The ratio of stones to the lunar calendar. Planetary influence of stone and lunar days

Precious stones are born by the Earth, but they contain the power of heaven, which they radiate. There is an invisible attraction between the woman and the miners. Each of them has its own rhythm and inner radiance, which others can admire.

There are many myths and legends about precious gems and women. Since ancient times, a beautiful part of humanity has used the energy of crystals for rejuvenation, healing, and attracting good luck. They defended themselves with stones from enemies and evil spirits.

Each person determines for himself how to wear minerals: as a talisman (amulet) or simply as an ornament.

Stones can be worn on the days of the week, as each day has its own vibration and energy. You can try to live one week according to the heavenly rhythm in order to understand how you can change the general state; what minerals protect from troubles, give strength and health.

  • Monday - Moon

Monday is the beginning of the week and the embodiment of Yin power. On this day, the energy is heavenly, pure and untouched by worldly concerns. It is considered a favorable period for the development of intuition. It corresponds to the element of Water and white, silver in combination with green, color. For Monday, it is better to choose a metal - silver.

Minerals suitable for this day:

Pearl- will give charm to its owner, protect from negative phenomena, and also take care of health.

Moonstone - a love talisman that helps to manage your emotions. It gives its mistress sophistication and charm, making her charming.

Crystal Hairy - is considered a stone of beauty and youth, capable of influencing (slowing down) the aging process. Thanks to him, the gift of foresight opens. Water is infused on this crystal during the full moon, and then drunk for attractiveness and rejuvenation.

Odular- for those who were born on Monday, on a full moon, this mineral will become a faithful talisman and amulet. It is advisable to wear it set in silver.

Cacholong- able to relieve anxiety, bring peace and pure thoughts.

  • Tuesday - Mars

Tuesday is considered the day of entry into new rhythms and energy set. It is necessary to be active, to work with sexual energy. This day corresponds to the element of Fire, the colors are red, orange and yellow.

Corresponding stones of Tuesday:

Pomegranate - able to attract a happy love relationship, a good married life. Gives health and vitality to its owner. Helps to move forward and cope with life's adversities.

Ruby- protect from enemies, black magic, help untie karmic knots. A star stone has a special power. He is able to transform anger into a desire to help all those in need. Can bring high social position, happiness. Women can wear a ring on the little finger of their left hand, and men on their right.

Pink and raspberry tourmaline - is a powerful amulet from the evil eye and damage. He is able to reveal talents and help to realize them. The guardian of love relationships is pink tourmaline.

  • Wednesday - Mercury

Wednesday is a day of learning about the world, through interaction and communication with people. The element of Air corresponds to it, the colors are bright (rainbow).

Wednesday Stones:

Tourmaline (watermelon, motley) gives its owner mystery and charm, preserves beauty and youth, fills life with ease and creativity, as well as people from the field of art.

Marble onyx - can clear the space around him and remove the negative. Purifies from evil spirits.

Blue lace agate - perfectly preserves female attractiveness, beauty and youth.

Variegated jasper - it is desirable that jasper items, such as vases or photo frames, be present in the house. The level of energy in the house rises, fatigue is removed from everyone who lives in it. Also, this mineral acts as a protector, even at a distance.

  • Thursday - Jupiter

Thursday is considered the day on which earthly wisdom and self-confidence are acquired. It corresponds to the element of Fire, dark blue, purple.

The most suitable Thursday stones:

Lapis lazuli- will not allow third parties to invade the relationship of the couple. It is considered an excellent amulet for the home. Able to strengthen the faith of loving people in each other and unite soul and body. Helps in self-realization.

Sapphire - is a stone that must be purchased exclusively on Thursday! The strongest talisman (amulet) is considered to be an angelic star-shaped crystal. He protects from enemies, betrayal, trouble and slander.

If the bride has a sapphire on her wedding day, then a happy and long marriage is guaranteed. Able to return to spouses former affection and love. Purposeful people gives prosperity and power.

Amethyst - preserve youth and prolong natural beauty. Wearing it on the ring finger will untie karmic knots with former lovers. During the gift, he is able to fall in love with the one who presents the stone. In case of infertility, it can contribute to conception, and also will not allow defects to develop. Gives the patronage of higher powers, helps to control the emotions of the owner.

