Do this if your breasts are not expressing. Expressing breast milk: myths and reality

There are many persistent myths and misconceptions surrounding breast pumping. Now medical workers it is not recommended to get carried away similar procedure, however, in some situations a nursing woman cannot do without it.

The most accessible and most natural technique is hand expression. That's why new parents need to know how to properly express breast milk by hand and when to really do it.

Breastfeeding is, of course, a natural process, so the composition of milk secretion and its volume are adjusted to the needs of a particular newborn.

If a woman constantly puts her baby to her breast (especially at night when the release of the hormone prolactin is at its maximum), the glands become empty. But in certain cases, expressing milk will help normalize a woman’s well-being.

Optional Terms

Before expressing the breast, the mother needs to consider whether she really needs this procedure. GW experts are skeptical about mandatory artificial stimulation mammary glands, considering the following reasons far-fetched.


The cases in which it is permissible to express milk are few, but every new parent should remember them. This will eliminate unnecessary procedures and help you make the right choice.

In other situations, there is no need to express milk during natural feeding. If the child eats well, is not hungry, develops normally, and the mother feels fine, unnecessary procedures will only do harm.

Two main hormones are responsible for the process of formation and secretion of milk secretion. It is on their “work” that the course of lactogenesis, a woman’s nutrition or drinking plenty of fluids practically does not participate in lactation.

  • Oxytocin. This hormonal substance provokes an influx of milk when exposed to certain “stimulants”. For example, oxytocin is activated when a newborn is applied to the breast, when the smell of the baby is felt, or when the glands are stimulated. If oxytocin is released, the milk flows out on its own without requiring any effort.
  • Prolactin. This hormonal substance is intended to control the volume of milk secretion. It “counts” the amount of milk removed from the breast and returns the same volume. Due to this, the breasts are practically not emptied during lactation.

Breast pumping will be effective if these hormones begin to work. To “turn them on” and cause a flow of milk to the glands, it is necessary to carry out preliminary preparation.

It may include the following activities:

  • applying towels to the chest, previously soaked in warm water, or standing under the stream of a non-hot shower;
  • drinking warm, weak tea or any other liquid (it is important that the drink is heated);
  • light and gentle massaging of the mammary glands;
  • stimulating milk flow, for example, by bending down.

When performing these activities, the mother should think about her beloved newborn baby. Perfect option– sit next to the baby to feel him better.

The flow of milk secretion will be more effective if you offer one breast to the baby and strain the other. This technique is good because when the baby sucks, milk will flow into both breasts at once.

Marmet and other pumping methods

How to pump after childbirth and “get” milk with your own hands? To simplify the pumping process, breastfeeding experts offer several methods, each of which has its own characteristics.

It is specially designed for nursing mothers. Since this procedure is not entirely natural for female breast, you must carefully study all the intricacies of the process and follow the following steps.

In addition to the Marmet method, there are other techniques that help get milk from them. mother's breast. They are usually used if the previous method did not bring results.

Warm bottle method

This method is used if the nipple is tense and the mammary glands are inflamed. IN similar situations It’s extremely difficult to get milk, and it’s impossible to latch on to the baby.

To express milk with your hands or to relax the breast to such an extent that the baby can take the nipple into his mouth, a bottle is used. This container with a neck width of at least 4 centimeters must be heated with boiling water, and top part cool.

Then the area around the nipple should be lubricated with Vaseline and a container should be placed on it. The papilla will begin to retract into the bottle, and the milk will begin to flow out. As soon as the streams become weak, the bottle is removed.

Nipple compression method

If your nipples begin to become rough and pain is felt when pressing them, you will need special way, which involves the primary secretion of milk.

To implement this method, you need to place all your fingers directly on the nipple and press on it for three to four minutes. Such actions soften the mammary gland and make the pumping process less painful.

Possible errors

Pumping breast milk will be effective and painless only if you follow all the steps correctly. The following errors are possible during the procedure.

