Working with parents. Thematic week "Broad Maslenitsa"

Musical director Novikova Ya.E.

Maslenitsa is the most favorite holiday, which is celebrated in last week before Great Lent. The world of fun and laughter opened up with unprecedented force in Maslenitsa days. Villages and cities were transformed for Maslenitsa: ice slides, snow fortresses, swings, booths for buffoons and circus performers. Maslenitsa was played by the whole world: they went to visit each other, children rode sleds, rode horses and, of course, ate themselves on pancakes.

Once upon a time, pancakes were the first unleavened bread; they were baked round, like the sun. It was believed that the sun was lured with ruddy pancakes, helping it flare up. The first pancake was placed on the window of the beggars, and the dead were commemorated. They celebrated Maslenitsa with pancakes. They included: cheese, butter, fish, cottage cheese.

Dear guests were invited for pancakes. How more guests, the more happy days per year. If you don’t celebrate well, you won’t be well-fed all year.

By church calendar Maslenitsa is also called “cheese week.”

-“Maslenitsa lasts for seven days.”

— Each day of the holiday has its own name:

- Monday “Meeting”.

- Tuesday “Flirting”.

— Wednesday “Gourmand”.

— Thursday “Range” or “Wide”.

— Friday “Mother-in-Law’s Evening.”

— Saturday “Sister-in-law’s gatherings.”

— Sunday “Forgiveness Day”.

This is the most popular and satisfying holiday, lasting a whole week. In the first three days, the peasants were still engaged in household work, but from Thursday the work stopped, and “Broad Maslenitsa” began.

First day - Maslenitsa meeting. For this day, a stuffed Maslenitsa was made, reminiscent of the long-forgotten Slavic goddess, whose name was Mara-Morevna. Children built ice slides, adults visited relatives. The holiday was opened by children, welcoming Maslenitsa.

Second day - “Flirs”. The processions of mummers began. They sang, danced a lot, and competed in agility and strength. Most of all they loved to ride down the ice slides: whoever didn’t slide offended Maslenitsa. Not to have fun, not to have fun from the heart during Maslenitsa means “to live in bitter misfortune and end your life badly.”

The third day - “Gourmand”. People visited each other. On this day the sons-in-law invited their sons-in-law for pancakes.

- “A pancake is not a wedge – it won’t split your stomach.”

Fourth day - “Take a walk”. Maslenitsa was in full swing.

Fifth day - “Mother-in-law’s evenings”. On this day, sons-in-law treated their mothers-in-law to pancakes.

-“You are welcome to come to us about Maslenitsa with your goods, with an honest belly.”

Sixth day - “Sister-in-law’s get-togethers.” Sister-in-law is the husband's sister. The young daughter-in-law gave gifts to her sisters-in-law.

Seventh day - “Forgiveness Day”. On this day they said goodbye to Maslenitsa and performed the ritual of forgiveness of all grievances accumulated over the year:

“Please forgive me if I’m guilty of anything to you.”

Then they kissed and bowed deeply. On the last day of Maslenitsa, they gave gifts to godfathers and godfathers, and were engaged in charity and good deeds pleasing to God.

Consultation for parents:

“What to tell your child about Maslenitsa”

Maslenitsa, Maslenitsa,

Let me enjoy the blink.

Drive away the snowstorms from us,

Take a ride on the carousel.

Melt the cold ice

May spring come soon!

