All about the preparatory group. Kindergarten preparatory group

Lesson in the preparatory group "Merry trip to the country of Mathematics"

Program content:

    Continue to teach children ordinal and quantitative counting within 10, classify objects according to three criteria (color, shape, size),

    Encourage children to use the correct active speech complex sentences with conjunctions: what, because.

    To develop in children the ability to analyze, compare, reason, prove.

    Learn to solve puzzles graphic dictations, develop memory, attention, logical thinking.

    To cultivate a desire to help each other, to overcome difficulties together, to evaluate oneself.

Lesson progress:

The long-awaited call is given,

The lesson starts.

FROM Good morning!

The day has begun.

Let's get rid of laziness first.

Don't be silent in class

Everyone work, answer.

Today we are with you let's go on a trip by country Mathematics. And in order to cope with all the difficulties, you must be friendly, help each other and take with you good mood. Turn to each other and smile at friends and our guests

And on what can you go on a trip? If you guess the riddle, you will recognize the transport that will help us make the journey.

Iron huts are attached to each other,

One of them, with a pipe, drives everyone behind her. (Train)

You have trailers on the table different lengths. Build a train of wagon strips from shortest to longest. Turn over trailers, check they follow in numerical order one after the other. Check (first, second, third, fourth, fifth). Direct and reverse count.

How many cars does the train have? (five)

What is the order of the blue wagon? (3)

What color is the fourth car?

What order of the car is between 1 and 3?

Are we ready to travel?

Guess the riddles and you will find out who we will visit today?

This bear loves honey

He goes to visit his friends.

Will help everyone from the bottom of my heart,

Here's to IA again in a hurry.

He loves to write out loud

Who is this? (Winnie the Pooh)

What is not lucky? -

I lost my tail somewhere!

So I would wander in sorrow,

If only they didn't know

About the trouble of my friend.

Guess who am I? (Donkey Eeyore)

I am small, pink,

I live in a fairy tale

In my donkey friends,

bear, owl

And a gray rabbit

You will easily meet

When my name

You will answer correctly. (Piglet)

He lives in the forest, in a hole,

And known to the kids

Those that respect friendship,

He does not spare tea for the guest.

A well-fed guest, sometimes it happens

It even gets stuck in the door! (Rabbit)

She is wise. And what to hide -

The pot will be able to sign

And find a lace in the forest.

Will you name her buddy? (Owl)

What fairy tale are these characters from? Do you know who wrote this story?

Game "Attention"

We looked at our train. We follow the movement: 1 cage up, one cell to the left, 1 cell down. Where did we end up? (The locomotive can be moved to indicate movement)

Our train has arrived at the first station. Here lives a fabulous teddy bear Winnie the Pooh. He has prepared some fun tasks for you.

1) 5 baby bear cubs

Mom put me to bed.

One can't sleep

How many people have a good dream? 5-1=4

2) 2 geese swam in the pond,

Three remained in the yard.

How many geese were there?

Count quickly! 3+2=5

3) The wind blew, the leaf was torn off.

And another fell.

4) The hedgehog went mushrooming,

Found 10 redheads.

8 put down the basket,

The rest are on the back.

“How many saffron milk caps do you carry

On your pins and needles, hedgehog? 10-8=2

5) Group of baby ducks

They want to swim and dive.

2 - sailed away

2 - dived deep.

Color the balls red, yellow and green colors so that the order of the balls in each row is different. (1 student completes the task on the board)

Let's now have a little rest in the forest. What is a forest? Think and say what grows in the forest? Tell me what more trees or fir trees in the forest? Why?

What animals live in the forest? Dictate what path we must take to get into the forest. Here we are in the forest.(listen to music: "Sounds of the Forest")

Hands raised and waved

These are the trees in the forest.

Elbows bent, brushes shaken -

It knocks down dew from trees.

Hands raised and waved -

The birds are flying towards us

How they sit down, let's show

Wings folded back.

A cloud came up and it started to rain. What should we do? What can help us?