Breastfeeding experts also include refusal to pump as an erroneous action if during the very first procedure the woman felt pain or did not receive milk. You need to try - choose right time, best pose and a favorable mood. In this case, the return of the white product will not be long in coming.

Before expressing milk secretion, a woman should understand how to use it and how to use it. Recommendations from specialists will help with this. natural feeding newborns.

Do not heat expressed milk in the microwave. Such a product turns out to be unevenly heated, and this is fraught with the presence of excessively hot parts in the container and a burn to the oral mucosa.

Expressing milk manually is a procedure that can only be mastered after some time. If a nursing woman is unable to express her breasts, she should consult a doctor or breastfeeding expert. natural feeding for advice. And although experts recommend not to get carried away with such a procedure, pumping will allow the mother to stock up useful product and prolong breastfeeding as much as possible.

Hello, I am Nadezhda Plotnikova. Having successfully completed her studies at SUSU as a specialized psychologist, she devoted several years to working with children with developmental problems and consulting parents on issues of raising children. I use the experience gained, among other things, in creating articles of a psychological nature. Of course, I in no way claim to be the ultimate truth, but I hope that my articles will help dear readers deal with any difficulties.

How to express milk by hand.

Did you know that by volume of expressed milk it is forbidden judge whether the mother has enough of it? And why? And because expressing is not just pouring from one container to another, it is a skill, your hands must learn to express milk (there are some tricks), and most importantly, your breasts must learn to give milk in response to expressing (whether with your hands or with a breast pump - doesn't matter). A very common situation is when the baby gains a kilogram or more (not out of thin air, of course, from mother’s milk), but the mother either cannot express milk, or only expresses a couple of teaspoons.

Milk in the breast does not accumulate in any special containers or sinuses. It is evenly distributed throughout all the thinnest tubes-ducts and tiny alveoli (structural units of glandular tissue, similar to sacs, in which milk is produced). Such milk distributed along the ducts cannot simply be squeezed out of the breast by applying physical strength or a stronger vacuum. How does a baby suck? The fact is that the breast itself helps the baby. She herself gives away milk. When a baby sucks or stimulates the nipples, the level of the hormone oxytocin increases, this causes the alveoli to contract and the ducts to dilate - and that’s it, the milk flows on its own!

What to do if you still need to express milk? In order to express milk, it is also important to stimulate this same milk separation reflex. It starts easily on a child, but pumping is artificial process, it takes more time and work.

What helps trigger the milk ejection reflex:

Can be used for stimulation light massage breasts, warmth (drink something warm or apply a warm, slightly damp towel to the chest for a couple of minutes). Skin-to-skin contact with the baby helps, looking at the baby, touching him, holding him in his hands, smelling some little thing that he wore and it absorbed his baby smell.

According to reviews from lactation consultants, it has proven itself well. It is especially important to use this technique, maintaining gentle pressure for at least a minute, if the areola dark juxtacular circle is crowded, hard and/or swollen. Softening with pressure removes this swelling, makes pumping painless and triggers the milk production reflex. Barbaric “decantation” in the maternity hospital is not at all necessary (to put it mildly) you remember that it is impossible to squeeze out milk, but it is very easy to injure the delicate, and often overstretched, tissues of the mammary gland (these are not powerful back muscles).

If the baby cannot cope with breast engorgement on his own (for example, he is separated from his mother, unwell, sleeps a lot), using a pressure softening technique, and then gently expressing milk as shown below, helps to gently and painlessly remove the engorgement. Mom can do it herself.

How exactly to pump?