Charoite - considered a stone of magicians, and also serves as a talisman against witchcraft. It cleans karma and does not allow rivals to invade the life of the owner.

  • Friday - Venus

Day of women's flows, which gives the energy of Aphrodite. This is the day when you need to do physical beauty, not only of the soul, but also of the body. It corresponds to the element Earth, blue, emerald and green.

Friday Stones:

Amazonite - makes it possible to protect oneself from magic, helps to fulfill oneself through beauty and charm.

Emerald - considered a crystal that came from heaven. It gives an inextricable link between the Guardian Angel and connects with their world. Blocks negative energy, prolongs life and gives health. Helps to achieve goals (if asked to do so). It heals the heart and helps to forget sorrows, and gives immortality to the soul and body.

Turquoise - protects its owner from poverty, helps in solving the most difficult issues. It gives charm and health, and also saves from negative magical effects. The stone takes a hit on itself, from this it can fade, become covered with cracks or even crumble.

Aquamarine- able to expose and destroy magical spells, astral deceptions. It will help maintain the devotion of the spouses to each other. Will provide a constant connection with the Guardian Angel. Thanks to its action, a person will learn to be more tolerant of others, will be able to understand the meaning of events and develop intuition. Aquamarine gives youth and beauty.

Chrysolite (peridot, olivine) empowers others with the ability to understand their purpose and move along the intended path. It is considered a talisman to attract prosperity and success.

Malachite - is a mineral of harmonious family relationships, which helps to gain friendship and understanding among loved ones. It is recommended to buy it first for the house, and then only for yourself.

  • Saturday - Saturn

Saturday is a day of debriefing and planning. It corresponds to the element Earth, black color.

Saturday Stones:

Obsidian - improves metabolism in the body and helps to lose weight, saves from committing bad deeds. It can be worn for no more than three days, and then you need to take a break so that it does not take energy.

Rauchtopaz - reveals to the owner what is hidden. Brings the liar to clean water. Helps to get rid of vices: pride, resentment and jealousy. Opens the way to reality.

Schorl (black tourmaline) It is considered the most powerful amulet against black magic and witchcraft. If the mineral is combined with pyrite, then their interaction will help return the damage to those who caused it.

If this stone is in the house, it will protect from unwanted guests.

  • Sunday - Sun

Sunday is the day of love, receiving and giving. This is the start of another spiral. During this period, everything that has been accumulated during the week is collected together and given to others. It corresponds to the element of Fire, golden color.

Sunday Stones:

Pink calcite - allows you to get rid of various insults to others. Helps improve heart disease. And for those who have not yet found their first love, it helps to find it.

Amber - is a universal amulet against evil spirits and ill-wishers. Eliminates bitter memories, protects against the adverse effects of the computer and TV. Raw stones have a large health complex.

Rose Quartz - helps to establish ties with others, opens the heart. It allows the flow of love flows, and also helps to find your soul mate. Grounds anger and transforms it into tenderness.

red carnelian a wonderful talisman of well-being and love, protecting from the negative influence of others. Able to reveal the natural talent of a person.

In addition to the standard methods of physical, dry cleaning of metals, there are many magical ones, because. the removal of external signs of pollution does not mean the removal of information and energy seals. The metal itself is more flexible, less tenaciously keeps its memories, it is more difficult if the ring has a stone. It is good to clean with salt, naturally do not rub, but put the ring in salt for a day. For all metals, water options are suitable, because. Water works most actively with memory and is less harsh than, for example, Fire.

Cleaning of metals:

In addition to the common method of running water, freezing is very effective. In a plastic vessel, so as not to crack, put it in the refrigerator for a day, preferably before the new moon, on the last 29th day of the lunar cycle. Freezing water pulls out all the information, structures it, often visually. In the ice, next to the ring, cloudy figures can form - this is what happened. Or rays, arcs of bubbles - this is the aura of the ring, the intensity of which means its sleeping or waking state.