Riddle: saves from the rain, gets wet, but does not get wet. (Umbrella.)

Now we will make ourselves an umbrella. Graphic dictation



Abstract of an open lesson

in the preparatory group

"I can!"

Compiled by: educational psychologist

Kunakovskaya E.V.


Abstract of an open lesson

in the preparatory group

"I can!"

Theme: "Development of cognitive processes".

Goals: 1. Development of memory, attention, thinking;

2. Expanding the general outlook;

3. Teaching self-regulation skills;

4. Decrease in general anxiety;

5. Raising self-confidence;

6. Correction of hyperactivity.

Equipment: ball, answer sheets for exercises, simple pencils for each child, smooth and ribbed felt-tip pens, one each (for each child), a tape recorder with a recording of light music, colored flags.

Lesson progress:

1. Minute of the meeting.

Everyone stands in a circle.

Hello! I'm glad to see you all again. Let's greet each other.

Then everyone says in unison: - Good afternoon! good afternoon!

Sun, light, earth!

Very glad to see you

My friends and I!!!

Guys, imagine that you can only sing. Everyone should sing their name, and everyone repeats after him.

3. Exercise "Convey your mood."

And now I suggest you convey your mood with the help of facial expressions.

4. Exercise "Questions".

Children receive the ball and pass it to each other. Whoever has the ball in his hands answers the question: - Who was the first to say hello to you today?

What day of the week is today?

What is your middle name?

What days are the neighbors of Tuesday?

What part of the day is it?

What season is it now?

How many days in a week?

How many months in a year?

When's your birthday?

Where do you live (address)?

What pets do you know?

What wild animals do you know?

Name three vegetables.

Name three fruits.

What are the environment's neighbors?

Who heals people?

Who sings songs?

Name the numbers - the neighbors of the number 2.

Who will take care of you in kindergarten?

How old are you?

5. The game "Oh, what a fine fellow I am."

Children move in circles.

Psychologist any numbers. When the number "seven" sounds, the children stop, clap their hands and say: "Oh, what a fine fellow I am!" Then the game restarts.

6. Exercises for the development of fine motor skills.

6.1. "Washing my hands."

Children imitate movements:

- open the faucet

- "we put our hands under the water";

- “we wash our hands with soap”;

- “we lather each finger”;

- "wash off the soap suds";

- “Shake off water droplets”;

- "close the faucet";

- Dry your hands with a towel.

6.2. "Fingers" kiss ".

Each finger should touch the thumb in turn.

6.3. "Intertwining fingers."

We interlace the fingers so that first the little finger of one hand is in front, then the other.

7. Exercise "The fourth extra".

Children are invited to sit at the tables. On each table are forms, which show 4 lines with pictures; 3 pictures in each line are united by a common meaning, and the 4th is superfluous. You should find and cross out the extra picture in each line.

8. Exercise "Recognition of figures."

Children are shown a table with 9 geometric shapes, exposure time - 15 seconds. They need to memorize the shapes. Immediately after the show, they need to cross out in the response form the 9 figures seen in the table, which are among the other 24 figures.

9. Exercises for the development of fine motor skills.

9.1. "Let's get fire."

Children with tension roll pencils - first with a round one, then with ribbed surface- between the joined palms.

9.2. Place your hands on the table, palms up. Raise the fingers of each hand one by one.

10. Etude "From seed to tree".

Children are invited to return to the carpet.

Psychologist says:

“You have become a small shriveled seed. He was laid on the ground (children lie down on the carpet in the fetal position). The sun shone on it, it was poured with rain, gradually a small sprout hatched out of it. He grew, grew (children stand up slowly), made friends with the sun and turned into a large sprawling tree (children stand up to their full height). It greeted other trees with its branches, affably rustled its green leaves and gave its love to everyone (the children shake their arms outstretched at the top, turning their bodies in different directions and smiling at each other).

11. The game "Nonsense".

Children are invited to sit on the rug in a circle. The psychologist says: "I will start the sentence, the end of it is wrong, and you will come up with the right end."

