Hand and nail care at home. Physical exercises for full arms

Any woman can get her hands in order in a beauty salon. It is better to do a manicure weekly, which costs a lot of money. But knowing little tricks, you can keep your hands well-groomed and beautiful at home.

How to prepare your nails for applying polish?

How to do professional manicure Houses?

At first glance, doing a manicure at home is very easy. If you try hard, this process will become truly accessible. The main thing is to remember all the stages of manicure in salons and repeat them at home. This will not only reduce costs, but also allow you to experience the vanity of an excellent result.
The first stage is preparing your hands. They should be washed well in warm water and soap. Then you can cook nourishing bath: add lemon juice to warm water, a few drops of essential oil (or just olive oil). Immerse your hands in the bath and hold for 10 - 15 minutes. If you plan to file your nails, you should first dry them, and trim them better when wet.
It is necessary to treat your nails correctly and carefully. It is best to use a glass or plastic file with a fine-grained coating. You need to saw in one specific direction, and not in the way most women are used to doing it (back and forth and up and down).
The next step is to remove the cuticle ( excess skin around the nail). In specialized salons they cut it, but without the skills, at home, this will be quite difficult to do. That is why the soaked skin will be easy to pick up with a special wooden stick. For better mitigation You can use special cuticle oil. It must be applied for 5 - 10 minutes.
Before covering the nail plates with varnish, you need to do light massage hands To do this, you should use a special cream. The massage should last about ten minutes. After the procedure, it is necessary to remove the oily residues of the cream from the nails with a cleansing liquid.
The next stage is varnishing. A base must be applied underneath the varnish (even at home). This will allow it to lay down in an even layer and last longer on the nails. The nail polish chosen in advance should be coated in two layers. Each layer should be given a few minutes to dry. It is better to start painting your nails with your little finger. The varnish is applied first in the center of the nail, and then on the sides. Before painting each nail, you must immerse the brush in a bottle of varnish. You can complete the manicure by applying a special fixer. It prevents the varnish from becoming dull. It is best to let painted nails dry in natural conditions. But there are ways to speed up this process. For example, you can hold your nails under the stream for 10 - 15 minutes cold water and your manicure at home is ready!

By the way, ladies prefer to do manicures at home, especially when they have a lot of experience in this. But even if you cannot boast of sufficient manicure skills, it is not difficult to learn. It is very important to properly handle the cuticle. From time to time, dry cuticles have an unsightly and untidy appearance. Previously, edged manicures were used everywhere, and it doesn’t matter which lady is able to do it correctly without harming herself. The fact is that such a manicure can only be performed by a professional master, otherwise it will cause damage to the skin. Trim manicure currently serving special means, softening the cuticle, which greatly simplifies this function. This is a liquid applied to the skin around the nails. All aspects of its use are described in the instructions. Such products soften the cuticle and prevent it from growing further. After applying this liquid, the nail is treated with a rubberized tip, pushing back the skin.

Ladies don't get hangnails less problems, which also need to be deleted. Before the procedure, you need to wipe the tweezers with alcohol to disinfect the surfaces. For their safe removal, hands should be thoroughly steamed in a bath of salt. Then they wipe their hands and remove the burrs. Treat even the smallest wounds if you are injured during the procedure. For proper manicure It is important to choose a file. If you use a metal file, you can throw it away because it will only harm your nails. On this moment There is big choice nail files. Your manicurist will recommend which one to choose.

And the last thing to remember is that beautiful nails can only be polished. There are polishing files for this. They are easy to use. There are numbers on the 4 surfaces of the file that indicate the sequence of polishing your nails.

Now you understand that doing a manicure at home is not so difficult. Use these tips and maintain the beauty of your nails without the help of others.

It happens that we need to go somewhere, but our hands don’t look the way we would like. And it happens that simply using cream in this case is not enough. What to do? How to get your hands in order quickly?

There are special procedures for hand skin in the salon. You can pamper yourself with masks, massages and baths at home.

But what if there is practically no time?

I will share one simple and in an effective way, which literally takes 3-5 minutes. You've probably heard about it, but forgot to use it.

So, we will need:

Vegetable oil (preferably olive, but you can use any oil).

Salt (preferably ground sea salt; regular table salt, finely or coarsely ground, will also work).

Lemon slice.

How to get your hands in order quickly?

As you may have guessed, we will exfoliate using salt. First you need to steam your hands. You can make a bath, or you can just wash the dishes with warm water without gloves (combining the useful with the pleasant).

Then apply a teaspoon of oil and a spoonful of salt to the warm, damp skin of your hands. If your skin is dry and delicate, take a fine grind, if it is resistant to environmental influences, take a coarse one.

Now massage movements distribute the oil and salt over your hands from a few seconds to 1-3 minutes, as long as you can tolerate. Salt can sting, especially when there are wounds on the skin.

Then rinse off the salt and keep your hands under warm water for a while, allowing the oil to care for your skin.

This completes the first stage. As they say, look at your hands and feel the difference.

