to North America, but also to Europe.


The lock with the TSA system is certified by the Transport Association. These locks have a special identification mark (red rhombus), which guarantees protection against damage during baggage inspection.

Instruction manual for TSA combination locks

1) Press the large button located on the side, it usually has the inscription PUSH, i.e. "click"
3) Find a small indentation button on the inside of the die - it will be on the same side where the sliders are removed.
4) Take something sharp - a pencil or a toothpick - and press this button. If the button sunk inward - remove the pencil and proceed to the next step. If not, keep it pressed.
5) Dial your combination of numbers on the wheels, for example, 1-2-3
6) The last step is to press the large PUSH button (if the button was recessed) or remove the pencil (if you held the button down yourself).

  • Your suitcase has a TSA lock 007.

Another option for a combination lock, the installation is different:

How to set the code on your lock:
1) Press the button with the arrow and the key hole down / left, at the same time move the small ribbed button up (next to the numbers)

2) Make sure the lightning sliders pop out of the lock. Check that the initial combination on the number wheels corresponds to three zeros
3) In the pressed position of the buttons, set your combination.
4) After setting the code, release the buttons.
Congratulations, your code has been set!

Instructions for use.

Have you bought a new suitcase with a combination lock and do not know how to set your combination correctly? Do not worry, this question arises for every second traveler after the purchase.

Let us immediately reassure that there is nothing complicated in this procedure! A couple of minutes is enough, and your suitcase will become an impregnable fortress for everyone except its rightful owner.

At any model factory code opening the lock is initially set to three zeros - " 000 ".

Instruction for Fixed Combination Lock:

  1. Open suitcase. Make sure that the factory combination "000" is set on the lock.
  2. Determine the type of button to block the code and its location: a small recess on the side wall of the lock or a lever.
  3. Press the lock button with a sharp object / move the lever from position A to position B (usually to the right and up).
  4. Without releasing the code lock button / holding the lever in the up position, enter the numbers of the new combination by turning the dials.
  5. Release the lock button / return the lever to its original position.

Important- do not release the button / do not change the position of the lever before you have finished dialing the numbers. This may result in incorrect code being installed.

Instructions for padlock combination lock:

  1. Open the lock by pulling on the metal arc, turn it 90 or 180 degrees (depending on the manufacturer).
  2. Slightly press the metal arc inward and hold in this position.
  3. Turn the dials until you have the combination you want.
  4. Release the metal arc and return it to its original position.

Well, your personal code is set! Now the most important thing is to remember the saved combination of numbers!

If you forget the set code, you will either have to sort out all kinds of numerical combinations for a long time and hard, or carry the suitcase to the warranty workshop and ask for help from specialists. It's not so scary if you're just going on a trip. What if you are in another country and all your belongings are locked inside? It is better to play it safe and write down the digital code, hiding it in a safe place.

Currently, almost all luggage manufacturers install combination locks on their products: padlocks, built-in, or any, the main thing is that your things are safe. And very often the traveler is faced with a problem: how to set the code on the suitcase? It’s good if there is an instruction in the suitcase, but what if it isn’t? What to do in this case? In fact, this is not at all a complicated and fast procedure.

For any model, the initial factory code is 000 (three zeros). You can leave this combination, or you can set your own. It remains only to determine the type of lock.

How to set the code on the suitcase: built-in lock

You plastic polypropylene suitcase with latches? Then in most cases the lock is installed like this:

  1. Open the suitcase and make sure that you have the factory code - three zeros
  2. At the bottom of the combination lock (or on the inside, depending on the model) is a plate (or metal lever), which must be moved from position A to position B (usually from bottom to top)
  3. While holding the plate/lever, set the desired combination, for example 234, and return the plate/lever to its original position. Code set!

Polycarbonate or fabric suitcases are usually equipped with a padlock or built-in combination lock. For them, the instructions are quite similar.

