How to create a fabulous atmosphere for the new year. What can you do now to create a New Year's atmosphere in your home?

In the New Year, your house should look magical, especially if you are expecting guests or your children are growing up. For a holiday to succeed, you need a certain atmosphere. You need to decorate not only the Christmas tree, but everything around. We have prepared for you a selection of ideas that will help transform your home for the New Year. Some of them can be implemented with children.

Christmas lighting

To create a festive atmosphere in the apartment, you should think about lighting. The right soft light can transform any inconspicuous room. In addition, New Year's garlands give a special charm to the apartment. And, of course, a tree. It should become the center of the light composition. On New Year's Eve, candles or table lamps of interesting shapes will perfectly complement it. You can generally refuse ceiling lighting. And then an intimate warm atmosphere will reign in the apartment.

By the new year, you can make interesting lamps from jars and candles with your own hands.


Cans can be used to make beautiful lanterns for home decoration or night lights.

Candlestick house. Cover the glass jar with plasticine or hardening plastic. To do this, you can roll up sausages, make small cakes, or roll out plasticine with a rolling pin. Leave room for windows or cut them out after. You can put both real candles and battery-powered LED candles in the jar.

Night sky in a jar. Poke holes in thick dark-colored paper with a nail, the tip of a pencil or pen. Wrap the paper around the jar, or roll up the paper and place it inside the jar. If the jar is wrapped with paper on the outside, then you can put an ordinary candle-tablet inside. If the paper is inside the jar, then use only LED candles. Instead of paper, you can take foil. Such a lamp can be made from a large three-liter jar or from a small jar of baby food.

You can glue the jar with pieces of multi-colored tissue paper. Then your lamp will be with a stained glass effect. Coat the jar with PVA glue and roll it in salt, artificial snow flakes or magnesia powder. Put a Christmas garland inside the jar. Pour 1/3 salt into the jar and put a candle in it.

New Year's wreath

Arrange an audit before the New Year and collect all unnecessary small items and toys. Encourage your child to make their own holiday wreath and help glue the items onto the base.

The basis for a wreath can be made independently by twisting it from a newspaper, unnecessary packages wrapped with masking tape. The resulting wreath can be painted with spray paint from a spray can, for example, in white or gold, and also wrapped with a Christmas tree garland. Using a hot glue gun, glue fake fir branches, cones, and other natural materials or details that you want to use to the base of the wreath with a hot glue gun. Hang this beauty on your door.

Christmas tree made of small items

Make a cute Christmas tree. To do this, various objects can be glued onto a large cardboard or foam cone - and you get an unusual Christmas tree. Or stick them in the shape of a Christmas tree on a wall or some other base. Figures can be left multi-colored or painted in one color. With such an unusual Christmas tree, it is very interesting to play the game "Find what I see!" Name the object that is on the Christmas tree, and the child must find it. For example:"I see a LEGO piece!"

sofa decoration

New Year is a family holiday, so it should be homely. Properly arranged furniture, nice pillows and soft blankets will help create a warm atmosphere in scrap.

If you want to bring a Christmas touch to the room, buy or sew a couple of holiday pillows with snowmen, Christmas trees or Santa Claus. And also throw some warm red-and-white plaid blankets on the pink of the sofa and armrests of the chairs. Guests are sure to use them.

Winter bouquet

Make a couple of simple winter compositions. To do this, stick plasticine balls or balls of felt, cotton wool or tissue paper on the branches. Twigs can be painted white or glued and rolled in glitter, salt, or artificial snow.

Gift sock

Where without him?! Be sure to hang a couple of these in the apartment. They can be made from an old, unnecessary winter sweater. Cut out the largest possible blank of the future sock and sew the edges by hand or on a typewriter.

Pomander for pleasant holiday scents

In order to really reign in the festive spirit in your apartment, fill it with New Year's aromas of the holiday. Poke an orange peel with a toothpick and have your child insert a clove into it. Lines can be pre-marked with a pen or marker. Put on such a composition in each room.