Silver has the most mobile memory, it is most tightly tuned to its owner. After negative events, it needs to be cleaned energetically more often than other metals, but this feature has its own magical advantages. A physical sign of old information is the darkening of silver, they can be removed in the usual way - with an aqueous solution of ammonia, before lunar cleaning. Be careful if there is artificial blackening or lightening, then ammonia is not suitable. The removal of this noble blackness is more often necessary if the ring has changed its owner or if its “personality” needs to be radically updated. Silver blackness is the experience of the ring, if you do not want it to be lost, for example, having been inherited from your ancestors, water procedures are enough.

Further, on the 1st lunar day, you can set the ring for yourself, talk with him, agree on something and restore the energy balance. Silver must be placed on the windowsill for several nights so that it can see the moon that has appeared and growing, and during the day it must be removed from direct sunlight. Neomenia - the appearance of a newborn month, occurs no later than 3 days after the new moon. For charging copper, after cleaning, burying in clean, living earth is well suited. A pot with indoor flowers is suitable, according to the state of health of which one can judge the qualities of the earth. For iron - calcination with fire, for example, from a candle, it is better to keep it nearby so as not to smoke, and leave it by the dying candle. Gold is charged with sunlight, window sill method.

Stone setting:

If your jewelry artifact has a stone, it is all the more better to use purification with water or freezing, stones are more selective to other methods. After purification, you can adjust the stone.

Stones acquire the greatest power on certain lunar days (correspondences are presented in the table below), when their magical properties are powerfully revealed. But if you have not tuned in to this stone, have not agreed to cooperate with it, most likely it simply will not work, in the worst case, its energies can be dangerous, causing unpredictable, uncontrollable effects. It is necessary to start working with the stone two weeks before its lunar day, on the opposite phase of the moon, the opposite point of the lunar cycle, when the stone is most passive. The opposite lunar day is indicated in brackets in the table. Before this, the stone must be cleaned, for example, according to the method described above (the next new moon is March 7 at 8 pm Moscow time), and set aside. Starting from the day of antiphase, as T.N. Zyurnyaeva advises, for two weeks, while the stone is filled with energy, take it in your hands every day and equalize with its growing strength, repeating three times: “I am the master, and you are a friend (assistant, protector, healer). You can "talk" to him about his magical properties, it is assumed that you already know what kind of help you are waiting for. And two weeks later, on the day of the lunar day of the stone, you can start wearing it.

Table: Correspondence of minerals and lunar days

1 lunar day (antiphase day - 16): diamond (diamond), rock crystal.
2 lunar day (16): jadeite, chalcedony, iridescent agate.
3 lunar day (17): jaspilite, ruby, aventurine, pyrite, carnelian.
4 lunar day (18): sardonyx, amazonite, green jade.
5 lunar day (19): blue turquoise, pink chalcedony, marble.
6 lunar day (20): hyacinth, citrine.
7 lunar day (21): sapphire, heliotrope, white coral.
8 lunar day (22): red pomegranate, chrysolite, morion.
9 lunar day (23): black pearl, alexandrite, rauchtopaz, serpentine (serpentine).
10 lunar day (24): amber, olivine-chrysolite, sardonyx.
11 lunar day (25): fire opal, hematite (bloodstone), carnelian.
12 lunar day (26): lapis lazuli, yellow coral, mother of pearl, pink pearls.
13 lunar day (27): noble opal.
14 lunar day (28): hyacinth.
15 lunar day (29.30): agate, morion, jet.
16 lunar day (1.2): spinel (lal), tourmaline, charoite, emerald, white pearls (all except black).
17 lunar day (3): transparent amethyst, crow and falcon eye, zircon, almandine.
18 lunar day (4): white agate, opal, lilac amethyst, spinel.
19 lunar day (5): labrador, jet, morion, hematite (bloodstone), chrysolite, green garnet (uvarovite), onyx, white turquoise.
20 lunar day (6): red jasper, jasperite.
21 lunar days (7): pyrite, zircon, aventurine, obsidian.
22 lunar day (8): blue agate, blue sapphire, blue jasper, blue jade, amber.
23 lunar day (9): rauchtopaz, black jade, crocodile, sarder.
24 lunar day (10): black jasper, airy obsidian, malachite, blue jade, grossular.
25 lunar day (11): spars, tiger's eye, hawk's eye, cat's eye, all fossils, heliotrope, pink marble.
26 lunar day (12): orpiment, yellow jade, jadeite, chrysoprase.
27 lunar day (13): lilac transparent amethyst, emerald, pink and raspberry quartz, selenite, adularia.
28 lunar day (14): chrysoprase, chrysoberyl, milk opal, jadeite, aquamarine, amethyst, aragonite, belomorite (moonstone), plasma.
29 lunar day (15): black pearl, mother-of-pearl, obsidian, white opal, colored jasper, cacholong, labrador.
30 lunar day (15): white coral, rock crystal, tourmaline.