Maslenitsa is one of the brightest, funniest, noisiest and unforgettable holidays per year. Usually children take part in Maslenitsa festivities and entertainment, but few of them can explain the meaning of what is happening. In the interests of the child’s development and broadening his horizons, parents can tell a lot of interesting things about Maslenitsa.Here's what you should pay attention to: Firstly, please note that Maslenitsa is a holiday that was celebrated by our grandmothers and great-grandmothers, that is, it appeared a long time ago. During Maslenitsa week we said goodbye to winter and welcomed spring. Observe with your child the changes in nature and look for signs that would indicate the approach of spring: the sun rises earlier, which gradually begins to warm up, birds begin to chirp.Secondly, bake pancakes with your child, emphasizing that this is the main treat for Maslenitsa. Ask what the pancake is like. Perhaps the baby himself will guess that the pancake symbolizes the sun. If it is difficult for him to answer this question, help leading questions. Try pancakes with sour cream, jam, and condensed milk. “A pancake is not a wedge, it won’t split your stomach,” people said. By the way, it’s a good idea to introduce your child to Maslenitsa proverbs, sayings, proverbs, and songs. For example, “Maslenitsa is not all for the cat, there will be Lent", "Not life, but Maslenitsa", "Maslenitsa is a waste of money, a waste of money"Thirdly, mention the main Maslenitsa entertainment: horse riding, sliding down the ice mountains, fist fights, taking the snowy town, honoring the newlyweds, seeing off and burning the effigy of Maslenitsa, the ritual of forgiveness and farewell. Perhaps the child will become a spectator or participant in some spectacle. For example, tell us that by descending from the mountain they judged their own fate: whoever goes down the mountain safely will have to good year; The further you slide, the longer your life will be. Teach your child to ask for forgiveness from loved ones, set an example yourself.We can talk a lot about Maslenitsa for a long time. But Small child gets tired quickly, therefore, we need to vividly and emotionally tell him about the main thing that would be remembered for a long time and would make Maslenitsa one of his favorite holidays of the year!

Despite the fact that “pancake week” heralds the beginning of Lent, the holiday itself came to us from those times when the Slavs worshiped pagan gods - the Sun, Wind, Rain, etc. Even the name of the holiday, which has become widespread among the people, is idolatrous. IN Orthodox world The week preceding Lent is called the week of cheese. Its idea is to prepare for physical and spiritual cleansing. Children probably still don’t understand all these subtleties, and they don’t need to. Let Maslenitsa be simple for them happy holiday, symbolizing the end of winter and heralding the approach of spring. Nevertheless, little whys are likely to bombard their parents with questions about Maslenitsa. What interesting things can you tell them about this holiday?

On Maslenitsa week adults and children say goodbye to winter. But so that she doesn’t get offended by people and stay away for a long time, this should be done according to all the rules. Therefore, Maslenitsa is celebrated thoroughly. Each of the seven days of the holiday has its own traditions.

Monday: meeting

Sometimes it is called Children's Maslenitsa, because on this day ice slides, wooden swings and carousels for children were built everywhere. Adults helped children make a straw effigy, which they decorated bright clothes and were carried through the streets in horse-drawn sleighs. This doll was Mother Winter, who needed to be appeased before saying goodbye and sacrificing to the gods.

While a crowd of children had fun on slides and swings, adults danced in circles and sang songs. Although, if they wished, the kids were not forbidden to join in the chants. I must say, a good, memory-developing tradition. Invite your child to learn a poem about Maslenitsa. For example, this:

We haven't eaten pancakes for a long time,

We wanted pancakes

Oh, my pancakes, pancakes,

Oh, my pancakes.

My big sister

You are a master at baking pancakes,

She baked something to eat

Five hundred, maybe six.

All this fun was accompanied by eating pancakes, which symbolized the sun, the guarantee of a fertile harvest.

Tuesday: flirting

This is the day of hospitality. Whole families of people went to visit each other and treated themselves to fragrant pancakes. The meal invariably takes place accompanied by songs and ditties, dances and round dances. Children made snowmen and sledded them.

Wednesday: gourmet

From that day on, adults also began skiing from the icy mountains. Girls and boys enjoyed troika rides with bells. Relatives treated each other to pancakes and bagels.

Thursday: go wild

Pancakes are baked every day from Monday, but especially a lot from Thursday to Sunday. The tradition of baking pancakes has been in Rus' since the times of worship of pagan gods. Precisely the sun god. Yarilo was called upon to drive away winter, and the round, ruddy pancake is very similar to the sun.

It seems that on this day the fun reached its climax. Older children and adults were captivated by massive games and fun.

Sack fights, for example, are still in great demand at Maslenitsa festivities. Two people take part in the game. Each person has one hand tied to his body, and in the other he takes a bag, with which he tries to knock down his opponent. This strategy game teaches the child to maneuver, conduct a tactical “competition,” and trains coordination of movements.

