Developmental activities for children 7 months old. Developing the baby's active speech

The first half of your baby's life is behind us. I hope that with the help of our selections of developmental activities you regularly and variedly engage with your treasure and are happy to celebrate his first successes.

Today's selection of games is dedicated to...

Every month the games become more and more interesting, but I'm Once again I encourage you not to forget about the activities that you began to conduct in previous months.

You have probably noticed that the child is in many ways a real conservative. He may refuse to eat from a new plate, get upset because you suddenly decided to put him to bed with a new lullaby or hung a toy on the stroller on the wrong side from which he is used to seeing it. Therefore, regular repetition of familiar games and activities and songs and nursery rhymes that the child loves is the key to his Have a good mood and a favorable attitude towards the new activities that you offer him this month.

Such different kids

To begin with, I would like to say a few words about the difference in the pace of development of seven-month-old babies. Some children at 7 months are already sitting confidently and even try to stand up, holding onto a support. Others don’t even attempt to sit. Don’t worry, because in many ways this is determined not by the speed of development or even the level of physical “training” of the baby, but rather by his temperament. Mobile, active, inquisitive babies begin to roll over from back to stomach and back, crawl, sit down, stand up and walk earlier than their calmer and more self-sufficient peers.

So if your seven month old baby is not sitting yet, despite your regular exercises and massage, just be patient and continue with your exercises. I am sure that by 8 months the child will definitely sit up on his own. If you are very worried, consult a neurologist about this issue.

You especially shouldn’t rush the process of your baby getting up on his own. It is much more useful for those who are still too weak to maintain upright posture of the spine and back muscles to stimulate crawling - as much as possible and for as long as possible. Even for a one-year-old who has already taken his first steps, crawling on all fours is extremely useful exercise, aimed at strengthening almost all muscle groups.

After this small digression, let's get back to the topic, how to develop a baby at 7 months. I would like to remind you that when your baby began to crawl, he began to try to overcome obstacles in his path in the form of your legs and small sofa cushions. This month this exercise can be complicated and varied.


Get down on the floor with your seven-month-old baby and have a crawling race. Crawl towards a toy across the room, crawl towards each other, encourage your baby to crawl after you, or crawl behind him to gently tickle his heels. There are a lot of options, but the goal, in general, is one - to have a lot of fun and make crawling, which is useful in all respects, also interesting for the child.

Crawling up the hill

The Obstacle Course exercise, which you started last month, can be supplemented in the seventh month by crawling up an inclined surface. For this purpose, any wide shelf wrapped in a blanket or ironing board. Place it on a small elevation (for example, a sofa cushion) so that the angle of inclination is about 30 degrees.

At the top of your makeshift mountain, place a cube or other toy that can interest the child. Be there to protect your little climber. Crawling down an incline is still challenging for a seven-month-old baby, so be prepared to catch him at the top so he can continue down the obstacle course.

Other active games for the baby you can choose in the article ““.

Let's crawl and... massage our hands

Now that your baby spends more and more time moving around the floor, a massage track will become a useful item in your home. You can buy it in specialized orthopedic stores or sew it yourself. Read more about how to sew massage track, can be read. In short, this is a textile track on which materials of various textures are sewn - bags of cereals, wooden sticks and rings, elastic, soft and rough sponges, buttons different sizes, plastic grilles, cords, etc.

When the baby learns to walk, this path will be useful for the prevention of flat feet, but in the meantime he will crawl along it, grab and touch various elements of the path and develop tactile perception And fine motor skills.

Where is the fruit?

Has your baby already tried his first complementary foods? It's time to play this fun game. It will be most convenient to do this right after eating, while the baby is sitting in his highchair. Take a piece of banana, peach or other soft fruit that is safe for the baby (you can also use a piece of boiled zucchini, cauliflower or broccoli) and cover it with a plastic cup in front of the child. Then place 2 more plastic cups upside down on the table and move them around.

Invite your child to find a fruit or vegetable. Express surprise when there is no prey under the glass and rejoice with the baby when his search is finally crowned with success. You can play by the same principle by hiding a small toy under a glass. This game stimulates attention and logic.

Find the music!

Hide it in the room within the baby's line of sight musical toy or a phone with a pleasant ringtone on. Make sure your child can hear music. Ask him: “Where is the music?” Together, crawl around the room looking for the source of the sound. The game stimulates crawling, promotes the development of auditory concentration, visual-auditory coordination and crumbs.

Have you recently become a mother of a baby?

Shall we drum?

At the age of 7 months, children love to knock different objects against each other. Is it time to cook lunch? Great. Spread a blanket on the floor and sit your child down. Give him 5-6 different bowls or pans and a large wooden spoon to act as a drumstick. Let the baby rattle to his heart's content.

The game promotes the development of a sense of rhythm and differentiation auditory perception, logic (I knock - I hear a sound), the formation of ideas about properties various materials(the child hears different sounds of metal, wooden, plastic “drums”).


I don’t know if you use a glove puppet (“bibabo”) in your games? If not, it’s time to get one - buy, knit or sew. There are a great many options for using bibabo dolls in activities with a child. The doll can help feed the baby, calm him down, give him a light massage and stroking before bed, tell him a fairy tale, play and even become a hero puppet theater.

