Why do I always have bad dreams? The main reasons why you have nightmares every night

Why do you have nightmares? And what to do if this happens all the time? Let's look at the reasons for not the most positive dreams and talk about how to deal with them.

When you wake up in a cold sweat and remember with horror what happened in your dream, the idea that nightmares are useful seems absurd. But in fact, from this unpleasant phenomenon you can learn a lesson and learn something.

Any dream is a product of the work of your subconscious. Through sleep, it sends you certain signals that you can learn to read and decipher.

And nightmares are a colossal reboot of the subconscious, a release negative energy and experiences. Agree, it is much better if dark side your personality will manifest itself only in a dream, and not in real life.

How else can horror in dreams be useful:

  1. Your subconscious is signaling: there is a problem. In real life, you may not notice it or not attach importance to some important circumstances that could end badly. Try to understand what your brain is telling you. Analyze what you need to focus on
  2. The nervous system is unloaded. All negativity, stress, overwork and tension are released from consciousness, turning into nightmares. If you stop having bad dreams, it will all come out in real life, causing you great damage
  3. Sometimes terrible dreams are a symbol of the end of the current stage of life. It's time for you to advance in your development and move on. This is an indication of some turning point, a sign that it is necessary to free living space from everything that interferes and destroys your personality

Analyze this information and think about what your subconscious is trying to communicate through creepy dreams? If you find the reason, the nightmares will stop happening every night very quickly.

How are horrors in dreams harmful?

Constant nightmares that repeat every night can be harmful. Especially if you are a very emotional and sensitive person.

The harm of nightmares can manifest itself in the following:

  • Sleep becomes restless, you often wake up in the middle of the night. The body does not receive good rest due to insomnia, which is why real life suffers
  • You wake up in a terrible mood, which causes everything to go wrong during the day. To avoid this, try not to think about what you dreamed about. By force of will, change your thoughts to more positive ones, do not focus on the problem
  • If a person’s psyche is shaken, terrible dreams can cause fears, phobias, etc. in rare cases- mental illness. This is easy to notice in children: the child dreams of a monster, and the child begins to be afraid to sleep in the dark

If your nightmares lead to serious negative consequences, it is very important to catch yourself in time and cure your sleep. Contact a psychologist or psychotherapist so as not to suffer even more.

Causes of terrible dreams

So, you understand what nightmares can mean and what consequences they can lead to. It remains to understand the reasons for this phenomenon.

Why do you have nightmares?

  • In children, the reason is increased emotional sensitivity. This condition does not arise without reason. The problem lies in family relationships. Children see terrible dreams after physical or mental violence (dad hits him with a belt, mom practices sarcastic jokes), parents’ divorce, problems in the team
  • If a person lives in a constant state of physical or mental overwork, gets very tired and is unable to cope with a bunch of problems, his subconscious will be relieved of overstrain in a dream
  • Prolonged depression can also lead to nightmares. This can also include severe stress, strong negative emotions that a person experiences for a long time. This is a colossal burden for the psyche and brain, and dreams solve the problem by freeing the mind from negativity
  • Nightmares occur after a strong emotional shock: rape, a traffic accident, moral bullying. Or, for example, a person witnessed a murder - this event then haunts him for a long time in his dreams

It is worth noting that people with a strong psyche almost never dream of horror. Therefore, to prevent terrible night visions, work with your subconscious, strengthen your psycho emotional condition, watch your thoughts. Learn not to react sharply to negative events happening in the outside world.

Watch a video about why we have nightmares:

Special cases

The reasons that we discussed above relate to regular nightmares.. If a bad dream is a “one-time event,” perhaps the impressions of the past day influenced your consciousness and transformed into scary pictures at night.

For example:

  • You have a cold, you have heat, which cannot be brought down for a long time. You fall asleep and see in your dream a terrible fire-breathing dragon
  • You ate a big meal at night. As a result, the digestive organs, which need to rest, are very heavily loaded, for which the brain takes revenge on you with nightmares
  • Sleeping in unfavorable conditions: with the lights on, loud sound, in a room with stale air
  • Late in the evening you experienced some strong emotion: Maybe you've been struck by creative inspiration. Or did you simply have a row with your husband?
  • You drank too much alcohol, used drugs, smoked too many cigarettes, or took more than necessary dose of medication

To stop nightmares, try to be in a calm state an hour before bed, do not overeat, and put gadgets away. Instead, go for a walk or meditate to relax and prepare your mind for sleep.

