Topic: Motor activity and exercise therapy for the elderly. Physical activity of the elderly Give advice to the elderly on physical activity


Motor activity is evolutionarily the most ancient, physiologically the most powerful "lever" of influence on the body. Physical activity is accompanied by a restructuring of the activity of the nervous, endocrine, cardiovascular, respiratory and other body systems.

Restriction of physical activity - hypodynamia - contributes to the deterioration of health, especially for the elderly, can shorten life. The lifestyle of most centenarians is characterized by a high level of motor activity and labor activity. There is a connection between the limited motor activity of a person and the development of age-related pathology. The preventive effect of high physical activity on the development of pathology has been proven. Active motor mode has a training effect on the elderly.

But - approach physical exercises slowly.

The aging process creates a vicious circle. Age-related changes in the system of self-regulation of movement, in the cardiovascular system lead to a limitation of motor activity, and physical inactivity that develops with age exacerbates the development of aging of the body. That is why breaking this vicious circle is so important for each of us.

Motor activity leads to a number of important positive effects: economizing (more economical activity of the heart); antihypoxic (improving blood supply to tissues, pulmonary ventilation, reducing oxygen demand); anti-stress (increase in the reliability of nervous and hormonal mechanisms); generegulatory (activation of the synthesis of many proteins); psychoenergizing (increase in mental activity, the predominance of positive emotions).

Movement at any level of the body activates recovery processes.

Aging is inextricably linked with the development of age-related pathology, especially the cardiovascular system. There is strong evidence that an active motor regime has a preventive effect.

One of the main problems is the choice of the optimal load. Otherwise, you can get an adverse effect. Large loads in the elderly can lead to catastrophic consequences.

The lack of movements for a long time (in particular, in people who are deprived of systematic muscular efforts by the nature of their professional activity) is a factor that predisposes to the development of the most common diseases of the cardiovascular system in old age - atherosclerosis, hypertension and myocardial infarction. From this it is clear why these diseases are more common in people with mental labor than in those engaged in physical labor.

Physical training is accompanied by a restructuring of metabolic processes. Changes in fat metabolism are especially important. In the blood serum, the concentration of substances that play a protective role against the development of atherosclerosis and other diseases of the cardiovascular system increases. The first indicator of improvement of metabolic processes in the body under the influence of physical activity is the normalization of body weight. This improves performance.

Active motor mode has a positive effect on the central nervous system. The performance of the motor nerve centers increases, and violations of coordination of movements are eliminated.

Favorable changes also occur in the subjective state: well-being, sleep, mood improve, fatigue is relieved, which usually appears in the second half of the working day, and trained people are in a state of cheerfulness all day long.

Systematic physical exercises inhibit sclerotic processes in the walls of blood vessels. An extremely important side of the influence of physical exercises on the body of people aged 40-60 is the improvement of the activity of the cardiovascular and respiratory systems. Regular training leads to the development of additional vessels in the heart muscle, which improve the blood supply to the heart; blood clotting decreases, which reduces the possibility of blood clots. At the same time, dosed training should be observed - extreme loads adversely affect the heart. It is quite clear that the change in the regulation of the circulatory system that develops during physical training serves as a reliable "shield" not only from possible adverse effects of muscle activity and its deficiency, but also from a variety of effects that can disrupt the functioning of the heart. A person becomes more balanced, optimistic, self-confident.

Now consider what physical exercises can be performed by older people to prevent senile changes in the body.

From the book Children's Yoga author Andrey Ivanovich Bokatov

3.12. Physical activity Movement as such can replace any medicine in its effect, but all the means of the world are not able to replace the actions of movement. Tissot Since ancient times, information about the healing power of movement has come down to us. ancient greek philosopher

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Physical activity In the treatment of glomerulonephritis, physical activity plays an important role (working in the fresh air, hiking in the forest and mountains). The treatment can be considered completed if during mountain climbing there is practically no sweating of the body.

From the book Diseases of the Joints author S. Trofimov (ed.)

Physical activity Have a massage, walk in the woods, go skiing in winter. Remember: the heart loves fresh air, hiking in the forest and mountains, honey, acidic enzymes, meat, eggs, grapes, nuts,

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PHYSICAL ACTIVITY Physical activity today is recognized as one of the most important factors for strengthening the body. Regular exercise improves blood circulation, strengthens the lungs and heart, and helps overcome many mental problems.

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PHYSICAL ACTIVITY Physical activity is the most important, simplest and most harmless form of prevention not only of the undesirable process of salt deposition, but also of the overwhelming number of other diseases. During the period of remission, it's time to show physical activity.

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Physical activity Lack or limitation of mobility has greatly complicated our lives. Cars, elevators, comfortable chairs, soft sofas ... And hence - eternal fatigue and a desire to sit down somewhere as soon as possible. The body must be kept in good shape. Get up from the computer

From the author's book

Physical activity The great physician of antiquity, Hippocrates, called the movement "food for life", and Plutarch - "the pantry of health." To preserve and promote health, muscles must work systematically. Hypodynamia is one of the troubles of the 20th century all over the world, especially in our country.

From the author's book

Physical activity as an anti-aging drug


Technogym Wellness Magazine #1 2002

Aging is a natural process, with a number of characteristic physiological, psychological and social factors interacting with each other. Recently, in the Western world, medicine and the state have paid great attention to the elderly due to the expected increase in their number in the coming years.

