Pickled cucumbers in a dream why. Why dream of Pickled Cucumbers

In a dream, you can often see a wide variety of food products. These symbols should not be discounted, because they also carry a semantic load. This article will consider what pickles dream of.

Below are the interpretations of sleep with cucumbers for a man and for a woman.

How to interpret a dream about pickles

Many may think that pickles dream of pregnancy, but this is far from the case. This symbol most often promises a person tears, bitterness and trouble, from which it will be quite difficult to recover.

Why do women dream of pickles?

If a woman dreamed of pickles in a dream, then she would be disappointed. Often such a symbol is a harbinger of not only sad events, but also material losses. If the dreamer was sick and she dreamed of pickles, then she would soon recover. When a lonely woman dreams of this symbol, she will soon meet her betrothed. There are pickles in a dream - to praise. Buying pickles on the market is a hoax. Do not borrow or invest money, they will not return.

If pickles dreamed of a man

If a man sells pickles in a dream, then he will receive unexpected profits. Seeing a jar of pickles in a dream means that you need to be careful when traveling, an accident may occur. If the dreamer carries cucumbers in a bag, serious trouble awaits him, not only in the professional sphere, but also in his personal life. There are cucumbers in a dream with friends and relatives - to a quarrel with them. After such a dream, it is better to moderate your ardor and not get involved in heated debates that could end in a scandal. Throwing cucumbers in a dream - to get rid of an old problem, treating neighbors with them - to dirty tricks on your part.

Dreamed of pickled cucumbers- this prophesies resentment, tears and irritation. Such a dream promises the onset of financial trouble or even poverty. If in a dream you dreamed of pickled, pickled cucumbers, then in the near future you will get sick, you will experience weakness or malaise. Salted vegetables are an unpleasant symbol for lovers, which personifies an unrequited feeling or misunderstanding of the second half. Also, such a dream means that insults and insults are coming. Cooking dishes from pickles in a dream - your culinary success will be appreciated.

If you dreamed of cucumbers, what does such a dream mean? Pickled cucumbers in a jar - the interpretation of a dream.

In general, a dreaming cucumber is a symbol of strength, stability and health. A man in love who saw this vegetable in a dream will have a stunning success in his relationship, as well as in sexual desire. Planting cucumbers or sowing their seeds means that in life you are cultivating some hopes or making some investments for your future. Such a sign can be considered good. Often cucumbers in a dream personify the masculine principle. However, this interpretation is not always correct. In any case, green vegetables predict erotic adventures. If a woman in a dream saw a cucumber under someone else's fence, in life she can meet a man divorced or quarreling with his wife.

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If you dreamed of pickles and you ate them, then you will cry in reality, or you will be disappointed in relationships with your loved ones. However, this disappointment will pass quickly. To wash vegetables in a dream from dirt, expect misunderstandings with friends caused by dirty gossip. If you saw such a dream before any trip, then be careful, keep your documents and money in a safe, secure place.

What does it mean if you dreamed of pickles in a jar? Interpretation of dreams about cucumbers in various dream books.

    Miller's dream book. A large fresh cucumber indicates your health and that prosperity awaits you in all matters. If a sick person has such a dream, then soon his condition will begin to improve. This dream is very favorable for two quarreling lovers - fate is preparing changes for them, and for the better. Freud's dream book. The cucumber is an oblong object, and therefore, it symbolizes the masculine principle. If a woman sees these vegetables in a dream, then in reality she experiences sexual dissatisfaction. And for a man, a dream about cucumbers prophesies erotic, vivid adventures. Interpretation of dreams from Evgeny Tsvetkov. If a female representative sees one cucumber (or several vegetables) in everything, then in life she will have new fans. If the vegetables were lying on the snow, then these novels will cause a lot of gossip. For men, dreams about fresh cucumbers portend success in any endeavors and wealth. Dream Interpretation Hasse. To see cucumbers in a dream or eat them - expect something very good and positive in life. Esoteric dream book. These green vegetables symbolize the lack of more satisfying, tasty foods, which is caused by a crop failure or other unfavorable circumstances. There are cucumbers in a dream - expect strange and sometimes unexpected events. Sonarium. A sluggish, yellowed, bitter vegetable represents failure, decline and illness of someone close. Canned or pickled cucumbers indicate that you missed good opportunities for something very important, and also lost the chance to succeed. Salt cucumbers in a dream - be careful, a big trouble can happen in life, for example, an accident.

