Methods of mnemonics: how to learn to memorize quickly and easily. Mnemonics: memorization techniques in exercises Mnemonics exercises

A person can remember events from the distant past, but recent ones are forgotten. Psychologists explain that odors or images are associated with a specific event. After presenting the association, the person remembers the event. It is on this connection that mnemonics is based.

A true story about a friend Denis who had a very good memory and used mnemonics to train it

I have a friend Denis. From school, he had an excellent memory - he remembered poems, historical dates without problems. Now he is 25, his memory has not become worse. When I asked how he remembers even complex numbers so quickly and easily, he shared a secret. It turns out that he uses mnemonics.

Regular training, the search for new methods - all this gives him an excellent result. Denis is constantly developing memory with mnemonics.

Mnemonic memory and mnemonics: definition, what is based on and the principle of work

The origins of mnemonics come from Ancient Greece. Philosophers and thinkers have found that memory depends on the senses. The more emotions an event causes, the longer it will remain in a person’s memory. How are mnemonics and memory development related?

Until now, mnemonics have been developed, improved, made more effective. Previously, with the help of this technique, connected sentences of the text were memorized, now the technique allows memorizing information of any complexity.

Mnemonics is a way of developing memory, facilitating the memorization of information. The techniques of mnemonics expand memory, facilitating the development of brain activity. Based on several principles:

  • the human brain equally processes information about a real and fictional image;
  • the chain of associations is real and fictitious. The latter are the essence of mnemonics.

Together with this term, the concept of "mnemonics" occurs. They are connected.

There are such types of mnemonics:

  • classical. It arose on the basis of oratory in order to simplify the memorization of long statements. The information was transformed into images - in some the information was encrypted, in the second - the sequence was fixed;
  • pedagogical. Suitable for schoolchildren and students. Essence - natural memorization through rewriting, memorization and repetition;
  • circus - intonation, facial expressions, gestures. Essence - the art of transmitting and deciphering encoded information;
  • sports - remembering numbers;
  • modern. Mnemonics methods are carefully worked out and combined into a kind of system aimed at solving a highly specialized task.

Everyone has a mnemonic memory, but it needs to be mastered. Supernatural abilities are not needed for this. The principle of operation of such a technique is based on the ability of memory to fix a vivid visual and auditory image faster than an abstract concept.

Tips for beginners:

  • choose the method of memorization that is most suitable and appropriate for your type of thinking;
  • convert information into images;
  • exercise regularly to achieve results;
  • There must be absolute silence during training.

Basic principles of mnemonics:

  • comprehension - comprehending the incoming information, a person will remember it for a long time;
  • interest - if the information is interesting, it will be remembered faster;
  • previous knowledge - if you have knowledge on a specific issue, new information will be easier to remember;
  • readiness - the information that a person is tuned in to is remembered;
  • associations - increase the chances of remembering the material and reproducing it;
  • repetition - the lesson is repeated, but not often;
  • braking - before learning new material, pause;
  • sequence - facts are remembered in the order in which they were studied.

After mastering mnemonics, you will use it for the rest of your life.

In order for mnemonic memory to retain words or numbers for a long time, facts and objects are replaced with terms with a visual representation. That is, boring facts are replaced by bright ones. Special mnemonic techniques will help in this.

Basic tricks

Mnemonics and methods of memory development allow you to better learn new material. Mnemonic techniques are an approach to comprehending information, thanks to which more information is remembered, and the percentage of forgetting is minimized. Techniques are used in the study of foreign languages, concepts, historical dates, numbers.

Associations are the basis of memory. To memorize a new word, correlate it with something, make an associative connection. How to create an association:

  • come up with the first thing that comes to mind;
  • the association should be funny, unusual;
  • the image should be large, voluminous, colored - use all the senses;
  • the association must be illogical;
  • the image should touch you.

For example, you need to remember the words "cavalry" and "attic". Imagine that you went up to the attic and saw cavalry there, warriors sitting on horseback. You look at them and think what are they doing here? They answer you: what have we really forgotten here? And fly out the window.

The next technique is the "chain". Imagine an image and connect it to the next one. For example, you came to the store for cheese, powder and a light bulb. Imagine a large package of powder. A lamp flies into it, and the powder scatters across the floor. Cheese and the like are strung on the lamp.

"Roman Room" Let's say you need to memorize the words - sausage, horse, mayonnaise, crowbar, egg, blanket, fish, notebook. Engage unusual connections, starting in the hallway. It will turn out: close the gap in the lock with sausage, put the horse in the corner, smear the mirror with mayonnaise, support the door with a crowbar, screw the egg into the chandelier instead of a light bulb, lay a blanket in front of the door instead of a rug. When a person opens the door, he will see that the fish is lying on the sofa and writing in a notebook.

"Alphanumeric code" is suitable for memorizing numbers, phone numbers, mathematical calculations. Each number is assigned a letter - words, expressions, stories are made up. Let's take numbers from 0 to 5:

  • 0 - zero - n;
  • 1 - times - p;
  • 2 - d;
  • 3 - t;
  • 4 - h;
  • 5 -p.

Now a word is selected for each letter and a story is invented.

"Rhymes" - a technique in which pairs of words or a small verse are thought up containing memory material. The method is also suitable for rhyming numbers:

  • 0 - mole, salt, beans;
  • 1 - pancake, sir;
  • 2 - words, grass;
  • 3 - bubbles, give;
  • 4 - wider, in the world;
  • 5 - again, yawn, walk;
  • 6 - sit down, revenge;
  • 7 - why, harem;
  • 8 - we ask, we wear;
  • 9 - do, sow.

From the list of selected words, choose one and remember for a specific number.

“Consonance” is a technique that consists in selecting the same word. Suitable for learning foreign languages. To memorize a foreign word, a Russian word is selected that is similar in sound to it. For example, "look" (to look) is similar to "bow". According to this technique, a person remembers up to 60 words in 1 hour.

“Hanger” is a technique, the essence of which is to come up with a consonant row for each word. Then they make up a story. For example, one is the master, two is the head.

“Combining the image and the number” is a method dedicated to the form of writing numbers. The unit resembles a pencil or a stick, zero is the sun. What follows is an interesting story.

"The Cicero Method". Elements are tied to the room environment in which a person is often located. Suppose a child has to learn the sequence in which the respiratory organs are located. Pictures are hung in a conspicuous place, the child passes by and sees them. Images are removed, the child restores them through topological associations.