The so-called “Karelian races” are no less popular. Two people or twenty can take part in them. The opponents' task is to accelerate the sled down the hill in such a way as to travel further than the other relay participants.

If the weather allowed, on this day people built snow forts and then played, trying to recapture the enemy fortress into their domain. Mummers appeared on the streets and amused passers-by with ditties, tongue twisters and poems.

Friday: mother-in-law's evening

On Friday, families went to visit their grandmother, since, according to tradition, on this day the son-in-law should treat the mother-in-law to pancakes. They served sour cream with the pancakes, butter, honey, jam, red caviar, eggs. Single girls on this day they baked pancakes and went out into the street, carrying a plate with “wheat suns” on their heads. A guy who liked a girl tried her pancakes to see if she was a good housewife.

Saturday: sister-in-law's get-togethers

This is a day of reconciliation and strengthening of the family. People went to visit each other, ate pancakes and improved relationships if there was a misunderstanding. Only kind words were heard everywhere.

Sunday: Forgiveness Day

Adults and children sincerely asked each other for forgiveness for some offenses. Then they went to the city square, where folk festivities were taking place. After uncontrollable fun, they solemnly burned an effigy of Maslenitsa, escorting her to next season. The ashes from the burnt doll were scattered across the field to ensure a good harvest in the new year.

By the way, children were usually involved in baking pancakes. The kids were trusted to grease the frying pan with oil, and the older children kneaded the dough. Farewell to winter united the whole family, Once again, reminding us to be friendly, caring and attentive towards each other.

The first day of the week was called “meetings.” In some central and southern Russian provinces, people went outside the outskirts to celebrate the holiday. In the Kaluga province they trusted girls. “But Maslenitsa is coming into the yard, the girls are greeting her,” they sang. In the Pskov province, children, sliding down the hills, shouted “I’ve arrived! Maslenitsa has arrived!”

Tuesday – “flirt”. Street celebrations began. They covered their faces with funny masks and put on costumes. The appearance changed, and it seemed as if new life- cheerful, joyful.

In cities and villages they built slides and filled the slopes with water. Many young people gathered near them, had fun skating, and played snowballs.

The holiday was gaining momentum. On Wednesday or Thursday, the “wide Maslenitsa” began, to which “guests from all volosts” were invited. Traveling sleighs were decorated with carpets and pillows in bright pillowcases were laid out on them. The horses are cleaned, their manes are combed, the harness sparkles with copper plaques, and bells ring under the arc.

On Friday we went to “mother-in-law’s evening”, that is, to “mother-in-law’s for pancakes.” Those who got married this year had to visit native home young wife.

The last day of Maslenitsa was called “kiss day”, or “forgiveness Sunday”. There was a good custom: together with the passing winter, let go of all the grievances that had accumulated over the year. Cleanse your soul, forgive everyone and receive forgiveness for yourself. In every house, the morning began with the children asking for forgiveness from their parents, the younger ones - from the elders. They kissed as a sign of complete reconciliation. Then they went to other houses, to relatives and friends, and repeated the ritual there. Even random people they met could ask for forgiveness and receive a response of heartfelt kindness. On this day the Russians became as if one big family. This last day was the noisiest and most eventful. Traditionally, competitions in strength and agility were held: mass and one-on-one. Many people know about fist fights only by hearsay. But they still remember the rules: they don’t hit someone who is lying down, they don’t take anything into their hands. By the last day, snow fortresses were built in cities and large villages. On Forgiveness Sunday they staged a noisy seizure snow fortress. The Udaltsov - the winners - were bathed in the snow.

The Maslenitsa effigy was not made everywhere, mainly in central and southern Russia. IN Sunday evening Fires were blazing everywhere - “they were burning the Oil Can.” Maslenitsa was called a deceiver: it will amuse, excite, blaze with fire and go out. The festivities ended with the dying fires. The children were told: “The milk and butter were burned, only the radish tail remained for Lent.”

