Which solarium is better: an overview of all types. Horizontal solariums

If someone does not have the opportunity to go to the sea, but still want to get a seductive tan, without a doubt, you should use the technology of ultraviolet baths in horizontal solarium.

Behind a short time available beautiful colour body and even cure some diseases.

Sunburn in a horizontal solarium: benefit or harm ^

Industry beautiful body today offers modern safe for human health models of solariums - devices for obtaining fake tan. Each spectrum of ultraviolet radiation in them is very clearly dosed and the harm from exposure to rays is minimized.

What are the benefits of tanning in a solarium

  • It has long been known that a certain dose of ultraviolet radiation can significantly increase human immunity and help the skin produce the much-needed nervous system vitamin D.
  • Doctors strongly recommend that everyone at least once a year spend a few weeks in areas where solar activity is increased.
  • In addition, ultraviolet baths are often indicated for a number of fungal skin diseases and acne.

Is tanning in a horizontal solarium harmful?

Ultraviolet in large quantities acts as a destroyer of collagen in skin cells. And this leads to its aging, peeling and loss of moisture. To avoid negative impact rays on the body, it is very important to determine your own and adjust the time of tanning sessions accordingly.

An experienced cosmetologist will help determine the one that is inherent in the client from six recognized phototypes. You need to know that people with the first and second type of skin color are exposed to increased risks with prolonged exposure to ultraviolet radiation.

How to sunbathe properly in a horizontal solarium: secrets and rules for even tanning ^

Rules for tanning in a horizontal solarium

  • First rule tanning in a horizontal solarium - time adjustment! Doctors generally do not advise people with the first skin phototype to use artificial tanning lamps.
  • How many minutes do other people need to sunbathe in a horizontal solarium? Experts believe that the owners of the second type do not need to attend these procedures more than a couple of times a week, while the initial sessions should not exceed three minutes, and subsequent sessions should not exceed 5-7 minutes. And only those whose skin is dark and belongs to the third and fourth type in color are allowed to take ultraviolet baths for 15-20 minutes, but starting only from the fifth session.

  • Second rule- be sure to protect your eyes, chest and, preferably, hair from exposure to UV lamps! Ophthalmologists confidently assert that a number of eye diseases are directly related to excess ultraviolet exposure. Therefore, glasses will be needed during the tanning procedure in the solarium. To protect the breasts, women should choose either a bra made of dense fabrics, and men should cover the nipple area with cotton swabs.
  • Third rule- do not overdo it! If you know how to properly sunbathe in a horizontal solarium, then the first results will be visible after the initial procedure, and a beautiful golden - bronze color skin will turn out in 3 weeks.

Tanning positions in a horizontal solarium

Advantage horizontal type solarium before the vertical is that the power of the ultraviolet lamps of the first is less and the irradiation occurs softer and gradually. However, taking into account the design of the apparatus, it is possible to achieve a uniform tan only by regularly changing the position of the body during the procedure.

If you want to get an even bronze skin tone without ugly white islands on the body, you need to regularly roll over from your stomach to your back, and also make sure that the inner sides of the legs and arms fall under the tanning lamps.

Sometimes, after several procedures, you can observe that the sides do not sunbathe in a horizontal solarium. You just need to remember the location of the lamps and from time to time take a half-on-side position.

  • There are cases when all parts of the body tolerate ultraviolet radiation well, and ugly pigmentation suddenly appears on the face above upper lip, on the forehead or on the cheeks.
  • This means that in order to obtain an artificial tan, you should choose a horizontal solarium with turning off the tan on the face. This feature is also suitable for those who simply do not fit dark color faces.

Who should not sunbathe in the solarium

  • Pregnant women; ultraviolet radiation can enhance the work of the adrenal cortex, thyroid gland, as well as the production male hormones, which can lead to termination of pregnancy;
  • People who have a lot of moles on their bodies, especially big size; excessive UV exposure to the body can provoke the growth of neoplasms;
  • Women during menstruation; general heating of the body can cause increased discharge and even bleeding;
  • People in the period of exacerbation of any chronic diseases.

How to keep a tan after a solarium for a long time: reviews, folk remedies, advice from doctors ^

  • Before starting a series of tanning sessions, it is imperative to prepare the body; you will need peeling with scrubs (but no closer than two days before the procedure);
  • Not only during the sunbathing period, but all the time, you need to supply your body with two liters of fluid daily: this is necessary both for digestion and for maintaining optimal water balance by the skin;
  • When taking procedures in a solarium, you should not use body lotions containing alcohol, as this can easily provoke burns; it is better to prepare mixtures from natural oils, such as olive, carrot seed oil, coconut and others;
  • For speedy achievement effect and good hydration skin should choose models of solariums with a system for spraying water on the body during sessions;
  • After taking a dose of ultraviolet, you do not need to immediately go to the shower; if possible, this should be done no earlier than six hours later;
  • Must be applied to the body natural oils or quality creams after sun to give the skin nourishment and moisture.

