Energy psychotypes of an energy donor and an energy donor. Vampire or donor? Determine your type of energy

Energy Donor

Donor people are those who donate energy. They themselves are not able to take it from other people, so if donors often come into contact with energy vampires, then their vitality leaves each time. Donors need to be very selective about their environment. They are especially susceptible to the negative influence of vampires, and they are the easiest to attack.

Like any person, a donor can have a low or high level of spiritual development.

A low-level donor is obsessive, always out of place and out of time trying to help everyone, regardless of whether they asked him for help or not, so his help does more harm than good and he is offended by the environment for not recognizing his aspirations.

A donor of the highest order is a healer and a clairvoyant who knows how to work with energy. He will not impose his help, but if asked, he will never refuse. Its powerful field easily penetrates the barriers of time and space.

Donors should be able to build mirror energy barriers, protect themselves with prayer and carry special talismans with them, for example, the icon of their saint, an aspen cross, a bagua mirror or Fatima's eye. It is best for them to replenish their energy reserves in the so-called places of power or in nature: in the forest, in the mountains, near water bodies.

A few simple tips for vampire protection donors:

  1. Try to find out if the person is aware of their unusual abilities. If such a gift does not bring him pleasure, and he wants to get rid of it himself, help him. By cultivating willpower, you can cope with vampirism. Such a person should learn to control this process and not succumb to the desires of his lower self.
  2. To feel normal, a vampire often needs a scandal. Do not give in to provocations. If a vampire yells at you, shows aggression and practically attacks with his fists, do not answer him in the same way. Be calm, avoid verbal skirmish.
  3. If the subject regularly complains, do not feel sorry for him! Ignore his negativity, rather tell him how good you had last night. This will depress him.
  4. Meet it with an adequate strike of negative energy. When a person complains, instead of pitying him, tell him that you also have a lot of difficulties. Start crying into his vest yourself. This will put him in a stupor.
  5. Stop talking to this person. If your future or career advancement does not depend on him, save your nerves, just ignore this vampire. The more you ignore him, the faster the vampire will lose interest in you.

Not every person is prone to "devouring" others. The normal state for people is to have an open channel of communication with the cosmos, the universe, God. In this case, energy reserves regularly enter the body, nourishing it at all levels.

A healthy person is optimistic, balanced, not prone to irritability and scandals. But sometimes the system crashes. Those who do not have a channel of communication with the “higher” do not receive the necessary “feeding”. He feels depressed, sleepy, tired. And in order to ensure a normal existence for himself, he automatically switches to the “mode” of a vampire. Alien energy becomes for him a substitute for cosmic recharge.

Conscious and unconscious energy vampirism

Not everyone thinks about the energy work of their own body. There are two types of vampirism:

1. Unconscious. A typical example is an actively scandalous grandmother in a minibus. Energy weakness forces her to “breed” people into the emotions that she feeds on. Unconscious vampires do not think about their behavior. They automatically "stick" to the victims and immediately begin to pump their energy. The interest is purely basic - to survive.

2. Conscious. Such a phenomenon is a higher stage of "devouring" someone else's energy. Those who understand the lack of their own resources deliberately take away the strength of others. People who deliberately take energy, as a rule, know from whom and why they need recharge. They often use special rituals or work with runes to connect to a particular object.

Unconscious vampires can be compared to starving people who grab a piece of stale bread just to fill their stomachs. It doesn’t matter to them who they “spin” for energy: the main thing is to get their portion. Conscious vampires, on the other hand, are careful in their choice of "dish". They are foodies. They are not satisfied with the weak energy of the townsfolk, therefore often celebrities, rich people, charismatic and attractive people become victims of the “hunt”. Although, with intentional vampirism, you can “eat up” ordinary people around you: for example, walking along the road and uttering a certain conspiracy, a person will take some of the energy of everyone he meets.

Lunar and solar vampires: different tactics for extracting energy

Energy can be pumped directly by creating a communication channel with your victim. But it is much easier to provoke an emotional outburst in an object: emotions are inherently energy. Depending on the method of its extraction, the following conditional types of vampires are distinguished:

  1. Solar. They manifest themselves clearly: they scream, scandal, throw tantrums at the slightest pretext, they can hit an opponent or break some thing. Having achieved the desired release of emotions from others, they immediately calm down and become cute. Solar vampires feed on anger, irritation, anger, resentment.
  2. Lunar. Their distinguishing features are softness and apparent weakness. Lunar vampires "squeeze out" those around them, causing them pity. They cry into a vest, constantly talk about problems, whine endlessly. Many are embarrassed to refuse to communicate with such people, since there seems to be no visible harm from them. But in fact, lunar vampires live at the expense of the weak character of their acquaintances, taking away their internal resources.

An energy vampire experiences joy and contentment when others feel bad. At the same time, people get very tired after talking to him. A certain balance is noticeable: the vampire got better, the rest worse. By this criterion, it is quite easy to calculate energy pests.

Ritual for exposing the energy vampire

The rite is necessary for cases when there is a constant outflow of strength, but it is not possible to determine who plays the role of a vampire.

You will need:

  • a piece of black bread;
  • vodka;
  • coarse salt;
  • deep metal plate.

You can work at any time of the day. It is required to put a bowl in front of you, throw bread into it and pour vodka over it. When the crumb is a little soaked, you should add salt to the plate and pronounce the plot:

“In the lowland, there is a stagnant swamp, where witches gather dead grass and drowned girls walk weddings. The water in that swamp is not dead, not alive, but vague and dashing: the blood makes it burn with fire, the look intoxicates, the heart trembles. Let that water flow through the veins of my bloodsucker, which pulls the power from me, which takes away my life, which puts my head to sleep, which obscures my mind. Let that water of my bloodsucker bring me to me - well-fed or hungry, naked or dressed, and in fierce writhings, in painful torments, so that the enemy stands before me!