Little things in the hallway

The entrance hall is the meeting place for guests. So it is worth paying special attention to it when preparing for the holiday. First you need to put things in order, beautifully sort and decompose various little things.

They can be placed in baskets, trays, cups and boxes. They will give home charm and well-groomed room. For these purposes, small shelves are also suitable.

Then decorate the entryway with a few touches, hang a homemade garland, put a winter bouquet and a pomander with a bright orange scent.

Christmas decorations

For homemade Christmas balls, you can use foam blanks that are sold on the Internet. Paste such a ball with small objects using a hot glue gun (for example, beads, medium-sized felt balls, natural materials) or coat with plasticine and lay patterns on it with cereals and seeds. Also, balls can be painted or decorated using decoupage technique. For suspension, a metal ring screw can be inserted into the ball.

Or let the child cut out his own Christmas tree decorations from cardboard and decorate them. Cardboard blanks can be decorated with glitter glue, appliqués, stickers, drawings, or glue all kinds of small objects to them. On the bases covered with plasticine, you can lay out beautiful patterns from seeds, pistachio shells, beads and various cereals.

Excellent Christmas decorations are made from clay, salt dough or plastic for modeling. Bright pompoms that a child can make himself will look very elegant on the Christmas tree. To do this, you need to wind thick yarn on your palm, then remove it and tie it in the middle. Cut the loops and trim the resulting ball with scissors.

bright garlands

Decorate your apartment for the holidays with garlands that don't take long to make! Such garlands can be hung on walls, windows, and also stretched under the ceiling from one wall to another.

You can sew on a typewriter or glue New Year's silhouettes cut out of paper to a long thread: Christmas trees, stars, houses, squirrels, bunnies. Children themselves can string multi-colored felt balls or home-made plastic beads for modeling on a thread. A snow garland of cotton balls strung on a fishing line or a garland of snowflakes will look beautiful on the window.

Have your child make their own garland. Let him cut out various shapes from paper, make bows, tie ribbons, add toys and pictures to the garland. An interesting garland can be assembled from natural materials: cones, twigs, rose hips, dried orange slices.

Holiday harbingers

From plastic for modeling or from natural materials, make a lot of gnomes, snowmen or just houses. About a month before the New Year, put one such figure in the apartment every day - as a herald of the upcoming holiday. A child, knowing this tradition, will look forward to the appearance of the first messenger and then every day look for the next one, which can lurk on a shelf, on a windowsill or in a flower pot. After the onset of the New Year, remove one figurine every day.

Warmth and comfort to your home! With coming!

Based on books"Home Sweet Home" and "Wonderful Time: Winter" .