Experience of our readers

Reviews about tanning in a horizontal solarium of our regular readers are mostly positive. Here are some of the responses sent to us:

Alena, 29 years old:

“I have fair skin. prone to breakouts and inflammation. natural sunbathing on the beach never guaranteed me nice tan. I will definitely burn. I will peel off and be covered with spots. So I decided to try sunbathing in the solarium. I chose a horizontal type of solarium. Passed 10 sessions. I started with 5 minutes and brought it up to 10. The result exceeded all expectations. The whole body has acquired a smooth, even and pleasant shade. For me, sunbathing lying down is much more comfortable than standing up - no tension. I recommend".

Tamara, 18 years old:

“I visit a solarium of a horizontal type. I use instead of sun cream. Coconut oil. I am very pleased with the result: the skin is tender, not overdried, the tan is amazing! The skin has acquired a rich peach shade! I advise everyone to choose a model with a spray of water drops. So it's easier to carry high temperature inside the apparatus.

Zinaida, 38 years old:

“For my birthday, my colleagues gave me a subscription to the solarium. Previously, I had never even thought about visiting such establishments, so I decided to approach this procedure with all responsibility: first I consulted with a therapist and an endocrinologist.

Make sure there are no contraindications. I bought a special sunscreen based on olive oil, and also a means to cover them with moles on the body, a hat and glasses. What can I say? I am absolutely satisfied with the result, and so is my husband!”

  • Sunburn in a horizontal solarium should be chosen by those who love their body and want to make it seductive without spending money on long and expensive trips to hot countries. After all, the quality of such a tan is no different from the sun!
  • To cheer up, get a shining bronze body, as well as get rid of hated pimples, you should immediately give yourself a course of procedures in a horizontal solarium. Only ten sessions will be enough for a breathtaking result!

Eastern horoscope for March 2019

How to sunbathe in a horizontal solarium - this question torments many girls. After all, not all people can go on vacation to the sea, getting there a beautiful and uniform tan. Horizontal solarium is the simplest, safest and most affordable way get a very beautiful body color. However, in order for a visit to the solarium to have positive effect to your health, it is worth approaching this issue very carefully.

Features of tanning

If you are interested in the question of how to sunbathe in a horizontal solarium, you must first familiarize yourself with the contraindications to this procedure and the benefits of tanning in a modern solarium.

IN professional salons beauty only the most advanced equipment is used, which, in addition to stunning skin color, can take care of health. In modern horizontal solariums, each complex of ultraviolet radiation is strictly dosed. Therefore, the harm to health from exposure to these rays is minimized.

Benefits of visiting a solarium

Many experts believe that tanning in a tanning bed always brings health benefits. A moderate dose of ultraviolet rays helps to strengthen human immunity. During tanning in a solarium, vitamin D is produced in the skin, which is necessary for our body. Many doctors advise visiting a horizontal solarium at least once a year. In addition, ultraviolet rays are indicated for acne, many fungal skin diseases.

Harm from sunbathing in a solarium

If you are wondering how to properly sunbathe in a horizontal solarium, it is advisable to know that visiting a solarium should be deliberate and moderate. Indeed, in large quantities, ultraviolet rays can interfere with the development of collagen in skin. Because of this, the skin becomes dehydrated, begins to peel off and age prematurely.

In order for a tan in a solarium to consistently benefit your body, it is important to initially study your phototype. This will help you correctly identify optimal time tan. An experienced cosmetologist will help determine your phototype.

Many experts advise girls to choose a horizontal solarium. Its benefit compared to the vertical option is obvious. In a horizontal solarium, the power of UV lamps is less, so the tan will be softer, and the effect on the code will be minimal.

How to sunbathe in a horizontal solarium: key subtleties

If you want to visit a solarium, you should initially learn a few basic rules that will help you take care of your skin. These include:

Phototype definition. You need to determine the time of tanning based on the type of your skin. Doctors generally do not recommend exposing their skin to ultraviolet rays for people with the first phototype.
. time adjustment. Experienced cosmetologists believe that people with skin phototype 2 should not visit the salon more than 2 times a week. The first procedure should not last more than 4 minutes. Gradually, the tanning time should be increased. At the fifth session, the duration of the tan should be about 15-20 minutes.
. proper protection. When visiting a horizontal solarium, it is important to take care of protecting your eyes, hair, and chest. During the procedure, doctors recommend using special glasses and caps for curls. Women's breasts must be covered with a natural bra. thick fabric, and men are advised to cover their nipples with small cotton swabs.