Natural minerals fascinate us not only with their beauty, but also with amazing qualities. Since ancient times, there has been a belief in their miraculous ability to protect a person from misfortune and illness, bring good luck and wealth, and inspire creativity.

The stone is full of secrets. It can become a powerful amulet for its owner, or it can do harm. Everything will be fine if, during the selection process, you do not forget about a few simple rules when choosing your talisman stone according to the zodiac sign.

How to find your talisman

According to astrologers, natural minerals depend on the position of the Sun, Moon and planets in the zodiac constellations.

A stone of one or another receives vibrations of this sign from space and, thereby, accumulates powerful energy in itself. That is why even in ancient times there was a tradition to select jewelry depending on the date of birth.
If the talisman stone is selected according to the horoscope, then it exhibits the following qualities:

  • makes the owner invulnerable to negative energies;
  • strengthens his immunity, protects against diseases;
  • gives strength and activity, enhances the taste for life;
  • develops innate abilities and the best character traits;
  • attracts wealth and good luck to the owner;
  • colors his personal life with new colors;
  • exacerbates sensitivity to danger.

In the Middle Ages, the first lists of precious and semiprecious stones belonging to the zodiac constellations were compiled. It should be noted that the knowledge of the ancestors was appreciated today by the International Association of Jewelers. This organization has developed modern tables based on centuries of experience.

Table of correspondence of stones of talismans to the signs of the Zodiac

(March 21 - April 20)

(April 21 - May 21)

(May 22 - June 21)

(June 22 - July 23)

(July 24 - August 23)

(August 24 - September 23)

(September 24 - October 23)

(October 24 - November 22)

(November 23 - December 21)

(December 22 - January 20)

(January 21 - February 19)

(February 20 - March 20)

Acquaintance with the tables of correspondence of stones to the signs of the Zodiac helps to understand which stone will become a friend and protector, and which one will become an enemy.

The role of intuition when choosing a talisman mineral

The inner voice plays no less important role than the recommendations of astrologers and jewelers. It also happens. Gorgeous gemstone matches yours. Those around him are delighted. But you don't like it. Do not buy! This is not your amulet!

For a stone to become a talisman, you must love it.

Price and prestige do not matter here. Sincere affection can be experienced not only to jewelry. A modest artificial item, even a piece of a mineral found on a beach or roadside, can become a lifelong talisman. The main thing is that there must be contact between you and the stone, and the priority according to the zodiac sign is not so important. But if, however, you are lost in a sea of ​​information, then the first choice should be made according to the table of correspondence of stones according to the signs of the horoscope.

How to Avoid Harm

  • The wrong choice immediately makes itself felt. A person is haunted by a feeling of discomfort and mental anxiety. He feels a breakdown and an inexplicable antipathy even to the most expensive and exquisite jewelry. To avoid more serious consequences, you should quickly part with the wrong stone.
  • Do not buy jewelry in pawnshops and thrift stores. Perhaps the jewelry was stolen. In this case, they will take revenge on their new owner.
  • Acquire stones with defects in the form of spots, cracks, inclusions. They harbor negative energy.
  • An unexpected crack in a natural mineral indicates that he took the hit himself, protecting the owner from an invisible disaster. You can't wear it anymore.
  • If the ring slips off the finger, the beads crumble, which means that the jewelry is chosen incorrectly and should be discarded.
  • Stones can be at enmity with each other. Do not wear several different minerals at the same time.

Human nature changes with age and life circumstances. It is possible that at some point you will want to give preference to a new stone talisman, and you will choose it again according to your zodiac sign. This is the natural course of life. The world of natural minerals can be discovered endlessly. Its study gives a person not only new knowledge and vivid aesthetic experiences, but also contributes to the spiritual enrichment of the individual.