Flies in the sky all year round.

I know it's... a hippopotamus (helicopter).

love monkeys

Ripe ... tulips (bananas).

Catches ... cats (mice) deftly

Big mousetrap.

Once upon a time there was an old woman

In a small ... pillow (hut).

Sitting on a chamomile ... an old man (bug).

The hippopotamus put in his mouth ... a mole (sandwich).

12. The game "We build rhymes."

Children are asked to complete the sentences:

Six rustle in the hole ... (mice).

I put on a lilac wagtail ... (blouse).

The tumbler twins put on two ... (vest).

Pour it, canary, some water for me in ... (watering can).

This bagel is worth ... (bagel).

13. Exercise "Waves".

The psychologist invites the children to stand in a circle and "turn" into waves. One of the children is a "bather". He is in the center of the circle. "Waves" murmur and stroke the "bather" gently and affectionately along different parts body. Every child should be a bather.

14. The result of the lesson is the exercise "Assessment".

“Our lesson has come to an end. Now each of you will evaluate your work. Come to the table. What flags do you see? (Red, yellow, green, blue). Remember: red flag - everything turned out fine; yellow - everything turned out well; green - only part of the tasks was completed as desired; blue - did not work out the way you wanted. Think and take the right flag.

Children evaluate their work, I fix the choice of each child.

15. Farewell.

The children return to their places at the tables. Everyone says in unison:

We've done a good job

We learned a lot

A little bit better.

And they played together!

Psychologist: - “Well done! Thank you all for your attention!”

Lesson progress:

1. Minute of the meeting.

2. Exercise "Sing your name"

3. Exercise "Give your mood."

4. Exercise with the ball "Answer the question."

5. The game "Oh, what a fine fellow I am!".

6.1. "Washing my hands";

6.2. "Fingers kiss";

6.3. "Intertwining fingers."

7. Exercise "The Fourth Extra".

8. Exercise "Recognition of figures".

9. Exercises for the development of fine motor skills:

9.1. "We get fire";

9.2. "Let's put our fingers up."

10. Etude "From seed to tree".

11. Game "Nonsense".

12. The game "Building rhymes."

13. Wave exercise.

14. The result of the lesson is the exercise "Assessment".

15. Farewell.

There is nothing to fear. This does not mean that the child is sick or defective. Such a group is prescribed if doctors suspect that the health of a particular child is weaker than the standard.

Regulations preparatory group in physical education is slightly lower than for others. For example, if the whole group must run a long distance in a limited time period, then for children who are subject to restrictive standards, it is important to simply cope with the distance, and sometimes its duration is reduced.

The preparatory group for physical education in the garden also implies a special attitude towards the kids: educators must make sure that the child does not overstrain. It is unacceptable to have such an education that would be harmful, cause damage to health.

What is it about

Most often, physical education restriction is a preparatory group. But this is not the only option. There are several types of exemptions that differ from each other in features. However, to understand the essence of the limitations, you first need to consider the subject. In relation to what is the preparatory group for physical education introduced?

Education, culture in this aspect are an element school curriculum, in without fail included in the strategy of raising children, regardless of the direction, specialization of the educational institution. After graduating from school and entering the university, a young man who had limitations in the past will again receive a preparatory group in physical education, because universities also have such an item in the educational program. It is also characteristic of institutions of the middle level, professional - in a word, it is used everywhere and everywhere.

Is it necessary?

Statistics show that in recent times there are more and more students with a preparatory group for physical education. Children themselves are often not at all happy with this subject of the educational program, and even parents have doubts about it. This was the reason for considering the initiative to abolish the discipline. Researching the issue with different parties, lawmakers came to the conclusion that at the moment physical education is necessary, it would be unreasonable to abolish it.

As experts say, you should not wait for the exclusion of the subject in the future. If a preparatory group for physical education is appointed at a preschool educational institution, school, university, you will have to follow the rules: mastering the program is necessary if there are no contraindications to this. It should be noted that inclusion in the group in which reduced standards are applied is not due to contraindications to sports activity, but only possible danger under increased loads. At the same time, certain regular training is necessary for full development child's body.