Updated on 16.03.2015 15:03

According to some estimates, for example, in the United States alone, the population over the age of 65 will reach 70 million by 2030; and those over 85 constitute the fastest growing population group. In addition, numerous studies have shown (and we continue to receive new confirmation of this fact) that regular exercise plays a crucial role in maintaining the health of the elderly and in slowing down the aging process. Based on the foregoing, it should be emphasized that it is of great importance to study in detail the mechanisms by which physical activity and exercise can influence the improvement of health, body functions, quality of life and independence. In recent years, numerous studies have been published regarding the physical activity of older people.

In our opinion, the best work published on this topic was prepared by American College of Sports Medicine (American College of Sports Medicine) article called "Physical activity and exercise for the elderly - a point of view"(American College of Sports Medicine, Position Stand. Eхercise and Physical Activitifor Older Abults) - "Medicine & Science in Sports & Eхercise". vol. 30, number 6, June 1998 (read the summary of this article below). Its authors divided the presentation into five parts of the greatest interest:

    Functions of the cardiovascular system,

    Strength training - effects on muscle mass and bone density,

    Posture, flexibility and fall prevention,

    The impact of exercise on psychological functions,

    Physical exercise for the most elderly and debilitated people.


The American College of Sports Medicine's Viewpoint - Summary

    Functions of the cardiovascular system

Physiological characteristics of an elderly person when performing physical exercise

B Maximum oxygen consumption (V02 Max) - an indicator that determines the functionality of the cardiovascular system (CV), decreases after a person reaches 25 years of age by 5-15% in every decade. The decrease in V02 max is explained by a decrease in maximum cardiac output and a maximum arteriovenous difference in oxygen content.

The maximum heart rate decreases every decade by 6-10 beats and causes a decrease in the maximum cardiac output. In older people, there is also a decrease in the volume of plasma, red blood cells and circulating blood. Other changes in the cardiovascular system relate to the deterioration of left ventricular function and changes in pre-door-diastolic volume and systolic volume. In addition, in the elderly, there is an increase in blood pressure and systemic vascular resistance during maximum physical exertion. The impact of exercise on the cardiovascular system is qualitatively and, in many cases, quantitatively similar to its impact on young adults. With the same relative intensity of exercise (the same percentage of V02), the elderly have a lower heart rate than younger people. However, in a situation of the same absolute intensity of work (speed on the Treadmill “treadmill” or endurance on an ergonometer), the heart rate in young and old people turned out to be approximately the same. With the same relative load intensity, the elderly have a lower value of cardiac output. With the same absolute intensity, the cardiac output in the elderly is slightly less, while the arteriovenous oxygen difference is slightly greater in them than in young people. Older people, compared with younger people, generally have lower stroke volume, both at absolute and relative exercise intensity. In older people, blood pressure is always higher, while the increase in pressure with age is more noticeable in women. Although the total peripheral resistance tends to gradually decrease with increasing exercise intensity, its value always remains higher in the elderly than in young people, both at absolute and at relative exercise intensity.

Endurance training: effects on the cardiovascular system of the elderly

With constant endurance training, older people can achieve the same increase in V02 max, estimated at 10 to 30%, as young people. Just like in younger people, the quantitative value of the increase in the V02 MAX indicator depends on the intensity of the exercise performed: with a low intensity of exercise, there is a zero or slight increase in the V02 max parameter. Until recently, it was believed that the increase in V02 max in the elderly was due only to an increase in the maximum arteriovenous oxygen difference. This situation is typical for older women; in men, there is also an increase in the adaptation of the central cardiovascular system. Recent in-depth studies have demonstrated how trained older adults experience the Frank-Starling mechanism by increasing left ventricular end-diastolic volume to increase stroke volume, cardiac output, and V02 max during exercise. As in younger people, the increase in telediastolic volume may be due to plasma volume and total circulating blood volume. In older women, the increase in V02 max due to exercise may be mainly due to a large arteriovenous oxygen difference, and not due to an increase in left ventricular mass, cardiac output, stroke volume and left ventricular diastolic filling, as occurs in men with performing maximum loads. Adaptation of the central cardiovascular system in older women is possible only after long and intense training. Maintaining a high training intensity thus counteracts the age-related decline in V02 max. However, it seems that after 70 years of age, V02 reduction in athletes is almost the same as in sedentary individuals. Perhaps this is due to the inability to maintain the same rhythm of training.

    Strength Training - Impact on Muscle Mass and Bone Density

The problem of muscle loss with age is well documented in the literature. It has been proven that urinary excretion of creatinine - an indicator that reflects the volume of muscle creatine and total muscle mass - decreases by 90% between 20 and 90 years of age. Computed tomography images of an isolated muscle show that after 30 years there is a gradual decrease in the cross-section of the thigh, muscle elasticity and an increase in intermuscular fat. These changes are more pronounced in women. Loss of muscle mass primarily affects type II fibers, which in an octogenarian make up only 50% of the muscle mass of sedentary young people. Decreased muscle strength is a major component of the aging process. Many elderly women, due to a significant decrease in strength, are not able to perform even the simplest household chores. Isometric and dynamic strength of the quadriceps increases before the age of 30 and begins to decrease after 50; after 70 years, the decrease in strength becomes a real problem. The Corenhagen Citi Hearth Study examined knee extensor strength in a group of healthy octogenarians and found results that were 30% lower than those found in a previous study in 70 year olds. Research data show that muscle strength decreases every ten years by approximately 15% in the sixth and seventh decades of life, and by 30% in each decade thereafter.