Dreams are beyond our control, and no matter how much we would like to control them, this is unlikely.

Often we don’t remember them at all, sometimes we see strange, funny or ridiculous pictures in our dreams, sometimes we plunge into pleasant and fabulous dreams, where everything is as we would like it to be in reality. But sometimes each of us dreams terrible nightmares– and this cannot be avoided.

Absolutely every person from childhood sees scary dreams, for some this happens more often, for others less often, but there is hardly anyone who never has terrible dreams and for whom this has never happened. What to do if after waking up you cannot come to your senses, why do you dream about creepy, scary things and how to relate to them?

First of all, remember: if you have a bad dream, don’t be afraid of anything at all. Don’t rush to the dream book right away, don’t stress yourself out, the first thing you need to do is calm down.

A bad dream does not threaten you with anything, and it rarely happens that a nightmare foreshadows something bad in reality! Moreover, there are no prophetic nightmares.

So wash your face cold water, take a break, watch something positive or think about pleasant things. And only then you’ll figure out what it’s for. Because, of course, like all other dreams, nightmares don’t just happen for no reason.

What to do?

First, let's analyze where scary dreams come from, what myths are associated with them, and how to actually relate to such phenomena.

First of all, if you have a bad dream at night, this indicates that you are anxious or stressed. The first thing you need to do and undertake is to take care of yourself.

And believe me, it doesn’t matter whether you dream of every horror from Thursday to Friday, or are haunted by the same nightmare - a dream book with a dream book, but you need to get yourself in order.

  • Start getting enough sleep, don’t eat at night, stop watching the news, scary and negative movies, protect yourself from negative energies and unpleasant communication.
  • Reduce factors of fear, anxiety, uncertainty. Very often, horror dreams occur precisely because of excessive tension when the brain does not rest. Anxieties in dreams transform into creepy pictures.

Analyze what you dreamed

If the dream occurred from Thursday to Friday, or on some significant day, it is especially significant. Remember one thing - its events will not be repeated in reality, this is just a metaphor, a symbol.

We are used to being afraid of something, dividing phenomena into pleasant and unpleasant, and if we try to get away from evaluative thinking for a while and coldly, soberly analyze a terrible vision, much will become clear.

Play it through your memory like a movie that has nothing to do with you personally:

  • What is he talking about?
  • What message does it convey?
  • Who or what are you afraid of?

If a vision or creepy image recurs, it should be taken seriously. Especially if you regularly have nightmares from Thursday to Friday, this night is marked by significant dreams that are worth paying attention to.

Think about what kind of image or vision this is? Obviously, this is your fear, or what you are hiding from.

Try telling your dream to a friend - and you will see how insignificant and funny it becomes. Because what you are terrified of is only scary for you!

Think about what you are afraid of in real life, what you stubbornly hide from. And open yourself to it! Nightmares will disappear, and with them most of the worries and problems in reality.

Method for getting rid of nightmares

There is an interesting technique that was developed by psychoanalysts working with dreams. Scientists do not care about the dream book; they do not attach importance to whether the dream occurred on the night of Thursday to Friday, and so on. But they found a wise solution.

Often nightmares are repeated, the same terrible dream is dreamed over and over again, and there is no way out. And all because every time you wake up from fear, and the dream does not have time to end.

For example, you are being chased by a scary beast and you wake up before it catches up with you. Try in reality, in your fantasies, to end this dream.

Let him catch up with you, let you fly to the ground, falling from the roof, let what you fear happen. This is just a dream! Use your imagination.

Fight the pursuer, “finish” yourself a sword or friends-helpers. Let your parachute open just before the ground. Change the outcome of a terrible dream, watch it in your imagination, and it will cease to exist!

Basic values

However, every dream, nightmare or simple, from Thursday to Friday or another night, always has a meaning. And you need to find out by looking in the dream book.

There are basic types of nightmares that are characteristic and common. And it’s very easy to interpret them!

