A weak-willed husband. Prospects in love relationships

(c) "LILITH" April 2010

Studying men

Tatyana Gosteva

Our consultant is Olesya Lukasheva, psychologist

What is the strength in, brother?

We are not always able to recognize what exactly is hidden behind certain masculine actions. And not because men pretend so cleverly, but because we do not know how to interpret certain features of male behavior.

Many women like strong, strong-willed and purposeful men, while others like weak, dependent, indecisive men, the kind of always driven. At some point in our lives we cling to strength, sometimes we cling to weakness. But there is nothing worse than confusing strength with weakness and finding yourself in difficult moment without protection and support. Therefore, it is very important for us to see what is hidden behind this or that feature. masculine character, and do not be mistaken about your partner.

Features strong man

He says little and does a lot, knows how to make decisions and does not deviate from them, willingly provides patronage not only to you, but to everyone who is important to you: girlfriends, cat, younger brother and obnoxious nephews. It is natural for him to take other people into his circle of responsibility - he is confident in his strength and ability to cope with difficulties and in fact copes with them: he looks for a new place of work for you, tolerates your girlfriends in your living room and makes you coffee, buys giant bags of cat food for your cat, tells your brother how to resolve a conflict with the boss, takes your nephews to the pool.

His shortcomings do not irritate you and do not cling to the features of your character, like a broken nail to a stocking, because they are different for you: you always hesitate, and he cuts from the shoulder, you wait, and he rushes to attack, you cry, but he is silent . You soften him with your presence, he gives you a feeling of stability and reliability. And you languidly say to your friend on your cell phone: “I don’t know where we’ll go on vacation this summer... Mine will come up with something interesting again, like last year.” And your friend is quietly dying of envy, because, firstly, you earned money for your vacation, secondly, you come up with interesting routes, and thirdly, you don’t have to strain yourself and decide anything - tickets, hotel, and He will present the entertainment schedule to you for approval, and then he will order everything himself! And a strong man never whines, although sometimes he gets very irritated, and is able to organize everything you need - from a birthday to building a house.

What traits of a strong man do we mistake for weakness?

* He is compliant

Anastasia married Andrey. And they decided to make repairs in new apartment.Anastasia tells her husband: “I want a bedroom in lilac tones! He agrees. Half of them were painted - I changed my mind: “ Cold tone. I want turquoise." He agrees. They made one wall in a turquoise tone - again it’s not like that: “Let’s have cream wallpaper!” Andrey again agrees with everything.

We think

What a weakling, he can’t say a word against me!

In fact

Your whims concern things that he doesn’t care about at all. He doesn't care what color the walls are - blue or cream. So do what you want. Now, if you decide to decorate the walls with mirrors against a background of black varnish, he will say “no,” because this combination of color and shine makes him depressive state. And you can’t jump over his “no”. And so - yes, at least green.

A weak man will never allow himself such compliance: every nonsense for him acquires universal significance as a way of self-affirmation.

* He's friends with your friends' husbands, but he doesn't have any friends of his own.

Enough typical situation. He had school and university friends, and then they moved away somewhere, and no new ones appeared. Only colleagues and like-minded people remained.

We think

Poor lonely lamb, he has no one but me. He is probably very unsociable, timid, shy, it is difficult for him to communicate with other people, and only I fill the communication vacuum in his life.

In fact

He is not a lonely lamb, but a lone wolf, brutally competitive and quarrelsome. In all worthy and smart men he sees rivals. This stresses him out; he does not want to communicate with unworthy and stupid people - it irritates him. He is interested in talking about professional topics with his colleagues, and about emotional ones with you. He is friends with the husbands of your friends because they come to his territory as guests and occupy a deliberately subordinate position. And he never gets close to them.

Weak men often look for support among many friends and acquaintances.

* He asks you what you love, what you expect from him, remembers and does it

You told him: “Buy me those flowers every month!” He buys. You remark: “Oh, kiss me between the shoulder blades!” He kisses. The day before yesterday you asked him to bring tea with lemon to the computer. He brought it the day before yesterday, yesterday and today.

We think

He's kind of flexible.

In fact

He loves you and has the courage to ask what you want and listen to your answer. He is straightforward in honesty, masculine sense this word suggests that The best way to understand a woman is to ask a question, and to give her pleasure and benefit is to do what she says.

A weak man is embarrassed to ask a question - maybe he is supposed to guess about everything, he is afraid to hear the answer - what if you ask him to give you an expensive multifunctional J-pad for your birthday. Your request to do what you like in bed plunges him into quiet horror: “Or maybe she doesn’t like anything at all?!”