The container must be put outside for a day. After this time, the energy vampire will make itself felt: he will come to visit, call, write on a completely absurd occasion. He will behave strangely, nervously, inadequately. Very often, energy vampires ask for water and try to touch the ritual operator (stroke, pat on the shoulder, straighten the collar, etc.)

Having identified the offender, you need to pour the contents of the plate under a dry tree and say:

“Not me (name) is, but a dry tree; do not drink my blood, but dead juices.

The topic of energy vamperism was raised by my mother the other day. Having said that when she is in the same room with her dad, she becomes not quite comfortable, he depresses her. Even earlier, when they lived in an apartment, my mother spent more free time in the kitchen. I found this information on the Internet, following which mom is a donor, and dad is really a vampire. But despite this, they have been married for 37 years.

I, depending on the mood, a vampire or a donor. And if you look from the outside, it really is. My husband belongs to the neutrals, he is a black magician who, if necessary, can take energy. But so far he hasn't seen it.
My daughter is a bright donor, and my son is a donor, but there is a tendency to vampirism.

All people can be divided into five energy types:
Vampires - take energy.

Donors - give energy.

Neutrals - do not give and do not take.

White magicians are the same neutrals, but they can give energy at will.

Black magicians, as you already understood, are neutral, but if necessary, they can take energy.

You can determine your type using numerology and eye color.

Method 1 By eye color
They say that the eyes are the mirror of the soul. Joy and anger, love and longing can be "read" in the eyes of a person. Or rather, to catch the vibration frequency of a certain emotion with your “receiver”.
There are several versions of why the color of the eyes or the color of the iris is different. According to one of them (based on archaeological research), the original population of the Earth had a warm, brown eye color. But after the global catastrophe and the onset of the ice age, the natural energy of brown-eyed people was not enough. And as a result of mutations, people began to be born with a cold shade of the iris - blue, gray, blue. They were very energetic and proactive. The excess energy of gray-eyed people balanced the insufficient energy of brown-eyed people.

It is conditionally possible to call gray-eyed potential energy donors, and brown-eyed - potential vampires. People with mixed type eyes (green, gray-brown) have a more complex energy structure. They show the qualities of one or the other, depending on the emotional state and environment. Eye color can tell a lot about your character, inner energy, and even about what your soul mate should be like.

Eyes blue, blue, gray

If you are the owner of a cold shade of eyes, you are required to constantly release energy, which is given to you directly from space. You have to achieve everything in life yourself. Your energy is a breakthrough towards the goal, transformation and transformation. Do not be afraid of resistance, your most bizarre plans will come true. Do not reject the gifts of fate. A brown-eyed partner will feed on your energy and very often beyond measure. Do not stare into brown eyes - this is a pure consumption of your strength, without return. A partner with a mixed eye color is suitable: green-brown, gray-brown. Taking your energy, the partner gives his own, but of a slightly different quality. The result is a balance. The color of your eyes is a mixture of the energies of the Sun and Venus with an admixture of Saturn. You are endowed with attractiveness, wit, sensitivity. Sociable, easy to get along with people. Very quick-tempered, however, and cool down quickly enough. These are leaders and hunters with a high degree of survival.

green eyes

Green is a mixture of blue and yellow. You are characterized by an balanced combination of the energies of the donor and the vampire. You rarely go to extremes and always strive for balance in all situations. If you have emerald or topaz eyes, then it is important for you to achieve harmony with the people around you. You clearly understand what qualities you, your friends and loved ones should have. If a person meets your requirements, then you will deny yourself everything for him, up to complete sacrifice. But if someone does not meet your requirements, you will earn neglect. Green-eyed people have very strong intuition and energy of any quality. In all ancient traditions, witches, magicians, wizards had green eyes. Astrologically, you are the most gentle people in the world. The color of your eyes is a mixture of the energies of Venus and Neptune. You sincerely love, you are distinguished by unconditional fidelity. Friends appreciate you for your reliability and desire to always come to the rescue. Enemies are afraid of integrity and firmness. You know how to listen to the interlocutor and keep the conversation going. In general, you are always successful, and luck favors you. You are perfectly compatible with the same green-eyed people in marriage and partnership. And in general, with everyone who has a marine shade in the blue of their eyes, green blotches. It is not recommended to marry brown-eyed people. They will take a lot of energy, more than you give yourself.

Brown (black) eyes

If you have warm brown eyes, then you can achieve a lot without hard work. You also change the world, like representatives of cold shades of eyes, only you carry out projects with the wrong hands. Your ideas are very strong, and you are persistent enough for someone to fulfill your desire. Your innate wisdom helps to conserve inner energy. Your trump cards are attractiveness, capriciousness and the ability to wait. Use these qualities, and there will always be a person ready to fulfill your desires. Blue-eyed and grey-eyed are always looking to "dump" their excess energy, and you are the perfect receiver. You need to always take care of your external attractiveness. Do not be careless in clothes, hair, makeup - this is your weapon. Choose a couple from those who are able to donate more for you. Demand constantly at least small gifts. Owners of blue or gray eyes will always be ready for a meaningful sacrifice. Astrologically, your eye color is a mixture of the energies of the Sun and Mars. Militancy, a sense of ownership, self-confidence - these are your character traits. You can't stand pressure from outside. In history and literature, all fatal women had black or brown eyes.

Grey-green eyes

Your ideas are always very bold. You generate ideas, but you lack the strength and audacity inherent in people with gray or blue eyes. Your energy may not be enough to implement ideas, because you are not conflicted, not aggressive in relations with dear people. And transformations, sometimes, without it are not possible. People with green-brown eyes really need your love. They will be your perfect match. The color of your eyes is a mixture of the energies of the Moon, Venus and Mercury. Therefore, you are very smart and impressionable. But they are overly touchy and can carry a grudge in themselves for a long time. They are shy, modest, dreamy, capable of carrying love for one person through their whole lives.

