How to bring your wife home in one day. Effective conspiracies to return prodigal wives - how to restore a family

No matter how carefully men treat magic, there are life situations when even representatives of the stronger sex turn to magicians for help.

With the help of magic you can bring back your beloved girl

A man’s brain is designed in such a way that it is easier for them to believe in what is proven and what is felt materially, but magic is not an easy matter.

You cannot expect lightning-fast results from any prayer or conspiracy. You should completely immerse yourself in the atmosphere of the sent energy. If you think and set yourself up correctly, the result will not take long to arrive.

How to choose the right plot

Today there are many different rituals that are aimed at bringing back the woman you love. Before you start choosing the necessary spell, you need to imagine your loved one; it’s good to have a photograph with you to make it easier to recreate the image. A conspiracy to bring back a beloved woman is the strongest magic ritual which is carried out in an atmosphere of complete concentration. The right attitude will help you choose exactly the option that is ideal in a particular case.

Correct execution of the ritual is the key to success

When a person has chosen a ritual that, in his opinion, ideally suits his specific life situation, it does not hurt to properly prepare for its implementation:

Before performing the ritual, a man needs to rest properly

  1. If the ritual is performed at home, you should mentally prepare for it: relax and tune in to the problem that worries you.
  2. Love spells and conspiracies are magical rituals. In order for them to be safe, it is better to use white magic prayers. White magic texts do not wish harm to the charmed person, while black magic prayers can carry a bad meaning. For example, for a woman who left to wither and dry up without a man.
  3. It is best to perform rituals during the period when the moon is waxing in the sky. It is a symbol of growth, as well as the growth of a woman's love for a man.

You should not use love spells that are associated with a cemetery. There is a possibility that due to lack of experience, the ritual will harm your loved one.

A conspiracy to bring back the woman you love

This ritual has its roots from ancient times. The men performed it in the field, they went far, so that there was not a soul around, and began to read certain words. The conspiracy served not only as a talisman for the relationship between a man and a woman, but also as protection from the influence of outsiders. Such a ritual binds a woman to a man and eliminates all thoughts of betrayal.

Today, the conspiracy is carried out in several stages: the prayer must be read for two weeks. Waking up early in the morning, go outside and read the necessary words.

You should never drink water before the ritual.

You cannot wash, eat or drink before the ritual. Here are the words of the conspiracy:

"God! Gracious and kind! Protect my family from evil fate. Cover with your protection and will, so that (name) and I do not have another share! So that they love, cherish their feelings, respect each other, and give birth to children. Lord, I'm in trouble! Beloved (name) is gone forever! I trust only in Your will, I wish to return my beloved! Lord, I will humble myself and submit to you! Judge by your own will and kindness! And bring my beloved into my arms. Lord, keep our love forever. I bow to You, Your faithful man. (Your name) I pray, come to help! Open the way for my beloved! Amen!".

After the beloved woman has been returned, it is strictly forbidden to tell anyone about the ritual.

Conspiracy to get your wife back

A conspiracy to return your wife is carried out using anise oil and white bread.

In the evening, cut off a piece of bread and apply a few drops of anise oil to it.

In the bedroom shared with his wife, crumble this bread on the bed. The crumbs should be scattered so that they are on the sheets and pillows. At this time, you are supposed to read the prayer:

“The Lord brought us together! He forbade tearing. As the Lord’s Will is good, so strong is our love. She will tan with her former strength again! As soon as your head touches the sheet, you will feel dizzy with love! I crown my wife (name) with the name of the Lord; I forbid the destruction of the family! The angels are behind me, standing like one wall! Amen!".

After the ritual, collect all the crumbs in a handkerchief

These words are read slowly and need to be repeated seven times. After finishing the prayer, the crumbs are collected in a handkerchief, which is tightly tied and hidden away from human eyes. If possible, try to add them to your wife's food. If the wife does not spend the night at home, she must somehow be lured, because in order for the conspiracy to work, she must lie in bed. Only when the woman spends the night on the charmed sheets is the ritual complete.

Powerful love spell on your beloved woman using water

In the bedroom, a glass of water is placed at the head of the bed. The water is first spoken with the following prayer, read three times:

“Animal passion of the servant of God (name), wake up, take hold of me.”

At night you need to be in an excited state and imagine scenes intimacy with the woman you love. Water is the best element for absorbing any information. In the morning, a man must spill half a glass of water on himself, and the other half on the desired object. This strong love spell will lead to the fact that a woman will not be able to think about anything other than intimacy with a man.

Spell on the hair of a beloved woman

This ritual is quite simple, the only difficulty is that it requires the hair of the woman whom the man plans to conjure.

