Determination of skin type in different areas of the face. Folk remedies designed to care for oily skin

Every girl who cares about her appearance learns to take proper care of her skin in order to look young longer. Determining your skin type is easy even at home. It is enough to carry out a test. There are several ways to learn about individual characteristics skin.

Skin is a mirror of work internal organs. Based on her condition, you can find out the diagnosis and hormonal levels. This is a reflection of nutrition, the result of taking medications, and the influence of weather factors. The type of facial skin depends on how intensively the sebaceous glands produce secretions, on the amount of moisture, age and even climate zone.

There are 4 main types:

1. Normal. Its owners are lucky. Such skin has no roughness, the water-lipid balance is normal, the pores are not enlarged, there are no acne or blackheads, the color is healthy, even, the face looks firm, elastic and young. It happens extremely rarely.

2. Fat. Occurs in young people under 40 years of age. The face has yellowish color, enlarged pores, increased greasiness adds shine. With this type of skin, acne and red dots appear more often. It gets drier over the years.

3. Dry. Most sensitive type. The skin is prone to irritation and reacts to changes in weather and climate with peeling. She lacks moisture and fats. A person with dry skin ages earlier than anyone else. You can determine it by pressing your finger. If the mark does not disappear for a long time, the skin is dry.

4. Combined. The most common type. Fat forehead, nose and chin are combined with dry cheeks, neck, and temples.

  • problematic is characterized by frequent rashes, irritability, redness, inflammation;
  • sensitive – mostly allergic, turns red and peels at the slightest irritation;
  • mature (fading) - the dermis on which wrinkles have appeared. Occurs in women after 40.

Other classifications are also used in cosmetology. According to the Fitzpatrick scale, 6 varieties are distinguished by color, and Leslie Bauman's typology includes 16 species. Skin of any type needs care from an early age.

Determination methods

To choose the right facial care products, you need to know the type. The test is carried out at home. It is necessary to remove decorative cosmetics and thoroughly cleanse the skin. Test after 2-3 hours. It is better to carry out the procedure immediately after waking up.

1. Take a cosmetic napkin (unlike a table napkin, you can see the result better on it). Cover cleansed and rested skin (at least 2 hours) with a paper handkerchief and gently blot it, focusing on the cheeks, forehead and chin. If the entire surface is covered in oil stains, the dermis is oily. The spots on the forehead and beard are combined. A napkin without any marks is a sign of a dry face. Small prints indicate a normal type. Some people do this test with a mirror or glass.

2. Determining your skin type at home is done using a test. During its passage you need to answer several questions with options:

  • Yes, a lot, of course.
  • Rarely, slightly, slightly.
  • It wasn’t, I don’t notice.
  • Do you often notice pimples on your face?
  • Are the pores on the skin enlarged?
  • Do you have acne?
  • Are there a lot of greasy spots after the napkin test?
  • Does water tighten your skin?
  • Does makeup turn into oily mask during the day?

If answers from group “a” predominate, the skin is oily, “b” is combination or normal, “c” is dry.

3. A rotation test is performed to find out how close the face is to aging. Use your thumb to lightly press the cheek and turn it clockwise. If the skin resists the rotational movement, it is still far from sagging. The first signs of aging are a “fan” of wrinkles, which immediately disappear. If the skin is curled and wrinkled, this is evidence of structural changes.

4. Visual method. Examine your face, cleansed of cosmetics, in daylight using a magnifying mirror. Use the classification indicated in the section above. Criteria to pay attention to: enlarged pores, color, oily shine, presence of irritation, acne and other troubles.

Type defined. It is inherited and does not change. But we should not forget that with age, changes in climatic conditions, weather, and seasons, deviations are possible. Thus, oily skin becomes drier over the years. The appearance of acne is associated with hormonal levels. In summer, the face becomes oily (the sebaceous glands are activated under the influence of the sun), in winter it becomes dry and flaky. Therefore, cream and other products should be purchased taking these factors into account.

How to determine skin tone?

You can find out your skin tone with a simple and instant test. Pinch your cheek and hold the fold between your fingers. If it is difficult to hold it, you have a healthy tone. With the average condition of the dermis, it can be pulled back, but it quickly falls into place. The fold is easily formed and maintained - the face is flabby and the tone is weak.

In professional cosmetology, the term “skin turgor” is also used, which means elasticity and firmness, in other words, the same as tone. It is directly related to the correct balance of the hormone estrogen in a woman’s body. Normally, the skin is elastic and elastic. Dehydration leads to a decrease in tone, so cosmetologists advise drinking at least one and a half liters of water per day. This indicator plays a certain role when choosing care products.

Why is it important to know your skin type?

If a woman knows how to determine her facial skin type, she will easily learn how to care for it. Having mastered the properties of the ingredients from which a cream, mask, milk or tonic is made, it is easy to select them. As a rule, in good stores The cosmetics industry employs competent consultants. They will help you make a choice, taking into account not only the type of dermis, but also its turgor, sensitivity, and problems. Knowing your type will also help you prepare home remedies.

The wrong choice of cosmetics (including decorative ones) will only aggravate the condition of unhealthy skin. It is unlikely that a face prone to oiliness will look better if you smear it with a nourishing cream for dry types at night. If it is difficult to decide at home, contact a cosmetology office or clinic.

Whatever skin type you have, it is important to remember: only babies have problem-free skin. Each of them has both disadvantages and advantages. You need to take proper care of your face from adolescence, only under such conditions the skin will not take revenge on you with early sagging.

Delicate, velvety skin with a perfect matte tone, a gift from nature only for a few. And incorrectly selected products can lead to rapid aging, irritation and inflammation. Moisture content, balance of lipids and acids, sufficient facial blood circulation are the factors that shape the epidermis. Having learned to determine your skin type, it is easy to take care of your face, maintaining youth and freshness. To do this, it’s worth spending a few minutes and taking the test online.

Take an online test - what is your skin type?