Most people, looking at the association chain, find it difficult. To remember a date or numbers, you have to make up a story. At first, the procedure seems laborious, since it requires imagination. After a few workouts, memorization will become easier.

Still don't believe in memory training with mnemonics? Try one of the methods. Information learned by mnemonic techniques is not forgotten, but stored in memory for a long time. See, the result will surprise you!

Memorizing the necessary information quickly and for a long time is a feature that is not common to everyone.

Memory is arranged in such a way that a person does not absorb boring information well, which will not bring him practical use in everyday life.

But what to do if it is necessary to memorize it, and memorization does not give results? Starting from the first grade, children have to study large amounts of information.

Today's school program differs from the Soviet complexity and richness. Children have to work hard to keep up.

Mnemonics will help improve memory, make it flawless.

Why is it so important to train a person's memory?

In addition to the school curriculum, there are many other reasons to seriously engage in memory training.

Physiological benefits of a good memory Practical benefits Professions where a good memory is needed
A person who develops their brain activity is more likely to remain sober in old age Shopping list does not need to be written down Theater and film actors forced to memorize new roles and lines
By remembering the names of new acquaintances and colleagues, you will save yourself from an awkward situation when meeting Teachers, university professors
Helps you avoid getting lost in a new area Intelligence officers, agents
Reminding friends of situations and phrases of bygone days is funny Police
Medical workers

Important! Two-thirds of all knowledge a person receives before the age of 14.

This includes social communication skills that the child learns in school and kindergarten, knowledge about life and the universe. The school curriculum completes the list.

Then comes the period of puberty, when instincts take over the mind. The duration of this period is individual. The process of acquiring knowledge is relegated to the background.

When the period ends, the teenager is already out of school. Student years are filled with love experiences.

When the sex drive comes into play, one is less able to absorb knowledge. Puberty ends earlier, but the age of reproductive health lasts into old age. This circumstance cannot but distract.

For this reason schoolchildren and students who have fallen in love start their studies, roll into triples.

Description and characteristics of mnemonics

Mnemonics is a series of methods and techniques that allow a person to memorize large amounts of information. It contains practical tips for improving memory in children and adults. There are tutorials on this topic.

The effectiveness of mnemonics is widespread today in specialized educational institutions. The history of its appearance is rooted in the distant past.

Interesting fact! The concept itself was introduced by Pythagoras. Julius Caesar used mnemonics.

Alexander the Great and Aristotle studied it for military use.

Our ancestors, when compiling the Cyrillic alphabet, understood that if a word is tied to each letter and linked with a semantic meaning, it will be easier to remember.

Works on the development of memory in different years were published by world-famous scientists:

  • Andreev.
  • Geisselhart.
  • Leser Franz.

Their books are still popular today. Each of them offers its own way of using mnemonics.

Exercises for the development of memory and attention in adults

Exercise "Memory Palace" is actively used by adults. It is based on the work of fantasy and the perception of visual images. Suitable for people with good visual memory.

The principle lies in the mental construction of the palace. A person remembers every room, the situation inside.

Important! When it becomes necessary to remember something, a person places the information in one of the rooms, tying it to a certain environment.

The information is stored internally. Periodically returning to the palace, a person will see his binding in all details.

Another method of mnemonics proposes to associate touch and smell with objects to be remembered.

Details are remembered better if they are attached to other senses. Perceptions last longer in memory than dry facts.

Techniques for improving memory in children

If you start to develop a good memory in a child early, he is more likely to achieve high results in school. This is the key to future success.

The benefits of developing memory in younger students:

  • In young years children grasp information better.
  • learned tricks mnemonics will become mechanically used throughout life.
  • Development difficult school program will go faster.
  • Memory development will help the child in communicating with peers, improve communication skills and brain function.
  • Helps you win in various intellectual competitions, competitions, olympiads, tests.
  • Enhance intellectual development and concentration of attention, due to a decrease in the load on the memorization process.

All these arguments speak in favor of early teaching children simple techniques for remembering information.

If the child easily coped with the practical application of children's techniques, you can begin to study more complex ones.

Main is the reception of rhyme. Children remember information better in the form of poems.

What rule of the Russian language do adults remember all their lives? Answer: "Gypsy tiptoed at a chicken."

If all the rules were folded into rhymes, people would become more literate.

Different forms of games will help improve memory in children:

  • Chess.
  • Charades.
  • Graphic dictation.
  • Children's treasure maps.
  • Puzzle.

Popular memorization techniques

Memorization techniques are based on linking information to something tangible.

Remembering a phone number can be done in several ways:

  1. Speak aloud. Auditory memorization will help you remember the numbers within a few minutes.

    That will make it easy to call back the number that the interlocutor dictated without writing it down on a piece of paper. The work of short-term memory will increase.

  2. The use of visual memory for numbers with their separation. Some numbers seem simple because they use the numbers that are in the number of our house, the date of birth. This is training in photographic memory.
  3. Dial a number on the keypad phone, you can form a word that you can type by pressing the keys used to type it.

most popular and a complex technique is the construction of a memory palace.

This method is used by people who are required to memorize a lot. The method will seem simple and convenient to you after a few workouts.

Useful video

Constant reminders of relatives about this or that event are depressing. Today, many people complain about a bad memory. It does not depend on age, intelligence and education.

If you forced to go to the store with a list of products, constantly set reminders on your phone, mnemonics is what you need.

What is mnemonics?

Mnemonics is a complex of special techniques aimed at memorizing numbers, events or any information.

This is required by every person, but there are professions in which memory plays a decisive role.

Film and theater actors are forced to memorize long texts. If memory begins to fail them, they will lose their earnings. In every profession there are examples when you need to remember something.

Simple store consultants are required to keep a lot of information in their heads: about the product, suppliers, customers and current problems.

Interesting fact! Mnemonics offers easy ways to memorize.

It was used by great military leaders, developing military strategies that made it possible to change the world. Memory is the most precious thing a person has.

It is worth learning how to use it as much as possible in order to store happy moments of life and important events in it.

The technology of this method of memorization

The technology is based on the principle of attaching information to a certain image:

  1. We define what needs to be remembered.
  2. We bind images to specific sensations, visual variations.
  3. Ready! A chain reaction has been built in memory, which will allow you to pull out the necessary knowledge at the right time.

According to this principle, various methods and techniques of mnemonics work. Once you master the technique, you can use it for the rest of your life.