Strength and functional ability

The age-related decline in muscle strength has significant implications for functional performance. In both sexes, there was an obvious relationship between strength and preferred gait speed in old age. Some research papers support the thesis that muscle strength and power have a direct effect on gait speed. As a more dynamic measure, muscle power could be a useful parameter for determining functionality in the very elderly. Therefore, in the process of aging and declining physical activity of patients, muscle power is definitely a critical component of gait.

Protein intake and the aging process

With age, there is a progressive decrease in the body's daily energy expenditure. In sedentary people, energy expenditure is determined mainly by their muscle mass, which decreases by about 15% between the third and eighth decade of life, leading to a reduction in basal metabolic rate. To avoid a reduction in basal metabolic rate, muscle loss and muscle atrophy must be prevented. The muscle changes that occur in the elderly lead not only to a decrease in basal metabolic rate, but also to a decrease in bone density, a decrease in insulin sensitivity, and a decrease in blood oxygen saturation. For these reasons, actions aimed at maintaining muscle mass, as well as increasing muscle mass and strength in sedentary people, can be very useful in increasing the independence of older people and in limiting the development of certain chronic pathologies.


Evans WJ, Exercise training guidelines for the elderly. Mead Sci Sports Ex 31: 1, 127, Jan, 1999.

The article shows the effect of aerobics on improving the functional activity of the body and reducing the risk of developing type II diabetes in the elderly.

High-intensity strength training (performed with weights that are 60% more than the maximum load of 1 RM) contributes to a significant increase in strength. In addition to increasing muscle size, strength endurance exercise improves calorie intake and insulin sensitivity. The authors conducted a high-intensity workout with 100 elderly people living in a nursing home, which had a positive effect on increasing their strength and improving their overall fitness. In addition, the performance of spontaneous activities by older people that went beyond the working protocol increased in the working group. In turn, in the control group, which did not practice any physical activity, no changes were noted.

Goraya T.I., Jacobsen S.J., Pellikka P.A., Miller T.D., Khan A., Weston S.A., Gersh B.J., Roger W.L., Prognostic value of treadmill exercise testing in elderly persons. Ann intern Med 132: 11, 86270, Jun 6, 2000.

Epidemiological clinical study in which 514 elderly and 2593 young people participated. This study demonstrated how the submaximal treadmill test has predictive value in the elderly. According to the authors, the workload achieved on the "treadmill" is the strongest prognostic variable (including for young people) in heart disease.

NOTE: Prognostic variable: A value that predicts the course of a disease.

Yang M.H., Wang S.F., Cheng S.K., Chen S.Yu., Sullivan P.E., Gain of muscle forgue at low and high speed after isokinetik knee strengthening program in healthy yongand older abults ( Improving the ability of muscles to rotate slowly and quickly as a result of an isokinetic program aimed at strengthening the knee in healthy young and old people) (J Formos Med Assoc) 97: 5, 33944, May, 1998.

In a group of elderly and young people, when conducting isokinetic studies, the indicators of the strength of the knee extensor muscles were evaluated at a rotation speed of 60 and 300 degrees per second. According to the authors, in an isokinetic study, high speed proved to be more suitable for older people both in terms of increasing strength and for more successful resolution of exercise-related problems (inflammation, etc.), while for young people it is more slow exercise is helpful.

Rhodes E.S., Martin A.D., Taunton J.E., Donnelly M. Warren J., Elliot J., Effects of one year of reshstanse treining on the relation between muskular strending and bone densiti in elderly women (Influence of a year of endurance training on the ratio of muscle strength and bone density in older women). Br J Sports Med 34: 1, 1822, Feb, 2000.

This interesting study involved 44 older women (mean age 68.8 years). They were divided into two groups: working and control. The working group performed for 52 weeks three times a week training to strengthen the main muscle groups. The work program included the implementation of three sets of 8 reps at 75% of the maximum load (1RM). The control group continued to lead a normal life.

Bone strength was measured using dual energy X-ray absorptiometry at the level of the lumbar spine and at three points on the femoral neck. After a year of work, significant changes in both bone density and muscle strength became apparent, which did not change in the control group.

DeVito J, Hernandez R, Gonzalez V, Felici F, Figure F, Low intensity physical training in older subjekt. J Sports Med Phys Fitness 37:1, 727 Mag, 1997.

In this study, an attempt was made to study the effect of low-intensity training on a group of older people. Physiological parameters such as heart rate, oxygen consumption and pulmonary ventilation were assessed.

The results of the study confirmed the effectiveness of the low-intensity training program for older people. In the same way, the data of the protocols of submaximal tests were confirmed.

Morio B., Barra W., Ritz P., Fellmann N., Bon-ni J. M., Beaufrer B., Boyr J. Y., Vermorel M., Benefit of endurance training in elderly people over a short periods is reversibile (Reversibility of benefits of short-term endurance training in the elderly). Eur J Appl Physiol 81: 4, 32936, Mag, 2000.

