When to do a pregnancy test. What to do next if the result is doubtful? Error results: is it possible and when

Every woman who cares about personal health and the health of future children should know what it is.

Such a test helps to determine whether conception has occurred.

There are several types of tests: strip, flatbed, inkjet, electronic.

Outwardly, these types differ, but the action of each is based on a reaction to one hormone ─.

It is he who begins to be produced in the body from the day of conception and is excreted in the urine. The hormone does not accumulate immediately, so the test does not respond to its low level.

When is the best time to do it?

Often the instructions say that already on the seventh day from conception, which occurred in the middle of the cycle, you can get the result. But the above hormone during such a time does not always have time to accumulate in the right amount.

If the cycle irregular(every month there are a different number of days between periods), other rules should be followed.

In this case must be taken into account when sexual intercourse occurred, which caused a possible conception. If two weeks have already passed, the test may respond to the presence of pregnancy.

It is worth resorting to the test even in the case when the minimum number of days for the cycle has already passed, and at the same time other signs of pregnancy appear.

Do a test before delay only makes sense when the menstrual cycle is irregular. In all other cases, it may be useless.

However should not be trusted 99% accuracy of most tests, although such information can often be found on the packaging.

If at negative test menstruation still does not appear, you need to wait a few days and repeat the procedure.

The first negative result in this case is not a guarantee that there is no pregnancy.

Until there is an exact result, it is better to stop drinking alcohol, smoking and other harmful effects on the body (this can damage an already born fetus).

If the result positive, but the line did not appear clearly, the probability of pregnancy is very high. After a couple of days, you need to take another test, during which time the hormone will have time to accumulate, and the result will be more distinct.

When assumptions about pregnancy are confirmed, the first thing to do is go to the doctor.

This will help determine at an early stage. In addition, the expectant mother, registering from the very beginning, will be able to avoid many problems with her health and the health of the baby.

If menstruation does not start, and the test is negative again, you should also consult a doctor who will help determine the causes of the failure of the menstrual cycle.

When to take a pregnancy test: in the morning or in the evening?

As already mentioned, the test determines the level of a special hormone in the urine. This hormone is secreted directly by the fetus.

Since a person does not eat at night, does not consume liquid, urine becomes the most concentrated. The level of a specific hormone in this case reaches its maximum value.

That is why a pregnancy test better to use in the morning but not in the evening.

For the best result, you need to use new, just bought tests. However, when buying should check the timing validity. Do not neglect the instructions, since each test has its own characteristics that should be taken into account.

Thus, the time of the test should be set depending on the regularity of the menstrual cycle. If it is regular, then the procedure should be carried out during the expected menstruation and later, but not earlier.

The test is done in the morning, which allows you to achieve the best result. In the absence of menstruation and any test result, go to the doctor.

Many women know how easy it is to self-diagnose pregnancy even at an early stage - just use a pregnancy test.

Everything seemed to be quite simple, but it is far from being the case. There are many nuances that should be taken into account so that the result is as correct as possible. Let's try to understand all the nuances that will tell you how to do the test correctly so that the result is reliable.

When to take a pregnancy test?

Most women are interested in the question, how many days should pass after conception for the test to show pregnancy? Of course, it is best to use the test after a missed period. Both gynecologists and rapid test manufacturers recommend using the test after the first day of delay.

But many of the fair sex are eager to know the answer to the question: “Is there a pregnancy or not?” and they begin to do tests already after a week after ovulation, that is, even before the expected start of menstruation.

Carrying out a test before the onset of menstruation can distort the result: the test can be either false or false negative, the second strip may not appear at all, or it may appear barely noticeable, which will further confuse the woman. That is why, in any case, it is worth waiting for a delay in menstruation.

If you do not have the strength to endure for so long, then it is best to take a blood test for hCG to determine pregnancy, the presence of a hormone in the blood will confirm pregnancy. You can take blood tests after 10-14 days. True, we note that you will have to pay for the analysis yourself.

What is the best time of day to take a pregnancy test?

The concentration of the hormone in the urine, to which the pregnancy test reacts, is maximum in the morning. Therefore, it is better to engage in self-diagnosis of pregnancy immediately after waking up in the morning. In the second or third month of pregnancy, this issue is not relevant: you can do the test at any time of the day.