It's like installing a computer program: you install it once and use it as needed.

These activities help children and adults. Schoolchildren and preschoolers, having studied simple techniques, will greatly facilitate their lives. In adolescence, they will have to absorb large amounts of information.

Description of the main methods and techniques

There are several basic techniques that will allow you to keep the necessary information in the right order in memory.

They are used from adolescence:

Exercises from the table will help in memorizing numbers, in teaching lessons for schoolchildren. Each of them is based on visualization. Develop visual imagination so that it helps to absorb information.

Exercises for adults

The problems of bad memory are rooted in the lack of systematization. People do not filter out the necessary information, throwing everything off in a single stream.

Another example mnemonics is called "Memory Palace". It works on the principle of visual images, like the previous techniques.

To apply this technique, a palace is built in the imagination.

It is necessary to bypass it in detail, to study the whole situation inside. When you can walk around this palace without losing sight of the details, you can use the method.

The necessary information is placed in one of the rooms, tied to the decor and interior details. When you enter your palace, you will find everything you need there.

The excess will be stored in memory tanks that are known to be unreliable. All extraneous information will be deleted over time.

Advantages of the Memory Palace technique:

  1. Works flawlessly.
  2. Suitable for beginners.
  3. You can use the palace all your life.
  4. Over time, the details of the interior become clear, as if they exist in reality.
  5. The technique is used by adults, but it is also suitable for developed children.
  6. Memory training according to this principle gives results from the first days, if you can quickly visualize the palace.

Interesting fact! The popular American TV series The Mentalist shows this practice in action.

On the example of the hero of the film, you can learn the "Memory Palace" technique, see the strengths of owning this technique. Many amazing people are fluent in it.

Ways to remember and play for children

There are various games for children that teach them to memorize words or objects. In childhood, everyone learned poetry. This is the foundation.

She shows: it is easier to remember what rhymes. Many nursery rhymes we remember for the rest of our lives. This is an example of the work of mnemonics for children.

In addition, there are many entertaining games that train memory and serve as a memorization aid for kids.

Helps memory development game with pictures. Each picture depicts an animal or object.

The child is asked to talk about each subject. Notice the pictures are turned over, and the baby guesses their location.

This game stimulates visual memory. Images are tied to a specific place. It is recommended to use 9 pictures to start with. For children under 3, start with 4 pictures in a square.

Similar games are practiced in kindergartens. Skills will be useful to the child throughout life. The game will develop interest in self-development.

Doing these exercises with children you help them become successful. Develop memory, improve thinking processes.

Let it take time and effort to master the technique, but the result will please you more than once. Self-development is the most important part of every person's life.

Useful video

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Mnemonics are methods of memorizing any information, they are based on human psychology and susceptibility. Knowing and using mnemonics will help you better remember names, surnames, addresses, numbers, and so on.

Mnemonics or mnemonics are developed methods, techniques and methods that help to remember information better.

The main principle of mnemonics of abstract objects is concepts that have a visual, auditory and sensory representation.

In the Super Memory in 30 Days course, mnemonics are used in some exercises to improve memorization and develop phenomenal memory.

Mnemonic tricks

Mnemonic tricks consist of a large set of memorization.

1. Alphanumeric code

This is when consciousness encrypts words with letters and with the help of these letters remembers the necessary information.

2. Associations

With the help of some vivid associations, our brain remembers information. And when we need to remember and restore this information, we remember these extraordinary associations that happened at that moment and the information is returned to us.

3. Rhymes

4. Consonance

With the help of words or phrases, you can memorize foreign words, complex terms, scientific terms.

5. Roman room method

You memorize objects and give them the name of some object from your room.

1. Alphanumeric move

This method is suitable for remembering a cell phone number, address, car number, complex mathematical calculation, and so on.

The alphanumeric code is one of the ancient mnemonics. Even in ancient times, each number was assigned a letter. In this way, it was possible to memorize numbers and huge numbers. Words, phrases, long sentences and even short stories were made from these numbers.

Let's look at the alphanumeric code, most of the numbers begin with a consonant sound. Let's take the numbers of the first ten from 0 to 9.

Let's look at these numbers in a more understandable form:

0 - zero - n

1 - time - p

2 - two - d

3 - three - t

4 - four - h

5 - five - p

6 - six - w

7 - seven - with

8 - eight - in

9 - a lot - m (we wrote a lot, because 9 - nine - d the letter d already exists, nine matches the number two).

You can use the alphanumeric move anytime, anywhere. To use it quickly and easily, you need to learn it like a multiplication table. Then letters will appear before your eyes instead of numbers.

Let's take the number 739817.

Let's divide this number into pairs 73 - 98 - 17.

Now let's try to make an encoding and recode the numbers into words. The first consonant in the word will be the first digit of the two-digit number, and the second consonant must match the second digit in the alphanumeric code. Let's take the number 73.

Let's come up with words that start with: catfish, straw, one hundred, strength, and so on.

For numbers 9 and 8 we take the word Mavr, and for 1 and 7 we take the word Dawn.

Now the composed words that make up pairs must be composed into a sentence. We get: "One hundred Moors saw Dawn."

2. Associations

This method of associations is based on memorizing numbers by the method of related associations or the method of hangers. The hanger word method was created on visual representations, it helps to remember the necessary information in a certain order, which consists of any number of numbers.

To use this method, you need to come up with ten hanger words for each number from 0 to 9. These words must be learned by heart in order to apply them in the future.

For example, you need to learn and remember well the number you need, which consists of several digits, you need to link the images of numbers with some kind of history. For example, 1 is the image of an athlete, 5 is the image of a school, 15 is an athlete participating in competitions for the school.

The numbers should resemble some kind of images, for example zero - globe, circle, ball, sun.

0 - ball, hoop, sun

1 - globe, crowbar, lantern, straw, stake

2 - goose, swan

5 - star

6 - lock

In the hanger method, each number has to tell its own story.

The O'Brien method is also a hanger method. This method invites you to memorize numbers in the images of famous people. The most important thing is to remember the image that you have chosen for a given number, you need to choose from 1 to 10. For example, we will assign the number one to Evgeni Plushenko to the famous figure skater, we will assign the number two to the “Tea for Two” group, we will assign the number three and so on.

You should not abuse the methods described above, choose the most suitable for you, learn it and apply it always and everywhere. The more often you apply the chosen technique, the faster you will master it and will easily remember all the numbers.