Turning to the Modern Dream Book, one can understand that this sign promises the dreamer's family harmony and strengthening of relationships, good news related to children. Eating this pickle in a dream means that in real life you do a lot of good deeds - it will be credited to you.

In the English interpreter, you can also find positive explanations for this dream, which is true, they are more related to health. According to this collection, pickled or pickled cucumbers are a symbol of good health. If in real life the dreamer became a victim of some kind of illness, then a speedy recovery awaits him. For lonely hearts, the interpreter predicts that they will soon have a family.

Very similar interpretations can be found in Miller's dream book about pickles. Interpretations also promise the dreamer getting rid of illnesses, strengthening health, and for lonely people - success in love relationships. Taking part in pickling cucumbers is a pleasant acquaintance.

For men who see this story, a new person can greatly help in business interests. For women - a stormy romance, which may well turn into family ties.

Freud's interpreter offers interesting interpretations. It says that the cucumber is a kind of prototype of the masculine principle. For men, such a dream promises problems with potency, for women - dissatisfaction with their sexual partner. Eating such a pickle means soon to perform sexual exploits. Salt cucumbers in a dream - you have a serious showdown. Try to understand your chosen one, listen and draw a conclusion - this will do you good.

Other interpretations of what pickles dream of

  • Seeing a jar of pickles in a dream is a sign that you'd better refrain from traveling long distances. Also, after some time after sleep, it is better to refrain from driving.
  • To use this pickle as one of the ingredients in a dish means that you will be praised. Most likely, praise will be related to your style or ability to manage the house.
  • Feed another person with pickles - expect deceit or resentment, which is likely to come from this person. Try not to lend money to anyone for about a month.
  • Selling jars of pickled or pickled cucumbers on the market is an improvement in your well-being. A particularly good sign is to see in a dream how money is handed directly into your hands. Buying pickles or anything in general means serious losses, business problems.

You may not have been very educated about what dream books say about pickles. But, as they say: forewarned is forearmed. That is, you may well influence your future yourself, so do not be discouraged!

Pickles are often associated with pregnancy, perhaps after the dream in which they were seen, you should also expect replenishment in the family, let's try to figure it out. To get the most accurate information, consider all the little things and emotional stress.

Why dream of pickled cucumbers?

Pickled cucumbers are an unfavorable sign that warns of an increased risk of any disappointments. In one of the dream books there is information that such cucumbers promise tears and significant material losses. For a person who is ill, such a dream portends a quick recovery. If a lonely person sees a dream about pickles, then soon he should expect a change in his personal life for the better. In a dream, you are preparing some kind of dish with pickles, which means that in the future your culinary skills will be appreciated.

A dream in which you see a jar of pickles is a kind of warning about possible dangers while traveling or during any other movement. If you see a dream in which you are carrying pickles somewhere, then in real life you should prepare for serious troubles. Eating pickles in a dream is a sign of possible resentment and tears. A dream in which you buy pickles is a warning about an increased risk of losses. If you sell them to someone, then the dream, on the contrary, promises profit.

Seeing the preparation of pickles in a dream means that in real life you will need to repay debts, which will significantly affect your financial situation. Another such dream can serve as a warning about a possible deception. The dream interpretation recommends at this time to be as careful as possible when concluding any transactions and when signing documents.


Pickled cucumbers according to the dream book

Most of the dream book believes that pickles seen in a dream are a negative sign. If in a dream you ate them, then in reality you should be prepared for tears and all sorts of troubles. But, of course, this is far from the only explanation for why this is a dream. Much depends on the plot.

To eat

Seeing pickles in a dream - to tears and poverty. In the near future, failure will contribute to you in all current affairs, and you will not be able to cope with it.

The universal dream book believes that there are pickles in a dream, which means to argue with the “black” streak in life. Just don't despair. Remember that all trials are not in vain and someday they will definitely end.

There is a given dish in a dream and feel that it does not taste good to you - to disappointment in a loved one. The female dream book predicts strong emotional experiences associated with this, which will not be easy to cope with.