Dry type

Very sensitive and delicate dry skin is most often susceptible to various peelings and irritations. Pale pink color, sometimes with yellowish tint, through a thin layer of epidermis, facial vessels are visible. Lipid deficiency affects immune properties, even small temperature changes cause redness on the face. It is not uncommon for a feeling of tightness to remain after washing or removing makeup. Proper skin care will help prevent the appearance of wrinkles, premature aging, flabbiness - the main problems of the dry type.

Find out more about caring for dry type you can.

Normal type

Moisturized, with perfect in an even tone, elastic - normal skin faces. Thanks to balanced work sebaceous glands, no peeling or irritation. How can you not see inflammation and clogged ducts in the form of black dots? It is worth determining your facial skin type in order to maintain a harmonious state in the future, prevent the appearance of wrinkles and dehydration.

Find out more about caring for normal type you can.

Combined type

The easiest way to correctly identify this type of epidermis is visually. Oily shine in the nose, chin, forehead and contrasting dry cheeks and temples. Environmental factors often lead to the appearance of comedones and acne in problem areas. Combination skin needs comprehensive care, separately for each area of ​​the face.

Important advice from the editors

If you want to improve the condition of your hair, you should pay special attention to the shampoos you use. A frightening figure - in 97% of shampoos famous brands There are substances that poison our body. The main components due to which all the troubles on the labels are designated as sodium lauryl sulfate, sodium laureth sulfate, coco sulfate. These chemical substances destroy the structure of curls, hair becomes brittle, loses elasticity and strength, color fades. But the worst thing is that this nasty thing gets into the liver, heart, lungs, accumulates in organs and can cause oncological diseases. We advise you not to use products that contain these substances. Recently, our editorial experts conducted an analysis sulfate-free shampoos, where first place was taken by products from Mulsan Cosmetic. The only manufacturer of completely natural cosmetics. All products are manufactured under strict quality control and certification systems. We recommend visiting the official online store If you doubt the naturalness of your cosmetics, check the expiration date; it should not exceed one year of storage.


Find out more about caring for combined type you can.

Fat type

A test to determine your skin type should be taken after the hormonal changes of adolescence. After this period, increased oiliness, inflammation and acne can be attributed to oily skin. Insufficient blood flow activity and excessive secretion of the sebaceous glands lead to a porous, lumpy structure, with uneven pigmentation. A huge plus is its slow aging, thanks to the increased lipid content. Using a test, you can determine this type at home and, following the care advice, normalize the condition.

Find out more about caring for bold type you can.

Way to perfect skin long ago defined the best cosmetologists and dermatologists. The first step - how to determine your skin type - has already been taken. By implementing all the recommendations, it is easy to become the happy owner of ideal, radiant skin.

Which products are suitable for your skin type

Video: How to determine your skin type at home

"Author of the article: Veronika Belova": Graduated with honors from the LOKON Academy of Beauty Industry. Mother of a beautiful child. I like to experiment, I constantly try different products, masks (including cooking with my own hands), techniques that can make us beautiful and healthy. I'm in

From the book “Manual of Dermatology” edited by E.R. Arabian and E.V. Sokolovsky.

For targeted effects on the skin during various cosmetic procedures, it is necessary to correctly determine the skin type and its condition.

The division of facial skin into different types is based on the following parameters: rate of desquamation, water loss, intensity of sebum and sweating.



There are many classifications of skin types. Most often, there are four main skin types:

  • Normal,
  • Dry,
  • Fat,
  • Combined (mixed).

Normal skin

Normal skin - skin without visible changes and feelings of discomfort.

Absolutely normal skin is very rare. Patients with this skin type, as a rule, do not go to cosmetology institutions. With age, as well as with improper care, normal skin, as a rule, dehydrates and becomes sensitive to external irritating factors.

Normal skin is characterized by freshness, cleanliness, and absence of visible changes. Due to good blood supply, such skin has a uniform color with a matte tint. The skin is elastic. The openings of the sebaceous glands (“pores”) are very small, superficial, barely noticeable. There is no peeling on the surface of the skin. The skin is resistant to external irritants. There is no feeling of discomfort regardless of the time of year, day, climatic conditions, or phase of the menstrual cycle.

Dry skin

Dry skin – thinned, with flaking, small cracks, tightness and tingling sensations.

At a young age, dry skin looks attractive, it is “beautiful like a rose,” but, unfortunately, like a rose, it quickly fades.

The skin is pale pink, matte, thin, delicate, with narrow, almost imperceptible pores, without an oily sheen on the surface. Dry skin is characterized by freshness and cleanliness.

If you do not properly care for this type of skin, erythema and peeling may appear, especially after washing, and dryness, peeling and small cracks may appear on the red border of the lips and in the corners of the mouth. Subjective sensations of skin tightening, itching and paristhesia also occur.

Dry skin is very sensitive to external irritants, especially ultraviolet radiation.

In everyday life practical work A dermatocosmetologist often has to deal with the symptom complex of dryness, or xerosis (from the Greek “xeros” - dry) skin in patients with various conditions and diseases.

The causes of skin xerosis are currently not fully understood. However, it is known that this symptom complex is interconnected with four main factors:

  • water shortage in stratum corneum,
  • excessively frequent change epithelial layer,
  • violation of skin barrier properties and
  • decreased sebum production.

In the case of dehydration of the stratum corneum, the skin looks flaky, the scales are tightly attached in their central part, and along the periphery they lag somewhat behind the surface of the skin and are separated from each other by fissure-like grooves.

The mouth of the hair apparatus may be expanded due to the loss of water in the surface layers of the skin.

Chronic damage to the skin by various obligate* chemical and physical factors weak strength, such as acids or ultraviolet rays, can cause accelerated proliferation* of basal cells, which is a consequence of the inflammatory response. In this case, keratinocytes do not have time to quickly transform into horny scales, which is histologically expressed in the formation of a pathological process in the epidermis - parakeratosis, leading to desquamation.

Simultaneously with the slowdown in keratinocyte differentiation, there is a delay in the formation of lipids that perform lipid function. The outcome of this condition is increased transepidermal water loss, which leads to dry skin.

Violation of the barrier properties of the skin occurs due to a decrease in the amount of lipids between the horny scales in the stratum corneum. This is possible with the constant use of aggressive detergents* and with a number of dermatoses (atopic dermatitis, ichthyosis, etc.)