* He understands that housework must be done

And he never follows the principle of who should put dishes in the dishwasher or laundry in the washing machine, who should vacuum the carpets and clean leather furniture, if you say: “I have a lot to do at work this month!” He replies: “Okay, dear, we’ll think of something!”

We think

Somehow it’s not quite masculine, although it’s very comfortable!

In fact

Very masculine: he thinks homework not humiliating for a man, but just very dreary. He can handle the dishes and laundry while you work harder than he does, but as for the floors and furniture, he will find Aunt Ira with a vacuum cleaner, who will clean and clean everything for a month. And if you behave correctly and are delighted with Aunt Ira, she will remain your cleaner and money will be generated for her. Strong men like to solve problems, including with cleanliness in the apartment.

A weak man will be indignant: “I will never take on women’s affairs!” - and he’ll push everything onto you: “Sort it out as best you can.”

* He still can't leave his wife, even though he loves you.

He tells his mistress: “My wife is sick and bad, I can’t leave her, something will happen to her without me.” Or is completely silent in response to all questions. And if you put pressure on him, he will stay with his wife.

We think

How indecisive! He can't part with her! Or - what an addict - he finally returned to her!

In fact

He is honest and tells you the truth, which you do not perceive. A strong man often stays with both women because he is responsible for them. It is difficult for us to understand that his wife can be part of his responsibility, despite the fact that he does not love her. Many women really like the phrase about a rose from Exupery’s book “ A little prince": "We are responsible for those we have tamed!" But for some reason we see ourselves in the role of a tamed rose. And not the wife of your beloved man.

An indecisive, weak man either constantly lies: “I’ll leave in a year, when my daughter finishes school,” “I’ll leave in two years, when we pay off the loan for the house,” or he hesitates “stay with this one or leave with that one,” and constantly comes and goes. leaves.

* He avoids risks and dangerous situations

He doesn’t ride a motorcycle without a helmet, he always buckles up in the car and makes sure you fasten your seat belts too. He doesn’t like speeding on wet asphalt and wandering around the dark deserted streets of an unfamiliar city at night. He doesn't take a shortcut home through a construction site at midnight.

We think

A cowardly guy.

In fact

He does not doubt his strength and courage, and he does not need to assert himself in stupid ways, provoke conflicts and troubles and risk the woman he loves, who is sitting next to him in the car or walking with him along a dark street.

When we mistake weakness for strength

*He silent and looks calm

In Anna's family, balance and calmness were considered typically masculine virtues: her mother was very eccentric and always quarreled with her hot-tempered father, and the girl because of parental quarrels worried. In her fifth year at university, Anna met a very quiet modest guy and admired his “restrained strength.”

We think

But still, calmness and restraint are signs of a real man!

In fact

A weak man is never calm and restrained! He has nothing to hold back. He is inert and lethargic and is silent out of fright, because he is afraid to take responsibility and influence the course of events with a random word or say something wrong and inappropriate. He wants more than anything in the world for everyone to leave him alone and not demand anything from him - it’s obvious how helpless he is! And he switches off from any situation that alarms him, falls silent and freezes, like a groundhog - he fell, pretended to be dead, as if he was not here at all. When Marina - the heroine of our story - became pregnant (this happens to women even if they take birth control pills), Igor said that he would accept any of her decisions without objection. And he didn’t advise her anything, didn’t express his opinion. Marina decided to have an abortion. He took her to the doctor, took her home in the evening, walked her to the apartment, collapsed in a chair in exhaustion: “I can’t stand this kind of stress again!” By stress he meant his feelings about her suffering. Over the next year, he looked in vain for work and lived quietly at Marina's expense, only occasionally opening his mouth to complain about something. And she left him.

A strong man is never silent when a decision needs to be made. He speaks clearly and unambiguously. “Give birth. Let’s get married and find a way out” or “Have an abortion, it will take me at least three years to create material base for family".

* He always talks about how a real man should act, or talks about himself “we, men”

It seems to him that his gender alone is enough to manage the family’s finances, never cook breakfast and demand obedience from his wife. He, “like all men,” drinks beer, which gives him heartburn, and vodka, which instantly makes him tipsy, expresses himself in a savory way, or throws dirty socks on the table, or doesn’t shave on weekends and doesn’t use eau de toilette. And he demands that you leave your job and run the house, although he earns very little, and all the time he threatens to “punch in the face” your ex, a harmless system administrator who pesters you with tearful emails and text messages.