If you want to learn how to sunbathe properly in a horizontal solarium, do not be too zealous. It is important to carefully adhere to all the rules and not to increase the tanning time on your own. As a rule, the effect of visiting the solarium is visible after 1 procedure. And you can achieve an even bronze tint after 3 weeks.

Girls who want to get the most even tan in a horizontal solarium should change their body position during the procedure (lying on their back or stomach). It is advisable to ensure that ultraviolet rays fall on the inner sides of the arms and legs. Girls with sensitive skin it is worth using the function to turn off the tan on the face area.

Horizontal solarium: contraindications

In some cases, artificial tanning equipment can be harmful to human health. It is not recommended to visit a horizontal solarium:

Pregnant girls. Doctors say that ultraviolet radiation can provoke disturbances in the functioning of the thyroid gland and adrenal glands. This sometimes leads to termination of pregnancy;
. women during critical days;
. during the period of exacerbation of various chronic ailments;
. persons with several large moles on their bodies. Ultraviolet radiation in this case can cause cancer.

Experienced cosmetologists of the beauty salon "Zhenial" will help you to get acquainted with the basic rules for visiting a horizontal solarium, as well as to study your phototype. In their work, certified cosmetologists use only advanced equipment and professional cosmetics. A visit to the solarium in the salon will help you not only enjoy a perfectly even, flawlessly beautiful bronze skin tone, but also take care of your skin.

Solariums are divided into horizontal and vertical. The process of getting a tan in any of them has its own characteristics. If everything is more or less clear with the vertical, stand up and stand. So how does everything happen in the second option? After all, this is not a beach by the sea. How to sunbathe in a horizontal solarium?

Entering the body, ultraviolet radiation in acceptable doses is extremely useful. Under the influence of radiation, immunity is strengthened, vitamin D is produced, skin problems in the form of fungal diseases and various rashes are reduced. But under the influence of high doses of ultraviolet radiation, collagen begins to break down in the body, which leads to premature aging, drying of the skin and the appearance of peeling. Therefore, it is so important to know the rules for receiving an analogue sunbathing in artificially created conditions.

To obtain the desired skin tone without harm to the body, you must strictly follow the rules that govern the process. Knowing how to use a solarium correctly, you can, but also get rid of skin problems.

Stages of preparation and conduct of the session:

  • Phototype definition, i.e. level of skin susceptibility to ultraviolet radiation. Owners of the first are not recommended to visit the solarium, as there is a risk side effects, due to the high sensitivity of the skin.
  • The second phototype should use the solarium no more than twice in seven days with an increase in duration from three to seven minutes. For dark-skinned people belonging to skin types 3 and 4, it will be correct to increase the time to twenty minutes, but gradually.
  • A prerequisite is the protection of the eyes with special glasses, chest (bra or protective discs) and hair (hat).
  • Measure compliance. Knowing how and how much to use a solarium correctly, acquire golden color skin can be after the first sessions, and bronze tan after 21 days.
  • Periodic change of position.

A horizontal solarium has one significant advantage over a vertical one. This plus is the lower power of the lamps installed in the cabins. The result is a softer and slower irradiation. Due to the fact that the procedure takes place in a horizontal position, it becomes important understanding how to roll over properly.

During the session, it is necessary to regularly change the position. The time spent on the stomach should be equal to the period on the back, while not forgetting the skin on the arms and legs with inside. The most inaccessible parts of the body for tanning are the sides. For a uniform shade during the session, you need to periodically substitute the sides under the lamps.

The face is that part of the body that is hidden, in case uneven tan fail. Therefore, those who are afraid to acquire pigmentation in the most visible area should choose horizontal booths with the ability to turn off the lamps in the face area. It will also be relevant for people who tanned face does not go.

Who is it banned for?

Of course, there are few people who deny that tanned skin- it is beautiful. And many are tempted to get it in a solarium. But there are a number of reasons when visiting it becomes forbidden. These include:

  • Presence of pregnancy. Ultraviolet stimulates the thyroid gland, adrenal glands and enhances the production of hormones. All this can provoke an abortion.
  • Availability a large number moles. Exposure to ultraviolet radiation can be a factor provoking the onset of tumor growth.
  • Critical days. Being in the solarium during this period of time leads to increased secretions.
  • Any disease chronic nature are in the acute stage.