Gray-brown eyes

This is a very rare color of the iris. If you have gray eyes with brown streaks or brown with gray patches, then you will have more than enough fans. But making the final choice is always difficult. The character is contradictory. And the reason is the mixing of different energies. Both the donor and the vampire coexist in you. You go to extremes - the desire to give is replaced by the desire to take. It is not easy for you to understand yourself, as well as the people around you. Astrologically, the color of your eyes belongs to the opposite celestial bodies - the Sun and the Moon with an admixture of aggressive Mars. You are proactive, resilient, passionate and loving. Your ideal partner is the owner of the same gray-brown eyes.

Green-brown eyes

The green hues in your eyes do not allow you to become either a pure donor or a pure vampire. Of course, you will strive to take everything that is possible from others, but not as shamelessly and demandingly as brown-eyed people do. Philosophical mindset and diplomacy will help to bring to the understanding of others that it is in their interests to do what you want. Your ideal state of mind is balance and harmony. And this cannot be achieved without resorting to wisdom. The color of your eyes is a mixture of the energies of Saturn, Mars and Venus. You have an iron will. You achieve whatever goals you set. Sometimes you are obstinate, even cruel. But this is very rare. Only real force majeure circumstances can bring you out of balance. You love passionately and devotedly. You can rely on your wisdom and logic. Your ideal partner should be with grey-green eyes.

Numerology 1 way
Write down your date of birth. For example: 09/11/1987. Then add up the numbers for the day and month of birth. For example: 1+1+0+9 = 11. Add up the year of birth. For example: 1+9+8+7 = 25. And the last operation is to add the resulting two numbers. For example: 11+25 = 36. Do the same with your date of birth and write down two rows of numbers. The first line is your date of birth. For example: 09/11/1987. The second line is the numbers you received as a result of addition. For example: 11.25.36.
From the numbers received, you need to select all the "ones", all the "twos", all the "triples". The rest of the numbers are not needed for this test. Be careful, you must select all the numbers. If this is the number 11, then there will be two units, if this is the number 10, then one is one. In this example, it turns out: units - 1,1,1,1,1 (five), twos - 2 (one), triples - 3 (one).

Analysis of the obtained results.


If there are no units, then you take energy from nature, from space, from the gods and are not a vampire in the least.
One unit - you love yourself and your person very much, you have the makings of vampirism, but they practically do not manifest themselves. Or you are always ready to extinguish the slightest signs of energy vampirism. You can gain energy from anything and you don’t need to “pump” it out of people at all.
Two units - a tendency to vampirism. It's up to you whether you become a vampire or not. But you can...
Three units - you have more donor qualities. You are a donor, although you can't tell from the outside. Maybe you are even considered a vampire. And yet, you are a donor, giving energy to others. The vampire next to you is very good.
Four units - you should not be afraid of vampires. Although you are not a donor and no one will be able to "pump out" energy from you, you are not a vampire either. You are on your own.
Five units and more - you are the brightest vampire. It’s not easy to be around you and it doesn’t cost you anything to bring another person to a heart attack. It is possible that your loved ones suffer from heart disease and often experience a lack of energy around you.


If you do not have deuces, you have the bright features of a vampire. You are able to control these abilities and it is not at all necessary that you harmed someone at least once in your life with your vampire qualities. But if you get angry, you can “swing” so much that you lose consciousness.
One deuce - you are a bright donor.
Two deuces - you are rather a magician, a psychic, you can get energy from anything, but you do not touch people.
Three deuces - you take energy from nature, from the gods and are neither a donor nor a vampire.
Four deuces - you attract vampires to you, from which you cannot defend yourself. There is a great danger of a serious loss of energy, a tendency to heart disease.
Five deuces - you are a donor. You have so much energy that you do not mind spending it. No one will bring you trouble, but there are a lot of vampires around you.


If you don't have triples, you are a potential donor.
One triple - you are neither vampires nor donors.
Two triples - you are a vampire involuntarily. You do not control yourself and "pull" the energy involuntarily. It would be more correct to say that you are a person of mood and when you feel good, then people “feed” on your energy, when it’s bad, you “suck” involuntarily and nothing can be done about it.
Three threes - a focused vampire.
Four triples and more - an incorrigible vampire. People around you can get sick all the time, but if there are no people, you will die.

As a result, you should compare three factors and, by the sum of predispositions, determine who you are - a vampire or a donor. The number of triples is of greater importance, then twos, and lastly ones. Threes show who you are, twos show if you can do something about it, ones show
the quality of the sanding of what you can make (shades, so to speak).

Numerology 2 way

We learn to determine the belonging of a person to a particular group:

To do this, we need to know the date of birth. We add up all the numbers of the date of birth, for example, 11/20/1980=2+0+1+1+1+9+8+0=22. We do the same with the resulting number: 22=2+2=4. The number we need is 4.

And now we determine the affiliation by such a small plate:

1, 2, 3, 4 - vampires;

5, 6 - neutrals;

7, 8, 9 - donors;

10 - white magicians;

11 - black magicians;

That's all. Try to calculate yourself and your friends, most likely most of your acquaintances will belong to a group that is friendly to you. How to apply this knowledge is up to you, but in any case, it will give you the opportunity to assess in advance what your communication with this or that person will be like.

In one of the previous articles, we already touched on the topic of energy vampirism, in particular, we analyzed in detail who can become an energy vampire, their types and ways to protect themselves from this method of energy selection:

In today's article:

  • How to calculate an energy vampire by date of birth
  • Energy Vampire Test
  • What to do if you are an energy vampire?

To find out if a person belongs to the type of energy vampires, you need to call on numerology to help. It turns out that from birth, each of us has its own level of energy. For some it is higher, for some it is lower.