Built-in code lock:

  1. Press the big PUSH button to pop the runners out of the lock
  2. Check that the combination of numbers matches three zeros (000)
  3. Find a small code lock button on the side of the lock, it is almost invisible and is usually located on the side on which the sliders are located
  4. Take a pencil or pen and press the lock button inward. Keep it pressed
  5. Dial the desired combination of numbers
  6. Remove the pencil from the lock button and press the large PUSH button. Ready!

How to set a code on a suitcase: padlock

Well, the last modification of the castle is padlock combination lock.

  1. Remove the lock from the suitcase and set the initial combination of three zeros - 000
  2. Turn the lock shackle 90 or 180 degrees, then you will see that there is a recess in which you need to press this shackle and hold it pressed
  3. Dial your unique code by turning the wheels starting from the top number
  4. Release the bow and return it to its original position. Nothing complicated!

And yet, try not to forget the code you set. Let the combination of numbers be associated with something important, then you will definitely avoid unnecessary trouble! In extreme cases, you can write down the lock code and hide it in a safe place.

Have a good trip!

Most modern travel suitcases come with a special combination lock that prevents the suitcase from opening, which means the theft of your personal belongings at a hotel or airport. Many people who have bought such a suitcase do not know how to properly set the combination lock. You can set a new code on your travel bag in a couple of minutes.

By default, suitcase locks are factory-set - the opening code is 000. Leaving the default code unchanged can be dangerous, so make sure to change it. To get started, determine what type of lock on your bag is a fixed or padlock.

If the lock is fixed, open the suitcase by setting the factory combination on the combination lock, and then find the lock code lock button, which is usually located on its side wall and looks like a button or a lever.

Take a thin sharp object, such as a toothpick, and poke the code lock button or slide the lever to the right and up. While holding the button in this position, change the combination of numbers in the lock, and then release the button or return the lever back to the position in which it was. Now your suitcase will only open after entering a new code.

If the suitcase is equipped with a combination padlock, first open the lock by turning the metal arc 90 or 180 degrees and push it inward. Hold the metal arc in the depressed position and at this time enter new numbers by turning the dials of the lock. When the desired numbers are set, release the clasp of the lock.

Remember the set code as best as possible so as not to encounter the inability to open the suitcase at the most inopportune moment. You can write down the code in a safe place, and also use the first days of your date as the code.

What is a TSA lock? The TSA lock (TSA function lock) is a lock with a customs inspection function. Its main task is to ensure the unhindered inspection of your luggage if necessary. TSA locks are essential for all travelers planning to travel to the US.

TSA Castle was created after the 2001 terrorist attacks on the United States. The TSA (Transportation Security Administration - American Transportation Safety Association) service scans each passenger's luggage before loading it on board the aircraft. With some frequency, service employees open randomly selected luggage for a more detailed inspection. In this case, if the luggage is equipped with non-TSA approved locks, they will be forced to gain access.

If the luggage is equipped with a TSA lock, if necessary, the customs services will open it with a universal master key without knocking down the code and without damaging the suitcase. TSA universal keys are currently available

TSA-approved locks have a universal master key that can be easily opened without breaking the code or damaging the suitcase. Only US, Canada, UK and Israel customs have such a key. Each TSA-approved lock is identified by a red diamond to indicate that it can be opened with a master key.

Samsonite installs padlocks and built-in TSA locks (attached to the body of the suitcase) on their suitcases, as well as locks with a customs inspection function are divided into locks that can be opened with a key or with a combination.

If your suitcase is equipped with a TSA code lock, you will find our instructions on how to change the code useful. So, how to change the TSA lock code?

Built-in TSA combination locks installed on suitcases of the Aeris and S "Cure, S" Cure DLX collections

Built-in TSA combination locks for suitcases of the Essensis, Colory, BLite Xtra collections

Built-in TSA combination locks, installed on suitcases of the Inova, Spin Trunk, Cosmolite collections

Built-in TSA cable locks for Duranxt Uprights suitcases

Built-in TSA combination locks installed on suitcases of Cubelite, Cosmolite, Firelite, Skywheeler, Synconn collections
