Facial care tips. Facial care at home: advice from cosmetologists

If you choose the right cosmetics and follow the rules of care, the results will exceed all your expectations - the skin will always be young, fresh, velvety.

Agree that you need certain knowledge to properly care for your skin and understand what it needs. The article “Skin Anatomy” will help you understand why it is important to follow the rules for cosmetic procedures.
To correctly determine your skin type, read the advice of a cosmetologist “How to correctly determine your skin type?” From this article you will learn how to determine your skin type visually and using a special questionnaire.
But cosmetics need to be selected not only according to skin type, but also taking into account age. Therefore, in the article “Why is it necessary to choose products that are appropriate for your age?” I will tell you what changes occur in the skin after 25 years and what problems are solved by cosmetic products designed to care for such skin.
Nowadays there are a lot of cosmetics of varying quality and price in stores and markets. The question arises, what should you choose? You will find the answer in the article “Analysis of the Cosmetics Market”, in which I will talk about the advantages and disadvantages of cosmetics of different classes. Knowing the advantages and disadvantages of different classes of cosmetics, you can make a thoughtful and intelligent decision.
Skin care must include the following procedures: cleansing, nutrition, moisturizing, protection and stimulation. The main stages of care: cleansing, deep cleansing, moisturizing, toning and protection are standard for all skin types, only care products are selected individually. From the article “Stages of skin care” you will learn what cosmetics medicinal cosmetics suitable for every stage. And I’ll also tell you what it will be like positive effect from proper, step-by-step skin care.
Choosing the right skin care products is only half the battle. For healthy skin and to get maximum effect from creams, masks, they need to be applied correctly. Some women rub the cream very hard into their skin, thinking that it will definitely help against wrinkles. And there are more and more wrinkles. What to do in this case? Read the advice of a cosmetologist in the article “Massage lines of the face and technique for applying cream.”
One of the most common causes of acne and acne is improper skin cleansing. The problem of teenage acne deserves a separate article, as there are many factors. But in this article “What is hidden behind the letters pH?” I will only touch on one - the destruction of the acid mantle of the skin. Pay attention to the acid-base balance diagram and the pH indicators of various cosmetics.
Looking and feeling good in winter is not easy. Due to exposure to snow, wind and cold, the skin becomes capricious. Of course, you need to properly care for your skin at any time of the year, but especially in winter. You will learn what products to use for each skin type, as well as what to avoid, in the article “Proper skin care in winter is very important!” This article also discusses little tricks on how you can improve the condition of each skin type.
I advise you to carefully read all the cosmetologist’s advice, then the results will exceed your expectations.
If you have any questions, write, I will be happy to answer.

Skin anatomy

The skin is the largest organ that protects us from negative impact environment and needs constant and careful care. The skin consists of three main layers - epidermis, dermis and subcutaneous fat. The appearance of our skin is determined mainly by its two layers - the dermis and epidermis.
Let's take a closer look at the structure of the skin. The deepest part is the hypodermis or subcutaneous fatty tissue.

Hypodermis (subcutaneous fat tissue) is a fatty tissue that provides thermal insulation and accumulation of nutrients. Why does the skin need hypodermis? It protects internal organs from mechanical damage. What could have happened without this layer? The traumatic effect would be directly on the vital organs located under the skin. In addition, the hypodermis protects the body from excessive cooling, protects against external irritants, and serves as a depot in which reserves of fat are stored, used during illness, fasting, or in case of pregnancy.
The hypodermis contains a vascular network. It transports arterial and venous blood. The vascular network also includes the lymphatic system. At this level there are sweat glands. This part of the skin is very rich in nerve endings and fibers.
Important Feature subcutaneous fatty tissue is that in women and men it is very different in its structure, mass, nature and localization. These differences are due to the function of childbearing. In the stronger sex, the fibers of subcutaneous fatty tissue are arranged horizontally, like bricks, in several floors. In women, they run vertically, like the stripes of a zebra. The share of adipose tissue in men accounts for about 12% total mass body, and in women - 25%. In men, adipose tissue is concentrated mainly on the waist, abdomen and shoulders, in women - in the hips and buttocks. This knowledge will come in handy when we talk about the problem of cellulite.
If you look at the illustration, the next layer above the hypodermis is the dermis.

Dermis- this is the skin itself, like an organ that has many functions. These are breathing and protection, thermoregulation and excretion. The dermis consists of two layers: papillary and reticular. It contains collagen fibers, elastic and reticular fibers that make up the framework of the skin. Collagen fibers consist of collagen protein and are responsible for giving and maintaining body contours, such as the oval of the face. Elastin fibers consist of elastin and are responsible for the elasticity of the skin and the ability to return to its previous state after stretching.
The dermis can be compared to a mattress, the function of springs in which is performed by elastic fibers of collagen and elastin proteins. The space between the springs is filled with gel - water absorbed with hyaluric acid. The cells of the dermis produce the intercellular substance (on which the epidermis rests). Fibroblasts are located in the dermis - cells that synthesize blood vessels, hair follicles, sebaceous and sweat glands.
Why do we need all these details? Any disturbances in this layer lead to loss of elasticity, firmness of the skin, and the formation of wrinkles. If a small network of wrinkles or deep large wrinkles appears, then the problem is at this level of the skin.

What else interesting can be found at this level of the skin? For example, hair muscle, which attaches to the hair shaft and to the very last layer of skin. The hair muscle does not have a rigid attachment, and strong massage and harsh rubbing promote its displacement, which generally contributes to the appearance of wrinkles and deformations.
In most cases, our muscles are attached to the bones of the skeleton. If we try to move any muscle, it will still remain in its place. For example, the facial muscles allow us to reflect a whole range of feelings, however, if the muscles did not have the necessary attachment, it’s scary to think what our face would eventually turn into.
But what purpose does the hair muscle serve? In extreme situations, our body releases a number of hormones, such as adrenaline, which can cause these muscles to contract. If we are frightened, frozen, or “lay down” a limb, the hairs on it will rise “on end”, this is a protective reaction of our body.
In the illustration next to the hair muscle and hair, we see sebaceous gland which comes to the surface of the skin. Let's remember this location, we will need it later. Sebaceous glands secrete a secretion called sebum, which softens the skin and gives it elasticity.
Let's return to the illustration. The next layer located above the dermis is the epidermis.
Epidermis consists of several layers, the uppermost of which is formed by flat cells. The life cycle of such a cell begins in the very depths of the epidermis (the germinal or basal layer) and ends in the outer layer, called the stratum corneum. As the cells move to the surface of the skin, they lose moisture, fill with horny substance - keratin, and become flat. The process of skin renewal (regeneration) is also called skin cycles .
If you lead a healthy lifestyle and properly care for your skin, the outer layer should be completely renewed within a month. The skin has a smooth surface and a healthy appearance. But there are many reasons that make this process difficult.
For example, the separation of horny scales slows down with age, as well as in people with oily skin, giving it a pale, grayish tint. The thickness of the stratum corneum increases during sunbathing, as this forms a kind of protective barrier against ultraviolet rays.
The basement membrane also contains the pigment melanin, the amount of which determines the color of the skin. When we have a problem with skin pigmentation, especially after childbirth, we will already know at what level of the skin this problem begins.
The next layer of the epidermis is spinous , it is unique in that it contains an abundant lymphatic network. The lymphatic system is the border barrier of our immune system. As soon as we suffer from any infection, for example, a cold, the lymph nodes enlarge. They don't just get bigger, they start producing their own antibiotics. Each person has an individual, unique set of antibiotics. We'll talk about this a little later when we look at the problem of acne.
After the spinous layer comes - granular layer . The granular layer contains the Rhine barrier. It is very subtle, but important in our body. What is the Raina Barrier for? It prevents too much moisture from getting in and too much liquid from coming out. This property is valid when someone decides, for example, to take a bath. Without Rhine's barrier, the person would swell up like a cotton swab and absorb all the water. Or, on the contrary, he went out into the sun, and all the moisture would leave his body... In addition, not every cosmetic can overcome this Raina barrier. We will also return to this feature of our skin later.
Next layer - brilliant . It lies above Rine's barrier. From its name, brilliant, you can understand that its task is to reflect ultraviolet radiation so that it does not penetrate the skin and does not contribute to the formation of cancer cells.
Next after the shiny layer is stratum corneum of skin . It, in turn, is divided into three more levels. Lowering complex details, we only note that the lowest layer is a very dense layer, the cells fit tightly to each other. In the second level, this density weakens, and the third level - skin cells are “free floating”, ready to exfoliate.
The formation of epidermal cells can be compared to a large construction site, where the result depends on many factors: whether the necessary materials are available, what is their quality, whether they are delivered on time, etc. In addition, it is important what condition the object itself is in: whether a new building is being constructed or a dilapidated building is being renovated. Not the least important role is played by the protection of the object from “vandals” - pathogenic microorganisms. Obviously, the more problems accumulate, the more difficult it is to solve them using any one remedy.
So, we have found out that the skin is the largest organ, performs various functions related to metabolism, participates in water-salt, carbohydrate and protein metabolism and is of great importance in the functioning of the immune system.
A special role is given to the respiratory function of the skin. Skin respiration and redox processes are closely related and depend on the functions of the sweat glands.
So we got acquainted with the anatomy of the skin. This knowledge is enough to properly care for your skin and understand what it needs. This material will help you understand why it is important to follow the rules for cosmetic procedures.
To choose cosmetics, you should determine your skin type, as well as correctly evaluate it Current state. Therefore, pay attention to how to determine your skin type visually and using a special questionnaire.