Is it possible or not?

How to be in physical education in the preparatory group for the Federal State Educational Standard or get a certificate of the impossibility of playing sports within the framework of educational process? This is available only after passing a specialized examination in a public hospital. Doctors, having examined the health of the child, determine the level acceptable for him physical activity. If the indicators are below the norm, a decision is made on inclusion in a special or preparatory group. Physical education in kindergarten, school, university is organized by educators and teachers in such a way that no one from the group, regardless of the characteristics of the body, feels disadvantaged.

The conclusion on the state of health is drawn up by a doctor or health worker employed in an educational institution. The doctor writes out a certificate intended to be provided at the place of study, indicating the rationale for admission to a special or preparatory group. Physical education in kindergarten, school, vocational and higher educational institutions will be taught to this child in accordance with medical indications.

What is more common?

A rather large percentage of children are recommended physical education classes in the preparatory group by doctors, but being assigned to a special group is much less common. Such a medical certificate is not a reason to completely exclude physical education from the educational program for the child, but only the basis for applying reduced standards to him, while the classes themselves remain the same as for everyone else. Exception - specific features organisms, in relation to which medical certificate the doctor clearly prescribes: this cannot be done. Then physical education classes in the preparatory group are subject to medical instructions.

In addition to the special and preparatory groups, the main and exercise therapy groups have also been introduced by law. The first includes all students who have no restrictions regarding sports activity, and the second is issued to children who are prohibited from physical education. Such patients have to regularly visit the clinic, where, under the supervision of doctors, engage in any type of physical activity. In an educational institution, a student, a student who has the appropriate certificate, is immediately given a credit in the discipline.

Is there a difference?

When planning physical education for the preparatory group, the teacher takes into account that there are very few differences for such students in comparison with those assigned to the main category. There are concessions regarding tests, standards: you don’t have to take them. But all other classes, that is, training, the participants in such a group are on a par with absolutely healthy children.

As practice shows, the division into four groups is not taken into account in all educational institutions. With exercise therapy, this is quite easily explained: there are very few children belonging to this category, and the reasons for classifying are serious. Not every school, middle or higher level institution has persons assigned to exercise therapy. But with regard to the preparatory and special, they often do not make any distinctions, they divide students into only two categories: the main group and the one to which special requirements must be applied. And it turns out that the teacher, given that it is impossible for the preparatory group in physical education, applies to this category not only the restrictions inherent in it, but also those indicated for the special, that is, more serious.

And how to evaluate?

What can not be done by the preparatory group in physical education? First of all - to pass the standards at the generally accepted level. This rightly raises doubts: how, then, to evaluate the activities of students? After all, groups are groups, and pass or fail, the final grade for a quarter, half a year or a year will still have to be set.

At the moment, the features of this issue are considered in a letter issued by the Ministry of Education, issued in 2003. It indicates the presence of the main, preparatory, special category, the differences in educational programs, a variety of structure of classes and restrictions on volume. Legislators paid special attention to the level of mastering the program and methods for assessing this fact.

And what is said?

In accordance with this letter, it is customary to classify physically insufficiently well-developed children, as well as those with poor training, health deviations, but insignificant, into the preparatory group. The training program for this category of students corresponds to the main one. Restrictions are imposed only on the intensity, volume of loads. In some cases, such restrictions are introduced for a short period of time.

To assess progress, it is necessary to apply general grounds, that is, those that apply to the main group. The task of the teacher is to ensure that the students do not make movements that are contraindicated by physicians. When forming estimates for the reporting period, a decision is made based on current marks. The most important are the grades obtained as a result of mastering a certain topic. For the year, the assessment is made by analyzing the indicators of six months, quarters.