Skin xerosis in atopic dermatitis is caused by changes in the composition of ceramides in the stratum corneum. Thus, in this dermatosis, a decrease in free type 1 ceramides associated with linoleic acid has been recorded.

In psoriasis and lamellar ichthyosis, serious changes in the composition of the lipid stratum corneum have also been identified. It has been shown that in these dermatoses there is an increase in the content of free ceramides of types 2, 3a, 4 and a decrease in ceramides 3b and 5.

In psoriasis, a decrease in the content of bound ceramides of class B has also been reported. It is believed that these disturbances in the ratio of ceramides, as well as changes in the level of cholesterol and fatty acids in the stratum corneum of the epidermis, contribute to the inferiority of keratinocyte adhesion and affect the rate of desquamation* in these dermatoses, accelerating the renewal of the epithelial layer.

There are two main types of dry skin:

  • acquired dry skin and
  • constitutionally dry skin.

Acquired dry skin is formed under the influence of various exogenous factors. Such factors include acute and chronic ultraviolet irradiation, various weather factors (wind, high temperature, low humidity air), skin care with constant use of anionic detergents, solvents and other aggressive substances.

Thus, increased skin dryness is observed in people who constantly stay in air-conditioned rooms, characterized by a certain microclimate unfavorable for the skin.

Dry skin can also be a consequence of various therapeutic measures. In particular, dry skin is an expected side effect of systemic retinoid therapy. Similar changes are possible with external therapy with retinoids, benzoyl peroxide, azeloic acid, alpha hydroxy acids, etc.

Dryness, persistent erythema and thinning of the skin can occur in the practice of a dermacosmetologist as a result of repeated peeling procedures, laser resurfacing, and dermabrasion.

Under the influence of various exo- and endogenous factors theoretically, any skin type can transform into dry skin. Such skin is usually classified as dehydrated.

Constitutionally dry skin may be associated with certain genetic and physiological characteristics.

In particular, it occurs in children from 2 to 6 years of age, when there is a physiological decrease in the production of sebum by the sebaceous glands.

Dry skin on the face, back, hands, and legs is often recorded in white women, thin skin, while similar characteristics can be traced among family members.

In addition, dry skin can increase and dominate as a symptom complex during aging (senile xerosis).

Skin dryness, dehydration, and thinning may occur during menopause and premenopause. This is explained by the fact that with age, partial and then complete atrophy of the sebaceous glands occurs.

Constitutionally dry skin also occurs with various dermatoses: atopic dermatitis, ichthyosis, etc.

It should be remembered that dry skin can be a manifestation of serious diseases of internal organs and therefore requires a dermatocosmetologist to carefully collect anamnesis and full examination patient by systems and organs.

Thus, the symptom complex of dry skin is a heterogeneous concept. Comprehensive care care of such skin, including gentle cleansing and moisturizing, is fundamentally important along with the appointment of pathogenetic therapy.

Main causes of dry skin
Exogenous causes
Endogenous causes
  • Improper, irrational skin care or lack of any care.
  • Unfavorable working conditions (work in hot shops, prolonged exposure to the open air, etc.)
  • Abuse of diets, fasting using various dubious methods.
  • Alcohol abuse, smoking.
  • Iatrogenic causes related to the prescription of drugs or how by-effect cosmetic procedures.
  • Other.
  • Hypo- and vitamin deficiencies.
  • Kidney and liver diseases.
  • Diabetes.
  • Diseases of the thyroid gland and adrenal glands.
  • Infectious diseases accompanied by dehydration.
  • Some blood diseases.
  • Pituitary adenoma with hypopituitarism syndrome.
  • Paraneoplastic dermatoses, etc.

Patients with dry skin often visit a beauty salon. As a rule, these are complaints about the appearance of redness and peeling of the skin, as well as complaints about a feeling of discomfort in the form of “tightening and tingling”, paresthesia*.

The above complaints intensify especially after washing the face, as well as when weather conditions change, depending on the menstrual cycle, etc. Early signs of skin aging lead patients with dry skin to an appointment with a dermatologist-cosmetologist.

Oily skin

Oily skin is thickened, with increased greasiness, shine, and expanded openings of the pilosebaceous apparatus.

In cosmetology, oily skin is usually divided into:

  • just oily skin (seborrhea condition) and
  • clinically oily skin (a condition of seborrhea complicated by the appearance of inflammatory acne).

Seborrhea– this is a special condition associated with hyperproduction of sebum and changes in its composition (i.e., qualitative and quantitative changes in sebum).

Seborrhea is divided into liquid, thick and mixed. Each of these forms can serve as a background for the appearance of acne. In cases of clinically oily skin, various inflammatory acne is found - pustular, papular, indurative, phlegmonous, conglobate.

Combination (mixed) skin

Combined (mixed) skin is skin that has areas of thickening with dilated openings of the sebaceous glands and increased secretion of sebum in the central part of the face, which are combined with areas of atrophy and peeling on the lateral surfaces of the face and neck skin.

It should be emphasized that a significant drawback of dividing the skin into normal, dry, oily and combination is that it reflects only the characteristics of sebum and sweating, without taking into account such important parameters of the skin as elasticity, turgor (firmness, tension, ability to return to its original forms ) and the severity of age-related changes.

In addition to assessing medical history and visual examination of the skin using a magnifying lamp, dermatology traditionally uses a number of tests to more accurately determine skin type.


Fat test.

Performed two hours after washing, using tissue paper, on the skin without decorative cosmetics and other cosmetics.

The tissue paper is applied with light pressure on the forehead, nose and chin. The edges of the tissue paper are then pressed against the left and right cheeks.

Test result evaluation:

  • Negative result – absence of greasy spots on tissue paper (typical for dry skin);
  • Positive result - greasy spots are observed only in the central part of the tissue paper applied to the forehead, nose, chin (depending on the intensity of the spots, it occurs in normal and mixed skin types).
  • A sharply positive result is the presence of 5 oily spots, which is typical for oily skin.

Skin fold test.