Cube with a secret

Here is another useful and easy-to-make toy that helps develop coordination of hand movements. You will need a cube or small box with an edge length of approximately 8-10 cm. Stick or draw a bright picture, such as a duck, on one of the edges.

Give your child the opportunity to look at the picture, and then turn the cube to the other side (without the picture). You will be surprised: “Where is the duck?” Show your child how to look for a picture by turning the cube in his hands. If this action is still too difficult for the baby, invite him to look for the picture by placing the cube in front of him and turning it from side to side. Experiment by gluing the picture onto a cylindrical box (for example, a yogurt bottle).


If you have a light box or other container with a hinged lid at home, you can play like this. Place some interesting object in advance (spoon, keys, small toy) into the box and rattle it in front of the baby. Ask him: “What is that rattling inside?” Give your little one some time to find a way to open the box himself.

The box can also be folded in and out of it various items. For seven month old baby it still remains the most interesting activity. And if you take care to give him objects to fold that are different to the touch and difficult to grasp, then this activity will also become educational.

Here are some ideas:

  • thread pompoms;
  • cotton balls;
  • plastic lids from bottles;
  • champagne corks;
  • coins (washed with soap and boiled);
  • raisin;
  • seeds;
  • canned corn or peas;
  • screws and nuts;
  • beads;
  • chopped;
  • curly pasta (raw or cooked).

Do not forget about safety precautions and stay close to the baby while playing with small objects!

We have collected a lot for you in separate article.

Speech development

To conclude our conversation about how to develop a baby at 7 months, I want to say that despite the fact that the baby will not soon say his first meaningful word, his vocal apparatus and brain are already in the process active preparation to mastering speech. Therefore, it is very important to talk a lot with your child, give him the opportunity to see (and even feel) your mouth while pronouncing words, speak to the child in clear, short phrases, name everything that comes into his field of vision and attracts his attention.

Already at this age, you can begin to use various onomatopoeias in speech, which will later become your baby’s first words. For example, when you play with a toy duck, dog, pussy, or look at their pictures in books, do not forget to repeat many times, as these animals say: “The duck quacks: “Quack-quack.” The dog barks: “Woof-woof,” etc.”

Use onomatopoeia not only for animals, but also for other objects around the child. For example, the telephone is ringing “ding-ding”, the clock is ticking “tick-tock”, the pipe is playing “doo-doo”, the bear is going “top-to-top”, the cube has fallen “thump”, etc. The more and more often your child hears such onomatopoeia, the sooner he will delight you with his first words.

And now I invite you to watch this two-minute video about the development of a child at 7 months.

This is the answer to the question: how to develop a baby at 7 months. I'm sure you can't wait to play new games with your little one, because... next time Another portion of developmental activities awaits you - this time for... See you!

Read other articles about child development by month:

Practical advice

Let's see how other children play: The child enjoys watching other children play. Let him be with kids his age and make friends among them.

Listen to the tape recorder: Children respond differently to different tempos of music. Observe your baby: will he move, following a fast rhythm, or will he calm down and fall asleep to the sounds of a calm, quiet melody.

Toys to play with: Children love to play in different positions - sitting or standing. If your baby is learning to stand, remove breakable objects from the baby table and replace them with his favorite toys.

Toy names: Let the child play with toys that have simple names: cup, telephone, doll, kitten, spoon, dog, cube, rattle, banana, clown.

Game time

New discoveries

Show your child the pictures: Cut from a magazine big pictures with the image of a phone, a dog, an airplane, a spoon, teddy bear. Glue them onto sheets of thick paper to make a book. Place your baby on your lap and “read” to him.

Doll in the mirror: Let your baby explore the reflections in the mirror. Show him the rag doll, and then draw his attention to its reflection. See if your child compares a real doll with her double.

Toys that can respond to a child's actions: Every day your child understands more and more that he can influence the objects around him. Try to find toys for him that can respond to his actions - squeak, stretch, jump out, etc.

Falling ball: Your baby can already sit well and enjoys playing with objects that fall easily. Try dropping the ball into a large one tin can. To prevent your baby from getting hurt, beat off the sharp edges of the jar. Raise your child's hand above the jar and have him drop the ball into it. The unfamiliar sound will make him curious, and he will want to do it again. Soon he won't need your help at all.

Development of coordination

How to keep your balance: Try placing your baby in a low chair. Hang or hold in front of him interesting toy. When he wants to reach it, he will have to balance on the chair to maintain his balance.

Rock your baby up and down: Listening to the song, the baby will laugh in advance in anticipation of the upcoming “jump”.

Beach ball game: Hang a large inflatable ball from the ceiling where your child can reach it. He will enjoy hitting the ball and watching it swing.

Tug of war: Play tug of war with your baby. Have him grab one end of the scarf while you gently pull the other. Your child will love this fun game.

Making decisions

Toy with ribbon: Tie a ribbon around your head rag doll or a clown. Show your child how to pull the string so that the toys can “dance.”