AT 1st lunar day- a day of dreams and daydreams - try to keep communication with the outside world to a minimum. The best thing to do is to devote this time to communicating with your favorite stones. This is the perfect time to receive a gift of a diamond ring or rock crystal pendant - in such jewelry you can quite claim the role of a bright personality who will have a strong influence on others.
Fill the inner space that every precious stone has with exclusively positive feelings. If you draw a bright, emotional picture in your imagination and transfer it to the stone through the system of communicating energy vessels, it is highly likely that the plan will be realized in the smallest subtleties and details.

In 2nd lunar day it is very difficult to restore the spent forces, and time flows more slowly than usual. Fate sends you all the most important things for this lunar month, pushing you to buy jadeite or iridescent agate, although it is recommended not to place special hopes on such objects of power as precious stones, but to rely only on yourself. Your energy field is more likely to be strengthened by a boulder you meet on a walk, a “brother” of those precious crystals that you are used to working with at home.

AT 3rd lunar day- a day of hidden inner possibilities - it is recommended to control your desires and emotions. Any gem that will be in your hands on these lunar days can be considered a test of strength, that is, the state of your energy. Pick up jewelry with aquamarine, aventurine or ruby ​​in a jewelry store, this will give you a powerful charge of additional strength and energy.

AT 4th lunar day- the day of unsolved mysteries - our energy is very unstable, and it is better to think ten times before taking specific actions. In order not to disturb the general energy background even more, it is recommended to purchase only agate, amazonite, sardonyx, serpentine and green jade - working with these stones, you give yourself a chance to deal with negative life experience, problems laid down in the past.

5th lunar day- the time of concentration of emotional forces. Success and marriage stones will keep you from emotional ups and downs and short-sighted actions. Receiving a present in the form of pink chalcedony, white turquoise or amber sets you up for self-confidence, determination, activity and a joyful attitude to life.

Purchased in 6th lunar day hyacinth and citrine become conductors of cosmic energy. Any gem you charge carries a powerful energy wave, contains very important information. But you can catch, perceive it only on the condition that on this day you will not show aggression, irritability, impatience.

7th lunar day- not the best time for seclusion. You should also refrain from deep penetration into the structure of precious stones because any thoughtless action can do harm, draw energy out of you. A purchase this
the lunar day of heliotrope, sapphire or coral will help to realize dormant magical abilities.

8th lunar day- a day of inner attractiveness that cannot be touched, photographed, or described in words. To protect yourself from the influence of lower astral entities, try to use red garnet, morion or chrysolite acquired on this lunar day. Meditations with these stones can give a hint of your true purpose, the tasks that life expects from you.

AT 9th lunar day beware of energy influences and your own destructive emotions. On these lunar days, it is useful to plan the purchase of black pearls, alexandrite, rauchtopaz and other precious stones emotionally associated with asceticism and loneliness.

AT 10th lunar day muses are literally in the air, try to remember your inner feelings from this lunar day, and the fruits of your creativity will definitely be a stunning success. On these lunar days, a karmic channel opens, and the energy of the family comes to the rescue in solving the problems of spiritual growth. The power of blue turquoise, sardonyx, amber or olivine-chrysolite acquired on this day is very effective.

11th lunar day- a day of incredible power that you have to learn how to manage, one of the best lunar days of the month. At this moment, the ancient forces of the earth, the forces of animal nature merge with the lunar energy. It is recommended to purchase carnelian, hematite, fire opal.

12th lunar day
- the day of positive cosmic pulsation - as if called to bring good to the world. Try to be sincere with yourself and with others, do not hesitate to openly express feelings. On these lunar days, it is recommended to purchase yellow coral, mother-of-pearl, lapis lazuli or pink pearls.

AT 13th lunar day it is better to avoid anxiety, fuss, and then you have a chance to comprehend the information flow that the earth element sends you, get in touch with the "soul" of the stone and catch the passage of time. On these lunar days, you may intuitively like jewelry with a noble opal.

14th lunar day- happy, "chosen one", always throwing us "precious signs of fate." It is on such days that the ability to feel subtly and create an aura of understatement around oneself comes. It is recommended to use the magic of hyacinth acquired on these lunar days.