The animation below shows the Marmet pumping technique. The movement indicated by the pink arrows is very important. The fingers are placed on the border of the areola and the white skin (the individual position of the fingers may vary slightly, it is different for everyone, a little narrower or a little wider). First, your fingers press in the direction of the chest: you seem to grab the milk-filled ducts that lie under the areola, and only then roll your fingers along them. Important: fingers do not fidget on the skin; they remain in one place on it.. If they fidget, they may get abrasions. For the first minute or two, until the milk release reflex starts, it may be released very weakly (or not at all), it is important not to stop rhythmic pumping movements. There is milk! Soon oxytocin will kick in and the milk will flow more cheerfully :). When milk has stopped actively flowing out, you can move your fingers to a different position or move to the second breast (and then from there again to the first)

There is no milk in the nipple! If you press and pull on the nipple itself, it will be much more difficult to express the milk because it remains deeper, in the depths of the breast. Expressing milk using this technique can only be done by mothers with a strong milk ejection reflex (it simply flows out on its own in response to stimulation of the nipples), and it is unknown how effective it is.

Another important note: if for some reason the mother is only pumping for now (the baby cannot suckle), and she needs to pump more and faster she needs to pump every time both breasts, moving from one to the other several times during each pumping session. You can't hoard milk! Expressing only one breast at a time can lead to decreased milk production in the long run. Short but frequent pumping stimulates lactation better than long but infrequent pumping.

The practice of pumping is probably not less years than humanity itself. And for more than a century, discussions about the harm or benefit of the process have periodically revived. artificial removal milk from the breast. Let us also join in the consideration of this burning issue.

In general, expressing milk is neither harmful nor beneficial - it all depends on the circumstances. If the baby is healthy, regularly attaches to the breast and actively sucks, there is no need to remove the remaining milk from it. And it’s unlikely that you will be able to express properly after your child has fully completed the meal.

However, there are situations when you simply cannot do without such a procedure.

When can you pump and who needs it?

First of all, mothers of premature and weakened children who are unable to feed directly from the breast. In this case, expressing breast milk into a bottle and then feeding the baby through the nipple becomes the only way preserve both lactation and natural feeding.

In addition, pumping allows you to:

  • alleviate a woman’s condition with mastitis or lactostasis;
  • preserve lactation during the period of taking antibiotics and other medical supplies, the release of which into milk can harm the baby;
  • provide for the baby natural nutrition during the mother’s absence from the baby’s side (for example, when hospitalized or in case of early release to work);
  • continue feeding in cases where the newborn for some reason refuses to take the breast.

Pumping and lactation: is there a connection?

Of course there is. Practice shows that pumping the breast during the period of establishing lactation (3-5 days after birth) helps to quickly establish milk production in the volume necessary for the newborn, and also makes it easier to survive lactation crisis, which often occurs already in the first month of feeding and can be repeated every one and a half to three months.

In this case, the mother’s habit of pumping after each feeding will make it possible to quickly produce more milk needed by her growing child. Although this is not at all a mandatory technique: if the rhythm of life allows, you can simply put the baby to the breast more often in crisis periods: active child“will work” no worse than the most productive breast pump.

By the way, it has been proven that frequent, but short, pumping is more useful for improving lactation than long, but rare ones. At the same time, it is important during the manipulation process to use both mammary glands s.

Expressing by hand or with a breast pump: what to choose?

It is believed that when pumping infrequently, use mechanical devices there is no point - it’s easier, faster and more convenient to do it by hand. It makes sense to resort to expressing with a breast pump if the procedure becomes regular, for example, when the mother or baby is ill, or when a woman goes to work before breastfeeding is complete.

Properly easing the chest with your hands is a kind of art that you have to learn. In order for milk to come out unhindered, you need to:

  • grab with your fingers not the nipple, but the areola;
  • press on the chest, first pressing your fingers inward, and then pulling the captured area towards the container;
  • if the milk is not expressed, this is a signal that it is time to change the position of the fingers;
  • It is important that the pads of your fingers are in close contact with the skin of your chest and do not fidget or rub the skin.

How to store expressed milk

Read our article on storing expressed breast milk.

When breastfeeding on demand, constant pumping is not necessary: ​​the amount of milk is regulated by the baby himself. Frequent pumping“to the last drop” can lead to hyperactivation - excessive milk production.