Small balls: Give your child a few small rubber balls. Now that it's thumb moves freely, he can easily play with them.

Let's knock on each other: Show your child how to bang two toys together. Let him try to imitate your movements.

Hidden toy: Squeeze the toy in your palm so that the child hears a squeak. Hide it under the blanket in front of your baby and let him try to find it.

In which hand? Hide a small, interesting toy in your hand. Open your palm, show it to the baby and immediately close it back. Let him look for the hidden toy. You will help your child learn that if objects are not visible, this does not mean that they disappear forever; clap your hands when he finds what is missing. Start the game over again, and if it is difficult for your baby to find the toy on his own, show it again.

Daily routine

Bath time

Floating toys: Place a few small ones in the baby bath funny toys. Every time your child holds one of them in his hands, tell him a story about this character.

Backstroke: Fill the bath to 5-10 centimeters, place the baby on his back and watch how he moves his arms and legs.

Dress up toy: If your baby doesn't like changing, keep a toy on the changing table to keep him entertained. Sing songs to your baby When bathing and changing your baby, sing him a simple song.
This is how we wash our feet
Our legs, our legs,
This is how we wash our feet
Early in the morning.
Keep singing: washing our face, changing diapers, kissing our belly, saying hello, etc.

Cup in the bath: If your baby doesn't know how to drink from a cup and tends to spill more than he drinks, give him a cup in the bath and let him play with it. He can fill it with water, pour it out, turn it over without fear of getting dirty.

Feeding time While feeding, give your baby small pieces of food, such as diced carrots, pieces of bread, or cheese.

Finger drawings: Pour a little yoghurt onto the children's table where your baby usually eats and let him spread it with his fingers.

Give your baby spaghetti: The child will be happy to tear boiled pasta or spaghetti into pieces.

Without outside help: Let your baby hold the horn himself, but don't insist if he refuses to take it. Some children are not yet ready for such independence.

Time relax

Read a book to your child: At this age you can already start reading books to children. Choose a book with hard pages for your baby and bright pictures. Place him on your lap so that he is comfortable. As you turn the pages, show the pictures and talk about what they show: “Look at this baby and touch him.” Try to finish the lesson before the child begins to act up. Reading should give him pleasure and joy.

Turn off the light: Before turning off the light before bed, tell your baby: “The light is out.” After some time, the child will understand what this means.

Marilyn Segal "A child plays from birth to one year"

The first year of a child’s life flies by quickly for parents, but for him it is a whole era with joys and experiences, fears and victories, with all those emotions that accompany the study and knowledge of the world around him. Seventh month of life - important stage development of the baby, he can already do a lot, new skills appear. Parents should know how to organize proper care for the baby and how to develop the child.

Physiological development of seven-month-old children

The first year of a baby’s life is important because of what happens during this time. active development body. Doctors have long established the basic physical indicators of child development for each age, knowledge of which greatly helps to control the development of the baby. All children are different, and it cannot be said that, for example, the weight of a child at seven months should be strictly eight kilograms. Small deviations from the average values ​​should not worry anyone: that’s why they are average.

Height, weight and other indicators of physical development of 7-month-old boys and girls - table

For any deviations from the average values, you should definitely consult a doctor before taking any measures. In particular, a child’s weight is a very unstable indicator, which can be normalized by walking in the fresh air. Only a doctor can determine what is causing the lack or excess of body weight - you need to pay attention to the child’s nutrition or whether we are talking about a serious illness.

Head circumference indicates neuropsychic development child. The chest circumference can be used to judge the development of the chest.

At seven months, the two lower middle incisors usually finish erupting and the two upper ones begin to erupt. But the timing of teething varies greatly, and in no case should you be upset if your baby’s smile is still toothless. He'll make up for it.

Sleeping seven month old baby still a lot. The duration of night sleep is about eight hours, daytime sleep is a total of six to eight.

Baby's sleep norm at seven months - table

AgeDaytime sleep, hour.Daytime sleep scheduleNight sleep, hour.
7 months6–8 3–4 times for 1.5–2 hours8

What a seven-month-old baby can do: new skills

In the first year, the child actively explores the world around him; he needs to move a lot and play a variety of games. He can easily be captivated by toys.

At the request of the parents, the baby can find various objects if they are in a place familiar to him. At seven months, the child already knows the word “Where?” Take a large one a bright toy(bunny, bear, kitten, etc.), which will long time stand in a strictly defined place. Bring the child with his back or side to the toy and ask two or three times: “Where is the bunny?” The baby should turn to the toy and look for it. Perhaps he will have a desire to take the toy.

At seven months the baby is already actively crawling. Being half a meter away from the child, attract his attention with a bright toy; he should crawl towards it energetically and enthusiastically. Gradually remove the toy to a distance of up to one and a half meters; the baby is already able to crawl one or two meters without a break or with distractions. Don't be alarmed if your child refuses to crawl. Some children bypass this stage and begin to walk immediately. Also, don’t worry if your baby isn’t crawling the way you imagined. The direction of crawling can be very diverse (sideways, backwards, and on straightened legs).