15th lunar day contradictory, an excess of sensual energy splashes over the edge near the full moon, sometimes turning off common sense, but including our subconscious. Support yourself by buying agate, morion or jet.

16th lunar day creates an atmosphere of dreams and the construction of "strong" castles in the air - there is an opportunity to work with your future and correct the past. If there is a lot of reflection on the new moon, then on the full moon - emotions. The main thing is to be able to convince ourselves that everything in this life is within our power, and to fight illusions that deprive us of real opportunities. Plan on these lunar days to acquire such gems aimed at maintaining peace of mind, such as spinel, charoite, tourmaline or emerald.

17th lunar day- the best time to find your soul mate. So do not miss these lunar days, which take place under the auspices of Eros. The magic of a hawk's eye, zirconium or amethyst acquired on these lunar days is very effective.

18th lunar day like a mirror: everything that people around you say about you on this day is pure truth. And what stones say about you, you can find out if you get opal, spinel, white agate or lilac amethyst on these lunar days. Know how to achieve the fulfillment of your own desires, try not to fall under the influence of others and be sure to bring your plans to the end.

19th lunar day- the period of manifestation of magical abilities, when you will easily, without the slightest effort, inspire others with sympathy and respect. And the jet, Labrador, bloodstone, chrysolite or green pomegranate bought on this lunar day will help you. It is on such days that the wise thought that there will be enough natural energy in this world for everyone can visit you.

20th lunar day- a period of active and decisive action. You have to realize its internal connections, understand that nothing happens by chance - everything is natural and follows one from the other. It is useful to acquire red jasper and jaspilite.

AT 21st lunar day Nature will help everyone who makes an effort to prove themselves. But this very day makes us understand that lunar magic is not an immersion in the world of baseless fantasies, but our actions, for example, buying zircon, aventurine, obsidian or pyrite.

22nd lunar day favorable for turning to stones with any requests. It is favorable to acquire blue agate, blue jade, as well as blue sapphire and blue jasper.
But your desire to step beyond the visible world alone will not be enough. Only the owners of wisdom and secret knowledge will be able to decipher the hidden symbolism of precious crystals and penetrate into the very depths of the magic of stones. This means that it is better not to dive into those ceremonies with which you are not thoroughly familiar.

Main Commandment 23rd lunar day- do not try to manipulate other people. Any adventure will only give a false feeling that the situation is under your control. But where does such confidence come from that no one will ever be able to manipulate you so insidiously? Black jade and rauchtopaz acquired on this lunar day will help to control oneself.

AT 24th lunar day internal reserves are at the limit, so in preparation for any appeal to the forces of the Earth and the Moon, try to choose the crystal that is right for balancing the bowls of energy scales. The traditional acquisitions of this day are black jasper, airy obsidian, malachite or blue jade.

Loneliness in 25th lunar day is your best assistant. Whatever the magical action on this day only takes mental strength. Therefore, a sage or a person with good intuition seeks to remain alone with himself, turn to his inner world or go to a jewelry store for red jasper, jaspilite, heliotrope, pink marble, falcon's or tiger's eye.

AT 26th lunar day this is not the time to cultivate one's own originality and exclusivity - otherwise there will be a feeling that at the energy level your interlocutor, companion or colleague is always slipping away. When you buy jadeite, chrysoprase or yellow jade, remember: attachment to the material world interferes with a sufficient understanding of the higher laws of being.

AT 27th lunar day intuition is especially sharpened. Its vibrations carry secret knowledge, purple amethyst, adularia, selenite, rose quartz and emerald bought on this day have great power. But you are allowed to use only your own experience, what you yourself understood and felt.
The ideal recipe for wisdom for the 28th lunar day is rest. Do not try to get to the bottom of the essence and root causes of events. It is impossible to withdraw into oneself, it is necessary to develop the “inner light” inherent in each of us and draw strength from the Belomorite, milk opal, plasma, jadeite, aquamarine and amethyst acquired on this lunar day.

Symbols 29th lunar day I am deceptive judgments. Avoid darkness and dark places. Fumigate gemstones with herbs. Turn to water magic: be sure to conduct cleansing ablutions for crystals and gems, as this will help wash away all negative energy from them. Buy mother-of-pearl, obsidian, black pearl, labradorite, white opal and colored jasper.