How to keep a tan for a long time

There is one more question that worries those who have no contraindications to visiting the solarium. It lies in how it is on the skin. After all, everyone knows that it is washed off over time. You can increase the beauty of skin with a tan if you follow some rules:

  • Not later than two days before the first session, it is necessary to thoroughly cleanse the skin of dead cells with the help of scrubs.
  • It is mandatory to drink fluids in a volume of at least two liters daily. This will help protect your skin from dehydration from the inside out.
  • To moisturize, soften and nourish the skin, it is necessary to use mixtures of oils and avoid lotions that have alcohol base as they may cause burns.
  • The best option for the best and quick effect in conjunction with the preservation of moisture in the skin will be the use of a solarium, which has sprays of moisture on the skin during the session.
  • It is better to postpone visiting the shower after the session for six hours.
  • Immediately after the solarium, the skin must be moisturized and nourished. To do this, apply special creams or oils.

When deciding which salon to choose to visit a solarium there, it is useful to know what are the nuances of various tanning booths:

  • Excellent models have air conditioners, aromatherapy devices, water sprayers.
  • If the inside of the cabin is more than one meter in diameter, then this will provide comfort and freedom of movement.

If you are going to practice tanning in a solarium, you must remember that a valid visiting scheme is no more than twenty sessions per course. Their optimal number is ten procedures. You can visit the solarium every other day. Two courses are allowed per year. With such a scheme, harm will not be done, and the body will receive required dose ultraviolet.

When deciding to visit, you need to know, take into account the availability possible contraindications. Ask for the opinion of friends. Already using this service. Determine your goals and wishes as a result of the session. Only the combination of these moments will allow you to choose optimal view solarium and as a result get comfort, quality and safety of the procedure.

In the horizontal position, it will be more comfortable for you to relax, for example, after a hard day, and sunbathe while lying down. Its main advantage over the vertical one is the ability to turn off the face tanning function. In addition, in horizontal legs sunbathe faster. The power of the apparatus is usually lower than vertical. Surfaces must be disinfected after each client, so the possibility of infection is excluded.

If you have a fear of the "closing lid" in a horizontal tanning bed, or you don't want to lie still, a vertical one will suit you. In it you can sunbathe while standing and even dance. Vertical solarium also suitable for people with a dense body build. The power of such a solarium is higher due to the remoteness of the lamps.

How much does a solarium cost

You can find information on how much a tan in a horizontal solarium costs on the website of the beauty salon. The cost of services of a horizontal solarium does not differ from a vertical one. The price is usually quoted for one minute of tanning. It will be much more profitable to purchase a subscription for 30, 50 or more minutes. The cost of the subscription may also differ, depending on whether it includes special cosmetics skin care or not.

In addition, you can buy special tanning glasses (new), disposable slippers, protective stickers for the chest, special creams for.

Rules for tanning

It is worth trying a horizontal tanning bed if you want to test your skin. due to their proximity to the skin, the lamps are less powerful, and therefore the risk of getting burned is minimized. Sunbathe for three minutes and watch your skin for one day.

How much does it cost to sunbathe in a horizontal solarium?

If after a day your skin does not turn red and does not begin to peel off, you can continue to visit the procedures, gradually increasing the tanning time to 5-7 minutes. You should sunbathe every other day. The course is approximately ten sessions.

Before visiting, exclude the use of perfumes, deodorant, various oils and creams, and clean your face of makeup. The sun protection series of cosmetics will not work. Because the ultraviolet rays of the solar spectrum are divided into A, B and C - rays. In solariums, there are no C-rays, which makes tanning less harmless. Especially for artificial tanning, special cosmetics have been developed - this is a cream that must be applied to the body and face before the procedure (it promotes the production of melanin in the skin) and after it (moisturizes the skin, fixes the tan).

In the beauty salon you will definitely be offered Sunglasses. Do not refuse them - they will help protect the retina of your eyes. Contact lenses should be removed. A protective disposable hair cap will protect your hair from drying out. The chest must also be protected with special stickers or covered at all.

Be sure to drink 1-2 glasses of water after sunbathing.

Horizontal solarium addresses

You can find the addresses of beauty salons with a horizontal solarium on the Internet on their websites. There are ordered sites where by typing in a search engine: “horizontal address solarium”, you will receive full information about a beauty salon, prices, locations and contact numbers. Choose what is convenient for you - proximity to home, work, etc.


  • pregnancy;
  • menstruation;
  • gynecological, urological problems;
  • the presence of seals in the chest, cysts and other benign formations;
  • oncology;
  • cardiovascular diseases;
  • thyroid disease;
  • taking antibiotics, antidepressants, hormonal drugs.