A description of why one dreams of eating pickles is also given by Shereminskaya. Dream Interpretation of Shereminskaya believes that to see in night dreams how you eat crispy cucumbers is to spiritual anguish. If you ate a lot and at the same time felt salt on your tongue, then sadness will be very strong and long enough.

If you dreamed that you ate spoiled canned vegetables - expect trouble. You can't avoid it, you just have to wait.

located in the bank

To dream that pickles are in a jar - to complete control over the situation. The dream promises that you will be able to take control of a rather difficult life situation and deal with circumstances. Especially if you dream of strong and fresh vegetables.

If you dreamed that in addition to cucumbers there were also tomatoes in the bank, then friends will help you solve problems. At the first request, they will lend their shoulder and provide all kinds of support. If the tomatoes that dreamed in a dream were curled or spoiled, then you should not count on outside support. She won't.

An explanation of why these green vegetables dream in a closed glass container is also given by Aesop. The dream plot promises negative life changes. But, you can easily cope with them if you connect all your perseverance.

Various interpretations

If you dreamed that you cut pickles into small pieces, then in reality you will have to solve many small, but very pressing problems. Don't let these complexities go by themselves. They will not disappear on their own, and the situation can only seriously worsen.

The universal dream book suggests that cutting previously pickled cucumbers in a dream is a promotion. The boss will appreciate all your efforts and appoint you to the position that you have been dreaming of for a very long time.

Miller's dream book believes that cucumbers in a barrel warn of possible dangers. Take on a new business with caution, or better put it off altogether for a more favorable time.


Dream interpretation Cucumbers in the garden

Why dream of Cucumbers in the garden in a dream from a dream book?

We saw cucumbers in the garden in a dream - things will move forward successfully. Harmony and mutual understanding will reign in the family circle. Excellent well-being will fill you with energy for new beginnings and the search for fresh, original ideas.

If you saw how cucumbers grow in the garden, you won’t have to complain about health. In business, there will be an increase in income, new sources of financing will appear. For those who are sick, the dream portends a speedy recovery.

Who dreamed of cucumbers in the garden?

If a woman dreams of cucumbers in the garden

If an unmarried girl saw cucumbers in a garden in a dream, then she will not be deprived of male attention. You will meet a pleasant person who may turn out to be a worthy life partner.

For a married woman, such a vision means unexpected attention from her husband, receiving valuable gifts, or going on a romantic trip.

What cucumbers grew in the garden in your dream?

What do fresh cucumbers in the garden symbolize in a dream

Dream Interpretation Felomena explains the meaning of the symbol of fresh cucumbers in the garden as an increase in the energy flow that will fill and nourish you in the near future.

The most important areas of life will flourish, everything will begin to happen exactly as you wish. The state of health is on top and this gives strength and desire to act, to build new, far-reaching plans.

I dreamed of big cucumbers in the garden

Why dream of very large, even huge, cucumbers in the garden? The dream warns that you are trying to take on more obligations than you are able to fulfill.

Do not overload, try to soberly assess your strengths and capabilities. Take on a task only if you are completely sure that you can bring it to the end.


Pickled cucumbers are

Dream Interpretation Pickles are dreamed of why in a dream there are pickled cucumbers? To select the interpretation of a dream, enter a keyword from your dream in the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams by letter for free in alphabetical order).

Now you can find out what it means to see Pickles in a dream by reading below for free interpretation of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - Cucumbers

The dream in which you grow cucumbers portends a sharp deterioration in health as a result of stress and an ambulance call. Picking cucumbers from the garden - to excellent health and family joys. Cut cucumbers for salad - share the fate of the unemployed, being fired as a result of the reduction.

Salt or pickle cucumbers - you will be deceived when exchanging currency. Eating salted cucumbers in a dream portends unrequited love. To cook a pickle from pickles - get a flattering review of your culinary abilities. Wash dirty cucumbers - gossip about your secret love affair.

Dream Interpretation - Cucumbers

Cucumbers are bad, someone will cause you trouble. Green cucumber - relatives will arrive. Cucumbers - success, profit. Cucumbers are a nuisance, for consonance: cucumbers are bitter. A girl dreams of cucumbers - meeting the guys. Pickled cucumbers are a weakness.