People who have increased energy from birth and are strong will never take away the vitality of others. Well, except perhaps during illness or depression.

Those who by nature have a low level of energy will try to somehow compensate for their losses. And often, without realizing it, they take the path of "illegal" selection of someone else's energy.

You can recognize an energy vampire by date of birth.

"Energy Vampires" Quiz

For this simple test, you will need a piece of paper, a pen, and a date of birth (yours if you want to test yourself or another person)

So, write down the date of birth on a piece of paper in the form of numbers: date, month, year of birth.


For her, you need to make an entry: 16 08 1971


So we get Base Number – 33

3+3=6 (if the sum is greater than 11, then we do one more addition)

So we get Main Number – 6

The results are transferred to the table:

Main number- an indicator of the level of energy given from birth.

If it is less five, this means that a person’s energy is weak and he is prone to energy vampirism.

If the main number is 5 , 6 , or 7 - energy is normal and the chances of becoming an energy thief for such a person are minimal.

Numbers 8 and 9 in this number they talk about increased, received from birth. Such people are energy donors who share their energy voluntarily.

Numbers 10 and 11 - special.

The owner of ten - has the capabilities of the White Magician and is subject to magical sources of pure and bright energy.

The number 11 in the main number indicates an excessive level of bioenergy, which, if necessary, can be directed to "dark deeds", to the selection of energy. This is the number of the Black Magician.

(This division into White and Black Mages is conditional and has nothing to do with real magic).

What to do if you are an energy vampire?

If, according to the results of the test, you found out that you belong to people who are prone to energy replenishment at the expense of others, do not get upset and do not go to extremes - nature's mistakes can always be corrected.

To do this, you need to find an alternative energy source and switch to it. This is the energy of the Earth, Space, plants, water, air, animals, etc. that surrounds us. Everything that nature gives us.

This energy channel of "natural" energy is also different from birth for everyone - from wide and powerful to narrow and "overlapped".

For some, it is uninterrupted (even for potential energy vampires) and they easily receive nourishment from the environment. Others need special practices and techniques to keep the “channel of communication” with external sources in “operational condition”.

Finding out which type you belong to is very simple.

Take a look at your table and count the number of "2"s in all lines. Two in numerology is a symbol of natural energy, and the more of them there are in the table, the wider and more powerful your bioenergetic channel.

There are no twos. If the number of digits "2" in the table is zero, this is not good. Your channel is completely blocked and you urgently need to deal with its opening, cleaning and expansion. Ancient arts of energy management such as qigong or yoga, as well as various types of breathing practices, do an excellent job with this task.

This is exactly the case with Elena from our example. Her energy channel is blocked, but due to the fact that from birth Elena has strong bioenergetics and a strong biofield (the main number is 6), she manages to exist quite normally in society. If Elena begins to actively engage in energy and breathing practices, her energy in general can “fly up to the skies”!

One deuce signals that the channel is alive, but mother nature is very reluctant to share her reserves with you and you need to work on strengthening it.

Twos two- a very good indicator. Energy supply is uninterrupted and sufficient. The only negative is that such bioenergy is a tasty morsel for those who like to recharge at someone else's expense. Be alert!

Three deuces in the table one can only envy: such people are capable of recharging literally from everything that surrounds them - from clean air, the sound of the surf, the rustle of leaves or the singing of birds.

Four or more twos. You are not in danger of becoming an energy vampire. Even if you really want to. You are an energy donor and you can only share energy. Therefore, lovers of "free energy" will always be in abundance. Be vigilant and take protective measures! Otherwise, quickly turn into a lazy person who spends almost all of his vitality on those around him, and there is no more energy left for his own needs.

Friends, now you know how to determine energy vampire by date of birth. Use the test to get to know yourself and the people around you more deeply.

Clean and bright energy for you!

Artur Golovin


Vampires, communicating with others, take energy from them. When you feel bad, the vampire feels good; when you are sick, he feels great. Donors are the opposite of vampires, they feed on the energy of the Cosmos, and not other people. Therefore, donors have more energy, and they are able to share it.

To find out whether you are a vampire or a donor, let's do a little calculation.

1. Take your date of birth, for example, 23.05.1980 .
2. Add up all the digits of the day, month and year of birth: 2 + 3 + 5 + 1 + 9 + 8 + 0 = 28
3. Add up the numbers obtained in the previous paragraph of the amount: 2 + 8 = 10
4. Now subtract the doubled first digit of the birthday from the sum of item 2: 28 - (2 + 2) \u003d 24
5. Add the numbers of the amount obtained in the previous paragraph again: 2 + 4 = 6

Write down the numbers in a row - the first three numbers are the day, month and year of birth, and then the numbers obtained as a result of the calculations in paragraphs 2-5.
Happened: 23, 5, 1980, 28, 10, 24, 6.
Now we count how many ones, twos and threes turned out: 11, 222, 3.
How to interpret the result?

Unit(this is the person's own energy)
If there are no units, then this means that you have a weak own energy, and you are forced to eat only cosmic energy and take strength from nature (and you can also vampire a little).
1 - You love your own person very much. And don't mind feeding on others.
11 - Tendency to vampirism. You will have to make an effort not to become an energy vampire in the full sense.
111 - You have a compliant, flexible character. This is great, but remember that you don't always have to give in.
1111 - You have a strong character. You may not be afraid of vampires, you have enough strength to be a leader, to subjugate others. But your love of power can make you a vampire.

deuce(this is bioenergy, or the energy of nature)
The absence of deuces means that you have a penchant for vampirism. However, you are not a hardened vampire, and it is not too late for you to reform.
2 - You have an increased sensitivity to various atmospheric phenomena, such as rain, thunder, thunderstorms. The energy of nature is your main energy. Go in for sports, spend more time outside the city to raise your energy.
22 - You take enough energy from nature to not be a vampire, but this is not enough for a donor.
222 - This is already the level of a psychic. Develop your abilities.
2222 - Such people simply attract vampires to themselves like a magnet. You need to carefully choose your friends and acquaintances.
22222 - The amount of energy you take from nature is fantastic. But don't relax. Vampires sense you from a great distance.