The magic of fruit acids

But you can continue the procedure. Shake off the water from your hands, but do not wipe them, take a slice of lemon and wipe the skin of your hands with it. Lemon perfectly cares for the skin, whitens it, gives it an aristocratic look, and also strengthens the nails and makes them shiny.

If not discomfort, you can apply moisturizer on top without drying your hands. If you can’t stand it, then wash off the lemon and apply cream to damp skin.

Now you can go to the ball.

To quickly get your hands in order, you can use just one lemon, without a preliminary salt procedure. It makes the skin lighter and more well-groomed right before your eyes, and also promotes skin rejuvenation, as it contains fruit acids.

Now there are many creams based on fruit acids, but the concentration in them is usually small, and they act slowly. I'll tell you my story about how I saw their action. Moreover, this method is especially relevant in the summer.

Simple anti-aging masks for hand skin

One day I had to sort through a couple of kilograms of dark grapes. At first everything was fine, but in the end he began to burn his hands so much that I barely completed this task. And after I washed it off grape juice, my hands were “on fire” for another 20-30 minutes. But in the morning I didn’t regret my suffering one bit.

I looked at my hands - the skin on them looked exactly 10 years younger. It was at that moment that I saw with my own eyes how fruit acids act.

By the way, it’s not without reason that young girls used to crush grapes with their feet in Mediterranean countries. Not just because it's easier. It's also beautiful cosmetic procedure, but they mostly walked barefoot. I can now imagine what their legs looked like after that.

So since then, as soon as I get my hands on berries (any), I definitely use them for cosmetic procedures.

Dry hand skin. Dry hand skin, unpleasantly stretched, appears as a result of its degreasing as a result of use detergents, frequent washing and from the evaporation of moisture from the surface of the skin. Dry air in rooms with centralized heating can also have this effect.
To avoid dry skin, you need to dry your hands thoroughly after washing and use hand creams or lotions with plenty of moisturizing elements. For example, glycerin, various oils, humectants (urea, lactic acid), shea butter, jojoba extract.

Step 2

Roughness of the skin of the hands. Rough hands become again with a lack of moisture and fat. In addition to application rich cream, make masks from olive oil. You can add a drop lemon juice. You can make moisturizing masks from a decoction of flax seeds (about a tablespoon of flaxseed per glass of milk, boil) or brew crushed cereals with some olive oil.

Step 3

Rough, chapped skin appears, as a rule, in the cold season. The skin of the hands becomes calloused and begins to peel off. This occurs due to the fact that the natural fat barrier of the upper layer of skin is destroyed. In order to get rid of the top dead layer of skin, you need to use scrubs. You can use face and body scrubs, or use salt or coffee peeling. To do this, hands are treated or coarse salt, or coffee grounds natural coffee. Using washing movements, rub the peeling into the skin of your hands for 5-10 minutes, then rinse and treat your hands with a cream with moisturizing and moisture-retaining ingredients ( mineral oils, silicone). Try to protect your hands from the cold, wear gloves.

Step 4

Cracks in the hands or bleeding peeling occur if you do not pay attention to chapped skin. This condition of the hands is typical for those who have to wash their hands frequently. This may be related to the profession, for example, hairdressers, doctors, cleaners. This condition of the skin on the hands can also be a symptom of some skin diseases: eczema, psoriasis, allergies. In this case, you need to consult a doctor, consult a dermatologist. To care for such skin, choose a cream with emollient additives (allantoin, aloe or panthenol). Apply the cream at night, lubricating your hands generously. You can wear special cotton gloves. Overnight the cream will be absorbed into the deep layers of the skin.

Step 5

Red or bluish skin on hands. This is what frozen hands look like at sub-zero temperatures outside. Or it could be evidence of poor circulation. Suitable for relieving these symptoms contrast baths for hands. You can do them with sea ​​salt, a decoction of nettle or oak bark. It is necessary to immerse your hands several times in a hot or cold bath. Then lubricate your hands with moisturizer. At night, you can massage your hands with a cream containing medicinal herbs.

Step 6

Dark spots on the skin of the hands often arise from prolonged exposure to open sun or excess ultraviolet light in the solarium. It can also be caused by prolonged smoking or age-related changes epithelium. Age spots occur as a result of the breakdown of components that provide skin resistance, such as elastin and collagen. The skin becomes thin, wrinkled, uneven. To avoid exposure to ultraviolet radiation, in summer you should not stay in the open sun for a long time and use sunscreens. Lighten dark spots, align skin covering, make it denser and smooth out fine wrinkles Creams with nucleic acids will help. To slow down the aging process of the skin of your hands, use creams with collagen, elastin and vitamins A and E.

After a lot of trouble around the house or working in the garden, you may find that the skin on your hands has begun to peel, darkened and become rough. You can quickly get your hands in order at home using available means which every housewife has.


Wash your hands with soap and a teaspoon of sweet sand, giving increased attention places with heavy pollution. Then wipe your skin and nails with a lemon or orange slice. The juices of sorrel, snow-white currants and gooseberries perfectly cleanse stubborn dirt. Before working in the garden, be sure to apply to the skin of your hands. protective cream with water-repellent and softening components. And don't forget to wear gloves!