The spell with a comb is one of the most powerful

The ritual is performed like this: take a comb and wrap the woman’s hair around it, saying:

“I’m calling for swamp mud, thick cobwebs, forest twigs. I'm reeling in hot love, bright soul, fiery passion. Just as the hair of a slave (name) with the hair of a slave (his name) is tightly intertwined and does not get tangled, so the love of (his beloved’s name) for a slave (his name) stretches, winds and grows.”

After the ritual, comb your hair with this comb. The result should be expected soon.

Conspiracy in the photo

The most effective rituals are those that use photographs. It is important to choose the right photo. The photo should only show the woman they want to talk to. The presence of not only strangers, but also animals and inanimate objects.

The only one whose presence in the photograph is allowed is the man performing the ritual.

This ritual must be performed during sunrise

The ritual is carried out in the morning, at sunrise. WITH reverse side photographs write down the text of the conspiracy and read:

“As the sun rises in the morning, so love flares up in the heart of the slave (Name). Just as the sun shines, so let your love for me (your name) shine brighter than it in your heart. Just as the sun dries the earth, so you will dry out and yearn without me. Just as people are drawn to the red sun, so you will be drawn to me. You will have no life without me, just as people have no life without the sun. My word is strong and firm. Amen!".

Before yesterday comes, the photograph is supposed to be wrapped in dark fabric and hide it under the mattress or bed. She will be there until she manages to return her beloved woman.

Love spell on fire

This is one of the most powerful conspiracies to get your wife back. Several small candles are placed on the table near the mirror. One of the main conditions of the conspiracy is that it is carried out in complete darkness.

The spell for church candles must be done at night, in complete darkness.

Seven is placed in the middle of the table church candles and light them. Peering at your reflection in the mirror, you should imagine the appearance of your beloved and shout her name seven times. After each cry, one church candle is extinguished. They walk around the table counterclockwise seven times, repeating the prayer:

“Just as the flame does not go out without my knowledge, so you, the servant of God (name), will not take a single step without me! You will burn with fire when you see me! I'll cool you down! Until then it will be like this forever and ever! Amen!".

The remaining candles are left to burn out and cannot be extinguished. The remaining seven church candles are placed under the pillow and go to bed. In the morning, the effect of the love spell will be noticeable and soon your beloved will be returned.

Orthodox prayer for the return of a wife to the family

It is not difficult to get your wife back with the help of very strong prayer. They must read it before the icon, every day:

“Oh, great miracle workers, saints of God, Prince Peter and Princess Fevronia! I turn to you, I pray to you with bitter hope. Bring prayers about me, a sinful servant (your name), to the Lord God himself and the Mother of God, the Mother of the Virgin Mary. And ask the goodness of God’s servant (wife’s name): Faith and truth, hope, goodness, unfeigned love! Help my heart and my beloved, God's servant (wife's name), to be together. Amen! Amen! Amen!".

During prayer, a candle is lit. When the wife returns, you should visit the church and thank all the saints for their help.

An ancient plot to return a wife to the family

This ritual is very simple, but effective and will help bring back the wife who left the family. So that your beloved burns old feelings and couldn’t think of anyone, they took her photograph and put it in front of them.

Take holy water to bring back your loved one

Holy water is poured into a glass, three sips are taken and a prayer is read over the remaining water:

“Just as a person cannot live without water, so this servant of God (name), without the servant of God (name) cannot live. Amen".

This ancient, powerful prayer will help you achieve results in the shortest possible time. After reading, you need to sprinkle holy water on the photo three times and hide it so that no one can see. You cannot tell anyone about the ritual performed even after you succeed in getting your wife back.

Conspiracy for the new month

To return a woman who left recently (more than six months have passed since the breakup), they carry out strongest conspiracy for the new month.

To do this, at exactly midnight, looking at the month, say the following words:

“The month is young, the month is the strongest, help me. Make sure that the servant of God (name) returns to me, the servant of God (name). I can’t live without her, I can’t live without her, I feel sadness, my heart aches from misfortune. Bring her back to me so that we can live and not grieve. They knew no troubles, they knew no sorrows. Help me, month, help!

This plot is read nine times, after which, without talking to anyone, they go to bed. This ritual is performed for a week without missing a single day. Results will be visible in a few weeks.

If a woman leaves and holds a grudge

Return offended woman not easy, but this one strong conspiracy will help you reconcile as soon as possible and restore love relationship. Quarrels and grievances are represented in the form of a black ball and separated from oneself. Mentally placing this ball in the snow. And they say these words:

“It will be covered with snow, it will calm down. It will be covered with ice until the right time.”