With support from both hands, he can stand straight and step with his legs. Some kids find it interesting to jump on the spot. At this time, you can already try to conduct a dialogue - the child actively babbles and shows a variety of emotions. He listens carefully to the sounds he makes and gradually combines new ones. If at first, only vowels could be heard, then over time, consonant sounds (“woman”, “dad”) appear in the baby’s babble.

If by the end of the seventh month the child does not try to attract attention to himself with any specific sounds, this may indicate a delay in speech development.

In the babble of six- seven month old baby there is already a semblance of intonation, and the further you go, the more clearly you can recognize the intonation structures characteristic of the language spoken to the baby. Perhaps this is an unconscious imitation of the speech of others. But this is also another confirmation that the child hears you, listens, “gathers material” in order to speak (deaf children also babble, but gradually their babbling fades and stops, having no “reinforcement” from the outside).

Natalya Kulakova

The child actively explores surrounding objects. Having reached for a bright toy or rattle, he will move it from hand to hand, wave it, knock it, trying to make a sound, and throw it on the floor.

A child at the age of seven months should understand the meaning of the words “you can’t” and “wait.” The baby will scream and demand his way from his parents, but he cannot be indulged. You need to stand your ground firmly and calmly. At this age, the foundations for the baby’s future behavior are laid. Screaming and harsh actions will foster an aggressive, negative personality. By showing tenderness and care towards your baby, you will teach him to love himself and others.

The child shows fear of loneliness and does not want to be left without his mother. This is a great and simple test. psychological development child. The baby learned to recognize people, divide them into friends and strangers. If the child, as in more early age, goes into the arms of other people without any problems, you should consult a doctor. Your doctor can help you determine if this is the result of a central lesion. nervous system or slight developmental delay. Gradually, after carefully examining the adult, the baby’s fear will turn into cognitive interest. Subsequently, the baby will try to make contact.

Child development calendar in the seventh month of life - video

Baby care: what parents should know

Communication with a child plays a big role in the development of personality. He spends most of his time with his mother, getting used to her voice and carefully listening to her intonation. Therefore, you should avoid loud speech and sharp shouts so as not to scare the baby. Communication should be soft and affectionate. Children perceive music very well and easily learn words spoken in poetic form. Sing more and recite poems - during gymnastics, feeding, walks. The baby will gradually imitate you and reproduce individual sounds and syllables, which will help him learn to talk faster.

For harmonious development The child needs to spend a lot of time in the fresh air. But it’s worth canceling your trip to winter time, if there strong wind or if the air temperature has dropped below 15 o C. In less frost, you can walk 1.5–2 hours a day, choosing the right clothes for the baby so that he does not freeze.

IN summer time You should avoid the sun - the baby's skin is still very sensitive and can quickly burn. The possibility of overheating of the baby cannot be ruled out - heat exchange processes have not yet been fully formed, you need to walk the child in a light, light-colored headdress.

In general, a typical day for a seven-month-old baby is not much different from previous ones. In the morning, I wash my baby’s face and hands, wash him thoroughly, and clean his ears and nose. Bathing is still a must every night. Once every two weeks, wash your baby with baby soap or special baby bathing foam. After bathing, carefully dry the baby’s skin and lubricate skin folds baby oil or cream.

The child does not have the gene responsible for hygiene and order - these skills need to be instilled from childhood so that they are perceived at the level unconditioned reflex. At seven months, the baby is already actively eating softened food from a spoon with the help of his mother, so it is important to wash his hands before each feeding. After feeding, I wash my dirty hands and face again to cultivate a negative attitude towards dirt.

Nutrition in the seventh month of life

At seven months daily ration the child already includes in addition to breast milk or infant formula:

  • porridge (buckwheat, oatmeal, rice) – 150 g;
  • vegetable puree (carrots, zucchini, pumpkin) - 150 g;
  • meat puree (beef, turkey) - 30–50 g;
  • fruit puree (apples, bananas, pears) -70 g;
  • cottage cheese 40 g;
  • baby cookies 1–3 pcs.;
  • butter - half a teaspoon;
  • quarter yolk.

Liquid food is gradually replaced by dense food, and the calorie intake increases. These are the recommended menus and norms. There is no need to be upset if your child does not eat any of the above - he will definitely compensate for some foods with others.

Approximate diet for a seven-month-old baby - table

Feeding a baby at seven months - video

Baby training

When working with a child, first of all, you should pay attention to the objects that surround you, and think about how useful skills and skills they can teach your baby. At seven months, a child already needs a partner in games - this is how he learns to communicate and learns about the world. If we don't show a child how to roll a ball or add blocks, he is unlikely to be interested in such things.

Children learn from what surrounds them.

V.G. Dmitrieva, O.A. Novikovskaya

100 educational games and exercises from birth to one year.

To strengthen leg muscles and develop coordination, you can place a rubber ball in the crib near your baby’s feet. The child will be happy to kick it.

To develop fine motor skills and tactile sensitivity, you can make bags filled with various cereals. You can offer your child games with small balls, buttons, or unsharpened pencils. Take a bucket and invite your baby to put objects in it, after placing them around the child. You definitely need to show him how it's done. At home or on a walk, you can take with you a plastic cup, a bottle of water, a cloth and small items(buttons, pebbles, walnuts). Having poured water into the bowl, wet the cloth and begin to wipe our equipment, involving the child in the game, drawing his attention to the change in color of the objects.