How to correctly determine your skin type?

To properly care for your skin, you need to know its type. The further care program and the features of cosmetic products depend on your skin type. Why am I drawing your attention to what is needed? Right determine your skin type? Sometimes women come to me for consultation and say: “I have an oily skin type, please find something for me,” or “I have very dry skin, like parchment, help me choose what is best for me.” However, you should distinguish between the type of skin that is naturally present and problems that appear on the skin after some time if you have not cared for it correctly.
For example, a woman complains about increased fat content skin, but at the same time her natural skin type is dry. In this case, she could apply a cream that would force her sebaceous gland to work actively and use up its potential earlier than nature intended. Do you agree that this is a completely different kind of problem? Or, another situation, someone has an oily skin type in all respects, but complains about dryness. This happens due to improper care; the sebaceous gland has already used up its potential and needs to be treated.
If you are faced with a similar problem, then you need to treat your skin based on its current condition.
The questionnaire below and the signs of different skin types will help identify problems that arise when using low-quality cosmetics.
For example, if according to all the signs (the skin is shiny, has a grayish tint, the pores are enlarged) you have an oily type, but according to the results of the questionnaire it turned out to be something else, then you need to treat your skin.

I note that Every person's skin should be normal, but due to various factors it becomes either dry or oily. Correctly selected medical cosmetics through certain time will bring your skin back to normal.

Main signs of dry skin:

it is very thin, delicate, matte; has small, almost imperceptible pores; in the sun, cold or wind it reacts with redness and irritation. On such skin, wrinkles and milia appear early (in common parlance - “blues”).

Main signs of oily skin:

excessive sebaceous shine, hyperfunction of the sebaceous glands (seborrhea), enlarged pores, infiltrates (dense red spots) often appear, there is a tendency to the appearance of white and black comedones, acne, and cysts of the sebaceous glands. Oily skin is usually thick, rough, has a grayish tint, and does not hold makeup well.

The main signs of normal skin:

almost always clean, fresh, elastic, smooth and elastic to the touch. It does not peel off and has a pink tint, which is an indicator of uniform blood supply. IN normal skin contains a sufficient amount of moisture and fatty lubricant, there are practically no black spots visible on it.

Main signs of combination skin:

on the forehead, nose, in the middle part under the nose, on the chin there are more sebaceous glands, the skin is oilier and more porous - signs oily skin. This area is called the “T-zone” because, together with the forehead and nose, it forms a T-shaped zone. On the temples and cheeks, the skin is smooth, thin, pores are almost invisible - signs of dry skin. If the difference between an oily area of ​​skin and a dry area is small, then such skin is classified as normal type. If the difference between dry and oily areas is large, then such skin is usually classified as a combination type. Therefore, the T-shaped zone is treated like oily skin, and in the area of ​​the cheeks and temples, products for dry skin are used. The following questionnaire will help determine the condition of your skin at the moment.


1. What sensations do you experience on your skin after treating it with foam or soap?
a) tense, as if the skin “has become too small” for your face;

c) dry, itchy in places;
d) tender, very pleasant;
e) in some places dry, in others smooth.

2. What did your skin look like after treatment with cleansing cream or milk?
a) pleasant;
b) smooth, without unpleasant sensations;
c) sometimes pleasant, sometimes itchy;
d) very fat;
e) in some places oily, in others smooth.

3. How does your skin usually look in the middle of the day?
a) flaky spots appear on it;
b) fresh and clean;
c) flaky spots and slight redness appear on it;
d) shiny;
e) shiny in the area of ​​the nose, forehead and chin (in the T-shaped zone).

4. How often do you get acne?
a) almost never;
b) occasionally before or during critical days;
c) sometimes;
d) often;
e) often in the area of ​​the nose, forehead and chin (in the T-zone).

5. How does your skin react when you apply toner or lotion on your face?
a) a burning sensation occurs;
b) no problems;
c) burns and itches;
d) feeling of freshness;
e) in some places a feeling of freshness, in others a burning sensation.

6. How does your skin react to oily night cream?
a) very pleasant sensations;
b) pleasant sensations;
c) sometimes it’s pleasant, sometimes you feel irritated;
d) the skin becomes very oily;
e) oily skin in the area of ​​the nose, forehead and chin (in the T-shaped zone), unpleasant sensations on the cheeks.
Now review your answers. If the answer prevails among them:
a - your skin is dry;
b - normal skin;
c - sensitive skin;
g - oily skin;
d - mixed (combination) type skin, with a predominance of oily skin.
Now we know how to correctly determine your skin type.
When choosing cosmetics for your skin type, it is also very important to understand the condition of your skin. What is meant?
How do you imagine dry skin? If it’s like a desert with dry soil and absolutely still air, then everything is correct. This is exactly what she looks like. What needs to be done to make it shine again and become elastic?
What do you usually do if your code pulled? You reach for a jar of rich cream. Let's compare our skin to a dried fruit, for example, dried apricots. Spread it with rich cream - has it turned into a juicy peach? No! And if you put it in a glass of water, it will smooth out and become less elastic.
For our elasticity skin, first of all, moisture is responsible. But our pretty face can tighten not only due to lack of moisture. For example, if the protective layer of the skin is damaged. It is enough to wash your face with soap a couple of times to disable the hydrolipidic film layer that retains moisture and controls its level in our skin for three hours.
Don't confuse the concepts dry" and "dehydrated" skin. The first is the type of skin, its constant condition. And dehydration is a temporary phenomenon. Dry and normal, combination and even oily skin can experience dehydration.
There are several ways to recognize dry and dehydrated skin.
If you pinch small a piece of skin, and a crumpled fold remains on it for a long time, then you have dry skin. On dry skin, blood vessels are clearly visible, constantly reacting to temperature changes. Wrinkles are also noticeable on dry skin and are difficult to correct.
If you pinch fold dehydrated skin, it straightens out very quickly. Vessels on dehydrated skin do not cause concern due to their condition. And if you restore normal level moisture, fine wrinkles quickly smooth out on the skin.
Often in dehydration skin we ourselves are to blame. But there are also factors that are beyond our control - skin aging. Over time, the process of lipid production slows down, and moisture is no longer retained in our skin. The situation is also spoiled by various bad habits. Factors that influence dehydration include sunbathing, frequent use of laxatives and diuretics, sudden temperature changes and dry indoor air.
Please note why it is important to choose products that are appropriate for your age. To answer this question, let's trace the changes that occur in the skin after 25 years and consider what problems cosmetic products designed to care for such skin solve.
The surface layer - the epidermis - consists of cells that continuously divide and, as they grow, gradually moving towards the surface of the skin, die. When in contact with clothing or during water procedures, these dead cells peel off, making way for new ones. Thanks to this continuous process of cell renewal, the integrity of the skin is maintained and one of its main functions is ensured - protective.

Skin renewal cycle- This is a cycle of skin and tissue regeneration. From the moment a cell is born until it reaches the surface of the skin. At each age, these cycles are different, because with age the regeneration process slows down. What is skin stabilization? This slows down regeneration to 3-4 months.
Other undesirable changes occur with age: the skin loses moisture, the production of collagen and elastin, the main proteins of the dermis, slows down, and accordingly, the structure of collagen and elastin fibers is disrupted. The skin loses its ability to effectively protect itself from the negative effects of the environment; Its firmness and elasticity decrease, and wrinkles appear.

The main functions of cosmetics for skin care after 25 years:

  • restoration of the rate of renewal (regeneration) of skin cells.
  • intensive skin hydration, which occurs through the use of long-lasting moisturizing components.
  • acceleration of the synthesis of collagen and elastin fibers.
However, it should be noted that use of age-related cosmetics, which contains potent active ingredients, undesirable for the care of very young skin (up to 25 years). For young skin, components that slow down aging are not only not useful, but also harmful: when using such products, the skin will very soon begin to “be lazy”, will not be able to recover on its own, and will sooner use up its potential.
It is believed that products for young skin can be used at an older age. However, it is not. Some processes in young and mature skin are radically different: after 30 years, collagen synthesis begins to slow down, and the upper protective layer of the epidermis becomes thicker. Cosmetics for young skin will not benefit mature skin necessary nutrition, so it will be useless.
There are women who are 40-45 years old, and their skin age was 25-27 years. The skin condition is good, the care was correct. You can keep the skin cell renewal process at a certain level. With proper care, the process of skin stabilization can occur by age 100. It is not at all necessary that at 45 years old your skin renewal cycle will be 30-31 days. But there is also a situation when the girl is only 20 years old, but the age of the skin is 31-32 years old, how depleted the skin was. The girl used cosmetics incorrectly and encountered a secondary sign of a skin defect.
So, the skin renewal cycle is determined not by your biological age, but by the condition of your skin. It is important to correctly determine the update cycle, because... The duration of the treatment program will depend on this, and after it - the duration of use of various creams.
Thus, we will select cosmetics taking into account your skin type, its condition and the time of year. Nowadays there are a lot of cosmetics of varying quality and price in stores and markets. The question arises, what should you choose?