Dream Interpretation - Cucumbers

In general, cucumbers in a dream speak of health and profit.

A dream about cucumbers is usually unfavorable for those who are going on the road, as it portends them an accident. After such a dream, you should postpone the trip.

Seeing cut cucumbers in a dream is a favorable sign, especially for the sick, as it promises them recovery.

Dream Interpretation - Cucumbers

The dream in which you pick cucumbers promises you excellent health and prosperity in business. Salt cucumbers - there will soon be great joy in your home.

Imagine that you have harvested a huge crop of cucumbers. You treat them to relatives and friends, preserve them.

Dream Interpretation - Cucumbers

cucumbers in the snow - gossip in connection with lovers;
to see cucumbers - to money (for a man).

Dream Interpretation - Cucumbers

To see a cucumber in a dream - you should get rid of unnecessary, unfulfilled dreams. What you want is unattainable and you should be content with what you have. There are cucumbers in a dream - to disappointment. Seeing a yellow, overripe cucumber in a dream - to chagrin, which will soon replace bright hopes. Collecting cucumbers in a dream means that you need to rethink the achievements of recent years. Probably, there are so many good things in your life, but, striving for more, you do not appreciate what you have. Such a dream symbolizes that you can lose what you have if you do not appreciate it in the future.

Dream Interpretation - Cucumbers

To tear cucumbers in the beds in a dream - to a rich harvest of cucumbers.

Dream Interpretation - Cucumbers

Cucumbers mean vain hopes.

For a patient who sees in a dream that he is eating cucumbers or melons, such a dream predicts a speedy recovery.

Dream Interpretation - Cucumbers

This dream must be interpreted in the opposite sense. For example, stale, rotten cucumbers promise you good health, sick people - recovery, and lonely people - a quick engagement and a happy family life.

Dream Interpretation - Cucumbers

Cucumbers - See - in the lack of food, poor harvest. There are - strange events, surprise.

We saw cucumbers in a dream - this is a great sign. The dream interpretation promises excellent health, prosperity and incredible luck in business. Soon life will definitely change for the better. But, this is far from the only explanation for what the vegetable is dreaming of. There are others.

Miller's explanation of sleep

Miller's dream book believes that if a patient sees cucumbers in his nightly dreams, this promises him a swift and complete recovery. A dream inconsolable lover predicts confirmation of the reciprocity of his feelings. Remember the details of the dream and the actions that you performed in the world of Morpheus, and all the mysteries of an extraordinary dream will be revealed to you.

Seeing pickled cucumbers in a dream - to self-doubt, loneliness, the desire to find your haven, to improve relations with relatives.

If you dreamed that you ate salted cucumbers, then in real life you will know unrequited love, but pass the test with dignity.

Did you dream of strong, large, green cucumbers? Miller's dream book guarantees cloudless happiness in the personal sphere, truly good health, high energy potential, and big profits.

Modern interpreter

The appearance of this vegetable in a dream speaks of your frivolity, childishness, but at the same time characterizes you as a darling of fortune.

A modern dream book warns that dreamed pickles in a jar indicate that you are missing out on unique opportunities, exchanging talent, and wasting your time. It is still possible to achieve your life goals. You just need to rethink your priorities.

Dreamed of fresh cucumbers - a symbol of strength, energy, well-being. For those in love and bound by the bonds of Hymen, such a dream portends a harmonious relationship with a soul mate. Lonely Modern dream book promises an unforgettable love adventure. And the elderly can count on the arrival of relatives or replenishment of the family with long-awaited grandchildren.

If a man dreams of cucumbers growing in the garden, then enrichment, material stability, and career growth await him. For a woman, the predictor promises pregnancy, for people in years - a change in the weather.

Universal dream book

Did you have to pick cucumbers? This means that in reality there will be doubts about the correctness of choosing your path, you need to reconsider your principles. It seems that you have already achieved a lot, so the Universal Interpreter advises you to learn to appreciate what you have. Often dreams like this for prosperity.

If you dreamed of both cucumbers and tomatoes on the same bed, this indicates a heavy workload at work, fatigue, the realization that you will soon have to pay for entertainment and idle fun.

