What can you give your dog for nausea. Treating yellow vomit in a dog

Every owner is scared if the dog vomits white foam. Today we will understand how dangerous it is, what are the reasons, and how you can help your pet. Just in case, we remind you that if the condition of the animal is generally normal, he drinks and plays, then you can wait a little while visiting the veterinarian and observe. But if you notice a depressed state, drowsiness, a complete refusal of water and food against the background of vomiting, then immediately take your pet for examination to a veterinary clinic. If possible, leave him on a day hospital so that the doctor can observe the condition of the animal himself.

The dog is sick, symptoms

It must be clearly understood that if a dog vomits white foam, then this is not a disease, but only a symptom that indicates certain diseases. A dog that is vomiting is often restless. She hides in a far corner, under the bed, licks her lips, she is salivating. But not always nausea ends with vomiting.

If a dog vomits white foam - this is not the worst thing that can happen. The animal burps one or more times. If the stomach is empty, then we see exactly the foam. Moreover, if you know what the dog ate today, then you can calm down. This means that the food was digested normally, and the stomach, protecting itself from the digestion of its own walls, produced regurgitation. Just watch how your pet will feel next. If this is only a single symptom, then you can completely calm down.

Preventive vomiting

Vomiting itself is only a protective mechanism that is designed to save lives in case of eating poor-quality food or the need to cleanse the body of toxins, with a viral disease. If the dog vomits white foam - this is most often a variant of the norm, unless it begins to repeat itself periodically. Only in this case can we talk about problems with the gastrointestinal tract.

In general, animals feel their body more subtly. If the dog, in a fit of greed, ate more food than it should, then the body itself will regulate this process, causing a partial emptying of the stomach. Females feed young pups with semi-digested food, regurgitating it little by little. So vomiting can occur in completely healthy animals and not imply any pathologies.

pathological vomiting

Most often, it occurs against the background of various systemic diseases. In this case, at the first stage, the dog vomits white foam with mucus, and then other symptoms join this. Pathological vomiting does not protect the body of the animal, but, on the contrary, aggravates the course of the disease. Therefore, pathological vomiting necessarily requires treatment. If vomiting is observed after each meal, water, and even on a completely empty stomach, if the color of the vomit changes to gray, black, red, this indicates serious problems that you cannot cope with without doctors. Such vomiting leads to severe dehydration and disruption of the water and electrolyte balance. Without proper assistance, this can lead to a very quick death of the animal, especially when it comes to a young puppy. In addition, persistent vomiting leads to the inability to properly consume and absorb nutrients. This leads to a gradual depletion of energy reserves and greatly reduces the likelihood of a successful outcome.

Diseases that cause vomiting

It should be noted that there are a lot of reasons for vomiting in a dog, so it is useless to treat it yourself. If the dog vomits white foam with mucus frequently or periodically, then it can be concluded that the dog has gastritis. It can be primary or secondary, but, one way or another, it is a consequence of dietary disorders. In addition, frequent vomiting with foam can tell us about severe intoxication, indicate intestinal obstruction, as well as a foreign body in the stomach of the animal. Be sure to record how many times, how much, and what contents your dog vomits. This can be very important in making a diagnosis.

Vomiting can occur as a symptom of gastrointestinal diseases, poor-quality feed poisoning, intestinal volvulus, pancreatitis or colitis, hepatitis, or infectious diseases. Among infectious and viral diseases, there are also quite a lot of those that cause frequent vomiting. These are enteritis and hepatitis, plague, leptospirosis, coronovirus infection and many others. All these dog diseases are very difficult and require mandatory treatment by an experienced veterinarian.

Treatment of vomiting

Single vomiting does not require treatment. However, if it is accompanied by signs of intoxication, then your pet's life is in great danger. Such signs are general lethargy, the dog does not get up and does not eat, reacts poorly to external stimuli, and may fall into a coma. What to do if your dog is seriously ill (vomiting white foam)? Treatment should be prescribed and monitored by a doctor. First of all, these are droppers that will not allow intoxication to develop. Be sure to add vitamins, as well as nutrients that can support the body and give it strength to fight the disease.


Any disease is easier to prevent than to treat, because there is nothing worse than watching your dog suffer (vomits, does not eat). Proper feeding and maintenance of the animal can serve as prevention. Nutrition should be balanced and regular. In addition, it is necessary to carry out vaccination and deworming in time and exclude the ingestion of foreign objects. At least once every three months, take your dog for a checkup.