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10-10-2018. Andromeda
And it all started last fall. I ended my relationship after 20 years of marriage. It was painful and bad. But we had to move on. Every day I began to mentally ask for forgiveness from my husband and asked him to forgive me. Relief came. Then she began to "pull" a smile on her face, which then "sticked" to me) She wrote on the wall "Everything will be the way I want!" I designed a wish card, and then everything started to spin ... I changed my place of residence, made repairs, did yoga, threw off 10 kg, changed my hairstyle, as a result I fell in love with myself) And in the fall of this year, your site catches my eye with the program "changing loneliness for love ". It was a sign that I was moving in the right direction. What has changed in these six months? The most important thing is that I began to live "today", I fell in love with myself even more. Having drawn a portrait of a man, I let him into my life and now I want a serious relationship (at the beginning of the marathon, I didn’t even think about this). At work, those who came recently say that I have become very prettier lately, and colleagues and friends who have known me for a long time said that I have become the same as before, like 20 years ago, young, mischievous, cheerful, light. So I'm doing everything right! Thank you girls for your hard work. Great marathon, great job. Your site is full of useful information. I want to come back here again and again. I wish you prosperity, and a speedy update to all marathon runners!
Marathon "I change loneliness for love" >>
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05-07-2018. Elena Nikandrova
Hello Svetlana, Ekaterina! Thank you for such a wonderful and deep marathon. I have already completed enough marathons with you, but it was in this that a deep transformation took place, I finally understood how it is to love yourself. I used to think that I loved myself, but the very first task with the “bugs” showed that this was not so. Yes, I always took care of myself, pampered myself, but it happened like a knurled one, because that's how it should be. Now I began to get pleasure and real pleasure when I take care of my body, face, hair. During this month, I have already become in the habit of stroking my body, thanking, saying how much I love him, and I say thanks and words of love not just to say, but I feel it. It was not my goal to lose weight, but during the marathon it took 3 kg. In addition, my views on food have changed, now I don’t want to throw junk food into myself, I began to eat more fruits, vegetables, I eat much less sweets simply because I don’t want it. It happens all naturally, gently. Even during the marathon, for no reason at all, the customer increased the fee by 2 times. Received a large cash gift just like that. On the street, unfamiliar men are treated to sweets. I became more harmonious, stopped controlling everything, became softer in dealing with relatives. Yes, somewhere in the middle of the marathon, I started to “sausage”, my mood was jumping, there were even tears, but after 5 days everything was balanced. Thanks to meditations, I feel how I am more and more filled with love that I want to give to others, to the world (which I do). And the more I give love, the more it becomes. And yes, I began to notice more good things in people, before that I looked for flaws “this one is not dressed like that”, “this one is too fat”, etc., now there is practically no such thing, but sometimes it still slips, we need to work on it . I liked the meditation with "Angel", it helped me to completely forgive one person and no longer cling to the past. Svetlana's reports helped a lot to reconsider the relationship between a man and a woman, she realized a lot, re-realized, endured for herself. Prior to that, for a long time I studied with one trainer who teaches consumer attitudes towards men. And one of the main transformations is the realization that when a person sincerely loves and accepts himself, he also loves others. He will not hurt another, badly, will not look for flaws in others, etc. For example, now I want to constantly give kindness, to say something good to people. Svetlana, thank you very much for such a wonderful marathon! Good luck in everything, love and all the best!
Marathon "Love yourself" >>
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16-04-2018. diamondrain
I want to say thank you so much for this marathon. Although I did not do all the exercises and not every day as I would like, I feel that something has changed in me. Since childhood, I have been an insecure, unloving person, and it always seemed to me that something was wrong with me. At the age of 18, I seized on a relationship with a man who openly humiliated me, and I spent years proving to him that I was worthy of him, as I tried to prove to my father that I was worthy of being his daughter as a child. Although people around me always told me that I was a beautiful girl, looking in the mirror I almost cried, because I saw a sad creature unworthy of a good one. My boyfriend ended up dumping me, of course, saying things like that about me and my appearance. There were problems at school, there were problems at work, relations with my family were bad, I shunned the people around me, because I thought that they were worse. I lay feeling sorry for myself and one person close to me said - yes, you just attract misfortune to yourself. And I realized that this is really so and began to look for information about the law of attraction and came across this site. I started using the site to "destroy problems", "fulfill wishes", read articles. And indeed everything started to come true. And when I saw the "new me" marathon, I realized that it was for me. Now, passing by the mirror, my first thought was not disgust, but sincere love for my reflection, I began to feel that I deserve all the good that this world can offer me and I am not afraid to go after it. It became easy for me to communicate with others, because I no longer feel the worst of all. My ex-boyfriend wanted to come back, but now I know that the "new me" only needs the best man for me. In the meantime, I'm leaving for the marathon "change lives in 100 days" to change further
p.s. in a month and a half of the marathon, my hair has grown so noticeably that all my friends notice it

Delicious smells

Infuse your home with winter spices by making simple pomanders from oranges studded with cloves. You will immediately feel the atmosphere of the New Year holiday!