To develop hand-eye coordination and strengthen hand muscles, invite your child to “hammer” wooden pegs with a toy hammer. Fill clear plastic bottles various cereals, buttons, nuts - the baby will watch moving objects with interest. Give your child a brush or pompom in his hands - he will move his fingers, sorting through the fibers. You can also use an electric flashlight to coordinate hand movements - by pressing a button, the baby will turn the light on and off.

Stimulate development of thinking, to establish a logical connection between action and result, toy musical centers will help. It is enough to show the child how the buttons are pressed to make a sound appear, and this toy will be able to captivate the baby for a long time.

Buy it for your child game center- a plastic board or soft rug with parts made of different fabrics and with different fillings, “rodents”, ribbons, ropes, a mirror, balls, buttons. Children twist, touch, press with interest, developing fine motor skills and learning to manipulate small objects.

Stock up plastic cups- while bathing, the child will enthusiastically pour and pour water out of them, developing motor skills and cognitive abilities.

Also versatile and very exciting game is "Peek-a-boo". Over time, the child will learn to imitate you and begin to hide himself. Very important finger games- okay, magpie-crow, goat. They can be played both indoors and on a walk.

You can do drawing. Kids will love to try finger paints.

What games can be taught at home and on a walk?

In no case should we forget about outdoor games and physical exercise. The workload of each baby is strictly individual, so only a doctor can competently advise how to properly strengthen and develop the baby’s physical abilities. As a result of birth injuries or various complications, a number of exercises may be contraindicated.

Start your morning with stretches. Pull the arms slightly up and the legs down. Apply diagonal stretches - right arm up to the right, left leg down to the left, then assemble the arm with the leg near the tummy and repeat the exercise with the left arm and right leg.

Most seven-month-old babies still quite funny and awkwardly change their position from lying to sitting. Try to help him learn to sit up from a lying position - this will help the baby strengthen his abdominal and arm muscles. Invest index fingers into the child’s hands when he is lying down, and pull him towards you, forcing him to sit up. With each subsequent exercise, try to pull less and less so that he begins to sit down on his own.

Some babies like to stand up in their crib on their own. They hold on to the handrail and can stand for two to three minutes. Some people are still unable to do this. You can try to learn how to stand up together. Take a small chair with a backrest. When the baby is on all fours, invite him to grab the back, and then pull the chair towards you. The child should get on his knees and then on his feet. Do not forget that the baby’s spine is not yet strong, long-term stress is harmful to it. Limit standing to two to three minutes.

The baby is still learning his first steps, so now you can teach him to maintain balance. Place the child on your lap facing you and slowly rock from side to side, not forgetting to belay on the sides.

Active games are not yet available to our baby, but it is already possible and necessary to get acquainted with the world around us - this will greatly diversify your walks. On your way to the park or playground, stop near everything worthy of attention, tie it up friendly conversation, lead educational stories. “Hello, dandelion! My name is Kira! How yellow you are, but soon you will be white and fly away. And my mother and I are going for a walk in the park!” “Hello, kitten! You ran past so quickly that I didn’t even have time to ask how you were doing!”

Take a toy with you for a walk that fits on an adult’s hand or fingers - this will help you have interesting conversations with your child. various topics and open it to the baby the whole world talking characters.

If the weather permits, you can lay out a blanket in the yard or in the park, let the baby crawl, roll a ball, or play with blocks. Take a toy with you and let the child crawl towards it through obstacles in the form of your feet. You can hide the toy under a blanket and invite the child to find it. He already understands that the thing has not disappeared, it is just hidden somewhere. Give your baby a toy in each hand, and then offer to take the third one. He will be forced to make a choice which toy to keep in order to get a new one - such a game stimulates thinking well.

You need to listen to your child and remember that manuals will help you discover a variety of games, and you will have to choose what you need on your own. Some children, for example, like to follow moving objects. Draw with a stick on damp sand or snow, perhaps your baby will watch the pictures appear with interest.

If the baby is seven months old in the summer, he will be happy to pour sand in his palms. You can immediately show him that there is wet and heavy sand, and there is dry and loose sand.

How to develop a child: the opinion of Dr. Komarovsky

In addition to the benefits, the child should also enjoy learning. According to Dr. Komarovsky, with a systematic approach, you can teach a child a lot, but the question is always, is it necessary? It is imperative to learn to distinguish:

  • colors to distinguish ripe berries from unripe ones;
  • smells to recognize potential danger;
  • form - the nettle leaf stings, but the plantain leaf is harmless.

The child should be interested, only in this case will learning new skills and abilities take place without tears and hysterics. This also applies to potty training - if you decide that it’s time, you can teach it, but in most cases this is too time-consuming a process. According to Dr. Komarovsky, in the period from one and a half to two and a half years, the child will sit on the potty independently; earlier additional training is not required. The same rule applies to self-administration food - when a child feels interest in such things, “grows up to a spoon”, he himself will stretch his hands to it and begin to try to eat without the help of an adult. But he may be quite ready to drink from a cup (if he doesn’t already know how). A cup can arouse the baby’s interest, and he will happily start taking one or two sips.