1. Any persecution always means an attempt to avoid, to get away from something. Care is defense mechanism psyche, which does not lead to good.

What are you running from? From dangers, difficulties, from love, responsibility, some of your own qualities. If you stop hiding, not only will your dreams pass, but your real waking life will change significantly for the better.

2. Why do you dream of a threat to life? Each specific situation means something different, the dream book will tell you this, but in general you dream of a threat to life as an indicator that in reality you strive to keep everything under control, do not intend to leave your comfort zone and are not ready to accept life as it is.

Understand that life is life, and you need to accept it, understand it, realize it and take it into your own hands. If you want to change something, change it, but don’t try to convince yourself that everything is fine if there are problems!

3. Death is often seen in nightmares. What is this for? It is especially scary if you dreamed of death from Thursday to Friday, because this night is considered the night of prophetic dreams. Do not be afraid!

In fact, no matter how scary the dream is, it promises only good things! Death in dreams always symbolizes renewal, a new stage in life, even healing.

Why are dreams of death so unpleasant and scary? It's simple. Significant changes, even for the better, are always difficult, always stressful, and often we are afraid of them. Stop being afraid of new things - and not only will the nightmares end, but life will also become much brighter and more joyful!

If you have nightmares from Thursday to Friday and the dream book warns of something, be aware, this is the main thing. The dream book can say a lot of wise and useful things, but remember - only you control your own destiny, and decide what to fear and what to conquer. Author: Vasilina Serova

Hello, I'm 20 years old. I live separately from my parents. they live in another city. my dreams are always colorful and very deep, I very often remember what I dream. In the last six months, I have been having nightmares more and more often, after which I simply cannot return to a normal state for a long time. Usually I always wake up at the most terrible moment or when I feel that something is wrong. I began to be afraid of everything, loving rustling, creaking, etc. from Sunday to Monday I had a dream from which I could not recover all day. I haven’t seen this in a dream for a long time. At first I had a good dream, after which there was a sharp bang, I woke up in my dream, and a shoulder-high shadow of a man crawled out near the refrigerator, I screamed so hard that I woke up in reality. Having woken up, I reached out to the TV as quickly as possible to turn on the TV. my breathing was very rapid, my whole body was trembling with fear. this dream was so real. I couldn’t come to my senses for a very long time after this. there was a ringing in my ears. my legs were so heavy that it felt like I had been running all night. I don’t know what to do, what this is all connected with, but I’m very tired of this.

Hello, Nastya!

There are several reasons why you have bad dreams.

These include stress, nervous disorders, general state body, specific nutrition, use of certain medications. Scary dreams can express our unsatisfied desires and anxieties, once we understand this and eliminate the cause, they will disappear. It is worse if the reason is a health condition and our subconscious is trying to attract attention with the help of a nightmare, fear, since we do not react to ordinary warnings in a dream. Most likely, a mental state is the cause of recurring nightmares. . But you shouldn’t start analyzing your bad dream when you wake up in the middle of the night, you need to try to fall asleep and think about the bad dream during the day, because at this time a person feels more protected.

The main thing is not to be afraid of bad dreams, but to understand that this is a process of work of the nervous system and our subconscious, and when we have bad dreams, they still “work for us”, forcing us to listen to ourselves and helping us to know ourselves better

Try to minimize factors such as eating at night, stuffiness in the room, extraneous noise, etc. Just doing these steps can reduce the number and tension nightmares, and maybe it will completely reduce them to nothing.

The next step is to identify psychological reasons. Such reasons could be loss loved one, stressful situation, deep-seated fears, distrust of life. Having determined the reason, you will already be halfway to freedom from nightmares.

If you cannot understand the reasons, try changing the place where you sleep. Experiment with the position of the bed, as well as the position of your body relative to the cardinal points (it is believed that it is best to sleep with your head facing east).

And one more possible way if none of the previous options helped you. Change something in your life radically. This change should be pleasant and meaningful for you. Increasing the amount of positivity in your life can have a beneficial effect on your dreams.

If none of the above helps, I advise you to visit a psychologist and figure it all out.

Wish you luck!!!