Does this mean that there is no need to pump at all, ever, for anyone? Not at all. There are times when pumping is truly necessary. Here they are:

  • With strong postpartum hot flash milk, which is accompanied by engorgement (usually 3-4 days after birth). It is important not to overdo it and give the mother’s body time to figure out how much milk the baby actually needs. Pumping begins no earlier than a day after the start of the tide. The fact is that substances that signal that milk is being produced in excess appear in the breast only after a day. If you express milk earlier, it will come again in the same quantity. Your best breast pump during this period will be... the baby, whom you will attach to the breast at his request and on his own initiative, if the breast becomes stone between feedings.

And only in a situation where the baby does not want to suck, will you need to pump the breast until you feel relief.

  • For increase lactation in cases where the child for some reason cannot empty the breast well enough. In this case, pumping plays the role of additional stimulation of the breast and increases the volume of milk produced.
  • For maintaining lactation if mother and baby are temporarily separated. By expressing at a rhythm of 2-3 times a day, you can maintain lactation for quite a long time. If you need to reach the child’s daily diet, you need to do this at least 6-10 times a day, including at night.
  • If mom needs go away and leave the milk for the duration of your absence.
  • In case of lactostasis- stagnation of milk. With lactostasis, you need to pump if the child sucks the sore breast reluctantly or does not suck at all.

What is the best way to express - with a breast pump or by hand?

Each option has its supporters. If you are expressing milk for the first time in your life, first try doing it manually. With my own hands You won’t hurt yourself or injure your chest if you make mistakes in technique. In addition, by expressing with your hands, you can take into account the anatomy of your breast, choose necessary movements, speed and compression force.

When using mechanical devices, the risk of injury is much higher. The first three to four days after birth - during the colostrum period and the period of postpartum milk flow, as well as during milk stagnation (lactostasis), expressing with a breast pump is especially not recommended.

  • it is ineffective
  • you can only aggravate the swelling and worsen the outflow of milk.

But a breast pump can help you perfectly later, when your breasts are already developed. It makes sense to use it if regular pumping is necessary - for example, if the mother goes to work or is often away from the child.

Hand expression technique

Prepare a clean container with a lid; It is inconvenient to express into a baby bottle; it is better to take an ordinary wide cup or bowl. Wash and dry your hands so they don't slip on your chest.

  1. To improve the flow of milk before pumping, you can: apply it to your breast for a few minutes dry heat, drink something hot, warm your hands and feet in hot water, take a hot shower; roll the nipple between your thumb and index finger.
  2. Sit or stand comfortably and place the dishes under your chest.
  3. Put thumb above the areola, and the index and middle fingers below it: the fingertips and nipple are on the same vertical line. Make sure that while expressing your fingers are on the border of the areola and white skin or slightly beyond this border.
  4. Press the areola with your thumb and forefinger towards chest(that is, TO YOURSELF, and not from yourself). This may need to be done several times before the milk starts to drip, flow or splash.
  5. Now make the next movement - “bringing out”: slightly squeeze the fold with your fingers and bring it forward (this time away from you). This movement is a squeezing one.
  6. Move your fingers in a circle to empty all lobes of your breast. Make sure that your fingers do not slip on the skin - for this, use your hand and chest Sometimes you have to wipe it, for example, with a diaper.
  7. It is advisable to express the breast for at least 3-5 minutes, but no more than 20-30 minutes, changing hands until the milk flows weaker. It is impossible to express all the milk from the breast “dry”, since it is constantly produced.

What not to do when hand expressing: rub, press, massage the breasts, and also do any movements that cause pain.

Expression technique with a breast pump

With a breast pump, on the one hand, everything is simpler: you just need to follow the instructions that come with it. On the other hand, it’s more complicated: not every breast pump can effectively express your breast. If you did everything according to the instructions, but still did not achieve success, the following tricks may help:

  • comfortable posture, relaxed shoulders and neck;
  • such a tilt of the body, in which the chest is facing down, will hang down;
  • warm on the chest before pumping, hot drink;
  • express both breasts at the same time (here you need a double breast pump);
  • pumping directly while feeding the baby (we feed one, and express the other at the same time);
  • thoughts about the child, imagine him feeding;
  • “white noise”: sounds of nature, flowing water, sound of rain.