The conspiracy helps to freeze accumulated anger and resentment and will lead to constructive dialogue between husband and wife. To prevent the resentment from returning, it is better not to enter that place after the snow has melted, so this ritual should be performed away from the places where you often visit.

Bringing back your beloved woman using a love spell is not difficult. If the spell is carried out correctly, the result will be visible very quickly.

But before turning to magic, you should analyze the relationship in detail and understand what exactly pushed the woman to leave. If you do not correct the mistakes that caused quarrels in relationships, the effect of any love spell will not last long.

Complete collection and description: how to get your wife back if she doesn’t want a relationship; prayer for the spiritual life of a believer.

How to return your wife and her love for her husband. How to get your wife back if she doesn’t want a relationship and feelings for her have cooled


How to get your wife and child back if you love them very much and she doesn’t want a relationship, or maybe the love has cooled down and the wife has left for someone else and her feelings have cooled down irrevocably. You can return a loved one who has fallen out of love even after a divorce, when the wife is now with another man, and the methods of influence after which she will definitely return are given in this article and these are not the advice of a psychologist, but methods that are 100% effective after which the wife’s return will happen literally the next day.

You can return a wife's love to her husband through prayers. “Prayers for the return of his wife, like any other person who does not want a relationship, really helped people.”

An appeal to God in a sincere prayer for a person’s love did not go unanswered and help always came very quickly. Likewise, in the case of preserving a family, in order to return your beloved wife who has left home, you need to read a certain prayer and it is best to do this in church. Who to pray for the preservation of the family - The Most Holy Mother helped many in preserving the family, and she will help you too.

A prayer for the preservation of the family and the admonition of a wife who left her husband with a child sounds like this:

Most Holy Mother Matronushka, I pray to you for the preservation of my family,

Love and respect between me, servant of God (name)

And the servant of God (name) about the return of love, mutual understanding and joy into our lives.

Help, I ask you, pray for us.

Mother Matrona, I really ask for your help.

Help us to be together again so that we can forgive each other all our insults,

Words spoken in anger and despair.

Please help my wife (name) decide to return to our family,

Get over your pride.

May peace, respect, mutual understanding, love return to our home again.

Give us strength, wisdom and patience not to offend each other and forgive each other.

To love and be together until the end of our days.

Raising our children together and for the glory of God.

Save and preserve our family! Dear Mother Matrona,

Pray for God's mercy on us, for the reunification of our family,

So that no one can interfere with this.

In the Name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

In order for the method of returning a person who does not want a relationship to work faster, buy an icon of St. Matronushka in the church and pray to her every day until your wife returns, reading this prayer, and soon your beloved will definitely return to your home.

“You can quickly return your husband to the family by restoring his love for his wife and children in one day if you read a strong conspiracy in the photo or influence your loved one with prayers, but then it will take a little more time, and you can spend a lot of money and listen to the advice of a psychologist on how to get your husband back to the family, but no one can give a 100% guarantee for this option of returning a loved one Love spell is very return your husband to the family if he went on a spree or went to his mistress, forgetting the way home. Today we will tell you how to bewitch your beloved man so that he stops cheating and leaving home. Get ready to make a strong love spell on your own to get your husband back in order to bewitch him to you. Women have always used magic and arranged their own

Love spells that cannot be removed and the effect of which is permanent are perhaps the most popular and powerful love spells for the love of a person who does not show love feelings. Love spells are divided into two types: black and white, and they all work at a distance. A black love spell is done in a cemetery under the moon and cannot be removed on your own, only by an experienced and

“How to get my beloved woman or ex-wife back after a breakup if I love her and she doesn’t want to improve our relationship and is already dating someone else”? “I want my wife back.” “how to get a woman back if.” “how to bewitch a woman who.” We very often receive such questions from readers through the feedback form and

“How to return a wife to herself who was loved on her own if she doesn’t want to”? Advice on how to return a wife to his family after betrayal and divorce is given by a husband who returned his beloved with a child after a divorce at the moment when his wife left for another. Using strong love spells to return, which will help make peace even ex-wife. People begin to value only what

You can read quick and powerful love spells at home, at a distance from your loved one. You can do this very strong white love spell without a photo about which you will read on your own, but you need to prepare well, this is the only way you can make someone you like fall in love with you young man. Ready? Then let's begin. “What love spells to read at home

This “strong love spell on your husband needs to be read at home at a distance” from your loved one. This love spell has already helped many save a disintegrating family and return the husband to the house, even in cases where he has already left for his mistress and is at a distance from the person reading the text of the love spell. Many people who decide to resort to love magic strive

You are ready to independently read a strong love spell on a woman’s love for a man and do this love spell at home. We will tell you how to quickly and forever bewitch your beloved woman on your own, and this love spell is suitable for a love spell married woman who is married to someone else, and in order to quickly return his wife who left the family.