Vomit with grass

Most often, the very first sign of the development of the disease is nausea. Then the dog vomits white foam. We have already considered the reasons, but most often it still speaks of problems of the gastrointestinal tract. That's when the dog begins to heal on its own. She eats grass and regurgitates the contents, so she cleanses the body and allows it to get rid of toxins. If this helps, then the animal begins to eat normally again, and vomiting stops.

Vomiting blood

Now, this is a worrying sign. If, after several times, vomiting changes from white foam to bloody, this indicates a rupture of the stomach with a sharp object that has fallen into it. Hospitalization is required immediately. The doctor must examine the animal and quickly carry out all possible operations to save it. Most likely, the help of a surgeon will be required.

Summing up

Vomiting white foam is not a particularly alarming symptom, but when it occurs, the animal should be placed under close observation. If the symptom does not recur, then everything is fine. But if you see that the condition of the animal is deteriorating, then you can not hesitate. That is why future dog owners need to think carefully about whether they have the time, financial capabilities and desire to act adequately in emergency situations. After all, an animal can get sick at any moment, and only you can help it.

Vomiting in a dog is a very unpleasant phenomenon, moreover, it is completely unhealthy for the animal. Vomiting on its own rarely occurs. This is usually a reaction to an intolerable product or one of the symptoms. Vomiting is important to distinguish from ordinary regurgitation, when food or a foreign object has not yet entered the stomach. At the same time, treating vomiting as an independent phenomenon does not make sense and can be dangerous for the dog.

There are many types of vomiting. The most dangerous are:

  • white foam (so-called white vomit);
  • yellow vomiting with bile;
  • with a sacrum.

In addition, vomiting can occur from motion sickness (for example, while traveling), after eating a large amount of grass, after a foreign object enters the stomach.

Dog vomiting: what to do

To begin with, do not panic, but determine its nature. This will be discussed a little later. Often, when vomiting, the pet refuses to feed. Do not force feed, wait 12 hours. If no improvement is observed after this period, . At a temperature (high or low) it is not necessary to wait 12 hours.

It is important to know that you cannot treat vomiting on your own. Incorrect selection of medicines and delay in the treatment of a more dangerous disease, against which the gag reflex is exacerbated, can cost the pet its life.

Often, vomiting is a symptom that may require surgery. In this regard, hurry to contact your veterinarian. Guessing in this case what to give the dog from vomiting is fundamentally wrong.

Dog vomiting with foam

Often, instead of vomit, the dog leaves the body with white foam. It is formed from mucopolysaccharides that have reacted with air from the external environment. In turn, these substances appear in the stomach after the primary digestion of food, when lunch has already passed into the intestines. Simply put, foam during vomiting indicates that at the moment your pet's stomach is empty.

If you noticed such a phenomenon once, then there is nothing to worry about. If the foam comes out regularly, consult a doctor.

Dog vomiting blood

Blood in the vomit often indicates either a puncture of the walls of the stomach. When interacting with gastric juice, it often becomes brown or even black.

If you find blood in the spewing mass, contact your doctor immediately. If it is impossible to do this immediately, provide the pet with peace. For a day, limit your pet in food, water in small quantities will not hurt. In the morning and in the evening it is allowed to give 2 tablets of Kvamatel.

yellow dog vomit

Yellow vomit with or without foam is usually due to bile. The reasons for this phenomenon may be:

If bile is detected, do not try to give the dog the usual "human" medicines, and even more so antibiotics.

green vomit in dog

Rarely, a dog will vomit due to eating grass (usually on an empty stomach). In general, this is normal. Such vomiting is, as a rule, seasonal.

With frequent vomiting against the background of normal health of the pet and the absence of dangerous impurities (blood, worms), there is nothing to worry about. Put the dog on a 12-hour fast diet, reduce the amount of fatty foods on the menu. In all other cases, consult a doctor.

There is an urge to vomit, but there is no result

If you notice the corresponding spasms, but nothing comes out of the pet’s body, then this is a reason to be wary. Vomiting in combination often indicates the presence of stuck foreign bodies in the esophagus.