3. Rhymes

You can come up with a few pairs of rhymed words or a short poem that contains memorable material and will help you remember the information you need.

You can rhyme numbers and memorize numbers using these rhymes. For example:

zero - let, mole, please, pain, captivity, role, fire, callus, hol, along, let, password, stop, console, beans, slaughter, king, sometimes

one- aspen, pancake, single, aventurine, Aladdin, half, master, middle, barn, dinner

two- new, words, true, grass, rights, barely, rumor, Mordva, lads, harvest, tops, widow, canvas

three- yell, wipe, bubbles, burn, torit, bet, with, weld, creak, do not lie, do not give, die

four- wider, in the apartment, batyr, in the world, landmark, holes in cheese, pushy, lira, Zemfira, in marshmallow

five- become, bed, submit, dig, stand, know, hear, lie, sleep, see, give, understand, walk, say, knead

six- all, there is, honor, here, demon, sit down, comb, cross, sit down, message, prefer, tin, father-in-law, do not count

seven- ground, why, ground, than, darkness, harem, beat

eight- we transfer, we ask, we wear, we mow, autumn, pines, we ask, we ask

nine- brother-in-law, left, way, north, do, sow, winnow.

Choose any one word from the suggested ones for each number and learn it as a multiplication table. If you learned without hesitation, then you can apply wherever you need.

There are also special methods for memorizing poetry. Learn poetry every day slowly, start with one quatrain and go up to one page. It is necessary to learn poetry qualitatively without hesitation.

You can learn poetry in an unusual way:

First you read one line, memorize it, then read it the other way around and learn this line in reverse. Learn a quatrain, recite it, and then learn it in reverse.

This method was described by William W. Atkinson in 1994 in the book Know Thyself. Development of memory and intelligence.

The results are excellent. In addition, you can show off your knowledge in front of someone, read any passage in reverse. Not everyone can do it.

4. Consonance

Some words of completely different languages ​​sound the same - this is called consonance. You want to learn a foreign language, but it is very difficult to learn it because of different pronunciation, sounding and generally incomprehensible words. To make it easier to remember a foreign word, think about what word it looks like in our language and memorize by this word.

For example, the word "look" is translated as (look) very similar to our word "bow".

The English word "shriek" is translated into Russian as "squeal", let's come up with an unusual image that is very close in consonance: for example, screeching Shrek or Shrek squeals.

This method of memorization is called the method of phonetic associations.

Using this method, you can memorize 50 - 60 words in one hour of classes.

5. Roman room method

This method is very interesting, many who know this method use it. For example, people who work with a large audience: professors, associate professors, and so on. When preparing to speak to employees, you carefully look at the room in which you will speak, there are many items there. Try to tie your speech to these subjects. Then, when you speak your speech, you, remembering the main words, concepts and sentences, look with your eyes in the room where you were preparing for the speech.

The most important thing is to remember a certain sequence and stick to it during a speech or report. For example, memorize your story and look at the items that are in clockwise order. Do not memorize in discord, it is more difficult to concentrate and remember.

For example, if you look at the situation in the room, it may consist of the following items: a door, a corner, a wall, a bedside table, a picture, a figurine, a bookcase, books, a computer desk, a table lamp, a monitor, a printer, a scanner, a keyboard, a computer mouse, a dryer , chair, sofa, flower, wardrobe, chandelier, bed, TV.

To these things in order, for example clockwise, you can build your story. Then, when you tell, you mentally scroll through all the things in your room in your head also clockwise.

If you are walking down the street and preparing for a speech, you can just as well use what surrounds you on the way to work.

For example, the street environment: a bench, a birch tree, a small shrub, a poplar, a pillar, a kindergarten, a beautiful fence, a playground, a newsstand, a football field, a flower shop, an urn, a bus stop.

How to link words for memorization.

For example, you need to remember the words: head, dog, snow, folk artist, playground, cat, drill, luntik, basin, smoke, cucumber, hoof, pear. To memorize new words, we link new words to the street description scheme or to the room description scheme and memorize them gradually one at a time.

In this case, you can use the decor of the room.

For example, I go in the door and my head starts to work at an incredible speed, I look at the corner, and there a dog rubs against the corner, I look up at the wall, beautiful snowflakes are painted on it, I go up in the bedside table, a photograph of a people's artist is pasted on it, I look up it has a playground on it, and so on.

The most important thing is to understand the principle of how this can be done.

The best time for classes, training or for remembering is the morning hours after waking up, when you are well rested or in the evening. Why in the evening, because short-term memory passes into long-term during sleep. Don't forget to take breaks to recharge.

Memory also works well after physical activity, after playing sports.

There are many people in the world who remember absolutely everything, there are myths and legends about them, but these people really exist. These people can be divided into two categories: autistic people and people with autobiographical memory. Autistic people include Kim Peak and Daniel Tammet, they quickly remember any information and never forget it, they sometimes make mistakes, but very rarely. In memory competitions, people who do mnemonics show the same results on a par with autists.

Many believe that Daniel Tammet is not a savant, perhaps he is engaged in mnemonics, counts large numbers and wants to impersonate a superhuman.

In fact, there are several dozen people with an extraordinary autobiographical memory. You can read about these people in RuNet or watch videos on YouTube. These include: Bob Petrella, Jill Price, Marilu Henner, Brad Williams and Rick Baron. These people remember every day of their lives of any year. They can tell it as if it was yesterday, but if they are asked to read and tell the text, they will show ordinary abilities like other people.

Mnemonic exercises for adults and children

Exercise 1

Look at the picture in this exercise, it shows different silhouettes and objects. On these subjects, you can compose a small poem. First, you can read under each picture what is written and you will get a poem, while do not forget to look at the picture and remember what is drawn for each word. Then try to close the words and read the poem from the pictures.

What did you get? If you managed to remember the first time very well, and if you didn’t remember everything, then repeat the exercise. The main thing here is not to learn a poem, but to be able to read it from pictures.

Exercise 2

Look at the picture in this exercise, it shows different objects. On these subjects, you can compose an interesting poem.

What did you get? If you managed to remember the first time very well, and if you didn’t remember everything, then repeat the exercise. The most important thing is not to learn a poem, but to be able to read it from pictures.