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Hello, Nastya! The best thing is to make a personal appointment with a Gestalt Therapist, Psychodrama Therapist, or a psychologist who works with dreams and explore (in as a last resort- via Skype, if you do not have such specialists). There can be many reasons, ranging from suppress such feelings, like guilt?, anger?, anxiety?, hatred?, etc. . Another reason could be - the perception of life is one-sided: accepting, for example, only the “good” that is in life, and denying the “negative”? And not perceiving life as a whole, in all its variety, variety, integrity. What is relevant to your inner world: recognition of the positive aspects and denial of the negative ones?! There is a third option, when a dream encodes an important experience, a complex topic, not by direct illustration, but by principle contrast ,its opposite? In a dream it’s like this, but in life it’s the other way around?! 4. How is an unfinished situation with someone in a relationship? 5. How is intrapersonal conflict? 6. How "self-adjusting prophecy" ?! At the heart of all this are the usual projections, with suppressed feelings, desires, unfulfilled needs, not noticing and ignoring this in yourself and in your life! You have a guideline, all you have to do is take action! Good luck in getting to know yourself! Best regards, Lyudmila K.

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Ideally, sleep should bring rest and calm to a person, but it happens that we toss and turn and cry out at night after seeing a scary or unpleasant dream. Why are some people not familiar with this at all, while others consistently suffer from this problem? Where do they come from - nightmares? Let's find out!

Causes of nightmares

According to the observations of psychologists, half of all people sometimes have terrible dreams. Here are some factors this may be related to:

  • stress, both strong and mild;
  • restless legs syndrome (this is the name given to a problem in which a person experiences discomfort in the legs and tries to eliminate them with movement);
  • habit of overeating before bed;
  • unintentional holding of breath, apnea;
  • heat, fever during illness;
  • not enough sleep, overwork;
  • depressive state;
  • withdrawal syndrome of certain drugs;
  • period of withdrawal from alcohol dependence.

The benefits of terrible dreams

Very common reason the occurrence of nightmares is the so-called post-traumatic stress. A person falls into such a state due to a terrible physical or mental trauma he has experienced. He may have nightmares related to this for a long time. This is a necessary measure - the brain tries to adapt the person in the subconscious in order to keep his psyche healthy.

In general, this is normal, but if the syndrome lasts longer than two weeks, it is better to seek help from a psychotherapist. Almost all men who survived Afghanistan suffer from nightmares. Only by freeing ourselves from anger and resentment in a nightmare can we come to a balanced state in reality.

When do nightmares occur?

In addition to the post-traumatic period, nightmares often occur during personal growth - age crises, turning points. Forming a personality is not an easy task, and nightmares are one of the tools that the body uses. After all, in essence, these are all our subconscious fears, and if we manage to defeat them in a nightmare, then we will be ready to move on new level in real.

We also have terrible dreams if our brain is worried about some problem. You may not even be aware of this anxiety, since everything happens on a subconscious level. Dealing with unpleasant situations in a nightmare, a person receives an answer to the question of what to do in reality.

Analysis of nightmares

Scientists have been conducting research on such dreams for almost a hundred years, regularly discovering something new. It is now known that the frequency of nightmares is inversely proportional to age. So, if 70-90 percent of teenagers dream about them, then only 5 percent of older people dream about them. What complicates the task for scientists is that each nightmare is unique, and a person cannot always correctly tell about all the details of what he dreams about.

In 1935, psychologist A. Zadra did 12 studies, but could not find out anything definitive, because the results of each experiment varied depending on the person, circumstances and methods of research. The psychologist used interviews and questionnaires to study nightmares. The subjects kept a dream journal, but they were unable to write down everything in detail, because what they dream about is usually forgotten within a few minutes of waking up.

What do bad dreams mean?

Nightmares, like ordinary dreams, can be deciphered. Psychologists do this. They have compiled a list of the most common terrible dreams. Of course, their details may vary, but the essence remains the same. So, the ten most common scary dreams:

What to do if you have a horror dream?

To prevent the recurrence of unpleasant dreams, try to follow following rules healthy sleep:

  • do not overeat at night, keep dinner light and no later than 2 hours before bedtime;
  • the room must be ventilated, get rid of unpleasant odors and stuffiness;
  • use what is pleasant to the body bed linen from natural fabrics;
  • do not play horror games or watch thrillers at night;
  • You can use mild sedatives without a prescription, like valerian, just don’t let it become a habit.