Analysis of the cosmetics market

Everyone has noticed that similar products from different manufacturers have very different prices. What does the price depend on, and how does it relate to the quality of the product?
In world practice, it is customary to distinguish four main categories of cosmetics. It is classified both by price level and by technology, traditions of manufacturers and methods of implementation.

Professional cosmetics

Professional cosmetics are usually called salon cosmetics. It is used by professional cosmetologists in beauty salons and specialists in cosmetic clinics. Cosmetologists are specially trained to work with this cosmetics and have a fairly narrow profile. The quality of professional cosmetics is very good. Such cosmetics, as a rule, contain a lot of active substances, so it is unsafe to use them uncontrollably. It is selected individually, depending on the needs of the skin, and the effect of its use is quite noticeable. Professional cosmetics are usually produced systematically and are very expensive. It uses synthetic ingredients created using high technology.
When a woman regularly goes to the salon and has some procedures done, she gets good results. But if she is late with her next visit to the beauty salon, then complications occur inside the skin.
Professional cosmetics act as doping, consuming the potential of the skin. The potential of your skin is designed for, say, 90 years, and since the stimulants have entered the skin, the skin begins to work intensively. Yes, of course it is restored, but the potential of your skin will be used up faster. It turns out that people are “addicted” to these cosmetics. And if they refuse this cosmetics, then complications arise on the face. And manufacturers began to think that it was time to change something about this. They are looking for new technologies to move to the therapeutic level.

Cosmetics "Lux"

As a rule, these are cosmetics for regular home use, which is based on the developments of this company itself.
This is the most expensive class of cosmetics. She is prestigious. It is sold in specialized boutiques. It is offered to us by trained sales consultants. The packaging was created by designers, the names of manufacturing companies sound in our souls like a song. The cosmetics are certainly excellent, but sometimes their prices are simply fantastic.
We often think that expensive cosmetics cost so much because they contain expensive (and high-quality) ingredients. Is it so? Partly, yes. But most often the cost of ingredients is a fraction of a percent of the cost of cosmetics. Only dietary supplements are relatively expensive. As a rule, the main “contribution” to the cost of cosmetics is advertising. And the wonderful bottle that contains the product is sometimes not cheap. Luxury cosmetics are suitable for those who are willing to pay for the prestige of the brand and impeccable packaging.

Cosmetics "Mass Market"

The bottom level in the hierarchy is occupied by the mass market / middle market class. In this class, sometimes there is also a “subsection” middle up - somewhat better than just “mass” (Revion, Mary Kay). Cosmetologists, however, put all these “markets” on the same level, although they admit that best samples Cosmetics of some series of middle up class are adjacent to luxury cosmetics.
Such cosmetics are sold through stores retail. Prominent representatives: L'oreal, Nivea, Synergie, Lumene, Florena. Main part Russian cosmetics also belongs to this class.
The mass market also includes cosmetics sold through network marketing consultants, as well as through trade in catalogs, sometimes through branded salons and stores: Oriflame, Faberlic, Yves Rocher.
Too much high requirements It is not worth presenting to this cosmetics. Its main purpose is daily skin care without any special problems. As a rule, it pleases buyers with relatively low prices and quite acceptable design.
The ingredients can be both high quality and cheap. There is no complex of vitamins, but there may be isolated inclusions. For example, “Black Pearl” night cream with vitamin E is one vitamin. Mass market cosmetics are not produced comprehensively or haphazardly.
High quality mass market products will at least not harm the skin. But a low level of mass market can cause complications or secondary skin problems. There are primary problems that arise due to the body itself, for example, internal slagging of the body. But the secondary ones are when there were primary problems, we began to take care, but incorrectly, or use mass-market cosmetics, and aggravated the situation.

Medical cosmetics

About the same price category there are medicinal cosmetics. “Placentol” cosmetics based on placenta emulsion, cosmetics based on Baldon mud, “Selena” cream based on mink oil - all these are medicinal cosmetics. It is affordable because it is sold through network marketing. Many companies produce products based on thermal water, the healing properties of which have been known for 2,000 years, and such cosmetics are available in pharmacies.
The purpose of using such cosmetics is to heal the skin. It is produced systematically and is very effective. If desired, you can then switch to any other cosmetics. The quality level of medicinal cosmetics is equal to the luxury level and the level professional cosmetics.
Almost all cosmetics are made from patented complexes; there are practically no analogues in the world. The presence of modern equipment and highly qualified specialists made it possible to quickly organize the production of unique drugs for the prevention of diseases and treatment of people.
So where should we stop? Just decide what is important to you in cosmetics. Lux is suitable for those who are willing to pay for the prestige of the brand, professional cosmetics - who have extra money and a lot of free time, who have to deal with problems (but then they cannot do without constant visits to a cosmetologist, or even to other specialists).
The only thing I would like to warn you against is buying cheap mass market cosmetics. Unless, of course, you are going to smear the purchased cream on your shoes. Most the best option, in my opinion, this is medicinal cosmetics.

Advantages of medicinal cosmetics:

  • It has affordable price, but not inferior in quality to “Lux” cosmetics and professional cosmetics,
  • cosmetics were developed by candidates of medical sciences, doctors of science and are produced in biochemistry laboratories, tested for years, under the supervision of dermatologists.
  • cosmetics are created using high technologies based on natural raw materials,
  • cosmetics do not cause complications, but rather heal the skin,
  • creams penetrate right down to the basal layer, other cosmetics do not penetrate so deeply, therefore, do not nourish the cells when they are born,
  • If you wish, you can switch to any other cosmetics, but I assure you that you will not want to do this.
Now we know the advantages and disadvantages of different classes of cosmetics and can make a thoughtful, intelligent decision. I recommend using medicinal cosmetics, which you can order in the LiS store

Skin care steps

Skin care must include the following procedures: cleansing, nutrition, moisturizing, protection and stimulation. The main stages of care are standard for all skin types; only care products are selected individually.
It's important to remember that All skin needs daily cleansing, deep cleansing, moisturizing, toning and protection. Moisturizing is necessary for the skin after 25 years, because the regeneration process slows down, it is very important to give the skin cells “ construction material" Stimulation is especially important for aging skin after 40 years, when the elastin-collagen complex is disrupted, deep wrinkles, and the face acquired an earthy tint.
Young skin does not need stimulating and nourishing creams at all, but proper daily and deep cleansing is important.
Please read the skin care steps carefully, paying attention to the positive results. In the articles I provide the names of cosmetic products for procedures that you can buy in the LiS online store

Cosmetics are more effective if applied to cleansed skin. I recommend that you avoid washing your face with tap water and soap, as this leads to the destruction of the protective water-lipid mantle, leaching of moisture-retaining substances, as well as lipids from the stratum corneum of the skin, which can lead to the fact that even oily skin turns into dry. And the skin will need to be treated for a long time.

Daily skin cleansing

It is necessary to use special means designed for daily cleansing skin. Cleansing should be done twice a day. In the morning we remove the products of the “night” activity of skin cells, and in the evening we remove the dirt and cosmetics accumulated during the day. Cleansing is done with a product specific to your skin type to remove dirt without stripping your skin of vital moisture.
Most of my clients ask Why wash your face thoroughly in the morning? Can you just rinse your face with water? If you live in a city, then you breathe carbon monoxide and tar, and the body inevitably becomes polluted. The skin removes impurities and toxins overnight, heavy metals to the surface of the skin. You need to wash your face in the morning to remove these harmful substances. If we don’t wash ourselves thoroughly and apply day cream, then all the dirt along with the cream will penetrate back deep into the skin.
So, we carefully apply the cleanser to the face and décolleté area along the massage lines with our fingertips. Leave for 1 minute, then rinse with filtered water along the massage lines, cleanse the skin with special water - micellar, with a sponge, cleanse very dry skin with milk, then tone, a special tonic for each skin type.

Products for daily skin cleansing

  • PURETE THERMALE (foam, milk 3in1 Integral, micellar water), for oily skin - NORMADERM (gel, gel scrub, 3in1 product, micellar water), Vichy
  • Physio (foam, gel, micellar water), for oily skin - Effaclar (gel, micellar water), La Roche-Posey.

Deep skin cleansing

In addition to daily cleansing, skin needs deep cleansing. Deep cleansing of the skin is necessary for absolutely everyone, regardless of skin type, age and gender. The only difference will be in the frequency of the procedure from 1 to 3 times a week. Deep cleansing helps remove dead cells from the surface of the skin, cleanses pores, stimulates blood circulation and metabolic processes, and also accelerates the process of skin renewal.

Products for deep skin cleansing

  • for normal, combination, dry skin: Exfoliating cream PURETE THERMALE (Vichy);
  • for oily skin: NORMADERM Gel Scrub, NORMADERM 3in1 Product (Vichy).