Maslenitsa rituals with their fun, the fire of bonfires, and rolling in the snow were supposed to melt and drive away the tired winter. However, even during Lent, people did not forget about welcoming spring. They were waiting for her and called out to her. To speed up the arrival of birds, a bird festival was held on March 22. They made birds out of the dough, laid out their wings, spread out their tails, inserted eyes from raisins and put them in the oven. Warm, golden birds appeared from there to the delight of the little ones. Spring, as the peasants believed, begins on the day of the Annunciation - April 7. On this day, they noted the weather for the summer: if there is sun from morning to evening, there is no need to worry about spring crops, the weather is clear - thundery summer, and wet - mushroom summer. We watched the birds fly in. Early arrival of larks - to early spring. The rook has arrived - the snow will melt in a month. Birds build nests on the sunny side - for a cold summer, and if there is a lot of cobwebs in the spring - for a hot summer.

Proverbs and sayings about Maslenitsa

Without pancakes, Maslenitsa is not buttery

Ride in the mountains, lie in pancakes

Not life, but Maslenitsa

Shrovetide, go around, save money

At least pawn everything from yourself and celebrate Maslenitsa

It’s not all Maslenitsa, but there will be Lent too

How pancakes flew to the ceiling during Shrovetide week

We say goodbye to Maslenitsa and await the light of the sun.

A pancake is not a wedge - it won’t split your belly.

Pancakes, pancakes, pancakes, like the wheels of spring.

Without pancakes it’s not Maslenitsa.

Damn is not a sheaf - you can’t prick it with a pitchfork.

And the most cold-blooded person loves hot pancakes.

Pancakes and kisses don't like bills

Poems for Maslenitsa

We are waiting for you at Maslenitsa!

We'll meet you with a butter pancake,

Cheese, honey, kalach

Yes, with cabbage pie.

Great Lent awaits us all,

Eat up for future use, people!

Walk all week

Eat up all your supplies.

And the Day of Forgiveness will come,

We are not too lazy to bow,

Come on Sunday -

We will ask for forgiveness

To remove all sins from the soul,

WITH with a pure heart meet post.

Let's seal our friendship with a kiss,

Even though we're not fighting anyway:

After all, on Maslenitsa you need

Strengthen friendship with love.

Come visit us

We will be glad to have guests!

This holiday is coming to us

Early spring

How much joy it brings

He is always with him!

Ice mountains await

And the snow sparkles

The sleds are running down the hills,

The laughter doesn't stop.

At home the aroma of pancakes

Festive wonderful,

We invite friends for pancakes,

Let's eat them together.

Noisy, fun

Cheese Week,

And behind it is Lent,

Time to pray.

Outdoor games for Maslenitsa


Progress of the game:

The players stand in a circle. The driver is selected by the reader.

Dear Maslenitsa is coming,

Our annual guest,

Yes, on painted sleighs,

Yes, on black horses,

Maslenitsa lives for seven days,

Stay for seven years.

Two people go into the middle of the circle: one with a bell, the other is blindfolded.

Everyone in the circle sings:

Dili-ding, dili-don!

Oh, where does this ringing come from?

Beat-bang, beat-bang!

We'll find him now!

The blindfolded participant must, by the sound of the bell, find and catch the participant with the bell. After the participant with the bell is caught, he becomes a “blind man’s buff” and is blindfolded, and the previous “blind man’s buff” becomes a regular participant and stands in a circle.


Progress of the game:

The players line up in pairs one after another - in a column.

Children hold hands and raise them up, forming a “gate”.

The last pair passes “under the gate” and stands in front, followed by the next pair.

The “burning one” stands in front, 5-6 steps from the first pair, with his back to them. All participants sing or say:

Burn, burn clearly

So that it doesn't go out!

Look at the sky

Birds are flying

The bells are ringing:

Ding-dong, ding-dong,

Run out quickly!

At the end of the song, two guys, being in front, scatter in different sides, the rest shout in unison:

One, two, don't be a crow,

And run like fire!

The “burning one” is trying to catch up with those running.