If you are unable to express milk

Have you not been successful or pumped less than you expected? When feeding on demand, the mother's body usually produces the amount of milk needed for one feeding. Accordingly, getting something extra may not be easy. But don’t lose hope: after the third or fourth attempt, pumping will become more effective. The breasts will “learn” to give milk in a new way, you will get used to making the necessary movements, study the rhythms of milk flow, feel the right attitude. Pumping is a constant practice and experience.

Keep in mind that you can express the required portion of milk not at once, but over several pumping sessions - for example, during the day. Expressed milk should be stored in the refrigerator.

What does expressed breast milk look like?

Some mothers are scared by the sight of their own milk. It seems to them bluish, transparent, empty or, conversely, too fat. Breast milk is not like cow's milk! It may also look like melted butter. butter, and like translucent bluish water. After standing for several minutes, expressed milk may separate - the fattier component will float to the top in the form of cream, and the more liquid component will remain at the bottom. It makes no sense to judge the nutritional value of milk by the type of milk. One woman’s milk may be different from another, “two-week” milk is not like “three-month” milk - but at any stage of lactation it will definitely meet the needs of a particular child.

Storing expressed milk

Expressed breast milk is stored:

  • without refrigerator – 12 hours
  • in the refrigerator - 24 hours
  • V freezer with rapid freezing (temperature -18 degrees) – up to 4-6 months

As storage containers, you can use either special containers or clean glass containers that are hermetically sealed. Jars from baby food, for example, are quite suitable. You can simply use thick, hermetically sealed plastic bags.

To thaw breast milk, hold the container of milk under running warm water. Check the temperature by dropping warmed milk onto the back of your wrist. Do not defrost milk in a microwave oven.

And one last thing. Be sure to taste the milk before giving it to your baby. It shouldn't be bitter!

Breastfeeding is recognized as a key condition for a healthy and harmonious development child. Breast milk contains everything necessary for the baby nutrients and vitamin complexes. Mother's milk contains all the essential immune substances. Once in the child’s body, they provide protection for the newborn from infections and form his immune system.

Although the World Health Association does not recommend expressing breast milk, in some cases the procedure is necessary. Therefore, a mother should know how to express properly. Proper pumping will not only provide the baby with enough food, but will also improve the woman’s health. In addition, the procedure is extremely simple and does not require financial costs.

Why pump your breasts?

First of all, you need to determine the cases when pumping is necessary, and when a woman can do without it.

Cases when pumping is not necessary

Conventional wisdom is that expressing breast milk (also known as artificial breast stimulation) should be used in such cases (although some experts have a different view on expressing breast milk):

  1. To develop and stimulate the mammary glands in postpartum period. The opinion of experts in this case is divided. When the baby is healthy, suckles well and eats enough for him, and the mother does not take hormonal or potentially dangerous to the baby’s health medicines, has no specific contraindications (including diseases) to breastfeeding, the baby independently stimulates sufficient secretion of breast milk.
  2. Insufficient or excessive milk production. When milk is produced in sufficient quantities, pumping leads to excess milk secretion and the breasts become over-filled with milk. In this case, you will have to pump very often and for a long time. When the secretion of the mammary glands is sufficient for normal feeding of the baby, there is no need to express. If too little milk is produced, it is better to replace pumping with more frequent application baby to the breast. You also need to monitor the sucking process itself. Subject to correct technique feeding, the baby receives more food. Expressing should only be used if the above recommendations do not help.
  3. At a time when the practice of hourly (regular) feeding of infants was adopted, there was a point in additional stimulation of the mammary glands. But this practice increased the risk of premature disappearance of milk. Over time, the approach to breastfeeding has changed dramatically towards feeding that is optimal from a physiological point of view.

When is pumping really necessary?