This study demonstrates the positive impact of a 14-week training program on improving physical fitness parameters, but it points to the need to maintain the training regimen consistently to maintain its positive impact on health.

Aerobic Training, Group Programs, Diseases/Impairments, Health, Scientific Research, Personal Training, Strength Training, Weight Loss, Special Populations, Injury/Injury Prevention, Weight Training, Physiology

For adults in this age group, physical activity includes recreational or leisure activities, moving activities (such as cycling or walking), vocational activities (if the person continues to work), household chores, games, competitions, sports or scheduled activities in within daily activities, family and society. The following physical activity practices are recommended to improve cardiopulmonary, musculoskeletal, functional status and reduce the risk of non-communicable diseases, depression, and cognitive impairment:

  • Adults 65 years of age and older should engage in at least 150 minutes per week of moderate-intensity aerobic activity, or at least 75 minutes per week of high-intensity aerobic activity, or similar moderate-to-high-intensity physical activity.
  • Each aerobics session should last at least 10 minutes.
  • For additional health benefits, adults in this age group should increase their moderate-intensity aerobic activity to 300 minutes per week, or 150 minutes per week for high-intensity aerobics or a similar combination of moderate-to-high intensity aerobics. .
  • Adults in this age group with joint problems should do balance exercises to prevent the risk of falls 3 or more days per week.
  • Strength exercises that involve major muscle groups should be done 2 or more days a week.
  • If older people cannot perform the recommended amount of physical activity for health reasons, then they should engage in physical exercise, taking into account their physical abilities and health status.
Physical activity for everyone

These guidelines apply to all healthy people aged 65 and over. They also refer to people in this age range who have chronic diseases. People with specific health conditions, such as cardiovascular disease and diabetes, may need additional precautions and medical advice before attempting to reach the recommended levels of physical activity for older people.

There are numerous ways in which older people can be physically active for a total of 150 minutes a week.

In order to get a total of 150 minutes of physical activity per week, these activities can be distributed in shorter blocks of at least 10 minutes each throughout the week: for example, 30 minutes of moderate-intensity physical activity 5 times a week.

The recommendations also apply to older people with disabilities, but they may be adjusted on a case-by-case basis, taking into account their exercise potential, particular health risks, or limitations.

Older people who are inactive or have some kind of disability due to illness will benefit from health benefits if they move from being "inactive" to being "at some level" active. Older adults who are currently not following the recommendations for physical activity should aim to increase their duration, frequency and eventually intensity in order to follow these recommendations.

Hippocrates said: "Nothing exhausts the body like physical inactivity." And in the modern world, much is known about the dangers of physical inactivity, including in the elderly.

Generalized scientific data show that the lack of balanced physical activity in older people over 65 accelerates the aging process, and can also cause the development of coronary heart disease, hypertension, stroke, vestibulopathy, colon cancer, breast cancer, osteoporosis, deforming arthrosis of the upper and lower extremities, metabolic disorders (including type 2 diabetes), depression, cognitive decline.

At the same time, there is strong scientific evidence that regular physical activity provides large and lasting health benefits for older people by slowing down the involutionary processes.

Physically active older people are much less susceptible to common causes of death. They have a higher functional level of the cardiovascular, respiratory, muscular systems, a strong skeletal system, more correct weight and body structure.With this in mind, it can be argued that inactive individuals aged 65 and over can benefit from health benefits from increased levels of physical activity. "Movement is the pantry of life," said Plutarch. To remain practically healthy, it is necessary to adhere to the principles of balanced physical activity. Regular physical activity helps integration physical activity into daily life.

In order for physical activity to ensure the preservation of the health of an elderly person, it is necessary to take into account both general patterns and individual characteristics of the body and personality. Motor activity must be balanced in terms of its kinetic and dynamic characteristics. The so-called balanced physical activity, which resembles a balanced diet.

1) General health:

Forming a normal general motor stereotype;

Forming a normal respiratory stereotype;

Mobilizing energy reserves.

2) Specially recreational:

Unloading the damaged functional system;

Developing compensatory mechanisms;

Stimulating the development of a damaged system.

3) Specially-developing

Physical (motor) qualities:

Forming applied everyday and professional motor skills.

The intensity and volume of physical activity depend on the functional state of the body of an elderly person. Forms of physical activity are diverse. If an elderly person has certain skills, such forms of physical activity as swimming, outdoor games - tennis, golf are useful. The game contributes to a positive emotional mood, gives a charge of vivacity and health.

Along with these methods, special gymnastic complexes are shown: to activate the function of respiration, the cardiovascular system, to maintain the mobility of the spine, joints of the upper and lower extremities; to train the function of balance and coordination, normalize the function of the gastrointestinal tract and metabolism.

Since the ability to exercise decreases with age, the majority of the population has a low ability to exercise. Therefore, loads of medium and low intensity are necessary. There is a concept of a gradual increase in the load - up to 150 minutes per week. For example, 30 minutes of activity 5 times a week. Regular physical activity throughout the week promotes the integration of physical activity into daily lifestyle.

The warm season is the most favorable period for mastering various forms of physical activity. Among the various forms of physical activity, walking has a universal health-improving effect. "Walking - instead of drugs!" - proclaim modern scientists. It is walking that is the basis of such health-improving methods as walking, close tourism, health path (walking along paths). According to modern scientists, instead of drugs, there are 15 types of walking of varying degrees of difficulty:

Walking - normal, accelerated walking, sports walking ...