If the players manage to take each other’s hands before one of them is caught by the “burning” one, then they stand in front of the column, and the “burning” one catches it again, i.e. “burns”. If the “burning” one catches one of the runners, then he stands with him, and the player left without a pair leads.

Working with parents. Thematic week "Wide Maslenitsa"

One of the objectives of our program is to introduce folk traditions and the formation of a festive culture. Older children enjoy participating in folk games, dedicated to Maslenitsa. Learn about holiday traditions and participate in some of them.

Parents - participants educational process. They also know a lot about the holiday, but if you ask a specific question, the answers will be different. For some, Maslenitsa is associated with eating pancakes. Some see it as one of the stages of preparation for Lent. Someone remembers the “stuffed animal”.

To remind parents about Maslenitsa, we have prepared information about each day very briefly about the holiday.


Maslenitsa is a holiday that has been preserved in Rus' since pagan times. The ritual of celebrating Maslenitsa is associated with seeing off winter and welcoming spring. After the baptism of Rus', Maslenitsa is celebrated in the last week before Lent, seven weeks before Easter.

Before the Baptism of Rus' Maslenitsa (Comoedits) was celebrated for 2 weeks - during the 7 days preceding the Vernal Equinox and 7 days after it.

The Christian Church abandoned the main celebration of Spring, so as not to conflict with the traditions of the Russian people (Christmas was similarly dedicated to the day Winter Solstice) , but she shifted the people’s favorite holiday of seeing off winter in time so that it would not conflict with Lent, and shortened the duration of the holiday to 7 days.

Maslenitsa is a farewell to winter and a welcome to spring, bringing revival in nature and solar heat. People have always perceived spring as the beginning of a new life and revered the Sun, which gives life and strength to all living things. In honor of the Sun, unleavened flatbreads were first baked, and when they learned how to prepare leavened dough, they began to bake pancakes.

The ancients considered the pancake a symbol of the Sun, since it, like the Sun, is yellow, round and hot, and they believed that together with the pancake they eat a piece of its warmth and power.

Among the people, every day of Maslenitsa has its own name and meaning:

Monday - Meeting

  • On this day, they made a stuffed animal out of straw and put an old one on it. women's clothing, they put this scarecrow on a pole and, singing, drove it on a sleigh around the village. Then Maslenitsa was staged on a snowy mountain, where sleigh rides began.
  • Rich people started baking pancakes on Monday, poor people - on Thursday or Friday.
  • The hostesses prepared the dough for pancakes with special rituals. Some prepared dough from snow in the yard when the month came out, saying: “You are a month, your golden horns! Look out the window, blow on the dough.” It was believed that this made the pancakes whiter and more fluffy. Others went out in the evening to prepare dough for a river, well or lake when the stars appeared. The preparation of the first dough lasted for greatest secret from everyone at home and strangers.
  • On Monday a young couple (meeting Maslenitsa for the first time), from a house where there was no father-in-law or mother-in-law, invited her mother-in-law and father-in-law to her place: they came to teach the young housewife how to bake pancakes. The invited mother-in-law was obliged to send the entire pancake equipment in the evening: a tagan, frying pans, a ladle and a tub in which the pancakes are placed. The father-in-law sent a bag of flour and a tub of butter.

Tuesday - Flirting

  • From this day began various entertainments: sledding, folk festivals, representation. In large wooden booths they gave performances led by Petrushka and the Maslenitsa Grandfather. On the streets there were large groups of masked mummers, driving around familiar houses, where cheerful home concerts were held impromptu. In large groups we rode around the city, in troikas and on simple sledges. We went sledding down the icy mountains.
  • In general, all Maslenitsa fun and amusement tended, in fact, to matchmaking, so that after Lent they could have a wedding on Krasnaya Gorka.
  • Guests were received and greeted at the gate, at the porch. After the treat, they were released to go for a ride to the mountains, where the brothers looked out for brides, and the sisters glanced furtively at their betrothed.