Benefits and results of using special skin cleansing products

Benefits of skin cleansers that you can buy in the online store:

  • peelings do not contain coarse particles that can injure the skin;
  • the drugs do not contain chemical elements that have a toxic effect and can damage cells;
  • high efficiency is due to biologically active components that act gently but very effectively.

Positive results from daily and deep cleaning:

Cleanses the skin without removing natural oils and disturbing the skin's acid mantle, leaving the skin softer and fresher. Skin cleansers remove impurities and makeup, remove dead cells from the surface of the skin and activate blood circulation processes.
After cleansing, the skin must be toned and moisturized. The toner should be selected taking into account your skin type. Tone is created due to the fact that the complex penetrates deep into the skin to the dermis. The tonic acts on the hair muscle and pore fibers, due to which it narrows.
Toners remove all traces of dirt, dust and oil left behind by a cleanser, leaving your skin feeling refreshed.
Any skin can suffer from a lack of moisture, a violation of the water-lipid balance of cells, so skin of any type must be moisturized. Moisturizers not only replenish moisture loss, but also promote the penetration of vitamins and biologically active components into the deep layers of the skin and other substances necessary for skin cells.

Skin can lose moisture when:

  • improper care (for example, washing with tap water or soap);
  • unfavorable climatic conditions (sharp temperature changes, dry air, etc.).
Due to lack of moisture, the skin becomes sensitive, becomes covered with fine wrinkles, and quickly loses its elasticity and firmness.

Skin toning products

Over time, the skin gradually loses lipids, the water-lipid mantle is disrupted, the skin becomes dry, sensitive, and begins to peel off; there is a feeling of discomfort and a feeling of tightness. By using nourishing creams and masks, you can eliminate the above problems.

Skin nutrition is necessary in order to prevent the early appearance of wrinkles, maintain elasticity, compensate for fat loss and relieve skin from flaking. For these purposes, nourishing products are used that match your skin type.

Skin nourishing products

Due to the slowdown in the skin regeneration process, wrinkles appear and the skin loses firmness and elasticity. Skin stimulation products affect the factors and processes that lead to skin aging. As a result, these cosmetics stimulate metabolic processes in tissues, activate collagen synthesis, regenerate cells, and restore the integrity and uniformity of the skin.

Skin stimulation products

Our skin needs daily protection from aggressive influence ultraviolet rays, from unfavorable environmental conditions, sudden temperature changes, cold, wind, etc. Therefore, after cleansing and toning the skin, it is necessary to apply a protective cream.
A protective cream is needed to activate the shiny layer in the epidermis and protect the skin from ultraviolet exposure. Figuratively speaking, at this stage of care we fill it with cream, i.e. useful elements, all layers of skin to the basal. And as a result, when we go outside, our skin is, figuratively speaking, armored. Pollution and ultraviolet radiation cannot penetrate deep into the skin. This is exactly how the medicinal creams presented in the online store work.
The impact of mass market creams, even high quality ones, is somewhat different - they only pass up to the Rhine barrier and remain there. Store-bought medicinal creams can penetrate deeper due to their fineness..

Skin protection products

  • for 25-30 years AQUALIA THERMAL, Vichy
  • for 30-40 years LIFTACTIV RETINOL, Vichy
  • for 40-50 years old LIFTACTIV DERMORERESOURCE, Vichy
  • for 50+ years NEOVADIOL Gf, Vichy;
  • Hydraphase Intensive , La Roche-Posey
  • Nutritic, La Roche-Posey.

Facial massage lines and cream application technique

All procedures must be carried out not only on the face, but also in the décolleté area. In women and men, the décolleté area is above four fingers placed horizontally from the nipple areola. Region thyroid gland We don’t touch or apply anything, just rinse with filtered water. We also do not touch the area that is below the décolleté and do not apply anything, because the mammary glands are located in this area.
In order to achieve maximum results from the use of medicinal cosmetics, It is important to follow the technique of applying cosmetics. Therefore, before I tell you about the stages of skin care, let's pay attention to the skin, in other words, massage lines.
  • Spread with your fingertips a large number of cosmetic product all over the forehead. We make movements from the middle of the forehead to the temples, alternately in opposite directions.
  • Apply the product first to the area under the eyes, moving from the temples to the nose, then to the area under the eyebrows, moving from the nose to the temples.
  • Next, evenly distribute the product from the middle of the chin along the lower jaw to the earlobes. We barely touch the skin.
  • Smooth the skin with your fingers from the wings of the nose to the temples and from the corners of the mouth to the middle of the ear.
  • Apply the product to the neck on the left and right, alternately. Distribute it evenly, moving up towards the chin, avoiding the thyroid area. Do not forget about the back of the neck, distribute the cosmetic product, moving down to the shoulder blades.
  • Using the outside of your hand, lightly tap the bottom of your chin with frequent, vigorous, but very light strokes.
Your hands should be relaxed when applying cosmetics. so that when you touch your face you get the impression of softness and tenderness. Dear women, love yourself, no need to rub your face.
Why should all cosmetic products be applied along massage lines? Because the lymphatic system and collagen fibers are located along the massage lines, and if we do everything across, we will destroy our collagen.
It is important to apply cosmetics not only along massage lines, but also at certain times. The skin has its own biorhythms when it is best suited for cosmetic procedures.
If you apply the cream later than 10:30 p.m., swelling may appear in the morning. The washing system can be carried out after 22:30 if you do not have time.

What's behind the letters pH?

Hydrogen value (pH)- a value characterizing the concentration of hydrogen ions.
Acid-base balance(acid-base balance)- the relative constancy of the hydrogen index (pH) of the internal environment of the body, due to the combined action of buffer and some physiological systems of the body.
Almost all living cells (including a number of bacterial ones) are very sensitive to changes in pH, and even slight acidification is detrimental to them. Only the skin, covered with a layer of dead keratinized cells, can afford to put on an acid mantle (it is also called the Marchionini mantle).
The acid mantle of the skin is formed by a mixture of sebum and sweat, to which organic acids are added - lactic, citric and others. These acids are formed as a result of biochemical processes occurring in the epidermis. The acid mantle of the skin is the first line of defense against microorganisms, since an acidic environment is often destructive for them. And yet there are bacteria that constantly live on the skin, for example Staphylococcus epidermidis, lactobacilli. They prefer to live in an acidic environment, and even produce acids themselves, contributing to the formation of the acid mantle of the skin. The bacteria Staphylococcus epidermidis not only does not harm the skin, but even produces toxins that have an effect similar to antibiotics and inhibit the vital activity of pathogenic microflora.
Let's take a closer look at the acid-base balance diagram

5.2 - 5.7 normal skin type
4 - 5.2 oily skin type
5.7 - 7 dry skin type

The maximum alkali level permissible for human skin is 9 pH units

The maximum acid level permissible for human skin is 3 pH units

Frequent washing with alkaline soap can destroy the acid mantle. Then the “good” acid-loving bacteria will find themselves in unusual conditions, and the “bad” acid-sensitive bacteria will have an advantage. When we are deprived of acidic protection, the skin ages very quickly. Everything, from infection to ultraviolet radiation, goes deep inside - the skin wears out faster. Therefore, it may happen that at 20 years old, the skin looks 30 or older.
Skin acidity can change under the influence of environmental factors: exposure to direct sunlight, changes in sweating, prolonged exposure to acidic or alkaline media(hard water, detergents, etc.).
The most common skin problem among teenagers is acne. Often, to get rid of this problem, teenagers start washing their faces with soap. Soap has 9 - 11 pH units. As a result, soap transforms oily skin (4 - 5.2 pH units, i.e. closer to acid) into an alkaline state. Irritation of the skin provokes a defensive reaction - the skin begins to produce even more sebum. A vicious circle is formed. That's why It is very important to properly cleanse the skin using special cosmetics.
Skin acidity is also impaired in some diseases. For example, with fungal diseases, the pH increases to 6 units. (slightly acidic reaction), for eczema up to 6.5 units. (almost neutral reaction), for acne up to 7 units. (neutral). It should be noted that at the level of the basal layer of the epidermis, where the germ cells are located, the pH of the skin becomes equal to the pH of the blood - 7.4 units.
What is important for us to know? The normal environment of our skin is acidic, it should always be so. If we take proper care of our face, the pH factor will definitely be neutral. pH values ​​from 5.2 to 5.7 units are considered neutral.

Looking and feeling good in winter is not easy. Due to exposure to snow, wind and cold, the skin becomes capricious.
Of course, you need to properly care for your skin at any time of the year, but especially in winter.
You can say: The lower the thermometer, the more attention our skin needs. Only special care will help you spend the winter comfortably.

What happens to the skin in winter?

Our skin is very sensitive to the effects of cold. On every square centimeter there are more than 20 receptors that react to cold, and only 3 to heat.
In winter, the skin of the face especially suffers, as it is unprotected from snow blizzards and frost. What's happening to her?
  • The skin peels because in the cold the activity of the sebaceous glands sharply decreases, the production of nourishing and protecting skin fats is reduced.
  • The skin becomes dehydrated because the percentage of moisture evaporation from its surface increases. This occurs due to a drop in natural air humidity.
  • The skin turns red because sudden temperature changes increase the load on the vessels and, as a result, the blood supply deteriorates.