It also happens that along with the urge, the dog's stomach swells. This is an occasion for an immediate trip to the clinic.

Vomiting with intestinal obstruction

The intestines of a dog, like that of any other living being, work to remove waste from the body. If this does not happen, the intestines are clogged, then the body is looking for other ways to remove waste products. The esophagus becomes such an “emergency exit”.

Watch the animal as the pet goes to the toilet. How often, whether there is prolonged constipation. Perhaps he needs the help of a specialist, up to surgical intervention.

Vomiting fountain - a reason to urgently see a doctor

Most often, vomiting with a fountain occurs in puppies. A similar nuisance happens in a short interval after eating. After digestion in the stomach, food does not pass into the intestines, but is expelled from the body with pressure.

A similar phenomenon almost always indicates a narrowing of the pylorus (exit valve) and the inability of the body to move food into the intestines. This problem is not solved medically.

Vomiting in a dog: treatment

In summary, the treatment of vomiting in a dog comes down to the following points:

  • determining the type of disorder;
  • first aid (no food, moderate drinking, taking Kvamatel in case of vomiting with blood);
  • calling a doctor at home or visiting a clinic on your own.

After the examination, the doctor will prescribe a more detailed treatment plan.

Vomiting is the body's response to certain stimuli. As a rule, such a natural reflex reaction is not a separate disease, the origin of which can be traced, but a signal of the presence of disorders and illness in the dog's body. If you do not respond in a timely manner and do not establish the causes of the pet's vomiting reaction, you can lose it. Moreover, often the departure from life is difficult for animals physically and psychologically for humans.

The main causes of vomiting

There are many reasons for vomiting in dogs. You can install some of them on your own, provided that the animal is under constant supervision. To establish a complete picture, you will have to contact a specialist. Common causes are:

Varieties of vomiting in animals

The animal does not have serious diseases if the dog vomits rarely and easily. Thus, the body is protected from excess food, excess water, frees the stomach from spoiled or harmful food before it enters the digestive system.

You should immediately consult a veterinarian with frequent and prolonged vomiting, especially with blood.

real vomit is a reaction in which the muscles of the abdomen and diaphragm (thorax) contract to expel the eruption contained in the stomach. With prolonged nausea, the body rapidly loses fluid, which can lead the dog into a state of shock.

Regurgitation or expulsion the body of pieces of food eaten recently, while the dog may try to eat everything again. This is a normal reaction when:

  • dogs compete for a piece of food, swallowing it without chewing, or succumb to the persuasion of the owners to eat another tidbit when the animal itself is full;
  • mothers regurgitate food to feed puppies transitioning to non-dairy foods.

A doctor's consultation will be required with frequent regurgitation in adults and puppies, as the cause of the reaction may be a congenital malformation of the esophagus or its blockage.

Gagging or involuntary spasm indicates difficulty in swallowing food with interference in the pharynx or oral cavity, and coughing with a wound.

When vomiting a fountain, the eaten food is erupted over a certain distance after a short period of time. Usually this reaction occurs in puppies up to 16 weeks of age, when part of the food and liquid does not move from the stomach to the intestines. It is impossible to solve this problem on your own, as surgical intervention is required.

Motion sickness or nausea on the road. As in humans, such a reaction is possible with disorders of the vestibular apparatus or stress caused by the animal getting into unusual conditions. In order for the animal not to vomit on the road, it is necessary to teach it to ride from an early age and in no case should you stuff pets with motion sickness drugs designed for people.

Attempts to vomit in a dog may be unsuccessful, but with serious consequences in the future. Vain attempts to induce vomiting in animals, accompanied by rapid abdominal distention, dangerous symptom in which veterinary care is needed as soon as possible.

Why does a dog vomit bile

In addition to the usual bouts of nausea, it is not uncommon to observe situations where a dog is sick of bile or a mass of an unattractively yellow-green hue. Such a reaction is possible in the following cases:

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Do not panic if you vomit bile after eating greens, even if the dog does not eat for a while after that. This is a normal reaction of the canine body, in which the animal trying to clear the stomach from harmful substances that enter the body along with the grass. A gag reflex with bile indicates that the dog is quite successfully coping with the task on its own. The dog is sick to health!