Why do pregnant women have nightmares?

The reasons may vary. If this is a woman’s first pregnancy, then she experiences a lot of different fears, which are reflected in dreams. She is worried about everything - toxicosis, a changing body, strange tastes in food, a decrease or increase in libido. Only a very strong psyche is able to endure this period painlessly and get rid of unnecessary stress.

Concerns about the unborn child and his health also play a significant role. Many women are terrified of giving birth to a sick baby. And, of course, there is fear of childbirth, especially if there were “well-wishers” who told her horror stories about the tragic outcome of the birth of someone I know.

There may also be anxiety about the gender of the child if a woman wants to give birth strictly to a boy or a girl. And then she wakes up in a cold sweat, having seen a recurring dream about the birth of a child of the opposite sex. The task of relatives is to reassure expectant mother so that she understands that the main thing is the child’s health, and love will come to a child of any gender.

How to get rid of bad dreams?

There are several factors that require you to consult a doctor rather than self-medicate:

  • you regularly suffer from insomnia;
  • you wake up every hour or more often, and after waking up you have difficulty falling asleep;
  • you wake up in a state of anger, in bad mood;
  • You wake up with a headache, cold sweat, and a racing heart.

The doctor will most likely prescribe good sedatives that are suitable for you, or other adequate treatment. And soon he will return to you restful sleep.

Every person has had terrible dreams at least once in their life. But if they come to some people occasionally, they torment others constantly. The state of fear is accompanied by cold sweat, rapid breathing and confusion. At the same time, the time a person returns to normal depends on the phase in which the dreams appeared.

If you have nightmares, then the person wakes up quickly and immediately realizes the unreality of the events. When terrible dreams come, the sleeper is unable to quickly escape from the “embraces of Morpheus”, so he is not aware of reality for several minutes after waking up.


When bad dreams come rarely, it is sometimes due to nervous disorder, shock, stress, or even just watching a horror movie before bed. But if nightmares are constant, they are trying to warn a person about something, for example, about the presence of a serious illness. This is especially pronounced in cases where the entire dream or some event in it is repeated.

For example, in England, a man complained to doctors that he once had a nightmare about dying from a knife wound to the stomach. After that, the terrible dream came to him every night, sometimes changing, but the essence remained the same. A couple of months later, oncologists diagnosed pancreatic cancer.

Bad dreams come to a person not only during a serious illness, but also in cases of mild illness, such as a cold or flu. Psychologists and somnologists are trying to identify the relationship between terrible events in visions and reality, but this science has not yet been studied, it is not always possible to draw the right conclusions.

Psychology of nightmare

Experts, answering the question of why nightmares occur, mention the emotional state of the patient. Bad dreams go hand in hand with financial, psychological or physiological difficulties in life.

Often nightmares develop due to the inability to realize oneself in professional field. In such cases, the plot of the dream is closely related to work and can be repeated almost unchanged.


The causes of nightmares should be sought if they torment a person every night, disrupting peaceful sleep and rest. A number of them are associated with in the wrong way life, while others are able to warn about the development serious illnesses, – the etiology of terrible dreams must be clarified.

Preschool age

The child has nightmares due to the fact that he has a high sensitivity threshold. Vivid negative impressions can provoke nightmares, complete absence friends, insults from peers, strong quarrels parents.

IN dysfunctional families where is the deception and physical punishment are considered the norm, children have nightmares all the time. The same can be said about children in orphanages.

The only thing parents need to do is to provide their child with a stable, supportive environment in the family, be attentive to his fears and pay attention to how the child communicates with his peers. Very soon, terrible dreams will stop appearing to him at night, and with the development of the nervous system, the syndrome will completely disappear.


It occurs in both children and adults. Often manifests itself in children aged 2-4 years, when at times the need to lie down disappears. nap. As a result, the child becomes very tired in the evening, which manifests itself in dreams.

Overfatigue in adults is mainly associated with daytime experiences and unresolved issues, which a person subconsciously tries to understand during rest. The same thing happens when it comes to severe fatigue associated with a change of environment, for example, when moving.