"Frost Laws"

  • In no case do not rub snow on frozen skin. Ice flakes will only hurt your skin. It is better to periodically massage your cheeks and nose in the cold using pressing and pinching movements. Or try taking a deep breath and holding the air. You will feel the blood rushing to your face. Exhale.
  • Any Apply the cream at least an hour before going out from a warm room.
  • Don't get carried away with scrubs and peelings. It is enough to use placenta-based peeling once a week.
  • Don’t forget, when going out of town, and especially to a ski resort, take with you " ambulance» - face cream (Emulsion for dry skin - La Roche-Posay Nutritic Emulsion 2.5%, Cream for very dry skin - La Roche-Posay Nutritic Cream 5%) and lipstick . AQUALIA THERMAL lipstick will protect your lips from cracking. A distinctive feature of this lipstick is its powerful moisturizing and protecting components.
  • Don't get carried away with washing your face with ice cubes, because contrast procedures are good in summer. In winter, it is better to take care of your skin - it is already difficult for it to withstand weather conditions.
  • It is better to avoid gel-based creams in winter, or use them 2 hours before going outside.

In winter, the skin needs nutrition and hydration

In winter, our skin, like the whole body, especially needs vitamins. Consume more fresh vegetables and fruits (citrus fruits, kiwi, persimmon, pomegranate). Make nourishing, moisturizing masks. Be sure to use night cream, because in the evening the skin recovers from stress and absorbs active substances well.
When choosing winter skin care products, be sure to coordinate them with your natural skin type and age.
Always keep thermal water spray on hand- it will save the skin from the aggression of dry office or apartment air.

Caring for dry skin in winter

Skin of this type reacts to frosty weather by peeling. To thoroughly cleanse dry skin, you need to use soft products - milk or cream, which restore the acidic layer of the skin and have a light moisturizing effect. After this procedure, it is better to use tonics. The skin around the eyes needs especially careful care. The formation of wrinkles under the eyes occurs because the secretion of the sebaceous glands in these areas is insignificant. During the cold season, thin skin becomes drier and drier, losing elasticity and firmness. Masks are best absorbed by the skin between 17.00 and 20.00. To get rid of flaky skin flakes, use once a week. To do this, use the AQUALIA THERMAL mask, Vichy.

Caring for oily skin in winter

This type of skin feels good in winter. The skin is slightly shiny, but this defect is easy to cope with. Cleanse your skin morning and evening with NORMADERM gel or micellar water. When washing your face, you can use a sponge. Then the face must be thoroughly dried with a soft terry towel and wipe with lotion. As a day care - NORMADERM global moisturizing care, and as a night care - a chrono-active cream with targeted action in the same range.

Care for normal and combination skin in winter

When the difference between the T-zone and other areas of the face is not too great, the skin is considered normal. If the nose and chin have an oily sheen, and the cheeks are flaky from dryness, in this case the skin type is combination or mixed.
Cosmetologists say that most often combination skin occurs in teenagers. With age, the activity of the sebaceous glands decreases, the pores narrow, comedones, pimples and redness disappear, and the skin, as a rule, becomes normal. As a rule, but not always! Thus, many women continue to suffer from an unsightly oily sheen on their skin.

Is there anything that can be done in such a situation?

First of all, those with combination skin need to take good care of it, especially the T-zone. The beginning of all beginnings is a thorough cleansing, which must be carried out both in the morning and in the evening. By removing not only external contaminants, but also sebaceous film, you will prevent the appearance of acne and normalize the pH level of the skin.
Combination skin is usually suitable for gels or foam cleansers, but never use alkaline soap. Be sure to wash face gel, paying special attention to fatty areas. If the skin on your cheeks is very dry, then use milk to cleanse it, and use gel or foam only for the T-zone. The cleansing procedure is completed with a tonic that normalizes the functioning of the sebaceous glands.
The most The main thing in caring for combination skin is an individual approach. That is, different products should be used for different areas of the face. For example, fatty nourishing creams should never be applied to the T-zone. These should be either moisturizers or special creams for combination skin (Hidrian Legere moisturizing cream, Hydraphase Legere Intensive, La Roche-Posey), which normalize the hydrolipid balance and minimize the differences between dry and oily areas.
By the way, You can apply the cream more generously to dry skin than to oily skin.. After application, listen to your feelings: if the skin does not feel overloaded and tense, if it is calm and relaxed, then the product has been chosen correctly.
For excessive sebum secretion on the nose, forehead and chin, use lighter creams (Efaclar K daily corrective restorative emulsion for oily skin with anti-relapse effect, La Roche-Posey).
remember, that As the weather changes, so should your cosmetic products! Contrasts of winter, such as frost and piercing wind, air dried out by central heating and a sharp change in temperature when we leave warm rooms outside... All this greatly injures the skin, and it needs careful care.

After 35 years, the skin begins to fade. It is impossible to stop this process, but slowing it down for a long time is quite possible. The main thing is to properly moisturize, nourish and protect your facial skin. To preserve youth, it is also important to cleanse it. Cosmetic procedures must be carried out regularly. Components such as collagen and hyaluronic acid should predominate in the products used. You should also adhere to the principles of proper nutrition and a healthy lifestyle.

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    Facial skin after 35 years and basic care for it

    Over the age of 35 due to physiological reasons the skin gradually begins to lose firmness and elasticity, and the first wrinkles appear. It is at this time that in order to preserve youth, it is especially important to properly care for it. This should be done constantly, purposefully and systematically. Improper care facial skin care after 35 years can add new folds, so you need to listen to the advice of cosmetologists and not experiment on your own.

    Skin aging at this age occurs in all women. The only difference is that its intensity can be fast or slow. It depends on hereditary factors, knowledge of skin care and lifestyle. Many processes that occur in tissues reduce their intensity, and the skin loses its original appearance. The following changes are characteristic:

    • the skin is not able to absorb large amounts of moisture, and it quickly loses what it has;
    • the metabolic process slows down;
    • the sebaceous glands produce less sebum, which causes the lipid layer to become thinner and the stratum corneum to thicken;
    • the production of collagen and elastin is significantly reduced;
    • the skin acquires a grayish tint due to decreased blood flow in the subcutaneous layers;
    • the facial muscles weaken, their tone decreases, the cheeks sag, the corners of the mouth droop, and wrinkles appear.

    Based on these features, the procedure for caring for facial skin is built. It should contain the following steps:

    • cleansing;
    • toning;
    • hydration;
    • nutrition;
    • protection.

    An important role for rejuvenation is played by the choice of cosmetics and procedures, maintaining a healthy lifestyle, proper nutrition, and a full 8-hour sleep. Often, women, “bogged down” in routine, due to lack of time and energy, do not take care of themselves or hide minor flaws decorative cosmetics. But what older age, the less the effect will be.

    Therefore, regular skin care should become an everyday rule in a woman’s life.

    Cleansing and toning

    Cleansing plays a major role in maintaining youthful skin over the age of 35. I love it cosmetic procedure carry out only on clean skin, otherwise there will be no effect. Beneficial substances will not penetrate into the deep layers through the thickness of cosmetics and the stratum corneum.

    After 30 years, you should avoid using soap when washing your face. It will not bring any benefit, but will only further dry out the skin, destroying the top layer, which will accelerate aging. It is recommended to use soft mousses, foams or gels for washing. You need to buy those that are marked “For mature skin” or have an age limit.

    In the morning, it is enough to wash your face with plain water. It is better to choose filtered, drinking or mineral. If the skin is too oily, then it is acceptable to use a drop of cleanser, which is applied in the evening, but do not overdo it. Dry skin after morning washing can be wiped with tonic, milk or emulsion.

    The process of cleansing your face in the evening from dust, dirt, decorative and skincare cosmetics should be more thorough. In addition to morning products, it is also necessary to use rejuvenating light scrubs and gommages. After completing cleansing procedures, do not rub your face with a towel, stretching the skin. You need to carefully blot the drops of moisture with a soft cloth so as not to cause dryness and irritation of the skin.

    The process of evening facial cleansing should be completed by toning the skin. This will restore water balance epidermal cells. For dry skin, tonics (not containing alcohol) with vitamins and dietary supplements are suitable, ice cubes from a decoction of chamomile, sage, calendula, parsley (the infusion is prepared at the rate of one tablespoon per 200 ml of boiling water). If you don’t have tonics on hand, you can prepare them at home. Popular recipes:

    1. 1. Dissolve one teaspoon of honey in 90 ml of water, add a spoonful of lemon juice and add a bag of brewed green tea without aromatic additives.
    2. 2. Grind about 3 cm of banana fruit into puree and mix with 100 ml of warm milk.
    3. 3. Brew one sachet of chamomile in 200 ml of boiling water. After cooling, squeeze half an orange into the resulting liquid.

    For combination and oily skin, low-alcohol lotions are used for toning. You can prepare them at home using the following recipes:

    1. 1. Pour 30 g of vodka into 200 ml of water, squeeze out the juice of half a lemon and an orange.
    2. 2. Dilute 1 tbsp in 150 ml of water. a spoonful of apple cider vinegar.
    3. 3. Pour strawberry puree with vodka in a ratio of 1:2. Let it brew for a month. Then dilute the infusion in a ratio of 1:3 with filtered or drinking water.