The strategy of the shortest and rarest 30th lunar day is waiting. The moon is ending its cycle, and our internal reserves are running out. And yet, we always get what we order from the night luminary, especially if we have time to buy tourmaline, rock crystal or white corals on this lunar day.

In addition to the above:

1st l. d. It is believed that if a sorcerer or witch wants to bewitch the owner of the diamond, then the power of the stone will turn the witchcraft against them (I would say a mirror stone). Jaspelin is one of these mirror stones. Indian healers believe that a diamond heals more than all elixirs, and water infused with a diamond is generally considered priceless. I also want to note that almost all diamonds are now artificial and therefore they do not work like a diamond.
With the help of rock crystal, a mental model is built for a month. If everything is done correctly, then it is usually implemented.

2nd l. d. Jadeite is still confused with jade, make no mistake, they have different energy.
Overflow agate or shaitan agate saves from poisons.

3rd l. d. Ruby cleanses the blood, drives away evil spirits.
Aventurine is used to tune Anahata.

4th l. d. Green jade was considered a sacred stone, often valued higher than gold, and has always been a stone of power, a symbol of power.

Consider how the stones are distributed on lunar days. You have noticed that each sign of the zodiac corresponds to a lot of stones and minerals. But they are not worn all the time, but on specific lunar days, when the properties of the stone are most powerful. It is not difficult to understand which stone can be worn on a particular lunar day.

What stones to wear on different lunar days

First, find your zodiac sign and remember which stones correspond to it. And then look at which stones are indicated against each lunar day. These are the stones that help to better adapt to the lunar energy. Find your stone among the listed ones. Stones on lunar days:

1st lunar day: diamond, rock crystal, quartz.

2nd lunar day: jadeite, chalcedony, overflow agate.

3rd lunar day: ruby, aventurine, corneol.

4th lunar day: green jade, sardonyx, overflow agate.

5th lunar day: amber, turquoise, pink chalcedony.

6th lunar day: citrine, plasma, hyacinth.

7th lunar day: sapphire, coral, turquoise, heliotrope.

8th lunar day: agate, morion.

9th lunar day: black pearl, serpentine, morion, alexandrite.

10th lunar day: turquoise, sardonyx.

11th lunar day: bloodstone, selenite, carnelian, fire opal.

12th lunar day: coral, lapis lazuli, mother-of-pearl.

13th lunar day: ruby, opal.

14th lunar day: hyacinth, sapphire, lapis lazuli.

15th lunar day: agate, emerald, selenite.

16th lunar day: pearls, tourmaline, emerald, obsidian.

17th lunar day: obsidian, hematite, zircon.

18th lunar day: white agate, cohalong, opal.

19th lunar day: olivine-chrysolite, green garnet, onyx, agate.

20th lunar day: red jasper, rock crystal.

21st lunar day: zircon, aventurine, alexandrite.

22nd lunar day: amber, blue agate.

23rd lunar day: crocodile, rauchtopaz, capder, white jade.

24th lunar day: citrine, obsidian, turquoise.

25th lunar day: all eye quartz (stones-amulets), crystal.

26th lunar day: blue jade, coral.

27th lunar day: malachite, rose quartz, rauchtopaz.

28th lunar day: chrysolite, chrysoprase.

29th lunar day: it is better not to work with stones at all.

30th lunar day: black garnet, pearls, olivine.

Features of the impact of stones on lunar days

Please note that some stones work on any lunar day. These are the so-called amulet stones, they are the zodiac stones.

If your zodiac stone was not among the listed stones of the daily lunar calendar, but at the same time it does not contradict the sign in which the Moon is located in terms of properties and strength of influence, you can use it. You can wear these stones all the time or alternate with other stones.

All zodiac stones are easy to identify based on their appearance. Therefore, if you do not know the exact name of your stone, you can understand by characteristic signs whether its element corresponds to the element of your zodiac sign.

Transparent stones belong to the elements of Fire and Air, opaque - to the elements of Earth and Water. Transparent stones have male energy, opaque - female. As it is desirable for men to wear men's stones, so women - women's. In spring and summer, it is desirable to wear transparent or translucent stones, in autumn and winter - opaque or colorful.