Used to assess skin turgor. A skin fold is formed by squeezing the skin of the side of the face with two fingers.

Test result evaluation:

  • Normal turgor – it is difficult to form a skin fold;
  • Turgor is somewhat reduced - a fold can be formed, but it straightens out immediately;
  • Turgor is sharply reduced - the fold is easily formed and persists for a long time.

Rotational compression test.

Makes it possible to characterize skin turgor.

The researcher applies thumb to the skin of the middle part of the face and, pressing lightly, carries out a rotational movement.

Test result evaluation:

  • A negative result is a feeling of resistance to rotation and pressure;
  • Weak positive result– the appearance of a disappearing fan of wrinkles;
  • A positive result is free rotation and the formation of small, long-lasting wrinkles that appear even with light pressure.

The combination of the results of the above tests allows us to classify the skin as one of the options listed below. It should also be emphasized that the gradation of skin according to its types indicated below also takes into account the severity of age-related skin changes.

Skin types (according to test results):

The skin is normal, the turgor is normal.

The skin has a matte surface with a slight shine in the middle part of the face. Thin, barely noticeable in the middle part of the mouth of the sebaceous glands (pores) are not filled with sebum. The test for fat content in this area is positive, on the side surfaces it is negative. The skin is resistant to local irritants and even without special cosmetic care retains its appearance for a long time. After 30 years, depending on conditions and features of care, it acquires features characteristic of the next skin type.

The skin is normal, the turgor is slightly reduced.

The surface is matte with a slight shine in the middle part of the face. The openings of the pilosebaceous apparatus are small, superficial, and slightly pronounced. The test for fat content in the middle part of the face is weakly positive, a skin fold is formed, but it is elastic, the rotational compression test is weakly positive. There is a network of superficial wrinkles around the eyes. With absence full care behind such skin, signs of aging quickly become noticeable.

The skin is normal, turgor is sharply reduced.

The surface is matte with a slight shine in the middle part of the face. The openings of the pilosebaceous apparatus are small and slightly pronounced. The test for fat content in the middle part of the face is weakly positive, on the side parts it is negative. Expression wrinkles are clearly expressed, the skin is thin, turgor is sharply reduced. A skin fold forms easily. The rotational compression test is positive.

The skin is dry, turgor is normal.

The skin is matte, smooth, without wrinkles. The openings of the pilosebaceous apparatus are practically invisible, the test for fat content is negative. The rotational compression test is negative. The skin is sensitive to any irritants. Regular care and protection from unfavorable factors external environment, primarily meteorological factors.

The skin is dry, turgor is slightly reduced.

The skin is matte and soft. The openings of the pilosebaceous apparatus are invisible, the test for fat content is negative, there are superficial wrinkles in the corners of the eyes. The skin fold is formed easily, elasticity is preserved. The rotational compression test is weakly positive. Systematic preventive beauty care, since signs of decreased skin turgor appear by the age of 30.

The skin is dry, turgor is sharply reduced.

The surface is matte, delicate, the mouth of the pilosebaceous apparatus is invisible. Skin turgor is sharply reduced, the skin is thinned, especially in the eye area and around the mouth, and static superficial and deep wrinkles form. The skin fold forms easily and lasts a long time. The rotational compression test is positive.

The skin is oily, the turgor is normal.

The surface of the skin in the middle part of the face is shiny, with pronounced sebum-filled openings of the pilosebaceous apparatus, i.e. there is a condition of seborrhea. Comedones* may be detected. The test for fat content in the middle and side parts is positive. Skin without wrinkles, smooth. It is difficult to form a skin fold. The rotational compression test is negative. Acne often appears during puberty. Regular care is recommended using medicinal cosmetics, if necessary, pharmacological correction. Not recommended cosmetical tools fat based.

The skin is oily, the turgor is slightly reduced.

The surface of the skin is shiny, with a rough structure, the openings of the pilosebaceous apparatus are expanded, and there are comedones. The test for fat content in the middle part of the face is positive, in the side parts it may be negative. Available expression wrinkles, the skin of the eyelids is flabby. An elastic skin fold is formed. The rotational compression test is weakly positive. There is a tendency for inflammatory elements to appear, especially in the middle part of the face. Requires special care. The aging process of the skin occurs relatively slowly.

The skin is oily, turgor is sharply reduced.

The oil content characteristic corresponds to the previous skin type. Skin folds are formed randomly, the rotational compression test is sharply positive.

In the same way, combination skin type is classified and distinguished:

  • Combination skin with normal turgor,
  • Combination skin with slightly reduced turgor,
  • Combination skin with sharply reduced turgor.

    • It should also be noted that skin of any type can be dehydrated and sensitive.

      Sensitive skin

      In everyday practical work, a dermatocosmetologist often has to deal with the symptom complex of the so-called “sensitive” facial skin.

      Timely and correct identification of this symptom complex is extremely important for choosing further tactics for managing such patients.

      As a rule, increased skin sensitivity is caused by a number of dermatoses in which the barrier properties of the skin are impaired and persistent facial erythema is present, often along with other rashes.

      These diseases include atopic dermatitis, rosacea, perioral dermatitis, seborrheic dermatitis, simple and allergic dermatitis, polymorphic photodermatosis and other dermatoses.

      Increased sensitivity skin occurs during menopausal aging, after a number of cosmetic interventions (peeling, laser resurfacing, microdermabrasion, etc.), as well as for constitutional and genetically determined characteristics of the skin and its blood vessels.

      Glossary of terms:

      Obligate(from Latin obligatus - obligatory, indispensable) - obligatory, constantly occurring. A term used to designate a property that is necessarily inherent in a given phenomenon, condition, process, disease.

      Proliferation(from lat. proles - offspring, offspring and fero - carry) - proliferation of body tissue by cell multiplication by division.

      Detergent(lat. detergeo - “I wash”) - Detergent - a substance or mixture that helps wash something away from dirt. The most common are three types of detergent mixtures: soap, washing powder and liquid detergents: gels and shampoos.

      Dermatoses(from ancient Greek δέρμα, genus δέρματος - skin), a collective designation for diseases of the skin and its appendages - nails, hair.