Before visiting, be sure to consult your doctor for any contraindications.

In any case, the choice of a horizontal or vertical solarium will always be yours.

Be beautiful at any time of the year!

A beautiful tan is always associated with success, health and beauty. Rigid work schedule, no necessary funds and other reasons may not allow you to take a ticket to a trendy resort. How to always look so that you like yourself and others?

We will help you to be beautiful all year round. Our horizontal solariums will help without burns, irritations and discomfort get a beautiful even tan.

What is a horizontal solarium

One of the first and most popular means of artificial tanning was just that. After its appearance on the market of cosmetology services, numerous studios sprang up like mushrooms after the rain, and today a horizontal solarium is commonplace for residents of both megacities and small towns. High-quality artificial tan has become affordable and convenient.

The device itself is a chamber, the walls of which are covered with special ultraviolet lamps. Inside the flasks of these lamps, a substance is introduced that reliably detains the short-wave part of the ultraviolet spectrum that is dangerous for the skin. While in it, a person lies on the lamps, therefore, for a more uniform shade, it is necessary to slightly change the position of the body during the procedure.

Main advantages

In front of the vertical solarium, horizontal devices have a number of undeniable advantages. First of all, while sunbathing, you can relax, unwind and get maximum pleasure under the gentle UV rays.

According to many fans of artificial tanning, it is in this position that the highest quality, stable, intense and uniform shade of the lower body is obtained. Therefore, many girls who want to get beautiful tanned legs visit horizontal solariums more often.

Many people believe that the more powerful the lamps used, the more intense and better the tan. This is not entirely true. An excessive percentage of ultraviolet B-spectrum waves (they are the ones that contribute to the production of melanin in our skin, and therefore tanning) does more harm than good. Especially for people with fair skin. Less powerful lamps can be used here, which eliminate all adverse effects, but make your tan more stable.


Along with the advantages of horizontal solariums, they also have some limitations:

  • During the procedure, the skin is in close contact with the surface of the lamps, which sometimes confuses overly cautious visitors. This problem is solved by carrying out hygienic treatment of lamps and other parts of the device after each session;
  • Many people complain about profuse sweating while taking ultraviolet baths under lamps. The reason for this may be too powerful lamps or insufficient ventilation of the chamber. Accordingly, in order to avoid this, it is enough to choose those equipped with a cooling system and additional air conditioning ( turbo tanning beds);
  • There is an opinion that tanning in such solariums is less uniform. This is wrong. The uniformity of the shade is most affected by the condition of the lamps installed in the device.

Which one to choose?

There are two types: vertical and horizontal. Both of them are quite effective and guarantee a good rich and stable tan. However, about which of these two types is better to use among fans of artificial tanning, heated debate constantly arises. Proponents of vertical models praise high power lamps and higher hygienic safety of the session, while others talk about the convenience of using horizontal solariums.

There are more balanced opinions, according to which they should be alternated with each other to achieve the most even and beautiful tan.

In fact, you can use absolutely anyone with the same efficiency, because the main role in this issue play lamps and only lamps. The condition of the lamps, their wear, power and intensity determine what effect will be from their work. However, according to experts, horizontal solariums are obsolete and are gradually giving way to vertical models, although they still have loyal fans.

How to sunbathe in a solarium

  • It is worth learning about contraindications (heart disease, infectious diseases and etc.). It is better to consult with a specialist on this issue in advance;
  • It is necessary to choose the right duration of the session and the power of the lamps depending on the type of skin. It is important to remember that the sensitivity of the skin on different areas bodies are different;
  • Just before the session, it is better to take a shower and apply special moisturizers;
  • During procedures it is required to use different kinds protection - a cap to protect the hair of the head, sunglasses and stikini.

The effectiveness of fake tan

Imagine that you are sunbathing on the beach. Some "roast" directly under the rays of the sun during its maximum activity. Result? Burns, chills, general intoxication and high risk long-term effects on the skin. Those who do everything gradually and use high-quality tanning cosmetics do the right thing. They are the ones who reach best result and get a beautiful stable shade.

Sunbathing in a horizontal solarium, you achieve the same effect, but for more short term. In addition, your body does not experience the discomfort of overheating, which somehow accompanies the beach pastime.

Why do you need to sunbathe? Sunburn makes you healthier. Ultraviolet acts as a kind of immunomodulator. By improving overall circulation, promoting the synthesis of vitamin D, it strengthens our bones and improves our skin. Scientists have long proven that sunburn contributes to the production of hormones of joy - endorphins. So, relieves you of depression and chronic fatigue.

Make your body healthy and beautiful!