Brilliant serving

A truly elegant and solemn atmosphere can be created with the help of a golden brocade tablecloth and porcelain and glass compositions, which can be from different sets. A luxurious addition to the center of the table will be gold Christmas crackers, decorated with serving rings or elegant braid.

Add fire!

When decorating your home for the New Year, try sticking to your chosen color scheme, for example: red and green, gray and gold. The living room with a smart Christmas tree is now the main place in the house. Decorate it with sparkling garlands and arrange as many candles as you like. Candle lighting always creates a cozy fairy tale atmosphere. Wicker baskets can be useful for New Year's gifts. This is especially convenient when the gift is of an unusual shape.

cinnamon flavor

Decorate serving places for guests with a bunch of cinnamon sticks decorated with golden braid. To such a composition, you can add a small personalized postcard or a tag with New Year's wishes.

Multiple tiers

Fruit racks are perfect for Christmas ball arrangements. Just stick to a consistent color scheme so that the decor looks harmonious. Shiny balls can also be replaced with natural decorations (cones, nuts), fruits or berries in sugar.

How to create a New Year's atmosphere? Decorate a chest of drawers or shelf with candles stacked on a round mirrored tray that will reflect their flame.

Change of scenery

The chest of drawers is one of the most convenient and accessible places to create a Christmas fairy tale. First, remove the usual things from it, replacing them with candles and vases with balls.

soft backlight

Garlands can be hung not only on the Christmas tree. If you intertwine them with decorative branches of needles, berries and cones, it will be very beautiful! Create the atmosphere of the New Year holiday!

Nice memories

Save greeting cards from friends, relatives and colleagues. Make a small exhibition out of them by decorating a chest of drawers, a mantelpiece or a shelving unit with them.

Don't forget the treats. There should always be something tasty in the house - for relatives and friends!

Colored glass

Dishes made of red or green glass are perfect for a holiday, and you can complement the serving with decorative branches with berries.

Little surprises

Funny crackers can decorate the table, hang them on the Christmas tree or use them as gift wrapping for sweet and other small gifts.

Balls in vases

Arrange small candy vases with Christmas balls on the festive table, decorating the attachment points with ribbons. The New Year atmosphere will immediately appear in the house!

beautiful windows

Hang decorations and New Year's toys on the handles of cabinets and doors, decorate windows with them, or hang them on wall hooks, tied with ribbons.

Everything is in business!

Use more natural materials to dilute shiny jewelry. Arrange branches with berries, fresh flowers or dried flowers in vases or beautiful bottles.

Children believe in miracles, magic, fairy tales, they fantasize, get inspired, create, dream. They see not ordinary snow, but magical sparkling powder. They hear the story about Santa Claus and already believe and continue it themselves. They are charming in their craving for the mysterious. And this atmosphere, which is created around the holiday, is very important for them.

Let's support our little wizards and create a warm, cozy and fabulous holiday atmosphere around them.

1. Garlands, lamps and flashlights. “When we buy a new garland, we arrange a disco,” a friend once told me. Yes, an electric garland, this is the holiday itself in your home. The main thing is to maintain balance - a few garlands, included only at special moments, and a pleasant regimen that does not depress the psyche.

2. Homemade jewelry and gifts for loved ones.

You can easily find an unusual number of workshops on creating Christmas decorations on the Internet. It's great if you give free rein to your imagination and the creative impulse of your child, then you will get your own unique work. Preparing for the New Year is preparing gifts for loved ones. Even the smallest child loves to create, you just have to creatively arrange his work to hand it to relatives.

3. New Year's fairy tales, stories, heroes, cartoons and films. Reading stories together is an opportunity for you to spend time with your child, and for him to learn something new and interesting.

4. Winter and New Year finds. There are some in bookstores and online stores, something you can find and print. And if you are not afraid to draw, you can create your own find that will interest your child better than anyone else.