Regarding early development, Dr. Komarovsky notes that there is no clear answer to this question. It’s nice when a child can do more than his peers, but after just a little time, their level of development levels off. It is necessary to provide the baby with healthy, full sleep, Fresh air And physical activity. The worst thing is when development occurs in a confined space on the carpet or without getting up from the sofa, when restriction occurs motor activity. The main thing is to raise a happy child. Happy baby- This healthy baby, A healthy child means physically developed. It is very important to teach a child to live in society and give him the knowledge that he can use every day, so that he can see its usefulness in his real life.

Dr. Komarovsky about the early development of children - video

A smart child who amazes others with his abilities and skills is the pride of his mother. It’s good if everything comes easy to him. But if a child at seven months refuses to stand on his legs, do not insist. Will get up. The main thing is to give your child your love and happy childhood. It is important that children see smiling and satisfied parents nearby.

The development of a child at 7 months is associated with a rapid jump in the increase in physical activity. His musculoskeletal system is mature enough to move in space. All the baby's attention is focused on mastering crawling skills.

Physical development at 7 months

The norm for weight gain at 7 months is 500–600 g. Babies grow by approximately 1.5–2 cm. The circumference of the head and chest also increases by 0.5 cm.

Note: Weight gain may be less. There is no need to worry if the 7th month falls on the period summer heat when the appetite drops significantly or the child’s teeth are actively growing.

A seven-month-old baby is usually already sitting and trying to crawl. It is still not recommended to force girls to sit down to avoid deformation pelvic bones. Even if the baby is nervous, sways, tries to sit up, but she doesn’t quite succeed, we wait patiently.

New growths in motor activity appear every day. Therefore, you should not leave your child alone in an open space. Just yesterday he was sitting calmly on the sofa, today he is already sliding off it. Moreover, it’s good if the butt crawls down, but more often the head goes ahead. The risk of injury increases many times over.

What should a 7 month old child be able to do in terms of physical activity?

  1. Can get up on knees or legs, holding onto support.
  2. Must be able to hold a bottle. If the bottle falls, it picks it up on its own.
  3. Makes various manipulations with toys: turns them, knocks them on the table, tests them, throws them, picks them up from the floor, transfers them from the left hand to the right, and vice versa.
  4. Walks with support under the arms.
  5. Can crawl forward with its legs or on its tummy.
  6. Manipulates small and large objects, placing one inside the other.
  7. Distinguishes even quiet sounds. Hearing and vision are formed almost at the level of an adult.

Mental development at 7 months

From birth to 7 months there is a huge leap in mental development. The baby develops a deep emotional attachment to loved ones. Fear and anxiety at the sight of strangers shows that he is navigating the situation and trying to control it. The baby already knows how to communicate his desires not only by crying or screaming. If he needs an object or toy, he points at it with his hand.

Babbling is well developed. Repeating phrases: ma-ma-ma, pa-pa-pa, ba-ba-ba, yes-da-da create the illusion of starting a conversation for parents. But that's not true. The child is still on the way to mastering active speech. He diligently repeats the sounds he hears and parents need to talk to him and name actions and objects not only in full words, but also in a smaller version (yum-yum, mo-ko) so that the baby has the opportunity to manipulate them.

But his passive speech is better developed. He knows his name, the names of loved ones, the names of objects and toys. Activities with the child should include requests for objects, constant repetition of the names of toys: “give mom a cube”, “where is our spoon?”

Note: Physical development at 7 months determines mental. If parents try to control the child's behavior and limit his research expeditions for the sake of their peace of mind, the brain does not receive the required amount of impressions. The child’s mental potential will not be fully developed, and his interests will remain limited.

What to play with a 7 month old baby

When asked how and what to play with a seven-month-old, the specialist’s answer is simple: include in games everything that your boy or girl is interested in. Acute dangerous items like knives, scissors, needles are safely hidden, and everything else is available for research.

Correct and useful educational games for 7-month-old children should include a set of the following exploratory activities:

  • examination;
  • palpation (pay attention to the crumbs on the surface: smooth, rough);
  • to taste;
  • various manipulations, including knocking an object on the floor and listening to what sound it produces.

Daily activities for seven-month-olds include reading and looking at books, motor games, building pyramids and towers from cubes. All dangerous objects are removed from the house, plugs are placed on sockets, cabinet doors are tied, and the baby is released on independent research expeditions under the supervision of his parents. Required musical exercises and games in the water. They develop the brain and calm you down.

Child development at 6 months - practical advice

The child explores the house: If the baby has begun to move independently, he will inevitably begin to travel around the house. Block the approaches to the stairs, close the bathroom door, cover power sockets, protect your baby from sharp corners, lock the drawers in the closet. Don't allow accidents! All toxic substances detergents and medications must be securely hidden.