Wednesday - Lakomka

  • Each family set the tables with delicious food, they baked pancakes, and in the villages they brewed beer together. Trade stalls were popping up everywhere. They sold hot sbitny (drink made from water, honey and spices), roasted nuts, honey gingerbread. Right here, right below open air, you could drink tea from the boiling samovar.
  • On Lakomka, mothers-in-law hosted their sons-in-law for pancakes, and for the sons-in-law's amusement they called all their relatives. But before there were more than one or two sons-in-law, as in modern families, and five to ten! So the mother-in-law had to welcome and treat everyone, so that no one would be offended.
  • In the evenings they sang songs about a caring mother-in-law treating her son-in-law to pancakes, played farces with a dressed up bear about how the mother-in-law baked pancakes for her son-in-law, how the mother-in-law’s head hurt, how the son-in-law said thank you to his mother-in-law.
  • It was believed that on Maslenitsa, and especially on Lakomka, you need to eat as much as your heart desires, or, as people said, “how many times a dog wags its tail.”

Thursday - Revelry (fracture, wide Thursday)

  • This day was the middle of games and fun. Perhaps it was then that the hot Maslenitsa fist fights took place, fist fights that originated from Ancient Rus'. They also had their own strict rules. It was impossible, for example, to hit a lying person (proverb “they don’t beat a lying person”), two attack one ("two are fighting - the third one doesn't interfere"), hit below the belt ("Hit below the belt") or hit on the back of the head. Violation of these rules was punishable. It was possible to fight "wall to wall" (again saying) or one-on-one. There were also “hunter” fights for experts and fans of such fights. Ivan the Terrible himself watched such battles with pleasure. For such an occasion, this entertainment was prepared especially magnificently and solemnly.

Friday - Mother-in-law's evening

  • Before the mothers-in-law had time to feed their sons-in-law pancakes on Wednesday, the sons-in-law now invite them to visit them! After all, on Friday, on mother-in-law's evening, sons-in-law treated their wives' mothers to pancakes and sweets.
  • The son-in-law had to personally invite his mother-in-law the night before, and in the morning send special, ceremonial “calls” for her. The more “invited” there were, the more honors the mother-in-law received.
  • In some places, “mother-in-law’s pancakes” took place on gourmet days, i.e. on Wednesday during Shrovetide week, but could also be dated to Friday.
  • The son-in-law's disrespect for this event was considered dishonor and insult and was the reason for eternal enmity between him and his mother-in-law.

Saturday - Sister-in-law's gatherings

  • On Saturday, for sister-in-law's get-togethers (sister-in-law - husband's sister) the young daughter-in-law invited her husband's relatives to visit her.
  • If the sisters-in-law were not yet married, then she invited her unmarried friends to visit. If the husband’s sisters were already married, then the daughter-in-law invited her married relatives and took the guests with the whole train to their sisters-in-law.

Sunday - Forgiveness Day

  • In Russia this day was called " Forgiveness Sunday", when close people asked each other for forgiveness for all the insults and troubles caused to them; in the evenings it was customary to visit cemeteries and “say goodbye” to the dead.
  • In the evening, Forgiveness took place between family and friends: the children bowed at the feet of their parents and asked for forgiveness, after them all their relatives and friends came. In this way, people were freed from old grievances accumulated over the year and met New Year with a pure heart and a light soul.
  • Main episode last day there was a “farewell to Maslenitsa”. For this day, they made a scarecrow of Maslenitsa from straw or rags, usually dressed it in women's clothing, carried it through the entire village, sometimes placing the scarecrow on a wheel stuck on top of a pole; leaving the village, the scarecrow was either drowned in an ice hole, or burned, or simply torn into pieces, and the remaining straw was scattered across the field: for a rich harvest.
  • Sometimes, instead of a doll, they carried a living “Maslenitsa” around the village: elegantly dressed girl or a woman, an old woman, or even an old drunkard in rags. Then, amid shouts and hooting, they were taken out of the village and dropped off there or dumped in the snow. ("we celebrated Maslenitsa").

The custom of burning an effigy of Maslenitsa originated from pagan Komoeditsa when on the day spring equinox (start day astronomical spring) They festively burned an effigy of the boring Winter, thereby “helping” the spring Yaril-Sun to quickly melt the snow and drive away winter.