Walking - as a means of treating hypertension, dystonia, postinfarction cardiosclerosis, endarteritis, varicose veins, diseases of the respiratory system, gastrointestinal tract, metabolic disorders.

WALKING provides significant health benefits by increasing the functional level of the cardiovascular, respiratory, and muscular systems; strengthening the skeletal system, correct weight.

Increase the level of physical activity by elementary methods, of which walking is in the first place!

Lesson 5.

Topic: Physical activity and exercise therapy for the elderly

Motor activity and exercise therapy

for elderly and senile people.

The level of vital activity of the organism in the course of age development, life expectancy depend on two opposite trends: on the one hand, extinction, metabolic and functional disorders; on the other hand, the inclusion of adaptation mechanisms. Motor activity is considered one of the stimulators of life extension, and a comprehensive functional load of the organs and systems of an aging organism by maintaining motor activity is a kind of “protection” against premature aging, a means of structural improvement of tissues and organs.

Physical activity is the most important prerequisite for maintaining the functional ability of an aging organism.
^ The goals and objectives of therapeutic physical culture are:
training of the cardiovascular, respiratory systems, musculoskeletal and vestibular apparatus.

Improving the function of the central nervous system.




Intensive training.

By age, elderly and senile people are divided into 4 groups;

Pre-retirement: women - 50 - 55 years old,

Men - 55 - 60 years.

Elderly - 60-74 years old

Senile - 76-89 years

Long-livers > 90 years.

For persons of these age groups, I, II and III motor modes are used.

Age group

Motor mode

50-55 years old(women)

55-60 years (men)



75-89 years old

Characteristics of physical exercises in various motor modes

Starting position


Tempo (number of repetitions)

Gentle mode (I)

Alternate straight leg raises

Standing, legs apart, hands on the belt

Tilt to the right with the left hand raised. The same to the left with the right hand raised.

Standing, legs apart, hands down

Circular movements of the arms 8 times in each direction.

Lying on your back, arms to the side

With the toe of the right foot, touch the floor on the left, turning the pelvis, return to the starting position. The same on the other side.

Gentle training mode (II)

Standing, feet together, hands on the belt

Circular movements of the body alternately in each direction

Standing, hands on the belt

Lean forward (back straight) up to 90 and straighten up

Go to a sitting position, return to the starting position.

Basic stance (legs together, arms along the body)

Hands up - inhale, lower your hands, leaning forward and half-crouching - exhale

Training mode (III)

Main rack

Sipping with tension of the arms and torso, rising on toes

Sitting on the floor, legs straight, arms behind

Raise the pelvis, straightening the torso, return to the starting position.

Lying on your back, arms along the body

Hands in an arc back behind the head and with intense pulling of the socks away from you (traction), return to the starting position - relax.

Main rack

Raise the leg, touching the toe with your hands, return to the starting position. Raise the bent leg, joining the hands under the legs, return to the starting position.

The exercise therapy session consists of three parts:




The introductory part is walking in different versions with and without additional hand movements, breathing exercises. The movements included in the introductory part should contribute to a moderate revival of the activity of the cardiovascular, respiratory and nervous systems, and create a cheerful mood. All exercises of the introductory part, especially for the elderly and senile, should be simple, easy to perform and performed at a slow or medium pace. The duration of the introductory part is 5-10 minutes.

The main part includes exercises of the most diverse nature, which have a general and special effect on the body. The tasks of the general influence on the body are solved by exercises that strengthen and train the cardiovascular and respiratory systems, increase metabolism, tone up the nervous system, and contribute to the emergence of positive emotions.

The task of a special impact is solved by exercises for setting up correct breathing (expiratory phase), exercises that develop the mobility of the spine, correcting posture defects, exercises for the abdominal press, preventing lethargy of the gastrointestinal apparatus. Exercises are used in stretching and relaxing muscles, in balance, including game elements to improve coordination. Duration - 25-30 minutes.

Final part. The exercises included in this part provide a gradual decrease in the excitability of the cardiovascular and respiratory systems, creating favorable conditions for the recovery period and rest. For the same purpose, slow walking, exercises, breathing and relaxation are used.

The duration of this part is 5-10 minutes.

Mode #1

(age 50-55 years)

Lesson section

Starting position


Duration (min.)


Walking at a normal pace with gradual acceleration and deceleration. Elementary physical exercises for the arms and torso alternate with dynamic breathing exercises in a ratio of 1:3

Rhythmic, at a calm pace. Perform exercises freely, with medium and large range of motion in the joints.


Elementary exercises for arms, legs, torso on various axes.

Alternate exercises correctly with breathing dynamic exercises.

Exercises in throwing and passing balls and medicine balls, relaxation of the muscle groups of the arms and legs. Sedentary ball games and short runs.

Alternate with breathing and exercises for the lower extremities. Diversify the ways of throwing and transferring gymnastic objects. Regulate the emotional reactivity of patients, include pauses for rest and breathing exercises.


Walking with a normal step and complicated, exercises to relax the muscles of the trunk of the arms, legs, breathing static exercises.

Walking rhythmically, at a calm pace.