    The area around the eyes is considered the most sensitive area on the face. It is most damaged when removing makeup. Do not wash off decorative cosmetics with shower gel or soap. There are no sebaceous glands on the skin of the eyelids, and it is easy to dry it out. It is very thin and sensitive to stretching, which is why the first wrinkles appear here. To remove eye makeup, you need to use special cosmetics:

    1. 1. Micellar water, which is based on poloxamers, or pluronics, cleanses the skin and does not irritating. This product does not require rinsing off the skin.
    2. 2. Bi-phase serum with oil base. It is present in the line of many cosmetics manufacturers.
    3. 3. Hydrophilic oil. Its advantage is that it is gentle on lipid barrier skin, removes stubborn makeup in an instant and is suitable for all skin types, from oily to very dry.

    At the age of 35, you should use eye creams with the desired effect:

    • from dark circles;
    • from wrinkles around the eyes;
    • with a tightening effect;
    • from swelling.

    In the morning and evening, apply the products to clean skin.

    Day and night facial care

    Daytime skin care is different from evening skin care. Day creams have a lighter texture and do not clog pores. They contain essential nutrients that control water balance and regulate the functioning of the sebaceous glands. They contain more than 50% water.

    The cream used at night is thicker in texture. It contains components for skin restoration, since at this age the skin itself is practically incapable of regeneration. Night creams saturate cells with microelements that are lost during the day.

    When choosing a day cream, you should pay attention to the content of antioxidant vitamins C and E, retinoids and hyaluronic acid. These components promote the production of collagen and elastin and accelerate cell renewal processes. Vitamins maintain skin elasticity and its natural turgor.

    You should not leave home with unprotected skin. It is difficult to tolerate direct sunlight, cold wind and hot air.

    In age day cream It is imperative to contain protective filters, the SPF value is at least 50. After 35 years, the sun does not benefit the skin and dries it out greatly.

    Evening care creams should have restorative properties and nourish the skin. They require the following components:

    • coenzymes;
    • collagen;
    • vitamins;
    • retinoids;
    • enzymes;
    • phytoestrogens;
    • amino acids;
    • natural extracts (aloe, chamomile, essential oils, calendula).

    The products are applied to the skin only after thorough cleansing and toning, preferably 1-2 hours before bedtime. It is worth mastering the technique of self-massage of the face. At this age it is very useful.

    Serums are used to increase elasticity and firmness, lighten age spots, and smooth out wrinkles. They are lighter in structure than night cream.

    Which creams to choose?

    In the fight against age-related skin changes, only the cream that is selected correctly will be effective. To find it among the huge variety of cosmetic offers, you need to follow these recommendations:

    1. 1. When choosing a product, you need to focus on your skin type. Having planned a purchase, it is recommended to look in the mirror at home and evaluate your skin, perhaps it has changed type over the last 5-7 years. It became drier or, on the contrary, fatter. This is not difficult to determine. You need to note the time after washing, if after 1.5-2 hours a natural shine appears on clean skin, this is an oily type. If there is no shine, the skin is normal. If the feeling of tightness does not go away, and peeling is visible in places, it is dry. There is a combined type, in which different areas Faces can be found in different skin types. You should not buy cream for oily skin if it is dry, etc.
    2. 2. The product must contain hyaluronic acid, since its production decreases with age.
    3. 3. It is desirable that the cream contains collagen, thanks to which the former elasticity and smoothness are restored.
    4. 4. It is not recommended to purchase creams that are too cheap; most likely, they contain a minimum content of useful components.
    5. 5. The composition of the cream first identifies those components that it contains most. If beneficial substances are at the end, it means that their content in the cream is too small and the product will be ineffective.
    6. 6. It is better to trust proven cosmetic brands.
    7. 7. The shelf life of the cream is on average 24 months. You should not buy a product if more than half of its expiration date has passed.

    An effective cream can slow down the natural aging process. Therefore, it should be chosen carefully, without skimping on beauty.

    Masks for facial skin care after 35 years

    Some women, starting to constantly use face creams, stop using masks, considering them not particularly effective. Indeed, anti-aging creams and salon care have a stronger effect, but masks should remain as auxiliary procedures: they soothe, cool, nourish, moisturize, stimulate blood circulation and the metabolic processes of skin cells.

    The following recipes are considered the most effective:

    1. 1. Grind a tablespoon in a coffee grinder oatmeal, add the yolk, a teaspoon of wheat germ oil, honey and 3 drops of lemon oil. Apply to face for 15 minutes, then rinse with warm milk. Before use, it is necessary to check the skin for the presence of an allergic reaction.
    2. 2. Mash half an overripe banana with a fork into a paste, add a teaspoon of sour cream and 5 ml olive oil. Keep for 20 minutes, rinse with water. Then apply nourishing cream.
    3. 3. Mash fresh strawberries with a spoon and apply the mixture to your face for 15 minutes. Then carefully remove the remaining mask cotton pad, soaked in mineral water.
    4. 4. Mix 2 tablespoons of cottage cheese, a spoonful of carrot juice and flax seed oil. Spread the mixture evenly on the face and leave for 15-20 minutes. After rinsing, apply moisturizer.
    5. 5. Mix 2 yolks, wheat germ oil, add a few drops of lemon and a teaspoon oatmeal. Apply for 20 minutes. Rinse off the composition and use day cream.

    Salon treatments

    After 35 years, it’s time to include a visit to a beauty salon in your skin care. A common mistake women make is that they immediately use hardware techniques and injections. And you need to start salon care with procedures that have a gentle effect not only on the skin, but also on the muscles of the face and neck, lymphatic and blood vessels.

    When you first visit the salon in order to improve the condition of the skin and remove expression wrinkles, it is recommended to choose procedures such as:

    1. 1. Manual and hardware massage. Often they complement each other. This procedure is suitable for all skin types. With the help of massage you can get rid of the first signs of aging, bags and circles under the eyes, swelling, facial wrinkles and other minor flaws. This procedure can be carried out at home, cosmetology offers wide choose massage devices for the face. In order not to harm the skin or stretch it, before use you should attend courses or seminars on massage and read the relevant literature.
    2. 2. Microcurrent therapy. This is a procedure in which the skin is exposed to low frequency current. A special device and preparations with vitamins, collagen, and hyaluronic acid are used. Using electric current, beneficial substances are delivered to the deep layers of the skin. At home, this procedure is easy to carry out if you have the appropriate equipment. It is accompanied by instructions for use indicating the facial massage lines along which the effect is performed.
    3. 3. Masks. This can be either a salon or home procedure. When using at home, it is better to purchase products in professional cosmetics stores rather than in supermarkets.

    Serious hardware techniques ( laser resurfacing, chemical peels etc.) and injections are procedures that should be used only if the result from more gentle methods is no longer satisfactory.

    This approach to skin care prolongs its youth and allows you to postpone serious interventions for a long time.

    To look fresh and young even after 35 years, you need to adhere to certain rules:

    1. 1. Change regular moisturizing creams to those that contain complexes of active ingredients that help the skin quickly carry out regeneration processes in the epithelial layers. It would be good if the composition included antioxidants, collagen or amino acids that promote its production. These products are used daily, applied only to a cleansed face.
    2. 2. Reconsider your lifestyle. Beautiful skin is not compatible with smoking and excessive alcohol consumption. It is necessary that vegetables and fruits predominate in the diet, and the consumption of sweets should be controlled. The body should not suffer from a lack of vitamins. Should be taken periodically vitamin complexes, appropriate for age. You need to consult with your doctor, he will give competent recommendations.
    3. 3. Do not expose your facial skin to direct sunlight. Ultraviolet radiation at this age quickly dries out the epithelium and provokes increased pigmentation of the skin. On clear days, you can leave the house only after applying sunscreen.
    4. 4. Replace black tea with green tea. It contains antioxidants that can slow down aging. Try to drink 2-3 cups of it a day.
    5. 5. Particular attention should be paid to problem areas where the first wrinkles appear - this is the area around the eyes. Avoid rubbing your eyes to avoid stretching them. skin covering. You can't wash your face with soap.
    6. 6. Special creams must be applied daily.
    7. 7. Aging occurs faster if the skin lacks moisture. It is recommended to drink at least 1-2 liters of clean drinking water during the day. After 19.00 you should not drink liquid, so as not to provoke morning swelling under the eyes.
    8. 8. Be sure to apply nutritious or anti-aging masks on the face and neck.

It’s rare to find beautiful, smooth skin without blemishes. Of course, there are exceptions, but rarely. Almost all of us need special facial care. Women different ages They always find flaws in themselves and turn to cosmetologists for help. Most people categorically dislike their appearance, and sometimes they are ready to do anything to become even more beautiful and younger. The cause may be wrinkles, a mustache above the lip, skin that has lost its elasticity, scars and much more.

When home skin care does not give the desired effect, it comes to the rescue professional cosmetology, offering a great variety of procedures: from the simplest - for example, tightening masks, to cutting-edge ones, such as photorejuvenation. But the most effective, according to cosmetologists’ clients, are only five procedures.