Salting cucumbers - to minor financial troubles, scams, forcing you to pay off minor debts. In some cases, the plot is interpreted as a harbinger of a quarrel with non-blood relatives.

Various interpretations

Buying cucumbers is a signal of possible troubles in professional activity, you will have to do monkey work. Meanwhile, Aesop offers an alternative positive interpretation. Aesop predicts receiving news from an old friend, about whom they have not received news for a long time.

Cutting vegetables aimlessly in a dream means that it is difficult for you to cope with jealousy, there is reason to worry about your opponent. But the dreaming process of cooking a dish using chopped gherkin portends a successful solution to most problems.

If you dream that you planted cucumbers, expect family well-being, the birth of children.

Why dream of eating cucumbers?

Most often, eating cucumbers in a dream means future difficulties and troubles, and something strange and unforeseen can happen in life. There are cucumbers in a dream - to disappointment. In some dream books, this action is interpreted as the possibility of unfulfilled hopes, as well as failure in the implementation of plans.

It is often believed that eating a cucumber is also a sign of a future quarrel. However, if you bite off a lightly salted cucumber, then you should expect unrequited love ahead. Trying a cucumber while pickling in a dream - to frustration, grief and the loss of most of your money. Also a bad sign is an overripe and rotten cucumber, which means sadness and illness. For a mother-in-law, pickling cucumbers in a dream and tasting them is a future quarrel with her son-in-law. But pickling cucumbers promises to be deceived in a profitable trade deal, so you should be more careful in financial matters. However, for a sick person to eat a cucumber - for a speedy recovery and complete healing. Also, for people in love, this is a very good sign - you can expect an improvement in relations with your soulmate. And for single girls and young people, this means a new acquaintance and meeting with interesting people, with the possibility of a serious relationship. For married women, trying a cucumber is to receive an unexpected and pleasant gift, sometimes even an old dream can come true. But if a man dreams of a cucumber, then financial issues will improve from day to day with his active role in all kinds of new projects that will be offered at work.

However, it happens that cucumbers are first taken out of the snow, and only after that they are eaten - most likely, ill-wishers spread rumors about the personal life of the one who eats them. Sowing cucumbers in a small summer cottage predicts future financial losses.

But why dream of eating cucumbers, of which there are a lot? The more cucumbers, the more guests to expect. Most likely, the guests will be very noisy and annoying, they will stay for a long time and are very embarrassing. But to carry cucumbers from the store and eat them - to wait for difficult tasks at work, but everything else will not be appreciated at its true worth. However, cutting cucumbers for salad is a very good sign for those who want to achieve a better position and position: the position will change soon, so you can expect a promotion. All competitors will soon be left behind. However, it is better to postpone the trip if you dream of cucumbers in front of it: it is likely that an unpleasant incident will happen along the way. And for those who are engaged in the cultivation of vegetables and fruits in their country house, such a dream can mean a poor harvest and its poor quality. But there are cucumbers after they are collected from the beds, which directly indicates the need to reflect on past merits and successes. It may very well be that many of them will have to be confirmed or rethought. There are cucumbers in a dream in some dream books - to disappointment. However, for people in love, this is still a very good sign - you can expect an improvement in relations with your soulmate. Perhaps even a family.

Taking care of cucumbers and picking one of them for testing in a dream portends the success of dear people. And for teachers, this is a particularly good sign that speaks of the future success of students. But planting cucumbers promises a lot of debts, which will not be easy to deal with. The smaller the seedlings and the larger it is, the more debts will be and the harder it will be to return them. In general, cucumbers in a dream are considered to be a sign of many troubles and impossible goals and dreams. Although in some dream books, on the contrary, they mean success and big profits. But again, a lot depends on the appearance of the eaten cucumber - was it fresh or rotten? Fresh - to the fulfillment of the best expectations. However, why do family people dream of eating cucumbers? It is generally accepted that unexpected and pleasant changes in life are ahead. Perhaps a trip to interesting places. But sowing cucumbers definitely means rash spending and loss of money, so it’s better to be more careful and restrained in your desire to buy something new. It happens that in a dream a girl sorts out cucumbers, choosing which one to eat: this most often indicates the presence of several people interested in her.