There is no need to be frightened, and even more so to punish four-legged pets for a carpet spoiled by vomiting or a new car seat. Listen to the signals that the animal's body gives. In addition to removing harmful substances from the body with bile, these can be ambiguous indications of a complex disease, which is easier to cure in the early stages of development. Don't delay visit to the veterinary clinic. Remember, you are responsible for those who live in your home.

Vomiting in a dog is not an independent disease, but only a symptom indicating the presence of a particular health problem in a dog. What causes vomiting? The dog vomits because, for one reason or another, irritation of the vomiting center of the brain occurs and, as a result, reflex emptying of the contents of the stomach. The launch of reflex vomiting in dogs occurs due to the stimulation of multiple receptors in the gastrointestinal tract, peritoneum, vestibular apparatus and many other organs and tissues of the animal.

Nausea and vomiting in dogs symptoms

A dog that is sick, usually behaves very restlessly, does not find a place for itself, tries to hide in a secluded place. A sign of nausea in dogs is frequent licking, excessive salivation, and sometimes smacking. Nausea in an animal does not always end in vomiting.

When the dog vomits, the animal stretches its neck and lowers its head down, there is a rhythmic contraction of the abdominal muscles and diaphragm, after which the animal spits up the contents of the stomach, if the stomach is empty, then vomiting with bile foam can be observed in dogs. Separately, it is worth mentioning such a physiological condition as belching or regurgitation in dogs. Regurgitation differs from vomiting in that it occurs without the involvement of the abdominal muscles and diaphragm.

Pathological and physiological vomiting in dogs

Vomiting is one of the defense mechanisms aimed at cleansing the animal's body of potentially poor quality and dangerous food that could be eaten by mistake. In addition, females feed puppies with chewed and semi-digested food by regurgitation, and vomiting also occurs when the stomach is full of food, which in general can be attributed to non-pathological vomiting, such vomiting occurs in healthy animals and does not imply diseases of the internal organs.

Vomiting that occurs in dogs against the background of systemic diseases can be called pathological. When vomiting in an animal is pathological, it most often does not protect the animal from the disease, but only aggravates its course. That is why pathological vomiting requires mandatory treatment. Vomiting in dogs can lead to severe dehydration and fluid and electrolyte imbalance, which in itself, without proper treatment, can lead to the death of the animal from dehydration. In addition, an animal with constant vomiting cannot normally consume and assimilate the nutrients of the feed, which leads to an early depletion of the body's energy reserves and inevitably reduces the likelihood of a successful outcome of the disease, vomiting in a puppy is especially dangerous.

Diseases of dogs accompanied by vomiting

Vomiting in dogs can be a leading symptom in a variety of diseases. The reasons can be very diverse. Diagnosis of the nature of the occurrence of such a symptom as vomiting largely determines the correctness of the diagnosis.

So what pathological conditions can accompany vomiting in dogs?

First of all, vomiting accompanies almost all diseases of the digestive system in dogs, such vomiting is often classified as gastrointestinal. Poisoning with poor-quality food, gastritis, peptic ulcer of the stomach and duodenum, gastric volvulus in dogs, gastroenterocolitis, hepatitis, liver lipidosis, foreign bodies in the stomach and intestines of the dog, infectious diseases of the digestive system (, coronovirus infection of dogs, etc.), helminthiases (worms in a dog), this is not a complete list of diseases of the digestive system, in which vomiting in dogs can be observed.

Another group of diseases, an integral symptom of which is vomiting in dogs, is damage to the central nervous system, namely the brain, leading in one way or another to the vomiting center in a state of excitation. Traumatic brain injury in dogs, intracranial hypertension with hydrocephalus or brain tumors, cerebrovascular accident or meningitis in dogs, peripheral vestibular syndrome, heat and sunstroke.

Vomiting in the above diseases is called central, because. it does not arise due to stimulation of peripheral emetic receptors in the digestive organs, but due to the primary involvement of brain receptors in the process

Severe vomiting in a dog is often accompanied by concomitant signs of intoxication: dehydration, general lethargy, the dog does not eat, reacts poorly to external stimuli, is often in a coma, there may be secondary signs of dysfunction of the gastrointestinal tract (the dog has diarrhea and vomiting).