Today you will learn several ways “how to make a love spell yourself,” and these methods are suitable for casting a love spell on a woman and even married man, any person you liked. The main condition is that if you are planning to do a love spell yourself, before reading the love words, you need to properly prepare for performing the love spell and carry out the entire ritual with precision.

In love magic, there are a variety of love spells with an apple, and the easiest of them is icing on an apple, which you can do yourself. To make the drying you need a red apple and an icon of the Virgin Mary. How to dry a loved one on an apple yourself: Take an apple and place it behind the icon of the Mother of God, then go outside the house or

The love dryer that is given below is very strong and has a long-lasting effect, which is why this love addiction is equivalent to love spells. If you decide to attach your loved one to you so that he “dries for you” and yearns, and marries you sooner, use this particular love attachment for love and the very next day after the ceremony, the young man will begin to miss you. To

How to return your wife and her love for her husband. How to get your wife back if she doesn’t want a relationship and feelings for her have cooled REVIEWS BY WHOM DID:

How to make a love spell?

How to remove a love spell? The site will tell you -


How to return a husband or wife to the family with prayers

There are many prayers with which a husband or wife can be returned to the family. But you should remember that in life there may be different situations. And very often one of the spouses leaves the family when love disappears in the soul. This is a very honest act, so in this case, it is unlikely that anything should be done. It would be better to understand and let go of your loved one, and then try to start building a life with clean slate. But if the departure of a spouse is associated with some kind of misunderstanding in life, which is also very common, then you can try to restore family relationships with the help of prayers.

Is it possible to bring back a husband or wife through prayers?

With prayers you can quickly return your wife or husband to the family, but only on the condition that the other half has love feeling in the shower. Moreover, recovery family relations with the help of prayers it is possible if you do not feel anger towards your partner. Therefore, it is very important to analyze the relationship in order to understand own feeling to a person. You should not turn to prayers if you have a desire to return your spouse to the family out of a sense of revenge. In this case, prayers will be useless, and bitter disappointment may remain in the soul.

If you are married or simply in a secular marriage

Returning your spouse to the family will be more effective if you are married or in a legal secular marriage.

To do this, use a prayer to Matrona of Moscow, which sounds as follows:

If a loved one was taken away using magic

If you understand that your soulmate was taken away from the family using magic, then you should not rush to use magical methods. They can greatly harm a believer. For a very long time after this you will have to beg for forgiveness for the sin committed.

Even if you are convinced that your enemies are using magic, you can return your spouse to the family through prayers. They are by safe means and cannot harm. There is very strong prayer, but it should be used only when you feel that you can forgive your loved one and live with him or her in harmony and love for the rest of your life without any reproaches.

The prayer is read immediately after waking up and before going to bed for a week. In addition, you need to read this prayer at least once a week in the temple, where you place a candle in front of the icon of Jesus Christ.

It is very important, when reading such a prayer, to banish any thoughts of harming the homewrecker or the homewrecker. When visiting church, you should light candles for the health of your spouse. But if you understand that there is no sincere forgiveness in your soul, then it is better not to do anything. Prayers will be useless.

How to prepare for such a prayer

If you nevertheless decide to return your husband or wife to the family, then you should prepare in advance. The right attitude will enhance the energy of prayer, and it will be more effective. First, you need to analyze your relationship with your partner over the last few years of marriage. You need to understand the reasons for the departure of your spouse. This must be done in order to calm down. After all, emotions and depression are not the best background for prayer.

To return your wife, you can use the following strong prayer, which is recommended to be read in front of the icon of Peter and Fevronia:

How many times should you read it?

It is very difficult to say specifically how many times the prayer will need to be read and what period it will take to do this. But most often, if the breakup happened recently, a week is enough. A prayer for the return of a husband or wife must be read morning and evening. If your spouse’s departure from the family is associated with the use of magic, then prayers for the return of your soulmate will need to be read for a long time.

Always, before you start reading prayers for the return of your wife or husband to the family, you need to visit the temple and take communion. If there is a desire to confess in order to cleanse yourself of inner anger, then this should also be done. You need to purchase several candles in the church. You will need to light them when you pray at home. One candle can be used several times.

How often to ask the Saints for help

You can ask the Saints for help to save your family as many times as you like. This will only strengthen the relationship. Moreover, prayers will help prevent the breakdown of relationships. When you have a feeling in your soul that something is going wrong in your relationship with your spouse, and suspicions arise about possible divorce, then you should immediately turn in prayer to Saint Peter and Fevronia.