Facial cleansing in the salon

There are different methods of facial cleansing, and each procedure has its own advantages. Regular and proper cleaning is mandatory and beneficial. Thanks to it, facial skin becomes healthier and more well-groomed.

Manual or manual cleaning face is simply necessary for problematic and oily skin. But you will have to be patient a little, since this procedure is very painful, and after it your face will not look the most pleasant for another day. But, believe me, it’s worth being patient: the skin becomes refreshed, clean, and you can forget about rashes and dirty pores for three weeks.

Is it possible to undergo cosmetic procedures during pregnancy:

Vacuum cleansing is effective for facial skin that loses elasticity. It has a massaging and lifting effect. A vacuum cleaner is like a vacuum cleaner that pulls out blackheads from your skin and cleans out your pores. This procedure is painless, but it does not give good results after one time, since some acne and comedones are too deep in the skin and are difficult to reach.

Laser cleansing will help problematic skin. If pimples and blackheads are on the face for a long time, they leave stains and scars. The laser beam removes the keratinized top layer of skin, removing these imperfections. The skin is rejuvenated and looks much better. The results after the procedure last a long time.

Ultrasonic cleaning is a very effective and pleasant procedure. However, it is not suitable for very problematic skin. Ultrasound gives a rejuvenating effect, deeply cleanses pores and improves blood circulation. It is not recommended to carry out such cleaning for hypertensive patients or if there are tumors on the skin.

Advantages and features of peeling (Video)

Peeling is the removal of the upper stratum corneum of the skin. Medium and superficial-medium peels are considered the most effective.. The middle one renews and tightens the skin, cleansing the upper layer of the epidermis. Irregularities on the face disappear along with fine wrinkles. This procedure can only be carried out in winter and autumn. After such peeling, you must take proper care of your skin and strictly follow all the recommendations of the cosmetologist.

During superficial-medium peeling, a mask of fruit acids is applied to the face, then it is removed and oxygen is applied to the already open pores. At the end, a nourishing mask is applied. This procedure helps to cleanse and brighten the skin and solve the problem. One procedure usually does not achieve a good result. Of course, it all depends on the client’s age and skin problems, but usually several procedures are required to achieve a visible effect.

Non-injection mesotherapy is a new word in cosmetology

What is mesotherapy? These are injections under the skin. With the help of mesotherapy, you can get rid of wrinkles, improve your complexion and give your skin a toned appearance.. Special medicinal or vitamin “cocktails” are prepared for the procedure.

Non-injection mesotherapy involves applying these very “cocktails” directly to the facial skin in the desired areas. Then hardware influence is carried out. The skin absorbs all the necessary substances. Various devices are used - laser, ion, magnetic, cryo-devices. The procedure is painless, and although sometimes slight redness may appear after it, it goes away quickly.

For this therapy, hyaluronic acid is often used, which makes the skin more hydrated and elastic, as well as glycolic acid and vitamin C. And the best part is that the result can be seen after the first procedure, and it lasts for a fairly long period of time.

But this one cosmetic procedure It also has contraindications. It is not recommended if there is inflammation on the skin, or for nursing women, or those suffering from cholelithiasis, since the “cocktails” contain substances that have a choleretic effect.

Thermolifting – the beneficial effects of heat

Thermolifting is a procedure of thermal effects on the skin, in which the temperature of the layers increases. As a result, fibroblasts are activated in the subcutaneous connective tissue, collagen molecules are renewed and elastane synthesis increases. The effect of the procedure gradually increases and ends with an increase in the production and concentration of hyaluronic acid.

Preparation for the procedure:

  • Under no circumstances do any peelings before 2 weeks of the procedure;
  • Don't go to the sauna;
  • Do not go to the solarium or tan naturally.

Carrying out the procedure:

  • Skin cleansing;
  • Application of a special gel;
  • Exposure to radiation;
  • Delivery of impulses.
  • Avoid hot baths for two weeks;
  • Protection from direct sunlight for the same period;
  • Limitation physical activity for a period of about five days;
  • Refusal of peeling and.

There are several types of this procedure:

Deep laser thermolifting (IPL). The laser beam penetrates to a depth of 9 mm. There is a fairly powerful thermal effect on the skin. This procedure helps to get rid of such serious defects as a double chin. Suitable not only for the face, but also for visible correction of the body.

Radio wave or radio frequency. It is capable of influencing even very deep layers of skin up to 4 cm. This procedure is carried out by attaching electrodes to the skin, the temperature is heated and a high activation of fibroblasts is produced.

Infrared thermolifting (IR). The procedure for warming the skin using infrared rays. Penetration into the skin is small, about 5 mm. If you simply need to improve blood circulation in the skin and speed up the process of its renewal, this procedure will help you. Also suitable for correcting skin texture at a young age.

Modern photorejuvenation of the face

The photorejuvenation technique in cosmetology does not consist of just one procedure. The patient must go through all three stages.

What are the most effective hair growth products:

At the first stage, a dermatologist-cosmetologist examines the patient’s skin and, depending on age, skin color and defects, selects the type of light exposure to be used. The level of the procedure is determined - superficial or deep photorejuvenation, session time and interval between procedures.

At the second stage, the skin is prepared for light exposure. You may have a mild peeling using glycolic acids.

Photorejuvenation is a painless procedure; only a slight tingling sensation is possible. If your skin is sensitive, you will be given an anesthetic gel.

At the third stage, immediately before the procedure itself, the patient puts on special tinted glasses to protect his eyes. Since this procedure is non-contact, the device does not touch the skin, and a light pulse is applied to the treatment area, which comes from the glass surface of the nozzle. Light rays are absorbed by vascular hemoglobin and skin melanin. The entire rejuvenation course consists of 7 procedures with a break of a month. One session lasts approximately 10 minutes.

A wide range of light is used for the procedure. The wavelength of the radiation varies, and this makes it possible to change the modes of exposure depending on the layers and type of skin. Thanks to the range of light, collagen begins to be produced in skin cells, as a result of which the skin becomes more toned, elastic and beautiful.

Perfect skin is every girl's dream. And achieving it is not as difficult as it might seem at first glance. Today we will reveal to you the secrets of beautiful skin. Here are the 10 best facial care tips. Take note of them to always surprise others with your impeccable appearance.

1. Apply sunscreen daily.

Sun protection is one of the most important elements for healthy skin. Ultraviolet radiation destroys collagen and elastin fibers and also affects the body's ability to create new cells. Therefore, make it a rule not to leave home without applying sunscreen with SPF of at least 30. Don’t forget about this even on cloudy days and in winter.

2. Make sure you use cosmetics that suit your skin type.

In order to choose the right facial care, consult a dermatologist and cosmetologist. An experienced specialist will help you determine your skin type and tell you which cosmetics are best to use. It should be taken into account that different parts of the face have their own characteristics. It is necessary to combine the use of different cosmetics in separate areas. Also, do not forget that any skin type needs hydration.

3. Exfoliation

Exfoliation should be an essential part of your skin care routine. If you are 20 years old you need to use the scrub 2 times a week, after 30 years old - 3 times a week, and after 40 years old - up to 4 times a week. Exfoliation removes the top layer of dead cells and allows cosmetic products to penetrate deeper into the skin. When choosing a scrub, pay attention to the particle size. They should be small so as not to cause skin damage. It is better to use peeling based on fruit acids, which gently dissolve dead cells. Always exfoliate after steaming your skin.

4. Don't forget about skin care in the neck area.

When creating a facial skin care program, be sure to pay attention to the neck area. After all, it can treacherously reveal your age. Use the same cosmetics on your neck that you use on your face. Apply massage movements in an upward direction to create a lifting effect. Also, do not forget to moisturize your neck skin in the morning and evening, use sunscreen.

5. Purify your water.

To maintain healthy skin, you need to drink at least 1.5-2 liters of water per day. In this case, it is better to purify water using special filters selected depending on its chemical composition. And then you will drink truly healthy water.

6. Watch your consumption of dairy products, coffee and alcohol.

Your diet also affects the condition of your skin. Be careful when consuming dairy products. Milk contains steroid hormones and other compounds that can cause clogged pores, breakouts and acne. Coffee dehydrates your skin, so limit your intake to two cups per day. Also control your alcohol intake. You can drink a glass of red wine to enjoy this drink.

7. Supplement your skin care routine.

There are vitamins, minerals and healthy foods, which help keep your skin healthy. Here is a short list of them:

  • Vitamin A protects the body from viruses and bacteria. It also prevents dry skin, acne, and premature aging.
  • Calcium reduces the risk of skin cancer and prevents premature aging.
  • Vitamin C plays an important role in the formation of collagen, promotes wound healing and neutralizes the effects of free radicals.
  • Fish oil and linseed oil contain Omega-3 fatty acid. These products help retain moisture in the cells, as well as normal skin hydration levels.
  • Hyaluronic acid saturates cells with moisture and helps retain it inside.

Be sure to consult with your doctor before supplementing your facial skin care routine.

8. Do “double” cleansing.

“Double” cleansing will help you completely remove makeup and impurities from the surface of the skin. First, wipe your face with a tissue. This way you will remove surface contaminants. Then cleanse your face with a cleanser designed for your skin type.