If the doctor said - so it is necessary

When the doctor writes out a child a certificate confirming his inclusion in the preparatory group for physical education, what should not be done, he indicates in the document, and in words explains in more detail and intelligibly. Surprisingly, not only children, but also their parents, as well as teachers, do not always pay enough attention to this. You should be aware: if doctors have noted contraindications, restrictions, time allowed for classes, you must follow these rules so as not to face a deterioration in the child's condition. Groups should not be confused: what is written in the certificate is what it is. The preparatory one is indicated - this is not a reason to panic and completely forbid the child to appear in physical education, because the lack of thematic education negatively affects health, future opportunities and even self-awareness.

Selection of the optimal group for the program physical education carried out before the start of training in the institution. Every modern child has a personal card in the clinic to which he is assigned. The document indicates which group it belongs to.

How is it found out?

Assignment to a specific group is possible only when the child is examined by a qualified pediatrician. The doctor evaluates the anamnesis, current health indicators, studies general state, on the basis of which he formulates conclusions about the attribution to certain group. When making a decision in favor of a special one, it is necessary to immediately describe the rationale, indicate the diagnosis that provoked such a conclusion, and also describe the violations of the body, characterizing them according to the generally accepted scale of degrees. Some special cases require collection medical commission making the final decision.

From year to year, the task of the child and parents is to undergo confirmatory measures to extend the status received or adjust it in favor of a more relevant current state. They change the group if regular examinations show deterioration, improvement in health.

Papers and rules

As mentioned above, the preparatory, the main groups are engaged together. The difference between these children is only in the standards applied to them and the obligations to fulfill them, and the intensity of classes and volume are also adjusted.

When assigned to a special group, the child and his parents should know what is supposed to be in such a category. By the way, the very process of debugging the system of physical education in relation to a special group requires the issuance of an internal school order signed by the director. It regulates who is included in special group. Additionally, it is possible to form a team of specialists who travel to determine the composition of a group of students involved in a separate program. For the category in question, it is necessary to organize 2-3 half-hour classes weekly. The task of the teacher is to prevent any loads that are prohibited for a particular student.

Whom where: main group

In order to understand on what grounds they can be classified as different groups, and also to determine how correct the assignment to a specific one was, it is worth considering more carefully what are the conditions for inclusion in all categories. For example, the main includes children characterized by:

  • absence of health problems;
  • mild disorders.

The latter are considered to be:

  • overweight;
  • dyskinesia;
  • mild allergic reactions;

What is possible?

On the basis of being assigned to the main category, the child will have to pass the standards set by the program, participate in the physical education program, passing it in full. Additionally, you can work in sports sections, take part in competitive events, including olympiads, tournaments, hikes. Children belonging to the main group can take the program additional education in specialized institutions: DYUKFP, DYUSSH.

Some health features impose restrictions on specific types of activity, while not being a contraindication for inclusion in the main group for the school physical education program. For example, the water variety is prohibited for those suffering from perforation of the eardrum, and rowing, cycling, boxing - with a round back. Myopia, astigmatism are considered contraindications for boxing, skiing in the mountains, motorcycling, as well as for weightlifting and diving. As a rule, the child and his parents are aware of the developmental pathology, health problem, and the doctor formulates recommendations regarding physical activity that is prohibited in a particular case.

It seems possible, but it seems not

Preparatory includes children assigned to the second group for health reasons. Statistical indicators show that at the moment every tenth student belongs to this category, and often the frequency is even higher. If the child is physically weak, health is characterized by morphological and functional deviations, there is a risk of developing specific pathologies, it is necessary to undergo a physical education program in a simplified form. To the preparatory class include children who have identified chronic diseases during the period of remission. Duration - up to five years (usually).

Assignment to the preparatory group allows classes in accordance with the usual program of physical education, but some exercises and varieties of training will have to be excluded. Specialists may allow some children to pass standards, take part in events. In the absence of such permission, such physical activity prohibited.

It is forbidden!

When assigned to the preparatory group, the child cannot participate in competitions in the absence of special instructions from the doctor. A categorical ban is imposed on long runs, numerous repetitions of exercises, high-intensity loads.