There are really few cases when there are direct indications for pumping. But every breastfeeding woman needs to know them. Pumping is shown:

  • In case of prematurity. Premature babies have a weak sucking reflex or don't have it at all. Wherein digestive tract Such children are developed enough to digest food. The optimal food for premature newborns is mother's milk. Therefore, pumping is in the best possible way feeding in such conditions;
  • Pathologies of the central or peripheral nervous system. According to statistics, pathology of the central nervous system prevails. In such cases, the child is not able to suck the breast independently. Feeding expressed milk from a spoon, pipette or through a gastric tube can help. Using a bottle is not advisable because the baby may choke or choke when sucking;
  • Insufficient milk synthesis. Breastfeeding is the main factor that stimulates milk production. In some cases breastfeeding is not enough, so pumping is the best way to enhance its formation;
  • At initial stage lactation. When too much milk is produced and the baby does not suck it out, it is indicated to release the mammary gland. This will not only soften it, but will optimize secretory processes;
  • Stagnation of secretions (lactostasis) leads to the development of lactation mastitis. The disease develops when the mammary gland is insufficiently emptied or the child does not grasp it properly. Proper pumping helps prevent mastitis;
  • If the mother is using certain medications or has specific diseases, breastfeeding is contraindicated. In this case, breast pumping will help maintain lactation;
  • With a flat nipple. Expressing can change the shape of the nipple. The child cannot change the configuration of the nipple, since it captures the areola, not the nipple;
  • If it is necessary to stock up milk if it is impossible breastfeeding on demand.

Which pumping method should you choose?

There are three ways to express breast milk:

  • manual;
  • using a breast pump;
  • using the “warm bottle” method.

Manual expression is low-traumatic and does not require special devices and financial expenses. Technology manual expression taught in the maternity hospital or in courses for expectant mothers. Below is a manual pumping technique.

The use of a breast pump is indicated for mothers with abundant milk secretion and women with sensitive breasts. The process is painless and can be carried out in almost any conditions.

The “warm bottle” method is extremely simple. It suits women with big breasts or those who experience heavy lactation.

The choice of pumping method depends only on the mother's preference and the specific situation. Help me choose optimal method maybe a doctor.

Where to express breast milk

In one-time cases, you can express milk into a baby bottle for feeding. It's convenient and food will always be at hand.

Breast pumps come with special bottle containers. They are great for short-term storage of milk. You can feed your baby directly from them. It is enough to put on the pacifier.

Long-term storage (from 2 days) will require special containers. There are special sterile containers on sale. They are sterile and hypoallergenic. Filled containers can be stored in the refrigerator or freezer.

A budget option is to store milk in baby food jars (not suitable for formula containers). artificial feeding). It is optimal to use glass containers. The key condition is their thorough sterilization (including the lids). Storing glass containers in the freezer is not recommended.

It is convenient to use special bags for storing chilled or frozen foods. Important feature The advantage of using such containers is the ability to record the date of expression and storage temperature.

It is optimal to express directly into a milk storage container. It is not advisable to overfill it.

Breast preparation

  • apply a warm towel to your breasts or take a warm shower before pumping;
  • drink a warm soft drink (coffee is not recommended);
  • perform a smooth, light massage of the mammary gland: starting from the top of the gland, move your fingers in a circular motion certain area breasts, then the procedure is performed on the next area. I move my fingers in a spiral from the upper area to the areola, after which the breasts are stroked from top to bottom;
  • bend down or hang down your chest.

Following these steps will help you relax nervous system and improve milk flow.

Attention!Expressing the free breast while feeding the baby with the other breast allows you to improve the passage of secretions.

Before expressing, the breasts must be thoroughly washed with soap and dried from water.

How to express breasts by hand

Correct execution of the technique ensures optimal secretion passage and prevention of stagnation.

Pre-prepare a clean container for storing milk and wash your hands. Before each use, it is thoroughly washed and boiled.