Total 40-45

Mode #2

(age 60-74 years old)

Lesson section

Starting position


Duration (min.)


Sitting on a chair

Elementary gymnastic exercises for arms and legs

Perform exercises freely, alternating them with breathing, dynamic exercises.


Exercises for arms, legs with a large amplitude. Lightweight exercises for the abdominal muscles and pelvic floor muscles.

Avoid straining and disturbing the rhythm of breathing. After relatively difficult physical exercises - deep breathing.

Walking is simple, in different directions at a calm pace. Breathing exercises.

Follow the rhythm of breathing


Sitting on a chair

Elementary exercises for the arms, legs and torso. Breathing, dynamic, then static exercises.

Total 30-35

(age 75-89 years)

Lesson section

Starting position


Duration (min.)


Sitting on a chair

Elementary exercises for the arms and legs combined with exercises for the trunk and breathing.

Perform exercises rhythmically. Smoothly, at a calm pace. Don't hold your breath. Breathing exercises alternate with general developmental exercises in a ratio of 1: 3


Exercises for medium and large muscle groups of the arms, legs and torso, combined with dynamic breathing and relaxation exercises for muscle groups

Perform exercises freely, with a large range of motion in the joints. The pace is slow. Breathing exercises alternate with general developmental exercises in a ratio of 1:3.

sitting and standing

Exercises for training the vestibular apparatus and coordination of movements, combined with exercises for relaxing muscle groups.

To achieve the most complete relaxation of the muscles, the exercises for training the vestibular apparatus should be correctly combined with the phases of breathing.

Exercises for arms, legs, torso with the inclusion of swing movements, exercises for coordination.

Perform exercises freely, at an average pace. Don't hold your breath.


Sitting on a chair

Elementary exercises for arms and legs combined with physical exercises to relax muscle groups and breathing.

Breathing is free, deep, rhythmic. The pace of the exercises is slow.

Mode #4

(centenarians over 90 years old)

Lesson section

Starting position


Duration (min.)


Walking at a normal pace with gradual acceleration and deceleration. Combine walking with elementary hand exercises.

The pace is average, do not hold your breath


Sitting on a chair

Elementary exercises for small, medium and large muscle groups, arms, legs and torso in combination with breathing exercises

Perform exercises freely with a large range of motion in the joints. Breathing exercises alternate with general developmental exercises in a ratio of 1: 4

Exercises with moderate static and dynamic effort, including exercises for training the vestibular apparatus and coordination of movements.

Perform exercises rhythmically, at an average pace, correctly combined with the phases of breathing. Follow your posture.


Walking at a normal pace, calm, with elementary exercises for arms and legs, combined with relaxation and breathing exercises

Breathing is free and deep. The pace of the exercises is slow.


To limit the negative effects of aging and targeted impact on the body, complexes of physical exercises are used that improve the mechanisms of regulation, heart activity and expand the range of motion in the joints and spine of the elderly.

To strengthen the heart and expand the range of its work from a minimum at rest to a maximum in a load, exercises that develop endurance are used: dosed walking, health-improving running, cycling, swimming, etc. To “rejuvenate” the joints and intervertebral cartilage, loads are used that expand the range of motion in them. When performing these exercises, it is recommended to follow a number of rules: before performing a set of exercises for the joints, a 3-5 minute general warm-up (it may consist of walking and breathing exercises); repetition in the first lessons of each exercise 3-4 times with a small "amplitude, gradually increasing the number of repetitions up to 10-15 times or more; expanding the range of motion after mastering the technique of performing the exercise; performing exercises daily, with a total duration of 7-15 minutes (it is necessary to constantly monitor breathing ); when pain appears, the load stops, rest for 5-7 minutes and continue exercising again. Exercise complexes can be developed independently, but it is better, especially for beginners to practice for the first time, to take the advice of specialists.

The proposed complex uses simple, easy-to-perform exercises that are accessible to everyone.

* Exercise 1. Sitting on a chair, legs bent at the knees, hands on your knees, raise your shoulders - inhale, lower - exhale; relax, breathing is calm, shallow (repeat Zraza).

* Exercise 2. Sitting on a chair, legs bent at the knees, hands on the knees, squeeze the hands, while raising the toes of the legs toward you (average pace, repeat 8-10 times).

* Exercise Z. Sitting on a chair, legs bent at the knees, hands on knees, alternately take the straightening arm to the side and return to its original position (slow pace, repeat 3 times with each hand).

* Exercise 4. Sitting on a chair, legs bent, holding hands behind the back of the chair, alternately unbend the right and left legs, sliding the feet along the floor (medium pace, repeat 4 times with each leg).

* Exercise 5. Sitting on a chair, raise your right hand up - inhale, lower - exhale (slow pace, repeat 3 times with each hand).

* Exercise 6. Sitting on a chair, turn the torso with the spread of the arms to the sides (the pace is slow, repeat 3-4 times in each direction).

* Exercise 7. Standing sideways to the chair, with one hand holding the back of the chair from above, perform swing movements with the opposite arm and leg back and forth; the same, standing on the other side (swings are performed freely, without tension, repeat 6-8 times).

* Exercise 8. Stand at arm's length from a chair and, leaning on your back, slowly sit down - inhale, return to the starting position - exhale (repeat 6-8 times).