The teacher is charged with the duty to select a set of exercises for students assigned to the preparatory group. It is important to consider the specifics of each specific case, be based on information from the medical record, which indicates possible contraindications. The doctor, issuing a certificate for enrollment in the preparatory group, indicates in the document the time frame for transferring the child to the main group.

What is allowed?

It must be understood that in the absence of physical education, the development of a child can also go wrong. Based on this, recommendations have been developed regarding constant activity in relation to those assigned to the preparatory group. Open classes in physical education and regular lessons are associated with the need to provide the following elements of classes:

  • walking (instead of running);
  • alternation breathing exercises and complex activities
  • calm games that are not associated with sudden movements;
  • long pauses to relax.

Does anyone know what the benefit of a prep group is? Many parents of children of kindergarten age are tormented by the question: whether to send their beloved child to kindergarten or leave it under the supervision of grandparents. Of course, in each case, everything is individual and it is up to you to decide, but having become more familiar with what awaits your baby, in his first educational institution, it will be easier for you to accept the right treatment.

  • First of all, kindergarten is a kind of step in the development of your baby. Growing up, our children gradually enter into adult life, the mode of which quite often differs greatly from a cozy homely pastime, where all attention is given only to him and all desires are immediately satisfied. In the garden, the child learns to adapt to the established routine and a certain rhythm of life - these are the first steps of independence and self-discipline.
  • Secondly, such groups are just different in that here children are purposefully developed and prepared for the next stage.

Mainly in this age group continued application role-playing games in teaching preschool children. In the preparatory group, integrated (complex) classes are used, about which will be discussed a little later and undergoes direct development necessary skills in children of this age group.

Let's take a look at concrete examples each of these methods.

Classes in the preparatory group of kindergarten:

Role-playing games in the development of a preschooler

As for role-playing games: with the help of such games, children consolidate the ability to interact with each other, that is, the ability to cooperate, the ability of subject interaction develops (consolidation of knowledge about shapes, colors, sizes of various objects).

Imagination develops with the help of animation of toy characters, dolls.

At this age, children can already independently invent roles for themselves and play without the direct participation of the educator, but the role of an adult is to create subject- gaming environment and create an appropriate atmosphere. The child chooses a role for himself (mother, builder, doctor) and then behaves according to the chosen plot. This strengthens the ability to transfer one's action from one object to another, to compare one's actions with the actions of the people around.

The teacher must prepare necessary kits toys that I can captivate children with the game, and then push the kids to play. This can be done by starting the game yourself, for example, like this: “I am a doctor. I will take care of the kids. This is where my hospital will be. Come in, who needs to be treated. Kitty, are you sick? Where does it hurt? Show me the neck, and the ear. Now we will measure the temperature, here, hold the thermometer. Does your arm hurt?" Then the teacher, along with toys, can treat the children, and then invite the children to play on their own.

Of course, in the group more attention is paid to the development of counting, reading, the first skills of mathematics, writing.

Complex classes in the preparatory group

As we said earlier, complex classes are very effective for developing children's abilities. Them distinctive feature is the combination various kinds activities in one session. The change in the types of action is perfectly combined with the active - mobile nature of the kids and helps to consider the object (or phenomenon) being studied from different points of view. The lesson also provides for the consolidation of new knowledge in practice. The advantage is that the child does not have time to get tired of the amount of new knowledge acquired, and at the right time to the new kind"absorbed" information.

Comprehensive classes help to smooth out the contradictions that arise between pedagogical training and the natural development of the personality of the future student, thus eliminating the conflict between the mobile nature of the preschooler and the process of acquiring new information.

Combining in the required proportions fragments of improving speech abilities, creativity, development physical health in one complex lesson, the teacher can keep the children's attention on high level quite a long time, and this applies to children of different temperaments and abilities. In an integrated lesson, almost any kid will find interesting topics for himself.

The main areas in which children are taught in preparatory are:

  • speech development;
  • acquaintance with nature;
  • knowledge of the world around;
  • lessons fine arts, modeling, applications;
  • math skills and logical thinking;
  • memory development with memorization of small poems;
  • strengthening physical health, using exercises and some other abilities.