Exercise 3

Exercise 4

Look at the picture in this exercise, it shows different objects and silhouettes. On these subjects, you can make an interesting little poem. First, read under each picture what is written and you will get a poem, and do not forget to look at the picture and remember what is drawn for each word. Then try to close the words and read the poem from the pictures.

This is a very simple exercise that you can remember the first time. The most important thing is not to learn a poem, but to be able to read it from pictures.

Exercise 5

Look at the picture in this exercise, it shows different objects and silhouettes. On these subjects, you can make an interesting little poem.

First, read under each picture what is written and you will get a poem, and do not forget to look at the picture and remember what is drawn for each word. Then try to close the words and read the poem from the pictures.

If you managed to remember the first time very well, and if you didn’t remember everything, then repeat the exercise. The most important thing is not to learn a poem, but to be able to read it from pictures.

Exercise 6

Look at the picture in this exercise, it shows different insects. From these pictures you can make an interesting little poem.

If you managed to remember the first time very well, and if you didn’t remember everything, then repeat the exercise. The most important thing is not to learn a poem, but to be able to read it from pictures.

Exercise 7

Look at the picture in this exercise, it shows different objects and silhouettes. From these pictures you can make an interesting little poem.

First, read under each picture what is written and you will get a poem, while do not forget to look at the picture and remember what is drawn for each word or phrase. Then try to close the words and read the poem from the pictures.

This exercise will be more difficult because not one word is written under each picture, but several words.

If you managed to remember the first time very well, and if you didn’t remember everything, then repeat the exercise. The most important thing is not to learn a poem, but to be able to read it from pictures.

Exercise 8

In this exercise, we will look at the mnemonics of tongue twisters.

Look at the picture in this exercise, it shows different objects and silhouettes. From these pictures you can make interesting tongue twisters.

First, read under each picture what is written and you will get a tongue twister, while do not forget to look at the picture and remember what is drawn for each word or phrase. Then try to close the words and read the tongue twister from the pictures.

Exercise 9

Look at the picture in this exercise, it shows different objects and animals. From these pictures you can make interesting sentences.

First, read under each picture what is written and you will get a sentence, while do not forget to look at the picture and remember what is drawn for each word or phrase. Then try to close the words and read the sentence from the pictures.

If you managed to remember the first time very well, and if you didn’t remember everything, then repeat the exercise. The most important thing is not to learn the tongue twister, but to be able to read it from the pictures.

Exercise 10

Look at the picture in this exercise, it shows different objects. From these pictures you can make an interesting, small, autumn poem.

First, read under each picture what is written and you will get a poem, while do not forget to look at the picture and remember what is drawn for each word or phrase. Then try to close the words and read the poem from the pictures.

Poem "Autumn Trees"

If you managed to remember the first time very well, and if you didn’t remember everything, then repeat the exercise. The most important thing is not to learn a poem, but to be able to read it from pictures.

Exercise 11

Look at the picture in this exercise, it shows different objects and silhouettes. Based on these pictures, you can compose an interesting, small poem about a sundress.

First, read under each picture what is written and you will get a poem, and do not forget to look at the picture and remember what is drawn for each word. Then try to close the words and read the poem from the pictures.

The poem "Sarafan".

Exercise 12

Look at the picture in this exercise, it shows different objects. Based on these pictures, you can compose an interesting, small poem about a new dress.

First, read under each picture what is written and you will get a poem, and do not forget to look at the picture and remember what is drawn for each word. Then try to close the words and read the poem from the pictures.

This is a simple poem, it is remembered from the first time. The most important thing is not to learn a poem, but to be able to read it from pictures.

Exercise 13

Look at the picture in this exercise, it shows different vegetables. Based on these pictures, you can compose an interesting, small poem about what vegetables grow in the garden.

First, read under each picture what is written and you will get a poem, and do not forget to look at the picture and remember what is drawn for each word. Then try to close the words and read the poem from the pictures.

This is a simple poem, it is remembered from the first time. The most important thing is not to learn a poem, but to be able to read it from pictures.

Exercise 14

First, read under each picture what is written and you will get a poem, and do not forget to look at the picture and remember what is drawn for each word. Then try to close the words and read the poem from the pictures.

This is a simple poem, it is remembered from the first time. The most important thing is not to learn a poem, but to be able to read it from pictures.

Exercise 15

Look at the picture in this exercise, it shows different objects. From these pictures you can compose an interesting, small poem.

First, read under each picture what is written and you will get a poem, and do not forget to look at the picture and remember what is drawn for each word. Then try to close the words and read the poem from the pictures.

This is a simple poem, it is remembered from the first time. The most important thing is not to learn a poem, but to be able to read it from pictures.

Exercise 16

Look at the picture in this exercise, fairy tale characters are depicted here. Based on these pictures, you can compose a fairy tale "Gingerbread Man".

Try to compose a fairy tale "Gingerbread Man" from the pictures.

Mnemotable for the Russian fairy tale "Kolobok".

Exercise 17

Look at the picture in this exercise, fairy tale characters are depicted here. Based on these pictures, you can compose a fairy tale "Turnip".

Try to compose a fairy tale "Turnip" from the pictures.

Mnemotable for the Russian fairy tale "Turnip".

Exercise 18

Look at the picture in this exercise, fairy tale characters are depicted here. From these pictures you can compose a fairy tale "Little Red Riding Hood".

Try to compose a fairy tale "Little Red Riding Hood" from the pictures.

Mnemotable for the Russian fairy tale "Little Red Riding Hood".

Exercise 19

Look at the picture in this exercise, it shows different objects. From these pictures you can compose an interesting, small poem.

First, read under each picture what is written and you will get a poem, and do not forget to look at the picture and remember what is drawn for each word. Then try to close the words and read the poem from the pictures.

Mnemotables for elementary school

This is a simple poem, it is remembered from the first time. The most important thing is not to learn a poem, but to be able to read it from pictures.

Exercise 20

In this exercise, we offer a story for toddlers. The story is called "In the Garden". Sentences are made up of words, objects, vegetables, and so on. Read the story and insert words from the drawn objects.

Mnemonics for kids.

Exercise 21

In this exercise, we offer a story for toddlers. The story is called "Friends of the Merry Tongue". Pictures are included in the sentences. Read the story and fill in the words from the pictures.

Mnemonics for kids.

Exercise 22

In this exercise, we offer a story for toddlers. The story is called "Not at all". Pictures are included in the sentences. Read the story and fill in the words from the pictures.

Mnemonics for kids.