You think

If he says that to himself, it means that’s who he is... a real man.


He heard, saw and read how real men behave. I've internalized the stereotype. And he tries very hard to live up to it. At the same time, he is afraid that no one will notice his correspondence, and constantly reminds everyone about it.

A strong man never says: “I am like a man...” - he does not act in a different role. He does not declare: “The husband should be the head of the house!” He is already the head of the house.

He is incredibly and unpredictably stubborn and argues all the time. You don't know what he'll grab onto next time, you know one thing for sure - he will definitely grab onto

He knows how to properly cut potatoes for the deep fryer, where to put them coffee table and a vase with a flower, what movie to watch in the evening, where to have dinner - in a pizzeria or at the Lido, what hotel to relax in and where to place the sun loungers - in the dunes or in shallow water. And even - oh horror! - if you do today as he said yesterday, he manages to find a dozen more details that you missed.

You think

How persistent and strong-willed he is - a real man! He knows how to insist on his own!

In fact

He asserts himself in small things, because he believes that “a strong man always knows what he wants.” And diligently avoids important decisions- about moving to another country or his upcoming complex operation, and demands that you decide everything important.

The strong don't care about little things. He would earn enough money to cover everything, and solve serious problems with paying off loans and buying a new car. And even drag your sun lounger onto the roof of the hotel, it will only help you.

He is arrogant with his subordinates and constantly clashes with the staff

His hotel room is poorly cleaned, the waiter cheats, the cashier is slow. And he gets stuck in long conflicts - he calls the hotel owners, writes complaints by email to the restaurant administrator, calls the store manager for a scandal.

You think

He is very demanding. A true maximalist!

In fact

First option: he shows himself to be in charge here, since he is not afraid to get hit back. Second option: sometimes it seems to a weak man that it is written on his forehead how small and helpless he is, and even the waiters and saleswomen laugh at him and serve him poorly, and they must be punished for this.

A strong man does not get involved with people who depend on him - he is not interested in this. He even somehow feels sorry for his subordinates and service personnel.

If you did things your way and ended up making a mistake, he will always remark: “What did I tell you!” And he is able to remind you of this for a long time and often, nagging you for mistakes and omissions

At the peak of real estate prices, Lena and Vasya sold their small apartment and rented a house in order to buy something better and bigger during the recession, without taking out loans. Lena persuaded Vasya not to buy anything and wait until this spring - she thought that prices would continue to fall. Vasya didn’t really resist. Now prices are creeping up. And Vasya reminds Lena every day how right he would have been a year ago, offering to buy an apartment immediately, as soon as prices collapsed. And when Lena, upset, asks: “Why didn’t you insist on your own?” - replies proudly: “I didn’t want to argue with you!”

You think

It was unpleasant and offensive, but he turned out to be right. Next time I will definitely listen to him.

In fact

The phrase “What did I tell you!..” is a typical indicator male weakness. For a weak man, the most important thing in the world is to emphasize that he was right and to assert himself through his rightness and your mistake. He will kill you with reproaches and scold you for your mistake.

For a strong man, the most important thing is to achieve his goal: to sell his old apartment on time and buy a new one. He will not waste time on reproaches - it is more important for him to correct the situation. In any case, if he believes that he is right, he will insist on his own or change his mind under the influence of your compelling arguments. If he fails to insist, he will blame himself for giving in, and it will never occur to him to boast that he once said the “right word.” If he accepted your position, and it turned out to be wrong, he also will not reproach you: he could not accept it, but stand his ground.

They write a lot about what a woman should be like to attract a man and get married. Most often, a woman is supposed to change herself in order to be convenient and comfortable for a man. But then what kind of man would be with a woman who had to break herself to please him? Only weak.

Passion. A woman who is passionate about her life and has many interests (work, study, hobbies) will not be able to put her on the altar of a relationship. She needs to be offered something equally fulfilling and interesting so that she can spend more time with her man. A weak man most often has no interests; he himself looks for someone to entertain him. Therefore, he is afraid that a woman who is passionate about her interests will not find time for him. A strong man, on the contrary, is looking for a fulfilled woman who will not endure her brain without receiving a dose of attention, but will go about her business.