      Dermatitis(Greek derma - skin + itis - inflammation) - contact acute inflammatory lesion of the skin resulting from exposure to it irritating factors chemical, physical or biological nature.

      Atopic dermatitis- chronic allergic dermatitis, a disease that develops in individuals with a genetic predisposition to atopy, has a relapsing course, age-related characteristics of clinical manifestations. It is characterized by exudative and/or lichenoid rashes, increased serum IgE levels and hypersensitivity to specific (allergenic) and nonspecific irritants. It has a clear seasonal dependence: in winter - exacerbations or relapses, in summer - partial or complete remissions.

      Desquamation(lat. desquamo - remove scales) - scaly peeling (flaking) of epithelium or other tissues from the surface of an organ, occurring either normally or as a result of various pathological processes. Synonym for desquamation.

      Paresthesia- one of the types of sensitivity disorders, characterized by sensations of numbness, tingling, and crawling sensations.

      Comedo(novolat. acne comedonica) - a type of cyst that forms when the mouth of the hair follicle is blocked by horny masses (desquamated epithelium mixed with thick lard). Comedones can be closed (whiteheads) or open (blackheads).

      Puberty(Latin pubertas - maturity, puberty) - age from 12 to 16 years for girls and from 13 to 17-18 years for boys; corresponds to the period of puberty.

      Erythema(Greek ἐρυθρός - red) - severe redness of the skin caused by dilation of the capillaries. One of the symptoms of inflammation.

This skin type occurs in in rare cases. She does not have the problems of dry skin and the external manifestations of oily skin. Due to good blood supply, normal skin has a beautiful, even color. She always looks fresh, smooth and elastic. She is not bothered by any oily sheen or flaking.


This type has a thin and delicate structure, with small pores. She is prone to peeling and does not tolerate any sun rays, no frost. This type of skin does not like soap and is selective about the quality of water. Age-related changes dry skin becomes thinner, wrinkles appear on it earlier, the number of which quickly increases over time.


The skin has a yellowish tint and a greasy sheen. Large pores are visible on it, sometimes covered acne. Wrinkles form on such skin later. The appearance of rashes is usually associated with hormonal processes in the body. Fatness is most often observed in adolescence and young adulthood.


This type has a fairly even structure; uneven coloring of the skin is possible. There are both oily and dry areas on the face. The T-zone, which runs through the forehead, nose and chin, is prone to oiliness. Dryness may occur on the cheeks, temples and eye area. With proper care, wrinkles will not appear for a long time.


Any skin can belong to this type. Sensitivity is associated with increased reactivity that is not related to allergies. Sensitive skin does not always tolerate the components contained in effective skin care products. When in contact with poor quality water, the skin may become tight and irritated when in contact with hard clothing. Also, this type is very sensitive to climatic influences, which result in rashes, redness, and irritation.


In people mature age skin is prone to aging. It loses its former elasticity and is dry, pale, and sensitive. This type can also form for other reasons. Sometimes, due to improper care, changes in metabolic processes, and deteriorating health, the skin begins to age prematurely.

From this article you will learn:

    What you need to know before determining your skin type

    What skin types can be determined

    How to determine your skin type using a test

    How to determine your skin type by using a cosmetic wipe

The question of how to determine skin type is important for those people who care about their appearance and health. Due to differences in skin types, people react differently to the same products, which means they need an individual approach. We will try to figure out how to correctly determine the type of facial skin and what are the characteristics of each type.

What you need to know before determining your skin type

There are four main skin types:


  • Combined.

There are various characteristics these four types, on the basis of which specific options for care and care are selected.

Normal skin– this skin type is determined by its pH level of 5.5. She looks healthy and has the usual small pores. With the right care, the likelihood of wrinkles appearing will be minimal. Normal skin has correct ratio fat and moisture, which reduces the tendency for irritation.

Oily skin refers to a certain skin type, which is characterized by an oily sheen and enlarged pores. This is a consequence of increased secretion of the sebaceous glands. The average pH level is 6. The advantage of this skin type is that the abundant fat layer prevents the skin from drying out and, as a result, the appearance of wrinkles.

Dry skin. This skin type can be determined by the following indicators. Unlike oily skin, it has a small number of fat cells, which contributes to the formation of wrinkles. Wrinkles appear most quickly in the area around the eyes. Dry skin is most often observed in women age category over 50 years of age and in people for a long time living in dry – either hot or cool – climates. This skin type is characterized by small pores and a dull skin tone.

You can determine dry facial skin type by certain signs. For example, roughness of the skin, peeling and cracks. All this can occur as a result of inadequate care and protection from frost and sun, insufficient hydration and fluid intake. pH from 3 to 5.5. The listed signs of dry skin type speak not so much about a person’s tendency to allergies, but about the sensitivity of the skin.

Combination skin- a certain type of skin, the pH result of which depends on specific areas: dry - with an indicator of 3, oily - with an indicator of 6. Combination skin combines dry and oily skin types. Dry skin may appear in areas such as the cheeks, temples and eye area. Oily – on the forehead, nose and chin. The main differences between combination skin type are a healthy appearance, large pores in certain areas, uneven color, and with proper care, a minimal likelihood of wrinkles appearing.

5 ways to determine your facial skin type at home

TO How to determine facial skin type at home ? Main options:

    Using external indicators;

    TO wash with a cosmetic wipe;

  • Using a six-question test;

  • WITH using a rotation test;

  • Determine skin type and its tone.

The above methods will help you determine your skin type at home. In most cases correct result is obtained based on indicators from one or two tests. But still, going to a specialist will never be superfluous. Professional cosmetologists will quickly determine your skin type and give recommendations on proper care about her.

Why do you need to determine your skin type? It is imperative to determine your skin type in order to understand how to care for it and what cosmetic products are suitable for you.

At home, before you start determining your skin type, you need to remove your makeup and give your face a few hours to rest.

How to visually determine your facial skin type

For visual definition skin type faces you will need clean face and good light.

How to determine your facial skin type.