5. Snowmen, snowballs, towers, colored ice. If you are lucky and there is a lot of snow - do not forget about these joys of childhood, throw a couple of ideas to your child. And if there is no snow, then you can freeze the ice yourself at home, you can tint the water with food coloring (it is better to stock up on these for the whole year before Easter) or watercolor paint, you can freeze pebbles, shells, leaves, berries inside and take them out to the yard for games.

6. Winter and New Year's poems. I discovered recently that there are many atmospheric and pleasant children's poems on a winter theme. Search, read and you can even learn by heart.

7. New Year's music and songs.

8. Surprises. For those who do not know yet, there is an interesting tradition of creating advent calendars for children. Such a calendar may look different. Every day of December until the New Year, some small surprise is hidden for the child. For those who find it hard to take on such a calendar for the time being - try just once to hide something for your baby or play a scene, as you found something with the caption "For Petya Ivanov".

9. Baking and drinks. Gingerbread cookies are far from all that you can cook with your child. Try to find a recipe for non-alcoholic mulled wine and cook it together. Kids can get acquainted with citrus fruits (just in season), try to peel them, squeeze juice with a manual juicer.

10. Suits. It's great if the child is involved in choosing a costume for the holiday and aerobatics, if he can participate in its creation.

11. Christmas tree or tree. Since childhood, I have always sympathized with all the children whose parents did not put up a Christmas tree. Yes, and they were terribly jealous, especially the tall Christmas tree that my dad brought every year. If you are against putting a live tree, you can buy an artificial one. You can create a Christmas tree in many ways, but it must be for the New Year.

Again, keep a balance - do not take on too much, only what pleases and relaxes you, do not go too far with surprises and cartoons, instead just enjoy the little things with your child. All inspiration and New Year mood!

Sidorova Natalia

Everyone is looking forward to the New Year holidays. It is necessary to prepare for them in advance in order to be in time by December 31, to create a unique holiday atmosphere at home. How to make the most unforgettable New Year's decoration?

For your readers site "" has prepared some important tips how to create a festive atmosphere at home. In this case, you will not spend a lot of money and time.

Color design. First of all, determine in what colors the overall design will be. Two or three colors will look much more harmonious. But no more. Otherwise, your house will look like. When you have decided on the color scheme, go to the store for New Year's shopping.

Window decor. Start by decorating the windows first. Do not dwell on the classic version - paper. Today there are many other ways. You can hang Christmas decorations, garlands of spruce branches or small wreaths on the ribbon. Additionally, pay attention to the curtains. Decorate them with lights or beads.

Additional lighting. The warmth of candles can create a cozy atmosphere even on the frostiest evening. Even perfect for this. Decorate them with Christmas decor. Then install the candles inside. Or use LED bulbs.

Door decoration. Do not forget about the tradition of decorating doors with live spruce garlands. But not only on the front doors you can hang the decor. Interior openings are also suitable for this.

Serving. Of course, you think over the festive menu in advance. But in addition to cooking, pay attention to table setting. Beautifully raise not only the mood, but also the appetite.

Table decoration. In addition to New Year's and original plates, you should think about the decor of the festive table. It should not be very large, otherwise the guests will not be able to freely communicate with each other. Just as compactly arrange it on the table to place all the dishes on it.

Update textiles. New Year is an occasion to update the textiles in the house. It will transform any room with it. Choose a winter pattern on tablecloths and runners. Warm blankets will warm you on a winter evening, and you will have a sweet dream.

Bright chandelier. Give an unforgettable look to the New Year's room with a chandelier. It can also be decorated not only with a garland with light bulbs. For this, twigs and even berries are suitable.

Corridor decoration. We often forget about decorating the corridor. But the first thing that guests see when they enter the house is the corridor. In order not to clutter up this part of the rooms with New Year's decor, hang it on the ceiling.

Kitchen decor. Do not disregard another room in the house - the kitchen. If you decide to decorate it, then choose a small, compact design. It should not interfere with the preparation of goodies.

Happy New Year!