Commercialism. Feminine quality– wanting everything and more is very frightening for weak men. Because they lack generosity, they are afraid to give away too much. For such men, female commercialism (the desire to receive gifts, courtship, and generally the desire for comfort and excess) is an existential threat. At the same time, potential men treat this quality of a woman with acceptance and can use it as an incentive on the path to success.

Unpredictability. A woman stuck in one role is very convenient for a weak man. But such a woman is unhappy, there is no spontaneity and pleasure in her. You can’t build a living, dynamic relationship with someone like that. With a multifaceted, unpredictable woman, you can spend your whole life, as in pair dance: sometimes cheerful, sometimes passionate, sometimes slow and smooth.

Intuition. Ability to see true meaning phenomena, their depth and, based on this ability to predict the outcome of events, weak men can evaluate as abnormal . Strong men know that all women are a little witchy, and in many situations they rely on their instincts.

Avdotya Razgulyaeva

Russian society consists entirely of psychologists or simply experienced relationship experts. Everyone knows that women- sluts, and men- goats from which only degenerates are born. But for some reason no one can answer the question: why is this so? Now a girl has been born, can I give her a label now or wait? Or that boy who was born an hour ago and does not understand that he is no longer a man, but a goat!

At one of the meetings, I became an almost accidental witness to the following picture: a woman skillfully and humorously teased her office colleague, and he, instead of some skillful answer, snorted something indistinctly, then, as if imperceptibly, turned to her and gave her his important glance. Only I didn’t take into account that I managed to read his lips when he told her: “Slut.” The girl immediately sank. Perhaps he had some plans for her, and considered such an outburst as obsessive flirting and an attempt to pick up someone? Doesn't matter. The important thing is that the man behaved like a rag.

But he’s a well-groomed man: expensive clothes in a casual style, stylish wrist watch obviously not for 100,000 rubles. Obviously, he earns more than the average Muscovite. The position is not general director, but assistant to deputy general director. He rarely speaks, tries to throw dust in the eyes with all sorts of terms, numbers, and his intelligence. Sometimes the general manager of a partner company slows him down so that he feels self-importance it did not swell or burst.

It seems to me that it is these men who give birth to the myth that all men are assholes. The man is now weak. He thinks that money can buy absolutely everything. Naturally, now I have received suspicious glances from readers from all over the country, but still. Money is just a tool, but it is far from the right to turn from a man into a plastic card that you can wave and solve all life’s issues.

I was recently in Belarus and visited Nyasvizh Castle. I tried to plunge into the atmosphere of the time when life was in full swing in this castle (and this is about 350 years ago). The price included physical strength, combat skill, mind power and education. People were fond of reading, collecting art, and were both cruel to their enemies and merciful to their subjects (not always). For the word "slut" spoken to a woman, one could easily be killed and given away your body forest animals to be torn to pieces.

Imagine that there was a time when a woman was conquered, not bought. If they wanted to “buy” someone’s affection, they built huge parks with fountains in order to confess their love among thousands of roses and lush greenery. They were ready to die for a woman, just as a woman strived to be submissive to her husband in everything. In return, the man tried to be even stronger, even more powerful, even more worthy.

Today, the most important word in relationships is “how much.” This is a word-question, and a word-thought, and a word-verdict. Any person with a decent wad of cash in his pocket turns into a fairy-tale prince, and even the strongest and bravest man without money can count solely on the status of an on-call lover. No money? Who needs your muscles when you are not even able to rent an apartment in Moscow? Or will they somehow add comfort in a crowded Moscow metro car in the mornings and evenings?

The modern man believed that only money matters, and he chased solely after money. Courage, gallantry, and education were put aside. The man turned into a cold-blooded buyer. They pay money, get sex, change partners. One-time affairs convince men that they are actually macho! And the purchase of disposable girls is on the rise. Today one, tomorrow the second. An algorithm is developed: money - get laid - choose the next one.

What do girls do? Quite rightly, such men are called unfucked males. Logical, right?) He came, offered money (under various pretexts, it’s not important at all), slept with him, and left. Not even promises for you, not stability for you, not even hopes for you. Here's a set of conventional "restaurant-Turkey-restaurant" - and goodbye.

But there are women who cost much more! It turns out that some symbolic amount of $1,000 is not enough for her. She needs reliable man, feeling of stability, life partner. Like mockery, there are demands to be responsible and even a little romantic. What do you call such a woman? Especially if you look in your pockets, and there is still the same $1000: you have no reliability, no stability, and there has never been any responsibility! Sha-la-va.