Troika(this is cosmic energy)
If you don’t have triples at all, then you are a potential donor.
3 - You are a person of mood. And you can play both vampire and donor.
33 - You are a vampire, but a vampire involuntarily. You yourself sometimes do not realize that you are "pulling" energy from someone. Try to control your mood.
333 - You are a focused vampire. You may be advised to meditate and pray more often.
3333 - I'm sorry, but you're an incurable vampire. If the people from whom you feed on energy disappear around you, you will simply die ...

If the answers turned out to be a contradiction, then you need to keep in mind that units, regardless of their number, have priority over twos and threes, and twos over threes.

Based on site materials

To understand and calculate energy vampires, numerologists have created a special formula. So, write down your date of birth using the formula DD MM YYYY and add up all the numbers in this series. For example, if you were born on May 3, 1986, then you will get: 0 + 3 + 0 + 5 + 1 + 9 + 8 + 6 = 32. This is your base number - remember it. Now add up the numbers further until you get a one-digit, main number. In this case: 3+2=5.

The main number is an indicator of the level of energy given to you from birth. The lower it is, the weaker the energy and the more you are inclined to “steal” it from others.

  • 2 to 4- a very low indicator, which indicates that a person is prone to becoming an energy vampire.
  • 5 to 7- this indicator can be called the most successful, since it indicates that such people have the so-called energy harmony.
  • 8 or 9- a very high rate, such people can still be described as donors who voluntarily give their vitality to others.
  • 10 or 11- unique people who have magical abilities. According to experts in numerology, 10 and 11 has a significant difference. Ten indicates that a person may develop a tendency to White magic, while the number 11 indicates that a person can follow the path of Black magic.

Where to find the source of energy

However, what about those people who have a lack of vitality, while they also do not want to terrorize their environment? In such cases, a person needs to find another way to replenish their energy reserves. How? In such cases, numerologists are advised to expand their range of interests - to master new skills, start traveling, explore the world of music or get closer to nature.

It is also worth paying attention to your date of birth and base number. The more deuces, the easier and easier it is to get in touch with nature and borrow life forces from it for yourself.

But if there are no deuces, then your bioenergetic channel is closed, and you will have to work hard to open it. Regular meditation, yoga or Chinese qigong exercises can help with this.

How to neutralize an energy vampire

It would seem that the third category is the happiest, because such people have vital energy over the edge. Their optimism and kindness can only be envied. There are always a lot of friends near you who are ready to receive you at any moment and you respond in kind. However, there are still some disadvantages in the position of the donor.

Firstly, he does not tolerate loneliness. It is vital for him to communicate with other people, otherwise he will wither from an overabundance of energy, like a flower. Secondly, the energy donor, due to its open nature, more often than others becomes a victim of vampires.

Such people are most often asked for help and used as free ears, and donors, in turn, can sacrifice their interests for the sake of another person. He will listen for a long time, thereby emptying himself. However, it is worth remembering that your life force can dry up, which can lead to a depressed state and a decrease in your performance.

Therefore, it is very important to establish certain boundaries that cannot be violated. The first thing to do is to minimize communication with energy vampires who take away your life energy. If this is not achievable, then in order to avoid complaining about life, try changing the topic of conversation. For example, talk about interesting observations, a happy trip or vacation, and so on. This will make it clear to the "energy vampire" that you are not in the mood to listen to his complaints about life, and since the task of such people is to pour out all their negativity on another, he will definitely not want to listen to another person.

And remember, your most important weapon against energy vampires is a smile. Do not argue or quarrel when you are rude and rude. Just smile and ignore. Better save your vitality for more useful things.

Did you know that there are energy vampires by date of birth? Indeed, such people from an early age are able to feed on your emotions and feelings. In order to calculate such a person and protect yourself, you need to conduct a simple test.

Energy vampires by date of birth - how to calculate?

First of all, it is worth saying that all people are completely different. Someone is strong energetically, someone is weak. Someone needs to constantly carry special charged amulets with them so that they maintain a balance of power and constantly feed the owner. And someone simply does not need such a source.

Unfortunately, some people really need to feed on emotions, feelings, energy. Do not be surprised if such a person can even be in your family, since today there are quite a few of them.

It is hard to say that such representatives can be attributed to any category of evil spirits. Rather, they are just people with a non-standard supernatural gift. In addition, there are many varieties of energy vampires.

The presence of such a gift as energy vampirism can indeed be determined by the date of birth. In order to conduct such an experiment, you should find out the exact full date of birth of the alleged ghoul. Write all the numbers in full and add the numbers together. For example:

01/9/1990=1+9+0+1+1+9+9+0=30 If a two-digit number comes out, add the numbers again (3+0=3).

The number 3 is the final result of the test, and using this number, you can determine whether a person belongs to special beings with a supernatural gift or not. It is also worth noting in advance that there are only five types of people:

  • energy vampires;
  • victims who are donors;
  • neutral persons;
  • white magicians;
  • black wizards.

If, after you passed the test, the number 1 or 2 came out as a result, then this indicates that the experimental person is actually an energy vampire. It is hard to say whether he realizes or not that he is harming the people around him. It is possible that the individual does not even imagine that he is causing such damage to others and is simply a victim of circumstances.

First of all, if this is a person close to you, try to find out if he is aware of the presence of such a gift. If these abilities prevent him from living and do not bring pleasure, then in fact you can get rid of such a gift.

If a person does not want to get rid of abilities, knows about them, is ready to continue to take energy from others to achieve their own goals (in addition, he lives with you in the same house), do not be afraid. That's not fatal.