Sit on the floor with your child: At this age, children need comfortable spot for Game. Let them sit on the floor for a while. This helps the baby learn to roll over and crawl. If your baby doesn't like to be alone, join him and play together. Store children's toys in small boxes. The child begins to develop an interest in small things. Keep his favorite toys in a small box or basket and let him take them out himself. It is better to use several small boxes than one large box.

Call by a spade: For several months, you have often talked to your baby. By imitating the sounds he made, you aroused his interest in the conversation and thereby developed his speech. Now that your baby is six months old, you can be more proactive in your dialogue. Come up with exercises that mention parts of his body - eyes, nose, arms, legs, and name them during the game.

Invite friends over: Invite a child over to play with your child. After children look, touch, and examine each other carefully, they will be able to detect significant differences between toys and real people.

Game time

New discoveries

Ladushki: Play pats with your baby. Sing him a song: Okay, okay, Where have you been? By Grandma. What did you eat? Porridge. What did you drink? Mash.

Conversation with a cup: Gather together several cups of different sizes and place them in cardboard box. Bringing each cup to your mouth in turn, repeat some familiar word(for example, the child's name). The baby will notice how different his name sounds. Continue the game and try to pronounce a variety of sounds. How bigger baby will listen to them, the sooner he will begin to repeat.

Water Ball: Fill balloon a little water and tie a string to it. Show your baby how the shape of the ball changes when you squeeze and rock it, and have him do the same. He will soon discover that the ball bounces when thrown and wobbles when spun. Don't leave your child alone. Remember: if a child puts it in his mouth, the balloon may burst and be harmful.

Playing with sounds: Pour into plastic bottles different quantities water. By hitting each of them with a spoon, you will hear different sounds. The child will also notice the difference and after a while will join the game.

Photos of Mom and Dad: Say the words “dad” and “mom” whenever possible. Pin photos of mom and dad to the wall above the crib or chair. Every time you hear your baby saying “mama” and “papa,” show him the photo and say: “This is mommy, and this is daddy.”

Development of coordination

“The birds have flown”: Slowly tell your child a story about birds. When you say “The birds have flown,” raise your child’s arms up and clap your hands. Soon he will learn to wait for this moment and will laugh in advance. Try not to rock or tug your child's arms too much, as they can easily be dislocated.

Place the baby on your shoulders: Have dad put the baby on his shoulders and give him a little ride. In this way, the child will learn to better maintain balance, control his movements and see the world from his father’s height.

Rock your baby on your leg: Sit in a comfortable chair and rock your baby. Cross your legs and place your baby on your ankle. Take him by the arms or support him by the elbows. Shake your leg and sing the song, changing the tempo. Rock the baby accordingly: sometimes slowly, sometimes quickly.

If the child has learned to crawl: Create a fun obstacle course in front of the child by placing several pillows in pillowcases made of different fabrics. Let the baby try to get over them.

Spinning ball: Great way make the baby crawl - show him how the ball moves in a circle. Start rotating it slowly at some distance from the child. Draw the baby's attention to the ball by saying: “Hurry up, come here and take the ball.”

Playing with a ball: Place your child on the floor and start rolling the ball back and forth in front of him. At the same time, sing him a song.

Problem solving

Third toy: When your baby is holding toys in both hands, invite him to take the third one. First he will try to grab her, without letting go of the ones he is holding. However, after a while he will understand that before he can take another object, he needs to free his hands.

Toy half hidden under a blanket: Hide your child's favorite toy under a blanket or cover it with something else so that the edge is visible. The baby will grab the part of the toy that he sees and will pull on it. Eventually, he will learn to pull the blanket off the toy.

Drop the doll from the table: Try moving the rag doll across the table and then let it fall. Do this several times and let your baby watch your actions. After a while, he will learn to wait for the moment when the doll falls, and will look at the floor in advance.

Play with cookie cutters: Give your child a few cookie cutters to use. Show how to hit them against each other and on the table.

Hide the radio: Hide the radio under the diaper and see if your baby can find it.

Balloon: Tie a balloon to the baby stroller. The baby will love pulling the string and watching the ball move. Do not leave the child alone - if the balloon suddenly bursts, the baby can put it in his mouth.

Give your child a “game board”: Now is the best time the right time to introduce your baby to the children's game board. Choose items that are easy to handle. Place the board in a place where your baby can play comfortably.

Wave goodbye: Every time you leave the room for a while, don't forget to wave goodbye to your baby. This will prepare your child for your long absence.

Daily routine

Feeding time

When feeding, sit your baby in a special high chair: By the age of six months, many babies are able to sit in a high chair with a table or in a baby chair. By giving your baby small pieces of food in his hands, you help him develop finger movements. Start your workout with breakfast cereals or unsalted crackers.

Attach a suction cup toy to the children's table: There are many different toys, which can be attached to children's table. They will entertain the baby while waiting for his lunch to be served.

Help your child bang on the table: If your baby starts banging on the table, follow his lead and see if it becomes a game. Repeat the words “hit, hit” so that a connection is established in the baby’s mind between words and actions.

Sweet jelly: Prepare delicious jelly by mixing juice with gelatin and place a few pieces on the table in front of your child. Your baby will love grabbing the sweet, slippery pieces and putting them in his mouth.