In general, the man is weakening. I learned how to pour gel on my head, but I forgot how to care for women. Nice watch He can buy for himself, but he doesn’t know how to properly present a gift to his life partner. Making $100,000 has become a lot easier than transforming yourself from a weak-willed whiner into a man women don't want for money. Because of this, such a man comes up with 100,500 excuses as to why women are “not the same anymore.” It’s just easier for a weakling to buy a car (why do I need a wife when I have a Mercedes?), an apartment (oh, I like to live alone) or a watch (for real men): iron and concrete definitely don’t need reliability, stability, or partnership. Pay the money and feel like you are the master of your life.

So what happened? Have men relaxed and come to life only on March 8, or have women really turned into unscrupulous, easily accessible girls?

What to do if a weak man lives next to you? Is it possible to make your chosen one strong and courageous? Read about this and much more on Passion.ru.

“How tired of these weak men! You have to do everything yourself, but you really want to rely on strong shoulder! – you can hear more and more often from representatives of the fair sex.

Are men really becoming more feminine and weaker, or are women themselves becoming stronger? What to do if next to you weak man?

Let's decide what kind of man can be called weak. Conventionally, they can be divided into four types.

About "mama's boys"

weak man

As soon as a woman stops taking on unnecessary responsibility and bearing all the weight family, he becomes completely normal or disappears in search of a new victim.

Relax and trust the man. Take off all the burden of responsibility and give most of it to your man. Ask him for help more often, encourage his contribution, and then he will mobilize his strength and stop pretending to be weak.

An emotional man most often has a creative profession or dreamed of one, but circumstances turned out differently. He reacts very subtly to all the events of the world around him, and therefore may seem like an absolute weakling.

In fact, such a man, despite his sensitivity, may have great inner strength and energy. He is mistaken for the weak because he lives in the sphere of feelings, emotions, and the material world with the struggle for survival is not particularly interesting to him.

The paradox is that most often such men go to women who are emotionally “stupid”, that is, who do not know how to feel and understand other people, who believe that only their opinion is the most correct.

A woman is looking for relaxation, care, softness and tenderness in such a union - what she so lacks in her dynamic and tough life. With an emotional man she feels like she's taken vacation from myself.

He is impressed by her determination, authority, determination, ability to keep everything under control and vital activity.

Such a man is best able to be charming, cheerful and emotional just like that, regardless of his achievements. Moreover, career– not his strong point.

If a woman does not demand from a man things that are unusual for him aggression and ambition, but learns to enjoy precisely the differences of their union, to receive the emotions she lacks, then this union can be harmonious and happy.

Which type is better not to build a relationship with?

weak man

Such a man has been accustomed to his mother’s hypertrophied care since childhood. He is the most real victim parental love. Most often, children of single or unfulfilled mothers suffer from excessive care.

Mom is too protective of him, controls every step, because she believes that she knows better what her beloved and only baby needs. As a result, a man raised in such a family expects the same care from his wife as from his mother. The only acceptable and understandable way for him to exist in the family: he is in the role child, wife as mother.

At the same time, you should not have the expectation that you need a strong man. " Mama's boy» easy to manage. If the main thing for you is a man’s complaisance, then you may have an ideal union.

He is easily influenced, so over time you can teach him to be independent. Just remember that grown children no longer need their parents. After all, this is why many women are so afraid of independent and strong men.

In fact, not all women feel the need for a strong partner, but they continue to poison their lives by believing in the illusion imposed by mass culture.

If you recognize your desire for leadership and focus on the strengths of the “weak” man, without expecting from him what he is not capable of, then both of you will be absolutely happy.

Why do men become weak?

weak man

He can earn a lot of money, be sweet and charming, but at the same time he cannot accept the most simple solutions in personal life. His personal life is either disordered and chaotic, or joyless and depressing.

Even having fallen out of love with both, this man still continues to maintain relationships with them, because he is always afraid of something and cannot decide on anything.

Even after making a decision, he constantly doubts its correctness. In the end, it always turns out that women make decisions for him, and he worries about the injustice of the world around him.

Such men often suffer from heart disease and can end up with a massive heart attack, because life full of secrets, anxiety and doubt, does not contribute to health at all.

In my opinion, this is the most dangerous type of “weak men”. Since he cannot make a decision, he ruins not only his life, but also yours, keeping you in suspense for years. If possible, it is better to avoid close relationships with this type.

If you don't want to waste your life on empty games, only possible way communicating with this man is an ultimatum. That is, a situation where you specifically say what you want, set a deadline for when it should happen, and communicate that otherwise your relationship will end.