Treating Vomiting in Dogs

Vomiting in a dog requires immediate treatment. Remembering that vomiting is not a disease, but a symptom, we must realize that it is not possible to cure vomiting without identifying the underlying disease that causes it. Once we have begun to treat the cause of the vomiting, such as an intestinal infection, we should work in parallel to prevent the recurrence of vomiting (antiemetics) and treat its adverse effects on the body, such as dehydration in dogs and malnutrition. In case of dehydration, a dropper will help a dog cope with a lack of fluid in the body, vitamins will raise the overall tone of the body, and nutritious, well-digestible food will quickly gain strength for further recovery.

If the dog vomits repeatedly, then this is an occasion for a visit to the veterinarian. The nature of vomiting can be very different and largely determines the cause of vomiting. When diagnosing the cause, everything is important: the circumstances during or after which the dog vomits, the frequency of vomiting, the contents of the vomit, their color, the presence or absence of a connection between the occurrence of vomiting episodes and food intake, etc.

Relationship between vomiting and food intake. Vomiting can occur on an empty stomach, during a meal, immediately after a meal, or some time after a meal. The dog often vomits on an empty stomach in the presence of chronic inflammatory problems with the stomach and intestines, uremia. If the dog vomits after eating food (during meals or immediately after), then the possibility of the presence of a diverticulum of the esophagus, reflux esophagitis, a foreign body in the stomach or severe gastritis, peptic ulcer of the stomach and / or intestines, tumors of the stomach and / or esophagus can be suspected. . If the dog vomits after 1.5-2 hours after eating undigested food, then we can suspect a violation of the evacuation of the contents of the stomach, its atony. If vomiting in a dog is associated with the administration of drugs, then it is likely that either the drugs themselves cause this kind of reaction (drug intolerance) or vomiting is provoked by their too rapid intravenous administration (drug intoxication). With intoxication of the body, the dog constantly vomits, vomiting can be spontaneous or permanent and does not depend on food intake.

Consistency and content of vomit in the dog is of great diagnostic value.

If the dog vomits foam(white, white foam) or slime, then we can suspect in the animal (both primary and secondary against the background of uremia), intoxication, vomiting against the background of peripheral vestibular syndrome. Mucus and foam can be observed in vomit and with intestinal obstruction or if there is a foreign body in the dog's stomach.

If a dog vomits bile(yellow or green), then we can assume both the presence of liver problems and intestinal obstruction below the confluence of the bile duct. In addition, the dog vomits bile if the vomiting is prolonged, debilitating, and all the contents of the stomach have already come out with vomit, and active antiperistaltic contractions of the stomach and intestines persist, which provokes the reflux of bile from the duodenum into the stomach. Dog vomiting water or food immediately after eating or drinking water in case of poisoning with poor-quality food, acute gastritis, and the cause may also be a volvulus of the stomach in dogs, a foreign body in the stomach.

But the most unpleasant and threatening can be considered the conditions in which the dog is vomiting blood. Vomiting blood in dogs can look different, sometimes you can see small red streaks (indicate bleeding of not high intensity), copious blood clots or black vomit indicate massive bleeding into the stomach cavity and require emergency delivery of the animal to the intensive care center for diagnosis and emergency care. The dog vomits blood if there is: insufficiency of the coagulation system, opening of a tumor in the gastrointestinal tract, hemorrhagic gastritis, stomach ulcer in a dog, perforation of the stomach with sharp foreign objects (the dog ate chicken bones), poisoning the dog with rat poison, etc.

If your dog vomits worms, then you should show the animal to the doctor and give tablets for worms for dogs. Worms in dogs cause vomiting or are present in it only with a very severe degree of damage, if the dog has worms, then it is advisable to send them for analysis to the laboratory for research. - the best treatment.

Prevention of vomiting in dogs

Any dog ​​owner, noticing vomiting attacks in his four-legged friend, will be afraid for his health. Vomiting is a normal protective reaction of the body to irritating factors, so if the dog vomits, you need to carefully look at the contents of the stomach. When a dog vomits quite often (several times a week), this is a serious reason to visit a veterinarian.

Causes of Vomiting in Dogs

A gag reflex in a dog can be caused by many reasons, but the most common are:

  • infectious diseases accompanied by fever and intoxication of the body;
  • poisoning with low-quality food, medicines, chemicals;
  • diseases of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • foreign bodies entering the dog's body;
  • overfeeding a pet;
  • diseases of the central nervous system;
  • severe stress;
  • heat stroke resulting from overheating in the sun or prolonged exposure to a stuffy room.