First you need to inspect the surface using a magnifying glass. It is better to write down everything that was noticed, so that later, based on your observations, you can determine the type of skin on your face: dry or oily, normal or combination. The main features that you need to take a closer look at are the presence of oily shine, pimples, blackheads, wrinkles and cracks. It is also important to determine the size of the pores - large or small.

Normal facial skin type characterized by the presence of such characteristics as cleanliness, freshness, lack of greasy shine, matte shade, elasticity and smoothness. Normal skin is a rare phenomenon; it has lessThere are no flaws at all, and that’s why everyone wants to have this type of skin. The only problem problem that people with normal skin face is Great chance the occurrence of dryness, as well as cracks and wrinkles as a person gets older. This is due to a decrease in the amount of sebum that is produced in youth. But these shortcomings can be prevented if you take proper care of your face from a young age.

Oily skin type. Oily facial skin type can be identified by such signs as acne, pimples, oily shine and large pores. Due to the abundance of fatty acids, wrinkles on the face appear quite late, and the skin continues to maintain elasticity and firmness. Oily skin needs special care. It is important to clean it properly using various masks and foams. You should also pay special attention to your diet. Eat more vegetables, fruits, dairy and fermented milk products. Avoid sauces and various additives, such as mustard, vinegar.

Dry skin typefacesis characterized by some problems. The environment has an impact on her big influence and worsens the condition of the skin. Dry skin may peel after contact with water. She is too delicate and thin and loses her beauty quite quickly.

Combined (mixed) skin type faces. Most people have this type. This is a combination of dry and oily skin. It is very easy to determine the mixed type. It shows up as an oily sheen on the nose and dryness around the cheeks. Such skin requires careful care, because acne, signs of allergies and irritation may appear on the face.

There are also several additional skin types :

Mature skin. It appears in older people. Signs of aging become noticeable on the face: sagging and dull skin. Various wrinkles can be seen in risk areas: on the cheeks, around the eyes, on the forehead.

Dry and sensitive . Fine-porous, velvety, peels off easily, prone to irritation and wrinkles, prone to allergies.

Oily and combination skin . This type of facial skin is determined by the presence of pimples, blackheads, oily areas of the face, and large pores.

Problematic (acne skin) . The most complex skin that requires special, constant and professional care. Using a standard set of cosmetics, it is impossible to cope with acne and pustular rashes that appear on problem skin.

What other skin type can be determined?

Many people are sure that they have sensitive skin. But this type of skin does not exist; it is only possible in combination with other types.

This misunderstanding arises as a result of some of the materials published in thematic sources. Different systematic approaches determine skin types in their own way. For example, in Leslie Bauman’s classification there are 16 different options:

DRNT: dry, resistant to irritation, non-pigmented, smooth.

DRNW: dry, resistant to irritation, non-pigmented, prone to wrinkles.

DRPT: dry, resistant to irritation, pigmented, smooth.

DRPW: dry, resistant to irritation, pigmented, prone to wrinkles.

DSNT: dry, sensitive, non-pigmented, smooth.

DSNW: dry, sensitive, unpigmented, prone to wrinkles.

DSPT: dry, sensitive, pigmented, smooth.

DSPW: dry, sensitive, pigmented, prone to wrinkles.

ORNT: oily, resistant to irritation, non-pigmented, smooth.

ORNW: oily, resistant to irritation, non-pigmented, prone to wrinkles.

ORPT: oily, resistant to irritation, pigmented, smooth.

ORPW: oily, resistant to irritation, pigmented, prone to wrinkles.

OSNT: oily, sensitive, non-pigmented, smooth.

OSNW: oily, sensitive, unpigmented, prone to wrinkles.

OSPT: oily, sensitive, pigmented, smooth.

OSPW: Oily, sensitive, pigmented, prone to wrinkles.

An online test that determines skin type according to Leslie Bauman's classification is available on the Internet. For each option there is a special care kit. But to take care of your face, you don’t have to be a super specialist and understand all the classifications in detail. You can simply take care of your skin by first finding out which of the four main types it belongs to.

How to determine your facial skin type by using a cosmetic wipe

To determine your skin type you need cosmetic wipe (simple paper in in this case won't fit).

The procedure is as follows: first, let your skin rest for three to four hours. Then touch the napkin to the desired points: cheeks, forehead and chin. Check the marks left on the napkin. By their quality and quantity, you can determine your facial skin type.

If there is oily discharge all over your face, it means you have an oily type.

If there is fat only in the area of ​​the forehead-nose-chin triangle, but not on the cheeks, then it is a combined type.

Normal skin: If there is some fat on the forehead and nose.

You have dry skin, if there are no oily stains on the napkin.

How to determine your skin type: a 6-question test

1. How do you feel on your skin after treating it with foam or soap?

a) tightness;

b) smoothness;

c) dryness;

d) feeling of tenderness;

e) sometimes dry, sometimes smooth.

2. What did your skin look like after treatment with cleansing cream or milk?

a) good;

b) flat;

c) sometimes pleasant, sometimes itchy;

d) fat;

d) sometimes oily, sometimes smooth.

3. How does your skin usually look in the middle of the day?

a) peels off;

b) normal;

c) peels and turns red;

d) shiny;

e) shiny in the nose-forehead-chin area.

4. How often do you get pimples?

a) never happened;

b) sometimes before menstruation;

c) sometimes;

e) often in the nose-forehead-chin area.

5. How does your skin react when you apply toner or lotion to your face?

a) burns;

b) no problem;

c) burns and itches;

d) freshens;

d) sometimes it burns, sometimes itches.

6. How does your skin react to oily night cream?

a) extremely good;

b) good;

c) sometimes good, sometimes irritated;

d) secretes fat;

e) secretes fat in the nose-forehead-chin area.

Now review your answers. If the answer prevails among them:

a – dry;

b – normal;

c – sensitive;

g – fat;

d – mixed (combined) type with a predominance of fat.

How to not only determine your skin type, but also identify the first signs of aging

Peearly signs of aging can be defined as follows: thumb press into the center of the cheek and rotate. What's happening?

    If there is resistance, it means you are young and have no signs of aging.

    Wrinkles appear, radiating from the place of pressure - this indicates the first symptoms of withering.