Straws: If you're eating out, take plastic straws and cup lids with holes and use them as toys. Place several lids on the straw, leaving empty space between them. Show your baby how to pull them off the straw.

Time relax

Entertaining pillow: Sew a pillow for your child with the image of a happy and sad face. Show him one side of the pillow first, then the other. This will help your baby distinguish between expressions human face. If he is interested in a new soft toy, let him play with her.

Large rag doll: Give your baby a large rag doll and let him play by moving his legs and arms up and down. In short phrases Explain to the baby what he is doing.

7 months

Practical advice

Watching other children play: The child enjoys watching other children play. Let him be with kids his age and make friends among them.

Listening to a tape recorder: Children react differently to different tempos of music. Observe your baby: will he move, following a fast rhythm, or will he calm down and fall asleep to the sounds of a calm, quiet melody.

Toys to play with: Children love to play in different positions - sitting or standing. If your baby is learning to stand, remove breakable objects from the baby table and replace them with his favorite toys.

Toy names: Let your child play with toys that have simple names: cup, telephone, doll, kitten, spoon, dog, cube, rattle, banana, clown.

Game time

New discoveries

Show your child pictures: Cut out large pictures from a magazine depicting a phone, a dog, an airplane, a spoon, a teddy bear. Glue them onto sheets of thick paper to make a book. Place your baby on your lap and “read” to him.

Doll in the Mirror: Let your baby explore the reflections in the mirror. Show him the rag doll, and then draw his attention to its reflection. See if your child compares the real doll with its double.

Toys that can respond to your child's actions: Every day your child understands more and more that he can influence the objects around him. Try to find toys for him that can respond to his actions - squeak, stretch, jump out, etc.

Falling Ball: Your baby is already a good sitter and enjoys playing with objects that fall easily. Try dropping the ball into a large tin can. To prevent your baby from getting hurt, beat off the sharp edges of the jar. Raise your child's hand above the jar and have him drop the ball into it. The unfamiliar sound will make him curious, and he will want to do it again. Soon he won't need your help at all.

Development of coordination

How to maintain balance: Try placing your baby in a low chair. Hang or hold an interesting toy in front of him. When he wants to reach it, he will have to balance on the chair to maintain his balance.

Rock your baby up and down: Listening to the song will encourage your baby to laugh in anticipation of the upcoming “jump.”

Beach Ball Play: Hang a large beach ball from the ceiling where your baby can reach it. He will enjoy hitting the ball and watching it swing.

Tug of War: Play tug of war with your baby. Have him grab one end of the scarf while you gently pull the other. Your child will love this fun game.

Making decisions

Ribbon toy: Tie a ribbon around the head of a rag doll or clown. Show your child how to pull the string so that the toys can “dance.”

Small balls: Give your baby a few small rubber balls. Now that his thumb is free to move, he can play with them easily.

Let's bang each other: Show your child how to bang two toys together. Let him try to imitate your movements.

Hidden toy: Squeeze the toy in your palm so that the child hears a squeak. Hide it under the blanket in front of your baby and let him try to find it.

In which hand? Hide a small, interesting toy in your hand. Open your palm, show it to the baby and immediately close it back. Let him look for the hidden toy. You will help your child learn that if objects are not visible, this does not mean that they disappear forever; clap your hands when he finds what is missing. Start the game over again, and if it is difficult for your baby to find the toy on his own, show it again.

Daily routine

Bath time

Floating Toys: Place a few small, fun toys in the baby's bathtub. Every time your child holds one of them in his hands, tell him a story about this character.

Back swimming: Fill the bathtub to 5-10 centimeters, place your baby on his back and watch him move his arms and legs.

Changing Toy: If your baby doesn't like changing, keep a toy on the changing table to keep him entertained. Sing songs to your baby When bathing and changing your baby, sing him a simple song.
This is how we wash our feet
Our legs, our legs,
This is how we wash our feet
Early in the morning.
Keep singing: washing our face, changing diapers, kissing our belly, saying hello, etc.

Cup in the Bath: If your baby doesn't know how to drink from a cup and tends to spill more than he drinks, give him a cup in the bath and let him play with it. He can fill it with water, pour it out, turn it over without fear of getting dirty.

Feeding time During feeding, give your baby small pieces of food, such as diced carrots, pieces of bread, or cheese.

Finger painting: Pour some yogurt onto the baby table where your baby usually eats and let him smear it with his fingers.

Give your baby spaghetti: Your baby will happily tear apart boiled pasta or spaghetti.

Unassisted: Let your baby hold the horn on his own, but don't insist if he refuses to take it. Some children are not yet ready for such independence.

Time relax

Read a book to your child: At this age, you can start reading books to your children. Choose a book with firm pages and bright pictures for your baby. Place him on your lap so that he is comfortable. As you turn the pages, show the pictures and talk about what they show: “Look at this baby and touch him.” Try to finish the lesson before the child begins to act up. Reading should give him pleasure and joy.

Turn off the light: Before turning off the light before bed, tell your baby: “The light is out.” After some time, the child will understand what this means.