Many pregnant women try, with the help of pregnancy tests, to determine whether the pregnancy is proceeding normally. I would like to immediately dissuade all women from such experiments. If you have any suspicions that the pregnancy is not proceeding as expected or you have pain or discharge, you should immediately consult a doctor. The test is not able to predict the threat of miscarriage or miscarriage.

The main errors that affect the correctness of the result

As mentioned above, earlier use of the test can affect the reliability of the testimony. Also, the use of this diagnostic method not in the morning can affect the correctness of the test. Of course, bad test , which was stored or transported incorrectly, may also show an incorrect result.

It is worth performing diagnostics strictly following the instructions, that is, premature or too late evaluation of results may affect their correctness.

Remember that if a test shows a positive result in a non-pregnant woman, then this is a good reason to visit a doctor, an elevated level of hCG may indicate the development of some kind of disease in a woman, including cancer.

If you have done a test and doubt its reliability, you can purchase a test strip from another company and try again. To confirm pregnancy or not, you can also take a blood test, go to a gynecologist's appointment, or undergo an ultrasound.

Tests for determining pregnancy, of course, are very convenient, which is why every woman who is sexually active should be able to correctly diagnose.

How long does a pregnancy test give a reliable result (video)

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Hands are shaking, there is fog in my head, an incomprehensible mixture of emotions inside, and the reason for everything is a positive pregnancy test. Some women rejoice at him like a miracle, others begin to panic, others completely fall into a stupor. But after a few minutes / hours / days, everyone has the same question - what's next?

1. Calm down

It is better not to neglect this advice. Very often, women who really want or, conversely, are afraid to get pregnant “think out” the second strip. In any case, pulling yourself together will be a great solution.

You can not try to be distracted by something else - it will not work. Instead, taking deep, calm breaths or talking to your spouse/girlfriend will help.

2. Recheck the result

As soon as the ability to think clearly returns, it is advisable to start rechecking the result. To do this, it is better to buy 2-3 tests, but of a different brand and type. Ideally - in another pharmacy. Reading their instructions is a must. Tests may show false positive results due to misuse, storage, or an expired date.

A false positive result also occurs in such cases:

  • recent abortion, miscarriage;
  • ectopic pregnancy;
  • getting on the test of organic particles from the outside;
  • treatment with hormonal drugs;
  • menopause;
  • oncology;
  • some types of cysts, uterine fibroids and similar diseases.

You can repeat the procedure after 2-3 days, if in doubt. In the presence of pregnancy, the stripes will become brighter after this period. If the tests still show pregnancy, it's time to move on to the third step.

3. Chat with mom

And not only for moral support and sharing of joy. A conversation with her mother is needed to find out how her pregnancy and childbirth went. This information will later help the doctor to better understand how to manage the pregnancy of the expectant mother. A few questions to ask your parent:

  • What weight and height was I born with?
  • Were there complications during pregnancy or childbirth?
  • Did you suffer from high blood pressure during pregnancy?
  • What childhood diseases did I have (rubella, chickenpox, etc.)?

It also makes sense to remember all your chronic or serious diseases in the past, the presence of allergies. Maybe mom can help with that too.

4. Make an appointment with a doctor

A natural and obvious step. However, as practice shows, many women postpone a visit to the doctor or do not consider it necessary to go to the clinic at all. And in vain. The sooner the expectant mother makes an appointment, the more chances the doctor has to prevent the development of pathologies in the fetus or complications during pregnancy.

If the test showed two strips not due to pregnancy or product defects, the doctor will determine the cause and prescribe the appropriate treatment.

What can the doctor do during the first visits?

4.1. Submit for hCG lab test

If the period is still short, even a gynecological examination may not reveal pregnancy. But the test for gonadotropin will do just fine with this. It is much more in the blood than in the urine. If the pharmacy test showed an incorrect result, the laboratory will reveal this.

4.2. Carry out diagnostics

The doctor may order several blood tests, urine tests, and a thyroid examination. He will certainly recommend a general examination by a general practitioner, an ophthalmologist, an otolaryngologist, and several other specialists.

You will often have to take tests during pregnancy, almost before every visit to the gynecologist. However, it is best not to skip them as they are really important for maintaining a healthy pregnancy. All procedures are aimed not only at monitoring the child's condition, but also at taking care of the mother's well-being.

Low hemoglobin levels, weak immunity, too strong hormonal surges and discomfort in general - for all this, a gynecologist can prescribe vitamins. They will improve a woman's health and even make her more attractive.