    Sluggish skin with wrinkles indicates that the aging process is already underway.

When deciding to determine your skin type, do not forget to check its tone

For determining skin tone there is a simple test. Pinch the skin of your cheek. If the fold is easy to hold, it means that the tone is not in order, the skin is sagging. If it’s difficult, the tone is in good condition. If the fold does not last long, the skin is flabby, but in normal tone.

How to correctly determine your body skin type


    Skin is normal after contact with water.

    In winter, the skin on your elbows, knees and feet can be dry.

    Resistant to any climatic conditions.

    Tolerates any type of cosmetics.


    The skin feels tight after contact with water.

    There are cracks and peeling.

    Elbows, knees and feet have roughness.


    Unresistant to weather conditions and some cosmetics.

    Dryness sometimes appears in some places.

    Recovery from cuts takes an extremely long time.


    All areas are rough.

    Skin tone has decreased.

    Unpleasant roughness everywhere.

It is almost never possible to determine the type of body skin and obtain accurate data, because the skin is constantly exposed to many factors. In addition to the environment and climate, clothing has a big influence on it. Low quality shoes and the fabrics you wear can cause irritation and itching all over your body.

Therefore, to determine your body skin type more accurately, it is better to see a doctor. There, your skin will be examined using a special apparatus and they will give you advice on how to care for it and what cosmetics you can use. Some women have similar devices at home because they are easy to use.

Pay close attention

You can incorrectly determine your body skin type due to one more circumstance: some women do verification tests while their skin is exposed improper care and she exhibits symptoms of a disease that are not typical for her. These symptoms may be temporary, but they will cause you to get false results when determining skin type.

For example, a situation may arise when a woman comes to a cosmetologist complaining about problems with oily skin. And this is just the result of the fact that she used the wrong cream, which caused increased work of the sebaceous glands. Although by nature she has a dry type. How to accurately determine your skin type in such a situation? This should be done by a specialist. At home, you won’t get the right answer, and all attempts to correct the situation can lead to even bigger problems.

Soon the oily skin will disappear on its own. The sebaceous glands will stop producing fat, because its reserves are not unlimited. As soon as all the fat deposited by nature comes out, the woman will discover that her skin type is dry or sensitive.

How to determine your scalp and hair type

How to determine your scalp type? It is inseparably associated with the type of hair; they are interconnected with each other. Therefore, you can determine your scalp type based on distinctive features the hair itself.

Hair type




Mixed (oily at the roots, dry at the ends)

Need for washing

Every 2 – 3 days


Once a week

Every 2 – 4 days

Scalp, hair roots

After washing they are normal, after a couple of days they are oily

After washing they are normal, in the evening of the first day or in the morning of the second they are oily again

After washing - dry or normal, 3-4 days - normal, by the 7th day - oily

After washing they are normal, after 2-3 days they are oily

Tips (at medium length hair)

Normal or slightly dry, may irritate a little

No splits or almost no splits

Dry, brittle, may have a lot of broken or split ends

Dry, split ends

After washing - clean shine, after 2-3 days - greasy shine at the roots

Clean shine after washing, greasy shine by the end of the first day or the morning of the second

After washing there is a slight shine, then the hair becomes dull

After washing, there is a clean shine at the roots, a slight shine at the ends. On days 3-4 – oily shine at the roots and lack of shine at the ends

Splendor and volume

Normal fullness

Only immediately after washing or not at all


Medium, ends may get frizzy


Very rarely

Maybe at the ends

Styling without styling products

Gives in well

Hair can be styled, but it doesn't last long

Poor styling

Root styling

Care after determining your skin type

Normal skin

Proper care of normal skin will help keep it healthy. healthy condition on long years. Take care of it, because normal skin is extremely rare today. You need to determine for yourself how to properly care for it and, most importantly, how to prevent drying out. Do not expose your skin to sunlight for a long time. She is also contraindicated in eau de toilette, which contains a large number of alcohol All these negative factors may have a harmful effect on the skin.

Morning care for normal skin. With a normal type, there are very specific recommendations that must be followed every morning to maintain the health and beauty of the skin. After you wake up, refresh yourself with cold water. If you determine that the water is not completely soft, dilute it with brown soda or baking soda. This will make the water softer and more pleasant to the skin. Next, you need to wash with soap. Apply eau de toilette with up to 15 percent alcohol to your face using a napkin. It is better to complete your morning routine with cream: for normal type, a hydrating or semi-oily cream is suitable.

Evening care for normal skin. It is important for yourself to determine how to care for tired skin in the evening. At the end of the day, your skin needs some TLC too. After a day's work, the face is cleansed with cream or special milk, then wiped with eau de toilette. The nourishing cream is applied in this way: squeeze a little cream onto the fingertips and lightly touch the surface of the face.

Every week you need to make special masks. They may be different. The best option is to mix the yolk with vegetable oil or honey. You can also apply wrap masks.

Visiting beauty salons to care for dry and normal skin. If you have determined that you have normal type skin and want to take care of it at a more professional level, then you can go to special salons. For example, the city beauty and health center Veronika Herba in Moscow provides similar services. In the salon you will be examined and selected best option proper care of your skin. Girls aged 18-25 years are recommended to undergo atraumatic cleaning once every six months. Massage or spa treatments are also possible, which will result in increased blood flow and smoothing of facial wrinkles.

Dry skin

Dry skin fits into the category of a problem type, which is important to identify in time and begin proper care. Otherwise, the skin will begin to age and fade quickly. There are some factors that significantly reduce your chances of staying young and beautiful forever. Determining them is very simple: look at the condition of your skin after prolonged contact with things such as direct exposure to sunlight, a quartz lamp, eau de toilette with a lot of alcohol, low-fat creams, very cold or, conversely, hot water. In general, anything that dries out the skin is extremely contraindicated for people with dry skin types.

Morning care for dry skin. Here approximate diagram what to do in the morning.

    Wash with warm water or chamomile decoction.

    Wipe your face eau de toilette no alcohol.

    Rub in hydrating cream or hydrating emulsion.

    Spread more rich cream on top.

    Use liquid makeup for tinting.