Exercise 23

In this exercise, words are given, make up sentences from these words.

Exercise 24

In this exercise, you need to choose the words according to the meaning.

Exercise 25

Look at the picture in this exercise, it shows different objects. From these pictures you can compose an interesting, small poem.

First, read under each picture what is written and you will get a poem, and do not forget to look at the picture and remember what is drawn for each word. Then try to close the words and read the poem from the pictures.

Mnemotables for poetry.

This is a simple poem, it is remembered from the first time. The most important thing is not to learn a poem, but to be able to read it from pictures.

Exercise 26

Look at the picture in this exercise, it shows different objects. From these pictures you can compose an interesting, small poem.

First, read under each picture what is written and you will get a poem, and do not forget to look at the picture and remember what is drawn for each word. Then try to close the words and read the poem from the pictures.

This is a simple poem, it is remembered from the first time. The most important thing is not to learn a poem, but to be able to read it from pictures.

Exercise 27

Exercise 28

In this exercise, look carefully at the pictures. From these pictures you can make a walking theater. Draw pictures and try to make up a story from these pictures. Tell and show the picture, then the next picture as in the theater. You will get a home theater with your own hands.

Exercise 29

In this exercise, we will encode information by visual similarity. Let's see which number is similar to which letter.

You can make an offer. Where did you rest last spring?

Try to make ten sentences on your own.

Exercise 30

Let's take the coded information from the previous exercise.

Look at the coded information and determine what code the following sentence has:

The clock is up today. - ?

Sultry Was Autumn. - ?

Today I'm leaving by train. - ?

Beaver fell asleep in the evening. - ?

The rooster crowed in the morning. - ?

The huge Clock has fallen. - ?

Exercise 31

Let's take the coded information from the previous thirtieth exercise.

Exercise 32

Development and training of memory.

Let's take an ordinary code:

Code the following sentences.

One hundred Dinosaurs saw the Rainbow.

Five Children Jumped from the Bridge.

Exercise 33

See the following exercise, here each digit from 0 to 9 is encoded with a word.

What is the code for the next sentence.

The duck laid an egg. - ?

A snake was crawling in the ravine. - ?

The balloon was tied to the Children's slide. - ?

Try to make up your own sentences using the following code.

Memory Games

What could be nicer than games, right? And if these games are interesting, if they develop and train memory, then this is generally a fairy tale. Excitement, earned points and a growing result after almost every game will help you train with great interest and without stopping.

Memory Matrix Game

The memory matrix game is a great memory trainer. The field will be shown on the screen, with filled cells.

The essence of the game is to remember the location of the cells in the allotted time and then reproduce their places. Difficulty will gradually increase by expanding the field.

Ready to test your memory? How far can you go? Or maybe you will fly out before the end of the game? Let's check...

Game "Memorize and click"

The game "Memorize and click" develops memory and attention. The essence of the game is to memorize the numbers in the table and click on them as they increase.

In this game, a table with numbers is given, first the numbers are shown on the screen, they must be remembered, then the numbers are closed. Remember where the smallest number is located and click on that cell, then click on the cell where the next number goes.

Can you beat the main record of this game? Let's check!

Game "Numerical coverage"

The game "number coverage" will load your memory while practicing with this exercise.

The essence of the game is to remember the number, which takes about three seconds to memorize. Then you need to play it. As you progress through the stages of the game, the number of numbers grows, start with two and go on.

Game "Numerical coverage - revolution"

The Number Reach Revolution game is similar to the previous one, but is a more complex version. The screen displays numbers one at a time (as in the picture below), and much less time is given for memorization.

Your goal is to put the numbers that have been shown in the correct order.

The more stages of the game passed, the more difficult it will be to play. I recommend this memory trainer.

Super memory game

In the game "super memory" you will need to strain your memory like nowhere else. Pictures will appear in the background. One for each stage.

Your goal is to find the new picture that has appeared. After you have found a new picture, the field is closed with a red background and a new picture appears under it, then the background is removed and you need to find the picture.

Be careful and remember all the pictures, because they may appear next to each other and even similar.

Ready for a workout? Then go ahead!

Game "Spatial Speed ​​Comparison"

The game "spatial speed comparison" trains memory and attention at the same time. Due to the fact that there is a time limit - the game becomes more complicated.

The essence of the game is to answer "yes" or "no" to the question "does the figure match the previous one?". And after each answer the figure will change.

An interesting and developing game that will leave its mark on your development, the main thing is that you play hard.

Pathfinder Game

The tracker game affects memory and attention. The essence of the game is to memorize the order in which animal tracks appear. At first the game starts with two tracks, but then - more!

Carefully follow the tasks: "indicate the order of appearance of traces", "click on the trace against the order of their appearance."

Be careful, strain your memory and attention and play!

Game "3 back"

A very difficult game "3 back" will force you to give all your best and strain your memory.

The essence of the game is that four numbers are shown on the screen, and with each answer to the question, they shift to the left by 1. The question is: “Does the card on the right match the one that was shown on the left 2 cards ago?”

You will need to work hard during this exercise because memorization is really hard. Are you ready for memory training? Then let's go!

Game "Find a coin"

The game "find a coin" contributes to the development of memory. The essence of the game is to find coins in each house in order.

If you did not find a coin in the first house, then click on the second and then again on the first. Why is that? It is forbidden double-click on the house in which there is a coin, but if the first time there was no coin, then select another house, and then a coin may also appear in the first one.

You will need to remember in which house the coin was found and in which house it was not, so as not to lose.

Development of memory and attention in a child 5-10 years old

The purpose of the course is to develop the child's memory and attention so that it is easier for him to study at school, so that he can remember better.

After completing the course, the child will be able to:

  1. 2-5 times better to remember texts, faces, numbers, words
  2. Learn to remember for longer
  3. The speed of remembering the necessary information will increase

Super memory in 30 days

Memorize the information you need quickly and permanently. Wondering how to open the door or wash your hair? I am sure not, because it is part of our life. Easy and simple memory training exercises can be made part of life and done little by little during the day. If you eat the daily norm of food at a time, or you can eat in portions throughout the day.

The secrets of brain fitness, we train memory, attention, thinking, counting

The brain, like the body, needs exercise. Physical exercise strengthens the body, mental exercise develops the brain. 30 days of useful exercises and educational games for the development of memory, concentration, intelligence and speed reading will strengthen the brain, turning it into a tough nut to crack.