4.4. Assign an ultrasound

The first ultrasound will be scheduled no earlier than 2 weeks after the start of the delay. Its main goal is to rule out an ectopic pregnancy. It will also be able to identify problems with the genitals, if any.

Ultrasound to determine the sex of the child, the features of its development will be prescribed much later.

4.5. Coordinate visit schedule

You will have to see the doctor almost more often than your husband. If the pregnancy passes without complications, then the frequency of visits will most likely be equal to one trip per month, but not less often. Closer to the due date, a woman will have to visit the gynecologist even more often.

So that later you do not have to cancel plans and rush to get to the doctor, it is advisable to immediately discuss with the doctor the approximate schedule of visits.

5. Stock up on information

Books, reliable online sources, courses for pregnant women - all this is sure to come in handy. A woman who knows how her body and the child changes during gestation feels more confident. And confidence and calm make childbirth easier.

What is definitely better not to do is listen to adherents of traditional medicine with dubious, and often dangerous advice. These 9 months are not the best period for experiments.

6. Enjoy your pregnancy

Almost every pregnancy is accompanied by discomfort. This is natural and quite tolerable. However, it is better to try to provide yourself with the most comfortable environment.

Communication with nice people, visiting beautiful places, positive emotions have a good effect on the nervous system of the baby and his health in general. Yes, and mom from this only benefits.

And yet there is a “but”. Pregnancy is not the best time for drastic changes. Therefore, if a young mother:

  • smokes she can't give up this habit sharp. Better gradually reduce the number of cigarettes, and then smoothly refuse them;
  • living on a broken schedule she will have to try slowly restore it. It makes sense to ask the future dad about it;
  • , it is recommended to exclude strength and intensive training. You can replace them with simple walks or yoga for pregnant women;
  • loves fast food, it is desirable to reduce its quantity. A woman's tastes can change dramatically, which often provokes cravings for junk food. You should not completely deny yourself pleasure, but seriously limiting the amount of such food is a necessity. At the same time, it is important to ensure that the main diet consists of predominantly from healthy meals.
  • active personality who does not sit still, she can leave her former way of life. But she will definitely have to monitor her daily schedule and nutrition, eliminate negativity and overwork.

A positive pregnancy test can be both the result of a defective product and an omen of motherhood. Regardless of this, it is better to play it safe and still visit the doctor's office. Such a step will help protect the health - yours and the baby.

So, you saw the cherished two stripes on the test, but doubts creep into your head - what if a mistake? We have collected answers to the 10 most common questions about pregnancy tests.

1. How does a pregnancy test work?

All pregnancy tests work on the same principle - they recognize in urine (tests for home use) or blood (laboratory tests) a special hormone called human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG). It is produced only during pregnancy. A non-pregnant woman simply cannot have it. The level of hCG in the body from the moment the fetal egg attaches to the uterine wall doubles approximately every 2-3 days and reaches a maximum by 7-12 weeks of pregnancy. Its presence in the blood and urine persists until approximately the third week after the birth of the child.

2. Can I take a pregnancy test during the day? What time of day is best to do it?

Usually, morning urine is used to conduct a pregnancy test, as it is more concentrated. But there is a test that can be done both during the day and in the evening - the exact time does not matter. This is an inkjet test. They are especially sensitive (look for a mark on the package - 10 mIU / ml), and when using them, urine does not need to be collected anywhere - just substitute the test under the stream.

3. Are pregnancy tests wrong?

All instructions say that pregnancy tests are 95-99% accurate. So there is a chance that the result will be wrong. So, false negative the result (the test does not show pregnancy, although it is) is possible if:
you took the test too early and the level of hCG in the urine is still too low;
the test has expired (carefully study the packaging before buying a test);
you did the test incorrectly (read the instructions carefully, everything is extremely simple there);
Drinking too much fluid the day before the test can dilute your urine and lower your hCG levels.

The test can also show false positive result (no pregnancy, but the test says yes).
This happens if you take fertility drugs that include hCG (usually they are in the form of injections);
In the presence of malignant tumors;
A positive pregnancy test result may also mean that the remains of the fetal egg have been preserved in the uterus after premature birth or miscarriage.