A single vomiting does not pose a serious threat to the health of the pet, but if the dog vomits too often, and various impurities are observed in the vomit, then such a reflex is considered pathological and requires immediate veterinary intervention.

Types of vomiting

Gagging is not a disease, but is considered only a separate symptom in various disorders, both completely harmless to the life of the dog, and representing a severe pathological process.

Dogs may experience the following types of vomiting:

  • with an admixture of blood;
  • with white foam;
  • containing bile.

Vomiting blood

Bloody vomiting is a very dangerous condition that threatens the life of a pet. If scarlet and liquid blood is present in the vomit, the animal is most likely suffering from bleeding in the mouth, larynx, or esophagus.

Brown blood indicates problems with the liver, the development of a cancerous neoplasm, kidney failure, ingestion of a foreign object (nails, sharp bone fragments) into the stomach.

Sometimes bloody vomiting is the main symptom of infectious diseases, such as hepatitis,. Poisoning with rat poison or heavy metals can provoke the appearance of blood in the vomit.

Vomiting foam

In the case when a pet vomits with white foam, many owners begin to get scared and worry a lot about the animal. The presence of foamy inclusions in the vomit is completely normal, as it is a protective reaction of the stomach to the production of gastric juice.

After food enters the main digestive organ, its walls begin to produce mucus. If the mucous membrane does not cover the walls of the stomach, hydrochloric acid will damage the organ. Mucus turns into foam when it interacts with air.

Rare cases of vomiting with foam are absolutely not dangerous for the health of the dog, but when such a symptom occurs periodically, the pet has obvious digestive problems and the dog should be taken to the doctor.

Vomiting bile

It is almost impossible to determine the causes of the appearance of bile in vomit, since this symptom indicates many disorders and diseases of the dog's body.

The most common causes of vomiting with bile:

  • chronic diseases of the stomach, such as gastritis or ulcers;
  • infection of a dog with helminths;
  • infectious diseases of the liver;
  • overfeeding the animal.

The most dangerous causes of vomiting with bile are liver diseases and stomach ulcers, since in the absence of timely diagnosis, it is very difficult to get rid of these pathologies. Only after carrying out the necessary tests and establishing the exact cause, you can begin to treat the problem.

Vomiting accompanied by diarrhea

Often, vomiting in dogs occurs along with indigestion (), general weakness of the body, and fever. These signs indicate that the dog has been poisoned or infected with an infectious disease.

In such a situation, in no case should you hesitate, any delay can provoke a fatal outcome in a pet (especially in puppies). The dog needs to be taken to the veterinarian immediately.

Vomiting and refusal to feed

In the case when the dog often vomits, she refuses food and she cannot force-feed the animal. Such signs can be the cause of severe intoxication or an infectious disease. If the next day the vomiting has not stopped, and the appetite has not returned, the pet is urgently shown to a specialist.

Vomiting after eating grass

Most dog owners have noticed more than once that the animal periodically eats grass on the street, after which the pet begins to vomit with bile. There is nothing dangerous in this procedure, in this way dogs cleanse the stomach.

If the dog begins to cleanse his body daily or 3-4 times a week, then the animal feels uncomfortable and something is bothering him. Frequent cleaning of the stomach indicates that the dog has either eating poor-quality (fatty and spicy foods).

The problem is solved simply: with helminthic invasions, the dog is dewormed, and with an excess of fat in the diet, the pet is transferred to a more dietary and proper diet.

First aid for a dog vomiting

When vomiting, first of all, the pet should never be scolded, because the process of exiting food masses from the stomach is uncontrolled. Vomiting is a cleansing of the body from various poisons and toxins, so it is forbidden to stop it on your own.

If the dog is wearing ammunition in the form of a tight collar or muzzle, it must be removed, this will facilitate the process of the release of vomit.

In order to more accurately diagnose the disease, the owner must remember everything that happened to the animal (what he drank and ate, whether there was communication with other relatives) in great detail. You should also pay attention to factors such as:

Most of the symptoms (diarrhea, fever, vomiting) indicate the development of an infectious disease that occurs in an acute form. Many diseases end in death, especially in puppies, young and old dogs, which means that the help of a veterinarian is needed in the very near future.