Speed ​​reading in 30 days

Increase your reading speed by 2-3 times in 30 days. From 150-200 to 300-600 wpm or from 400 to 800-1200 wpm. The course uses traditional exercises for the development of speed reading, techniques that speed up the work of the brain, a method for progressively increasing the speed of reading, understands the psychology of speed reading and the questions of course participants. Suitable for children and adults reading up to 5,000 words per minute.

We speed up mental counting, NOT mental arithmetic

Learn how to quickly and correctly add, subtract, multiply, divide, square numbers and even take roots. I will teach you how to use easy tricks to simplify arithmetic operations. Each lesson contains new techniques, clear examples and useful tasks.

Money and the mindset of a millionaire

Why are there money problems? In this course, we will answer this question in detail, look deep into the problem, consider our relationship with money from a psychological, economic and emotional point of view. From the course, you will learn what you need to do to solve all your financial problems, start saving money and invest it in the future.

Knowing the psychology of money and how to work with them makes a person a millionaire. 80% of people with an increase in income take out more loans, becoming even poorer. Self-made millionaires, on the other hand, will make millions again in 3-5 years if they start from scratch. This course teaches the proper distribution of income and cost reduction, motivates you to learn and achieve goals, teaches you to invest money and recognize a scam.

Any person has to remember a certain amount of accurate information. Mnemonics will allow you to better remember any information you need. Consider the basic mnemonic techniques; types of mnemonic information to understand why one type is remembered well (images), the other is worse (texts), and the third (exact information) is remembered by many people the worst; as well as practical exercises to train memory at work.

1. Who needs mnemonics?

  • In life. Any person has to remember a certain amount of accurate information. We are accustomed to write all this down in electronic or notebooks. Train yourself to write down the information you need in your brain. Then you will not depend on the batteries in your phone or tablet. You cannot lose information. It is very convenient to remember everything you need. Sometimes it is much faster to write down and find information there in memory.
  • Speakers. Without this, oratory does not make sense at all. Professional speakers learn mnemonics, which is why their speeches flow so smoothly.
  • Schoolchildren and students. Mnemonics will help you remember information better. In exams, you will copy from your memory. It's much safer. In addition, if you want, the information can be stored in your memory for a long time. This may be required if you want to become a highly qualified specialist, a professional in your field. Mnemonics will significantly reduce your preparation time for exams.
  • Teachers. Mnemonics arose as part of oratory. When a teacher looks at the notes, this does not add respect to him. By memorizing the lecture material, you will never have to spend time preparing again.
  • Business people. Businessmen have an extensive circle of contacts. Thanks to mnemonics, you can better remember information about the people with whom you do business.
  • To maintain health. Everything that we do not use in the body will atrophy sooner or later. Imagine a person who has been in a cast for a whole year. What will happen to his muscles? They will become thin and weak. And what happens to a person who does not use his memory? Memory will also begin to "die" as unnecessary. Being engaged in mnemonics even for prevention, like physical education, you will keep your memory in excellent shape until old age.

2. Receptions of mnemonics

2.1. Reception "chain". The images are connected in association in pairs. The sizes of the images are approximately the same in each pair. When you have formed a connection between the first and second image, the first image is removed from consciousness by transferring attention to the second. After that, a relationship is formed between the second and third images, and so on. When a chain of images is remembered, three to five images appear in consciousness at once. A chain of images comes out of memory, appears in consciousness and disappears again in memory. Always form connections according to a certain system. If the association is horizontal, place the first image on the left. If the association is vertical - place the first image at the bottom. If the images penetrate each other when connected, place the second image in the first one. When recalling, read the images in the same order.

2.2. Reception "matryoshka". The images are connected in pairs. The first image of an association is always greater than the second and contains the second. After connecting the first and second images, transfer your attention to the second image (the first should disappear from consciousness). Mentally enlarge the second image and create an association between the second and third images. And so on. Images are constantly nested in each other. At the same time, only two images should always be clearly visible in the association.

Recall is carried out in a similar way. Imagine the first image and wait for the second to come from memory. Switch your attention to the second, increase it, and wait for the third to appear, etc. Please note: this method of connecting images is used very intensively. It should be carefully worked out. The first image of the connected pair of images must be much larger than the second. When mentally increasing the first image, try to highlight a sub-image in it, to which then attach the second (small) image of the pair.

2.3. Acceptance of symbolism. The symbolization technique is used to memorize abstract concepts that do not have a clear figurative meaning. The same word can be encoded into images in different ways by different people. But, as a rule, it is possible to use for encoding symbols that are well fixed in the minds of most people. Symbols surround us on all sides. Very many foreign words, names, terms, surnames, in their sound are similar to the words we are familiar with. These words are easy to represent in the form of visual images, for example: factor - the image "Tractor"; kami (Japanese "hair") - "Fireplace"; kubi (Japanese "neck") - "Cube"; the state of Alaska - "Carriage"; brother-in-law (relative) - "Door". While you do not need to memorize the meaning of unfamiliar words, it is enough to fix their exact pronunciation and sequence in memory.

By translating road signs into meaning, we are engaged in mnemonics. When a first grader memorizes the relationship between the “A” icon and the “A” sound, he is also engaged in mnemonics. Olympic pictograms symbolize various sports; everyone is familiar with the symbols of peace ("White Dove"), death ("Skull"), slowness ("Turtle"), power ("Crown") and many others. When coding a word with this technique, you should ask yourself the question: “How can I visually designate this?”

Examples of coding words into images using symbolization: cold - "Ice", heat - "Hot-water bottle", eternity - "Pyramids", infinity - "Mathematical sign of infinity", winter - "Snowflake", spring - "Mimosa bouquet", summer - " Sun”, autumn - “Yellow Maple Leaf”.

We can't imagine summer at all. But we can imagine grass. This image is easy to remember.

Example: it is necessary to connect two images with “Matryoshka” - “Thermometer” and “Bucket”. Imagine a thermometer very large. Highlight in it the sub-image "Hercury column". Mentally tie a small bucket to this sub-image. As a result of such a connection, the image of the "Bucket" is almost invisible if you imagine a thermometer of ordinary sizes. The bucket appears in our imagination only after the conscious execution of the mental operation "Image Enlargement".

How not to forget about what needs to be done after a certain period of time? Imagine that in 8 days you are going to travel by train to visit your parents. You want to remember to buy chocolate. What should be done so as not to forget to do this?