4. On what day of the delay to do the test? Does it make sense to take a pregnancy test before a delay?

The sensitivity of pregnancy tests plays an important role. Typically, most tests have a sensitivity of 20–25 mIU/ml (international units per ml). They are able to recognize pregnancy only from the first day of delayed menstruation. Whereas there are more sensitive (10 mIU / ml), but also more expensive tests that determine pregnancy before a delay - already after 7-10 days from the moment of the intended conception. And after a week of delay, pregnancy (if any) will show any tests. The level of hCG in the blood rises faster than in the urine, so pregnancy can be determined even before the onset of the expected menstruation (but not earlier than 7 days from the date of the alleged conception) - using a blood test for hCG, which can be done at the antenatal clinic or in commercial laboratories.

5. How to use a pregnancy test correctly?

Pregnancy tests are different, and you need to use them in accordance with the instructions for each of them. For example:

Strip tests (test strips)
These are the simplest, cheapest and most common tests. The strip should be lowered for 10-20 seconds to a certain mark in a container with morning urine (it is the most concentrated). After that, the test should be placed on a horizontal surface and after a few minutes you can evaluate the result. One line - you are not pregnant, the test showed two stripes - pregnancy has come.

Tablet tests
Arranged in the same way as strip tests. Only the paper strip is placed in a plastic case here. And pre-collected morning urine should be dropped into a special hole with a pipette attached to the test. One or two strips on the test will also tell about the result.

Inkjet tests
Their convenience is that urine does not need to be collected anywhere - it is enough to place the test under the stream. In this case, urine does not have to be morning. Inkjet pregnancy tests are usually more sensitive. And again, a positive test result is two stripes, and if only one strip appeared, then the test showed a negative result.

Electronic tests
These tests have a special strip - a sampler, which can be optionally lowered into a container with urine or substituted under the stream. The result is read after 3 minutes. If “+” or “pregnant” appears on the test, you are pregnant, if “-” or “not pregnant” - no.

6. Why is there a weak second line?

Even if the test showed a weak second line, it still means that you are pregnant, just the level of hCG in the blood is not so high yet. If in doubt, retest after 3-4 days. The hCG level will become much higher, and then the strip will be much brighter.

7. The best pregnancy test - what is it?

The answer to this question may be different, depending on what you need. If you want to find out as early as possible whether you are pregnant, then it is best to donate blood in the laboratory (not earlier than 7 days after the intended conception). If convenience is important to you, then some people prefer inkjet tests that can be used during the day and for which you do not need to collect urine anywhere. For some, on the contrary, it seems laborious to put the test under the stream, and it is easier for them to collect urine in a special jar, and then lower the cheapest paper test (strip test) there.

8. Online pregnancy test - what is it?

At best, it's just a scam. At worst, it is a way to let scammers earn money (when, for example, to pass a test, you must first send an SMS to a specific number). These tests are different. Some suggest putting your finger on the blue square on the screen, and if it turns red within a few minutes, you are pregnant. However, even if you do not put your finger on the screen, the square will turn red by itself after a while. Other tests, before making a verdict, offer to answer a series of questions. For example, "Have you recently had unprotected intercourse?" and "Do you feel breast engorgement?"

9. Does the test show an ectopic pregnancy?

If the fertilized egg has attached outside the uterus, a regular pregnancy test will still be positive. True, if you do not intervene in time, the ectopic pregnancy will terminate itself at 7-8 weeks, and all this will be accompanied by significant blood loss, pain and serious problems for the woman's health. In order not to lead to this, it is better to detect early signs of ectopic pregnancy in advance and terminate such a pregnancy in a hospital. An ectopic pregnancy can be indicated, in particular, by pulling pains in the lower abdomen and spotting against the background of a positive pregnancy test. If you notice these symptoms in yourself, immediately go to the gynecologist. He will conduct, and if the pregnancy is ectopic, then there will be no fetal egg in the uterus, but there will be an overgrowth of the epithelium, as in a normal pregnancy. If you are at risk (adhesions, inflammation of the appendages, an ectopic pregnancy has already occurred), it is better to do a qualitative blood test in dynamics. With an ectopic pregnancy, the level of hCG in the blood is lower than with a normal one, and the test will immediately show this.

10. What is the gestational age of the test? Will the test show the week of pregnancy?

Neither the test strip, nor the tablet, nor the inkjet, nor the electronic tests will show you the gestational age. They are exclusively qualitative in nature - "yes" or "no". But you can still find out the approximate gestational age. If you do a quantitative blood test in the laboratory. He will determine the exact level of hCG in the blood, after which the doctor will be able to tell which week of pregnancy it corresponds to. To make such a test, in particular, is useful to recognize a missed pregnancy in the early stages. If the embryo freezes in development, the level of hCG stops growing, which will be seen in this analysis.