* Exercise 9. Sitting on a chair, hands on knees, perform circular movements with the foot, touching the toe of the floor (repeat 4-8 times with each foot).

* Exercise 10. Sitting on a chair, hands on your knees, alternately raise your hands up - inhale, lower - exhale (repeat 3-4 times with each hand).

* Exercise 11. Sitting on a chair, hands on your knees, alternately bring and part the heels and toes of the feet for 4 counts (voluntary breathing, repeat 8-12 times).

* Exercise 12. Sitting on a chair, straighten your legs, lower your arms, lean back in the chair, close your eyes and relax for 5-10 seconds.

This complex is performed daily for 10-12 days. Particular attention should be paid to the accuracy of movement when performing exercises 4, 6, 7, 8, 9. They are difficult for people with stiffness in the joints, but they should not be excluded from the complex, but on the contrary, they should be achieved by repeating each separately several times. once a day.

^ After 10-12 days, the complex is complicated by the introduction of special exercises for the necks, which are performed while sitting on a chair:

1 slowly turn their head to the right and left;

2 slowly tilt the head to the left and right;

3 slowly tilt the head forward and backward;

4 head movements forward and backward;

5 head rotations with lowered and raised shoulders;

Straighten your legs, lower your arms, lower your arms, lean back in your chair, close your eyes and relax for 5-10 seconds. Exercises for the neck are especially useful for people with osteochondrosis of the spine, they reduce or reduce headaches, pain in the heart. When performing them, they observe a slow pace, achieving a full range of motion, repeating each position 3 times.

As the described exercises are mastered, personal experience of motor activity appears, which is used to develop new sets of exercises. Initially, it includes exercises without weights: squats, bends, jumps, arm rotations, leg swings, etc.; exercises with a stick are very good, they help to develop coordination of movements and mobility in the joints. Then exercises with dumbbells, balls, rubber shock absorbers are added, which develop muscle strength and endurance. When developing sets of exercises, it is necessary to take into account your motor capabilities, you do not need to rush to force the load (only a gradual increase, the consistent inclusion of more and more complex exercises will provide a healing effect); do not wait for the onset of a healing effect immediately, only after a month of systematic daily exercises you will feel cheerfulness, freedom of movement, a desire to exercise; be sure to include in the complex an exercise that is especially difficult for you. Performing complexes of physical exercises, do not forget that this is absolutely not enough for an active motor regime. Along with the complexes, use walking, health-improving running, elements of sports games, outdoor games and other loads. Combining them with hardening, remembering self-control, you can be sure of the healing, “rejuvenating” effect of the chosen motor regimen.

Annex 5.1.

We will pass a test that will help you understand the state of your body, discover its strengths and weaknesses and thereby draw a conclusion about your physical abilities, choose the sport that suits you best.
^I. Breathing
1. Do you smoke?
No - 5 points
Up to 5 cigarettes per day - 4
Up to 10 cigarettes per day - 3
More than 20 cigarettes daily - 0

2. Do you get short of breath when you walk fast? After a few meters - 1 point
After a few hundred meters - 3
After a few kilometers - 4

3. How do you breathe after walking up to the third floor?
Fairly even - 2 points
Out of breath - 1

4. When you play sports, what makes you stop to take a break?
Difficulty breathing - 2 points
Tired muscles - 4

5. How long can you stay underwater without breathing?
A few seconds - 1 point
30 seconds - 3
45 seconds - 4
More than a minute - 5

6. Do you know how to restore breathing after intense physical exercises, loads?
No - 0 points
Only sometimes - 2
Quite often - 3


From 23 to 16 points. You have no difficulty breathing. It perfectly adapts to your work and sports activities. You can play any sport with complete peace of mind: basketball, volleyball, tennis, cycling, swimming, surfing, water skiing, scuba diving... The choice is yours!

From 15 to b points. You need to develop, train your breathing. We offer you a great exercise: jumping rope every day for 10 minutes. It is very important to learn how to breathe correctly, to take a full breath and exhale. We recommend you moderate physical activity, but at the same time make more efforts, do all the exercises carefully, regularly. We advise you to take up cycling, cross-country running, swimming.

5 points or less. You don't know how to breathe properly. And before you do any kind of sport, you have to learn how to "storage" the air, prepare your lungs. Walk more. Every morning and evening, do the following exercise: while lying down, inhale deeply and exhale completely; straining the press, you train, develop it. Do this exercise 20 times. When your lung capacity increases, you will be able to take up tourism. Long walks and hikes over rough terrain and in the fresh air calm the nervous system, make it possible to breathe freely.
^ P. Aerobic capacity
1. Do you walk?
Never - 0 points
Sometimes - 1
Regularly 1 km per day - 2
From 1 to 3 km per day - 3
Over 3 km daily - 4

2. Do you do any of the following sports during your weekends: cycling, swimming or running?
Never - 0 points
Sometimes - 2
Regularly - 4

3. How long have you been doing any of the above sports?
Half an hour - 2 points
From half an hour to 1 hour - 3
Over an hour - 4

4. Can you talk when you are walking, running or cycling fast?
Yes - 2 points
No - 0

5. What is the approximate distance you can cover in 12 minutes of walking, jogging?
Over 2.6 km - 5 points
From 2 to 2.6 km - 4
From 1.7 to 2 km - 3
From 1.5 to 1.7 km - 2
Less than 1.5 km - 1


19 to 12 points. You have an energetic, active nature, you know how to give your muscles and heart the best "fuel" - oxygen. Not only can you play any sport, you have reason to consider taking up sport seriously. Run at your normal pace for several kilometers, then jerk up the pace for a distance of 100 - 200 meters. So you will develop even more stamina and be able to run faster. It would be useful for you to ride a bicycle to work and shops. In the summer, on the river, on the sea, run on the sand, swim as much as possible. If you're in the mountains, try cycling through difficult sections and up steep slopes.