9. Squeeze pimples correctly.

Let's face it: it's very difficult to resist the temptation to pop a pimple yourself, even though everyone knows that you shouldn't do it. If you do decide to squeeze out a pimple, you need to do it correctly. First, prepare the necessary materials: lancet, cleanser, scrub, clean sponge, clean cloth or cotton swabs.

First, wash your face with cleanser and apply a scrub. Then apply a warm compress to your face to steam the skin. Gently squeeze the pimple on both sides with your fingers wrapped in a cloth or cotton swabs. Using a lancet, pierce the center and carefully remove by pressing down on the base of the blackhead. All this must be done extremely carefully, because incorrect movements can injure the skin and leave a scar. Do not reuse lancets.

10. Visit a cosmetologist regularly.

Home facial care must be supplemented regular visits cosmetologist. Their frequency depends on skin type. Cosmetologists recommend doing skin care treatments every 3-6 weeks if you have oily and acne-prone skin, every 4 weeks for dry skin, every 4-6 weeks for combination skin, every 6-8 weeks for normal and acne-prone skin. once every 8 weeks for sensitive skin. During your visit beauty salon You will be able to ask all your questions and get advice on proper care for your skin.

Follow best advice facial care and you will forget about skin problems. You will look chic even without wearing makeup.

At school we weren’t given essays on the topic “Skin Care.” And probably in vain. After all, the ability to keep your skin in order is an entire art: everyone who knows the secrets of makeup and skin care and skillfully uses them remains young and beautiful longer.

It's not just about the concept of "personal hygiene": skin care involves much more than just cleansing. Many studies prove that beautiful people more successful in their personal lives and careers - is the ability to take care of yourself not as important as a school course in geography or physics? Let's catch up.

Daily facial skin care

Both makeup and skin care help us stay beautiful. But if makeup cannot be done every day, the rules of dermatologists and cosmetologists say that skin care should be daily - without any days off!

Properly selected cosmetics are important: facial and body skin care should be carried out using products that are suitable for you. It can be difficult to find such a tool, but it is worth the time spent.

Basic hygienic skin care- cleansing, toning and moisturizing. This three-step skin care system helps maintain a fresh complexion while also preventing flaking, breakouts and early wrinkles.

Basic set for home skin care:

  • foam, gel or milk for washing;
  • lotion, tonic, thermal or floral water;
  • moisturizing and protective cream with SPF of at least 10.

On a note. Please note: proper hygienic facial skin care does not involve the use of soap.


Hygienic skin care is the use of gels, foams, mousses for washing and other products.

People with dry skin often choose milk for daily care. These facial skin care cosmetics are perfect for anyone who prefers to rarely come into contact with water. For winter facial skin care, regardless of type, various oil washing systems have also shown themselves to work well.

Avoid gels and soaps that dry out your skin, at least for the winter season.


Daily facial skin care must include toning. What to choose - tonic or lotion - does not really matter. It is important that the product provides comprehensive facial skin care: removes residual cleanser, soothes, restores pH and prepares for application of cream or serum.

Applying cream: moisturizing, nourishing and protecting

There is an opinion that moisturizing cream for skin care is necessary only for severe dryness. This is not true: all skin types need moisture. Basic care Skin care and personal hygiene require applying cream.

For winter skin care, stores sell protective creams. They are needed if you are going to spend a long time outdoors. If you only need to walk from home to the bus, and then within a few minutes to work, then a regular moisturizing skin care cream will do. In both winter and summer, apply it no later than 30 minutes before leaving the house.

Sun protection

It has been proven that the main cause of skin aging is exposure to ultraviolet radiation. To provide anti-aging skin care, all year round(!) use creams with an SPF filter of at least SPF10 - winter care skin care also involves the use of products with solar filters.

Sunscreen anti-aging skin care is especially important when it snows or you are relaxing at a ski resort - the snow cover reflects UV rays and doubles their effect on the skin. Even decorative cosmetics contains an SPF filter and makeup protects from the sun; when caring for your skin, you must additionally use sunscreen products.

If you want effective skin care, don't forget about personal hygiene. Try to touch your face with your hands as little as possible throughout the day. If you have oily skin, do not wipe the skin secretions with your palms, but use paper napkins.

Do not rest your face on your hand. Firstly, this is how you transfer bacteria from your hands to your face. Secondly, in this pose you stretch the skin and create wrinkles.

Additional facial skin care

A home skin care kit should also include products for deep cleansing and hydration. Certainly, professional care for facial skin is more effective (only in cosmetology clinic You can really smooth out wrinkles or get rid of acne scars), but even at home you can help your skin look better.

Deep cleansing

Mechanical scrubs and chemical peels for facial skin care at home help deeply cleanse pores and remove dead cells.

Homemade masks with fruit acids, as well as peeling sheets, do not scratch the skin, unlike scrubs. Replace scrubs with products containing fruit acids.


The main types of masks: cleansing, moisturizing, brightening, soothing. Skin care recommendations usually involve the use of various masks. For dry skin these are mainly moisturizing and soothing masks, for oily skin - plus cleansing ones. A proper facial skin care program involves using masks in the evenings.

Rules for skin care using masks:

  • do not apply the product to the area above upper lip and around the eyes;
  • Make cleansing masks for oily skin at least once a week, moisturizing masks - 2-3 times;
  • Apply any masks only after deep cleansing (peeling);
  • adhere to a skin care system, that is, make masks regularly, and not from time to time;
  • skin care recommendations suggest that cleansing masks are carried out on steamed skin;
  • It is better not to store homemade masks for facial skin care, but to apply them immediately after preparation;
  • you need to wash off the masks with a sponge - this way you stretch the skin less, provide additional peeling care, and also stimulate blood microcirculation;
  • To enhance the effect of the mask and ensure proper facial skin care, immediately after washing off the mask, wipe your face with tonic. Tap water is not good for the skin, and the toner washes it away.

Peeling and fine wrinkles

To prevent the appearance of peeling, provide comprehensive facial skin care. It includes regular use of day and night cream, as well as moisturizing masks. And no alcohol-containing tonics! This applies to skin care cosmetics for both dry and oily skin types.

Since lack of moisture causes fine wrinkles, moisturizing masks are part of comprehensive anti-aging facial skin care.


Redness can be caused by low-quality cosmetics and allergenic components. If you are starting to use a new skin care product, even if the manufacturer recommends purchasing the entire series at once, try one product first and evaluate the reaction. Then enter the rest of the funds.

Although men have a thicker epidermis than women, men's care skin care means frequent shaving, after which the face regularly becomes inflamed. Therefore, men's skin care involves the use of soothing aftershave gels and balms, such as those based on aloe vera.

Black dots

Comedones, or blackheads, are sebum that comes to the surface of the skin and thickens, dries out and oxidizes due to contact with air - because of this, it darkens and looks like a blackhead. Many recommendations and recipes for caring for skin with comedones can be found on the Internet. But to get rid of blackheads, a proper facial skin care program should include steaming. If you skip this step, no clay or other components will draw the “dirt” to the surface. This advice for caring for skin with comedones applies to the use of scrubs, masks and other cosmetics.

A home cosmetic facial skin care program may include the use of yogurt, low-fat cottage cheese or kefir - these products exfoliate the top layer of the epidermis. As a result, it is easier for thickened sebum to come out and, accordingly, the skin is more effectively cleansed of blackheads.

When caring for men's skin against blackheads, brushes and special towels for washing are effective. As a rule, they come in a set with a washing gel.

Wide pores

Sebum, accumulating in the sebaceous glands, stretches them. After cosmetic skin care and removal of blackheads, depressions are often visible on the face. You can reduce them at home only by a short time using a tightening mask. Rose de Mer salon peeling, diamond resurfacing or microdermabrasion will provide an effect for about six months.

Salon procedures: is it necessary to go to a cosmetologist?

Instead of searching the Internet for an abstract on “Skin Care,” consult a dermatologist. Skin care is a science: to have beautiful, healthy and youthful skin, you need a competent approach.

Professional facial skin care is different from home care. Procedures performed using salon skin care devices are more intense and produce longer-lasting and more pronounced results. If you have an important date coming up and you need to look your best, make an appointment with a cosmetologist-dermatologist. A skin care system is selected by a specialist depending on the type and condition of the skin.

You can purchase a skin care device that is designed for use at home. But it’s still better to leave yourself in the hands of professionals: an experienced cosmetologist controls both the depth of the effect and the result of the procedure. To really get good effect When using skin care devices, you need to understand perfectly the processes occurring in the skin - the same device at home and in the hands of a cosmetologist will give different results.

If you decide to make a homemade mask...

To know which creams and mask recipes are useful for skin care, you need to learn to understand the ingredients. Knowing the main ingredients and their properties, you can choose effective masks and creams. By looking at skin care recipes, you can add or replace an ingredient to complete your collection and still write that Skin Care essay for yourself that your school syllabus missed.

Video on the topic “Facial skin care”

How to spend beauty care for your skin, the advice of cosmetologists from the video “Facial skin care in winter” will help:

You will learn what skin care rules to follow after the end of frost from the video “Facial skin care in spring”:

We hope this material will help you properly care for your facial skin. Be beautiful!