Expression technique:

  1. The woman chooses a comfortable position. The container is held at chest level. The back is straight. There is no need to tilt the body - this will only tire the woman,
  2. The gland is held from below with one hand, and the other hand strokes the breast towards the nipple.
  3. The thumb is held on the edge of the areola, the index finger - opposite. The remaining fingers hold the gland.
  4. Use your thumb and forefinger to squeeze the gland, then bring them together in a ring, while simultaneously pressing on the areola.
  5. The described movements are rhythmically repeated until the chest is empty.
  6. Gradually move your fingers around the perimeter of the areola.

The appearance of pain indicates a violation of the pumping technique (in the case of the first pumping, the appearance of minor pain - normal phenomenon, over time the pain will go away).

Sign proper pumping– milk flowing out in even streams.

How to express breast milk with a breast pump

Typically, the manufacturer indicates the instructions for using a breast pump on the product packaging.

Before using the device, it must be sterilized and the breasts must be washed.

Technique for using a breast pump:

  • the funnel of the device is applied to the chest;
  • the nipple should be exactly in the center;
  • the gland fits as closely as possible to the funnel;
  • The electric device is turned on after pressing the corresponding button, the mechanical one is started by pressing the piston or by squeezing the pump (squeezing must be rhythmic).

The signs of proper pumping are the same as with the manual method.

Warm bottle method

The method is similar to the use of medical cups.

A washed bottle or jar with a wide neck and a volume of at least a liter is filled hot water. The container must cool down for a certain time, after which the water is poured out and the neck is quickly cooled. Immediately after this, the container is hermetically applied to the areola.

As the vessel cools, the nipple will be drawn into it and the process of milk secretion will begin. After the flow of milk has weakened, the procedure is repeated until the gland is completely released.

How to express breast milk during stagnation

The rules for preparing the breasts for pumping during lactostasis are identical to the standard rules.

Expression technique:

  1. The second to fourth fingers of the hand are placed above the chest. Big and index fingers brought as close to the edge of the areola as possible. They begin pumping gradually, adhering to a clear rhythm.
  2. Fingers should move from the top of the breast to the nipple. The key feature is the need for priority action on the pathologically altered components of the gland.
  3. It is necessary to constantly change the position of your fingers near the areola. Milk should be released from all areas of the gland.
  4. If the milk flow has stopped, but the compacted areas in the gland remain and hurt, you need to stop expressing for a minute, perform a breast massage and repeat expressing.
  5. Express the breast until it is empty.

Attention!Congestion in the mammary gland is an indication for seeking treatment. medical care V as soon as possible. A progressive process can lead to dangerous consequences for health and life.

How much milk should you express and how often should you do it?

It all depends on the specific situation.

  1. When breastfeeding premature baby. It is recommended to express your breasts 6-10 times a day. The procedure takes about 15 minutes for each breast. It is optimal to carry out the procedure twice during the morning. Subsequent pumping is carried out in such a way as to evenly distribute the frequency throughout the day. The last procedure should be around midnight.
  2. When the mother is ill. It is advisable to carry out the pumping procedure at intervals of 3-3.5 hours during the day. The duration of the procedure itself should not exceed 15 minutes for each gland.
  3. For the purpose of establishing milk secretion. Expressing mammary glands at intervals of 3-3.5 hours. The duration of pumping is the same as in previous cases. In cases where normal secretion cannot be achieved, it is recommended to add two or three additional procedures.
  4. To prevent lactostasis, the procedure is carried out as the glands are filled with milk.
  5. When the mother is unable to breastfeed her baby, it is necessary to prepare milk in advance.

When not to pump

There are contraindications on the part of the child and on the part of the mother.

Contraindications for children

  • lactose intolerance;
  • leucinosis (“maple syrup disease”);
  • phenylketonuria;
  • developmental anomalies gastrointestinal tract.

Contraindications from the mother

Absolute (breastfeeding is strictly prohibited):

  • HIV infection;
  • AIDS;
  • parenteral hepatitis.