The prayer is very simple, but it must be learned by heart. This will allow you to fully concentrate. You can read it at any time, every day, several times. But this must be done in a secluded place.

The prayer text reads as follows:

The prayer should be read until the relationship improves. But if no changes occur in the relationship within a month, then you need to carefully analyze the situation and try to understand the real reason Problems. Most likely, after this the desire to maintain family relationships will disappear.

Is it necessary to observe fasting or other church canons?

Any prayer is effective only for believers. Therefore, it is imperative to observe all church canons and, of course, fasting. You need to regularly visit the temple, where you light candles for the health of all members of your family.

It should be remembered that a believer should pray morning and evening. As a rule, in morning hour prayers are offered in which a request is made to receive a blessing for the affairs of the coming day. In the evening before going to bed, you should definitely thank God for your day. During fasting, the obligatory prayers should be given more attention.

In addition, it is important to constantly fight against the many temptations that await a believer in life. Everyday life. For prayer for the return of your spouse to be effective, you must strive to live in positive mood. Any negativity can push a person away and will not allow him to return.

Options for prayers for the return of a beloved husband to his legal family

More often, life situations arise when it is necessary to return the husband to the family. But you need to do this with the help of prayers only if you are sure that your spouse’s feelings for you in your soul have not completely cooled down.

The most powerful prayer for the return of a husband to the family is considered to be a prayer to the Most Holy Theotokos, which sounds as follows:

There is a very strong prayer for the return of a husband to the family, which must be read on the icon of the Savior. You need to be alone indoors while praying. In addition, before reading the prayer, you should light 12 church candles and close all doors and windows tightly. The prayer text must be spoken repeatedly until a feeling of relief arises in the soul, which will mean that the prayer has achieved its goal.

The prayer goes like this:

Family relationships: how to return your wife's love?

If there is a time in your life moment of crisis, and the feelings of your significant other have faded, don’t give up. There are ebbs and flows in love. Periods of subtle emotional intimacy can be replaced by deep emotional alienation, sometimes even developing into hatred and disgust. But you should remember that the sky is darkest before the dawn, and do not forget about the cyclical nature of relationships. From the article you will learn: how to return the love of your wife or girlfriend?

Is it possible to return a wife's love to her husband?

Despite the fact that the relationship formula at first glance seems the most complex mechanism, which there is not the slightest chance of influencing, it is still possible to tighten the screws in this system.

There are different situations: a couple can continue to live together even after separation due to housing circumstances. If there are children in the family, this fact also significantly influences the strategy for returning your loved one.

It often happens that the spouse is quite categorical in her decision, and after filing for divorce, she refuses to communicate with her former chosen one. Each of the listed options contains potential that can be realized in a positive way, and with sufficient endurance and patience in the foreseeable future, you will be able to enjoy the fruits of your efforts.

One of the most big problems is the lack of support and competent advice addressed to the husband in similar situations. The code of social conduct tacitly spells out a policy of assistance and assistance fair half humanity: tears on the shoulder best friend, bachelorette parties under the motto “He will still understand who he lost,” trips to restaurants and discos in the hope of switching to another candidate.

But here strong of the world this is much more difficult. Grieving and violently expressing one’s emotions are not accepted among them, and a friend’s vest will not do either. Losing the role of a restrained, strong-willed man, the master of one’s life, is tantamount to losing one’s self-esteem. Therefore, any hint will be valuable material, capable of giving the much-desired company to his beloved.

The luminaries of science unanimously claim that we will return old feelings Can! If your ex's subconscious has stopped reading you as the only one the right man to live together, first of all, do not try to dissuade her of this. Arguing with instincts is a rather ungrateful thing, and besides, it will only cause additional resistance and a feeling of protest in your wife.

Tactics of your behavior should be based on three pillars:

  • clear mind
  • self-respect
  • total acceptance of her decision to end the relationship

If you have enough tenacity and perseverance, and you are able to pull yourself together and go to the end, start small: gain self-esteem. Knowing your worth is the key to future success. Remember what qualities she admired about you on your first dates, what actions you took to win her heart? Continue to cultivate them within yourself.

Don't waste time on threats and whining, don't ask her to come back. Try to become someone you want to return to without additional stimulation and reproaches. Forget about unworthy behavior patterns - they do not suit you. Your situation will only get worse if you give up.

Try to pump up your resources - become better! Believe me, these changes will not go unnoticed by your companion. Even if she is far away and does not see your efforts, she will still feel it on a subtle level.

Thinking clearly is another important aspect. Any negative emotions during this period they will only lead you away from the intended path to achieving your goal and push you to commit rash acts. Only a cool mind will help you achieve your plans; in no case should you be led by fears and worries.