Depression and stress

A large number of stressful situations V daytime– a common cause of nightmares. This is a professional syndrome of firefighters, doctors, law enforcement or rescue services.

But other reasons for developing depression can cause scary dreams. Any person, being in a state of strong emotional experiences, loses peace day and night, because he unconsciously tries to find a way out of this situation. This situation gives rise to emotional overstrain that turns into nightmares.

A psychotherapist will help you sort out your problems and restore calm to your life by protecting yourself from sources constant stress. Without special treatment, bad dreams will return every night.

Various diseases

Diseases internal organs cause nightmares whether a person knows about them or not. As a rule, they are accompanied by such additional symptoms How:

  • Headache;
  • Neurosis;
  • Increased body temperature;
  • Severe hypoxia.

If bad feeling persists for several days, and at the same time you begin to have nightmares, you need to contact your doctor and undergo a full preventive examination.

Binge eating

Endocrinologists, therapists, somnologists, nutritionists and even trainers in the gym say that it is not recommended to eat 3-4 hours before bedtime, so as not to disturb your rest. However, only a few people know that overeating before bed can cause nightmares.

Overstimulation of the body trying to digest the food it receives leads to psychological disorders. The situation becomes aggravated if the late dinner contained a large number of sweet, fatty or spicy. Speeding up your metabolism at night will lead to best case scenario to insomnia for a couple of hours, and at worst – to debilitating nightmares.

Rest in unsuitable conditions

Going to bed should be accompanied by certain rituals, including preparation comfortable conditions. Bright light, loud music, stale air, foreign odors, etc. can disrupt the process of falling asleep. IN ordinary situations such inconveniences lead to sleep disturbances and sometimes to frequent nightmares.

Ancient teachings claim that bad dreams are caused by negative energy. They explain night visions incorrect location bed, poor furnishings of the room or negative aura of the sleeping place. . However, scientists have not yet been able to give a scientific explanation for this phenomenon and are inclined to believe that self-hypnosis is to blame.

Creative person

People who are creative are more likely to have scary dreams than others. This is due to the fact that they have a high threshold of sensitivity; they experience all negative events in life more intensely.

Exactly creative personalities see prophetic dreams and predict bad events that then come true.

Having bad habits

This includes not only smoking, alcohol abuse and drug use, but also a passion for caffeine-based tonic drinks, long-term use medicines and others negative factors, destroying the body from the inside. It's all holding up nervous system in a state of excitement and does not allow you to relax at night. This is the simplest explanation for why nightmares occur after heavy drinking.

Scary dreams are experienced by young mothers who keep themselves alert with a fair amount of caffeine and at the same time are constantly under stress. If such a symptom begins to appear, the body gives a signal that it is time to stop and reconsider your lifestyle, to find harmony with yourself.

Another personality

Psychologists know that every person has good and bad sides. What others see is the result of a daily struggle with oneself. By nature, one of the sides is expressed more strongly than the other, and if a person has to fight with it, it turns into nightmares.

The benefits and harms of nightmares

It is traditionally believed that nightmares only bring harm, since they disrupt the normal process of rest, frighten the sleeper, and sometimes haunt him for a long time in real life in his memories. But it turns out that in some cases having a bad dream is useful, since A psychological “reboot” helps to throw off the burden of worries and survive stressful moments in life.

TO positive aspects scary dreams include:

  • Personal growth if the vision comes at a turning point in life and helps to survive it. Moreover, the dream itself can be nightmarish throughout its entire duration, and end with the dreamer’s unexpected victory over difficulties.
  • Exit negative emotions allows you to relieve the nervous system. Even if you had to wake up in the middle of the night, in the morning the person will be rested and full of strength, since all the accumulated negative emotions will go away.
  • Nightmares in some cases help to realize a hidden problem in one or another area of ​​life. Having understood this, a person will deal with difficulties in reality.

But all this makes sense if bad dreams come rarely. In cases where nightmares torment the sleeping person every night, the person becomes nervous, irritable, and there is a significant deterioration in well-being. Naturally, in this case, terrible dreams only bring harm.