First of all, do everything in order to protect yourself and your loved ones. This can be done in various ways. Most of the techniques involve the construction of special blocks, barriers that will help protect against energy attacks.

There are even more radical ways - most often they involve acquiring a talisman or performing a ritual in order to bind the vampire's powers, drive him away from you, and so on. Ideally, of course, if the person is very aggressive and is ready to pull all the juice out of you, you should simply interrupt communication.

If, after completing the test, you end up with the number 5 or 7, this indicates that the person is a victim, a donor. He absolutely unconsciously gives all his strength at the slightest impact on him. Such individuals are very susceptible to various magical attacks.

The representative needs to constantly keep a special talisman with him, which will help repel the attack of evil spirits, since a person will not be able to constantly build energy blocks, because he simply does not have enough strength. Moreover, the individual should regularly go to places of power.

Important: these should not be burial places, since the energy there is heavy, negative, it is also possible to meet with some kind of magical entity that will completely devastate you.

It is best to choose churches or temples where you really feel good, calm. You can also draw additional energy from nature.

If during the test to determine the energy vampire by date of birth you received one of these numbers, then fortune is really on your side.

Nature has not endowed you with such a very destructive gift, but you cannot become a victim of a vampire either. You are simply not good enough for him.

You have a very strong energy, clean, bright. It is thanks to this that she automatically creates an impenetrable barrier that evil spirits cannot overcome.

The person who ended up with the number 9 has a supernatural gift, but this is not vampirism. This figure indicates that the individual has a really strong positive energy, maybe even a white magician.

If you learn to control your energy, power, then you will be able to do incredible things. An immense potential has been laid in you right from birth, and not developing it is really a crime. You can become a good good wizard, provided that you make every effort to achieve your dream.

Unusual abilities nature also bestowed on those who were born under this number. They are often called black magicians. It is worth noting that this individual can be fed at the expense of other, weaker representatives in the event that his life resources are running out.

If a person does not experience problems with a lack of energy, then he will remain in a neutral state, will not attack others, and he himself will also be well protected from any negative influence from other energy vampires.

A vampire / black magician and a white magician are a wonderful union, since there will be an energy balance in the relationship all the time.

Vampire/black magician and donor- if the victim can accumulate as much energy as possible, then the union will be very successful.

Neutral and white mage- absolute harmony, but rather a platonic relationship, but not romantic.

White magician and donor- people will voluntarily exchange energy, an excellent union.

Donor/neutral and victim- strong connection, the donor can protect the victim from attacks.

Vampire and black magician- a good combination only if the second agrees to share energy with the first.

Vampire/Black Mage and Neutral- the couple will live in harmony only if the vampire is able to suppress thirst or absorb energy from other sources.

Vampire and vampire- the union is doomed to failure, the eternal lack of strength and energy, a lot of conflict situations.

If, after the experiment, you find out that one of your relatives or friends is an energy vampire, then you should not immediately panic. Help the individual learn to control their energy flows, master all the techniques of protection and begin to live in harmony.

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In recent years, we have increasingly heard about the presence of such energy types of people as vampires and donors. Moreover, it is believed that only the first category should be feared, because its representatives suck all the energy out of a person, making him feel sick, tired and weak. The second does no harm to others. Therefore, you can communicate with such people without restrictions, it will not get worse from spending time with them.

However, this opinion is a big delusion, which can even lead to trouble. After all, experts in magic and esotericism say that in reality, different representatives of both vampires and donors can be dangerous and, conversely, useful. And even necessary. In this article we will tell you more about energy donors. We will explain how to recognize them, and at the same time we will teach you how to protect yourself from the negative influence of vampires.

Personality Test

Surely every person has ever noticed that it is very comfortable, pleasant and easy to be in the company of one acquaintance, after the meeting there is a certain inspiration, joy. With another, communication is built very hard, almost unbearably, and after it comes a breakdown, life is not happy, everything starts to annoy and you feel unbearably sleepy. The reason for this phenomenon lies in the fact that we recognize and evaluate people at the energy level. From here arises sympathy or, on the contrary, a feeling of hostility towards someone. If we knew in advance whether a new person is not an energy vampire, it would be easier for us to weed out the so-called extra people. Relationships with which will not be built under any circumstances or will bring discomfort, cause a breakdown, apathy, depression.

There are a huge number of unusual sciences in the world. One of the most popular is numerology - the study of numbers and their influence on the fate of each person. According to her, all people, depending on what kind of energy they possess, are divided into six types:

  1. Vampires are energy absorbers.
  2. Donors are those who donate energy.
  3. Neutrals - do not affect others.
  4. White magicians are the rulers of their energy.
  5. Black magicians - depending on the situation, they can be neutrals or absorbers of other people's energy.
  6. Chameleons - can change their type depending on their own desire.

To determine which category a particular person belongs to, that is, whether he is an energy vampire, knowing his date of birth will help. Moreover, for the calculation you do not need to have any special skills. After all, we just need to add up all the numbers in the date of birth. For example, a certain abstract man was born on October 13, 1978. If you add up all the numbers, you get: 1 + 3 + 1 + 0 + 1 + 9 + 7 + 8 \u003d 30 \u003d 3 + 0 \u003d 3. This means that the birth number is the number "3".

How to recognize an energy vampire

To say that we are all different is rather meaningless. After all, this is understandable. However, our differences are manifested not only externally, but also internally. We all have different personal qualities, lead our own way of life, honor different values ​​and traditions. Our energy - that inner force that fills all the cells of our body, allows us to change our lives, knowing our destiny. It is she who influences our character and contributes to the acquisition or, on the contrary, the destruction of personal or human ties. Depending on it, people differ in vampires and donors. And if desired, each person can check their surroundings.