Aglaya Jaermund

Pregnancy is a wonderful time in every woman's life. However, how do you know that it has arrived? To quickly find out if you are in an interesting position, special tests help. There is a completely logical question - when to do a pregnancy test? Let's figure it out.

When to take a pregnancy test - in the morning or in the evening

Of course, you want to find out as soon as possible whether you are pregnant or not. However, you can determine the position only at certain times.

Usually, menstruation stops with the onset of pregnancy. A delay sometimes does not mean that you are expecting a baby: there are many reasons, not related to pregnancy, for which menstruation comes later than usual.

How to determine that you are in a position? Donate blood or urine to the level of human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG). This analysis is carried out in the laboratory.

If you do not want to go anywhere, a special test will help determine pregnancy. Get it at the pharmacy kiosk and make it at home.

Pregnancy tests help to find out if there is the hCG hormone in the urine. This substance occurs in women after the fetus is fixed in the uterus.

Many people know that an analysis that helps determine pregnancy is carried out in the morning. They do this because after a night the level of gonadotropin in the urine is higher - you get a 95% accurate result. However, if you take an analyzer with high sensitivity, you can do it at any time, even use a pregnancy test before the delay.

There are four types of pregnancy determinants:

  • Test strip.

One of the most popular types. Use it like this: dip into a jar of freshly collected urine, hold for 5-10 seconds and evaluate the result after 3 minutes.

  • Tablet.

In fact, this is the same test strip, only a special jar for collecting urine is sold with it.

  • Jet.

This is a more convenient version of the pregnancy test because it does not require urine collection. How to do it is clear from the name.

  • Electronic.

The effect of such a test is practically no different from the inkjet. True, instead of two stripes or a “+” sign, the inscription “pregnant” or “not pregnant” appears on the device.

The differences between the tests are only in the way they are used. The type of device does not affect the accuracy of the result.

However, the difference between the tests still exists - this is sensitivity. Modern pharmacy determinants of pregnancy have levels from 10 to 30 mIU / ml. The lower the number, the greater the sensitivity.

Sensitivity helps to determine that you are expecting a child even before the end of the menstrual cycle. Therefore, if you want to quickly understand that you are pregnant, choose tests with a figure of 10 mIU / ml.

Wondering what day to take a pregnancy test? Usually the most correct answer is obtained on the 4-7th day of the delay in regular bleeding.

Analysis using highly sensitive tests is carried out until regular bleeding stops, however, 10-12 days must pass after the estimated day of conception.

When to take a pregnancy test if the cycle is not regular

The first symptom of pregnancy, as you know, is a delay in menstruation. Therefore, it is easier for women with a regular cycle to navigate.

But what about those for whom delays are a common occurrence due to menstrual irregularities?

If the cycle is not regular, it is quite difficult to decide on the date of the test. So navigate like this:

  • Do a pregnancy test a couple of weeks after the estimated conception.
  • If there were several sexual intercourses in a month when you did not use protection, check for pregnancy after two weeks after the meeting with a regularity of 4-7 days.
  • Test if you notice signs of pregnancy: breast swelling, morning sickness, drowsiness and irritability.

However, remember: if the period is short, the test may not determine pregnancy. Therefore, it is better to repeat the analysis after a while.

Many are interested in whether the tests give an erroneous result. Yes it is possible.

Let's tell you when a positive pregnancy test can be unreliable:

  • if the test has expired;
  • when using not freshly collected urine;
  • if the analysis is not done according to the instructions;
  • after a miscarriage;
  • in the presence of certain diseases.

There is a possibility of a false negative pregnancy result in all of the above cases. Also, a negative response occurs with an ectopic pregnancy or too short a period.

Sometimes on the test (especially for strips) a very pale second strip appears, which is barely visible. What does it mean?

Most often, even a weak strip signals that you are expecting a baby. And she is pale because the period is still small and the level of the hCG hormone is low. Test after 3-4 days - most likely, the band will be brighter.

Unfortunately, it is impossible to determine the exact gestational age using a test. To find out the number of obstetric weeks, donate blood for hCG or sign up for an ultrasound. Keep in mind that on ultrasound, the fetal egg is determined no earlier than 4-5 weeks after conception.

You learned information about pregnancy tests and when to perform the procedure.

Follow the instructions exactly, and if in doubt, repeat the analysis after a few days. It will not be superfluous to visit a gynecologist.