Darkened hand skin can be lightened by adding a few drops to the washing water. ammonia. You can whiten your hands with the consistency of one tablespoon tomato juice and a few drops of hydrogen peroxide. Perfectly brightens the skin and a mask from mashed potatoes. It must be applied to your hands for 20 minutes, and then washed with soap.

Healing wounds and cracks

Prepare a bath with starch. For this, dissolve a tablespoon of starch in a glass of warm water. Place your hands in the bath, hold for 10-15 minutes, and then, without rinsing, lubricate the wounds and cracks with sea buckthorn oil or fish oil. A decoction of flaxseed is also very effective for healing the skin.

Softening the skin of the hands

Prepare nourishing mask for hands. Mix the juice of 1 lemon, yolk, a tablespoon of honey and a tablespoon of almond or olive oil. Apply the mixture to clean skin hands in a thick layer and wear cotton gloves. After 3-4 hours, rinse off the mask with warm water and apply nourishing cream.

A mask made from a teaspoon of glycerin, a teaspoon of honey and 2 teaspoons of water softens aging, rough and flaky skin. To prevent the mask from leaking, add a little oatmeal or wheat flour. Apply this product for 20-25 minutes. If you don’t have time to make a full-fledged mask, during cooking, lubricate your skin with vegetable oil, yogurt, juice for a few minutes sauerkraut. Even such express masks will bring very excellent results.

Baths for hands and nails

Hand baths – good method quickly get your skin in order. To soften the skin and eliminate brittle nails, prepare a bath with essential oils. Decoctions of pharmaceutical plants - mint, chamomile, linden, sage, oak bark - are excellent for relieving inflammation, lethargy and swelling of the hands. A bath of whey or cabbage brine will help relieve peeling skin. You can strengthen your nails and speed up their growth with sea salt baths. The duration of the hand bath is 20 minutes. After this, your hands should be rinsed and smeared with nourishing cream.

Flaky, rough skin will ruin the impression of even the most spectacular manicure. Express procedures will help you quickly get your hands in order - wraps, masks, baths, scrub and cream treatments. Choose a program that matches the type and condition of your skin and nails - the procedures will improve not only the condition of your hands, but also your mood.

Home SPA treatments: choosing cosmetics

SPA manicure involves a whole range of procedures, including cleansing, moisturizing, softening and nourishing the hands. To make all these manipulations as effective as possible, choose high-quality cosmetics With natural ingredients. The aroma of the products is also very important - it turns hand treatment into a full-fledged relaxation session.

Take advantage of high-quality products for salons - sets of several products of the same range can be bought in specialized stores for manicurists

When choosing care products, focus on the condition of your hands and nails, as well as the time of year. In cold weather, cosmetics with sweet almond extracts will help warm and soften the skin. The composition of the preparations includes a complex of vitamins and natural oils- for example, jojoba. A complex of bath liquid, peeling, wrap and moisturizing lotion guarantees relaxation, effective softening of the skin of the hands and cuticles, as well as protection from adverse weather conditions.

For summer will do moisturizing and refreshing algae complex containing plankton extract and aromatherapy oils

The effect of the procedure lasts for several days - especially if you include a nourishing moisturizing lotion in your daily ritual beauty, lubricating your hands with it before going to bed.

A complex with citrus fruits containing vegetable oils, ceramides, aloe, orange and lemon extracts. Peeling, mask, preparations for maceration and moisturizing well tone the skin and restore nails healthy color and shine. These products are universal, but they are especially useful during the off-season - autumn and spring.

Program for dry skin

Those with sensitive, dry skin should definitely include a massage with moisturizing lotion and a nourishing mask for skin and nails in their SPA program. You should set aside at least 40 minutes for the procedure - during this time you can tidy up your hands and completely relax.

You will need:

  • preparation for maceration
  • exfoliant
  • terry towel
  • plastic gloves
  • nourishing mask
  • moisturizing lotion

Prepare warm bath by adding a maceration preparation to the water. Place your hands in it for 5-7 minutes. The bath will soften and cleanse the skin, preparing it for other procedures. Get your hands wet terry towel and apply a small amount of exfoliant based on sugar, salt or plastic granules to your brushes. Using massaging movements, rub your hands up to the wrist, paying attention to the cuticles and finger joints.

Massage rough skin by applying peeling to dry hands. For a more delicate treatment, the skin can be slightly moistened

The next care item is wrapping. Apply a nourishing mask to your hands, rubbing it into the skin, then put on plastic gloves and wrap your hands in a terry towel. Sit with the compress for about 10 minutes - this procedure perfectly softens and moisturizes the skin.

Rinse off the remaining mask by immersing your hands in the bath. Pat them dry with a towel and massage your brushes with moisturizing lotion. Rub the cream in well, paying attention to your wrists and nails. During the massage, push back the cuticles and knead the joints - this massage is very useful for tired hands. After treating the skin, you can do a manicure - the softened skin will perfectly withstand all the necessary manipulations.