How to help an animal with vomiting:

  1. Completely transfer the dog to a starvation diet (do not give food during the day). Water also needs to be removed, but to prevent dehydration, offer the dog to lick ice or drink 2 teaspoons of water per 1 kg of animal weight throughout the day. If the urge to vomit is over, the pet can be fed some liquid food. The next 2-3 days the dog is kept on a diet, then it is allowed to return to the usual menu.
  2. If the cause of vomiting was a sudden change in diet, you should return to the usual feeding of the dog. The introduction of a new feed is carried out gradually, and only by the end of the week the animal is transferred to the new feed completely.
  3. If the cause of vomiting lies in eating grass, no help is needed. As soon as the dog's body is cleansed of harmful substances, gastric emptying will stop.
  4. Vomiting that lasts for several days should only be treated by a veterinarian.

After the cause of vomiting becomes known, the doctor prescribes medications such as:

  • No-shpa (eliminates spasm and soreness in the stomach),
  • Omez (reduces acid production in the stomach),
  • Metoclopramide (acts on the vomiting center of the brain),
  • Smekta (eliminates toxins and poisons).

If the animal is severely dehydrated, it will be necessary to replenish the lost fluid using intravenous drips.

Important! In no case should you prescribe drugs yourself!

Since an incorrectly calculated dosage of drugs will lead to even greater poisoning of the body and increased vomiting. For the same reason, the use of any prescriptions of alternative medicine is strictly prohibited.


Regardless of what caused the frequent vomiting, a sick animal needs a special diet.

  • After a 24-hour fast, the pet should be fed with boiled rice (2 tablespoons of cereal after 2 hours during the day).
  • If vomiting no longer occurs, boiled turkey or chicken (without skin) can be added to the diet, it is possible to feed the dog with special medicated food.
  • After 3-4 days of the diet, you are allowed to return to your usual diet. Sometimes the diet needs to be followed for several months or even for life, depending on the diagnosis made by the veterinarian.

When to see a doctor

In many cases, vomiting in dogs resolves on its own without the intervention of a veterinarian, but if certain symptoms appear, it is not safe to delay a visit to the veterinarian.

Costs immediately take your pet to the doctor if:

  1. There is an admixture of blood in the vomit.
  2. Calls are repeated after a short period of time.
  3. The animal has increased urination.
  4. There is yellowing or blanching of the gums, mucous eyes.
  5. Excessive lethargy and weakness.
  6. Pain and bloating.
  7. Prolonged diarrhea or constipation.
  8. Feverish conditions.
  9. Seizures.
  10. Sudden weight loss.
  11. Complete rejection of food and water.

If you provide your pet with quality veterinary care in a timely manner, you can save the dog's life, but unfortunately most owners prefer to wait until the vomiting goes away on its own or try to help the pet in folk ways. Any self-treatment is extremely dangerous for the dog's health and can only bring tragic consequences closer.

Diagnostics and examinations

At the appointment with the veterinarian, the owner of the animal must remember all the moments of the dog's life that have happened to the pet in recent days. It is on this information that the accuracy of the diagnosis and the choice of effective treatment depend.

For diagnostics, the following methods will be required:

  • Clinical examination of the dog. The doctor will assess the general condition of the animal, listen to the heart rhythm, determine the nature of the mucous membranes, and measure the body temperature of the four-legged patient.
  • Collection of anamnesis. The specialist will ask questions about the duration of vomiting, its nature and consistency, the presence of impurities of blood, bile or mucus.
  • Laboratory methods. Clinical and biochemical blood tests, urinalysis, stool examination.
  • Instrumental diagnostics. Includes ultrasound and endoscopic examination, fluoroscopy.

Depending on the cause that provoked vomiting, the doctor decides on the choice of methods of therapy. If the presence of a foreign body in the gastrointestinal tract is diagnosed, the animal will require surgical intervention, bacterial infections can only be treated with antimicrobials, ulcers and gastritis require the use of antacids (which prevent the formation of acid) agents.

With obvious overfeeding of a dog with heavy and fatty foods, the diet should be completely revised.

The appearance of vomiting in dogs should definitely alert the owner of the animal, because if the disease is repeated repeatedly, the pet may develop serious illnesses. Care and, above all, attentiveness of the owners can save a four-legged friend from most of the serious consequences that occur during vomiting.