11 to 6 points. You can do some sports, but first you need to develop your aerobic abilities more in the main types: cycling, swimming, running. Be patient and persistent. When you run or ride a bike, get into the habit of talking to your comrades. Breathe deeply and evenly, try not to suffocate. Do not forget that real physical activity begins only after 20 minutes of vigorous activity.

5 points or less. Develop your program, which includes daily walking from 2 to 5 km, alternating it with cross-country running. Schedule a half-hour bike or swim session each day, and then gradually increase the duration and distance. But if such intense loads exceed your capabilities, then first limit yourself to jump rope exercises or give up the elevator and climb the stairs on foot. After a while, try cycling, swimming, and running again. The effect will not be slow to tell.
^iii. body flexibility
1. Put your feet together and slowly lean towards the floor.
You touch the floor with your palms - 4 points
Fingertips - 3
You don't reach the floor - 0

2. Legs straight, shoulder width apart. Lean left and right without moving your pelvis.
You touch the calves - 4 points
Get to the knee - 3
Do not reach the knee - 0

3. Lying on your back, put your legs behind your head.
Touch the floor with straight legs - 4 points
Touch with slightly bent legs - 3
Bent legs - 2
Can't reach the floor - 0


12 to 8 points. You have enviable flexibility. To keep fit, we recommend that you do gymnastics, sports dancing, swimming.

7 to 4 points. You probably had flexibility as a child. Then let me give you one piece of advice: alternate power sports (basketball, volleyball, handball...) with softer ones, such as tennis, gymnastics, sports dancing, swimming. Thus, you will return to its former shape.

3 points or less. Alas, you do not have sufficient flexibility. And you yourself feel it in everyday life. Choose sports activities that develop flexibility and muscles - gymnastics, sports dancing, yoga, swimming. These sports will also help you develop a sense of balance. But do not overexert yourself, proceed from your capabilities. Only patience and long training will restore your flexibility.
^IV. jumping ability
1. Collect your legs, swing your arms and jump forward from a place. How far did you jump?
120 cm - 2 points
160 cm - 3
180 cm - 4
200 cm and more - 5

2. Feet together, stand against the wall, raised above your head with your right hand, measure the height with chalk. Then jump up and make a second mark. How far above the first mark did you jump?
25 cm - 1 point
For 25 - 30 cm - 2
At 30 - 40 cm - 3
For 40 - 50 cm - 4
More than 50 cm - 5


10 to 6 points. You are jumpy, energetic. We recommend you any kind of outdoor sports: volleyball, basketball, swimming, athletics. This is a good workout for the respiratory apparatus and the heart. But don't overwork!

5 points or less. Unfortunately, your success here is modest. Work out first with the rope, jump more, but with collected legs, at least 5 minutes a day. When you walk or run, then jump over the obstacles that you meet on your way: fallen trees, ditches, garden benches, low fences. Jump trying to grab the leaves of the trees (without picking them off, of course). Play volleyball or basketball. And the results will not be slow to tell.
^v. Your muscles
1. Do your muscles hurt after exercise?
Always - 2 points
Sometimes - 3 Never - 4

2. Do you experience pain in your legs when you ski or ride a bike?
Always - 2 points
Sometimes - 3
Never - 4

3. Do your legs hurt when you walk several floors?
Sometimes - 2 points
Never - 3

4. Do you have muscle spasms?
Often - 1 point
Rarely or never - 2

5. Do you feel pain in your arms and shoulders when you swim or ride a bike?
Often - 2 points
Sometimes - 3
Never - 4

6. Can you do things with your hands up high without difficulty?
Yes - 3 points
No - 0

7. Try to squat on one leg, keeping the other straight, without helping with your hands.
You have successfully completed this exercise - 4 points
Completed it, but lost balance - 3
Done, helping yourself with your hand - 2
Failed to complete - 0

8. Do you feel back pain 2-3 hours after exercise?
Always - 1 point
Sometimes - 2
Never - 3


From 27 to 20 points. Your muscles are in good condition. Do the sport that interests you the most. But do not forget to make hiking cross-country, hiking in the mountains. This will increase muscle strength.

19 to 10 points. You still need to develop your muscles. Actively exercise with kettlebells and dumbbells that strengthen muscles. Play more volleyball or basketball, do more gymnastic exercises.
^ 9 points or less. You must admit that your muscular system is underdeveloped. Take advantage of your summer vacation and do 30-45 minutes of gymnastic exercises at least twice a week. But the load must be increased gradually to avoid the appearance of exhaustion and muscle spasm. After the holidays, continue your studies even more intensively, but without forgetting a minute of rest. And swim more - the water wonderfully massages tired muscles and soothes you.