When you agree with her position, you begin to score points. Now your wife does not need to defend her independence and prove to you the seriousness of her intentions. The more you want to hold on to her, the stronger will be her desire to break out of the bonds of marriage.

Give her time to think about everything, miss you, rethink the years you have lived together.. Women are impulsive creatures; they tend to make decisions while at the mercy of emotions. Sometimes you just need to take a step back and distance yourself, and time will do everything for you.

Approximately the same technique is used in the opposite situation, when a wife wants to return her husband’s love. You just need to leave the man alone for a while, give him and yourself time. A woman needs to start engaging in active sports, come up with a hobby, master a new culinary masterpiece or start studying foreign language- any of these undertakings will only benefit you.

Your emotional temperature will shift from obsessive depressive state, characteristic of the period of breakup, to a cheerful, energetic state.

The power inherent in words addressed to God can work miracles. Of course, we cannot impose our will on other people, this is contrary to the divine plan, but asking the Almighty to harmonize relationships is a completely adequate request.

The most important thing is faith; it is unconditional confidence and trust in the universe that will help you during this difficult period. You can make a request to the saints; your desire must be sincere and unfeigned. If you regularly read this prayer, your appeal will be heard. It is especially effective to pronounce it on Christian holidays.

Prayer can be used to renew feelings for both spouses.

“I turn to you, holy wonderworkers Cosmo and Damian, only you can be an ambulance, a prayer for our salvation, we are not worthy to kneel before you, but do not despise the prayers of us sinners.”

Prayer to Nikolai Ugodnik to return her husband:

"Lord my God, Mother Holy Mother of God and holy servant of God Nicholas the Wonderworker, I trust in you! Help my soul find forgiveness and return my beloved, God's servant (name). Amen. Amen. Amen."

Prayer for a husband if his wife has fallen out of love:

“Lord, return my wife, God’s servant (wife’s name). After all, we were together (the number of years during the entire period of your relationship, and before marriage, include the same), and I love her as before. Only you can allow my wife and I to be together. Free her from negative thoughts and unwillingness to return to me. Let my wife believe me. Let her love me even more. Help her realize that I have always been and will always be faithful. Don't let her leave me forever. Give us mutual love and happiness. God help me! Thank you! In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen."

Before embarking on such practices, you need to realize that your main tool is love. It is this feeling that can magically change the course of development of your relationship; it is the main energy of any spell. When there is no deep heartfelt affection, but only fear of loss or financial questions, or pride does not give you peace - no love spell will work.

One of the viable rituals is as follows: it is necessary to select 5 photographs, identical in shape, depicting various stages your relationship. Acquaintance, romantic courtship, the moment of marriage, living together and a period of cooling of feelings - try to ensure that they reflect the essence of each stage as much as possible.

Then sort them in ascending order and forget about them for 72 hours. In the evening of day 4, read the following text for each photo aloud. Do it slowly and thoughtfully, paying attention to every word.

“I will stand up, pray and cross myself,

I will gird myself with a steel sword, I will wash myself with rain,

I'll leave the house, loving you,

To remind you whose wife you are.

And you are not the wife of a stranger, but of your own husband.

You should love your husband, but be beaten by another man.

You can kiss your husband, but never know another man.

With him you feel longing and sadness, and you won’t be sorry to part with him.

Run to your husband, find me! Come to my chest!

Resurrect love in your heart!

May you (name of wife) be loving and loved,

And our family is whole and united!

My words are a royal vow. The castle is in ruins.

The lock can't be opened

This means that I (your name) will love you (your wife’s name)!

I stopped what I said,

That magic word whispered to you!

You won't see other men! Be with me!

And only love me!”

After reading, keep the photos in a secluded place and do not look at them until your wife returns.

How to get your beloved wife back

For those whose wife left there is 100% magic way How to bring back a wife who left forever. This method will work and will help you get your beloved wife back, even if she is already with another man and has filed for divorce. If your entire wife has left you and all the ways to make peace with your beloved have been tried and you cannot find a place in your search to find a means or a working way to return your wife to you, a 100% method will help you get her back - a conspiracy to return your loved one to in this case wives. If you don't want to use strong magic with the use of a love spell acting at a distance, you can use a lighter one, but active conspiracy to a meeting that will help you get your wife back for a while and this will give you a chance to fix everything and try to restore and improve your relationship with your wife in the usual ways.