The interpretation of a dream in which a woman picks up a cucumber from a neighbor's or any other's fence is very interesting. If she eats it, she may soon meet a divorced man. Or a man who is in a quarrel with his wife or lover.

So, a cucumber can mean both well-being and prosperity, and bad deals, debts and troubles. Therefore, it is worth remembering how the cucumber was in a dream - fresh or spoiled. However, for those who are ill, in any case, this is a sign of recovery and future well-being.

Dream Interpretation Pickled Cucumbers

Why dream of pickles in a dream from a dream book?

The dream in which there were pickles gives a hint that it is urgent to change the way of thinking and character if the goal is really extremely important to you. It will not work to be an outside observer and achieve what you want, you need to gather all your will into a fist and start taking action.

Dreamed pickles in the form of cucumbers and tomatoes warn that the time to pay the bills is approaching. Do not delay with the return of the debt - otherwise you will lose trust and friendly disposition.

If you dream about how you eat pickles, then in real life others consider you a kind and sympathetic person. You win over people and this will benefit you in the future.

why dream of pickled cucumbers?


Lilac fairy

Pickled cucumbers are considered unfavorable sleep. After it, you need to be prepared for all kinds of failures and troubles.

Russin Sibirak

to pregnancy

yorkshire terrier

Bear with balalaika

You yourself understand why)

masha naikova

of course Cucumbers - Seeing Cucumbers in a dream - to excellent health and prosperity in business. For patients, such a dream promises a speedy recovery, for lovers - positive changes in relationships. Copied from the site: http://www.astromeridian.ru/sonnik/


well, let's just say - the old horse will not spoil the furrow, but it will not plow deeply either

Alivera Alverad

You will be successful in business. So, feel free to do whatever you want.

☜♡☞ Mikhailovna ☜ღ☞

If you dream of pickles in a jar - a dream warns of possible dangers during various movements;
If in a dream you cook a dish of pickles - to commendable reviews in culinary success;
To resentment and tears, you may dream of eating pickles. Carry pickles - to trouble.
Buy pickles - at a loss, sell - at a profit.

In no case should you be upset if the interpretation of sleep is not entirely favorable. A dream is just a prediction, a warning of one of the dreamer's paths in life. And man himself is able to change and choose his own destiny.

Rock Lee

My grandfather had this before he died.


to the weather change



I had a dream in which I saw a lot of pickles rolled up in 3 liter jars, what would it be for?


hello. in the first dream I was on the island with someone close to me. the dream was very long - I lived there: I walked along the seashore, did some business, sat on the shore, sorting through the white sand. at sunset I needed leave. The conductor took me to the plane. I still began to doubt how I would find my way back to return to the person who had stayed. But then I remembered that the same guide would meet me.
the second dream. I am sitting in a room on the couch, there is a table in front of me. I went to the aquarium in which cucumbers were swimming in brine. I climbed in with my hands, put the cucumbers on a plate and put them on the table. The doctor is sitting on the couch next to me, standing next to me the other doctor is his friend (I am a doctor). who next to me asks me to go on a call to the patient to draw her portrait. At first I doubt it, I say to send a photo to the phone, and I will try to draw it. from somewhere they bring a portrait of some woman, supposedly they say that it should look like this. It was a fair-haired woman with wavy hair. At the end of the dream, the doctor hugged me in gratitude and kissed me on the cheek.




Hello. I had to pick up my dog ​​(he died a long time ago, but I often see him in a dream), gray and curly. And on the way home, we have to wade through the thorns, and the thorns are everywhere and even on the ground. and so we make our way and he pricked with his paw and I let go of the leash from my hands, but it became easier for us to make our way and we came home in the end, and there my half-brother walks with pickles in his hands and I take one and start eating and crunching it.