A woman who is prone to extreme sports, who likes to be in a state of uncertainty all the time, or a woman who enjoys various intrigues and psychological manipulation.

Also harmony is possible indecisive man and an assertive, despotic, often hysterical woman, since she will be happy to get him to implement her decisions, and he, in turn, will not have to make difficult choices.

Don't suppress your man!

weak man

How does a man become weak and indecisive, bringing disappointment into the lives of women who dream of strong heroes? The answer is simple: women themselves make men like this, raising them “to suit themselves.”

In the past, men were raised by men. IN ancient world this happened during the hunt, during the war, then in gymnasiums, then in military schools, special closed institutions for boys.

Future men were prepared for the role of defenders, warriors, athletes etc. From childhood they were “torn off” from their parents, and quite early age the man was completely ready to be responsible for his own and others’ lives and make decisions.

That is why they subconsciously cultivate behavior in the boy, more suitable for a girl: passivity, humility, obedience, submission to the teacher, the desire to be “good” and not interfere with your opinion.

They do this not out of malice, but only because it is more convenient to control the child. Thus, providing themselves with peace and comfort, women gradually supplant any manifestations of masculinity.

If a boy has before his eyes a role model of his father’s courageous behavior or visits sports section, then everything may not be so scary. But how often do mothers themselves scold fathers for giving their sons too much independence!

Certainly, loving mothers do such things unconsciously. This behavior in to a greater extent typical for women whose lives are focused on the child.

Women often give way to boys who are already grown up. public transport, while they themselves stand next to heavy bags, dragging their sports equipment themselves... In general, they try to make the little man’s life as easy as possible.

Thus instilling in the child weakness and inability to take responsibility, these women demand that adult men demonstrate all these qualities.

weak man

Another reason for the weakness of men is the increased socialization of women. Having received freedom of self-expression, women certainly want to achieve everything themselves, and, unfortunately, in the race for success they completely stop trusting men.

This leads them to strive for total control in all areas of life and cannot even imagine that they can relax and shift responsibility to a man. Such a woman believes that only she knows how best to do something, what and how it should be.

All this leads to the fact that women behave with adult men as if they were children, subsequently complaining that they are weak and indecisive.

The same thing happens as with the baby: an independent man it is difficult to manipulate and control, so it is much safer to live with someone who is not independent and weak. As a result, the husband adapts and stops making decisions altogether.

The wife’s scenario that “in life you can only rely on yourself” is confirmed. Moreover, many women deliberately trigger the mechanism male weakness. Wanting to become indispensable for a man, they take on most of the problems, thereby hoping to tie the man to themselves.

What to do if there is a weak man nearby? The answer to this question is obvious. It is best not to do anything, but to give the man the opportunity to do something himself.

It is believed that strength beautiful ladies lies precisely in the weakness that men show towards them. When starting a relationship with a representative of the opposite sex, women skillfully guide their other halves and guide them in every possible way. the right direction using your little ones girlish tricks. Possessing power over strong man, a woman can completely control any situation.

What is a man's weakness?

According to experts in the field of psychology, men are the least adaptive and resistant to various stressful situations and life changes. It's quite difficult for guys to adapt to environment. They are accustomed to the mistaken belief that the whole world revolves around them, and any disobedience can cause panic. Women by nature have a maternal instinct, which helps them react more steadfastly to any changes, difficult circumstances, and also deal with any, even the most extreme, troubles.

It is more difficult for men to get used to a new environment. They constantly feel responsible for their significant other and offspring. The head of the family bears a heavy burden, so any financial difficulties can lead to depression.

In addition, some representatives of the stronger sex, returning home after a hard day at work, try to relax at least a little, make themselves more comfortable in front of the TV and immerse themselves in their own thoughts. The result of this is women's discontent, reproaches and everyday problems, which also knock a man out of his usual rut and undermine his self-esteem.

The weakness of some guys is the lack of their own point of view about certain things. This problem occurs when various reasons. This could be growing up in a family where the mother suppressed the father and her child, or male relaxation. The second reason concerns those representatives of the stronger sex who are tired of swimming against the tide, have given up and completely surrendered themselves to their soulmate. The third reason for male weakness can be considered indecision. Guys who are not able to make a responsible decision quickly and on time most often miss the moment and opportunity, derailing their lives. The fourth reason is excessive sensuality. Too much emotional men They also have weaknesses, from time to time being exposed to excessive emotions.