Conspiracy to return your wife

If you don’t know how to return your wife’s love, perform a ritual of ancient magic. This is the oldest and most powerful conspiracy to return your wife, which works in such a way that even after a divorce, your beloved will forget about all the quarrels and return to you. If you want to establish and maintain a relationship with your wife, when she returns, take a step towards family happiness and restoring warm family relationships as they were before her departure. You can independently return the relationship with the following love spell, which you need to independently read the words of the plot to return your wife home:

Buy 12 candles of any kind in the church and for 12 days in a row, lighting one candle in front of the icon, read the plot to return your wife three times. Do not extinguish the candle, but leave it to burn out.

God bless.
From the throne to the temple, to the very royal gates
An angel was walking, standing at the gate mother of God and Michael the Archangel.
The Mother of God is holding a sword and saber.
He kills anger with a sword, and cuts off a quarrel with a saber.
Put, Lord, peace in its place with the heart of God’s servant (name).
Strengthen peace, tranquility, close the gates tighter,
And the key, Lord, throw it into the swamp.
Ae, Esm, Azhe, An, Abu, Ali!
Mother of God, bless. Lord Jesus Christ,
Command, command the world to live and be in peace.
Now and ever and unto ages of ages.

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In the question “how to get your wife back” you need to consider two completely different situations. The first is when a man is looking for how to return his beloved wife, who is still next to him, but there are small problems. The second situation is when you need to return your beloved wife, who has already left or is about to leave. This could also be a situation where you need to get your wife back after a divorce.

In the first case, the wife still agrees to solve the problem together with her husband. In the second, the words are usually heard that “the feelings have passed, I don’t feel anything anymore, there is no love, there is no desire to live together,” and the man is faced with the acute question of how exactly to get his wife back.

Fortunately, today it is much easier to solve this problem than before, since a lot of free and paid information is available on the Internet on the topic of how to return a wife back to the family, and there have also appeared family psychologists who help solve this problem and get my wife back.

A simple answer to the question of how to get your wife back after divorce

This may sound quite provocative, but in order to understand how to get your wife back you need to do the exact opposite of what friends, girlfriends and relatives advise.

Firstly, it makes no sense to try to talk to your wife and sort things out. In a normal situation, this makes sense and can solve small problems, but in a situation where the wife has left and needs to be returned, it does not work. It is impossible to have a normal conversation with a woman who is emotionally charged, perhaps even offended. It is very difficult to make her heart trust you and change her emotions with words.

Secondly, it makes no sense at such a moment to show your care and tenderness. This is very common advice because it is easy to follow and seems logical. Everyday logic says that if you give love, then you will be loved, so those who want to get their wife back willingly believe this. But philistine logic and emotions, unfortunately (or fortunately) do not help bring back your beloved wife.

Here is a list of things that seem logical and should help get your wife back, but which don’t work at all.

  • Gifts don't work;
  • Declarations of love don't work;
  • Romantic dates don't work;
  • Sweet messages and notes don't work;
  • Courtship and help don't work.

Rather, on the contrary, these actions will only push her even further away from you, because if she has lost her feelings, then now she sees you as weak, ingratiating and boring man. And until she FEELS (I wrote this word for a reason in capital letters) something different for you - all these romantic actions will not help you get your wife back. In the meantime, these actions will only cause her to feel pressure and a feeling of an attempt to manipulate her.

Thirdly, very often men continue not only to give money, but also to give gifts to their beloved women. At the same time, they say that it works and the wife does not leave. But for those who want to find out exactly how to get their wife back (possibly with a child), and not how to bribe her, this path is not suitable. Yes, a woman can be there if she is given a gift various gifts and they support you, but do you want to be with a woman who chooses you only because it benefits her, and not because she loves you and is inspired by you as a man?

It happens that the spouse left for another person or began to wander to the left, and forgot about the house and past relationships. If you want to get her back, persuasion alone is not enough. Here you will need a conspiracy to return your wife - one of the most powerful love spells of family occult art.

Many men turn to healers and ask to perform a ritual to return their wife to the family. Meanwhile, simple spells that you can cast yourself help restore a marriage. The best of these rituals are before you.

Most conspiracies for a wife belong to the sphere of white magic, so they are associated with Christian symbolism. To prevent your wife from leaving you, you will have to comply with a number of church regulations. These are the regulations:

  • the performer must go through the rite of baptism;
  • It is better to ask the forces of light for the return of your wife;
  • It is better to start reading a prayer for a departed wife at the icons;
  • the marriage restoration plot needs to be learned (mistakes are not allowed);
  • rejection of worldly names when reading love plot will improve your chances.

Some witches practice lengthy spiritual preparation before starting to cast spells. It is better to reinforce a conspiracy to return your wife by going to church and turning to Saint Panteleimon. When negative energy leaves, proceed to more serious tasks.