Relative (breastfeeding is interrupted until the root cause is eliminated):

  • severe illnesses that prevent you from caring for your child;
  • herpesvirus disease;
  • use of psychotropic drugs;
  • treatment with radioactive drugs;
  • application large quantity iodine-containing drugs;
  • treatment of tumors using chemotherapy or radiotherapy.

You should be extremely careful when breastfeeding:

  • availability inflammatory processes in the mammary gland;
  • maternal illness for tuberculosis;
  • maternal drug use.

In such cases, the decision on the need for breastfeeding is made by a medical commission.

How often should you pump?

How and for how long can expressed breast milk be stored?

At room temperature Milk can be stored for no more than 3-4 hours. Milk can be stored in a refrigerator for up to 4 days, and in a freezer (temperature no more than -18°C) for up to six months.

The storage container must first be sterilized, and after filling with milk, it must be tightly closed.

To prevent the growth of bacteria, milk should be protected from direct sunlight.

Freezing breast milk

Proper freezing of milk allows you to preserve food supplies for a long time for the child.

Freezing rules:

  1. Before freezing, milk is pre-cooled in the refrigerator.
  2. The container in which the milk will be stored must first be sterilized.
  3. You need to cool and freeze milk in the same container.
  4. There is a separate shelf for milk in the refrigerator or freezer. It should not come into contact with other products, since such proximity threatens milk contamination with infectious agents found on other food products.
  5. Do not store milk in the refrigerator door. Remember, only a separate shelf.
  6. The freezer is set to freezing mode only after milk is placed in it.
  7. Containers of milk must be marked with the date and time of freezing. Milk left in the chamber for more than six months can lead to serious disorders in the functioning of the intestines and other organs.

How to tell if milk has gone bad

Milk spoilage is indicated by:

  • unnatural color;
  • unpleasant or unnatural odor (similar to the smell of sour cow's milk);
  • change in consistency (like sour cow's milk);
  • unpleasant taste of milk (reminiscent of sour cow's milk);
  • curdling (formation of lumps) during boiling.

The same rules apply here as for milk of animal origin.

Attention!If there is the slightest doubt about the quality of breast milk, feeding it to the baby is prohibited. In addition to gastrointestinal disorders, drinking such milk can lead to serious complications in other organs and systems.

Rules for defrosting and heating milk

Breast milk must be thawed naturally– it should defrost independently in a refrigerator. In this case, the same rules for storing milk apply as for normal storage in the refrigerator (separate shelf, etc.). Opening a container of milk is prohibited, as this increases the likelihood of it being contaminated with pathogenic microorganisms. The milk is defrosted until it reaches its standard liquid state.

Before feeding your baby expressed milk from the refrigerator, you need to warm it up using a bottle warmer. If it is not available, you can use water bath. The easiest way to warm breast milk is to run it under hot water.

It is forbidden to use boiling water to heat milk. This method leads to a violation of the structure and organoleptic properties of milk. In addition, all immune complexes and most vitamins and other necessary for normal height and child development, substances. This makes breast milk just a collection of fats, proteins and carbohydrates.

For the same reason, it is prohibited to heat milk in a microwave oven. Also, heating it in it can lead to the melting of the teat on the container or the formation of a crack in the glassware or its rupture due to temperature changes.

Heating with boiling water or a microwave increases the likelihood of transfer of substances contained in the storage container or pacifier itself, which negatively affects the child’s health.

Repeated use of heated milk is prohibited. Even if it was stored in ideal conditions, it is better to throw away the remaining product.

During storage, separate fractions of milk are formed. To ensure consistency, the container with milk must be shaken well before feeding.

Mother's milk is the main component of nutrition infant(especially the first months). Due to the influence on him heat treatment, products prepared on its basis are an additional nutritional component. In addition, thermally processed protein is less absorbed by the child’s body than protein in its natural configuration.


Expressing breast milk allows you to provide the baby with the necessary nutrition in cases where breastfeeding is contraindicated.

Compliance with the rules for collecting and storing milk guarantees good health mother and child.