I was with my son in some hospital, there was a buffet and a queue for it, there was no seller, without waiting for the seller, the adult son took two large pickles from the counter and ran away, I returned him and stood in line to pay


Recently deceased mother (there is a conversation between her and me, but I don’t see her silhouette clearly), she tries pickled cucumber from a jar and says that they are already good, you can eat, but by Sunday they will already be sour ... I take cucumbers out of the jar for her ( it turns out that there are whole ones, but for some reason I take out pieces) and give it to her, saying that you eat it. I’ll add more salt, and they’ll turn sour on Sunday ... And all the sleep ended


Hello! I had a dream in which I swam in the sea, at night, in dark but warm water, and in the water I saw 3-liter jars of pickles .... I sort of collected them, or even closed them.


a neighbor in a raised apron brought pickles and gave me one, I asked her who salted, was it lightly salted or salted for the winter. I took a bite and spat out the tail of a cucumber. The neighbor stepped aside, she ate a cucumber, she was very sad.


I found a broken can of pickled cucumbers. the jar was broken in half. I felt sorry for the cucumbers and I put them in a bag, I gave half of them to my friends. it was evident that the jar had broken quite recently, because the cucumbers were in good condition.


Hello, I dreamed of women who pickle cucumbers and someone asks them, where are your goats? They answer that they say the men are with us, but the goats are sitting at home and trying very hard to wait for the goats, and with the following picture, as an example, they show me several such husbands, they are sitting at home waiting for their wives and diligently make angry offended faces. Then, in more detail, one family - the wife comes and seems to be spending time with another, but keeps her face, and tries to scold her husband for something and then tells him to bring home the cucumbers I brought, he takes the bags, there are cucumbers, then they reconcile and the husband persuades her to have sex. I see all this from the outside, then I’m already like a wife, but the picture is already different - I shift cucumbers and my girths appear, sister, classmates and husband (already my real one) says help yourself, and these cucumbers are stacked in a huge pile in the yard and all the women come up and begin to take themselves and a common pile, that I began to worry that we would not have enough left, and the cucumbers are so tasty, crispy, but then I looked at the table to myself and see that I have enough of them, and then the evening a lot of guests, a feast

Gelfias [email protected]:

I dreamed of a casket, I opened it, and there were pickled cucumbers in bulk, they are all large, and I'm looking for a small one, I found it. And here the father-in-law is already dead, I say, will you? Yes, he gave it to him. I started looking again., and then the boy asks for money, I remark to him why you beg, and he has nothing to eat. I don’t have any money for him, give me something to eat, I go into the house, and he's in my bag
Yes, I took the bag. In short, the whole movie ...


Good afternoon Tatyana!
I had a dream: my mother and I were traveling by train. The train stopped at the station. She told me that there were 7 minutes left before the train left. I looked at my watch and figured that I WILL HAVE TIME to go to the store at the station. I went to the store and there at the station in one room I saw a man sleeping, I pulled the door, it was closed. I went through another door, the man stayed in another room, there - a store - I bought 2 pickles there, they gave me change - a handful of little things. I left the store and look into the distance, but my train - no, left. I'm in shock, I wanted to call, but my cell phone, my bag and that's all, remained on the train. I ran back, shouting to the women, my train left, the stationmaster needed, the woman alone breaks down and runs to invite the stationmaster ....- I cry .... and i wake up...
This is such a terrible and not good dream ...
Can you tell Tatyana ..- what is he for?


The man I love, and with whom we had a big fight the other day, was experimenting in a dream on growing pickles. The cucumbers were huge. And I praised him for it.


I go out to the balcony of my apartment and see several buckets of salted cucumbers. I ask where these cucumbers come from and they get one cucumber trying to choose smaller ones. But I take out a large one and bite into this cucumber.


a small pool, the water is a little muddy, and frozen fish (fillet) swims in it, and I need to catch it, but not one at a time, but at least a few pieces


The man I love and I sat at the table and held hands, and I fed him pickles and ate myself. In reality, this man and I are not together,


I carried pickled cucumbers to cool and they fell into my water. They were at the bank. I wanted to get them, the water was warm, but prickly. I didn’t manage to get them, there were a lot of them at the bottom, or when I dived, I didn’t have enough air to lift them from the bottom. After that, I got out of the water and went for a swim, to wash myself from this water, because. she pricked.