Let's take an example of a complex lesson from the field of acquaintance with nature, the development of speech and drawing skills. We will present it in a concise form in order to understand the essence.

Lesson in the preparatory group kindergarten on the topic: "Sparrow"

  • Give children knowledge about the sparrow.
  • Learn to retell the text, keeping the turns of speech used by the author, without breaking the sequence. Continue to teach the children to draw a bird, creating a composition.
  • Vocabulary: sparrow, sparrow.
  • Develop connected speech fine motor skills hands
  • Practice onomatopoeia, counting abilities and composition of numbers.
  • To instill curiosity, ecological perception of the world.


  • A picture with the image of a sparrow and an inscription.
  • Audio recording of sparrow sounds.
  • Mitten doll Sparrow or a cut-out figurine of a paper bird.
  • album sheets with a drawn outline (pencil outline), colored pencils.

Lesson progress:

Now we will get acquainted with a small bird. This is a sparrow. (Show the picture and read the inscription).

Look at the sparrow. It is about the size of a parrot (15 cm), brown with gray accents.

The sparrow moves in small jumps, and makes sounds: “chik-chirik”. Listen to him chirp. (Include audio recording).

Try to say "chirp chirp" for yourself. (Onomatopoeia).

What are sparrow chicks called? Let's repeat the chicks of other birds.

Game "guess the chick"

Cuckoo chick - ... this is a cuckoo.

Stork chick - ... this is a stork.

A crow chick is ... this is a crow.

Starling chick - ... this is a starling.

Owl chick - ... this is an owlet.

Crane chick - ... this is a crane.

And now let's play.

Dynamic recreation "Sparrows are looking for food"

Children imitate the flight of birds and run out from behind the tables onto the carpet, on which there are many medium buttons. These are grains and other bird food. The teacher offers to take two grains - the sparrow will not take away more. Children fly for food several times. Then count the number of buttons. It is said that four consists of two twos.

Now the continuation of the story about the characteristics of the behavior and life of a sparrow.

Sparrows are funny, moving birds. Once such a story happened. The teacher tells short story with elements of showing what is happening, you can attract guys.

Reading a story about a sparrow, famous writers. Then depict on the sheet an episode from the story on a prepared sheet of paper (sketch outlines are allowed).

Mobile game "Birds fly home"

Children fly like birds. If they hear the names of non-birds, they stand still. And when they hear the words “sparrows go home” - they run to the carpet and stand in the nests (hoops).

Crows are flying home.

Sparrows fly home.

You will take your drawings home and, looking at them, tell us about the sparrow.

Then read a poem or tongue twister about a sparrow.

Preparatory group (6-7 years). There comes a crucial period in the life of a 6-year-old child, his parents and teachers of the preparatory group - preparation for schooling. A preschool child needs to be prepared, morally, physically and intellectually, creating conditions for the formation of prerequisites schooling and socialization.

Below are collected all the materials that relate specifically to this age category. Summaries of occupations, scenarios of holidays, entertainments.

Activities, games, holidays with children 6-7 years old

Includes sections:

Showing posts 1-10 out of 83064 .
All sections | Preparatory group. Older preschool age. Children 6-7 years old

Holiday script for children of the preparatory group "May 9 - a day of memory and glory" To the music children enter the room, rearranged into columns 1leader: Hello, dear parents! Expensive children! For 74 years now, a peaceful sun has been shining over our native Russia, 74 years ago, the Great Patriotic War. 2 leading: Our people defeated the fascist...

The multifunctional screen helps to solve the following tasks: Provide children with the opportunity to independently change the play environment to enrich the play experience; Develop all components of the nursery games: enrichment of game actions, themes and plots of games, the ability to ...