Evening care for dry skin. You should adhere to a certain sequence of actions in the evenings. It is necessary to cleanse the skin with cleansing cream or toilet milk. Next, the face is wiped with eau de toilette. Then a special cream for dry skin type is applied to it. It needs constant hydration and replenishment with fatty substances. Determining which creams are suitable for dry skin is very simple. You need nourishing, hydrating creams with vitamins. You can use special masks made from honey, cottage cheese and other enriching products. It is also recommended to use water diluted with raw cow's milk for washing for fourteen days.

Proper nutrition also helps good influence on the condition of the skin. For dry type, food with high content vitamins A and C. These can be dairy products, vegetables, especially carrots, lettuce, tomatoes.

Visiting beauty salons to care for dry and sensitive skin. Which procedures worth going to beauty salons to improve the condition of dry skin?

    Darsonvalization is suitable for people who want to give their skin a healthy appearance and get rid of the first signs of aging.

    Massage to improve blood circulation will help in the fight against wrinkles and uneven color faces.

    Paraffin therapy softens facial skin through the use of nutrients.

    Acid peels improve the texture and complexion.

Each beauty salon offers clients various masks for dry skin. At the city beauty and health center Veronika Herba, you will be given a choice of quality services to care for dry skin.

Oily skin

Oily skin less susceptible to aging. But she needs serious care. It is important to define the set simple actions, which will help the skin always remain toned. Take long walks in nature, lead a healthy lifestyle, eat right, excluding fatty and starchy foods, and take short sunbathings.

Morning care oily skin. A certain order of actions in the morning will preserve the beauty of your face. You should wash your face with warm water using soap, then wipe your skin with eau de toilette with an alcohol content of no more than twenty percent. Apply protective cream, created specifically for oily skin. Foundations also need to be selected taking into account the characteristics of your skin type.

Evening care for oily skin. A number of sequential procedures are also needed for evening care. Clean your face with disinfectant sulfur or tar soap, and then also eau de toilette with 30% alcohol content. After this, rub in semi-fat nourishing cream, toilet milk or baby vegetable oil.

Every two weeks fat type The skin needs a steam bath to get rid of acne. After this, it’s good to put a mask on your face, preferably an exfoliating one.

Visiting beauty salons to care for oily skin. It is important to consider what professional procedures needed for fatty types.

    Vaporization. Steaming process before other procedures such as brushing.

    Mechanical cleaning. Removing sebaceous plugs.

    Deep hardware cleaning to get rid of comedones and rashes.

    Acid peeling to tighten pores and reduce sebum.

    Cryotherapy liquid nitrogen to tighten pores.

    Pneumophototherapy. Vacuum massage and phototherapy procedure.

    Darsonvalization. Cauterization of problem areas with high-frequency pulsed current.

    Massage will help the skin improve microcirculation and metabolic processes.

Mixed skin

Many people with mixed skin type don't give special significance to which areas are dry and which are oily. They use the same means everywhere. If you have a mixed type, then it is important for you to remember that care should vary. It is necessary to determine the skin type in each area and, in accordance with this, use cosmetics correctly.

Morning care for mixed skin types. Wash with warm or cold water. Next, different areas need to be processed in their own way. Oily ones - using eau de toilette with 6% alcohol content. Dry parts of the nose, forehead, chin - using toilet milk, hydrating or semi-oily cream. It is better to use foundations in the form of emulsions.

Evening care for mixed skin types. Must be cleaned using special cream or toilet milk. Wipe oily skin again with eau de toilette, and moisturize dry skin with nourishing fatty cream.

Visiting beauty salons to care for mixed skin types. It is important to take into account which procedures are best for her. Every week such skin should be cleared of acne. To remove them better, do steam bath on the face. Appropriate masks should be applied to dry and oily areas of the skin.

It is useful to cleanse mixed skin types with the following cleanses:

    Atraumatic – once a month;

    Phototherapy of pigmentation – once every two weeks with a course of 2-3 procedures;

    Superficial peeling with retinoids, phytic, glycolic, kojic acids - once every 10 days for a course of 6-8 procedures;

    Mesotherapy – once a week for a course of 6-8 procedures.

Mixed skin needs to be shown to a dermatocosmetologist once every six months for a preventive examination and possible change treatment process.

For mixed skin types prone to increased facial hair growth, the following procedures are suitable:

    Atraumatic cleaning – once a month;

    Photoepilation (laser hair removal) unwanted hair– once every three weeks;

    Mesotherapy – once a week for a course of 4-6 procedures.

If you find it difficult to determine which treatments your skin needs, it is better to contact specialized places where they will help you make the right choice. The urban beauty and health center Veronika Herba in Moscow has wonderful qualified specialists. They will take care of your skin and prescribe the care it needs.

Aging skin

Determining how to care for aging skin is very important and essential. This skin needs systematic care like no other. Its main enemy is the environment, which dehydrates and degreases it. Self-aging skin is no longer able to moisturize and nourish itself. fatty acids. Therefore, she needs help with this. To moisturize the skin, creams with fatty and nutritional components should be applied. It is important to enrich aging skin with vitamins, all kinds of plant extracts, collagens and albumin. The creams you use should contain all these substances.

Morning care for aging skin. You should wash your face with warm water. Then apply a nourishing or hydrating cream. It is better to use foundations in the form of emulsions.

Evening care for aging skin. Every evening you need to perform a certain ritual. Cleanse the skin with a special cream or toilet milk. Then apply a cream full of nutrients.

There is another natural way that has a beneficial effect on aging skin. These are walks in the rain, when your face can get plenty of moisture. But nourishing masks no one canceled anyway. They should be applied to the skin at least once a week.

Visiting beauty salons to care for aging skin. Cosmetologists will offer certain procedures for professional care:

    Facial massage – twice a week for a course of 10 procedures.

    Atraumatic cleaning – once every six months.

    Medium and deep peeling – once every 14 days with a course of 4-6 procedures.

    Biorevitalization – once every 14 days with a course of four procedures.

    Botulinum therapy – once every six months.

    RF lifting – once every 10-12 days with a course of four procedures.