Previously, the reader counted the number of births. If the result is one or two, then the person born on the date of interest is not an energy donor, but a vampire who needs constant replenishment. Moreover, it is not at all necessary that a representative of this type will deliberately take vitality. He may even do it unconsciously.

Many people are interested in the question of how the saturation process is carried out. Although in reality there is nothing like the scenes shown in science fiction films. An energy vampire is a person who absorbs energy as a result of emotional contact. The strongest recharge can be the result of long intimate conversations, quarrels and sexual contact.

What advantage do neutral people have

Many of us think that energy is something insignificant, unimportant and easily compensated. Therefore, confusing yourself with incomprehensible nonsense about different types of personality is pointless. After all, this knowledge will not help in life. However, it determines the potential of a person, his ability to create the life he dreams of. Vampires feed on this energy. In small quantities, feeding by the victim is practically not felt. But constant contact leads to a deterioration in well-being, a loss of interest in life, the onset of depression and the emergence of thoughts about the meaninglessness of existence. Therefore, it is very important for lovers to build their union, focusing on the energy of their own and their partner. Otherwise, married life can turn into a real nightmare. It will be lucky if a man and a woman disperse and interrupt the endless recharge. Otherwise, sad consequences will not be avoided.

However, some people may have a question regarding energy vampires. By date of birth, it turns out that this can be easily calculated, but what to do next? How to behave?. If they absorb someone else's energy, then how can they build relationships with others and choose a partner for themselves? In fact, the answer is simple - a lover or spouse should be chosen from neutrals. They are distinguished by a special quality: they do not take energy, but they do not give it away either. The main advantage of such people is that their energy does not depend on the influence of others, so they always remain in good shape.

Their birth number is three, six or eight.

How dangerous are black magicians?

Even people who are far from supernatural and otherworldly knowledge are well aware that magic can be dark and light. Moreover, it is believed that the first includes various occult practices: gypsy magic, voodoo and the like. Their main goal is deliberate distortion. The most famous rites used by dark magicians are: damage, love spells, rituals for illness and death. The second puts above all the spiritual values ​​indicated by God. Its representatives will never harm others. They influence most often with the help of prayers. Aimed at helping this or that person cope with difficulties, recover, find the meaning of life, and so on.

Energy dark magicians, whose birth number is four, are just as scary and at the same time amazing people. They can control their energy charge. Be a neutral or absorber of someone else's energy. That is why it is quite difficult for them to find a couple. The best partners for them will be white magicians, this will make the union balanced, and, accordingly, successful. But with energy vampires, relations with black magicians will not work out. Because both partners will strive to draw out the energy of the second half. This will devastate both participants. Neutral should also not try to build relationships with the type of people being studied. The reason for this is quite simple - the neutral will not be able to provide the black magician with the necessary energy.

The donor is the unfortunate victim of a vampire?

The topic of vampires and donors is not new. However, most people misunderstand what these types are. According to the general opinion, donors are the victims of vampires. Based on this, an alliance between them is impossible. Moreover, energy donors should stay away from he absorbers of their life forces. Otherwise, their death will be quick and very painful. However, such judgments are a big mistake. It becomes obvious if we recall the generally accepted definition of the word "donor". After all, this is a person who exclusively voluntarily and not to the detriment of himself gives some part of himself to the needy. The situation is exactly the same with the relationship between the energy vampire and the donor. People of these types need each other so that the first is saturated, and the second is to shed excess energy. After all, an overdose for a donor is just as dangerous as a lack of energy for a vampire.

For this reason, people born under the auspices of the number five or seven should not consider themselves doomed. They can safely build a destiny by contacting a vampire or even linking their lives with him. The only important nuance is that the donor's energy is enough for two. That is, such a person should be contented and happy. And if, on the contrary, he suffers from a lack of emotions, the so-called energy devastation, interaction with a vampire can really harm him, lead to a weakening of his inner strength. Such relationships are doomed.

The life-giving power of white magicians

How many donors are there in nature?

Donors radiate positive emotions, not directing them to anyone in particular, but sending them to people around. And if they differ from each other, then donors have many common features. For example, they are calm, balanced and self-confident, covered with a halo of warmth, reliability and happiness. They are often approached for help and support. After all, donors can help a person regain his peace of mind, believe in himself and his strength again, awaken the desire to change, achieve success and, in general, do something, and not sit still. Energy donors will never humiliate the interlocutor, they will not condemn, but, on the contrary, they will listen, help with advice, share their experience, if necessary, justify and inspire to change the current situation.

Many of us are used to thinking that every person at some point can become a donor, if he only meets an energy vampire on his way. However, as we have already found out, donors are unique people who share their energy intentionally, without harming themselves. There are very few of them in nature. That is why they are so valuable and almost always surrounded by people.

What do different vampires eat, with the help of which donors replenish their strength?

The question is of interest to many. However, not everyone can find the answer. Although all that was needed was to turn to the Chinese horoscope for help. Recall, according to him, each person is under the auspices of a certain animal. You can find out about him by his year of birth. In total, there are twelve animals in the Chinese horoscope, and each group of four corresponds to a certain psychological type:

  1. Skeptical signs are melancholic. Alienated, closed, sensitive, impressionable, prone to depressive states. These include: monkey, cat and dog. The source of their energy is conversations on smart, philosophical topics. Moreover, to remove a small thirst, you can turn to books and talk with "paper" thinkers. Skeptics also love to complain about life. After all, receiving empathy and the desire of the interlocutor to convince that everything is not so bad, they feed on the energy flow of a person.
  2. Dramatic signs - choleric. Impetuous, decisive, overly independent, adoring their work, strong, somewhat unbalanced and unstable. These include: snake, rat, goat. It is very important to note that these signs are the most powerful vampires who will gain strength, improve their health, and transform outwardly with the help of live human communication. It is especially important that it be emotional. They, as in a fairy tale, first coax the interlocutor, distract him, relax, and at the moment when he radiates energy, they begin to pump out all the strength from him. They may not even stop and thereby destroy a person.
  3. Cosmic optimists are phlegmatic. Calm, balanced, stingy with emotions, assiduous, scrupulous, slow, hiding their inner world even from loved ones. These include: tiger, rooster, dragon. These people draw energy from the spiritual world - meditate, go to church, read books, write poetry or just sleep.
  4. Natural optimists are sanguine. Strong, balanced, carefree, somewhat frivolous, active, sociable, hardworking, sociable, easy to contact, friendly, sensitive, fickle. These include: wild boar, bull, horse. They draw their energy from the bosom of nature - they bathe in reservoirs, walk through forests, climb mountains and so on. It is comfortable for them to be close to nature, because it gives them a charge of vivacity and life-giving force, replenishing their energy supply.

How to protect yourself from an energy vampire?

If we are talking about choosing a future spouse, then here you can still somehow separate unnecessary people. For example, identify an energy vampire by date of birth and run away from him on the second or third date. Although, as they say, you can’t command the heart. And sometimes you have to endure a long period of meetings, quarrels and partings in order to understand: this person is not a couple. But what to do if you have to be with a vampire all the time. Such a need can arise at work, where completely different people meet in a team, and you have to find a common language with everyone and somehow get along. In this case, you need to figure out how to protect yourself from an energy vampire at work:

  1. Never quarrel or show excessive emotions.
  2. Speak only to the point and to the point, less rant, gossip and chatter about nonsense.
  3. Cross your arms and legs when talking to a vampire, or keep a muzzle in your pocket.

How to replenish strength after meeting with a vampire?

Another very important question that we formulated in the title of the current paragraph. Many people are looking for an answer to it, however, they often come to a standstill. Although the first step is to start with building the right diet. It is enough to include in the menu a large amount of plant foods: vegetables, herbs, fruits. The energy of the sun, which will be supplied with food to the human body, will be able to compensate for the spent vitality. Physical exercise and any activities that bring joy are also good. For example, listening to music, reading books, watching movies, meeting friends, going to the dance. Another great way to restore energy (as strange as it sounds) is to get closer to nature. At least just walk through the park for half an hour. All this will help to compensate for the sucked energy and replenish the reserve of strength.

Most of the existing ones are energy vampires by date of birth. Such people from an early age are able to feed on your emotions and feelings. To calculate them, to protect yourself, you need to conduct a simple test.

Energy vampires - test by date of birth

The presence of such a gift as energy vampirism can be determined by the date of birth. Write all the numbers and add the numbers. For example:


If it came out two-digit, it should be added again (3 + 0 = 3).

Three - the result of the test, the interpretation of which is presented below. It distinguishes five types of people:

  • energy vampires;
  • victims (donors);
  • neutral persons;
  • white magicians;
  • black wizards.

After passing the test, we got the number 1 or 2 - in front of you is an energy vampire.

It is possible that the person is aware of the gift. If you do not want to get rid of abilities - do not be afraid, it is not fatal.

You can protect yourself and your loved ones. Most of the techniques involve the construction of blocks, barriers that will help protect.

It is useful to purchase a talisman that will protect against strong attacks. If the person is too aggressive and pulls all the juice out of you, if possible, interrupt communication.

Result 5 or 7 - the person is a victim, a donor. He unconsciously gives up his strength at the slightest impact. Such individuals are very susceptible to magical attacks.

It is necessary to wear a talisman that will help repel the attack of evil spirits. A person will not be able to constantly build energy blocks, there will not be enough strength - one should regularly go to magical places.

Important: these should not be burial places where the energy is negative, heavy and there is a chance to meet with a magical essence that will completely devastate.

It is better to choose churches or temples, where it is good, calm and you can draw energy from nature.

If during the test to determine the energy vampire by date of birth you received one of these numbers, then fortune is on your side.

Nature has not endowed with such a gift, but you cannot become a victim of a vampire. You are not good for him.

The owner of these numbers has a very strong energy, clean, bright. Thanks to her, an impenetrable barrier is automatically created, which evil spirits cannot overcome.

The person who got 9 has a supernatural gift, but this is not vampirism. The figure speaks of a strong positive energy, characteristic even of white magicians.

If you learn to manage energy, power, then incredible things will be possible. From birth, you have an immense potential. You can become a good good wizard, provided that you make every effort to achieve your dream.

Unusual abilities nature also bestowed on those born under this number. They are often called black magicians. An individual can feed on others, but only if his life resources are running out.

Vampire/black magician and white magician
- a wonderful tandem, there will always be an energy balance in a relationship.

Vampire/black magician and donor- if the victim can accumulate a lot of energy, the relationship is successful.

Neutral and white mage- absolute harmony, but rather a platonic relationship, not a romantic one.

White magician and donor- people will voluntarily exchange energy, an excellent union.

Donor/neutral and victim- strong connection, the donor can protect the partner from attacks.

Vampire and black magician- a good combination if the second agrees to share energy with the first.

Vampire/Black Mage and Neutral- the couple will live in harmony if the first one is able to suppress power or absorb energy from other sources.

Vampire and vampire- Eternal lack of strength, many conflict situations.

All people are different, someone is energetically strong, the other is weak. Some
it is really necessary to feed on emotions, feelings, energy. This may be in the family, among friends. In fact, there are many.

Such representatives cannot be attributed to any category of evil spirits. These are people with a non-standard supernatural gift.

Calculating by date of birth is easy. The method will help if it is impossible to understand from the behavior of the individual whether he is endowed with the ability or simply over-emotional. At times it is aggressive or not too sensitive.

According to the results of the study, you may even be. Often a person does not assume that he is the owner of a unique gift and is unintentionally able to harm others.