Causes of nightmares by age

IN at different ages the same dreams carry different meanings. How older age, the more often a person wonders why nightmares occur. And that’s right, because in childhood bad dreams are guided by emotions, in youth - the formation hormonal levels, and only in adult life the ability to rationally approach deciphering night visions appears.

Bad dreams in a child

Children's nightmares are associated with strong impressions and fears that the child causes in himself or with the help of other children. Good imagination encourages you to come up with various scary stories or give special meaning ordinary natural phenomena.

In addition, nightmares in children are associated with stress. The reasons for it are different:

  • Transfer to another school;
  • Frequent quarrels between parents;
  • Preparing to visit the doctor.

The task of parents in such situations is to try to calm the baby as much as possible, to give him positive attitude and maintain a calm emotional environment in the family.

The third reason for terrible night visions is an illness accompanied by an increase in temperature and taking medications.

Bad dreams in a teenager

Transitional age is difficult time for every person and his loved ones, since during this period it becomes difficult to keep one’s emotions under control, cases of quarrels with relatives and peers become more frequent. The situation is complicated by the fact that it is during puberty, when a teenager is trying to understand himself, that he has to do serious choice future profession. Lack of sufficient psychological maturity leads to wrong decisions, fears that incorrect choice will negatively affect the rest of your life.

Bad dreams among teenagers reflect all their fears, worries, and are also a consequence of ongoing emotional stress. The best thing parents can do is to make it clear to the child that they will accept any of his decisions and will support him in all his endeavors. If you begin to have nightmares in the year of passing exams, an urgent emotional release is needed - a weekend spent not with textbooks, but with friends in the open air active games or in family circle, will have a positive effect on a changing body and help cope with fears.

Bad dreams in adults

Adults treat nightmares differently. Rational thinking allows you to quickly determine the cause of bad dreams, be it watching horror movies at night or a lot of stress in your life.

Nightmares are most severe during pregnancy. This is the time when a woman is most susceptible to external negative influence, supported by hormonal changes and a large number of fears, such as difficult childbirth, the birth of a sick child, and the possibility of miscarriage. Unfortunately, not many people understand that expectant mothers need support more than ever and do not pay attention to the condition of the pregnant woman.

If daily nightmares appear and threaten the health of the mother and her child, you should seek help from a psychologist and drink light sedative herbal decoctions before bed.

Daily nightmares

When wondering why people have nightmares every night, they don’t think that the reason lies in improper preparation for bed. Overeating, uncomfortable mattress, bed sheets low quality - all this leads to discomfort and bad dreams.

  • Last meal no later than 3-4 hours before bedtime;
  • A short walk to fresh air 30 minutes before rest;
  • Warm relaxing bath with essential oils will make it easier to go to bed;
  • Herbal sedative tea helps normalize the activity of the central nervous system;
  • Ventilating the room will enrich the air with oxygen;
  • It is better to fall asleep in silence or with quiet, pleasant music;
  • Avoid watching horror movies before bed.

If all these measures did not help, and terrible dreams continue to torment a person every night, you should consult a doctor and be checked for the possibility of developing pathological processes in organism.

Solving the problem during the day

In cases where nightmares are not accompanied by destructive processes, and you can’t cope with them on your own, it’s good to try Several techniques for dealing with bad dreams in daylight:

  • Getting out of stress on your own, for example, taking a long rest, returning to your favorite hobby, self-care;
  • Discussing scary dreams with loved ones, perhaps together we can find the cause of the problem;
  • Increased self-esteem;
  • Understanding dreams and working out another scenario for the development of events, leading to a positive ending to the nightmare.

In some cases, psychotherapists help in the fight against fears. Complex therapy Consisting of regular conversations and taking mild sedatives, you can calm your emotions and look at the situation with a fresh perspective.


There are no special measures to prevent nightmares. However, research shows that healthy people, tuned to positive mood, rarely complain of any sleep problems. Doctors recommend a set of simple measures to prevent the occurrence of scary dreams:

  • Compliance with the rituals of preparing for bed and preparing a comfortable place to rest;
  • Maintaining normal physical activity during the day;
  • Engaging in any hobby that requires increased concentration - drawing, assembling puzzles, knitting, etc.;
  • The use of practices that allow you to find harmony with yourself, for example, yoga, simple or breathing exercises.