You must create an association between some action that you are sure will happen and a purchase that you can forget about.

In this example, you will definitely buy a train ticket. How to associate the purchase of this ticket with the purchase of chocolate? It's very simple: you have to imagine that you are at the box office where tickets are sold, and you receive a "mountain" of chocolate from the cashier. You can imagine this scene instantly. It's good to mentally see the detail - the cashier who gives you a “mountain” of chocolate through the window. When you arrive at the station a week later and find yourself at the ticket office, you can be sure that a large amount of chocolate will appear in your mind's eye and make you remember the purchase.

Another example: you need to remember to take an electric shaver on the road. Quickly imagine that you want to shave the hair on your suitcase. When you pack your suitcase for the road, this picture will spontaneously arise in your mind.

At first, try to keep the desired picture in your memory for 20-30 seconds. Later you will notice that it takes you much less time. It is preferable to choose pictures in motion. The more the picture strikes with its comicality or exaggeration, the faster and easier it will appear in your mind. Think about what you need to do tomorrow. Then try to connect these cases with some events (your usual actions) that will definitely happen tomorrow. Or try to connect the things you have planned to the things you will definitely look at tomorrow (your toothbrush, your shoelace, your office door, etc.). Thus, you will create associations that tomorrow will spontaneously remind you of what and in what sequence you should do.

3. Types of mnemonic information

In mnemonics, all memorized information is conditionally divided into three types: figurative, speech (text) and exact. Figurative information includes visual images perceived by a person, speech information includes perceived oral speech and readable texts. Accurate information includes information that does not make sense to remember approximately, which should be remembered with 100% accuracy. These are telephone numbers, dates of historical events, addresses, terms and concepts, car numbers, ciphers and codes, last names and names, and other similar information. Let's take a closer look at each of these types of information and try to understand how they differ from each other, why one type is remembered well (images), the other is worse (texts), and the third - accurate information - many people remember very poorly if you do not use a special technique.

3.1. Figurative information. Our brain is “tuned” to images, operates with images and remembers images “automatically”. Any person can accurately remember the situation of his apartment, the way from home to work. It is enough to see the first frames of the film to make a conclusion whether we watched this film or not. The images (objects) of the world we perceive have relationships that are fixed by the brain without our conscious participation and are well preserved in memory.

3.2. Speech (text) information. Not every word perceived by a person is converted in the brain into a visual representation. The recreating imagination draws images in our imagination, which in the language are denoted by nouns. But there are many words in the language that convey not the images themselves, but the various relationships between them. Read the following statement and watch what appears in your imagination at that moment: “On the huge ... there is a small ...” Something is missing in this statement. In the imagination, a feeling of emptiness, understatement is created. Recreating imagination is the process of spontaneous translation of perceived speech into visual representations with a spatial organization of images. This provides understanding of speech.

Words can be conditionally divided into two large groups: words that convey specific visual images, and words that control these images in our imagination. Let's call them spatial operators. These are prepositions, auxiliary parts of speech, verbs and adjectives. For the same purpose, case endings of words serve. Spatial operators aimed at the mechanism of thinking are perceived by thinking and through it they build images in our imagination in accordance with the perceived text or speech.

Why is speech remembered worse than images? Firstly, speech contains much fewer words-images than in the world we actually perceive. Secondly, these images created by our brain on the basis of words are not as powerful as the images perceived through the visual analyzer. Therefore, when perceiving information by ear or through text, fewer interconnections are formed in the brain than during the work of vision, and these interconnections are much weaker. The visual analyzer is a part of the brain, the perceived image passes the “nerve path” from the retina to the primary (striate) visual cortex, located in the back of the head.

3.3. Accurate information. It is of particular interest for mnemonics. Accurate information is fundamentally different from figurative and speech (text). If we consider a series of random numbers, we will not find in it either images or spatial operators. When perceiving a digital series, images do not arise in the imagination, and the apparatus of thinking turns out to be “turned off”. The brain skips the number series through itself (as the running line moves across the screen) and does not remember anything. He simply does not respond to this kind of information. A person can only reproduce the last piece of information (5-9 digits) from the number series just viewed.

It is accurate information that creates problems for a person in the learning process and in everyday life. Inventive schoolchildren and students solve them with the help of cheat sheets. Teachers, on the other hand, try not to ask their students what they themselves cannot remember. In other words, the inability to remember accurate information by tacit agreement has long been considered the norm. All training programs are tailored for students who do not know how to memorize accurately. If a school or university conducts a survey on accurate information, the results will be deplorable.

4. We train memory at work

4.1. Exercise 1. At the beginning of the work day, ask yourself: “What should I do today first, second, third, etc.?” If you are unable to fully answer this question, mentally reproduce the page of the diary or electronic calendar filled out for this day. Try to remember all the details: features of the abbreviations you made, the order of entries, blots. The exercise can be modified as follows: at the end of the working day, you visually "photograph" the page filled in the next day.

4.2. Exercise 2. Break your working day into four equal intervals. At each of these intervals, try to mentally "photograph" a particular work situation or the face of one of your colleagues. You need to do this in the following way. When a certain situation arises in the workplace, mentally "place" it in a frame, like the one that photographs have. Hold the situation in the "frame" for 3-5 seconds. After each of the four time periods, replay the key situation, and then all the events that took place during that time. The next day, in order to remember your tasks, it will be enough for you to reproduce yesterday's key situation. The "key" can also be a mental portrait of one of your colleagues.

4.3. Exercise 3. This is a body-oriented exercise. Recreate one of the brightest positively colored states that you have experienced before: calm, inspiration, joy. Analyze all the muscle components of these states. As a rule, they will be pleasant sensations of relaxation of the muscles of the face, neck and chest and a slight tone of the abdominal muscles. However, these are general characteristics. Joy, peace, inspiration have a large number of differences. Differences in posture and rhythm of breathing are especially noticeable. All differences must also be identified. After you feel the details of each state, fix them. Having entered one of the states, mentally “scroll” the information necessary for remembering. In order to return to it later, it is enough to recreate the initial state. At the very beginning of classes, it is more expedient to use neutral information to train memory in the proposed way.

4.4. Exercise 4. Arrange objects on your desktop not in the usual order, but in such a way that their arrangement makes you subsequently pay active attention to them. Correlate the position of each object with a specific action that you must take in the near future.

Ekaterina Evgenievna Basilyeva - Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences

  • Leadership and Management