Preparatory group. Senior preschool age. Children 6-7 years old - Summary of the integrated lesson for Mother's Day in the preparatory group

Publication "Summary of an integrated lesson for Mother's Day in the preparatory ..." The children enter the room. Screen saver for Mother's Day. - Guys, look where we got to? So unusual today in our hall. What's this? (in the hall there are tables with blanks for making flowers, scissors, pencils, felt-tip pens, glue. In my opinion, our hall ...

MAAM Pictures Library

We started our work by asking the guys to bring their photo from outstretched hand up. If there wasn’t one, they did it themselves. It was necessary to make the card more realistic. Then it was necessary to purchase the smallest air balloons and inflate them. The children tried...

Project "Garden on the windowsill" for children 5-6 years old Project type: information and creative. According to the content: teaching, cognitive, research. By the number of project participants: group. Members. Children 5 - 6 years old, group teacher, parents. duration. Short-term (1 month. Relevance. The project is aimed at...

Synopsis of the GCD on teaching literacy to children of the group preparatory to school “Sound [h]. Letter H" Topic: “Sound h. Letter H” Purpose: to introduce children to the sound [h] and the letter H. Educational tasks: 1) to consolidate the ability of children to distinguish the sound [h] from a number of sounds, syllables, words; 2) exercise in determining the place of sound in a word (beginning, middle, end of a word); 3) exercise children in ...

Preparatory group. Senior preschool age. Children 6-7 years old - Photo report "The action" Fasten the most expensive "in the group preparatory to school"

Action "Shitch the most expensive" preparatory school group "Kapelka" MAOU secondary school No. 1 (structural division "Kindergarten") in Tobolsk. Many parents are unaware that transporting children without a car seat is a deadly risk to the health of the baby. Parents need...

Rope-skipping sports competition (jumping over a sports rope, senior preschool age Purpose: propaganda healthy lifestyle life. Objectives: to develop interest in classes physical culture and sports; propaganda active rest; help shape...

Consultation for parents "development of phonemic hearing in children 5-6 years old""Development of phonemic hearing in children 5-6 years old" In the development of children's speech big role plays the formation of phonemic hearing. phonemic hearing called the ability to distinguish one sound from another, due to which individual words are recognized and understood. When not formed...

Scenario of the matinee "March 8" (preparatory group) Scenario of the matinee "March 8" (preparatory group) Before starting to distribute flowers with numbers for the lottery Children enter the hall to the music and dance with hearts Leading. Spring has come again, It has brought a holiday again. A joyful, bright and tender holiday, a holiday for all...

Knowledge, skills and abilities of children in 5-6 years.

The requirements for the ZUN package for a child entering the first grade vary, and depend on the programs used in teaching younger students.

intellectual development

Presumably, a child aged 6-7 years old knows how to control himself and correct mistakes, is able to memorize a series of pictures in the amount of 10 pieces, and compose a detailed and coherent story based on them. Able to lay out pictures in the sequence of the plot of 4-8 pieces. Fluent in forward and backward counting within 20, performs counting operations + - 1.2 to 10. Collects pictures from 6-10 parts, easily memorizes 2 or more quatrains, retells fairy tales and short stories.

By the age of seven, the child is free to navigate in time representations, and understands the difference between living and inanimate nature. Distinguish between domestic and wild animals.


The speech of a 6-year-old preschooler is formed without agrammatisms, the child easily changes the endings in adjectives, uses numerals in speech, diminutive suffixes in nouns. Participates with interest in dramatization games, plot role playing, knows how to take on roles and act according to the plot.

Graphic skills

By the age of seven, a preschooler can freely use a pen, pencil, ruler and eraser. It is not difficult to perform graphic dictations, which are aimed at consolidating the skills of orientation in space. He knows how to independently draw figures, color and hatch, without going beyond the contours. In notebooks with a large cell, writing skills are fixed block letters and numbers.


In the preparatory group, skills are fixed in the difference between vowels and consonants, the difference between letters and sounds, the division of words into syllables, the selection of words for the desired letter. Knowledge of the Russian alphabet and reading syllable by syllable is also preferable for admission to the first grade.

Only through the joint efforts of parents and teachers can positive results in the upbringing and education of preschool children.