I order a prayer service in some village temple. I buy five candles. The servant says - Don't you want to buy our monastery (?) cucumbers, very tasty. I must say that I really love lightly salted cucumbers. And I see two jars of cucumbers, like in the window. One large one is on the floor and I understand that there is a simple salting, and the other, like a liter on the counter, I understand that it is like canned. There are several cucumbers in jars, for show, standing upright. They have a very pleasant feeling, they are bright green, appetizing, it is felt that there are a lot of herbs and greenery. They said how much it costs, there was money, but I stood thinking. Yes, more. I made my way to the “counter” for a long time, there was a long queue. Type of pensioners. I even shouted the word “prayer” to the servant, she could not hear, then they let me through, because. there was a queue for others. Everyone had some kind of leaflets in their hands, where something was written in order and in front of each line were crosses and zeros. Then they brought out some lists and everyone began to check their papers in accordance with these lists and put crosses and tac-toes. At this time, I made my way to the "counter" and talked with the servant. I must say that I go to church quite often, including ordering various services, including prayers. Thanks


I very often take pictures of the dead who come to me (they call me to their place and show me the house that they are building for me, and also the child whose mother is taking away because I am dying in childbirth)


I had a dream in which the Korean was salted by a dead black snake, she filled it with cucumbers like salty. I also threw 3 not large -looking cucumber into it. I knocked it out and stopped touching the snake. Then I saw a snake in a 3 -liter jar there. TWISTED WAS AND FROM THE TOP THE OPEN TOothless MOUTH OF THE SNAKE LAYED


I dreamed of a lot of pickles, in barrels and jars. But why didn't I try them? at that time it was raining outside and I was in a strange house, or rather in the hallway.


I go to the window and watch the neighbors pluck cherries from the tree. I open the window, I look at my dear aunt near them (she is not one of the dead, that is, she is still alive). I talk to her and look into the garden. A lot of greenery. Everything around is green. Very good for the soul. Somehow I ended up on the street near the house. I am already talking with my mother (she is also still alive, thank God). I, she says, have already pickled cucumbers in a jar and points to the bench. Worth a jar of pickled cucumbers. They are already mature and large.


from Friday to Saturday I had a dream that I bought a beautiful liter jar of pickles. True, the day before I wanted to buy cucumbers very much, but I forgot.


as if my friend was serving me pickles in a plate on the table, there was a full plate, I don’t remember exactly what I said or whether I was drawn to them or not.


a huge barrel with pickles, tomatoes and green peppers. And at that time people were flying from the sky in pairs of a guy with a girl and without parachutes, but some clung to the wires, and I looked at them and ate from this huge barrel of pickles.


in a dream he broke a jar with either salted or pickled cucumbers !!! the cucumbers were green, there was a second person in a dream, he tried to shove his face into fragments, at first he succeeded, but then escaped !!! I didn’t cut myself and there were no injuries in a dream !!! what could this mean???


From the aquarium I take out nets with clusters of unknown things, then I catch a net with pickles and distribute them to my friends - they eat, they say it is very tasty and I tried it - delicious. And woke up.


I was carrying jars of pickles and apple compote somewhere. On the way in the minibus, I hear the impact of the jar on the jar, I looked and saw that one of them had broken (an even round hole turned out) And the contents remained in place. I left…. after I put these cans on the ground, I saw that they began to break more strongly, but the contents were still in place. And then I saw both the jars and the contents in one large container and tried to eat the contents, as it is a pity to throw them away and treated others. Thanks in advance. Copied from the site: http://www.astromeridian.ru/sonnik/


Hello, Tatyana!
Today I dreamed of a jar of pickles, which I ate in half with my friend.


A three-liter jar with green good-quality cucumbers is already filled with water. I look for a spoon and find a red plastic one and put 3.5 tablespoons of salt in a jar. Nearby is a man, I don’t know him, he is smiling, a kind smile, not cunning. That's all I woke up.


from the whole dream I clearly, briefly and distinctly remember: large pickles are on a shelf (something like a cellar) above my head, the jar looks like a 5 liter jar, and I throw ordinary metal darts into this jar for playing darts. The darts are stuck into the glass (6 in total) and remain in the jar. The glass does not break, the darts pierce it precisely, so that even the brine does not flow. And I stand and think that after that I will have to eat cucumbers - I’ll probably master half, and save the rest in another jar. The dream is colored, but gray-green. There were no other people, from my body I felt and saw only a hand.