Ritual with ring and photo

The ritual is suitable for those who are ready to resolve differences in order to get their wife back. Reconnect with ex-wife her photo, ring and candle will help white. Your wife will return if you do the following:

  1. Sit in front of the candle, a little further away put a photo of your wife who has decided to leave.
  2. Concentrate on your experiences.
  3. Think about your wife.
  4. Light the candle wick and place a ring on the wax pin.
  5. Read the plot three times to restore your marriage.

After waiting for the candle to burn out completely, remove the ring (it will be hot) and wrap it in a photograph. Place the package away from prying eyes. If you did everything correctly, the wife's love for her husband will be restored. Conspiracy text:

“Married in the church, we were united forever. We cannot live separately, we cannot see separation. Wherever you go, there my path lies. Wherever I stop, my beloved wife (name) will find me. Our souls are united, no one can separate them. I read the prayer and sealed the lock. Amen".

Charming an oak twig

  • Red thread;
  • oak rod;
  • candle (wax, not paraffin).

You need to light a candle and read a spell, while simultaneously winding a red thread around a twig. When there is nothing left to wind, brush the thread with melted wax and let it dry. Bury the structure under the roots of an oak tree - this will be enough for your spouse to return. Conspiracy text:

“There is a clearing in a dark forest, where a spinning wheel stands idle. Stop growing moss, spinning wheel, tell me how to get my wife back. The girl sits at the spinning wheel and doesn’t go anywhere. I’ll go up to that girl with rods, make her sweep away the dust from the spinning wheel, pick off the moss, and weave the fateful thread. Let (wife's name) come back to me, even if she doesn't want a relationship. He will return with kisses and repentance. Until (name) crosses his native threshold, he will not drink water, he will begin to feel sad under the moon, White light will hate it. Amen".

Bewitching your spouse for food

A plot to get your wife back to food will help you in a fairly short time. Remember favorite dish your fiancée and try to invite her to dinner under any pretext. Buy a bottle of red wine, light some candles (the more romantic the setting, the better). While cooking, add three drops of your own blood. Read the spell:

“I prepare a delicious brew and add a blood potion. Let my beloved (name is called) taste this food and warm her heart to me again. We won't be apart anymore, old age is in happy marriage meet. My word is strong, my blood is hot. Amen".

Lock binding

This is a very powerful conspiracy; it will work if your wife decides to live with another man. Magic will help cool down women's feelings to a successful competitor and again bewitch your wife to you. Stock up on these items:

  • photograph of the spouse;
  • mirror;
  • a small lock (you need to insert a key into it);
  • two candles.

Wait until midnight and lock yourself in a separate room (close people should not enter the room). Light the candles and place a photo of your beloved woman nearby. Squeeze the lock in your left hand and the key in your right. Read the spell three times, and last words lock the mechanism with the key. The text is:

“Higher powers, help, hear the prayer of God’s servant (your name). Help bring home the spouse (woman’s name), strengthen our happiness. As this lock is closed with a key, so my wife’s heart grows closer to me. She will only be mine. Amen".

Wife's quick return

Do you want to solve the problem quickly? Then you need to turn to the saints for help. Wait for a worship service tied to something meaningful Orthodox holiday. If you have not been baptized, you need to go through this sacrament. Go to church in, say, Easter week, and read the plot:

“Damiana and Cosmo, holy wonderworkers, I trust in you. Save my marriage, bring home God’s servant (the name of the departed spouse). You are my only helpers. I am on my knees before your faces. Hear me, give me happiness and grace. Amen".

Cemetery love spell

There is a whole occult section called churchyard magic - it is worth resorting to in extreme cases. The ritual must be performed after the first lunar days. You will need sweets, any item from your wife's wardrobe, a church candle. Procedure:

  1. Come to the cemetery.
  2. Find the grave where your wife's namesake is buried.
  3. Light a candle and place it on the stove.
  4. Read the plot.
  5. Collect a handful of churchyard soil.
  6. Wrap the soil in marital clothing.
  7. Leave candy for the dead man.

Conspiracy text: “A dead woman sleeps, she dreams of icy ground, barren life and dry bones. Let the one who abandoned me come to me again. The dead woman sleeps in a coffin, and you (the name is called) always miss me, and cannot find peace for yourself. The deceased will remain in the grave, but you and your husband will not part. Open your heart to me forever. Until I want it myself, you can’t get away from me.”

Let the candle burn out to the end, and you will have to bury the thing with the grave soil in 9 days. Bury the artifact under a living tree - after a month, the spouse should return home. As you can see, there are plenty of useful rituals, but some of them are associated with black magic. Therefore, work carefully and atone for your sins in the temple.
